The Spirit of
St. Louis @ June/July 2015
GK Chesterton once quipped, “Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.” I wonder if this isn’t truer today than ever before. These days it seems that we live in a society valuing zero religious belief much more than free religious belief. In an attempt to offend no one, modern America is quickly becoming more and more secular in character. Recently the PEW Research Center revealed a study indicating that out of 31% of Americans who were Catholic as children, 13% as adults have left the Church, leaving our overall practicing Catholic percentage in the U.S. at just 20.7%. It can’t be mere coincidence that the distortion of religious freedom goes hand in hand with the loss of practicing Catholics. With this reality in mind, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops invite us to participate in the fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom, a two week period that calls us to consider our Christian and American heritage of freedom. We are asked to pray, to study and to take a public stance in the preservation of the freedom of religion in this country. Throughout history Catholics have stood up to attack on their liberty through people like Sts. Peter and Paul in the first century of Christianity and Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More in Tudor England. Our own modern time exibits outstanding examples as well: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton who initiated the Catholic school system in our country, St. Katherine Drexel who served disenfranchised Native Americans as well as African Americans, and John Courtney Murray S.J. who himself played a major part during Vatican II in drafting Dignitatis Humanae, the Council’s ground-breaking Declaration on Religious Liberty. During these two weeks for religious liberty, we are called to pray for our religious freedom. Join us in celebrating our American Catholicity on Friday July 3rd for Vespers in honor of our freedom at 6:00 p.m. in the chapel. Our Pastor, Fr. James Misko, will offer a reflection on this most cherished of gifts bestowed upon our nation. Vespers will be followed by a Patriotic Concert in our main sanctuary with the 70-piece Austin Civic Wind Ensemble. This is a wonderful way to thank God for our faith and our country!
A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •
Kudos to Our Parish Youth!
Parish Directory 512.454.0384 x220 ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 BUSINESS OFFICE Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director x244 EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Mary Beth Skinnell, Director
Graduating Altar Servers
x216 HISPANIC ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Sumayah Abullarade, Director The class of 2015 has thirteen graduating altar servers. Averaging six to
nine years of dedicated service each, these altar servers together have given a total of 112 years of service at the altar! Five of these graduates will be receiving scholarships from the parish for exemplary service. x202 MUSIC Their names will be printed in the next newsletter. Please join us in Chris Oelkers, Director congratulating these outstanding young people in our parish! x213 LITURGICAL MINISTRY Bea Lamb, Director
x206 SENIOR MINISTRY Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director X 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE Christa Almaguer, Manager x265 SOCIAL MINISTRY Bea Dela Rosa, Director x239
ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal
x205 YOUTH MINISTRY Paul Stadelman, Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sarah Canzonetta Diana Maria Galvan Amber Gates Justin Fritz Dominic Kress Bailey Martinez Vu Mather Julia McElhenny Joshua Mireles Alan Navarro Desiree Quintanilla Michelangelo Rodriguez Spencer Supnet
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The Spirit of St. Louis
Publication Deadlines
San Juan Diego Catholic High School Honor Roll St. Louis students attending San Juan Diego Catholic High School have made the Honor Roll. Congratulations for this achievement! Carter Adams Jacqueline Gomez Jaime Avila Susana Carrion Nathan Sanchez
10th grade 10th 9th 9th 9th
A/B Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll A Honor Roll
St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School Honor Students Below are the students in our parish who have made outstanding grades in the third grading period at St. Dominic Savio. Congratulations to all these listed below! Christine Baticados Catherine Bruns Eden Desta Giakhanh Hoang Andrew Kalamarides Sophie Kalamarides Matthew Lemp
High Honors
Clay Orrison Alex Pojman Elena Pojman Isabel Prado Maria Saenz-Rodriguez Gabriella Tucker Kyle Wyborski
Honors Savanah Acosta Shelby Ferraris Christionna Hawkins Ian Kloc Ericka Orozco Desiree Quintanilla
The next monthly parish newsletter will be the issue for AUGUST 2015. Thank you for submitting items to no later than July 5. There is no newsletter published during July, so reference this June-July issue or check your weekly bulletins for upcoming events. Weekly bulletin deadlines are always 10 days in advance of an intended weekend. Submit items to bulletin@ no later than Wednesdays at Noon.
Reminder to all Parish Ministries
Campus buildings like Wozniak Hall, the School and the PEC are not available for meetings during the month of July. These facilities are closed for yearly maintenance and cleaning at that time. Thanks for your cooperation in observing these closures. Contact Brenda Beltran if you have questions at brenda. or (512) 4540384 x 211.
New leadership in your ministry?
If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/ organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.
What is Conscience? In Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship (no. 17), the Catholic Bishops of the United States Conscience remind us: “The Church equips its members to address political and social questions by helping them to develop a well-formed conscience. …Conscience is not something that allows us to justify doing whatever we want, nor is it a mere "feeling" about what we should or should not do. Rather, conscience is the voice of God resounding in the human heart, revealing the truth to us and calling us to do what is good while shunning what is evil.”
Conscience is a judgment of practical reason that helps us to recognize and seek what is good, and to reject what is evil (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1778, 1796).
Conscience does not simply “come to us”! Throughout our lives, we have to spend time forming our consciences so that we can make wellreasoned judgments about particular situations.
