Contents Nutrition

We’ve all heard the saying “you cannot out-train a bad diet”.
You also cannot reach peak performance if you're not fuelling your body optimally.
Your nutritional habits can have a massive impact on your physical and mental performance on the pitch, in both training and competition.
Supports cognitive function to optimise reaction times, focus, learning new skills and mood/motivation
Helps maintain consistently high levels of training and competition
Enhances recovery from both training and competition
Supports a healthy immune system to reduce the likelihood of illness and reduce the duration and severity of symptoms
Ensures sufficient energy availability for all physiological processes and helps avoid nonfunctional overreaching Reduces likelihood of injury
Nutrition Goal 4
A ‘food first’ approach means you can get everything that you need to fuel and recover from exercise from food, at a fraction of the cost of a supplement, and with far less risk of an anti-doping violation. Occasionally, additional nutrients may be needed as a supplement e.g. vitamin D. Make sure to discuss these with your GP or coach and make sure to source appropriately to reduce any risks to health and/or a doping violation.
Nutrition Goal 3
Nutrition Goal 2
All of the required macro& micro-nutrients the body requires for health and performance will be consumed by ensuring a varied diet containing all the major food groups, with plenty of fresh, unprocessed foods, and adequate hydration.
Adjusting meal timings and frequency in line with training schedules will help to maximise energy levels and training quality, whilst optimising adaptations and recovery.
Nutrition Goal 1
Ensure sufficient energy is consumed to maintain body health and function, as well as training and competition requirements.
If looking to remain at the current weight, the correct amount of energy is being consumed.
When energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, body mass increases.
When energy intake is less than energy expenditure, body mass decreases.
Energy intake: all food and drink consumed. Energy expenditure: basal metabolic rate, training and competition demands, activities of daily living and the energy required to digest food. Note that body mass can fluctuate daily due to changes in hydration, muscle fuelling, gut weight and in females, the menstrual cycle.
Energy is obtained from the foods we eat and fluids we d and is measured in units of kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ). We all require energy to:
Sustain organ health and function (basal metabolic rate)
Grow and develop
Digest and absorb the food we consume Perform daily tasks and sustain training demands
Energy is only obtained from the ‘macronutrients’ (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), but ‘micronutrients’ (vitamins and minerals) are essential to generate usable energy. Determining how much energy is needed is difficult, as it is dictated by many factors, such as:
Basal metabolic rate
Muscle mass and bone mass
General daily activity levels (e.g. cleaning / gardening / walking)
Exercise intensity and duration
Calories per macronutrient: (k l/ )
Protein Fats
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Energy requirements vary greatly from person to person and will naturally vary from day to day depending on training and activity levels. Therefore, there is no one kcal intake suitable for all individuals.
When energy intake is less than the energy needed by the body, an energy deficit is created and there is a low energy availability.
If this is done in a controlled, nutritionally planned manner, for a performance goal, this will result in a safe and effective reduction in body mass.
However, if this is done inadvertently, over prolonged periods, without appropriate nutrition planning, this will result in low energy availability & compromised diet quality, which can have several potentially serious health and performance implications.
There are three main situations where low energy availability may arise: 1 - Inadvertent: an increase in training volume/intensity without dietary adjustments and/or unintentional reduction in energy intake e.g. loss of appetite or awareness of energy requirements.
Water has many important roles in the body and is required to maintain blood volume and regulate body temperature. Practical tips for staying hydrated include:
Always carry a large water bottle and refill regularly.
Drink a large glass of water with each meal.
r i t i o n
Choose fluid options / flavours that you like as you are more likely to drink more.
Set reminders on your phone to drink throughout the day.
Monitor urine; colour chart, smell, frequency, quantity.
Homemade isotonic sports drink:
Rehydrate after training to replace fluid lost through sweat.
