February 2015 | The Spirit of St. Louis

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The Spirit of

St. Louis @ February 2015

Forty Days with God LENT 2015 Th e Wo rd L e nt co me s to us fro m t he middle English word meaning “spring”, callin g to m i n d n ew li fe a nd ho pe fo r a grac e filled fut ure . It is a t ime marked by p r ayer, p e n a n c e , a n d co nve rsi o n to G o d’s plan for our lives. Running from Ash Wedn es d ay o n Feb r u a r y 18th thro ug h the M a s s of t he Lord’s S upper on Maundy Thursday, Ap r il 2 n d , L en t re a che s its summit a t t he Great East er Vigil where we celebrate n ot o n ly t h e L o rd’s re surre ctio n fro m t he dead but also t he bir t h of new C hrist i an s as o u r RC I A Ca te chume ns co me int o full c ommunion wit h The C hurc h t hrough t h e S a c r a m e n t s o f Initia tio n: Baptism, C onfirmat ion, and Holy C ommunion. D u r i n g t h ese Fo r ty Days wi th G od t he C hurc h vest s herself in purple , a ble n d in g o f red, t h e co lo r o f ma r tyrdo m, and blue , t he c olor of hope . S he also fast s f rom th e si n g i n g o f the G l o ria a nd A l le luia while flowers at her alt ars and shrines are s et a si de a n d a se nse o f simpl icity a nd cont emplat ion infuses t he lit urg y. We em b r ac e th i s e m p t i n e ss no t to a dd mo re p ain and suffering t o life , but rat her, t o make room fo r G o d t o co me i nto o ur he a r ts at East er. May yo u be bl e ssed by your For t y Day s wit h God!

Fr . Jam es Mis ko, Pas t or

Lent is like a long ‘retreat’ during which we turn back into ourselves and listen for God. Pope Benedict XVI

Renounce yourself in order to follow Christ; discipline your body; love fasting.

St. Benedict of Norcia

Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy. Pope Francis

A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx • www.st-louis.org

Parish Directory 512.454.0384 x220 ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 BUSINESS OFFICE Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director x244 EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Mary Beth Skinnell, Director x216 HISPANIC ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Sumayah Abullarade, Director x213 LITURGICAL MINISTRY Bea Lamb, Director x202 MUSIC Chris Oelkers, Director x206 SENIOR MINISTRY Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director X 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE Christa Almaguer, Manager

In this Issue 3 Lent 2015: Lenten Disciplines, Our Lenten Journey (Ash Wednesday), Stations of the Cross & Via Crucis, Lenten Penance Services, Sung Office of Compline 4

From the Pastor: Who Does Father James Look to for Spiritual Insights During Lent?


St. Louis Catholic School News: Lenten Activities, Meet Mrs. Chaffee and Mr. Hoffer, Resurrection Egg Hunt, Living Stations, Registration, Annual Appeal, Golf Tournament, and Green & White Night.


Adult Education Opportunities: ACTS Women’s Retreat, Catholic Scripture Study, Women of Faith, Mother of Young Children, Fellowship of Catholic Men.


World Meeting of Families 2015


Parish Social Ministry: St. Vincent de Paul Society Report, and Prayer Blanket Ministry, The Garden Ministry, and 2015 White Mass


Sanctuary Candle Memorials & Parish Happenings: Senior Ministry Lenten Retreat, Kudos to ECDC, and 3rd Annual Men's Conference: Armor of God

12 From the Parish Office: Jane Williston, Charlotte Aanstoos, Fr. Mahoney, Is your information correct? New Leadership, 2014 Tax Statements, Kudos for Academic Honors, and Landmark Anniversaries 2014. 14

Parish Library: Features Catholic Family Life


Men's Fellowship: St. Louis King's Men

x265 SOCIAL MINISTRY 16 Bea Dela Rosa, Director x239 ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL 17 Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal 18 x205 YOUTH MINISTRY Paul Stadelman, Director 19 OFFICE HOURS: 20 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Around the Diocese: Caps of Love Ends, Diocesan Special Collections, Annual Czech Mass, Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center, Eagles Wings Center, Catholic Men’s Conference in San Antonio, and Gabriel Life Association. St. Louis Prayer Group: Celebrating 41 Years Our Sacraments – Our Faith Reflections on Generosity & Religious Vocations: Project Andrew, Project Miriam, Discernment Dinners, Single Men ACTS Registration Form

The Spirit of St. Louis


Lent 2015 Lenten Disciplines

Stations of the Cross & Via Crucis

Jesus taught that giving alms makes others’ needs our own. During Lent, instead of focusing on ourselves, we are to focus on others, especially the neediest around us. We don’t need to be wealthy to give. We can give of our time, our talents, or our material resources. Jesus teaches that when we give, we also receive. Many choose to sacrifice some of their own luxuries during Lent, setting aside that money for the poor.

Each week of Lent, Stations of the Cross and its Spanish equivalent, Via Crucis, are offered to the parish as follows:

Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer

Ashes to Easter Lenten Boxes: Last year your support of the Lenten “mite” boxes benefitted multiple ministries around the world. These ministries, chosen by the Diocese of Austin included missions and missionaries from some of the poorest nations. Your donations to the Lenten boxes do make a huge difference! Please look for Lenten boxes in the Church (or make your own) and return them during Holy Week. Your generosity to those who need it the most is gratefully appreciated! Fasting is an ancient religious discipline with a two-fold purpose. First, it gives us an awareness of the basic needs of life and demonstrates our mastery over our appetites. Secondly, this sacrifice leads to clarity of thought, which is a powerful tool for prayer. By fasting we signify our oneness with the Lord, acknowledge our need for conversion and give witness to our solidarity with those less fortunate. Fast and abstinence are an expression of our desire to be converted in our hearts, to be reconciled with God and each other.

VIA CRUCIS | Thursdays immediately after 6:00pm Spanish Mass February 19, 26, March 5, 19, 26 (Chapel). No Via Crucis Thursday, March 12 due to Parish Penance Service at 7:00pm. STATIONS | Fridays at 2:00pm or 7:00pm (Chapel) February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27. During evening Stations, the Adoration Chapel will be closed briefly while the Blessed Sacrament is processed to Stations for Exposition. The Adoration Chapel will re-open after Stations.