How Do I Form My Conscience? As the bishops note in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, we need to form our consciences in an ongoing manner. How do we do this? 1) When examining any issue or situation, we must begin by being open to the truth and what is right. 2) We must study Sacred Scripture and the teaching of the Church. 3) We must examine the facts and background information about various choices. 4) We must prayerfully reflect to discern the will of God (Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, no. 18). The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults adds:
The Second Vatican Council wrote: “Always summoning [one] to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience can when necessary speak to [one’s] heart more specifically: do this, shun that” (Gaudium et Spes 16).
5) The prudent advice and good example of others support and enlighten our conscience. 6) The authoritative teaching of the Church is an essential element. 7) The gifts of the Holy Spirit help us develop our conscience. 8) Regular examination of conscience is important as well (p. 314).
Copyright © 2012, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Excerpts from The Documents of Vatican II, Walter M. Abbott, SJ, General Editor, copyright © 1966 by America Press, Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. This text may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration for nonprofit educational use, provided such reprints are not sold and include this notice.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Reflections on Conscience Reflections on Conscience
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1 the Catholic Church From the conscience, Catechism of present at the heart of 1777 Moral the person, enjoins him at1 the appropriate at theItheart 1777 Moral moment to do conscience, good and topresent avoid evil. also of the person, enjoins him at the appropriate judges particular choices, approving those that moment to do good and to avoid evil. It also are good and denouncing those that are evil.2 It judges particular choices, approving those that bears witness to the authority of truth in are good and denouncing those that are evil.2 It reference to the to supreme Goodof totruth which bears witness the authority in the human person is drawn, and it welcomes reference to the supreme Good to which the the commandments. When he listens to his the human person is drawn, and it welcomes conscience, the prudent can hear God commandments. Whenman he listens to his speaking. conscience, the prudent man can hear God
1778 Conscience is a judgment of reason 1778 Conscience a judgment of reason whereby the humanisperson recognizes the moral whereby humanact person quality of athe concrete that recognizes he is goingthe to moral qualityisofina the concrete actof that he is goingor to has perform, process performing, perform, is in the process of performing, has already completed. In all he says and does,orman already to completed. In all he what says and does, man is obliged follow faithfully he knows to is obliged to follow faithfully what he be just and right. It is by the judgment knows of his to be just and right. is by the judgment of his the conscience that manItperceives and recognizes conscience that man perceives and recognizes the prescriptions of the divine law. prescriptions of the divine law.
Cf.1Rom 2:14-16.
Cf. Rom 2:14-16.
Cf. 2 Rom 1:32.
Cf. Rom 1:32.
Reflections Reflectionson on Conscience ConscienceFormation Formation From thethe Catechism From Catechismofofthe theCatholic CatholicChurch Church 1784 education theconscience conscienceisisaa 1784 TheThe education ofofthe lifelong task. From earliestyears, years,ititawakens awakens lifelong task. From thetheearliest child knowledgeand andpractice practiceof ofthe the thethe child to to thethe knowledge interior recognizedbybyconscience. conscience.Prudent Prudent interior lawlaw recognized education teaches virtue;it itprevents preventsor orcures cures education teaches virtue; fear, selfishness and pride, resentment arising fear, selfishness and pride, resentment arising from guilt, and feelings of complacency, born of from guilt, and feelings of complacency, born of human weakness and faults. human weakness and faults.
The education of the conscience guarantees
The education of the conscience freedom and engenders peace guarantees of heart. freedom and engenders peace of heart.
1785 In the formation of conscience the Word
3 1785 In is thethe formation conscience Word of God light forofour path, wethe must 3 we must of God is the light for our path, assimilate it in faith and prayer and put it into assimilate it inmust faith also and prayer andour putconscience it into practice. We examine practice. We must also examine our conscience before the Lord's Cross. We are assisted by the before the Lord's Cross. We are assisted by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, aided by the witness or gifts of the Holy Spirit, aided by the witness or adviceof ofothers othersand andguided guidedbyby authoritative advice thethe authoritative 4 teaching of the Church. 4 teaching of the Church. 3
3 Cf.
Ps119:105. 119:105. Cf. Ps
Cf. Dignitatis Humanae Cf. Dignitatis Humanae 14.14.
ReflectionQuestions Questions Reflection 1. 1. What Whatisisconscience? conscience?
2. guided meme to to 2. When Whenhas hasmy myconscience conscience guided “do “dogood goodand andavoid avoidevil”? evil”? 3. I can useuse to to 3. What Whatare aresome somekey keyresources resources I can form formmy myconscience? conscience? 4. Forming conscience is a “lifelong task.” 4. Forming conscience is a “lifelong task.” What do I do to regularly form my What do I do to regularly form my conscience? What more should I do?
conscience? What more should I do?
To download this and other helpful resources, visit!
