March 2014 | The Spirit of St. Louis

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The Spirit of

St. Louis @

march 2014

Lenten Resources in the Parish Library

The Parish Library has resources to help Catholic individuals and families deepen their spirituality during the Lenten Season. We have books on the penitential practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We also carry resources on Christ’s Passion, including Spanish and English versions of Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of Christ.” There are musical CDs of Gregorian Chants for Easter, classic hymns, The Stations of the Cross, The Rosary, and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Our children’s section has books on Easter and the Sacraments of Initiation for which many are preparing. For some, spiritual reading is an additional discipline for Lent. We carry classics like, “The Spiritual Exercises” by St. Ignatius of Loyola, “Introduction to the Devout Life” by St. Francis de Sales, “The Way of Perfection” by Teresa of Avila, “On the Passion of Christ” by Thomas Á Kempis and others. Listed below are the new books in our library for the Lenten season:

“Simplifying the Soul: Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit,” by Paula Huston. Explore the spirituality of the Desert Mothers and Fathers in this book. Similar to the way FlyLady. com advises cleaning your home; Huston advises ways to simplify the following: use of money, care of the body, the mind, the schedule, relationships, and prayer. “Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody: 11 Stories of Real People who Discovered the Underrated Power of Grace,” by Allen R. Hunt. The eleven real life stories in this book reveal how God forgives you, how you can learn to forgive someone else, and how you can learn to forgive yourself.

“Rediscover Lent,” by Matthew Kelly. Rediscover the seven pillars of Catholic spirituality during Lent: confession, daily prayer, the Mass, the Bible, fasting, spiritual reading and the Rosary.

“Bring Lent to Life: Activities and Reflections for Your Family,” by Kathleen M. Basi. Let this book guide your family through Lent with weekly reflections on themes such as prayer, repentance, reconciliation, renewal and the passion. The author includes crafts and recipes for your family to try.

”Lent and Easter Wisdom from Saint Vincent De Paul,” by Father John E. Rybolt. Let the words of St. Vincent de Paul increase your understanding of service to the poor. For each day in Lent and Easter there is an excerpt from the saint’s talks, a bible verse, a prayer and a suggestion for action.

“Walking with Jesus to Calvary: Stations of the Cross for Children,” by Angela M. Burrin. This book, appropriate for ages 5 to 10, helps children understand what happened to Jesus as he walked the road to Calvary. Prayers at the end of each Station encourage children to personalize their devotion to Jesus.

A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •

Parish Directory 512.454.0384 x220 Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 Christian Education Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director x244 Early Childhood Ministry Mary Beth Skinnell, Director x216 Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director x213 Liturgical ministry Bea Lamb, Director x202 Music Chris Oelkers, Director x206 Senior Ministry Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director


Lenten Journey 2014

Ashes to Easter Lenten Boxes Last year your support of the Lenten “mite� boxes benefitted multiple ministries around the world. These ministries, chosen by the Diocese of Austin included missions and missionaries from some of the poorest nations. Your donations to the Lenten boxes DO make a huge difference! Please look for Lenten boxes (or make your own) in the Church and return them during Holy Week. Your generosity to those who need it the most is gratefully appreciated!

March 5 Ash Wednesday Services All services will include distribution of ashes: 6:30am English Mass 8:00am

English School Mass


English Liturgy of the Word


English Mass


Spanish Mass

Stations of the Cross & Via Crucis Each week of Lent, Stations of the Cross and its Spanish equivalent, Via Crucis, are offered to the parish as follows:

Via Crucis Thursdays 6:30pm following 6pm Spanish Mass x265 Social Ministry March 13, 20, 27, April 3 Bea Dela Rosa, Director Stations Fridays at 2:00pm or 7:00pm x239 St. Louis Catholic March 7 at 2pm only; March 14, 21, 28, April 4 School Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Please note that on March 6 and 7, there will be no Via Crucis or Principal Stations of the Cross those evenings due to the Parish Mission. x205 Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Lenten Penance Services Please join us at these special reconciliation services before Easter. Multiple priests will be available to hear your confessions. Thursday, April 10



Friday, April 11

2:00pm & 7:00pm


The Spirit of St. Louis


Lenten Disciplines Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer

Jesus taught that giving alms makes others’ needs our own. During Lent, instead of focusing on ourselves, we are to focus on others, especially the neediest around us. We don’t need to be wealthy to give. We can give of our time, our talents, or our material resources. Jesus teaches that when we give, we also receive. Many choose to sacrifice some of their own luxuries during Lent, setting aside that money for the poor. Lenten boxes will be available in the church or families can design their own Lenten boxes. Proceeds will benefit the missions pre-selected by the Diocese.

day. Some food is permitted which will not equal another full meal. The U.S. Catholic bishops also call for all Catholics 14 years and older to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and the Fridays of Lent. Abstinence forbids the consumption of meat, but not of eggs, milk products or condiments made of animal fat. Almsgiving and fasting are intended to lead us to a deeper relationship with the Lord in our daily activities. We are also called to the spiritual self-discipline of prayer. Jesus taught us that prayer is more than words. We are to pray with attention and intention, locking out noise and trivial things that lay claim to our hearts. Setting aside a daily prayer time during Lent can lead us to a lifetime of communion with God. Scheduling dedicated prayer time in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel is a good way to make prayer a primary focus in your life. Please contact coordinator Joshua Merrill at or 512-879-7514.

