The Spirit of
St. Louis
june-july 2014
Beyond the Sanctuary Steps Each Saturday morning with the predictability of a clock come the faithful members of the St. Louis Altar Guild. These volunteers work to glorify God and enhance the spiritual and visual effectiveness of each Mass. They are led by Bernice Vrabel who organizes and coordinates the weekly work of the Guild. These dedicated parishioners give a portion of their time each week to do the behind the scenes work that insures we have a beautiful and tidy worship environment. Their ministry is quiet, yet critical. The brass must be polished, the linens repaired and cleaned, the holy water stoups cleaned and replenished, the candles replaced, the vestments kept trim. They work especially hard during the changing of liturgical seasons when altar frontals are changed and the different liturgical items are brought into use. Everyone must pitch in for a major holiday, as there are so many different Masses often with very different requirements. St. Louis possesses some of the most beautiful and historic brass to be found anywhere in the Southwest. The Eagle lectern, a gift of the St. Louis Men’s Club, came from the now redundant Christ Church, Lancaster Gate in London as did the Paschal candlestand. We have the brass processional cross designed by the famous nineteenth century gothic revivalist architect Nicholas Pugin and given by Cardinal John Henry Newman to the Birmingham Boy’s School. The altar cross and two matching candlesticks came from the church of St. John in Crewe, England.
Probably the most visible change people see from week to week is the handiwork of the Flower Guild. The St. Louis Flower Guild is made of different teams who work on a rotating basis. Each week a dedicated few offer their talents to adorn the altar and the baptistry with beautiful fresh flowers. These flowers are often given as memorials or in honor of a wedding. These talented volunteers are led by Dolores Rumpf who has won many prestigious awards for her flower arrangements. Continued, page 6 >>
The job of keeping it all gleaming is time consuming but according to Norma Sigler, it is a labor of prayer. She says, “After my conversion experience, whenever I was faced with a particularly tarnished piece of brass it reminded me of my soul.” She went on to say, “God is polishing me daily and I am renewed when I see this in my work with the brass.” Some of the
pieces such as the paschal candlestand are only polished a couple of times a year but the Altar candlesticks, the missal stand, the offering basin and the processional torches get handled almost daily and so must be polished each week. You can often see Norma in the Sacristy, wearing her headphones, diligently bringing the golden gleam back to some fingerprint tarnished cross.
A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •
Farewell Reception for Father Oliver
Parish Directory
Save the Date – Sunday, June 15
Parishioners are invited to join the St. Louis Women’s Club, Knights of Columbus and other parish groups as we bid farewell to our beloved Fr. Oliver Weerakkody on Father’s Day, June 15th. A morning reception will be held so watch bulletins for the time to be announced!
512.454.0384 x220 Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 Christian Education Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director
Since August 2005, Fr. Oliver has been a welcome member of our clergy staff. Already almost 40 years ordained when he joined our parish, Fr. Oliver came to us as a “retired” priest who was making himself useful in his “retirement” years. He had been ordained in 1965 in his native country of Sri Lanka, called the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”. He had already served 10 years in the Archdiocese of Colombo and was even an Administrator of the National Basilica there before he served as a missionary in the Diocese of Lahore, Pakistan for another decade. In 1986, he came to the U.S. where he worked in the Diocese of Brooklyn before becoming the Chaplain at Seton Medical Center in Austin in 1990.
For almost 15 years, he served Seton before “retiring” to St. Louis, x244 Early Childhood primarily to help with Masses, confessions and visit the sick. Who would have imagined that just nine years later, he would have accomplished so Ministry much for our parish homebound? By 2013, Fr. Oliver had developed a Mary Beth Skinnell, Director Homebound Ministry that is unequaled in the Diocese of Austin! As of last x216 Hispanic Adult & Family May, with the help of Bea Lamb, Janie Vernengo and countless wonderful volunteers, there were 11 teams of 53 active Homebound Ministers who Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director served 83 parishioners in their homes or facilities. Fr. Oliver had been the central figure in the training of these ministers, sharing his wisdom x213 Liturgical ministry and experience, his compassion and caring. With ongoing education and Bea Lamb, Director support, these volunteers continue to follow Fr. Oliver’s example by sharing their time and the Eucharist with those who can no longer attend Church. x202 Music Chris Oelkers, Director x206 Senior Ministry Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director
Fr. Oliver has truly been a treasure…a Sri Lanka “pearl” that is beloved by parishioners and patients alike. He will be retiring yet again, at the end of June, to his homeland of Sri Lanka. Please join us in honoring his service at St. Louis and wishing him well for the journey ahead. He has been a blessing to this parish and he will be greatly missed!
x 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE Christa Almaguer, Manager
x265 Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director x239 St. Louis Catholic School Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal x205 Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Our parish Feast Day celebration is scheduled for Saturday, August 23, 2014. It will be a repeat of last year’s successful Feast of Many Nations. Parish Council members are seeking volunteers now to help with food/cooking, marketing/ticket sales in the summer and setup/clean-up on that day. Now is the time to plan before summer vacations. If you would like to be part of this popular parish event, please contact Lupe Barragan at lupe@ or (512) 394-6984. We welcome your participation in planning, sharing your culture’s dishes or just helping us make this another memorable event in our parish!
Father Larry Covington
The Spirit of St. Louis
“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.”
(Psalm 118:24)
With those words from Psalm 118, a new era began at St. Louis Parish on January 1, 1993. Spoken by our new Pastor, immediately before the entrance procession for Mass, these words were like an electric charge through the congregation. For the last 21 years, our beloved Pastor, Fr. Larry Covington, has electrified and challenged us with his thoughtprovoking homilies, with inspiring liturgies, with calls to greater stewardship, and with vision and insights for the future direction of this parish.
and Fishes, Gabriel Project, Jail and Prison Ministry, AIDS outreach, Bereavement Ministry, Respect Life and legislative awareness on peace and justice issues. The most recent new program, the St. Louis Garden Ministry, was initiated by Fr. Larry, using our acreage to supplement the Food Pantry with home-grown produce. Yet, Fr. Larry would be the first to say that vision is only the beginning. It’s the amazing volunteers who foster these programs to success, “putting feet to their faith”.
Fr. Larry has thrived on the premise that change and growth are essential to the life of a parish. If we are not constantly evolving as a community, we become stagnant and mired in the status quo. Challenging us to step out of our respective comfort zones has been a hallmark of his tenure here. Things that we now take for granted, current features of parish pride, were often controversial when he first introduced them.
Fr. Larry had vision for religious education, too….“the cradle to grave concept”. Most parishes at the time were lucky to have one, maybe two RE coordinators, often volunteers who directed their programs only September to May. Our pastor recognized that religious education is ongoing, not just a nine-month cycle. He knew that quality programming requires fulltime coordinators for all ages and set about building on the assets St. Louis already had, such as an active Mothers-Day-Out, CCE and Senior Friendship programs.