Lenten Penance Catholics who are 18 to 59 years old are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting refers to the quantity of food eaten. Traditionally, fasting calls for refraining Services from eating between meals and consuming only one full meal per day. Some food is permitted which will not equal another full meal. The U.S. Catholic bishops also call Please join us at these special reconciliation for all Catholics 14 years and older to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good services before Easter. Friday and the Fridays of Lent. Abstinence forbids the consumption of meat, but Thursday, March 12 not of eggs, milk products or condiments made of animal fat. 2:00pm and 7:00pm (Bilingual) We encourage you to take advantage We are also called to the spiritual self-discipline of prayer. Jesus taught us that prayer of the multiple priests available at our is more than words. We are to pray with attention and intention, locking out noise Penance Services. and trivial things that lay claim to our hearts. Setting aside a daily prayer time during Lent can lead us to a lifetime of communion with God. Scheduling dedicated prayer time in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel is a good way to make prayer a primary Sung Office of Compline Each Sunday 9:00pm focus in your life. Please contact coordinator Joshua Merrill at Joshua_merrill@dell. com or 512-879-7514. Join us each Sunday night at 9:00pm in the Chapel. Compline is the last office of the day in the Liturgy of the Hours Lent is a time of spiritual preparation, re-focusing our hearts and minds on the and has its origins in the monastic suffering and sacrifice of Jesus that enabled us to be co-heirs in his heavenly kingdom. traditions of religious men and women, The acts of penance and fasting during Lent unite us with Christ’s suffering. Join us who gathered in a candle lit church to as we begin our forty day journey toward Easter. pray the final Psalms of the day. Join us weekly in this peaceful service of February 18 Ash Wednesday Services prayer and spiritual contemplation. ALL SERVICES WILL HAVE DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES. During Lent, this would be a wonderful meditative activity to begin your week. 6:30am English Mass March 8th, Compline will include the 6:00pm English Mass 8:00am English School Mass Sacrament of Healing with anointing 8:00pm Spanish Mass 12:05pm English Liturgy of the Word and laying-on of hands.

Our Lenten Journey

WHO DOES Fr. James LOOK TO FOR spiritual INSIGHTS DURING LENT? A few weeks back I was visiting with a parishioner after Mass about spirituality and he asked me who I read for spiritual nourishment; who I look to for ideas and perspectives to supplement my prayer life. Certainly, as we all do, I look to Jesus himself. Every day at Mass and in the Breviary we read and hear the real stories of Jesus; how he lived and what he said. Secondly I look to what the sacred liturgy itself says to us. If all we ever did in life was pay attention to Holy Mass; if all we ever did was to listen to the words of the consecration; if all we ever did was to really celebrate the Eucharist with vigour every day, it would speak volumes to our souls. So, I look to the Mass to hear The Word in my every day. Thirdly, I look to these faithful people. I consider them my brothers and sister in the ministry of preaching the gospel at all times and, when necessary, using words (cf. St. Francis of Assisi). I’ve included some of their thoughts on Lent hoping that their wisdom, which always keeps me on track, will help you in finding sure footing for Lent 2015. FJM

Fr. Robert Barron

The Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross said that in the evening of life we shall be judged according to our love. In Matthew 25, the nature of love is specified. It is not primarily a feeling, an attitude, or a conviction but rather a concrete act on behalf of those in need—the hungry, the homeless, the lonely, the imprisoned, the forgotten. It is the bearing of another’s burden. Over the next forty-seven days of Lent, resolve to perform a particular and sustained act of love. Make several visits to your relative in the nursing home. Converse regularly with a lonely person on your block. Tutor and befriend a kid who might be in danger of losing his way. Repair a broken friendship. Bring together bickering factions at your place of work. Make a number of financial contributions to a worthy organization that needs help. Numerous spiritual masters have witnessed to something odd: belief in God is confirmed and strengthened not so much from intellectual effort as from moral action. When a man asked the English Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins what he must do in order to believe, Hopkins replied, “Give alms.” As you love through tangible acts, you will come to believe more deeply and to enter more fully into friendship with God.

Fr. Thomas Merton O.C.S.O.

There is confidence everywhere in Ash Wednesday, yet that does not mean unmixed and untroubled security. The confidence of the Christian is always a confidence in spite of darkness and risk, in the presence of peril, with every evidence of possible disaster. Lent is not just a time for squaring conscious accounts: but for realizing what we had perhaps not seen before. The light of Lent is given us to help us with this realization. Nevertheless, the liturgy of Ash Wednesday is not focussed on the sinfulness of the penitent but on the mercy of God. The question of sinfulness is raised precisely because this is a day of mercy.

Pope Benedict XVI

The prophet says: return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and relenting in punishment. It is possible to return to the Lord, it is a 'grace', because it is the work of God and the fruit of faith that we entrust to His mercy. But this return to God becomes a reality in our lives only when the grace of God penetrates and moves our innermost core, gifting us the power that rends the heart. This "return to me with all your heart," is a reminder that not only involves the individual but the entire community. We also hear from scripture in Lent: Blow the horn in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly! Gather the people, sanctify the congregation; Assemble the elderly; gather the children, even infants nursing at the breast; Let the bridegroom leave his room, and the bride her bridal tent. The community dimension is an essential element in faith and Christian life. Christ came "to gather the children of God who are scattered into one" (Jn 11:52). The "we" of the Church is the community in which Jesus brings us together (cf. Jn 12:32), faith is necessarily ecclesial. And it is important to remember and to live this during Lent: each person must be aware that the penitential journey cannot be faced alone, but together with many brothers and sisters in the Church.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Pope Francis

The Gospel is the real antidote to spiritual destitution: wherever we go, we are called as Christians to proclaim the liberating news that forgiveness for sins committed is possible, that God is greater than our sinfulness, that he freely loves us at all times and that we were made for communion and eternal life. The Lord asks us to be joyous heralds of this message of mercy and hope! It is thrilling to experience the joy of spreading this good news, sharing the treasure entrusted to us, consoling broken hearts and offering hope to our brothers and sisters experiencing darkness. It means following and imitating Jesus, who sought out the poor and sinners as a shepherd lovingly seeks his lost sheep. In union with Jesus, we can courageously open up new paths of evangelization and human promotion. Dear brothers and sisters, may this Lenten season find the whole Church ready to bear witness to all those who live in material, moral and spiritual destitution the Gospel message of the merciful love of God our Father, who is ready to embrace everyone in Christ. We can do this to the extent that we imitate Christ who became poor and enriched us by his poverty. Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt.

G.K. Chesterton

The Donkey - When fishes flew and forests walked, and figs grew upon thorn, some moment when the moon was blood, then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry, and ears like errant wings, the devil’s walking parody of all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, of ancient, crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; one far fierce hours and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, and palms before my feet.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Even Almighty God cannot fill what is already full. We must be empty if we want God to fill us with His fullness.

Fr. Ronald Rolheiser O.M.I.

One of the images of Lent is the biblical idea of the Desert. Jesus, we are told, in order to prepare for his public ministry, went into the desert for forty days and forty nights during which time he fasted and, as the Gospel of Mark tells us, was put to the test by Satan, was with the wild animals, and was looked after by the angels. Lent has always been understood as a time of us to imitate this, to metaphorically spend forty days in the desert like Jesus, unprotected by normal nourishment so as to have to face “Satan” and the “wild animals” and see whether the “angels” will indeed come and look after us when we reach that point where we can no longer look after ourselves. For us, “Satan” and “wild animals” refer particularly to the chaos inside of us that normally we either deny or simply refuse to face – our paranoia, our anger, our jealousies, our distance from others, our fantasies, our grandiosity, our addictions, our unresolved hurts, our sexual complexity, our incapacity to really pray, our faith doubts, and our moral secrets. The normal food that we eat, distracted ordinary life, works to shield us from the deeper chaos that lurks beneath the surface of our lives. Lent invites us to stop eating whatever protects us from having to face the desert that is inside of us. It invites us to feel our smallness, to feel our vulnerability, to feel our fears, and to open ourselves up the chaos of the desert so that we can finally give the angels a chance to feed us. That’s the Christian ideal of lent, to face one’s chaos.