ToCopyright download this and other helpful resources, visit! © 2012, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, © second © 2000, Libreria EditriceBishops, Vaticana-United StatesDC. Conference Catholic Bishops, Washington, Copyright 2012,edition, Unitedcopyright States Conference of Catholic Washington, Excerptsoffrom the Catechism of the Catholic D.C.second Used with permission. All rights reserved. This text may be reproduced inStates wholeConference or in part without alteration for nonprofit Church, edition, copyright © 2000, Libreria Editrice Vaticana-United of Catholic Bishops, Washington, educational provided such reprints are not This sold and notice. in whole or in part without alteration for nonprofit D.C. Used withuse, permission. All rights reserved. text include may be this reproduced educational use, provided such reprints are not sold and include this notice.
f l
Still FOR Registering 2015-2016! Openings are available in some grades for the 2015-2016 school year. If you would like additional information, please contact our Registrar, Mrs. Rosalie Dowling, at 512-614-6622, ext. 245 or Children entering Pre-K must be 4 years old by September 1. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1.
Good-Bye’s for the Year
We wish our 8th grade graduates all the best in their future endeavors. We pray that they will do well as they are ready to take their next step into the world of high school. We will miss them all very much! Reuben Cadena Marisa Alvarado Dante Gardini Seth Arizola Catherine Hosek Kimberly Ceballos Jalen Johnson Noah Chapa John McClung Cecilia Fields Marjorie Morales Johnnie McBryde Mikayla Morgan Minh Quan Nguyen Jacob Neidig Daniela Ruiz Gia Nguyen Kaden Stout Ariana Pouya Natalie Willis Dylan Rodriguez Nicole Willis Jovan Sigcho Diego Yanez Cristabel Soto
The Spirit of St. Louis
First Holy Eucharist Congratulations!
We would like to extend congratulations to our 2nd grade class on making their First Holy Eucharist on May 2, 2015. After months of hard work and preparation, the big day finally came! We would like to thank their teachers, Mrs. Terri Kunkel and Mrs. Barbara Fletcher, for all of their dedication to our students. Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Kunkel do a marvelous job of sharing their faith with the students and we appreciate it. It was a beautiful day and with all of their family members surrounding the children, the church was filled with love. Also big thank you to HSA and our current first grade parents for organizing a wonderful reception following the Mass. The following students received First Eucharist: Jonah Bendele Ashley Cartier Soledad Delgado America Franken Alejandro Fuentes Paloma Fuentes Brooke Fuller Mackenzie Gonzalez Yoseph Gonzalez Raymond Hinojosa Daniel Hosek Sydney Johnson Nathan Lam Lucia Lozada
Jude Martinez Claire Navarro Annette Okeke Johnathan Riley Anna’Aliza Rivera Callen Romell Nathan Sandoval Noah Schell Owen Schlickeisen Vanessa Schoenduby Michael Speirs Edward Tisdale Sophia Wolters Ana Paula Yanez
We had a great year at St. Louis Catholic School! Many events and efforts were made better because of the parish involvement and for that we are forever grateful. We look forward to next year and hope you will continue on the journey with us to “prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide”.
Thank You! Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support of St. Louis Catholic School throughout this school year. Our school community is blessed! Thank you for your generous donations of time, talent and treasure and we look forward to the 2015-16 school year. We hope you have a fantastic summer. See you in August!
NOVEMBER 10TH – 19TH, 2015
(Includes: Roundtrip Air Transportation From Houston, First Class Hotels, Double Occupancy, 2 Meals A Day – Breakfast & Dinner, Daily Sightseeing, Daily Mass, Airport Taxes, Entrance Fees, Tips To Drivers And Guides, And Fuel Surcharges – Which Is Subject To Change.)
Spiritual Director: Fr. James Misko Co-Spiritual Director: Fr. David Jaeger, OFM St. Louis King of France Catholic Church - Austin, TX
Church of all Nations
Catholic Authors
The Spirit of St. Louis
from Catholic Radio
Catholic radio in Austin is heard on station KIXL 970 AM. This is a talk radio station that also broadcasts daily Mass and the Rosary. Many of the talk shows are hosted by award winning authors. Our St. Louis library has books by these authors. The official mission statement of the network is “to assist the Church in the New Evangelization by providing relevant programming through media platforms to help people bridge the gap between faith and everyday life.” Relevant Radio has been carrying out this mission through informative, entertaining, and interactive programming twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Below is a sampling of books written by Relevant Radio personalities. You’ve heard their programs, and we invite you to read their books. Why Am I Here? by Matthew Kelly – Max was a curious boy, curious about life. One day Max stumbles upon the ultimate question, “Why am I here?” His grandfather suggests that Max is here to become the-best-version-ofhimself! Then Max begins to notice when he is and when he is not celebrating the-best-versionof-himself. This book is a remarkable lesson for children of all ages about living with passion and purpose. Stories from Mary’s Touch by Cheri Lomonte – This is a collection of stories from the radio program Mary's Touch, which is broadcast from Austin. In the radio shows Cheri Lomonte and Sally Robb visit with storytellers, who relate personal experiences of remarkable, grace-filled events that changed people's lives. From the Angel's Blackboard: The Best of Fulton J. Sheen – This is a collection of excerpts from Bishop Sheen’s many books as well as his television program, “Life is Worth Living.” For those who remember this influential religious figure, and for a whole new generation of spiritual seekers this book delivers a wealth of spiritual riches.
Catholicism: Journey around the Word and Deep into the Faith (on DVD, 5 disc set) by Fr. Robert Barron – Father Robert Barron examines Catholicism in an effort to capture the body, heart and mind of the faith. Starting from the essential foundation of Jesus Christ’s incarnation, life, and teaching, and moving through the defining elements of Catholicism (sacraments, worship, prayer, Mary, the apostles, the saints, grace, salvation, heaven, and hell) using his distinct and dynamic grasp of literature, architecture, scripture, theology, philosophy, and history to present the Church to the world.