Fasting is an ancient religious discipline with a two-fold purpose. First, it gives us an awareness of the basic needs of life and demonstrates our mastery over our appetites. Secondly, this sacrifice leads to clarity of thought, which is a powerful tool for prayer. By fasting we signify our oneness with the Lord, acknowledge our need for conversion and give witness to our solidarity with those less fortunate. Fast and abstinence are an expression of our desire to be Another way to deepen our faith during Lent is by converted in our hearts, to be reconciled with God and each participating in education programs offered in the parish other. that give us insights on Scripture, church history, faith Catholics who are 18 to 59 years old are to fast on Ash traditions and more. Check your bulletins and newsletters Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting refers to the quantity for details on each of these programs, or our parish website: of food eaten. Traditionally, fasting calls for refraining from eating between meals and consuming only one full meal per

John Michael Talbot Special Parish Mission Three Evening Series March 6, 7, & 8 7:00 PM No Tickets Required. A love offering will be received each evening. No on will be turned away for lack of funds. Childcare available in Wozniak Hall (6 months – 5 years)



Family Formation

young adult, adult and family faith formation ministries.

Fellowship of Catholic Men The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at 7:00pm in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins or (512) 836-4777.

Adult Sunday School Discontinued Effective this March, our 11:00am Sunday adult education class in the School Library, will be discontinued for the remainder of the Spring semester. The class facilitator, Chad Nusbaum, has resigned his position at St. Louis in favor of a new career path. We are grateful to Chad for his dedicated service over these last few months. His presence and leadership will be greatly missed by those who enjoyed his class on a weekly basis.

Daylight Saving Time Spring is just around the corner and with it comes Daylight Saving Time. On the second Sunday in March, at 2:00am, we will “spring forward” one hour on our clocks. Mark your calendars for March 9, 2014 and don’t forget to change your clocks!



Don’t Miss This Lenten Series! The Wounded Heart of Christ: Fountain of Divine Love and Divine Mercy Deacon Rob Embry, Presenter Mondays March 10, 17, 24, 31 | Wozniak Hall

Join Deacon Embry in this motivational, meditative and evangelizing Lenten series that will focus on the images and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Divine Mercy image. We will explore this from the perspective of: 1. Scriptural foundations. 2. Development of these themes in the Church Fathers and from the Councils and Creeds. 3. Their interconnection with Eucharistic piety. 4. The medieval mystics, St. Margaret Mary and St. Faustina. 5. How the popes of the last hundred years or so, especially Pius XII and John Paul II have emphasized the devotion and used the underlying theology in their own teaching.

The King's Men Friday Morning Fellowship

Parish men of all ages are invited to be part of The King’s Men! This weekly Friday morning fellowship breakfast begins and ends promptly from 6:00am to 7:30am for those who must go to work. The spring session will include two series: The Carpenter’s Workshop by Steve Wood and Untold Blessings: Three Paths to Holiness by Father Robert Barron. Attendance and materials are free. The King’s Men meet in support of their personal faith development so they may become better husbands, fathers and servant leaders in our community. They come together to deepen their relationships with Jesus Christ, their families and their community so as to live their faith in everyday life. Newcomers always welcome! Register via mobile phone, text KINGSMEN to 84576.

Women of Faith A women’s spiritual enrichment group that explores the feminine genius of being created in God’s image will continue this spring with their morning meetings. Meetings are held Wednesdays at 8:00 am in the Parish Education Center – PEC 201 with breakfast and fellowship first, followed by an exploration of women’s spirituality drawing upon various resources and including group discussions. This is a great way for women of all walks of life to start their day. To register, or for more information please contact Kim Barger at

Want to serve in Ministry?

The Spirit of St. Louis


New leadership in your ministry?

Without exception, all applicants for paid positions in the Diocese, and all applicants for volunteer positions at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church in particular must complete the Catholic Diocese of Austin Application for Ministry which includes a release of information to conduct a criminal background check (go to to complete the application on-line or print a hard copy to complete). A criminal records check for the State of Texas, or any other U.S. state where the applicant has resided during the past five years, shall be conducted prior to employment or volunteer work.

If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are cer tified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Please contact Brenda Beltran to repor t names of new leaders or to check on EIM status at (512) 454-0384 x 211 or .