LENTEN ACTIVITIES PLANNED AROUND OUR CAMPUS The Lenten Season at St. Louis Catholic School is an exciting time of learning for all, as we prepare for Easter. Many of the primary classes will do activities such as prayer journaling, making Lenten crosses with daily scripture, and collecting pennies every day for an almsgiving cross. “Hermie the Butterfly, good deed of the day” comes out each Lent. As each good deed is completed, Hermie gains color! Memorizing Scripture, keeping track of what we give up and doing extra for others, making Stations of the Cross booklets, drawing life-sized Stations of the Cross, making Sacrament of Forgiveness books while learning about and practicing forgiving, are some of the many elementary activities planned for the Lenten Season. Middle School students will begin each day with special Lenten prayers, Grammar drills with Lenten themes, learning about the historical and spiritual significance of celebrating Lent, learning the meaning of the symbols of Lent, Holy Week and the Triduum. , and using prayers based on the Liturgy of the Hours, “Praying Lent this Year” as a reflection and study guide in addition to special Lenten activities in all of the Middle School subjects. Faith Families activities and lessons include activities based on The Story of the Sand Dollar, learning and singing Lenten Hymns and chants, in both English and Latin. The hymns learned will reinforce the scripture passages that will be read during the school Masses during Lent. The PE classes have a Rosary Run. Last but not least, what Catholic doesn’t love BINGO? This Bingo game is played with terms and key people related to Lent. Discussing these terms and people daily will reinforce their lessons. We wish you all a prayerful Lent!

MEET MRS. JESSICA CHAFFEE, KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Chaffee is in her 4th year of teaching at St. Louis and loves her Kindergarten class! Why St. Louis? “I have such wonderful colleagues and student families, I couldn’t imagine teaching at a school where this isn’t the case. Being able to share my faith with my students is a real gift. I cannot imagine teaching at a school where we did not have the faith and support we have here at St. Louis.” What are your goals here at St. Louis? “I want to instill in my students a love for learning and school. For them to be able to carry it with them as they grow. I enjoy teaching them the ways of Christ and caring for one another. I want them to feel like they are part of this community the way I do and love it as much as I do!” Fun Fact: Mrs. Chafee has a goal of running a marathon in all 50 states. So far she has completed five. She has competed in Tennessee, Texas, Alaska, Georgia and California, even qualifying for the 2016 Boston Marathon in one of her recent races in Georgia. Go Mrs. Chaffee!

The Spirit of St. Louis


MEET MR. MICHAEL HOFFER, MUSIC Mr. Hoffer is in his 5th year of teaching at St. Louis and is also the After-School Music Director. This past summer, he completed his Master’s degree in Composition. Why St. Louis? “St. Louis is a great fit for me to be able to share all the things I love about music. Having grown up Catholic and being involved with singing at St. Austin’s Church, my move to St. Louis gave me the opportunity to incorporate the two. I take pride in being Catholic and indulge in any opportunity given to me to share my faith.” Why do you choose to stay? “First of all, the kids are great. I definitely count my blessings when speaking with colleagues at area public schools. Being here with the support of the administration, faculty/staff and our Pastor, who encourage music and composition, allows me to introduce new musical experiences to our students.” What are your goals here are St. Louis? “I want for students to have a great participation in the liturgy through proper singing technique and the ability to read music. Hearing the students connect the meaning of the text to the composition of the music is a true joy.” Fun Fact: Mr. Hoffer and his wife of nearly 3 years, share a love of penguins. He also enjoys drawing cartoons. With the exception of bassoon and oboe, Mr. Hoffer can also play nearly every musical instrument available.

RESURRECTION EGG HUNT As part of the School’s Holy Week activities our 8th graders will hide numbered, Scripture-filled eggs for their Kindergarten buddies to find. Once each Kindergarten student has a full carton of eggs their big buddy prayerfully helps open each egg in number order, then reads and discusses each enclosed explanation of the Easter Mystery and examines each symbol. After closing prayers, the 8th graders will make sure the Kindergarten egg cartons are complete so they can take the Resurrection Eggs home to share with their families. LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Students in Grades 2 – 7, faculty, staff, and family members will end Holy Thursday’s school day with a live presentation of the Stations of the Cross, re-enacted by the school’s 8th grade class. Led by our Middle School Religion Teacher, Mr. Willie Gomez, the students prepare extensively for this presentation with special prayers. REGISTRATION Registration for the 2015-2016 is in full swing! We would love to add more branches to our St. Louis Catholic School family tree. We offer a Christcentered education for students in Pre-K through 8th grade and our graduates continue to make us proud. Tours are available by appointment, so please contact Mrs. Dowling at 512-614-6622, ext. 245 for more information or a personal tour. Forms and additional information are available on the school website at slcsaustin.org. We look forward to hearing from you! THE HEART OF ST. LOUIS ANNUAL APPEAL Thank you to those who have shown their support for Catholic Education with a donation to our Annual Appeal. We are so blessed to have the Heart of this parish support our students and the school mission “to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide.” Your contribution ensures that the tradition of Catholic education at St. Louis Catholic School continues. For more information, please contact Ms. Tamara Luera, Director of Advancement, at 512-614-6622 x296.

JOIN US FOR OUR UPCOMING EVENT! GOLF TOURNAMENT Get your golf clubs out and make plans to join us on Monday, April 27 at the Twin Creeks Country Club! Please contact Ms. Tamara Luera at tamara.luera@slcsaustin.org for more information. GREEN AND WHITE NIGHT Annual Dinner and Auction Please join us Saturday, February 7th for our Annual Dinner and Auction. Tickets to join us at the DoubleTree Hotel are still available, please contact Barbara Friesenhahn at greenandwhitenight@gmail.com for more information.


A.C.T.S. Women’s Retreat


What is A.C.T.S? ACTS is a parish retreat which brings parishioners closer to one another, but more importantly, closer to God. You won’t regret it as it may be the best retreat you’ve ever taken. An ACTS retreat is designed to help people enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow Christians. This is accomplished through ADORATION and daily prayer, the call to COMMUNITY as a member of the Body of Christ, and THEOLOGY in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic faith. All of these emphasize and encourage the virtue of SERVICE to our Lord, our parish and one another. An ACTS retreat is a three-day and night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening at 5:00pm and ends Sunday at the 11:30am Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and women are given separately. The weekend allows people to experience God’s love and joy. They return with a deeper love for our Lord, Jesus Christ and it is a powerful community-building experience.