Initially, Fr. Larry wanted to insure that we were effectively reaching out to the community by establishing a building solely dedicated to Parish Social Ministry (October 1994). Few parishes even had social ministry, much less a building with paid staff to coordinate such programs. This building has allowed our Food Pantry and St. Vincent de Paul to flourish and expand along with the addition of Mobile Loaves
Today, St. Louis can point with pride to its religious education that encompasses full-time ministries in Early Childhood, Childhood, Youth, Young Adults, Senior Adults, Adult and Family (in two languages), all with directors for each department, plus an overall RE Coordinator in
charge of curriculum and program development. Religious education at St. Louis is now truly a year-round effort and the fruit of their labors is seen annually in the hundreds of sacraments dispensed from baptism to marriage, in the quality catechesis and enrichment classes, and in the transformation of souls through RCIA, Christ Renews His Parish, Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men, King’s Men, Alpha Program, ACTS, Catholic Scripture Study, Mothers of Young Children, Women of Faith and much more. An advocate for parochial education, St. Louis School has also been a major focus of Fr. Larry’s. He has been an active leader in the school’s administration, supporting students and faculty through multiple changes in the last two decades, yet allowing the certified professional staff the freedom and support to sustain the high standards set by previous pastors. He has been instrumental in reinforcing the Catholic foundation of the school through its Masses and sacramental preparation, developing an Altar Server program in the parish and school that has no equal
like it anywhere. Hundreds of young students have gone through the program in the last 21 years, and with Fr. Larry’s oversight, we have an Altar Server Ministry known for its training and professionalism that has formed countless young Catholic leaders for future discipleship. Liturgy at St. Louis has been transformed, too. Fr. Larry had a vision for a full-time Liturgical Director, who now coordinates and trains hundreds of volunteers in all aspects of liturgical ministry… acolytes, altar servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, homebound ministers, hospitality and welcome ministers. Most of these ministries existed before, but by unifying them into one department, Fr. Larry has inspired and enabled each of these elements to function more effectively with greater training, understanding and reverence for their part in bringing Christ to others through the Eucharist. And, we can’t forget the ministries like Flower Guild that he initiated and Altar Guild which he nurtured, both enhancing our worship environment weekly. Music, always close to Fr. Larry’s heart, has grown and evolved with his hiring of each new outstanding director, organist, and musician. Over two decades, our choirs have multiplied in number and participation, offering something for every musical taste. They are renowned for the level of musicality they bring to each liturgy and the range of sacred music that has become the standard for the parish. The Compline Choir, also the result of Fr. Larry’s vision, has raised the level of spirituality through its weekly
connection with the Liturgy of the Hours. An unexpected benefit has been the number of non-Catholics that Compline has touched, and in several cases, converted to the Catholic faith. St. Louis was already the home of the largest pipe organ west of the Mississippi when Fr. Larry arrived, but over the course of his time with us, he has brought in pipes from all around the country, including the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Almost all were free for the taking, but Fr. Larry had to go get them, disassemble them, clean them and then rebuild them into our existing pipe organ, managing to create two more pipe organs in the process! The melodic bronze tower bells that now ring at Mass were the direct result of Fr. Larry’s influence and the generosity of faithful parishioners. Many thought these bells were unnecessary back in 1998, but he broadened our understanding of their historic value with the “baptism and consecration” of each bell by Bishop John McCarthy. Who can forget their heart-stopping installation involving a crane lifting each bell, from 200 to 1400 pounds, over the church roof? Since then, these bells have rung during sacred liturgical celebrations, and they have tolled the final commendation for so many of our deceased loved ones. They are now a constant, accepted part of our liturgies, a testament to the foresight of one who knew how much they would add to our worship experience. As early as 1994, Fr. Larry also had
committees working on master planning for the parish, prioritizing our needs, assessing our facilities for future growth. Because of the dedication of these volunteers and the leadership of our pastor, the Opening New Doors Capital Campaign was launched in 2000, culminating in the construction and dedication of our new Chapel and Narthex in 2007. There were many naysayers during this time who felt the Chapel was a waste of money and effort, but Fr. Larry’s dogged vision of what the space would do for the ministries and parishioners of this parish has proven to be accurate. Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was made possible by the construction of our Adoration Chapel. The groups that use these spaces on a regular basis for prayer, scripture study, meetings, rehearsals or concerts are testament to his insight. Just ask the growing number of brides who come from all over the U.S. to have their weddings in our Chapel. At a recent diocesan event in the Chapel, Bishop Joe Vasquez praised the unique environment of holiness and reverence that he finds in that space. continued, next page >> In the last two years, Fr. Larry has
The Spirit of St. Louis
led his staff into the technological age with great fervor for what he knows is the future of communication. Few pastors promote the website, Facebook and Twitter from the pulpit as he does, but he recognizes those mediums are the new way to reach out to the parishioners, the community, and the world beyond. If we are to cultivate the next generation of Catholics, social media is where we must draw them into our activities, our faith, our ministries. Following the lead of many Protestant churches, Fr. Larry has hired a Social Media Manager for the parish that will help establish a vibrant St. Louis presence online now and for the future. Visionary, cutting-edge, forward thinking are words used to describe Fr. Larry. But, these are just the tip of the iceberg for a man who has been so much more. St. Louis Parish has been blessed by his leadership and his friendship over the last two decades. He has shared his creativity, his service, and his life with a generous spirit, and while we may not always have agreed with his ideas, we are a better parish for his presence with us. He prays weekly with Psalm 19:15 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart find favor with you, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Fr. Larry has certainly found favor with the parishioners of St. Louis and his legacy here will never be forgotten. Please pray for his transition in July as the new Pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church, with heart-felt gratitude for all he has accomplished on our 20 acres.
A Reception Honoring Father Larry is planned for
Saturday, June 28th 6:00 – 8:00pm Wozniak Hall
Please join us!
THE HEALING SACRAMENT Don’t forget that the Sacrament of Healing with laying-on of hands and anointing will be offered next on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel and every 2nd Sunday of the month after that. Join us for this weekly, meditative service of beautiful Gregorian chant. You’ll be glad you did!
St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center
now accepting applications for fall 2014 enrollment (Children ages 12 months-5 years of age)
For more information, contact Mary Beth Skinnell, Director or Margaret English-Knipp, Assistant Director at 512-454-0384 ext 244.
Sanctuary Steps, continued Dolores will tell you that there is much more to flower arranging than just sticking stems in a vase! The volunteers condition the flowers, stripping leaves from stems that will be in water and cutting each stem on the diagonal. “If we don’t condition the flowers properly, bacteria forms in the water and the flowers die sooner,” Rumpf explains. Unlike florists who work off site, the Flower Guild works where the flowers will be on display. The Guild draws their inspiration from the liturgical seasons and the availability of certain flowers. There is also the challenge of designing displays for such a large space. “The average flower arrangement you see in a floral shop would be utterly lost in our building,” says Rumpf. “We have to bear in mind the scale of our surroundings and always plan big so that the arrangement will carry through to the back of the church”.
