Building the Kingdom
Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church & School
CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. David Trahan, Parochial Vicar Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Kasun, OSB, In Residence
DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa Rev. Mr. Tony Pynes
MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday - Friday 12 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Nursery: Sunday: 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Masses (Infants to 5 years only; Free)
RECONCILIATION Thursday: 6:30-7:15 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours) SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9 A.M. - NOON. 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director Christian Education Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director Early Childhood Ministry Mary Beth Skinnell, Director Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director Liturgy Bea Lamb, Director Music Chris Oelkers, Director Senior Ministry Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Th., M.Div. Director Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director St. Louis Catholic School Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |
x220 x211 x221 x219 x244 x216 x213 x202 x206 x265 x239 x205
Forming Our Faith Mass Times, Readings & Intentions Monday Readings: Masses: Tuesday Readings: Masses: Wednesday Readings: Masses: Thursday Readings: Masses: Friday Readings: Masses: Saturday Readings: Masses: Sunday Readings: Masses: Compline:
Generous Hearts
August 31 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96; Lk 4:16-30 7 a.m. Ernesto Camara+ 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Maria Saenz September 1 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27; Lk 4:31-37 7 a.m. James Gerard 6 p.m. Teresa Garcia+ September 2 Col 1:1-8; Ps 52; Lk 4:38-44 7 a.m. Stanley Blaha+ 8 a.m. School Mass 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Molly Mercado+ September 3 | Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Col 1:9-14; Ps 98; Lk 5:1-11 7 a.m. Carol Coale 6 p.m. Richard/Theresa Louie 50th Anniversary 6:30 p.m. Confessions September 4 Col 1:15-20; Ps 100; Lk 5:33-39 7 a.m. Guadalupe Fuentes 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Raphael Pavlica+ September 5 Col 1:21-23; Ps 54; Lk 6:1-5 8 a.m. Kathy Blair+ 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Jonathan Lo – Birthday September 6 | Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 6 a.m. Pro Populo 7:30 a.m. Ramona Ramos 9:30 a.m. Barbara Vrazel+ 11:30 a.m. Frank Olsovsky+ 1:30 p.m. J. Rosario Gomez Ochoa+ 5 p.m. Mario Bustos+ 9 p.m.
Living Our Faith
Jesus interaction with the Pharisees is a good reminder of what can happen when we begin to place more value on outward activities than our inner spiritual health. They were very good at following the outward purity traditions that everyone could see. But they didn’t do so well when it came to honoring God with their inner thoughts and private actions. We can also fall into the same trap if we’re not careful. We can do the outward activities like going to church, saying prayers at meal times and donating a little money to charity every now and then. But what about our inward self? Do we do or think things that lead us away from holiness? God sees into our hearts. It is here that he calls us to be pure. And if we ask him for help, he will always lovingly give us what we need.
August 30, 2015
8/15-8/16 Month to date Year to date
Actual Collection
$40,692.20 $122,937.64 $270,676.28
$40,741.73 $115,058.84 $258,140.44
Variance Over (Under)
($49.53) $7,878.80 $12,535.84
Ministry Programs Assumption of Mary $2,657.00 Thank you Building Fund Pledges $70.00 for all you do to $5.00 Children's Collection support our parish $3.00 Farm Ministry and put feet on $1,324.70 Food Pantry our faith! Mobile Loaves & Fishes $102.00 $170.00 School Trust Fund $487.00 Social Ministries $180.00 St. Vincent DePaul Online gifts can be made at: BRASS AND ORGAN CONCERT
St. Louis Parish Organist Chris Oelkers, along with the Bat City Brass, present a festive concert for Brass, organ and percussion. Music by Tallis, Monteverdi, Gabrieli, and others including works by film composer John Williams. Friday, September 4th at 7:00 pm in the main church. Admission is free. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN COMING | On
September 12-13, representatives from our Life, Dignity and Justice Ministry will be in the narthex, signing up volunteers for the 40 Days for Life Campaign that runs Wednesday, September 23 – Sunday, November 1st. These volunteers will pray daily at the Planned Parenthood Center on Ben White. Sign-up for the days you can join others in prayer, whether it be once or twice or every day! Your presence and your prayers are greatly needed.
