June 5, 2016 Bulletin

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Building the Kingdom

Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church & School

CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. David Trahan, Parochial Vicar Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar

DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday - Friday 12 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Nursery: Sunday: 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Masses (Infants to 5 years only; Free)

RECONCILIATION Thursday: 5:00-5:50 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours) SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9 A.M. - NOON. 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director Early Childhood Ministry Dona LeBlanc, Interim Director Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director Ministerial Discipleship Elizabeth Polito, Director Music Chris Oelkers, Director Senior Ministry Jackie Forsyth, Coordinator Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director St. Louis Catholic School Cindy Gee, Principal Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |

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Forming Our Faith Mass Times, Readings & Intentions

Generous Hearts

Monday June 6 | Saint Norbert, Bishop Readings: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Mt 5:1-12 Masses: 7 a.m. Florence and Ed Sutorius+ 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Vivian Bryant+ Tuesday June 7 Readings: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Masses: 7 a.m. Souls in Purgatory 6 p.m. Bill Farnan Wednesday June 8 Readings: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, and 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Masses: 7 a.m. Fr. Larry Covington ­– 30th Ordination Anniversary 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Angel Llano+ Thursday June 9 | Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church Readings: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13; Mt 5:20-26 Masses: 7 a.m. Fr. James Misko – 8th Ordination Anniversary 5 p.m. Confessions 6 p.m. Bill Farnan Friday June 10 Readings: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Masses: 7 a.m. “Jerry T.” recovery 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Nancy Swenson+ Saturday June 11 | Saint Barnabas, Apostle Readings: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6; Mt 5:33-37 Masses: 8 a.m. “Jerry T.” recovery 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Robert Kutach+ Sunday June 12 | Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36—8:3 or 7:36-50 Masses: 6 a.m. Pro Populo 7:30 a.m. Evelyn Sorrells+ 9:30 a.m. Fred McNair+ 11:30 a.m. Betty Seals+ 1:30 p.m. Rosas/Rangel Family deceased 5 p.m. Demetrio Gutierrez+ Compline: 9 p.m.

Living Our Faith

How often do we wish we had more time? Perhaps another opportunity to say what we really needed to, but were afraid? Or, perhaps to do something better than we have in the past? The woman in today’s gospel story was granted this opportunity by Jesus. We never learn what she and her resurrected son did with their extra time together. Were things ‘as usual’ or was there a renewed appreciation and consideration for each other? Jesus also gives us the same opportunity. It probably won’t come in the form of resurrecting someone we love, but it does come in the form of opportunities to say the right thing or give a little more effort into the things we do for each other. All we need to do is ‘tune in’ so we can take advantage of these blessings and graces, and help others do the same. June 5, 2016

5/21-5/22 Month to date Year to date

Actual Collection


$25,311.98 $30,140.91 $146,937.71 $159,485.60 $1,837,187.08 $1,741,639.32

Ministry Programs Building Fund Pledges $205.00 Children's Collection $2.21 Food Pantry $65.00 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $155.00 Parking Lot Project $12,164.00 School Trust Fund $304.00 Social Ministries $56.00 St. Vincent DePaul $98.00

Variance Over (Under)

$4,828.93 $12,547.89 $95,547.76

Thank you for all you do to support our parish and put feet on our faith!

Online gifts can be made at: st-louis.weshareonline.org KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 5967 INVITE YOU TO OUR SECOND ANNUAL CASINO KNIGHT JUNE 11, 2016 AT WOZNIAK HALL

You are invited to have a great time with dinner, casino games, raffles, prizes, and fellowship. Tickets are $25 per person; visit www.mkt.com/kcco5967 to purchase or call Carlos J. Gonzalez at 512-497-8779. Only 200 tickets will be sold. Ages 18 and over are welcome. Dinner starts at 6.30pm, casino games at 7.30pm. Tickets include BBQ dinner, tea, coffee, and $10,000 in gaming chips for entertainment. We will also have sodas, desserts, and snacks for sale. All proceeds will go towards a new scoreboard for the St. Louis Catholic School soccer field. For more info email us at austinkofc5967@gmail.com.