The Guild always works within the framework of the liturgical season assembling flowers to enhance the color of the vestments and hangings as well as highlighting the theme of the liturgical season itself. There have been some remarkable arrangements to suit the church year festivals, especially Pentecost where gladiolas were so arranged as to resemble the flames of the Holy Spirit. The major feasts such as Easter and Christmas bring on board all available hands and many times they work well into the wee hours of the morning to prepare the inspirational displays that enhance our worship space. Parishioners from churches across the country often comment on the flowers and the Guild has from time to time been invited to other churches to provide training. Both the Altar Guild and Flower Guild welcome volunteers who will share their time for the extremely rewarding task of preparing God’s house for divine worship. These behind the scene folks definitely do their part to fulfill the part of our mission statement that we worship God in the beauty of holiness. If you’d like more information on either of these ministries, please call Bernice Vrabel 512-458-6421 or Dolores Rumpf 512-836-2190.
WELCOME TO REV. JAMES MISKO New Pastor for St. Louis Parish
Our new Pastor, Rev. James Misko, is no stranger to St. Louis Parish. He was a seminarian assigned to St. Louis before his June 9, 2007 ordination to priesthood for the Diocese of Austin. A native of Los Angeles, his parents had moved the family to Austin when he was in the 7th grade. He was enrolled and graduated from St. Louis School, Westwood High School and St. Edward’s University, earning a bachelor’s degree in Communications in 1993. Along with his family, the young “Jamie” was a parishioner at St. Thomas More at the time when Fr. Larry Covington was an Associate Pastor there. He credits Fr. Larry as being a major influence in his discernment and ultimate decision to become a priest. Fr. Larry was especially supportive during the time after college, when the lure of financial security and an upper management job with Romano’s Macaroni Grill seemed to sway James from a religious vocation. Luckily for the Diocese, God’s call was answered, and the management skills that James mastered in his secular life have served him well in priesthood. Fr. James was also blessed to have another priest in his family, his great uncle, Rev. John Dryden, S.J. “For us a life as a priest was always a very real and quite normal option for a young man. In many ways, this was a running theme in my formation and development.” His seminary years were spent at St. Meinrad in Indiana and St. Thomas Seminary in Houston, and he gives credit to Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Fr. Bud Roland, Msgr Charles Elmer, Fr. David Konderla and now the current Bishop Michael Sis for mentoring him during his seminary training. After ordination, he served as Associate Pastor of St. Elizabeth Parish Pflugerville for three years and has been the Pastor at Christ the King Parish in Belton for the last four years. Each parish has responded with great enthusiasm to this outgoing, gregarious man, who is renowned for his warm personality, his homilies and his love of sacred music. As our sixth pastor in 62 years, he will be a great blessing to this community as he builds on the traditions and achievements of his predecessors.
Please join us in welcoming Fr. James Misko back home! ST. LOUIS FLOWER GUILD St. Louis Flower Guild welcomes volunteers throughout the year to enhance our worship spaces. There are two ways to volunteer : 1. Each Friday, join a team that is creating the floral arrangements for the weekend Masses. 2. Volunteers are especially needed before major feasts like Christmas and Easter. Call Dolores Rumpf 512-836-2190 for additional details. Whether you can give two hours or ten, come help us decorate God’s house!
The Spirit of St. Louis
By Margaret Dunaway
y favorite answer to the question “Why read?” is from a well-known (secular) professor and critic who explains that reading allows us to find and hold onto the good, and allow it to grow—not just in ourselves but in the world. Our Catholic tradition provides endless opportunities to seek out the good in books—and what better place to find the good and help it grow than with some selections from our Parish Library? Looking forward to the Fourth? Consider reading the new biography of Elizabeth Ann Seton, our first USborn saint. In American Saint: The Life of Elizabeth Seton, Joan Barthel gives her readers memorable passages about Seton’s early life with her prominent Protestant family in New York (where Catholics were denied full citizenship) and her controversial conversion to Catholicism. Barthel’s new biography highlights the good that is religious freedom, and the constancy with which our saints held on to their faith. If historical fiction is your preference, you’ll enjoy Army of Angels Pamela Marcantel’s well-researched, novelized version of Joan of Arc’s amazing life, her bravery in battle and in court while facing her accusers, her unjust conviction for heresy, and her agonizing death. The English translations of A Trace in the Sand, The Purple Mantle, and Diamonds on the Bosphorus, by Aliki Kafetzopoulou, places us in the midst of the lives of third-
and-fourth century Christians, and the persecutions and deaths of the early martyrs. Written for young adults but equally engaging for older readers, we experience Rome and Constantinople under tyrannical leaders hoping to eradicate Christianity and its increasingly popular proponents, whose goodness was becoming known and admired. The good to be found and cultivated in Christian theology and apologetics is ripe for the seeking in our titles by C.S. Lewis. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of the publication of Beyond Personality, the last of Lewis’s three radio commentaries that would later be compiled as the book Mere Christianity—a classic of Christian apologetics. A question Lewis raises in the Beyond Personality segment, “Is Christianity Easy or Hard?” leads to his study of our quest for the good in relation to Christ’s desire for our whole selves. By the way, if fitting time to read into your schedule is hard and, like me, you tend to procrastinate, I urge you follow an “unschedule” as author Niel A. Fiore recommends in his potentially life-changing book Overcoming Procrastination. Dr. Fiore’s advice will enable you to free up time for reading--so you’ll find the good, and the confidence to start the projects that will allow the good to grow! So, get to the library, get reading, and grow the good!
Summer Library hours are Sundays from 8:30 – 11:30 and Wednesdays from 9:00 – 12:00.