The application should be submitted to the Diocese (and the background check completed) prior to EIM workshop attendance, or as soon as possible after attendance. All three (3) requirements of the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry process -- application, background check and EIM training workshop -- must be completed before anyone may begin work with minors or vulnerable adults. The application for ministry is submitted only one time. Additionally, our Pastor has determined that those in any parish leadership position (i.e. ministry and organization leaders and Pastoral, Finance and Stewardship Council members) should be in compliance with these diocesan EIM policies as a symbol of leadership within the parish. Applicants should be registered members of the parish/school community for at least six months prior to beginning work or service in any ministry. Exceptions may be made by the pastor or principal only. ALL applicants shall participate in an Ethics and Integrity in Ministry abuse prevention training workshop within 60 days of completing the Application for Ministry.

Writing Your Checks

Colored ink is lovely on pictures or personal cards and notes, but please write checks only in blue or black ink. The bank machines have difficulty reading silver ink or colors like pink/ green and checks may be returned. Your contribution checks are always gratefully appreciated and we appreciate your help in this matter!

Healing Services with Alan Ames Catholic Evangelist, Mystic with the Gift of Healing

The Bishop’s office has mandated that all employees and volunteers in the diocese must attend the EIM workshop every three (3) years. However, there is no need to complete a second Application for Ministry. A list of workshops in the diocese is available on-line at the diocesan website http://

Internationally known evangelist, visionary, mystic who has been given the gift of healing, will be returning to Austin in March. Everyone is welcomed at these services.

Next scheduled workshop at St. Louis in Wozniak Hall:

Monday, March 24

Saturday, March 8 9 AM - 12 PM


This BASIC course in English is for persons who have never attended a previous 3-hour EIM workshop. Please RSVP so that adequate material may be available by contacting the church office at 512-454-0384. Due to the nature of the subject, if you have any concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to arrange an alternative option to receive your training. Such inquiries shall remain confidential.

Rosary 6:30pm Mass 7:00pm Followed by Healing Service Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 1206 East 9th Street, 78702 Tuesday, March 25

Mass 6:00pm Followed by Healing Service St. Patrick Catholic Church 2500 Limmer Loop Hutto, TX 78634

St. Louis Catholic School news preparing the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide

School Registration for 2014 - 2015 Year St. Louis Catholic School is a parish school which does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or gender, in administration of educational policies, admission policies, and other school administered programs; our doors are open to students of all religious beliefs. Registration for the 2014-2015 school year is in session! Please consult the school office (see below) or the school’s

website ( for applications and detailed information. There is a non-refundable initial application fee for new students, per application due at the time the application is submitted. Established in 1956, St. Louis Catholic School provides a challenging and disciplined academic program instilled with Catholic Values and Traditions.

The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide. Please contact our Registrar, Mrs. Rosalie Dowling, at, or at (512)614-6622, ext. 245 for information. What a wonderful week we had during the final week of January ~ Catholic Schools Week. It was a true celebration of what our Catholic schools are all about! Our St. Louis Catholic School students are our future! Special thanks to our dedicated Faculty & Staff who worked with Mrs. Romanies on all of the following events. Sat., January 25th, Mrs. Darlene Howard was honored at the fifth annual Diocesan Celebration of Service & Leadership. A big thank you to all who attended and supported this event in honor of Catholic education. Sun., Jan. 26, Open House was a great success! Many thanks go out to our Middle School Ambassador students who spent their day with us guiding tours. Thank you also to the Faculty and Staff for taking time out of their busy weekends to be here to show off our school. Mon., Jan. 27, Our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast honored our volunteers with homemade items provided by our staff in appreciation for all our volunteers do throughout the year. Tues., Jan. 28, was planned as our Parish Appreciation Day and ended up as one of our two snow days this winter!

Wed., Jan. 29, after morning announcements we celebrated our weekly All School Mass at 8:00 am with Fr. Larry Covington. Our Principal, Mrs. Romanies, along with a group of Pre-K students and their 7th grade buddies, presented Fr. Larry with an affirmation chain, containing one or more links from each student attending our school. Parish Appreciation Day was celebrated on this date with breakfast provided by the school faculty and staff for our parish staff. We appreciate their unending support! Our Home & School Association sixth grade parents provided the Faculty and Staff a delicious soup and salad luncheon to celebrate Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day. A BIG thank you to our sixth grade parents! Thurs., Jan. 30, Grandparents and Grand-Friends Appreciation Day, celebrated with a luncheon for over 80 family members who attended. We would

The Spirit of St. Louis

like to thank all participants for generously supporting our school. We are already looking forward to this event for next year.

Fri., Jan. 31, our day ended with the Annual Faculty/Staff Volleyball Game. This year both teams played well with the final score of 105 to 79 favoring the 8th Grade again this year!