Women of Faith

Women of Faith is a women’s spiritual enrichment group that explores the feminine genius of being created in God’s image. This is a great way for women of all walks of life and ages to meet and share. Through prayer and various forms of media, we learn how we can live out our discipleship as Catholic women in the modern world. Women of Faith explores how God has designed our unique gifts for living our Catholic faith in our home, our workplace and our community, large and small. The morning group of Women of Faith meets on Wednesdays, at 8:00am in the PEC cafeteria. For children, age four and older, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will watch children for a small fee. At this time we are unable to provide childcare for children under four. For more information on Women of Faith A.M., contact Kim Barger at kimb@bargers.com The evening Women of Faith group meets on Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm. The first meeting for spring will be February 24 in the PEC Library. To register or for more information, please contact Vickie at vicsmailbox@sbcglobal.net

Mothers of Young Children

All mothers with children, preschool aged and younger, are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment through prayer, book study, scriptural reflection and play dates. They meet on the second and fourth Fridays at parks around town, and in PEC 202 on the first and third Fridays of the month from 9:30-11:30am for a book study. Children are welcome at all gatherings. Email Shanna Steinbach shannakathleene@gmail.com with any questions. Babysitters for MOYC are especially helpful on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. If interested please contact Catholic Scripture Study Marla Schmitz at sierramarla@yahoo.com or call 512-921Catholic Scripture Study of Austin continues on Wednesday 8689. mornings, 9:30-11:30am in the sanctuary of St. Louis Church. The weekly two hour Bible Study consists of prayer, small group discussions and guest lecturers and Fellowship of Catholic Men follows the Austin Independent School District calendar for holidays. The spring series, “Entertaining Angels”, will The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active begin February 4th and conclude April 22nd. Newcomers chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are are welcomed on the first Wednesday of every month for invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading orientation prior to their assignment with a discussion and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at group. Men and women are invited to participate. For 7:00pm, in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm information, call Rosemary Howard at (512) 345-3687 or Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins swatkins@caci.com or (512) 836-4777. register online at www.cssaustin.org

Registration and Information: The registration form included on the last page of this newsletter has more details and contact information. Tear out the form and return it to register or contact the Director/Co-Director if you have interested and have questions. Invite your wife, mom, sister, cousin or friend!! ALL women are welcome. It is not necessary to be Catholic.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive WMOF was conceived by Saint Pope John Paul II in 1992 to look at strengthening the sacred bonds of the family unit across the globe. The first WMOF took place in Rome in 1994, the International year of the family. Every three years since 1994, families from all over the world are invited by the Holy Father to attend this global gathering. At the conference, families share their thoughts, dialogue and prayers, working together to grow as individuals and family units. Families can participate in discussion groups on the Christian family’s role in the church and society, led by many distinguished speakers. The next World Meeting of Families will take place Sept. 22-27th, 2015 in Philadelphia. Pope Francis has scheduled a trip to the United States and will make an appearance at the event. In the Dec/Jan Spirit of St. Louis Newsletter, we began sharing the 10 Monthly Themes of this year’s global event. We will continue explore these between now and September. Our theme for February is reflected in the Catholic understanding of the sacrament of marriage that Two Become One. (excerpted from: http://bit.ly/1CgNO1g)

“We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and a woman to love each other in the manner of God’s covenant. Marriage is a Sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation. This love is in the image of Jesus’s faithfulness to the Church.” No matter what your family looks like, invite God into your family and give thanks for the blessings you have received. Ask the loving Creator of ALL families to help, support, guide and sustain you in whatever your circumstances are. For more information about the World Meeting of Families, please visit: www.worldmeeting2015.org and stay tuned for your invitation to the St. Louis Parish (WMOF) events that will be offered to ALL families. Coming SOON! Please pray the official prayer of the 2015 World Meeting of Families together. It has been translated in every language (including sign language) so that ALL families across the globe can unite as one voice:

God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!



Dear St. Louis Parishioners,

The St. Vincent de Paul Society conference at St. Louis Church has been serving the needy in our neighborhoods for well over 50 years. Our fiscal year ended on September 30, 2014, and we'd like to give you a report on last year's activities so that you may see how your generosity is benefiting the community around us. None of the work that we do as Vincentians would be possible without your generous support throughout the year.

14th Annual White Mass Celebrated The 14th Annual White Mass on February 11th on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of the Sick at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church. Auxilary bishop-elect, Father Danny Garcia, vicar general, of the Diocese of Austin, will celebrate the Mass. The celebration will include a blessing for health care workers and anointing for those in need of healing. A reception will follow the Mass on the St. Louis campus. To RSVP visit: whitemass2015.eventbrite.com To register for Anointing visit: www. austindiocese.org/whitemass2015

Last year: Our members made 400 home visits – that equates to 954 people helped. Our gross income was $86,736 – 56% of that came directly from church and poor box collections. And one-quarter of our income came as funding from Austin Energy's Plus One program (see below). We spent $81,187 in direct help to the poor, mostly to assist with rent, utility payments, and medications. We also purchased Cap Metro bus passes (at a discount) and HEB gift cards to distribute to those most in need of those items. Plus One (Austin Energy)

Since 2011, we have been a Plus One partner with Austin Energy. Through this program, Austin Energy provides us with an allocation that we can apply against Austin Energy accounts to help our clients with their utility bills. Our allocation last year was $21,000. In this program, we manage the allocations ourselves, with our only requirements being to attend quarterly meetings and that Austin Energy conduct an The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers annual on-site visit. All of our $21,000 allocation was spent to help needy families with to help with garden maintenance. their utility bills.

The Garden Ministry

Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Thursdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays for 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact AnnaWalsh for more information or to sign up for a time annaruthwalsh@gmail.com Come be part of our “growing” ministry!

Our Sister Groups at Other Parishes We are incredibly blessed to have received $8,000 in twinning funds last year from our sister conference at St. Vincent de Paul parish. We also received extra help through the year for specific cases from St. Vincent de Paul conferences at St. Theresa's, St. Albert's, Sacred Heart, St. Austin's, St. John Neumann, St. Thomas More, and our own parish social ministries. And most of all, many families in our parish boundaries were helped throughout the year by the dedicated Vincentians at St. Theresa's conference, who take 7 of our cases every week of the year - they do the home visits and provide the assistance. Christmas

We participated once again as beneficiaries of the Giving Trees during Advent. We collected HEB gift cards, which we were able to distribute to needy families all throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. Most of the parishioners who donated bought their HEB cards at the scrip table, so the parish school and St. Vincent de Paul Society both benefited! We also had two families sponsored last year at Christmastime This ministry meets on the third Monday by the nonprofit SEDL (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory), and one from 7:00-9:00pm in members’ homes family by our SVDP members as a group.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

to create blankets that are lovingly handVincentians sewn, blessed and then available for sale. These make great gifts for special The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides a blessed opportunity for parishioners to occasions or for loved ones suffering share their time and talent in service to the neediest all around us. Some of our with illness. For details on monthly members do home visits; some members work in our office. sewing sessions or to purchase a blanket, contact Evelyn Janecka at 512-453Come see what we do! 6466. We meet every Tuesday at 7pm in the Parish Social Ministries building. May God bless all of you during this coming year.