Parish News
OUR SACRAMENTS – OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS
March 6 – May 5, 2014
Avran Austin Castro Gisela Diaz-Hernandez Aleah Gervacio-Buenaventura Francisco Feliciano-Victoriano
Lydia Mae Richter William Michael Richter Cody Adan Cosme Angel Eron Galvez-Silva
Jimena Garcia-Garcia Ruth Martinez-Bautista Itzel Vasquez
Sarah Elizabeth Adil Richard Lee Baker Aaliya Anahi Casillas Raul Jovanni Castro Charles Anton Cinert, Jr. Azhure Cristina Garcia-Gonzalez David Christopher Garcia-Gonzalez
Ethan Admiral Garcia-Gonzalez Rodolfo Junior Garcia-Gonzalez (Baptism only) Azeneth Guadalupe Limon-Alejo Cynthia Michelle Limon-Alejo Amanda Kay Reed Luckett Anthony Alberto Marquez
Lisette Neema Mugomoka Orlin Kahirho Mugomoka Damien Luke Nelson Giavonnie Renee Ruedas Fernanda Nicole Valerio-Flores Jasson Alexander Valerio-Flores
Joyce Irene Metzger Baker Richard Gregory Black
Amy Allen Chaudhari Josie Flores Garcia Judith Lynn Schrimpshere Hyder
Brian David Luckett Jamie N. Walker
CONFIRMATION-EUCHARIST Easter Vigil – April 19, 2014
Andre Jon Hebert Melissa Rodriguez Jean Weller Taylor Adolfo V. Villarreal
Yahir Avellaneda-Pita Elehidy Brito-Espinoza Kimberly Andrea Capetillo-Sixto Giovanni Carbajal Nancy Gutierrez-Santiago Sergio Jaramillo-Benitez Alexis Labra-Antunez
Alan Labra-Antunez Omar Labra-Antunez Christopher Mercado-Carbajal Natalie Aracely Oxlaj-Perez Maria Rojas-Dominguez Aide Cristina Salmeron-Martinez Carlos Eduardo Salmeron-Martinez
Danielle Isabella Aranda Garrett Joseph Boggs Edward Santiago Bomba Esmeralda Brito
FIRST EUCHARIST April 26, 2014 Eleanor Fay Brumley Abigail Nicole Castillo Paloma Bella Lara David Joseph LeBlanc
Marco Antonio Soto Annakaren Suarez Kevin Orlando Valdez-Chavez Cristian Jhovanny Valencia Tapia Emer Selina Valencia-Tapia Diego Eduardo Velez-Moreno
Tyler Edward Mailloux Iris Elizabeth Perez Isabella Hernandez Scott Mateo Vasquez
The Spirit of St. Louis
CONFIRMATION CONGRATULATIONS! PROFESSIONS OF FAITH April 30, 2014 Xavier Elijah Rodriguez Brian Ballesteros Amy Christeen Sanderson Bobby Clemons Jr. Matthew Robert Srulowitz Jamé-Lee Fourie Lindsay Thurman Melody Love Maples FIRST EUCHARIST May 3, 21014
Andrew Acosta Armando Amezquita Roselyn Aviles Nataly Aviles-Cordova Stephanie Carbajal Juan Josue Castanon Ezequiel Armando Cisneros Fernanda Diaz Javier Escalera Bernave Galvan Brian Garcia Carlos David Garcia Diego Jesus Garcia Jesus Garcia Naila Fabiana Garcia Jessica Gonzalez Maricza Gonzalez Javier Gorostieta Gissell Hernandez Mayte Hernandez Ashley Hernandez Alexe Hidalgo
Rocio Jaimes Roberto Jaramillo Daniel Jimenez Eliasdiel Lopez Anahi Martinez Bryan Martinez Eduardo Martinez Melanie Mendoza Lessly Mercado Anthony Guillermo Ramirez Fatima Ramirez Homero Rangel Jose Manuel Reyna Jonathan Rosas Bryan Fernando Salazar Jaqueline Salazar Jackeline Sanchez Andy Dionicio Santos Omar Daniel Segura Luis Angel Sixtos Roselyn Giovanna Velez Estrella Victoriano
Elizabeth LaFosse Sunil Chaudhari Kathleen Rose McGinley
Mary Alice Ziegler Karlene Scherzer
Andre Jon Hebert II and Amelia Grace Pivonka
Steven Michael Schar and Amanda Marie Peyton Peters
On Tuesday, May 13th, Bishop Joe Vasquez joined us for two Confirmation services, back-to-back. Congratulations to all those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation that day. Names will be published in the August parish newsletter. ST. LOUIS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information. PERPETUAL ADORATION Anyone is welcome at any time during the day or night to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. To sign-up for a specific hour each week or for keypad code information, please contact Joshua Merrill at or 512-879-7514.
Parish News HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE This monthly hour for life is held every third Monday in the Adoration Chapel from 7:00-8:00pm. Join us June 16 and July 21 in praying for a culture of life. Those without the code to the Adoration Chapel (after hours) are encouraged to contact Joshua Merrill at 512-879-7514 or Joshua_Merrill@ PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY This ministry meets on the third Monday from 7:00-9:00pm in members’ homes to create blankets that are lovingly hand-sewn, blessed and then available for sale. These make great gifts for special occasions or for loved ones suffering with illness. For details on monthly sewing sessions or to purchase a blanket, contact Evelyn Janecka at 512-453-6466. Thanks to all those parishioners who supported their Spring Sale in April!! NAOMI CIRCLE This parish group is specifically for widows, who would like to seek the suppor t and friendship of other women who have lost their spouse to death. The group meets monthly. If you are interested in attending or want more information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292. SISTERHOOD OF THE HOLY CLOTH Would you love to serve your church through a ministry that has no meetings, no dues and you can work from your own home? Then the Sisterhood is for you! These ministry volunteers launder the sacred linens (purificators and corporals) used at Mass and you only have to do it about every 5 weeks. We will train you and give you a written schedule. Please call Judy Bonham 512836-4639 if you are interested.
Updates, cont.
WELCOME A NEW EMPLOYEE! Christa Almaguer Social Media/Website Manager
In May, St. Louis Church staff welcomed our newest employee, Christa Almaguer, to a new position as Social Media/Website Manager. Although the social media duties had been managed by a previous employee, as part of their job description, this is the first time that St. Louis has a full-time position dealing with all things online. Christa is a Digital Media Management graduate from St. Edward’s University with three-plus years of experience in customer/client support and management. She is tech-savvy in website and social media management of Facebook, Twitter, Hootsuite, WordPress, Vimeo and YouTube and she has the advantage of having been part of our St. Louis Media Team of volunteers that have managed our parish online presence and worked to develop future media plans. In addition, Christa has camera experience with filming, recording and editing weekly Masses at St. Theresa Catholic Church. She also was a marketing intern at Explorer Films in Austin. Christa will be a wonderful asset to our staff, helping us enlarge our online presence to the community in new and exciting ways, while unifying all the ways that we reach out to Catholics and non-Catholics around us.
liturgical MINISTRy service at the altar
Congratulations to our 20 graduating altar server seniors: Robyn Aanstoos, Jonathan Adams, Stephanie Alvarez, Rian Castillo, Riley Castillo, Isabel Embry, Brandyn Gil, Corby Hafernik, Chizitam Ibezim, Berenice Jaimes, Daniel Langford, Oscar Ligons, Ashley Maldonado, Jacob Morgan, Ryan Reitmeyer, Stephanie Rodriguez, Nayeli Ruiz, Samantha Villa, Joseph Villarreal, Tristen Yanez. Of these students, five of them received college scholarship money from St. Louis Church on Sunday, May 4th during the 9:30am Mass honoring all parish high school graduates. Combined, these scholarship winners served 1,829 Masses in addition to special liturgies like Stations of the Cross, Vespers and Holy Week liturgies. They attended continuing education training and mandatory altar server meetings, served the Altar Guild by polishing brass or helped with younger servers at various retreats and training meetings! We give heartfelt thanks to all these young people for their dedicated service and gifts of time to the parish!