OPTION 1: 200 ml ordinary fruit squash + 800 ml water + a pinch salt
OPTION 2: 500 ml fruit juice e.g. pineapple juice + 500 ml water + a pinch salt
Each balanced meal ensures:
1/3 plate contains FUEL foods,
1/3 plate contains RECOVER foods,
1/3 plate contains SUPPORT foods, and a fluid source to HYDRATE
Eating a varied diet helps to ensure the consumption of the daily amount of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) needed to achieve healthy bodily functions.
Spinach, broccoli, kale, watercress, cabbage
Carrots, sweet potato, cantaloupe, mangoes, butternut squash
Onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, bananas, cucumber, celery, mushrooms
Tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, red apples, red onions, pomegranates
Berries, grapes, raisins, aubergine, plums, beetroot
Citrus fruits, peppers
Cereal, pasta, rice, couscous, quinoa, bulgur wheat, oats
Baked, new, mashed, steamed, boiled, sweet potato
Bread, pitta bread, wraps, English muffins, crumpets
Malt loaf, currant buns, cereal bars
Chicken, turkey, duck
Beef, lamb, pork, venison
Cod, haddock, tuna, prawns
Oily: Salmon, mackerel
Milk, yoghurts, milkshakes, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs
Nuts, seeds, nut butters
Kidney beans, baked beans, lentils, chickpeas
Tofu, soya mince, Quorn
Experiment on rest days, as they provide the opportunity to try new foods and recipes. Take advantage of the extra time to learn some new cooking skills or batch cook for busy training days.
• Adequate fuelling and hydration at the start of training.
• Avoid both hunger and fullness with discomfort.
• Minimise gastrointestinal distress by consuming foods low in fat, fibre and spice.
• Consume last meal 2-4 h prior to the session, then top up fuel levels 1-2 h before if needed.
• Follow the performance nutrition wheel at main meals.
• Include carbohydrates in preand post-training snacks, but reduce carbohydrates in snacks away from training.
• Keep protein consistent throughout the day.
• Increase fuel foods to half the plate at meals pre- and posttraining, and increase fuel foods in pre- and post-training snacks.
• Fuel and hydrate appropriately during the training session.
• Include both protein and carbohydrates during recovery.
• Follow the performance nutrition wheel at main meals.
• Consider reducing the number of snacks throughout the day, but keep protein intake consistent.
• Increase fruit and vegetable intake.
Nutrition preparation for game day performance starts well in advance to kick off. For optimal performance you should be aiming to maximise muscle glycogen (carbohydrate) stores in the days leading up to the big game.
Start to prepare for the game, considering individual needs
Food must be consistent, and high quality with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
This is not a time to skip meals
Start to increase carbohydrate intake slightly
Beet it shots (beetroot shots) could be introduced.
Big focus on hydration with the fluid intake being consistent
Carbohydrates become essential with every meal and snack.
Do not need massive portions, just consistent and still focus on quality
Include a late-night snack that has carbohydrates and proteins.
If we got yesterday right, this day is about topping up carbohydrate stores, and protein to help repair and make sure nothing is sitting too heavy.
Choose easily digested foods such as white meat, fish, eggs and rice. Avoid red meat and vegetables with a pre-match meal.
Repair (Protein) Replace (Carbs) Rehydrate (Fluid)
Often a poor eating day, this is a key day for recovery Plan this day well and try to eat regularly throughout the day, including protein, carbohydrates and veggies with every meal Don't forget to rehydrate
MATCH DAY -3 MATCH DAY -2 MATCH DAY -1Plan and practise your competition day nutrition and fluid intake beforehand in training.
If competing intensely for more than 1.5 h and there is limited ability to eat during the competition, it may be beneficial to ‘carb-load’ for the 24 h pre-competition.
• Aim to consume 6-10 g carbohydrate per kg of body weight in the 24 h before competitions.
• Spread this across 5-6 meals and snacks.
• Base all meals on carbohydrate sources.
Low fibre carbohydrate options e.g. refined cereals like Rice Krispies or Cornflakes, low fibre cereal bars, white bread, white rice, white pasta, fruit juice, honey, sugar, jam, rice pudding, scotch pancakes, rice cakes.