Viviendo Nuestra Fe

¿Cuantas veces deseamos tener más tiempo? ¿Quizás quisiéramos otra oportunidad para expresar lo que sentimos pero teníamos miedo decirlo? O quizás otra oportunidad para hacer algo mejor de lo que hicimos en el pasado. Jesús le dio a la mujer del evangelio de hoy esta oportunidad. Nunca aprendemos como ella y su hijo resucitado pasaron el resto del tiempo que recibieron. ¿Regresaría todo a lo usual o quizás sentían un nuevo agradecimiento y consideración por el otro? Jesús nos da la misma oportunidad. Quizás no venga en la forma de resucitar a un ser querido pero si viene en la forma de oportunidades para decir lo que debemos o para hacer mas por otros. Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es abrir nuestros corazones a estas bendiciones y gracias, y ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo.

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


PUBLICATION DEADLINE | This year, the July-August

issue of The Spirit of St. Louis will be a combined two-month edition. Please be planning and thinking ahead for the JulyAugust articles that you want included. The deadline for that edition is Monday, June 6th. Thank you for your timely contributions in meeting that deadline. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK is offered every second

Sunday of each month during the 9:00 p.m. Compline service in the Chapel. Please join us Sunday, June 12th. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and this meditative service, held each Sunday, includes beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. This is a wonderful, prayerful way to end your weekend and prepare for the new week ahead.

It’s Time to Re-Surface Our Parking Lot! The timeline will be in late June through the second week of July, and we need your help to cover the $150,000 costs to repair potholes, apply a two-inch overlay of brand new asphalt, and re-stripe the lots for the best traffic flow. No contribution is too big or too small! Choose your category below and place your contribution in an envelope, separate from your Sunday tithe, indicating “parking lot” on your check memo line. Or bring your contribution by the Church Office at any time! Look what we can accomplish with your help!


invites you to stop by the Welcome Center and pick up an information packet. And just for stopping by we would like to offer a couple of FREE GIFTS! We’d love to meet and greet you and assist you with any questions you may have about our growing parish. The Welcome Center is also looking for volunteers who are outgoing and friendly, and are able to be scheduled at least monthly for a few minutes after each Mass. Please contact Elizabeth Polito at 512-4540384 ext 213, or Richard Brito at 512-466-3417. WOMEN’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP DRIVE | Look for

representatives in the narthex on June 11-12 as Women’s Club begins its summer membership drive. Find out about all the activities they sponsor and plan to be part of this active group for all St. Louis women of any age. They will also be selling Clerical Endowment Fund enrollment cards, offering you the opportunity to enroll loved ones (living or deceased) for Masses said in the Diocese. Women’s Club is a member of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women that sponsors the CEF cards and raises proceeds to educate our diocesan seminarians. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET | During the Year of Mercy,

If 2000 families gave $75 each, we’d raise $150,000!

we invite you to join us in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and selected prayers from the Diary of St. Faustina every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel. This is a beautiful way to offer up your time and incorporate this devotional as part of your prayer discipline. Bring your rosary and come join your fellow parishioners as we unite ourselves in prayer with our Holy Father.

Please join us in making this much needed project a reality for our parish property!


If 500 families gave $300 each, we’d raise $150,000! If 1000 families gave $150 each, we’d raise $150,000!


memory of Andres Caballero from Kathy and Charles Arnold. If you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one or a special family event, consider donating toward the altar flowers for a particular weekend. Scheduling can be done by contacting Evelyn at evelyn.mcnair@st-louis.org or (512)454-0384 ext. 209 and sending a check for $85 payable to St. Louis Church. Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Flower Guild that offers fresh floral arrangements weekly in our main sanctuary. QUO VADIS, a discernment weekend for young men in high

school will be held June 25-26 at St. Thomas More Parish in Austin. This 2-day retreat will help high school age men grow spiritually and allow them to think and pray about what God might be asking them to become. The retreat is for incoming freshmen through incoming seniors. Themes of prayer, virtue, leadership and discernment will be explored. The retreat includes Mass, adoration, time for fun and recreation and the opportunity to get to know other young men seeking holiness. It is staffed by seminarians and is cosponsored by the Diocese of Austin Vocation Office and the St. Thomas More Parish Vocation Committee. Cost is $15. For information, visit www.austinvocations.com or call the Vocation Office at (512) 949-2430. 3