Viviendo Nuestra Fe
La interacción entre Jesús y los Fariseos es una buena manera de recordar lo que puede pasar cuando ponemos mas valor en las actividades externas en vez de nuestra salud espiritual. Los Fariseos era muy buenos para seguir las tradiciones de purificación externas que todos podían observar. Pero fallaban cuando se trataba de honrar a Dios con sus pensamientos y sus acciones privadas. Nosotros también podemos caer en esa trampa si no tenemos cuidado. Podemos realizar las actividades externas como asistir a Misa, decir oraciones antes de comer y hacer donaciones a las caridades de vez en cuando. ¿Pero que tal nuestro interior? ¿Hacemos y pensamos cosas que nos alejan de la santidad? Dios puede ver dentro de nuestros corazones. Aquí es donde nos llama para ser puros. Y si le pedimos por Su ayuda, siempre nos dará amorosamente lo que necesitamos.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
ANNouNcemeNts ALTAR FLOWERS this weekend are given to honor the 30th
wedding anniversary of Jeff and Carrie Weikert. If you would like to honor or memorialize loved ones, consider donating toward altar flowers for a particular weekend. Call Evelyn McNair (512-454-0384 x 209 or email her at evelyn.mcnair@ and send a check for $85.00 to St. Louis Church. Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Flower Guild that offers fresh floral arrangements weekly in our main sanctuary. MUSIC MINISTRY ANNOUNCES CHOIR TOUR TO ITALY! Look
for brochures in the narthex tract racks! This trip is not until December 27, 2016 – January 5, 2017, but the $350 deposit per person is due October 15, 2015. This 10-day Choir pilgrimage will include Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome and Vatican City. Our Choir will be participating at a Papal Mass with His Holiness, Pope Francis, for the January 1st Feast Day of Mary in the Basilica of St. Ignatius. You don’t have to be a choir member to attend! Special tours of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica and more are included. This all-inclusive package will include airfare from Austin and is coordinated by Peter’s Way Tours. For more information, contact Chris Oelkers at CALLING ALL 1ST-5TH GRADE BOYS! Do you like
camping, friendship and adventure? Join Cub Scouting, which promotes strong virtues and character through fun activities! Visit or call (512)791-8072 to find out more. CATHOLIC FAMILY FRATERNAL OF TEXAS - K.J.Z.T. SOCIETY NO. 93 will meet Wednesday, September 2 at
7:00 pm in Woznaik Hall Meeting Room 1. We will discuss our special Platinum Status activities to complete 2015. Enjoy friendship, refreshments and door prizes. For more information call Jane 512-452-9748 or Phyllis 512-453-4453.
learn about Angels Throughout the Ages, a CSS International series written by Dr. Richard Bulzacchelli. CSS of Austin begins on Wednesday, September 2nd at 9:30am in the St. Louis sanctuary. The weekly two-hour Bible study consists of prayer, small group discussions, guest lecturers and follows the AISD calendar for holidays. It is open to men and women. Register online at or contact Patty Hogan (512) 267-4789. SEPTEMBER
PUBLICATION DEADLINES will change slightly due to the wedding of Christa Almaguer, our publications’ editor. This will only affect deadlines for September. 1. The deadline for the October parish newsletter will be September 1st (not September 5th). 2. Deadline for the September 27th and October 4th bulletins will be Monday, September 14 (not the usual Wednesday deadlines). Both these bulletins have the same deadline to accommodate our editor’s wedding and travel schedule. 3. Normal Wednesday bulletin deadlines resume September 30th for the bulletin 10 days out. Thank you for your cooperation in meeting these earlier publication deadlines for the month of September only. ATTENTION ALL PARISH MEN!
The King's Men returns for its 6th year of bringing men together each Friday morning for prayer, theology and discussion. Drawing 70 men each Friday, the King's Men has been instrumental in making the men of St. Louis better husbands, fathers, and community leaders. You are invited to join these good men at 6:00am in Wozniak Hall, starting Friday, September 11th. Breakfast is offered and the program closes at 7:30am. This year we welcome Bishop Elect Robert Barron and his outstanding series Catholicism. Subscribe to the King's Men list at and join us on Facebook at or contact Shannon Swenson at or (512) 789-3912.