Time: What:
2-4h before
• Increase portion size of fuel foods before competitions of high-intensity or long duration (e.g. to half a plate)
• Reduce intake of recover/support foods if struggling to eat
1-2h before 30-60 g of carbohydrates
Porridge with yoghurt, bircher muesli, potato omelette, eggs and beans on toast, chicken with rice and vegetables, oat, fruit and milk smoothie
30 g carb portion = 1 medium banana, 1 thick slice of bread and jam, 2 cereal bars, 1.5 slices of malt loaf, 6 dried apricots/dates, 2 scotch pancakes, 1.5 crumpets, 1 thick slice of banana bread, 500 ml sports drink
• Top up carbohydrate stores before competing
• Never try anything new on competition day, including supplements
• Avoid spicy or high fat foods which may irritate the gut
• Stay hydrated; sip fluids regularly. Liquid sources of carbohydrates can boost intake if struggling to meet requirements, e.g. squash, sports drinks, fruit juice and smoothies.
• If nervous and unable to eat, choose easy to digest energy dense options or liquid meals e.g. Rice Krispies / Cornflakes and milk, scrambled eggs on toast, oats, fruit and yoghurt smoothie, Greek yoghurt, honey and dried fruit.
Aims: Time: What:
Factors to consider: duration, intensity and type of session / race, as well as any body composition aims. Replace sweat losses. Provide a fuel supply during longer intense sessions. Provide some protein to reduce muscle breakdown in events lasting longer than 3 h.
30 g carbs =
1 medium banana
1 thick slice of bread & jam
2 cereal bars
1.5 slice malt loaf
6 dried apricots/dates
2 scotch pancakes
Chicken sandwich
Carb intake 0-30 g/hour
Carb intake 30 g/hour
Consider electrolyte intake
Carb intake 30-60 g/hour
Consider electrolyte intake
Carb intake up to 90 g/hour
Multiple sources of carbohydrate (glucose)
Mix of solid food and liquid options 20 g easily digestible protein every 3 hours.
Consider electrolyte intake.
1.5 crumpets
Energy ball
1 thick slice banana bread
500 ml sports drink
1-2 carbohydrate gels
Protein for 3+ hours
Phase Time: What:
Phase 1
Immediately, within 1 h of exercise (especially if training again within 24 h)
Carbs: 0.5-1 g/kg
body mass
Protein: 0.3 g/kg
body mass
Fluids: 1.5 x body mass lost in the following 3-4 h
Moderate carb: 500 ml semiskimmed milk, 200 g protein yoghurt, banana and honey
High carb: 500 ml chocolate milk or milk with Nesquik
200 g Greek yoghurt & granola, 100 g chicken sandwich
Phase 2
2-3 h after exercise (sooner if no immediate recovery snack)
Phase 3 Recovery day
Balanced recovery meal (see Performance
Nutrition Wheel)
Spaghetti Bolognese, salmon with noodle stir-fry, chilli con carne with rice, chicken fajitas with wraps
The body takes 2448 hours to recover from a single exercise bout so follow the Performance
Nutrition Wheel on recovery days.
09:00 - 11:00
1l water
Tuna (72g) in a mixed vegetable & tomato sauce with whole wheat pasta
1 pint water with sugar-free squash
Post Training Snack
1 pint ss milk
1 banana and ½ tub
red grapes
Pre-bed Protein
200g high protein
Greek yoghurt with 20g
crushed nuts and mixed berries
Porridge with 300ml milk, 55g jumbo oats, 1 banana, 1 tbsp mixed seeds, a cup of tea with milk.
1 pint water
Post training snack
Latte made with 300ml milk, homemade fruit and peanut butter
15:00 - 17:00
1l water
1l homemade sports drink
2 tbsp dried fruit
Soy, honey and sesame
salmon with mixed stir
fry vegetables and basmati rice
Try to create a small energy deficit, around 300-500 kcal per day, by reducing energy intake and/or increasing energy expenditure. Remember that adequate energy availability is needed for long-term health.