The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly – If you walk into any Catholic church next Sunday and look around, you will discover that some people are highly engaged, others are massively disengaged, and the majority are somewhere in between. Why? Answering this question is essential to the future of the Catholic Church. If we truly want to engage Catholics and reinvigorate parish life, we must first discover what drives engagement among Catholics. Matthew Kelly explores this question and the simplicity of what he discovers will amaze you.
Continued on page 10...
Catholic Authors from Catholic Radio CONTINUED... The Healing Touch of Mary by Cheri Lomonte – This book explores the fascinating connection between the human and spiritual world. This collection of true stories focuses on the divine intervention of Mary, the Blessed Mother, in the lives of people from all walks of life. These personal accountings of answered prayers, celestial visions, and reclaimed lives are powerful testimonials to the Queen of Peace and invite readers everywhere to think about the profundity of miracles. Be a Man! by Fr. Larry Richards – Men are rediscovering the importance of the spiritual life. In this book Father Richards recounts his struggles to learn true manhood, as well as the inspiring stories of others he has served in his decades as a priest. He stresses that a relationship with Christ reveals the meaning of a man's life and his identity as a man. Father Richards inspires men to become the true heroes they long to be, men of authentic courage, compassion and integrity. Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly – In this unique and timely book, Matthew Kelly proposes that Catholicism is not a lifeless set of rules and regulations, but a way of life designed by God to help each person reach his or her full potential. With remarkable insight, Kelly dispels dozens of myths that surround the rejection of Catholicism today and provides a profound and practical vision of what will lead the Catholic Church to thrive again in the future.
NEWS FROM THE DEANERY COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Parishioners Karen Dunlap and Melinda Ferrell were recently installed as president and present-elect, respectively, of the Austin Deanery Council of Catholic Women. St. Louis Women’s Club is affiliated with the Photo ID: Carolyn Hunt, St. Albert the Great,Treasurer Left to Right: Eleanor Landsddorf, St. Albert the Great, Council which hosts Secretary quarterly meetings in Melinda Ferrell, St. Louis, President-elect parishes in and around Karen Dunlap, St. Louis, President Austin. The next meeting is July 18 at St. Mary Our Lady of the Lake in Lago Vista. Contact President Karen Dunlap at 512-836-0530 or kdunlap78@ for more information. The Deanery Council of Catholic Women is part of the Diocesan Council which supports the Clerical Endowment Fund (CEF). CEF cards purchased through the church office offer a spiritual bouquet of prayers for both the donor and recipient. At its April Convention, the Diocesan Council presented Bishop Joe Vasquez a CEF check in excess of $161,000 to use for the education of seminarians. Watch for the St. Louis CEF enrollment weekend July 18-19! DCCW women from St. Louis Women’s Club will be available with enrollment cards for your loved ones. Use this opportunity to enroll living or deceased members of your family and friends. These make meaningful gifts of prayer for those celebrating sacraments, graduations, birthdays and anniversaries.
AN EVENING WITH FR. MISKO Thursday, June 18th 7:00 PM | Wozniak Hall Please join Fr. James Misko in a “Town Hall” meeting about St. Louis Church. After almost one year as our pastor, he would like to share his reflections about his first year here and his vision for the future. This presentation is open to all parishioners and Fr. James is hoping to establish a dialogue and answer your questions about what’s ahead for this parish in its 63rd year and beyond. No need to RSVP, just come and be present as we move forward together, building the Kingdom of God at 7601 Burnet Road!
The Spirit of St. Louis
Friday, June 26th at 7:30 pm, Main Church Join us for a return visit from our former assistant organist Alvez Barkoskie, who is currently completing doctoral work in church music at the University of Oklahoma. Alvez will play music both old and new, by JS Bach, Franz Liszt, and others. Don’t miss this opportunity to show support for your Music Ministry, and hear some great music in the air conditioned comfort of our Sanctuary on a midsummer evening! Admission is free and all are welcome.
Music Ministry Announces Choir Tour to Europe! After our enormously successful tour to Austria and Czech Republic in 2013, your Parish Choir will be returning to Europe in 2017, on a tour to Italy! Stops will include Venice, Florence, Assisi, and the Eternal City, Rome! Your choir will perform in St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice, St. Ignatius Church in Rome, and of course in St. Peter’s Basilica! The exact timeframe and costs have not yet been finalized, but specifics will be announced in the August edition of the newsletter. This trip is not only for choir members-----anyone who wishes to come along may do so, and the more tour participants, the more favorable the rates will be. If you have questions, please contact Chris at 512.454.0384, ext. 202.