Fri., Feb. 7, Diocesan Leadership Awards Mass, hosted at St. John Neumann Catholic Church. Seventh and eighth grade students from Austin area Catholic schools were honored. Our school congratulates Emily Basquez, Andrew Bracamontez, Catherine Bruns, Ian Kloc, Matthew Lemp, and Micaela Ramacciotti on receiving this well-deserved award for modeling Catholic leadership and values. Sat., Feb. 8, was the 2014 Green & White Night, Dinner, Auction & Casino Event, sponsored by the Auction Committee of our Home & School Association. The event was beautiful as guests enjoyed a delicious dinner, a live auction as well as our famous silent auction. The gorgeous class auction projects were the hit of the evening, generating large donations to our school. Thank you to all who attended the Auction this year. We would especially like to thank everyone who planned this amazing event and all of those who volunteered to help!


Middle School Science Fair News Please help us congratulate our winners of the recent Middle School Science Fair. Our group of independent judges came from many areas: St. Edward’s University, Concordia University, and ACC. Some were students, some professionals in their fields, including retired teachers. They all graciously volunteered their time to evaluate our student’s projects. Best Overall – Elena Gockel 8th Grade 1st – Shelby Ferraris 2nd – Micaela Ramacciotti 3rd – Emily Basquez/Christine Baticados/Krystel Velez-Mar tinez 4th – Matthew Lemp/Clay Orrison 5th – Alex Newton/Alex Pojman 6th – Michael Dolezal 7th – Minh Mather 7th Grade 1st – John McClung 2nd – Minh-Quan Nguyen/ Kaden Stout 3rd – Diego Yanez 4th – Ariana Pouya 5th – Catherine Hosek 6th – Jalen Johnson 7th – Seth Arizola/Jovan Sigcho

March 2014 School Calendar Date:



March 5 March 10 – 14

8:00 am

All School Mass ~ Ash Wednesday Spring Break Week


March 17 March 19 March 21

March 24 – 28 March 24 March 26

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! J 8:00 am

6:30 pm

All School Mass End of 3rd Quarter Spring Book Fair Week Start of 4th Quarter Home & School Assoc. Meeting in School Library

6th Grade 1st – Sofia Garza 2nd – Victoria Pojman/Elizabeth Wostarek 3rd – Catherine Hermansen/Sarah Lee 4th – Emily St. Germain 5th – Matthew Melvin/Owen Scales 6th – Reagan Reitmeyer 7th – Collin Brown/Max Courson/ Noah Demarest Most Creative Experiment: Adey Gayim Most Creative Experiment: Marisa Alvarado Most Artistic Display: Cristabel Soto Most Inventive Project: Daniela Ruiz Most Interesting Problem: TJ Donahue

Diocesan Special Collections March 5 World and Home Missions This collection, taken on Ash Wednesday, benefits missions in Latin America; Black and Native American Home Missions; Catholic Home Missions; Central and Eastern Europe; Africa Missions. Join us in supporting our Church’s missions at home and abroad!

March 29-30 Catholic Relief Services This national collection provides funding for USCCB Office of International Justice and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, relief work of the Holy Father and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. Please give generously.

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliar y

KC Ladies Auxiliary encourages members to enrich their spiritual life, promotes a spirit of friendship and gives assistance to the KC Council in developing independent programs and projects. Membership is open to any lady over 18 years of age, Catholic or non-Catholic whose husband, father, son, brother or sweetheart is a member in good standing of a Knights of Columbus Council, or the widow/daughter of a deceased member. If you have questions or need more information, please contact President Julia Johnson at 512836-1726.

Four Parish Men Hearing God's Call The Journey to the Diaconate

In December, Fr. Larry Covington was notified that four of our parish men have been accepted to the Diaconate training program: Caesar Acosta, Peter Barger, Mark Molchen and David Wostarek. These men, although answering God’s call through their ministries and service in our parish, will now begin the journey of discernment and training with other potential candidates within the Diocese of Austin. They will follow the process as prescribed by the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the U.S. There are three separate but related paths or stages in the diaconal formation program although they may vary by diocese: (1) Aspirant (one year); (2) Candidate (four years); and (3) Post Ordination (three years). These three stages are closely linked and form one journey of faith in Christian living and the principles of service. Men in formation will be examined throughout the process to determine their growth and development spiritually, intellectually (academically) and pastorally. Their wives, if married, will also be walking the path with them, participating in their own training and spiritual development. “These men will go through at least 700 hours of formation, not including hours spent in Pastoral Field Education, Internship and Spiritual Formation Small Groups.”