Reduce portion sizes of higher energy and carbohydrate rich foods at meals rather than skipping meals altogether, especially on rest days. Pack meals out with nutrient dense vegetables.
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Limit alcohol intake or cut it out altogether – it is not an essential part of the diet. In addition, many people lose their good intentions after a few drinks (e.g. eating snack foods, fast foods or other poor choices).
Switch to lower fat varieties of certain foods (e.g. dairy, mince) and opt to steam / boil / oven bake instead of fry where possible.
Reduce intake of low nutrient, energy-dense foods and fluids (e.g. biscuits, crisps, pastries, cakes, sweets, sugary drinks).
Maintain carbohydrate intake around training to maintain fuel levels for exercise, especially on days when training intensity and quality is important.
A good quality training programme designed to increase muscle mass is essential, alongside an increased energy intake and some other nutrition factors to optimise the adaptive response. Try to create a small energy surplus, around 300-500 kcal per day, by increasing energy intake. Start every training session fuelled with carbohydrates, sufficiently hydrated and recover from every session with both carbohydrates and protein.
Set a pattern of 5-7 meals and snacks during the day, with small manageable increases in portion size.
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Consume a protein rich snack, with a high casein content 30-60 minutes before bed (e.g. milk, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese).
Plan ahead to have suitable foods and drinks available “on the run” (e.g. fruit, milkshakes, beef biltong, tinned fish, oat bars).
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Drinks such as fruit smoothies, full fat milk, fortified milkshakes and juices are quick and compact to consume.
Increase your intake of energy-dense foods such as nuts, seeds, nut butters, oily fish, avocados, olive oil, olives etc.
The recovery pyramid below outlines the main recovery strategies currently being used in high-performance sport.
The recovery pyramid is built on the foundation of sleep, followed by nutrition and hydration. These three areas have the potential for the greatest impact on athletic performance.
This foundation can then be built upon by incorporating other strategies such as hydrotherapy, compression, and massage, which have been the focus of less research attention.
The top of the pyramid includes strategies based on minimal or no evidence and may be considered fads that are momentarily popular.
• Sleep is crucial to allow you to train and perform at your best as well as ensuring you can recover sufficiently.
• Sleep alongside nutrition is the foundation of good recovery and it is of utmost importance that you get these two things right if you want to see the full benefits of your training.
• You should be aiming to get a full 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night in order to adequately recover from training and be able to perform at your best.
• Sleep restriction of fewer than 8 hours was shown to reduce muscle resynthesizes, which will have a negative effect on recovery from training and reduce potential adaptations and improvements in performance (Saner et al, 2020).
• Lack of sleep also puts you at a higher risk of sustaining an injury and athletes who sleep less than 8 hours per night had a 1.7 times greater risk of getting injured (Milewski et al, 2014).
1. Maintain room temperature (18°C).
9. Ensure a dark room with no light.
8. At least 8 hours sleep per night.
7. Try not to nap later than mid afternoon.
6. Avoid the use of phone, computer or other similar technology before sleeping
2. Quiet environment.
3. Consistent sleep and wake times.
4. Ensure that bedding/clothing doesn't cause an environment that is too hot.
5 Avoid caffeine and food/fluid ingestion leading up to sleep
Most of the experimental evidence suggests that immersion in hot and cold water helps reduce injuries in their acute stage through vasodilation and vasoconstriction, thereby stimulating blood flow and reducing swelling. This blood-bypassing action may be one of the mechanisms for eliminating metabolites, repairing exerted muscle and slowing metabolic processes.
Ice Baths Contrast Sauna
Preparationuse if:
First few sessions with contacts in preseason; first 1-2 days post tournament; if training in very hot weather.
Post lowmoderate session; after last training of the week; on days off.
Post intense session-heavy lifting; 3 times a week for HSPs, 3-5 times a week post injury.
Preparationdo not use if:
Trying to gain muscle mass; training to develop power, strength or speed.