The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor.Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: May 17-23 In Memory of Mercedes C. Ramos by Roland C. Ramos & Patricia R. Cantu (M/N) In Memory of Judith M. Schwartz by Wostarek Family (C) May 31 – June 6 In Memory of George Lange by Louise Lange (C) June 7 – 13 In Memory of Aloysius Roling by Janice Roling (C) In Memory of Bill & Emma Beck by Gene & Evelyn Syrinek (M/N) June 14-20 In Memory of Ruperto & Dominga Reyes by Pable Reyes (M/N & C) June 28 – July 4 In Memory of Rudy Saenz, Jr. by Lottman Family (M/N) July 5-11 In Memory of Teodocio Tereza by Tereza Family (C & M/N) July 12 – 18 In Memory of Charles & Katherine Syrinek by Gene & Evelyn Syrinek(M/N)
LOVE IS OUR MISSION The Family Fully Alive
Pope Francis observed that the Church is popular with the world when Catholics work for social justice. But, the Pope continued, with respect to “the cultural crisis” facing the family, “we find it difficult to make people see that when we raise other questions less palatable to public opinion, we are doing so out of fidelity to precisely the same convictions about human dignity and the common good.” Many people, especially today, face painful situations resulting from poverty, disability, illness and addictions, unemployment, and loneliness. Christian families and networks of families should be sources of mercy, safety, friendship and support for those struggling with these issues.
The nature and role of the church includes institutional forms because she must work in the world as mother, teacher, and family. The church is the Bride of Christ, a “she”, not an “it”. In the words of Saint John XXIII, "She is our mother and teacher, our comforter and guide, our family of faith." Even when her people and leaders sin, we still need the Church’s wisdom, Sacraments, support and proclamation of the truth, because she is the body of Jesus himself in the world; the universal family as God’s people. It is in this spirit that we continue in our 4 part event of celebrating different aspects of family with our St. Louis Parish Family Events. These events welcome ALL families in all circumstances: single, divorced, married, widowed, with kids or without. Dinner and childcare are provided. All events are at Wozniak Hall. SATURDAY, JUNE 6 ª CELEBRATING FATHERHOOD! ª 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ª CELEBRATING FAMILY! ª 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM During these summer months, please consider praying the Rosary for the Family using these special intentions with the Joyful Mysteries. Prayed as a family: Decade 1: For our marriage (Single parents: For my personal holiness) Decade 2: For our children Decade 3: For our extended family Decade 4: For those who have died in our family Decade 5: For our family to grow in our mission of love and for the grace to become fully alive as a family Prayed by a single person: Decade 1: For my parents
Decade 2: For my brothers and sisters Decade 3: For my extended family Decade 4: For those who have died in my family Decade 5: For my own vocation to holiness Prayed in the parish or prayer group setting Decade 1: For married couples Decade 2: For parents and grandparents Decade 3: For children Decade 4: For those who are not married Decade 5: That societies would protect and foster family life and recognize the unique dignity of the family as the fundamental cell of human society
More ideas and information about the World Meeting of Families can be found at www.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Are you considering becoming a Catholic? Are you unbaptized or are you a baptized Catholic needing to receive first communion or be confirmed? Have you ever asked your spouse, colleague or friend about exploring the Catholic faith? Are you Catholic but think a refresher course in the teachings and traditions would be interesting? IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE THEN PLEASE JOIN US! INQUIRY & ORIENTATION EVENINGS Information meetings about our Adult Initiation process will be held:
Tuesday, August 18 – or – Wednesday, August 19 (choose one to attend)
7:00-9:00 PM in the Parish Education Center, Room 201 THIS IS FOR ADULTS WHO ARE: D Baptized Catholics needing First Communion and/or Confirmation. D Baptized Christians of other denominations. D Unbaptized adults. D Fully initiated Catholics. These evenings will provide information about our Wednesday night and Sunday morning sessions for adults in all stages of their faith journey and from all backgrounds. Questions? Contact Amy Allert at or 512-454-0384 ext. 220.
EIM Workshops in June
SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS CONTINUED July 19-25 To Honor 100th Birthday of Magdalena Valenzuela by Brenda Lo (M/N and C) July 26 – August 1 In Memory of Edward P. Alvarez by Nohemi & Juan Alvarez (M/N) In Memory of Jandi Sutedja by Sutedja Family (C)
Have Pond – Will Tour!
Each year the Austin Pond Society sponsors a popular Austin area tour of exceptional ponds featuring Koi, landscaping and water features. This year the Rectory pond, designed by Fr. Larry Covington, will be a featured pond on the tour. The pond is considered a quiet private meditative area for rectory residents and visitors. The pond can be viewed as part of the tour, one day only, on Saturday, June 6, 9:00am-5:00pm. Tour admissions for the two day tour, June 6-7 are $20 prior to the tour and $25 the days of the tour, (children under 12 free). Parish families can view the pond during the tour hours at no charge by identifying themselves as St. Louis members. Proceeds from the tour go to the Austin Police Program, Blue Santa. For details, contact Rollie Sidla at or 763-607-6754.
The next Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Workshops will be held as follows: Saturday, June 13 English BASIC, 9:00am – 12:00pm in Wozniak Hall. Wednesday, June 17 English REFRESHER, 7:00pm in Wozniak Hall. All clergy, paid staff and volunteers working in service are required to attend a workshop every three years. The “Basic” workshop is for persons who have not attended a previous 3-hour EIM workshop and have recorded their data in an eApps application for the diocese. The “Refresher” course is only for those who have attended a “Basic” workshop previously. To verify that you qualify to attend, go to NOTE: the Application for Ministry is submitted only one time. After verifying you are eligible to attend, please RSVP by contacting the Church office 512-454-0384 x 211. Please do not bring children to an EIM workshop due to the nature of the subject. If you have any concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at 512-949-2447 to arrange an alternative option for training. Such inquiries shall remain confidential.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Truck Coming to St. Louis!