We ask your continued prayers as they embark on this journey of faith... As with priests, permanent deacons are ordained for the diocese, not an individual parish. Each of our four aspirants is already advanced in their experience of service and ministry, as

you will see from their activities listed here. Caesar Acosta, a former student of St. Louis School, has dedicated much of his service to our school over the years. He has served as president of the St. Louis School Board (two years), and as president of the Home and School Association, along with being Chair of the Booster Club. He volunteered as a girls basketball coach for four years, co-chaired the annual Gala Dinner and Auction as well as Fun Fest, spearheading the set-up and clean-up of Fun Fest booths for two years. He chaired the successful SCRIP program for two years and organized the removal of the old school playground equipment and construction of the new. He was instrumental in coordinating clean-up and clearing brush for the new storage building by the track and helped secure the donation of the concrete foundation for that installation. He has served as Eucharistic Minister and Acolyte at School Masses and regular weekend Masses and has been an active parish Lector. He and his wife Alyce are proud parents of a St. Louis alum and current sophomore at St. Dominic Savio High School. Caesar credits his supportive wife with making all the above possible while they each work full-time jobs. Peter Barger was a member of the parish for twenty-two years (from 1972-1989) and again from 2008 to the present. He, too, attended St. Louis School as a youngster and is the current School Board president. He is a core team member of The King’s Men, and Deputy Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus. He has given his time and service not only as a member of the St. Louis Hospitality, Eucharistic Ministers

The Spirit of St. Louis


St. Vincent de Paul Society Truck Coming to St. Louis It's a brand-new year, and if you've been cleaning out closets lately -- the St. Vincent de Paul Society would love to have your gently used clothing, household items, sports equipment, small furniture, books and magazines, children's items, and your no-longer-used holiday items. The SVdP truck will be in the St. Louis Church parking lot on Saturday, March 8th, from 10am - 2pm, rain or shine. Items that you no longer need can give hope to a needy family -- please help us to help others! To learn more about the St. Vincent de Paul Society, see the back page of this newsletter.

and as an Acolyte, but has been a team member and co-director of the past ACTS men’s retreats. He works with Mobile Loaves and Fishes and sits on the board of Down Home Ranch (for disabled adults). Peter’s wife, Kimberly, is his greatest supporter. Mark Molchen has been a welcome volunteer in parish adult education programs. He was a Bible study leader from 1998-2005 and a member of the St. Louis Prayer Group during that time. He worked diligently with the Christ Renews His Parish English retreat program from 2001-2004 and has been part of the RCIA catechetical teams off and on from 2005 to the present. Mark is an Acolyte and Lector and has been active in That Man is You and now King’s Men, along with being a member of the 2013 ACTS team. David Wostarek has been an Acolyte, Lector and Eucharistic Minister in the parish. He has been a member of the

Knights of Columbus since 1993 and has been the recent Deputy Grand Knight and Grand Knight for Council 5967. He is a committee member and board of review coordinator for Troop 89. His community service extends to an advisory board for McNeil High School Automotive Training Program and volunteering with the McNeil High School Junior ROTC. David and his wife Jeannette just celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2013. Each of these men has come from different jobs and backgrounds and yet each has found a common ground in their service and dedication to Church and parish. We ask your continued prayers for them as they embark on this journey of faith that will surely be challenging but rewarding, asking God’s grace on their efforts and His guidance for the road ahead.

St. Louis Flower Guild St. Louis Flower Guild welcomes volunteers throughout the year to enhance our worship spaces. There are two ways to volunteer: 1) Each Friday, join a team that is creating the floral arrangements for the weekend Masses. 2) Volunteers are especially needed before major feasts like Christmas and Easter. Call Dolores Rumpf 512-836-2190 for additional details. Whether you can give two hours or ten, come help us decorate God’s house! Maybe you can’t arrange flowers but you can help provide the flowers through your generosity. Altar flowers may be used to honor or memorialize a loved one or a special family event. Consider donating toward the altar flowers for a particular weekend. Call Evelyn McNair 512-4540384 x209 or email evelyn.mcnair@ and send a check for $65.00 payable to St. Louis Church. Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Flower Guild that offers fresh floral arrangements weekly in our main sanctuary (except during Lent or Advent).

Early Childhood Ministry Serving our youngest parishioners

Early Childhood Development Center Ages 12 months-5 years of age-located in Wozniak Hall We will be closed March 10-14 for Spring Break. This month the children will hear the story about St. Patrick (Bishop, Patron of Ireland). They will decorate shamrocks and learn how it represents the Holy Trinity. Spring is in the air and the children will learn the life cycle of the butterfly, plant seeds and watch them grow, and talk about farm animals. The students will be celebrating Dr. Seuss this month, reading his books and making “green eggs and ham”.

Sunday Nursery Nursery is located in Wozniak Hall for children ages 6 weeks – four years of age. Held during the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses.