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Vincent de Paul Society Truck Coming to St. Louis
Start the summer by cleaning out your closets before vacations! Please donate your gently used clothing, household items, sports equipment, small furniture, books and magazines, children's items, and so on, to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The SVdP truck will be in the St. Louis Church parking lot on Saturday, June 14, from 10am - 2pm, rain or shine. Items that you no longer need can give hope to a needy family -- please help us to help others!
St. Stephen’s KJT #112 of Austin recently presented a donation to Rev. Larry Covington to help support the St. Louis Food Pantry in serving the needy in the surrounding area. Pictured left to right are KJT members: Jessica Segura, Vlasta Vitek, Fr. Larry, Sarah Vitek, Bernard Tupa and Leroy Kubacak.
Knights of Columbus Council 5967 recently
presented a check to Fr. Vincent Romuald and Deacon Alfredo Villa for the Via Crucis group that puts on the annual Good Friday pageant for the parish.
THE GARDEN MINISTRY The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers to help with garden maintenance. Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Thursdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays for 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact AnnaWalsh for more information or to sign up for a time annaruthwalsh@gmail. com The garden is in need of hoes, rakes, buckets, scissors for harvesting and bagged leaves and grass clippings (mostly free of seed heads). Come be part of our “growing” ministry! Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary KC Ladies Auxiliary encourages members to enrich their spiritual life, promotes a spirit of friendship and gives assistance to the KC Council in developing independent programs and projects. Membership is open to any lady over 18 years of age, Catholic or non-Catholic whose husband, father, son, brother or sweethear t is a member in good standing of a Knights of Columbus Council, or the widow/ daughter of a deceased member. If you have questions or need more information, please contact President Julia Johnson at 512-836-1726.
St. Louis Catholic School news preparing the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! St. Louis Catholic School is blessed by our many wonderful families and supporters! We thank you for your generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure throughout the past school year.
Registration Update Openings are available in some grades for the 2014-2015 school year. If you would like additional information, please contact our Registrar, Mrs. Rosalie Dowling, at 512/614-6622, ext. 245.
Good-Bye’s for the Year We wish our 8th grade graduates all the best in their high school endeavors. We are well represented with this group of students in both the Catholic and public school systems. They are ready to take their next step into the world of high school! Emily Kay Basquez Christine Joy Baticados Andrew Ryan Bracamontez Catherine Grace Bruns Susana Carrion Miguel Antonio Cuevas Michael Ryan Dolezal Timothy Michael Donahue, Jr. Shelby Yvette Ferraris
Adey Mesgena Gayim Elena Katherine Gockel Samantha Quinn Gustavson Sophia Madeline Kalamarides Ian Tate Kloc Michael Francis Leary Matthew Van Etten Lemp Minh Nguyen Mather Clare Margaret Morales
Alexander Richard Newton Riley Faith Nusbaum James Clayton Orrison Andrea Chan Poblete Alexander Joseph Pojman Catalina Perez Micaela Ann Ramacciotti Skyler Nathaniel Robinson Krystel K. Velez-Martinez
First Eucharist Congratulations! We would like to extend congratulations to our 2nd grade class on making their First Eucharist on May 10, 2014. After months of hard work and preparation, the big day finally came! We would like to thank their Teachers Mrs. Terri Kunkel and Mrs. Barbara Fletcher for all of their dedication to our students. Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. Kunkel do a marvelous job of sharing their faith with the students and we appreciate it! It was a beautiful day and with all of their family members surrounding the children, the church was filled with love. Group pictures were taken prior to a reception in Wozniak Hall generously prepared by our 1st grade parents. The following students received First Eucharist: William Blake Adams Elaine Gianna Berend Paul Caedmon Berend Joaquin Trevino Campos Courtney Lynne Cantu Remi Paul Dante Cicchini Ethan Dang Khoi Dao Sara Grace Dolezal Justin Salvador Frasier Renae Francine Friesenhahn
Biniam Marco Gonzalez Sofia Alejandra Hamlet Danica Chiukl Isechal Emma Rose Jackson Hope Isabel Jackson Sebastian Calletano Marquez Olivia Nicole Mayes Katherine McGowan Merrill Nicholas Christian Newton Mauricio Ernesto Ramos
Clara Ann Richardson Layla Maribeth Seiter David Aaron Solis Isabel Maya Speck Maria Tran Thanh Thu Reese Catherine Vernieuw Benjamin Robert Wallis Mikaela Lucero Washlesky Jude Benjamin White
The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide.
Middle School Science Fair News Please help us congratulate again our winners of this year’s Middle School Science Fair. Our group of independent judges came from many areas: St. Edward’s University, Concordia University, and ACC. Some were students, some professionals in their fields, including retired teachers. They all graciously volunteered their time to evaluate our student’s projects. Best Overall – Elena Gockel 8th Grade 1st – Shelby Ferraris 2nd – Micaela Ramacciotti 3rd – Emily Basquez/Christine Baticados/Krystel Velez-Martinez 4th – Matthew Lemp/Clay Orrison 5th – Alex Newton/Alex Pojman 6th – Michael Dolezal 7th – Minh Mather 7th Grade 1st - John McClung 2nd – Minh-Quan Nguyen/Kaden Stout 3rd – Diego Yanez 4th – Ariana Pouya 5th – Catherine Hosek 6th – Jalen Johnson 7th – Seth Arizola/Jovan Sigcho 6th Grade 1st – Sofia Garza 2nd – Victoria Pojman/Elizabeth Wostarek 3rd – Catherine Hermansen/Sarah Hughes 4th – Emily St. Germain 5th – Matthew Melvin/Owen Scales 6th – Reagan Reitmeyer 7th – Collin Brown/Max Courson/Noah Demarest
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Louis Catholic School congratulates its Diocesan Science Fair Winners
On Saturday, April 5, St. Louis Catholic School students competed in the Annual Diocesan Science Fair. The Science Fair brings together middle school and high school students from Catholic Schools in the Austin Diocese. The students compete at their school level first and must qualify by winning at their school to compete in the Diocesan Science Fair. Nine schools with 123 students and 94 total projects par ticipated in the Diocesan Science Fair. As in each of the school’s individual fairs the science projects are evaluated by a panel of judges. St. Louis Catholic School congratulates its Diocesan Science Fair winners. We are proud of you! 8th grader, Elena Gockel won First Place in the Physical Science category, 8th grader, Micaela Ramacciotti won 3rd place in Earth Science, 7th grader, John McClung won First Place in Life Science and 7th grader, Ariana Pouya won 3rd place also in the Life Science category.