Use the summer to clean out your closets! Please donate your gently used clothing, household items, sports equipment, small furniture, books, magazines, children’s items, etc. to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The SVdP truck will be in the St. Louis Church parking lot on Saturday, July 18th from 10am-2pm, rain or shine. Items that you no longer need can give hope to a needy family. Please help us to help others!
St. Louis Pro Life is under construction. Stay tuned to more information soon.
Whom The Bell s Toll/ P or To c a n L a s C a mpa na s
Q uien
Please remember to keep in prayer the souls of those inmates who have been executed and those who may be executed. Also, prayer is requested for the victims of crime, the executioner, and all of their families. Schedule is subject to change due to stays and appeals. Por favor recuerde tener en sus oraciones las almas de los reos, los cuales han sido ejecutados. Tambien orenmos por las victims del crimen, sus verdugos, y por las familias. El horario y las fechas pueden cambiar debido a las apelaciones. JUNE 2015 3 5 18 18 23
Lester Bower Hubert Michael - Stay Likely Robin Myers - Stayed Gregory Russeau Charles Wright - Stayed
JULY 2015 15 15
Alva Cambell Jr. - Stayed Warren K. Henness - Stayed
St. Louis Seniors took a tour of the San Antonio Missions on April 30th, with almost 50 participants including Fr. James Misko, who said Mass for the group at San Jose Mission. A great time was had by all! Watch future bulletins and newsletters for upcoming activities sponsored by our St. Louis Senior Ministry.
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Louis Women’s Club
A Huge Thank You to our Catechists! Another year is over! It was a great year in our Religious Education Program at St. Louis Childhood Ministry. More than 150 children received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. We pray for them, so this will be not the end but the beginning of a journey, a life of closeness to Jesus. Of those, 97 also received the sacrament of Confirmation, preparing them to be soldiers for Christ. In total we had 450 children enrolled in our program. It is amazing how these little souls are eager to know God better, and to start a relationship with Him that lasts for life. But of course, none of this would have been possible without our catechists. St. Louis Parish is blessed to have a special treasure in its midst - its catechists. Thank you for being here every week - for giving of yourself and your time to others, for taking part in the task of evangelizing our little ones. Through catechesis you taught the children to love and follow Jesus, and you did it with the conviction that you were answering God´s call, and you did it not only with words but also with gestures, a tender gaze and silence. Our gratitude and appreciation to each and all of you cannot be measured. We admire your kindness and availability not only in the beautiful task of catechesis but in everything that we asked of you. At Childhood Ministry we are thankful for your closeness, support and ideas in everything we did for the good of the children of St Louis. Thank you for trusting fully what God has entrusted you with, so in "His Name" you planted the gospel seed in good soil. Do not be discouraged if you do not see the fruits right away, the important thing is to plant the seed and let it grow. ONCE AGAIN… THANKS! If you are considering answering this “Special” call from God and becoming a catechist, call or email: Betty Franceschi Director of Childhood Ministry 512-454-0384 Ext. 221 |
Parish women should watch their mailbox for a summer mailing from the St. Louis Women’s Club! This is an opportunity to join this active group in service to the parish. There are Women’s Club committees that provide weekly support through the Altar Guild Committee or sewing support through the Baptismal Memento or Chrismon Committees. There are committees for Hospitality and Communications for the club’s meetings. There is a Book Club and DCCW element to our Women’s Club that connects members to the world around us. Launched in September 1977, St. Louis Women’s Club is starting its 38th year of activity in our parish! Come be part of this ministry and find fellowship and friendship in faith!
St. Louis Bereavement Ministry
This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-4529748 or Frances Krause 512-453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information.
Parish Happenings Perpetual Adoration
Anyone is welcome at any time during the day or night to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. There is an immediate need to fill Adoration vacancies in the hours between: 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. and 12 Noon 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. If you can commit to an hour during one of these time blocks, please contact Mr. Earle English at or (512) 672-9253.
At the recent Diocesan Council of Catholic Women annual convention, held in Killeen, Msgr. Louis J. Wozniak (our 2nd pastor) and Rev. James Misko (current pastor) enjoyed some quality time together at the DCCW banquet.
The Healing Sacrament
The Sacrament of Healing which includes the laying on of hands and anointing is offered every second Sunday of each month during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Please join us Sunday, June 14 and July 12. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and this meditative service, held each Sunday, includes beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. This is a wonderful prayerful way to end your weekend and prepare for the new week ahead.
August 29, 2015 Watch publications and parish website for more information in the future!
Naomi Circle Baby Shower
Naomi Circle held a baby shower at Wozniak Hall at their monthly gathering on April 21st. Each member brought a baby gift that was donated to the Gabriel Project here at St. Louis Parish. The ladies enjoyed the variety of finger foods that were brought and playing games usually done at baby showers. Naomi Circle welcomes all St. Louis Parish widows to their gatherings held on the third Tuesday of each month. For additional information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292.