The Spirit of St. Louis



Senior Lenten Retreat

A Senior Lenten Retreat will be presented by Father James Misko. The retreat will be on Saturday, March 14 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. It will begin with 8:00 a.m. Mass in the church and then continue in Wozniak Hall. A donation of $6.00 is requested to help defray the cost of the after-Mass refreshments and lunch. Everyone is invited. For reservations and/or more information, please contact the Senior Ministry office by March 12.


Early Childhood Development Center In November 2014, the St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center was awarded accreditation by the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs. As an accredited center, St. Louis ECDC is once again recognized as a program that exemplifies excellence in the care of young children. Their program has been conducive to “individual growth and development, provides professional training opportunities for staff, and demonstrates that the center exceeds minimum state licensing requirements for child care programs.” The accreditation process included a self-study that involved administrators, staff and parents. A validation visit and a thorough review of all program materials was also part of the process. All parents, staff members and administrators at the St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center are to be congratulated for achieving this level of excellence!!

3rd Annual Men’s Conference: Armor of God This annual conference just for men will be held Saturday, February 21, 8:30am – 1:00pm at St. William Parish in Round Rock. Sponsored by the Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men and the Knights of Columbus, this event features national speakers, who from their personal experiences, can direct your time, thoughts and energy toward forming a personal relationship with God. Come and gather new insights that will help you find a new meaning for your life, gain a game plan for holiness, set your faith on fire and renew your commitments to God, church, family and others! Speakers include the following:

SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: January 11 - 17 Memory of Rube and Marie Johnson by Barbara Johnson (M/N) Honor Maria Saenz on her 100th Birthday by Lottman Family (C) January 18 – 24 Memory of Eleanor C. Patton by Clara Patton (M/N) Memory of Melvin J. Schexnayder by Deanna & Jim Schexnayder (C) February 1 – February 7 Memory of Ruben H. Johnson by Barbara Johnson (M/N) Memory of Ruperto Reyes by Pablo Reyes (C) February 8 – 14 Memory of Carmen Johnson by Barbara Johnson (M/N)

Jesse Romero: Contributing author to the book “Welcome Home”, Jesse is a Memory of Randy Hernandez by Patricia Hernandez (C) full-time bilingual Catholic Lay Evangelist, who is nationally acclaimed for his dynamic, upbeat Christ-centered preaching. February 15 – 21 Charlie Aeschliman: Charlie’s story of “beating the odds” and becoming a Memory of Stephen Lindsay by Barbara Navy Seal will inspire and challenge you, comparing the total commitment Johnson (M/N) required to become a Seal commando with Christ’s call to holiness. This year’s Conference also includes reflection time, great music, prayer, fellowship with other men, gifts and Catholic vendors, refreshments, light lunch and more. Tickets are $39 online, $20 for college students or younger, or $45 at the door. Purchase tickets online at www.CatholicArmorOfGod. com or contact Robert Tunmire for information/registration at RTunmire@ gmail.com or (254) 744-4199.

Memory of Rudy Saenz, Jr. by Lottman Family (C) February 22 – 28 Memory of Harvey & Eleanor Patton by Barbara Johnson (M/N) Memory of Dominga Reyes by Pablo Reyes (C)

From the Parish Office JANE L. WILLISTON



On January 6, 2015, a part of St. Louis history died. Jane L. Williston was the first secretary-bookkeeper for our parish. She and her husband Lincoln “Linc” had moved to central Texas in 1954 after he accepted the position of Executive Director of the Texas Medical Association. Jane was an active volunteer working at Seton Hospital with the Woman’s Auxiliary, the Women’s Auxiliary of the Texas Medical Association and the Settlement Club of Austin. She also provided secretarial and bookkeeping support to St. Louis, most of it in a volunteer capacity. Jane proved herself to be an indispensable right hand to our first Pastor, Msgr. Edward Matocha. She served as the only St. Louis parish secretary until she retired, when Msgr. Matocha was transferred in 1973. Her position was then filled by Carolyn Psencik along with her assistant Carmen Moreno, both appointed by Rev. Louis Wozniak, our second pastor. When Carolyn resigned, Msgr. Wozniak appointed the third parish secretary, Evelyn McNair, in 1979, who is still on staff, 35-plus years later. Ironically, it was Evelyn’s father, Dr. James M. Coleman, who was a member of the Texas Medical Association Board responsible for bringing Linc and Jane Williston to Austin in 1954! God indeed works in mysterious ways!

For the last few years, St. Louis Parish has been blessed by a volunteer Library Director, Charlotte Aanstoos. With a handful of faithful helpers, she coordinated the reorganization of the Parish Library after it had been shut down for several years. Her experience and education as a librarian were invaluable in bringing the Parish Library back to life. Unfortunately for us, she has been hired as a fulltime Records Researcher with the Texas Railroad Commission and will be stepping down from her leadership role in the Library. She hopes to continue volunteering when possible and asks others in the parish to join the core team of great volunteers who have inspired her to accomplish so much! 2014 in the Parish Library was a great success with story times for the ECDC children, dedicated resource materials for parish catechists, newsletter articles about all the new acquisitions, and volunteers who are learning the Openbiblio System, a data base which will streamline the search for resources in our Library and elsewhere. But more volunteers are needed to keep the Library open and accessible on Wednesdays and Sundays. Please call Charlotte for information at (512) 294-3380 and come check out our great Parish Library, located in the Parish Education Center!

IS YOUR INFORMATION CORRECT? Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 ext 201 or Belinda.bryant@st-louis.org

FATHER BERNARD MAHONEY 1926 - 2014 Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney of the Diocese of Austin died in Houston on December 1, 2014 at the age of 88. He was preceded in death by his brother Rev. Robert Mahoney in 2009. Ordained in the Diocese of Austin on May 30, 1953, Fr. Bernard was a transplant from Notre Dame where he had obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy in June 1949. He entered St. Mary’s Seminary in La Porte, Texas that fall and St. Louis was his adopted parish because his mother lived in our boundaries. He was the first vocation from St. Louis Parish to be ordained to priesthood and celebrated his first Mass here on Trinity Sunday, May 31, 1953. His 61-year career was spent at several parishes in the Diocese including St. Joseph in Waco, St. Mary in Brownwood, St. Mary in Temple, St. Anthony in Bryan and St. Mary in Lockhart. He also did further studies at Oxford University in England and received a doctorate from the University of Birmingham, England. We give thanks for this good and faithful priest who served the diocese for over six decades.

The Spirit of St. Louis




If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.beltran@st-louis.org

Congratulations to these St. Louis parishioners who earned Academic Honors for the first grading period at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School.

2014 TAX STATEMENTS We are grateful for all donations, large or small, and hope that your generosity will bring you much needed tax relief when filing your 2014 tax returns this year. Per IRS regulations, St. Louis Catholic Church automatically sends out 2014 tax statements to anyone who has given a single donation of at least $250. Donors who don’t quite meet this threshold may contact the church office at 512.454.0384 x 201 to request your statement. We are happy to mail your first statement at no charge, but we ask that you pick up replacement statements from the Church Office during regular business hours.