PLANNING MARRIAGE IN THE NEXT FEW ¿PLANEANDO MATRIMONIO EN LOS PRÓXIMOS YEARS? The Sacrament of Marriage involves many steps, AÑOS? El sacramento del matrimonio implica muchos pasos,
but your faith community is here to assist you. While you don’t have to be a member to marry here, it is the support and tithes of our generous parishioners who make our marriage programs and facilities possible. Consequently, fees for the rental of facilities are assessed according to parishioner or non-parishioner status. If you have been a registered member and documented giver (through checks or envelopes) for at least six months before coming in to plan a future wedding, you will be eligible for the discounted parishioner rate at a savings of $600. Call our Church Office for more information on this and all questions related to the marriage preparation process 512-454-0384. 3
pero su comunidad de fe está aquí para ayudarle. Mientras que usted no tiene que ser miembro para casarse aquí, es el apoyo y el diezmo de nuestros feligreses generosos, que hacen que nuestros programas e instalaciones de matrimonio sean posibles En consecuencia, las tarifas para rentar las instalaciones son evaluadas de acuerdo a los feligreses o no feligrés de estado. Si usted ha sido un miembro registrado y documentado dador (a través de cheques o sobres) al menos de seis meses antes de venir a planificar una futura boda , usted será elegible para la tasa feligrés descuento de $600. Llame a nuestra oficina de la iglesia para obtener más información sobre esta y todas las preguntas relacionadas con el proceso de preparación matrimonial 512-454-0384.
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. patricia romanies, M.Ed., Principal
Connections START HERE
f l
We had a wonderful first day of school at St. Louis! We gathered in the school gym to start our school year with a prayer. Fr. James and Mrs. Romanies welcomed new families to our community and our returning families back to school. At our first All School Mass, we met our new friends, Fr. David and Fr. Alberto, who will be joining us for weekly Masses and Friday devotionals. We are looking forward to this upcoming school year! Blessings, Ms. Tamara Luera Director of Advancement YOUTH MINISTRY
Ages 6th Grade - 12th Grade Paul Stadelman, Director Ext. 205
Register for any of the following programs below in person at the church office, on the parish website ( youth-ministry), or call Paul at 512-614-6515 or email at paul. MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY | Kick-off Lock-In is
Friday, September 18th to Saturday, September 19th at St. Louis. YOUNG CHURCH | Kick-off is Sunday, September 13th
from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in Wozniak Hall. Bring a towl and a change of clothes. HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION/R.E. | The deadline
to register is Friday, September 4th. Please register in person at the PEC, or find registration forms on the parish website.
August 30, 2015
Ages Pre-k to 5th Grade Beatriz Franceschi, Director Ext. 221
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES | Now is the time to register for Religious Ed Classes. Come by the PEC Office to complete a registration form, or fill one out on our website. If your child is registering for the second year of Sacraments Class, please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal certificate. Classes will start September 13th. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration schedule: Mon- Fri 8:30 to 11:30 AM & 1:00 to 4:30 PM. First come, first serve to select class days. CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA | Ahora es
el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de PEC para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán en septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun- Vie 8:30 a 11:30 AM & 1:00 a 4:30 PM. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger a qué clase quieren asistir.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Forming Our Faith LITURGICAL MINISTRY Bea Lamb, Director Ext. 213
WELCOME MINISTRY | The Welcome Ministry is a
specialized ministry of volunteers who greet church members and visitors before and after the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses. Soon we'll be expanding Welcome Ministry to the Saturday Vigil Mass. The Welcome Ministry volunteer is knowledgeable of the inner workings of St. Louis Parish and is trained to share parish ministry information with our newcomers and visitors seeking a new home church. We need volunteers to assist at the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass, the 9:30 a.m. Mass, and at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Smiling faces and open hearts are a requirement! You are cordially invited to come to the training class on September 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the main church. Call B.Lamb / Director at 512-454-0384 ext. 213 for details. We will have a reunion for Welcome Ministry on Tuesday, September 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Father James has some great ideas on how to expand Welcome Ministry to the Saturday Vigil Mass. He also would like Welcome Ministry to be more visible before and after the 9:30 a.m. Mass and the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Welcome Ministry volunteers, please plan to be part of this meeting.