Remember that Thursday evening confessions are now before the 6:00 p.m. Mass, from 5:00-5:50 p.m. Thank you for adjusting your schedules as well! KC LADIES AUXILIARY will be selling beautiful stationary

cards that depict the Chapel Icons of Divine Mercy and Perpetual Help. Look for them in the Narthex June 4-5! The cards are blank on the inside so you can write your personal notes. They make wonderful gifts and can be used for special occasions, get well or sympathy messages. All funds raised will be returned back for the needs of our parish community. AS SUMMER SETS IN, ST. LOUIS FARM GETS HOT!

Let's get together and do something about it. Our Summer Work Days will be June 18th and June 25th! On Saturday, June 18th, we'll be working together to build a pergola -- a shade structure for Farm volunteers to cool off under, as well as preparing plots for planting. Saturday June 25th we will be planting summer crops - cucumbers, melons, and squash. Both days we'll work from 8am-12pm to beat the heat and breakfast and drinks will be provided -- it's a great opportunity to meet fellow farmers, see what's growing, and help us in our mission to provide fresh produce to the food pantry! Come find out what we're all about!

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School


de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director sumayah.abullarade@st-louis.org Ext. 216


Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que necesiten recibir algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/ Comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a las oficinas del PEC, o a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos. También se les invita a participar en la orientación donde responderemos a todas sus preguntas, y se podrán inscribir para las clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Solo tiene que asistir a una de las dos juntas. Primera Junta Segunda Junta Martes 23 de Agosto de 2016 Jueves 25 de Agosto de 2016 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Sótano del PEC Sótano del PEC


lo invita a que venga al Centro de Bienvenida y recoja un paquete de información. Y por venir a recoger su paquete le ofrecemos unos REGALITOS. Nos encantaría conocer y saludarlo y responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre nuestra parroquia creciente. El Centro de Bienvenida también busca voluntarios que sean amables y sociales y pueden ayudar por unos minutos después de cada Misa una ves al mes. Por favor comuníquese con Elizabeth Polito al 512-454-0384, ext. 213, o con Richard Brito al 512-466-3417. CLASES PREMATRIMONIALES “Unidos En El Amor


De Dios” “LO QUE DIOS HA UNIDO NO LO SEPARA EL HOMBRE” (Mateo 19,6) ¿Estas comprometido, casado solo por lo civil, o viviendo en unión libre? ¿Deseas recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio bendiciendo el amor de tu familia? Asiste al programa de preparación matrimonial. Te ayudamos con mucho gusto. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-4540384 Ext. 216, o Sumayah.abullarade@ st-louis.org ¡No faltes al llamado que Dios te hace para darte Su bendición!


Es Tiempo para Repavimentar el Estacionamiento!

están invitados a participar en el Cenáculo de la Divina Misericordia los viernes, 7:00-9:00p.m. en el salón 118 de la escuela. Para inscribirse o pedir más información comuníquese con Socorro Díaz al 214-715-8508, o Sumayah Abullarade al 512-454-0384 ext. 216.


Usted está invitado a pasar una excelente velada que incluye cena, juegos de casino, rifas, premios y convivencia. Los boletos cuestan $25 por persona; para comprar ir a la página www.mkt.com/kcco5967 o llame a Carlos J. González al 512497-8779. Sólo habrá entrada para 200 personas de 18 años de edad y mayores. La cena inicia a las 6.30pm y los juegos de casino a las 7.30pm. La entrada incluye plato de BBQ, té helado, café y $10,000 en fichas para jugar. También habrá sodas y postres en venta. Todo lo recaudado en este evento se destinará para comprar un marcador para la cancha de fútbol de la Escuela Católica de San Luis. Para mayores informes escríbanos a austinkofc5967@gmail.com. SENIOR MINISTRY