HONORS Caroline Aanstoos Andrea Chavez Shelby Ferraris Ian Kloc Tuan Mather Clay Orrison Michelangelo Rodriguez Maria Saenz-Rodriguez

Gabriella Tucker Savanah Acosta Eden Desta Christionna Hawkins Minh Mather Ericka Orozco Desiree Quintanilla

HIGH HONORS Christine Baticados Catherine Bruns Giakhanh Hoang Andrew Kalamarides Sophie Kalamarides Dominic Kress Matthew Lemp Vu Mather Elena Pojman Isabel Prado Kyle Wyborski

LANDMARK ANNIVERSARIES 2014 For the last 36 years St. Louis Parish has recognized special landmark wedding anniversaries. We were able to continue this tradition, honoring those couples who notified us of their landmark anniversary in 2014. Certificates signed by the Bishop were given to the couples on January 4th at the 9:30am Mass. Congratulations to all these couples for being living examples of the Sacrament of Marriage to our faith family! 10 YEARS Johnny and Linda Alaniz Paul and Melissa Fields Scott and Carol Krippel Jorge and Jackie Padilla 15 YEARS Roberto Rene and Rochelle Carlin Leonard and Barbara Friesenhahn Joseph and Maricella Gil John and Alejandra Hamlet 20 YEARS Scot and Lisa Doyal Luis and Cristina Quintanilla Deacon Alfredo and Liliana Villa

30 YEARS Joe and Denise Huerta Juan and Josefina Marroquin Charles and Yvonne McDaniel 40 YEARS Donald L. Gibbs & Josefina Rodriguez Gibbs 50 YEARS Thomas and Deloris Addison Beno and Jane Hellinger George and Jan Yanker Joseph and Joan Yura

55 YEARS Gene and Anita Kutach Gilbert and Vlasta Vitek 60 YEARS Jim and Mickey Bauer Harold and Anna Hans Jerome and Mary Tobolka 63 YEARS Kirby and Frances Krause Manuel J. and Angelina Raymond 65 YEARS Henry and Joan Bogdanski Bobby and Loraine Reese


Catholic Family Life February is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family. Between the events which marked Christmas and the beginning of Christ's public life the Church has seen fit to recall the example of the Holy Family for the emulation of the Christian family. (catholic culture.org) Inspired by last October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family and the upcoming World Meeting of the Families in September, the Parish Library will be featuring books and resources to support and inform parishioners on Catholic family life during the month of February. Dr. Greg Popcak, director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute, posted his response to the 2014 Synod survey on the Patheos Website: http://ow.ly/HR7cq He poses the following question: “Should Catholic families be different in some way from other families (other than in the ways we pray and the rules we follow) and, if so, what does that look like?” Part II of the series highlights his attempt to answer the question with: THE FIVE “MARKS” OF A CATHOLIC FAMILY 1. Catholic Families Worship Together 2. Catholic Families Pray Together 3. Catholic Families are Called to Intimacy 4. Catholic Families Put Family First 5. The Catholic Family is a Witness and Sign *Full article at: http://ow.ly/HoqAD The Parish Library has all of the following books referenced in the “Preparatory Documents” of October’s Synod: “the family, in which the various generations come together and help one another grow wiser and harmonize personal rights with the other requirements of social life, is the very foundation of society” (GS, 52). “In our own time,in a world often alien and even hostile to faith, believing families are of primary importance as centers of living,radiant faith.”(CCC,1655).

“Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted, but something which enhances our lives. It makes us aware of a magnificent calling, the vocation of love. It assures us that this love is trustworthy and worth embracing, for it is based on God’s faithfulness which is stronger than our every weakness” (LF, 53).

The Church Library has the following books by Dr. Popcak:

In this month that we celebrate the example of the Holy Family as well as St. Valentine, take some time to review our Church’s unique vision of the Family as well as some practical advice on how to accomplish this.


The Spirit of St. Louis


The King’s Men of St. Louis is a breakfast fellowship ABOUT DECISION group that emboldens men to become better husbands, POINT fathers and community leaders through the teachings of This video series helps men the Church and the wisdom of her saints. understand situations facing young Catholics today. In his The group meets Friday mornings from 6:00 to 7:30 gifted way, Matthew Kelly a.m. in Wozniak Hall. The weekly agenda is: offers relevant examples and dialogue to help men teach 5:45 AM | Doors Open the Catholic faith to their 6:00 AM | Breakfast children. Learn more at 6:15 AM | Opening prayer & presentation DynamicCatholic.com. 7:30 AM | Closing prayer & adjourn This year’s video program, DECISION POINT is from DynamicCatholic. com and hosted by Matthew Kelly. For Lent, the group will watch PRIEST, PROPHET, KING from Word on Fire and hosted by Fr. Robert Barron.


This short video series hosted by Fr. Robert Barron helps men get to know Jesus Christ, because "the better we understand Jesus, the better we To combat a culture that turns our children away from God, good Catholic men understand ourselves.". Learn must make the effort to form their consciences and personal relationship with Jesus more at priestprophetking.com Christ. For too long we have watched young people walk away from the Catholic faith. The tragedy is, most of them have never had the genius of Catholicism presented to them in a compelling way. So they have walked away, completely unaware of what they were turning their backs on.

Now in it’s 5th year, nearly 300 men have registered for the King’s Men program. Here are some answers to common questions about the new program:

King’s Men Topics for Spring 2015

I have never attended any meetings, can I join now? Absolutely. This program is designed so that men can join at anytime and get going quickly.

Jan. 30 - Holy Spirit (1) Feb. 6 - Holy Spirit (2) Feb. 13 - The Church (1) Feb. 20 - The Church (2) Feb. 27 - Lent #1: Adoration Mar. 6 - Lent #2: The High Priest Mar. 13 - No Meeting for Spring Break Mar. 20 - Lent #3: Challenging False Worship Mar. 27 - Lent #4: The Word Made Flesh Apr. 3 - Lent #5: Ordinary Kingdom Apr. 10 - Lent #6: King of Kings Apr. 17 - No Meeting for Good Friday Apr. 24 - Made for Mission (1) May 1 - Made for Mission (2)

I can’t make every meeting. Most participants have to miss some meetings. We all lead busy lives; this unique ministry sets time apart for men to study their faith, meet other parish families and grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Do I need to study anything in advance? No. While this program does compel a desire within men to deepen their knowledge about their faith, it doesn’t require advance study prep. The King’s Men helps the Catholic faith come alive for men in ways that would have been impossible given a more narrow focus. The weekly prayer breakfast offers the perfect opportunity for fellowship with Fr. James Misko and the men of St. Louis. TO REGISTER | text KINGSMEN to 84576. Join on Facebook at www. facebook.com/groups/st.louis.kingsmen. Shannon Swenson is also available at shannon@shannonswenson.com or (512) 789-3912

Around the Diocese and beyond The Gabriel Life Association NEW RESOURCE IN THE DIOCESE