SAVE THE DATE! Vacation Bible School June 23-27, 2014

Meeting the Sensory Needs of Preschoolers

Adapted from Stacy D. Thompson and Jill M. Raisor, Meeting the Needs of Young Children

Sensory stimulation–the senses sending information to the brain–is an important tool for learning. Preschoolers see, smell, touch, hear, and sometimes taste any number of things on a given day. They frequently rely on sensory processingthe brain’s interpretation of that information-to discover their world. Some children crave sensory stimulation, while others are easily overwhelmed. When a child consistently cannot control his emotions or behaviors, the environment may not be providing the sensory experiences he needs. Children may squirm, seem distracted, disrupt others, or become upset when their sensory needs are not being met. When children need help processing information from their senses, teachers usually see them respond in one of four ways. These four responses, called patterns of sensory processing, are low registration, sensory sensitivity, sensation avoiding, and sensation seeking. Low registration

Sensation seeking

A child with low registration needs a lot of sensory interaction but does not seek it out. This child might have a shorter attention span and seem uninterested in classroom activities. She might not notice if someone new walked into the classroom, or be able to tell an adult what happened during her day or how she got a bruise. She requires louder noises, brighter pictures, and stronger flavors in foods in order to respond. The more input children with low registration receive, the better they understand and respond to their environment.

A child with a sensation-seeking pattern always seems to be in motion, searching for new sensory experiences related to one particular sense. For example, a child who is highly visual might ask to see everything, while a child who is tactile might want to touch everything. Sometimes the child’s efforts to meet her sensory needs disturb other children, like touching a child who then feels like his personal space has been invaded.

Sensory sensitivity

A child who is sensory sensitive is easily distracted by his surroundings. He may become irritable and insist on certain routines. Changes in the environment affect him, but he might not demonstrate an immediate response to the change. He is more likely to have an outburst after an interaction or experience than while he feels overwhelmed.

Sensation avoiding

A child who is sensation avoiding quickly reaches her capacity to handle experiences and might shut down shortly afterward. For example, changes in the daily routine disturb her, and when there is change, she might refuse to cooperate. She needs stability in the classroom and will avoid unpredictable situations. Such children have difficulty concentrating on a task because they are focusing on everything else around them. It’s likely such a child will avoid or leave an activity to keep from becoming overwhelmed. For instance, he might want to wear gloves when asked to handle something messy.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Children’s Liturgy

Offered during the 9:30, 11:30, 1:30, and 5:00 Masses on Sundays

March 2

God Will Never Forget Us This week’s Gospel reminds us of God’s continual, life-giving love. We are reminded that if God loves the birds and the flowers of the field and takes care of their needs, how much more can we trust in God to love us and take care of our needs?

March 9

Create in Me a Clean Heart In the Gospel, we hear about how Jesus prepared for his mission and ministry. When we set aside a special time and dedicate it to the work of the Holy Spirit, we ask God to make our hearts clean. Lent is our time for this.

March 16

Listen to Him This week’s Gospel is about the Transfiguration. This week we are called to celebrate Jesus’ divinity and remember to listen to him. Jesus Christ will transform our lives!

March 23

Christ the Living Water This week we introduce the idea that we can hunger and thirst for God. Jesus tells us he is the living water that will quench our thirst.

March 30

Christ the True Light In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses water as a sign of purification and healing. His healing presence helps us “see the light” of faith.

SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: February 16 - 22 Memory of George Kovar by Judy Vrazel (M/N) March 2 - 8 Memory of Walter Abbott by Judy and Bob Bonham (M/N and C) March 9-15 Memory of Fred McNair by Evelyn McNair (M/N and C)

St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center now accepting applications for fall 2014 enrollment (Children ages 12 months-5 years of age)

For more information, contact Mary Beth Skinnell, Director or Margaret English-Knipp, Assistant Director at 512-454-0384 ext 244.

Parish News 2013 Tax Statements

We are grateful for all donations, large or small, and hope that your generosity will bring you much needed tax relief when filing your 2013 tax returns this year. Per IRS regulations, St. Louis Catholic Church automatically sends out 2013 tax statements to anyone who has given a single donation of at least $250. Donors who don’t quite meet this threshold may contact the church office at 512.454.0384 x 201 to request your statement. We are happy to mail your first statement to you at no charge, but we ask that you pick up replacement statements from the Church Office during regular business hours.