Most Creative Experiment: Adey Gayim Most Creative Experiment: Marisa Alvarado Most Artistic Display: Cristabel Soto Most Inventive Project: Daniela Ruiz Most Interesting Problem: TJ Donahue
General Information Our summer office hours are in effect until June 3rd, and we will be open from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; appointments are recommended. Phone messages will be checked frequently throughout the summer and our offices will reopen at 9:00 am on Monday, August 11th. Be sure to visit our school website at over the summer for information on school supplies, summer reading, and the Honors Reader program.
We hope you have a fantastic summer. See you in August! 8th grade class on Retreat to T-Bar-M in New Braunfels.
Diocesan Leadership Awards Mass On Friday, March 28th, six St. Louis Catholic School (Austin) 8th graders were honored at the annual diocesan Leadership Awards Mass. These awards recognize students who embody the spirit of Catholic education and faith. The Mass was held at St. John Neumann parish and recognized students from throughout the diocese. This year's honorees from St. Louis Catholic School (Austin) were: Emily Basquez, Andrew Bracamontez, Catherine Bruns, Ian Kloc, Matthew Lemp, and Micaela Ramacciotti.
Family Formation
young adult, adult and family faith formation ministries.
Mothers of Young Children All mothers with children, preschool aged and younger, are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment. We will meet for spiritual formation on the first and third Fridays of the month in the Parish Education Center and at a park for mommy and child(ren) playtime on the second and fourth Fridays of the month at 10:30am. Children are welcome at all gatherings. Please email Shanna Steinbach with any questions at
Summer Book Club Returns!
What is the Meaning of Life? The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas
Come join us for a four-week series on the Christian thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the “Angelic Doctor” of the Church (1226-1274). St. Thomas, a contemporary and friend of our own St. Louis, unified Greek philosophy and Christian theology, laying a foundation for Catholic thought that has endured for over 700 years. Led by Rob Koons, UT philosophy professor, we will look at four topics: the nature and meaning of the human person (May 28), the existence and perfection of God (June 4), Christian social and political theory (June 11), and the moral and theological virtues (June 18). Sessions are held in the Parish Education Center (upstairs), 7:00-9:00pm. It is not necessary to preregister nor is there a fee. You can find the Summa Theologiae by STA online in many places, including: For questions, please contact Amy Allert, amy. or Rob Koons at
A.C.T.S. Women’s Retreat
The next Women’s ACTS Retreat is coming, June 19-22 Register now! Space is limited! What is A.C.T.S? ACTS is a parish retreat which brings parishioners closer to one another, but more importantly, closer to God. Attend an ACTS retreat at your next opportunity! You won’t regret it as it may be the best retreat you’ve ever taken. An ACTS retreat is designed to help people enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners. This is accomplished through ADORATION and daily prayer, the call to COMMUNITY as a member of the Body of Christ, and THEOLOGY in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic faith. All of these emphasize and encourage the virtue of SERVICE to our Lord, our parish and one another. An ACTS retreat is a three-day and night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends Sunday at the 11:30am Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and women are given separately. The weekend allows people to experience God’s love and joy. They return with a deeper love for each other, our Lord and it is a powerful community-building experience. Registration and Information: The registration form included on the last page of this newsletter has
more details and contact information. Tear out the form and turn it in if you are interested in attending the retreat. Invite your wife, mother, sister, cousin or friend! ALL women are welcome. It is not necessary to be Catholic. Here is how one ACTS retreatant described their experience: “Like the early Church, it is joyful, spirit-filled, Christcentered, Catholic…It includes: music, prayer, stories, worship, meditation, adoration, forgiveness, thanksgiving, great food and fellowship. ACTS is not about changing you. ACTS is about helping you to become better: spouse, parent, disciple…a better you. ACTS is getting away from the world for 3 days with God, so that you can then return to the world better prepared and strengthened. During ACTS you learn to ‘let go and let God’”.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Fellowship of Catholic Men
The third annual Fortnight for Freedom takes place from June 21… the vigil of the Feast of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More…to July 4th, Independence Day. This two-week period, proposed by the USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty, emphasizes both our Christian and American heritage of liberty. We are asked to pray, to study and take public action to preserve our religious freedoms in our country. (See “Current Threats to Religious Liberty” on page 19 of this newsletter.) During the Fortnight, our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power – St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS Peter and Paul and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. In the secular calendar, we anticipate that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule, at some point during the Fortnight, on the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties cases, which are challenges to the HHS mandate brought by for-profit businesses. This year’s theme is “Freedom to Serve” and all Catholics are invited to participate in service opportunities that focus on the link between religious liberty and service to the poor and vulnerable. Our Parish Social Ministry programs at St. Louis can offer such opportunities locally. Contact Bea DeLa Rosa 512-454-0384 ext 265 or bea.delarosa@st-louis. org for ways you can serve the poor right here in our neighborhood! Another way is to pray, individually and together, for our religious freedoms. Activities such as praying the Rosary daily, praying a novena for religious freedom from June 26 - July 4, or reflecting on the readings and documents offered by the Vatican and the USCCB websites, are ways to raise awareness and focus our prayers in a unity of purpose for our country. Check out the multitude of resources through the USCCB by going online at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Then, plan to join us on Thursday, July 3rd as St. Louis celebrates our religious freedoms in fellowship – in prayer – in a patriotic concert! Mark your calendars! 5:00 – 6:30pm Independence celebration in Wozniak Hall with KC’s providing a special holiday meal at minimal cost per plate! COME MEET OUR NEW PASTOR, FR. MISKO! 6:30pm Fortnight for Freedom Prayer Service (St. Louis Chapel) 7:00pm
Patriotic Concert with the 70-piece Austin Civic Wind Ensemble (St. Louis Main Nave) A great way to kick off the 4th of July!!
The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at 7:00pm in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins or (512) 836-4777.
Annual Missionar y Appeal
July 19-20, 2014 Per the Diocese, each parish is required to have a missionary speaker annually and our assigned speaker this summer is from the U.S. Catholic Mission Association. A representative from this organization will be speaking at all our Masses the weekend of July 19-20. Please join us in learning about their missionary outreach to the world and respond with generosity in a second collection for that purpose.
New leadership in your ministry?
If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.
Is Your Information Correct?
Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 or
Around the Diocese and beyond Summer Diocesan Counseling Programs For more information or registration on upcoming retreats, contact 254-780-2436 or email cedarbrake@ Next events include: June 6-11 Desert Solitude
Desert Solitude Retreat begins on Friday, June 6 and concludes on Wednesday, June 11. This is a 5-night, 6-day silent retreat with Centering Prayer as the focus. This is a wonderful time to come to Cedarbrake and enjoy the quiet. There will be Mass each day and spiritual direction for those interested. Cost 3 nights: $300 single, $550 couples. 4 nights: $360 single, $640 couple. 5 nights: $420 single, $720 double.