This new diocesan association is the “unified Catholic response to those facing crisis pregnancies in Central Texas.” They work together to maximize services to families, avoid duplication and shepherd women to available resources to ensure comprehensive care, even beyond pregnancy. If an individual member organization identifies itself as being part of the Gabriel Life Association, you can be assured that the services offered by that organization are in line with Catholic teaching on chastity and respect for life. The Gabriel Association offers a central point of contact for anyone needing pregnancyrelated services currently available in the diocese. These include: Catholic Charities of Central Texas, The Gabriel Project, Our Lady of the Angels Maternity Shelter, The St. John Paul II Life Center, Annunciation Maternity Home and Project Rachel. The Association’s toll-free Helpline at (877) We Care 2 or (877) 932-2732 can be the first point of contact for a pregnant woman seeking help. The vision of the Gabriel Life Association is a culture in Central Texas that provides every woman the support she needs to embrace life. If you would like to work toward this vision or are in need of assistance, contact any of the member organizations or the Helpline above. Information is also available at www.austindiocese.org/gla

Czech Mass - vítáme vás na Corn Hill | The annual Czech Mass in honor of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, patron saints of the Czech Republic, will be held on, Friday, February 13, at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Corn Hill. All prayers, readings and hymns will be in the Czech language. After Mass, a dinner will be served in the Parish Activity Center. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate this special feast day of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. Come and pray with us in Czech and celebrate your Czech heritage.

Catholic Men’s Conference in San Antonio

Eagles Wings Retreat Center

Coming February 21st, the Catholic Men’s Conference in San Antonio is for men of all ages, offering powerful speakers such as Fr. Larry Richards, author of Be a Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be. Theconference is also featuring Fr. Nathan Cromly, Fr. Patrick Martin, a Mass with Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, and a Healing Service. You can register online at www.CMCSanAntonio.com or call the Pilgrim Center of Hope for information at 210-521-3377.

Caps of Love Campaign Ends

Thank you to everyone who collected plastic bottle caps since October. The Austin Deanery Council of Catholic Women is grateful for your support. Proceeds from the sale of the caps will provide wheelchairs for needy children. St. Louis parishioners overwhelmed us with their donations of plastic caps! The program ended January 17th and we are no longer accepting the caps, but remain grateful for your generosity!!

Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center FEBRUARY 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 9:00AM-2:30PM

The real sign of Lent is not the ashes but the cross. Begin this Lenten journey by coming to Cedarbrake and reflecting on the challenges Jesus lays before us. The day begins with Mass and the distribution of ashes. Brian Egan, Beverly Collin and Father Angelo Bertini will present this retreat. Cost is $35 and includes lunch. To register online go to www. austindiocese.org/cedarbrake For information on upcoming retreats, contact 254-780-2436 or email cedarbrake@austindiocese.org


This Lenten season is an invitation to grow stronger and deeper in faith as we embrace a God whose love is boundless. Learn how to experience Christ’s journey in our daily lives of ups and downs, our hopes and despairs, our light and darkness, and our dying to self and rising to new life. This day of reflection will provide time to encounter God through music, reflection, sharing, and in a living and vital “holy hush” as we take time to listen in stillness. Presenter: Judy Hoelscher, MA in Pastoral Theology, gifted retreat facilitator, musician and hospital/hospice chaplain for over 27 years. For information, visit their website: www.ewrc.org or call 512-715-0017.

The Spirit of St. Louis


ST. LOUIS PRAYER GROUP CELEBRATING 41 YEARS! Back in the late 1960’s a movement of Charismatic prayer groups began to spring up all across the United States. An Office of Charismatic Renewal within the Catholic Church was set up to oversee this new movement and to insure it was faithful to scripture and the traditions of the Church. In 1972, Sister Daniel and another nun from St. Louis began to pray for a prayer meeting to begin at St. Louis. Sometime later, Dorothy Mason, Joan Kaderli, Erika Heydinger and others became interested in the Charismatic Renewal and found favorable information from Dan Ziegler. They worked with Fr. Fred Chalupa to begin a Prayer Group. Some of them attended prayer meetings at St. Edward’s and St. Ignatius and found them very encouraging. In the spring of 1974, Fr. Fred, Sr. Daniel, Dorothy, Joan, Erika and others began to meet weekly, while a priest from St. Ignatius led a Life in the Spirit Seminar for all of them. After this seminar the group continued to meet weekly and advertising for Prayer Group meetings began in February 1975. Forty-one years later, this ministry of our parish is still meeting on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm, sharing their time in praise and worship! The longevity of this parish group should be no surprise, as its foundation is in the Holy Spirit. Just as in Christ’s day, people are being healed in answer to prayer, both physically and spiritually. God still speaks to the hearts of His servants to give them direction. People are still on fire with love for God and people still experience God’s Word coming to life, giving them guidance for their lives! Participants in our St. Louis Prayer Group have all shared various prayer experiences and have grown closer to the Lord, seeing Him at work in their lives. For many, the time with the Prayer Group has been a transformational event in their lives, better equipping them for discipleship. Many others have gone on to be involved in other parish ministries or other parishes, but retain the prayer disciplines they learned in the Prayer Group. Once or twice a year, the Prayer Group sponsors a Life in the Spirit Seminar, which is a seven-lesson seminar that provides participants the opportunity for a closer walk with God. Each lesson includes a time of praise and worship, a talk about life inspired by the Holy Spirit and small group discussions made up of Prayer Group members and attendees. More than 1,000 St. Louis parishioners have attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar over the past 41 years. St. Louis Prayer Group is also a member of Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Austin which is under the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. CCRA sponsors monthly Masses which include healing services at different churches around the diocese. All are welcome at these Masses. In addition, CCRA sponsors diocesan Charismatic conferences from time to time with speakers from around the nation. After weekly Thursday Prayer Group meetings, small groups may gather to pray for one another. Once a month, members stay for fellowship and shared refreshments. Want to be part of this thriving 41-year old ministry at St. Louis? Just attend and let the Holy Spirit do the rest! For more information, contact Kerry Joe and Colleen Brockman (512) 785-9808 or (512) 576-5920 kerryjoe@gmail.com.


Our Faith

“The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS NOVEMBER 6, 2014 – JANUARY 5, 2015 Thomas Sebastian Grahl Alexandra Juliet Renee Hagood Lia Elizabeth Keller Anthony Jakob Avilez-Sanchez Nicole Guadalupe Castro-Torres PROFESSIONS OF FAITH

Lucas William Foerster Rose Marguerite Mitchell Kacey Elissa Diaz Lily Agnes Brockman

Martin Garcia-Ramirez Adamari Melendez-Lopez Diego Joaquin Martinez Norori Karolina Maria Cehovin

NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Robin Lisa Butter Kenneth Ray Davis, Jr. Curtis Miles, III Phillis Ahlena Rand Jedediah Benjamin Keene


CONFIRMATION & FIRST EUCHARIST(*) DECEMBER 13, 2014 Isabel Kathleen McLeod Embry Ruben Mark Gutierrez Jedediah Benjamin Keene* Curtis Miles III*

Jamie Lynne Binaut Robin Lisa Butter* Tadeo Prodigio Calvo Kenneth Ray Davis, Jr.*

Gabriel Molina Phillis Ahlena Rand* Joseph Martin Rodriguez Robert Granville Wisian*