Age 50 & Over Jackie Forsyth, Coordinator jackie.forsyth@st-louis.org Ext. 220

FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE will meet this Wednesday, June 8,

from 9:00-11:30 a.m. in Meeting Room 1 of Wozniak Hall. We’ll play cards (we now have Euchre and Kings in the Corner going but are willing to add more!) and dominoes. As always, we have snacks and good conversation. Join us! June 5, 2016

El trabajo se realizara a los finales de junio hasta la segunda semana de julio. Necesitamos la ayuda de todos para pagar los $150,000 para rellenar los baches, recubrir el estacionamiento con asfalto nuevo y repintar las líneas para mejorar el flujo vehicular. ¡Cada contribución cuenta sin importar el tamaño! Escoja la categoría de la donación abajo y ponga su contribución en un sobre, aparte de la contribución de cada domingo, e indique “parking lot” en el cheque o sobre. ¡También puede traer su donación a la oficina de la iglesia a cualquier momento! ¡Vea lo que podemos lograr con su ayuda! Si 500 familias dan $300 cada una, juntaríamos $150,000 Si 1000 familias dan $150 cada una, juntaríamos $150,000 Si 2000 familias dan $75 cada una, juntaríamos $150,000 ¡Por favor ayúdenos a hacer en una realidad este proyecto de mejoramiento tan necesario para nuestra parroquia! WHAT’S NEW IN THE PARISH LIBRARY? As summer

approaches, there may be more time for reading, especially for children who are out of school. Don’t forget the wide range of books, DVDs, and music CDs that are available in the parish library located in the Parish Education Building. The library summer hours for June and August will be 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and 11:00 a.m. until noon on Sundays. The library will be closed in July. Watch the parish bulletin and newsletter for “What’s New in the Library” and come to enjoy this amazing collection that has grown over the years to help guide us on our faith journey.”

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. Cindy Gee, Principal

Connections START HERE


On Wednesday, May 23 we celebrated our student athletes. 83 students from 5th through 8th grade along with their families gathered in Wozniak hall to celebrate their accomplishments.​ Our guest speaker for the event was Jessica​, SLCS Alum​'00​,​who shared her experiences as a competitive soccer player. It was a great night!

f l


Blessings, Ms. Tamara Luera Director of Advancement ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY


Amy Allert, M.th, Director amy.allert@st-louis.org Ext. 220

Ages 6th Grade - 12th Grade Paul Stadelman, Director Paul.stadelman@st-louis.org Ext. 205

Introduction to the Theology of the Body by Christopher West WEDNESDAYS, UNTIL JUNE 29 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. WOZNIAK HALL To register, contact amy.allert@st-louis.org Study guides are $14.95 Childcare may be available upon request.

All high school students (current 8th graders included) are invited to attend the Steubenville Youth Conference, June 17-19 in Dallas! Cost is $200 (or $150 for Young Church members) Spots are currently filled, to be put on the waitlist, or for any questions contact paul.stadelman@st-louis.org or call 512-614-6515


If you’re wondering if there’s more to life than just “getting by” and are ready to focus on what really matters, then discover the extraordinary Catholic teaching known as the Theology of the Body. It will give you a revolutionary and fulfilling vision for life, as it offers a new way to authentically see yourself, your faith, your relationships, and your world.

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School


Bea Dela Rosa, Director bea.delarosa@st-louis.org ext. 265

THE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY TRUCK will be on property Saturday, June 18th,

10am-2pm. They will be collecting your gently used clothing, shoes, household items, small workable appliances, books, toys and much more! Your donations will be sold through the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, which benefits the neediest among us in the Central Texas area. Do your Spring cleaning and benefit a worthy cause at the same time!


join us on the 4th Saturdays at Mc Allisters Restaurant between 11:30-12:30 p.m. for a dutch treat meeting. Come and hear how we are able to give pregnant moms in crisis emotional and Spiritual support. We also give them items they might need for their baby. To become an Angel call Mary Helen at 512-949-2486 or email her at MaryHelen-Russell@austindiocese.org

