ersee the care and maintenance of the historical St ohn’s church, adjacent building and property.
versee safety and security operations and ensure effectiveness at SJLC site.
mine use of SJLC resources to best serve those in need based on SJLC mission statement
see SJLC ongoing and special stewardship activities
ide worship in meaningful ways and explore worship nities SJLC members and friends and expanding online participation
ore ways to develop diversity and inclusion at SJLC.
the evangelism team in order to serve both SJLC and the surrounding community.
rovide regular faith formation opportunities to the CHILDREN of SJLC
e regular faith formation opportunities to the YOUTH of SJLC
de regular faith formation opportunities to the ADULTS of SJLC
ee the SJLC budget and review process, following the church constitution and ELCA guidelines
for ways to provide support and connect with SJLC bers and the community through food, phone calls, cards, visits and safe gatherings.
evelop and implement ongoing professional and ee-oriented practices which afford stability, retention, and support for all staff employees
uring the pastoral transition at St. John’s, one significant development was the recommitment to ministry teams, from worship to social justice, from faith formation to hospitality, from personnel to stewardship, and so on. However, recommitment is a long-term commitment, and we are in the process of determining which teams are moving forward, which teams need to be shored up, which teams need to be further developed, and which teams need to founded to meet the needs of God’s people, within and beyond the walls of St. John’s. To that end, we are working to make sure each team has a Team Leader, a Church Council Liaison, team members, a clear mission, and needed resources. Please take a look at the accompanying chart to determine how you can plug in! If your have specific questions, please reach out to a member of the St. John’s staff or Church Council. Drawing from the Africanist perspective that upholds the gift of collaboration, we remember the proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together .” God has called us to go far, together! Will you join a St. John’s team?