Use in competition Post last game of the day.
Protocol example
10-15 minutes at 1115°C; full body immersion.
Need strong effects
Long aerobic conditioningrisks of dehydration; traumas and oedemas from collisions
In-between games - use shower time.
3 minutes hot - 1 minute cold x 4-5.
Evening of the first day
2 - 3 x 10-15 minutes with 2 minute rest in-between at 65°C or so.
An active recovery workout involves performing low-intensity exercise following a strenuous workout. Examples include walking, yoga and swimming. Active recovery is often considered more beneficial than inactivity, resting completely or sitting. It can keep blood flowing and help muscles recover and rebuild from intense physical activity.
Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique. It can help relieve muscle tightness, soreness and inflammation and increase your joint range of motion. Foam rolling can be an effective tool to add to your warm-up or cooldown, before and after exercise. The benefits of foam rolling may vary from person to person.
Post-exercise stretching has been performed as a recovery modality for many decades, if not centuries. The current body of research demonstrates that it may have several beneficial effects on recovery. These effects range from decreasing muscle soreness, albeit by a very small amount, to increasing flexibility, increasing local blood flow and decreasing neural excitability. As a result, static stretching may be a useful form of recovery following exercise.
Sports massage is proven to release and reduce tension in muscles, improve circulation and encourage the removal of waste products such as lactic acid during high-intensity activity. It can help to relax the body. All of this promotes recovery and reduces the chance of muscle injury.
Perhaps once every 2-4 weeks.
If you are returning to a sport following injury, sports massage can aid in the rehabilitation process, speed healing and reduce discomfort. The techniques used in sports massage can be effective for both acute and chronic injuries.
Massage before and after an event are used for specific purposes. Pre-event massage can be used alongside a participant’s warm-up to boost circulation and reduce muscle tension, whilst also assisting with mental preparation. Massage given following an event is used to enhance the body’s recovery process through reducing muscle spasms and metabolic build-up. Effective pre- and post- event massage can allow a participant to return more quickly to training and competition and reduce the risk of injury.
The laws of training are the elements which make up an effective strength and conditioning programme. In order to adapt we need to be providing the body with an effective stimulus to change.
We all have different abilities and weaknesses, and we all respond differently (to a degree) to a given system of training.
The decrease in response of a biological organism to a continuous stimulus over time. Ultimately leading to "Diminishing Returns".
"The best programme is the programme that you are not using right now."
It points to the fact that any programme decreases in effectiveness (the performance gain drops) every time it is used.
Consistency is essential when it comes to training adaptations. However, it is also important to vary the stimulus over long periods of time to continue to progress and adapt.
The General Adaptation Principle or GAS Principle (Selye, 1946) states there must be a period of low-intensity training or complete rest following periods of high-intensity training.
Alarm stage: application of intense training stress (overload). Resistance stage: systems adapt to resist stress more efficiently. Exhaustion stage: persistent application of stress will exhaust our reserves. Without adequate rest and recovery, symptoms of overtraining will arise.
A training adaptation only takes place if the magnitude of the training load is above the habitual level.
You have to give the body a reason to change. As a result, training intensity and volume must be monitored to ensure an adequate stimulus is applied.
There are a variety of ways to implement progressive overload including the following: increase weight, change tempo, more reps, more sets, increased velocity at the same weight, reduce rest and improved technique.
The specificity principle relates to the degree of metabolic or mechanical symmetry between exercise modality and sports movement and is often referred to as dynamic correspondence.
Relevance - the degree to which an exercise or training mode contributes towards long-term performance improvement.
SAID Principle "Specific adaptations to imposed demands".
Things to consider: mechanics, energetics and coordination.
Spinning plates analogy: training different traits at the same time, bearing in mind the residual training effects of each component of fitness.
The Use-Disuse Principle means that your muscles/systems hypertrophy with use and atrophy with disuse.
Also, known as the Reversibility Principle: individuals lose the effects of training after they stop exercising but the detraining effects can be reversed when training is resumed.