May 8
A Day with Saints John XXIII and John Paul II
How can we grow in our Catholic faith during Ordinary Time, the longest season of the liturgical year? What are some steps we can take to deepen our spirituality? How can our faith be more at the center of our lives? These are a few of the questions Holy Cross Father Bill Wack, pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Austin, will tackle. This privileged time can be a type of “continuing education for Catholics”. Cost is $35 and includes lunch.
Other Summer events at Cedarbrake: June 27-29 Going Deeper into the Water with Fr.
June 28
Boniface Onjefu presenting.
The Diocese of Austin Family Counseling Office will offer group counseling programs beginning in June. Divorce Support for Children (begins Wednesday, June 25 for six weeks, 4:00-5:30pm) Divorce Support for Adults (days/times to be announced) Bereavement Support (begins Wednesday June 25 for six weeks from 12 Noon – 1:00pm Marriage Enrichment group for couples looking to strengthen their relationship (begins Thursday, June 26 for eight weeks, 6:30-8:00pm) All groups are conducted in English with the exception of the Bereavement Support Group, which will be offered in English and Spanish. All groups meet weekly at a low cost. Sliding scale fees will be available for qualifying families. To enroll or get more information, contact Counseling Supervisor Brittany Holan at (512) 651-6152 or Please note that their counseling offices have moved to 1625 Rutherford Lane, Austin 78754.
Marriage Encounter Retreat for your Marriage
Meditacion sobre la Santisima Trinidad with Take time out for you and your spouse that will make a real difference in your marriage. Marriage Encounter Rosa Bejar and Mario Godoy.
July 10
Ministry and Difficult People with Fr. Ed Koharchik presenting.
SERVUS DEI Social Justice and Christian Discipleship June 19-21
This diocesan event is a “young adolescent adventure in Christian service to instill a lifelong commitment to social justice and Christian discipleship”. It is for 6th-8th grade youth and offers hands-on service involvement, creative learning activities, youth-friendly prayer experiences and supportive community life. Held at St. Austin’s Catholic Church (2010 Guadalupe), the program is staffed by adults and high school youth from around the Diocese, under the direction of the Office of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry. Registration and parental permission required. Contact or (512) 949-2464 for applications and more information.
offers weekend retreats at Cedarbrake Renewal Center. To find out more information about the next planned retreat, contact Steve and Linda Jaramillo, 512-677-9963 or email Para informacion en espanol llamar al 512-844-0785.
Relevant Radio 970 AM in Austin
Grow your faith and change your life with Relevant Radio 970 – “Austin’s Talk Radio for Catholic Life”. This nonprofit, listener-supported Catholic radio station bridges the gap between faith and everyday life by giving you a greater understanding of Catholicism in today’s secular society. Relevant Radio 970 is owned and operated by the largest Catholic talk radio network in the U.S., reaching more than 20 million people through 33 radio stations across the country and its internet broadcast at Tune in today!
The Spirit of St. Louis
Religious Vocations PRAISE and THANKSGIVING
We give thanks for the recent Ordinations to the Sacred Order of Deacon that happened on May 17th. Join us in congratulating the following new deacons: Alberto Carbajal Madera Darrell Lynn Kostiha Hai Dong Nguyen Sang Ky Quan Thomas John Reitmeyer Francisco Rodriguez III We also join the Diocese of Austin in welcoming the newest priest, to be ordained on Saturday, June 7th, 10:30am at St. Helen Catholic Church in Georgetown. Please keep in your prayers Rev. Mr. Craig Marley DeYoung as he prepares for his Ordination to Priesthood. QUO VADIS – RETREAT FOR YOUNG MEN
The Diocese is offering a two-day retreat, June 28-29, designed to help young men in high school grow spiritually and allow them to think and pray about what God might be asking them to become. The retreat is for incoming freshmen to incoming seniors from throughout the Diocese of Austin. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the themes of prayer, virtue, leadership and discernment. The retreat includes Mass, Adoration, time for fun and recreation, and the opportunity to get to know other young men pursuing holiness. It is staffed by seminarians preparing for the priesthood and is co-sponsored by the Diocese of Austin Vocation Office and the St. Thomas More Parish Vocation Committee. The retreat is held at St. Thomas More and costs $15. For information/registration, visit or call the Vocation Office at 512-949-2430. HIGH SCHOOL DISCERNMENT DINNERS
Join other high school-aged men in a great meal, prayer and discussion every first Wednesday of the month, at St. William Parish Rectory, 1105 Deer Run, Round Rock. Come and learn more about discernment and the call to priestly life. RSVP to Fr. Alex at 512-600-8154 or for information. SINGLE, C ATHOLIC MEN (18 or older) interested in discerning their vocation in life are invited to an informal dinner with others who are also considering the possibility of the seminary and priesthood. The gathering is held at the Borromeo House at 905-B Duncan Lane in Austin. For more information, contact the diocesan vocation director, Father Brian McMaster at 512-949-2430 or
Schoenstatt Shrine Dedication
Save the date and plan to be part of this historic event…. the dedication of the first Marian Shrine for the Diocese of Austin! The first shrine, located in Germany, has multiplied to more than 200 shrines to be found on every continent…each one home to Christ in the Tabernacle, to the Blessed Mother, and to every child of God who comes to pray and to learn. The dedication begins at 2:30pm on September 13th with Mass at 3:30pm, located at 225 Addie Roy Rd., Austin, 78746. Go online for more information
Diocesan Collection in June June 28-29 | Peter’s Pence Collection
This collection enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests for the neediest throughout the world…those who suffer as a result of war, oppression and natural disasters. Help our Holy Father Francis sustain those who suffer the most. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Around the Diocese and beyond Cross Training – Catholic Strong
Infertility Prayer Service July 23rd:
July 17-20
From Hope to Fruitfulness
Cross Training is designed specifically for incoming high school freshman during the 2014-2015 school year. It is a well-established program, sponsored by the Diocese of Austin Office of Youth, Young Adult & Campus Ministry. The program is staffed by several adults and numerous high school youth from around the Diocese. Each of the team members has been thoroughly trained and many have served in this capacity previously. This is a great chance to meet new friends, see how God fits in with everyday life, learn how service can make a difference in the world, eat some good food and above all, have a fantastic time with other Catholic teens from around the Diocese! There will be presentations, prayer, service projects, worship, tons of social activities….in other words, a whole lot of fun! Cross Training is held at Eagle’s Wings Retreat Center in Burnet. The registration fee is $185 per person which includes sleeping accommodations, meals for the week, tuition and all necessary materials and supplies, official Cross Training T-shirt. Space is limited and a non-refundable deposit of $85 is due with a completed registration form postmarked no later than July 3rd. The balance of $100 must be paid prior to the start of the retreat. For questions/information contact Adrian Sanchez at or (512) 949-2464.