ML&F | We are in need of toothbrushes, travel

LIFE, DIGNITY & JUSTICE MINISTRY | Are you interested in human

size toothpaste, travel size deodorant, socks, travel size shaving cream, and travel size mouthwash.

trafficking, immigration, ending the death penalty? Please contact social ministries see how we can work together.



you've got a couple of hours a month to spare, we'd love to have your help at Drive a SeniorNorth Central. We need volunteer drivers to drive our elderly clients to medical appointments, the grocery store, and on short errands. Our mission is to allow our elderly neighbors to remain independent and in their homes. The number of hours you volunteer is up to you! Want more information? Attend a one-hour info session conducted by our executive director, and you can receive training at that time if you're interested! The sessions will be held at North Village Library, 2505 Steck Avenue, from 10am-Noon on three Saturdays: June 18, July 16, and August 20. Come learn about Drive a Senior! www.volunteerdriving.com/north-central-austin/

Chris Oelkers, Director Chris.Oelkers@st-louis.org Ext. 202


Friday, June 10th at 7:30 p.m., Main Church. Join us for a return visit from our former assistant organist Alvez Barkoskie, who is currently completing doctoral work in church music at the University of Oklahoma. Alvez will play music both old and new, by JS Bach, Franz Liszt, and others. Don’t miss this opportunity to show support for your Music Ministry, and hear some great music in the air conditioned comfort of our Sanctuary on a midsummer evening! Admission free, donations to the Music Ministry gratefully accepted.

CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Ages Pre-k to 5th Grade Beatriz Franceschi, Director beatriz.franceschi@st-louis.org Ext. 221


to register for Religious Ed Classes. Come by the PEC Office to complete a Registration Form. If your child is registering for the second year of Sacraments Class, please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate. Classes will start September 11th . We look forward to seeing you there! Registration Schedule: Mon- Fri 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.. From June 1 through August 19, 2016. First come, first serve to select class days.

June 5, 2016


el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de PEC para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán en septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun- Vie 8:30 a 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 a 4:30 p.m. Desde el 1 ro de Junio al 19 de Agosto de 2016. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger a qué clase quieren asistir.

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


feet on Our Faith Please pray for the spiritual, physical & emotional needs of: DOWNLOAD OUR NEW PARISH APP! Our new St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School app is now available to download! Search your phone's app store for 'myparish' or visit myparishapp.com. Contact media@st-louis. org for more information or questions. PARISH APP FEATURE-OF-THE-WEEK

LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR | Would you like to

deepen your relationship with Our Lord? Would you like to have the Lord transform your life? Come to the Life in the Spirit Seminar sponsored by St. Louis Prayer Group (English) on Saturday, June 18, 2016 in PEC 201 from 9 am to 4 pm. Lunch will be provided. For more information, or to register, call Kerry Joe Brockman at 512-785- 9808 or Colleen Brockman at 512-576-5920 or email cbrockman1@gmail.com.


Raul Mendez Ellie Foley Peggy Stout Lara Pankratz Rene Maldonado Kirby Krause Ron Coy Mike Probus Bill Farnan Irma Lobato Jose L. Bravo Walter Grona Irene Rooneo Mary Lou Tierney Bobby Reese Timothy Williams Alberta “Bobbye” Morrow Newt LeBlanc Minnie Miles Shirley LeBlanc Merle Miles Melva Flores Maggie Gonzalez Basil Philippy Maria Vazquez Cecilia Harris Josie Hernandez Robert Rivera Roger Rabago John Trevino Nellie Vela Pat Long Modesto Izaguirre Rose Marie Linan

Mack Linan Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Victor Chapa Isabel Luna Roy Alexander Izaiah Dela Rosa Dorothy Tierney Madeline Withoff Patricia Faucheaux Alvera Peschka Loraine Reese Alice McCluskey Martha Tschoerner Janice Pharr Rachel Lopez


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St. Louis Catholic Church & School


512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School

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