Residual training effects: residual training effect is the retention of changes in the body state and motor abilities after the cessation of training beyond a certain period. After training cessation, the training effect of various fitness components decrease gradually at varying rates.
"Use it or lose it" principle.
Motivation = motivation is the mental process that initiates, sustains or guides an athlete's behaviour (training, approach to competition, managing adversity and performance).
There are two types of motivation in sports: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
n d s e t
Purpose of participation: enjoyment in the process itself
Emotions experienced: pleasant (enjoyment, freedom, relaxation).
Intrinsic motivation describes the undertaking of an activity for its inherent satisfaction
Slower behavioral change
More likely to stay with a task long-term.
Rewards: effective rewards (enjoyment, pleasure)
Purpose of participation: benefits derived from participating
Removing reward results in motivation loss
Emotions experienced: tension and pressure (social approval is not under direct control)
Extrinsic motivation describes behavior driven by external rewards or punishments, abstract or concrete
Self-motivation to take on new tasks and innovate.
More likely to do a necessary task of little interest
Rewards: social or material rewards
Increases social learning compliance
Self-confidence = Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life.
Self-efficacy = Self-efficacy is more specific and is an individual's belief in their capacity to act in the ways necessary to reach specific goals.
Bandura’s self-efficacy report also asserted that people could be persuaded to believe that they have the skills and capabilities to succeed. Getting verbal encouragement from others helps people overcome self-doubt and instead focus on giving their best effort to the task at hand.
Gained by observing others perform activities successfully This is often referred to as modelling, and it can generate expectations in observers that they can improve their performance by learning from what they have observed.
Our responses and emotional reactions to situations also play an important role in selfefficacy. Moods, emotional states, physical reactions and stress levels can all impact how a person feels about their capabilities in a particular situation. On self-efficacy, Bandura notes “it is not the sheer intensity of emotional and physical reactions that is important but rather how they are perceived and interpreted."
By learning how to minimise stress and elevate mood when facing difficult or challenging situations, people can improve their sense of self-efficacy
Personal assessment information is based on an individual’s accomplishments Previous successes raise mastery expectations, while repeated failures lower them.
Locus of control refers to the degree to which people believe that they, as opposed to external forces (beyond their influence), have control over the outcome of events in their lives. A person can either have an internal locus of control or an external locus of control (Rotter, 1954) or be somewhere on the scale between the two extremes.
n d s e t
I can do this
I can determine my future.
I make things happen
Why bother?
There is nothing I can do about my future
Why does everything happen to me?
Where do you sit on the locus of control scale and how does that affect your performance?
These are the things in which we have very little to no control over. (War, politics, pandemics, the weather etc.)
These are the things we have some influence over. (Our team's behaviour, actions, thoughts, attitude and enthusiasm etc.)
These are the things we have total control over. (Our actions, thoughts, responses, behaviour, attitude and enthusiasm.)
How can you relate the Circle of Control to your sporting performance?
Unconscious Incompetence
You are completely ignorant of the skill and your inexperience.
Conscious Incompetence
You know the skill but haven't mastered it yet.
Unconscious Competence
You execute the skill naturally.
Conscious Competence
You can use the skill but with a lot of effort.
Unconscious Incompetence
This is where you don't know what you don't know. There is a skill that you are missing but you don’t even know what it is yet.
Conscious Incompetence
This is the stage where we realise there is a gap and identify the exact skill we need to develop. We come to terms with our ignorance and incompetence in a particular area Here we come to a crossroads We have to make a decision whether to lean in and begin the journey of learning this skill or acknowledge we have a gap in a particular area and be intentional about living with it.
Conscious Competence
This is where the learning begins. Conscious competence is the stage where we are actively working on the skill but we are still novices
Unconscious Competence
The final stage where we ’ ve mastered the new skill or behavior such that it's instinctive.
You can relate this model of learning to anything, learning a new sports skill or even a new skill in the gym.