The Spirit of St. Louis
“The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS APRIL 6 – MAY 5, 2015 Alexander Juarez-Martinez Auden Crilly Kyburz Noel Martinez-Martinez Dayani Bernabe Nava Jovani Vazquez-Nario Marissa Elizabeth Garcia-Martinez Jane Cecilia Walsh Milagros Sandoval-Zuniga MARRIAGES & CONVALIDATIONS APRIL 6 – MAY 5, 2015 Richard Michael Hernandez & Jessica Jane Campos Frank Michael Composto & Lisa Christine Miller Matthew Storms Emerich & Alana Elizabeth Abernathy
Matthew Dane Chambless & Tamara Leigh Moore
Kevin Michael Wilson & Stacy Leigh Brown
Brendan Patrick Colgan & Ashley Dyan Zauft
FIRST EUCHARIST Jaylynn Amanda Alayon Kevin Barbosa Citlali Bernal Melanie Jarely Bernal Kaiden Michael Blackstock Kianny Brito Alyssa Leanne Castillo Yaritza Cisneros Karla Stephanie DeLara Cynthia DeLara Estrella Diaz Jose de Jesus Dominguez Mari Cruz Lizet Escalera Jenna Sfeir Evans Juan Antonio Gallegos Andrea Garcia America Isabel Gonzalez Gianna Maria Gretencord
MAY 3, 2015 Alexis Grace Hawkins Jimmie Orlin Hester III Robert G. Leal, Jr. Joshua Joseph LeBlanc Anna Patricia Makowski Anabel Emilia Mares Evelyn Grace Martinez Mayra Melchor Everett Nunzio Merrell Fiorella Mora Ricardo Mora Alejandra Morales Brian Yair Nieto Alexis Noguez Dulce Maria Olivo Brittany Julissa Ontiveros Luis Angel Orozco Gaby Ponce Maruri RECENTLY DECEASED George Albert Tierney Consuelo “Betty” Flores Adeline Grace Merrill Jim Currigan
Ashley Ramirez Sebastian Ramirez Adela Rivera Jose Humberto Rocha Marciella Marie Rodriguez Katherine Monique Rodriguez Yoana Carolina Salazar Anagabriela Segura Jonathan David Solis Javier Suarez Mayreli Tejeda David Torales Katherine Giselle Trinidad Karen Daniela Turcios Sergio Velasco Amber Annette Victoriano Angel Gabriel Villatoro Stefan Emmanuel Wilkens
Around the Diocese and State Diocesan Collection for Peter’s Pence JUNE 27-28
This annual collection enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests for the neediest throughout the world…those who suffer as a result of war, oppression and natural disasters. Help our Holy Father Francis sustain those who suffer the most. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please bring your special envelopes for this purpose to Mass on June 27-28 and place them in the regular collection.
Servus Dei – Three Day Social Justice Adventure
Fullness of Truth Returns to Texas
The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology will host its 2015 Fullness of Truth Conference in Corpus Christi from Friday evening June 27 and all day Saturday June 28th. All sessions will take place in the American Bank Center, a state-of-the-art convention center. Hosted by St. Paul Center President, Dr. Scott Hahn, this year’s conference will focus on “The Family Fully Alive: The Word of God and the Household of Faith.” Other speakers from the St. Paul Center include Dr. Michael Barber, Dr. John Bergsma and Dr. Brant Pitre. Special registration packages have been created for families, groups, and young people with free registration available for priests and religious. There are opportunities for childcare upon request. Special hotel rates have been secured at the newly renovated Omni Downtown Marina, just a short walk from the convention center. For details or to register, visit
Young adolescents between 6th-8th grades are invited to participate in Servus Dei June 18-20 at St. Austin Parish in Austin. Servus Dei provides prayer experiences, learning activities based on the life of Jesus and Catholic social teaching and introduces young adolescents to service as an integral part of Christian discipleship. The 14th Annual Catholic Women’s service involvement takes place at local agencies and Conference centers that assist people in need. For information or to register, contact or your parish All women are invited to the Annual Catholic Women’s Conference in San Antonio August 28-29. Mass with youth minister. Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller will be Saturday morning at 8:30am at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Cross Training for High School Center, 200 E. Market St. Special speakers such as Noelle Garcia, Dr. Margarett Schlientz, Carol Weiler, Freshman Sally Robb and Sheri Wohlfert will offer presentations This program is designed specifically for incoming high on spirituality and faith. Adoration and confessions are school freshman throughout the Diocese of Austin. It available throughout the conference. Special exhibitors will be held July 9-12 at Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center and concessions are present as well. This annual near Burnet. Cross Training prepares Catholic teens for conference is organized by The Pilgrim Center of Hope. the rigors of high school by arming them with the tools Register online at or (210) 521of their faith. Cost is $185 per person. For information 3377. Rates through August 23rd are $60 (Individual), or to register, visit or your parish $25 (Student/Active Duty Military) and Religious Sisters youth minister. are complimentary. Group registrations are an option through Friday, August 14th.
Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise
The Rabboni Institute will host a healing retreat for those who are suffering from the loss of a pregnancy through miscarriage or stillbirth or from the loss of an infant. The retreat is June 13 from 9:00am to 4:30pm at St. Martin de Porres Parish in Dripping Springs. The retreat titled, “Pierced by Sorrow, Released into Joy,” will focus on healing the mind, heart and body after these devastating losses. For more information, see “Events” at or call (512) 736-7334. Scholarships are available and you are invited to email: for details.