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Dinners

The Knights of Columbus Council # 5967 will again be offering their “Famous Fish Fry Dinners” with all the trimmings, every Friday from 5:307:30PM, (Except on Good Friday April 18, 2014), during Lent at Wozniak Hall. The first dinner will be on March 07, 2014. The dinners include Fried Catfish, French Fries, Pinto Beans, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, and Ice Tea/Coffee. Large Plate, $12 (3 pieces of fish, 3 sides & Hushpuppies); Medium Plate $11 (2 pieces of fish, 2 sides & Hushpuppies; Child’s Plate $6 (1 piece of fish, 1 side & Hushpuppies for Children Age 10 and under). And Senior's Plate $9 (2 pieces of fish, 2 sides & Hushpuppies); (Adults, Age 65 and OLDER, ONLY.) All dinners include Ice Tea and/or Coffee. We regret having to increase prices, but our “U.S. produced food supplies” prices increased. (Prices are subject to change, if the cost of our food supplies change again.) The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary will also offer delicious cakes, pies, etc., at reasonable prices.


Updates Adoration for Lent

During Lent, plan to spend time with the Lord in perpetual adoration as a gift that you give yourself and the parish. Anyone is welcome at any time during the day to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. To sign-up for a specific hour each week or for keypad code information, please contact Joshua Merrill at or 512-879-7514.

The Healing Sacrament Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month, the Sacrament of Healing with laying-on of hands and anointing is offered during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Join us for this weekly, meditative service of beautiful Gregorian chant. No reservation is needed and the service lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Congratulations to Parish High Schools! St. Dominic Savio reported that the following St. Louis parishioners earned high Academic Honors for the 2nd marking period: Robyn Aanstoos Vu Mather Savanah Acosta Elena Pojman Sandra Haddad Isabel Prado Giakhanh Hoang Michelangelo Rodriguez Chizitam Ibezim Maria Saenz-Rodriguez Andrew Kalamarides Gabriella Tucker Tuan Mather In addition, the following Dominic Savio students earned Honors: Caroline Aanstoos Ericka Orozco Matthew Bruns Desiree Quintanilla Eden Desta Kassandra Vazquez Dominic Kress Kyle Wyborski Jacob Morgan


The Spirit of St. Louis


for the young at heart

Next Step Program St. Louis Catholic Church will be hosting the diocesan meeting for the Next Step Program on Saturday, March 1, 2014. The meeting and service will center on the “Healing of Memories”. The Next Step Program is based on Ignatian Spirituality and is authored by Rev. James Wheeler, SJ. It is a vehicle to recognize and effectively deal with the blockages, wounded relationships, or internal paralysis which inhibit spiritual growth and prevent us from living abundant lives of joy in Christ.

Bible Timeline Class Classes are taught on Tuesdays, in the Main Room of Wozniak Hall from 10:30 a.m. – noon. Everyone is invited to attend.

Entertainment The Silver Strings Orchestra will perform for us on Thursday, March 13, in Wozniak Hall from 1-3p.m. Everyone is invited. Hope to see you there.

Senior Retreat A senior retreat will be presented by the Reverend Vincent Romuald, SRC, Associate Pastor of St. Louis Catholic Church. The retreat will be on Saturday, March 22 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. It will begin with 8:00 a.m. Mass in the church and then continue in Wozniak Hall. A donation of $6.00 is requested to help defray the cost of the afterMass refreshments and lunch. For reservations and/or more information, please contact the Senior Ministry office at 512.454.0384 ext 206.

The Garden Ministry Upcoming Work Days!

The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers to help with garden maintenance. Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Thursdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays for 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact AnnaWalsh for more information or to sign up for a time Spring work days are March 1st and 15th. The garden is in need of hoes, rakes, buckets, nail-free lumber, scissors for harvesting and bagged leaves and grass clippings (mostly free of seed heads).

OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123) BAPTISMS January 6 – February 5, 2014

Armando Luis Alaniz Vicente Andres Alaniz MARRIAGES & CONVALIDATIONS January 6 – February 5, 2014

Darren Vauter Biel and Teresa Christine Brucker Peter Robert Smith and Laura Anne Wolken RECENTLY DECEASED

Yolanda Aviles Linda Anne Peters ST. LOUIS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512-453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information.

Around the Diocese and beyond 40 Days for Life Campaign March 5 – April 13

All weekend retreats are $195 for private room, $160 for shared room, $85 for commuter. All day retreats are $35 Join us for a weekend exploring writing as a tool for fostering intimate prayer. We will use guided and include lunch. For more information or registration writing exercises, visual and musical props to invite participants into spiritual conversations with on Anne upcoming contact 254-780-2436 or skills email the sacred. Klock, flutist,retreats, will provide the sacred music for this retreat. NO writing are required, only a willingness to ponder and listen—with pen in hand! Led by author Maria Ruiz Next events include: Scaperlanda. This retreat is open to both men and women. March 5 9:00am – 2:30pm “The Shack” with Sr. Lois Dideon: Oct. 4- 6 Ash Wednesday Day of Reflection “Meet Me at the Shack ~ Love, Papa” So you’ve read The Shack. Would you like to come and Writing as Prayer: Sept 13-15

experience it and to talk Cedarbrake about it? Have you why God put deep this book in your hands? Would Come towondered experience the refreshing waters you like to spend the weekend with others who have been touched and challenged by The Shack, of scripture, to meditate and to enjoy quiet time. Mass and reflecting, unpacking, sharing and experiencing God? The weekend will include presentations, time distribution of ashes will be included in the day. Cost is $35 for discussion, guided imagery and relaxing beauty.

and includes lunch.