HOSPITALITY MINISTRY | The Hospitality Captains
had a meeting with Father James to review their role as the leadership of Hospitality. Father James shared his vision of Hospitality in the parish. We need smiling faces to help greet our visitors and church members as the come to worship at the weekend Masses. Please see a Hospitality minister after Mass about signing up to join Hospitality Ministry! Hospitality will have a training class on Thursday, September 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Call B.Lamb / Director at 512-454-0384 ext. 213 for details. All ministers of Hospitality will meet on Thursday, September 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the church. This is an opportunity for us to gather together and learn new ways of pastoral care for the church members who come to worship at our weekend Masses. This evening will also be an orientation class for brand new Hospitality Ministers. Invite your church friends to join us! ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY | Fall Business Meeting for
Altar Server Ministry is on Tuesday, September 15 at 6:45 p.m. in the church. This is a mandatory meeting for all altar servers and will be efficiently run. We close at 8:00 p.m. since it is a school night. Parents: mark your calendars. ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY
Amy Allert,, Director Ext. 220
Ages 6 wks to Pre-k Mary Beth Skinnell, Director 512-614-6551
MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN (MOYC) serves to give mothers and their
All mothers with children preschool aged and younger are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment.
children the opportunity to engage in fellowship and spiritual growth through prayer, study, scriptural reflection, and play dates. 1stbook & 3rd Friday Spiritual Formation We meetParkin PEC 202 on the first and third 2nd & 4th Friday Playtime Fridays of the month at 9:45 and on the second �other� OF YOUNG CHILDREN and fourth Fridays at parks around town. We will begin our fall book study on Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting by Laura Fanucci in August. Please contact Shanna Steinbach (shannakathleene@ for additional information. The first meeting will be April 11th at 10:30am in the Parish Education Center (upstairs).
Questions? Email Shanna Steinbach at
Ages 20’s - 30’s Amy Allert,, Director, x220
ST. LOUIS YOUNG ADULTS | Join the SLYAs for weekly
brunch after the 9:30 Mass (meet by baptismal font). First Sundays location varies, the rest of the month we go to Kneaded Pleasures, 3573 Far West Blvd. E-mail Lauren to receive the Weekly Update of our activities. 5
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
Bea Dela Rosa, Director ext. 265
PLEASE HELP - ST. LOUIS GABRIEL PROJECT is in need of baby toiletries: shampoo,
SVDP | Please find it in your hearts to volunteer
FOOD PANTRY | We are in need of: corn,
lotion, destine, baby wipes, Q-tips and baby powder. Also we need baby clothes, boys and girls – newborn to 18 months. Drop off at the Social Ministries Building.
for this wonderful, self-gratifying service. You can make a difference! Training and spiritual support provided by the group. Please contact Linda We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Social Ministries Building. Come by to see what we do.
need help with picking up donations in the mornings from 9:30-11:30 A.M. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There are three retail stores that donate to the Food Pantry.
peanut butter, both brown and white rice, dry pinto beans, oat meal, cooking oil, flour and sugar. Please drop off at Social Ministries Building on St Joseph’s Blvd. ML&F | We are in dire need of gently used (no
stains) t-shirts, all sizes for both men and women. (No pants please). Toiletry items are needed as well.
de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director SUMAYAH.ABULLARADE@ST-LOUIS.ORG EXT. 216
ESTUDIO BÍBLICO | “Ama la Biblia y la sabiduría te
amará; ámala y ella te protegerá; hónrala y ella te abrazará; estas son las joyas que deberás usar en tu pecho y en tus oídos” (San Jerónimo, Carta a Demetrias) Si quiere tener un mejor conocimiento de toda la Biblia, y tener un camino espiritual más profundo con los textos bíblicos acompáñanos a estudiar el programa Estudio de Biblia En Español sencillo. Estudiaremos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el sótano del PEC empezando del 8 de septiembre 2015. SACRAMENTOS DE INICIACION PARA ADULTOS | Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que necesiten recibir
algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/ comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a las oficinas del PEC, o a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos. CLASES PREMATRIMONIALES “Unidos En El Amor
De Dios” “LO QUE DIOS HA UNIDO NO LO SEPARA EL HOMBRE” (Mateo 19,6) ¿Estas comprometido, casado solo por lo civil, o viviendo en unión libre? ¿Deseas recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio bendiciendo el amor de tu familia? Asiste al programa de preparación matrimonial. Te ayudamos con mucho gusto. ¡No faltes al llamado que Dios te hace para darte Su bendición! ¡ATENCIÓN VARONCITOS DE 1ERO. A 5O. GRADO! ¿Les gustaría ir de campamento, en aventuras y
hacer nuevas amistades? Cub Scouts Pack 89 de St. Louis les invita a ser parte del grupo, el cual promueve el desarrollo de virtudes e integridad por medio de juegos y actividades divertidas. Visítenos en o llamen al (512) 791-8072 para mayores informes.