Marian Pilgrimage Planned
A 10-day Pilgrimage from Austin to Fatima (Portugal), Avila and Zaragoza (Spain) and Lourdes (France) is being planned for September 30 – October 9. Father Hector Vega, ISP of Saint Paul Catholic Church in South Austin will be the Spiritual Director, offering daily Mass along the way. Cost is $2899 (per person – double occupancy). Contact Gina Rollman at . The trip is sponsored by Best Catholic Pilgrimages at 1-800908-2378.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Women Who Followed Jesus
This program, sponsored by Women of Faith Unbound, is hosting a series that explores the history and roles of the faith-filled female disciples in the development and expansion of Christianity. Held at St. Austin’s Parish, all are welcome to attend this series – men, women, students, non-Catholics – anyone interested in learning more about the roles women have played in the Catholic Church over the years. Free parking is available in the St. Austin parking garage at MLK Blvd and San Antonio, and most programs would be from 7:00 to 8:30pm. For more information on upcoming presentations, contact Katie Flahive at or Sharon Bieser at Future topics include: July 28 Advocates for Social Justice: Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa September 22 Doctors of the Church: Therese of Lisieux, Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen October 27 Teresa of Avila, in celebration of the 500th anniversary of her birth
Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center
For registration, contact or call at 254-780-2436. Saturday, June 20 | Day of Reflection – “Tear Down the Walls” How big is your wall? What prevents you from being free? What’s on the other side of the wall? St. Paul says, “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” (Romans 8). Brian Egan will lead this day of reflection. Cost is $35 and includes lunch. Other planned events at Cedarbrake: July 17-18 Starting Anew (a retreat for divorced men and women) August 7-9 Prayer & Temperament – Using the Myers Briggs with Beverly Collin August 22 Basics of the Bible with Brian Egan presenting
RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS Praying For Our New Priests! On June 6th, 10:30am, at St. William Catholic Church in Round Rock, Bishop Joe Vasquez will be ordaining six new priests for the Diocese of Austin. Please check the May Catholic Spirit for the stories behind each man and their call to vocation. We ask that you pray for each of these men as they embrace priesthood and move out into the Diocese to serve the people of God. Join us in welcoming these new priests: Reverends Alberto Carbajal Madera, Darrell Kostiha, Hai Dong Nguyen, Sang Ky Quan, Tom Reitmeyer, and Francisco Rodriguez.
Praying For Our New Transitional Deacons With praise and thanksgiving, the Diocese announces that six seminarians will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacon this summer on their journey to priestly ordination next year. Please pray for Payden Lee Blevins (of our parish), Everardo Cazares Acosta, Sean Regan DeWitt, Gregory Don Gerhart, Froylan Jerez Rivera, and Amado Ramos Hernandez. These men will be ordained as Deacons on Saturday, July 11, 2015, 10:30am, at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 9500 Neenah Ave. in north Austin.
Single, Catholic Men (18 or older) SINGLE, CATHOLIC MEN (18 or older) interested in discerning their vocation in life are invited to an informal dinner with others who are also considering the possibility of the seminary and priesthood. The gathering is held at the Borromeo House at 905-B Duncan Lane in Austin. For more details, contact the diocesan vocation director, Father Jonathan Raia at or (512) 949-2430.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) is a half day bible centered summer camp for 1st to 5th grade children. High School students serve as crew leaders helping the kids get the most out of camp! June 22 – 26 • No Cost • High School
Servus Dei is a 3-day social justice adventure for 6th to 8th graders. Servus Dei provides prayer experiences, engaging learning activities based on the life of Jesus and Catholic social teaching and introduces young adolescents to service as an integral part of Christian discipleship. The service involvement takes place at local agencies and centers that assist people in need. June 18 - 20 • $85 • Middle School
Join us Tuesdays this summer as we go to Mass and eat tacos at the aptly named Taco Tuesday! Meet in the Church Narthex at 11:15 a.m. to get transportation to noon Mass at the UCC or St. Mary’s. Bring some money for Tacos after mass! Starting June 16 • 11:15 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Bring money as needed for food • High School
The mission of the Steubenville Conferences is to invite young people into a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ through the Sacraments of the Church and the power of the Holy Spirit. This experience of Christ’s love opens their hearts to become His disciples and embrace the mission of the Catholic Church. St. Louis will be taking a group to Springfield, Missouri to encounter Christ Calling all High School students to attend the first at this dynamic Catholic conference! ever Camp Saint Louis! Camp Saint Louis is a weeklong day trip within Austin City Limits! This camp July 9 - 12 • $200 • High School is meant for High School aged students that starts when VBS ends! We will be traveling around Austin all week exploring the city and having as much fun as humanly possible. Mini golf, movie nights, TBT is a weekly evening of fellowship, games, and kickball tournaments, thrift shopping, food trucks, prayer for all High School Students! Join us from daily Mass and more await! You do not have to 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the PEC Upper Room! volunteer at VBS to come to Camp Saint Louis! Starting July 2 • 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. June 22 - 26 (after VBS) No Cost • High School 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. • $35 • High School
Taco Tues.
VBS Camp Saint Louis
Taco Tues.
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Servus Dei 24
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