MARRIAGES AND CONVALIDATIONS NOVEMBER 6, 2014 – JANUARY 5, 2015 Chance Michael Baker and Sandra Rene Fuentez Adam Michael Binaut and Jamie Lynne Boeckman Jeremy Britton Whitbeck and Julienne Kay Gilmore Jesus Guevara, Jr. and Kristy Moreno John Alexander Mims and Megan Elizabeth Wert Andrew Steven Vasquez and Lindsay Sara Thurman Charles Lincoln Allen, Jr. and Jennifer Jane Watts Lawrence Cody Smith and Marcia Lynn Moore Bobby Clemons, Jr. and Michelle Elena Perez Gabriel Molina and Dominga Marie Juarez Kurt Ryan Cleveland and Courtney Leigh Motl Patrick Jose Kolencherry and Morgan Elizabeth Wetli David Burton Kettler and Jenita Joy Burgess Burke

Yazmin Corona


Richard Bernal


January 6, 2015 was the 63rd anniversary of the formation of St. Louis Parish and we give thanks to all our wonderful parishioners for their ongoing support throughout its history! So many good and faithful families have sacrificed time, talent and treasure over six decades. Because of those gifts, St. Louis Parish can point with pride to our numerous facilities, beautiful grounds, thriving school and outstanding ministries and programs, led by dedicated professional staff. Everyone’s gifts, large or small, have contributed to the mission of this parish, although we may never know fully the impact we’ve had on others. As we reflect on our numerous blessings, we wanted to share the story of one of those special donors who gave so generously through her estate. In 2012, St. Louis Church received the first of two payments from the Estate of Mary Rose (Micki) Boyvey who had died May 12th that year. While the parish has been the beneficiary of many wonderful estate gifts over the years, Mrs. Boyvey’s legacy was the largest individual donation to date, totaling over $725,980 and representing 20% of her estate. What made Mrs. Boyvey’s contribution so unique is that it was given by a humble widow who was actually a member of a neighboring parish. Her generosity after death was directed to the two institutions that were closest to her heart, the Catholic Church and higher education.

The Spirit of St. Louis



Project Andrew

This annual event will be held Saturday, February 14th, 10am - 2pm at St. Mary Cathedral, Austin. It is for Catholic men (ages 16-45) interested in learning more about discernment, the priesthood and seminary life. Join us for prayer, Mass, testimonials by priests and seminarians, and lunch with Bishop Vasquez. Contact Fr. Jonathan Raia at fr-jonathan-raia@ austindiocese.org or (512) 949-2430 for information or to register.

Project Miriam

This diocesan event is for single Catholic women (ages 16-45), seeking to learn from Mary’s joyful “yes” to God. Join them on Saturday, February 21st, 10am2pm at St. Mary Cathedral, Austin. The day includes testimonials and prayer with religious Sisters serving in the diocese, Mass and lunch with Bishop Elect Daniel E. Garcia, Vicar General. Free parking available in the Donahue Center Parking Garage (entrance located on San Jacinto Street).

Mary was a life-long Catholic who devoted most of her life to education and library/information science in the State of Texas. Completing a bachelor’s degree at age 20 from Texas Woman’s University, she later received a master’s degree from the University of Chicago in Library Science as well as a master’s and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Her estate left the U.T. High School Discernment School of Information a $1.2 million unrestricted gift, the largest single donation Dinners in the school’s 65-year history. (The School of Information is one of the nation’s Join other high school-aged men in a leading graduate programs in information science and a founding member of the great meal, prayer and discussion every iSchool Caucus, an international collective of schools dedicated to advancing first Wednesday of the month, from 7:00the field of information). 8:30pm at St. William Parish Rectory, Mary worked as a school librarian with several school districts before joining 1105 Deer Run, Round Rock. Come the Texas Education Agency as Program Director in 1966. Active in many library and learn more about discernment and science professional organizations, she was past President of the Texas Library the call to priestly life. RSVP to Fr. Alex Association and a Board Member of the American Library Association. She was at fralex@saintwilliams.org or call for an author of two books, and after retirement, she traveled widely with friends information (512) 600-8154. and continued to learn through the Lifetime Learning Institute of Austin. In spite of several personal tragedies, Mary worked hard, saved her money and invested carefully all during her professional life. Between 1966 and 1998, her friend Julie Sanford believes that St. Louis Church was a source of great strength and comfort to Mary through its liturgies and ministries. She liked to attend the early Mass, volunteered with our parish library and enjoyed our St. Louis Seniors. Mary never told the recipients of her estate about her planned gifts, preferring to live her life quietly, devoting her time to friends and family alike. What an amazing example of Christian stewardship…..a life well-lived, that continues in generosity beyond the grave, giving back to the parish that welcomed her in Christ’s name.

Single, Catholic Men

(18 or older) interested in discerning their vocation in life are invited to an informal dinner with others who are also considering the possibility of the seminary and priesthood. The gathering is held at the Borromeo House at 905-B Duncan Lane in Austin. For more details, contact the diocesan vocation director, Father Jonathan Raia at fr-jonathan-raia@ austindiocese.org or (512) 949-2430.

St. Louis Women’s A.C.T.S Retreat February 26 – March 1, 2015

“This is my beloved Son. Listen to him." ~ Mark 9:7 The women’s ACTS Retreat is a week-end retreat presented by lay Catholic women. The goal of the retreat is to provide an opportunity for women to focus on their faith, its application in their daily lives, to build purpose in their prayer life, and to cultivate friendship and fellowship among members of the community. The retreat will begin Thursday evening, February 26, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. with check-in at St. Louis Catholic Church at the Parish Education Center Bldg. (PEC). Transportation will be provided to and from Down Home Ranch in Elgin, Texas. The weekend will conclude with a “Welcome Home” Mass at 11:30 a.m. at St. Louis on March 1, 2015. Family and friends are invited to attend Mass at the church and to a reception & lunch after Mass at Wozniak Hall. The cost of the retreat is $160.00 which covers the accommodations and all meals for the week-end (3 nights and 7 meals). To reserve your place, $50.00 must be submitted with this registration form. The remaining $110.00 is due no later than Thursday, February 26, 2015, at check-in. The retreat is limited to 25 women; please register early. PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT let financial difficulties prevent you from attending. Financial assistance is available. Please contact one of the women below for assistance. Connie Brown, Director Kathy Escutia, Co-Director 512-529-8628 512-832-1123

Please fill out the bottom part of this form and return with registration fee to: St. Louis Catholic Church 7601 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78757 Please make checks payable to: St. Louis Church - Women’s ACTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Women’s A.C.T.S Retreat - REGISTRATION FORM Name (First/Last)

Name as you want it to appear on name tag



Home phone

Work phone

E-mail address

Date of Birth

Emergency Contact




Cell phone Religion/Church (Best) phone # / Alternate phone

Please list any special dietary needs, allergies, medical, mobility, or other special needs for the retreat week-end.

Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name








Office Use Only Date:_______________

Time:_____________ Name of Registrar: _______________________________________

Amount paid: ____________ [ cash____ / check#________ ]

Installments (Amt. & date): ____________ / _____________

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