August 30, 2015
Norma Almanza, HICAP Coordinadora del Departamento de Seguros de Tejas presentará en español los cambios en Medicare para el próximo año. También estará la Sra. Almanza disponible para contestar sus preguntas sobre Medicare y los otros seguros relacionados con Medicare. La junta será el sábado, 12 de septiembre 7:00-9:00 p.m. en Wozniak Hall. ¡Todos están invitados a esta importante junta! Si deseas más información, favor de comunicarse con Coral Migoni-Ryan al (512) 454-0384 ext.206 O Sumayah Abullarade al (512) 4540384 ext. 216 TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA del Padre Ignacio
Larrañaga es un método práctico para aprender a orar en una manera ordenada y progresiva, basándose en la biblia y teniendo a Cristo como el centro. El taller es una fuente de vocaciones apostólicas con un carácter totalmente práctico y experimental. Es un taller liberador y sanador a través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno mismo. Comenzaremos el 8 de Agosto, para más información, comunicase con Mercedes Murillo al 512-939-0301 GRUPO DE ORACION “Estén siempre contentos. Oren
en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús.” “1Tesalonisenses 5: 16-18’’ Todos están invitados a orar y alabar a Dios, en comunidad, presentándole al Señor nuestras peticiones, en un ambiente de alegría y gozo, y aprendiendo de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia con charlas impartidas por nuestros miembros de los diversos ministerios de la Iglesia St. Louis King of France, ven a gozarte en el Señor! cada Martes en el Salón parroquial Wozniak desde las 7:00 a las 9:00 p.m.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
feet on Our Faith SENIOR MINISTRY
Ages 50 & Over Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Th., M.Div., Director Ext. 206
FRIENDSHIP GROUP | will meet on Wednesday, September 2 in Meeting Room 1 of Wozniak Hall from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for Bingo and pizza. Everyone is invited. For more information, please phone the Senior Ministry office. SCRIPTURE CLASS | study and discussion of the Acts of
the Apostles. Class meets on Tuesday, September 8 from 10:30 a.m. - noon in the Main Room of Wozniak Hall. Everyone is invited.
PREPARING FOR MEDICARE 2016 | Texas Department of Insurance HICAP Coordinator, Norma Almanza will present the changes in Medicare for next year. Mrs. Almanza will also be available to answer questions about Medicare and related insurances. The meeting will be on Thursday, September 10 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Main Room of Wozniak Hall. Everyone is invited to attend.
Please pray for the spiritual, physical & emotional needs of: Angel Ontiveros Bunny Newby Mary Lou Tierney Timothy Williams Melva Flores Gabby Lara Basil Philippy Pam Polley Brigett Kelly Shirley LeBlanc Elissa Fox Cecilia Harris Robert Rivera Frank Hipolito John Trevino
Mary Moczygemba Pat Long Dora Ann Castilleja Jenifer Medina Rose Marie Linan Mack Linan Jeannie Comeaux Bernice Vrabel Kiara Sandavol Ronald Collins Amelia Barron Max Segrets Louise Lange Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Victor Chapa
Isabel Luna Roy Alexander Tommie Gauntt Izaiah Dela Rosa Dorothy Tierney Madeline Withoff Patricia Faucheaux Alvera Peschka Loraine Reese Ann Pease Alice McCluskey Martha Tschoerner Janice Pharr Rachel Lopez Stephanie Merenda
f /stlouisaustin t @stlouisaustin i /stlouisaustin
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School