The Diocese is sponsoring a prayer service for those struggling with infertility and/or miscarriage. The service is Wednesday, July 23rd at 7:00pm at Saint Mary Cathedral and will be celebrated by Bishop Joe Vasquez. Sarah’s Hope and Abraham’s Promise, the Cathedral Pro-Life Committee and the Diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living invite all to attend and join these couples in prayer. A reception will be held immediately following. Contact SarahsHope@ or call (512) 736-7334 for more information and to RSVP.
Ongoing Infertility Misc arriage - Adoption Support
Sarah’s Hope – Abraham’s Promise is a spiritual support program for couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage. Based on Catholic teaching, they combine the wisdom of modern medicine with the healing power of the Catholic Church, offering a women’s Bible study support group, couples healing retreats and prayer services throughout the year. Another program on Adoption Support is “Families Built by Love”, a spiritual support program and monthly playgroup for adoptive families. Anyone who has built their family through the miracle of adoption is invited to meet with other families to share the joys and challenges of adoption and fostering. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land The playgroup meets once a month in different areas of The parishioners of St. Elizabeth’s in Austin. For more information on either of these above Pflugerville are organizing a fall pilgrimage programs, contact or with their pastor, Rev. Pedro Garcia- call (512) 736-7334. Ramirez. Join them in experiencing the Catholic Women’s Conference grace and wonder of the Holy Land… October 21 – 30, 2014 for a cost of September 19-20 $3,250, roundtrip Austin to Israel and back. Contact The 13th annual Catholic Women’s Francis Pius at Pious Tours (512) 626-7468 or online at Conference is scheduled for September 19-20 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in Ancient Order of Hibernians San Antonio. The Pilgrim Center Attention Irish men! Are you looking for a way to connect of Hope invites all diocesan women with Christ, your community and culture? Look no to this outstanding conference… further than America’s largest and oldest Irish-Catholic .”a spa for the soul”. Do not miss organization – The Ancient Order of Hibernians! A the outstanding speakers, Reconciliation, Eucharistic division is forming now in Austin and we need you! Healing Service, music and much more! Register early by Email with your name, phone August 18th for discounted price at (210) 521-3377 or online A few registration number and email for more information. “Slainte!” forms can also be found in the narthex tract racks.
The Spirit of St. Louis
CURRENT THREATS TO RELIGIOUS LIBERTY USCCB Fact Sheet Pope Benedict XVI spoke in 2012 about his worry that religious liberty in the United States is being weakened. He called religious liberty the “most cherished of American freedoms.” Unfortunately, our most cherished freedom is under threat: HHS mandate for sterilization, contraception, and abortioninducing drugs. The mandate of the Department of Health and Human Services forces religious institutions to facilitate and/or fund a product contrary to their own moral teaching. Further, the federal government tries to define which religious institutions are “religious enough” to merit protection of their religious liberty. Catholic foster care and adoption services. Boston, San Francisco, the District of Columbia, and the State of Illinois have driven local Catholic Charities out of the business of providing adoption or foster care services—by revoking their licenses, by ending their government contracts, or both—because those Charities refused to place children with same-sex couples or unmarried opposite-sex couples who cohabit. State immigration laws. Several states have passed laws that forbid what they deem as “harboring” of undocumented immigrants—and what the Church deems Christian charity and pastoral care to these immigrants. Discrimination against small church congregations. New York City adopted a policy that barred the Bronx Household of Faith and other churches from
2014 renting public schools on weekends for worship services, even though non-religious groups could rent the same schools for many other uses. Litigation in this case continues. Discrimination against Catholic humanitarian services. After years of excellent performance by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) in administering contract services for victims of human trafficking, the federal government changed its contract specifications to require MRS to provide or refer for contraceptive and abortion services in violation of Catholic teaching. Christian students on campus. In its over-100-year history, the University of California Hastings College of Law has denied student organization status to only one group, the Christian Legal Society, because it required its leaders to be Christian and to abstain from sexual activity outside of marriage. Is our most cherished freedom truly under threat? Yes, Pope Benedict XVI recognized just two years ago that various attempts to limit the freedom of religion in the U.S. are particularly concerning. The threat to religious freedom is larger than any single case or issue and has its roots in secularism in our culture. The Holy Father has asked for the laity to have courage to counter secularism that would “delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate about the issues which are determining the future of American society.”
What can you do to ensure the protection of religious freedom at home and abroad? The U.S. Bishops have called for a Fortnight for Freedom from June 21 to July 4, 2014. Please visit for more information on this important time of prayer, education, and action in support of religious freedom!
St. Louis Women’s A.C.T.S Retreat June 19-22, 2014
“We though many, are one body" ~ 1Cor 10:17 The women’s ACTS Retreat is a week-end retreat presented by lay Catholic women. The goal of the retreat is to provide an opportunity for women to focus on their faith, its application in their daily lives, to build purpose in their prayer life, and to cultivate friendship and fellowship among members of the community. The retreat will begin Thursday evening, June 19, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. with Check-In at St. Louis Catholic Church at the Parish Education Center Bldg. (PEC). Transportation will be provided to and from Down Home Ranch in Elgin, Texas. The weekend will conclude with a “Welcome Home” Mass at 11:30 a.m. at St. Louis on June 22, 2014. Family and friends are invited to attend Mass at the church and to a reception & lunch after Mass at Wozniak Hall. The cost of the retreat is $150.00 which covers the accommodations and all meals for the week-end (3 nights & 7 meals). To reserve your place, $50.00 must be submitted with this registration form. The remaining $100.00 is due no later than Thursday, June 19, 2014 at Check-In. The retreat is limited to 25 women; please register early. PLEASE NOTE: Do not let financial difficulties prevent you from attending. Financial assistance is available. Please contact one of the women below for assistance. Bunny Newby, Director Irene Garcia, Co-Director 512-971-7249 512-293-3295
Please fill out the bottom part of this form and return with registration fee to: St. Louis Catholic Church 7601 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78757 Please make checks payable to: St. Louis Church - Women’s ACTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Women’s A.C.T.S Retreat - REGISTRATION FORM Name (First/Last)
Name as you want it to appear on name tag
Home phone
Work phone
E-mail address
Date of Birth
Emergency Contact
Cell phone Religion/Church (Best) phone # / Alternate phone
Please list any special dietary needs, allergies, medical, mobility, or other special needs for the retreat week-end.
Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name
Office Use Only Date:_______________
Time:_____________ Name of Registrar: _______________________________________
Amount paid: ____________ [ cash____ / check#________ ]
Installments (Amt. & date): ____________ / _____________