The Gospel of John: Oct. 14_

March Silent The fourth gospel is7-8 written in great poeticLenten language byRetreat John often telling two levels of stories at the same time. This day will be an opportunity to enter more deeply into the Woman at the Well The Cedarbrake staff will be presenting this retreat story and the Eucharist Discourse in Chapter Six. Brian Egan will present this day. that offers

spiritual direction and lots of quiet, meditative time. The brunch on Sunday at 11:00am. Cost is $160 for a shared room, $195 The Art and Heart of the Spiritual Life: Based upon his bestselling book, Catching Fire, Becoming Flame: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation, this weekend retreat focuses upon some of the for private room. The Art & Heartbegins of the Spiritual Fr. Hasse, Nov. 1-3 weekend Friday atLife 7:00pm andOFM: concludes with

important elements and attitudes of a vibrant spiritual life: confronting temptations, and experiencing God’s presence in our everyday, ordinary life and routine. Fr. Haase is March 8 9:00am – 2:30pm is a popular speaker, spiritual director and co- host of “Spirit &Life” on Relevant Radio.

The Central Texas Coalition for Life invites you to bring Christ to the sidewalk in front of any of the four abortion facilities in Central Texas. Stop by your nearest abortion facility to pray any time for a conversion of hearts for those considering an abortion. You may also buy roses or flowers and leave them on the place that you stand and pray in honor of those 56+million children’s and women’s lives that have been lost or damaged. (Please do not leave items such as stuffed animals so as to avoid littering fines from the city.) Applications are now available for those wishing to lead or participate in a local 40 Days for Life campaign, holding prayer vigils at abortion clinic locations simultaneously with hundreds of other cities across the world. Email for more information: info@ or volunteer on a sign-up schedule at upcoming-events

Relevant Radio 970 AM in Austin .

Grow your faith and change your life with Relevant Radio 970 – Nov. 14 Aguilar, The Devil We Don’t Know Angelo Bertini presenter of “Austin’s Talk Radio for Catholic Fr. Guillermo OFM will beFr. the Spanish Dec. 6-8 Silent Weekend Retreat Cedarbrake Stafflunch. Life”. This non-profit, listenerthis day Dec. of reflection. Cost is $35 and includes 9 Advent Dinner Fr. Richard O’Rourke supported Catholic radio station To REGISTER: go to March 22 call 254-780-2436 9:00am –or2:30pm bridges the gap between faith and everyday life by giving Contemplating the Presence of God in our Daily Lives you a greater understanding of Catholicism in today’s All Weekend Retreats are $185 for private room, $155 for shared room, secular society. Relevant Radio 970 is owned and operated $75 forpresenter commuterfor this day of reflection. Wanda Gibson will be the by the largest Catholic talk radio network in the U.S., Retreats are $35 and include lunch Cost $35 All andDay includes lunch. reaching more than 20 million people through 33 radio stations across the country and its internet broadcast at Tune in today! Contemplacion de los 3 dias de la passion de Cristo

Project Rachel Retreats March 28-30

This compassionate ministry helps women and men suffering emotionally and spiritually from the trauma of abortion. Project Rachel retreats are offered throughout the year at private locations and location is disclosed upon registration. Each retreat is about getting away from the daily pressures of work and family to begin healing in a supportive and non-judgmental process. Confidential registration is available by contacting 877-932-2732 or

Marriage Encounter Retreat for your Marriage

Take time out for you and your spouse that will make a real difference in your marriage. Marriage Encounter offers weekend retreats at Cedarbrake Renewal Center. To find out more information about the next planned retreat, contact Steve and Linda Jaramillo, 512-677-9963 or email Para informacion en espanol llamar al 512-844-0785.

The Spirit of St. Louis

9th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference in San Antonio March 7-8

Austin men are cordially invited to the 9th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference in San Antonio, organized by The Pilgrim Center of Hope, a Catholic Evangelization Apostolate since 1993. The conference is a place for men to gather and learn about their faith and who God created them to be as men of God. This year’s Conference will offer five inspirational speakers including Father Nathan Cromly, CSJ (Head of the Brothers of St. John Monastery in Laredo), Greg Willits (author of The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid), and Tim Staples (Former Baptist, Assembly of God whose fellow Marine opened his eyes to Catholicism), Father Ed Hauf, OMI (In healing ministry as Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate) and Archbishop Gustavo GarciaSiller, MSpS (Bishop of the San Antonio Diocese and experienced in forming men for their mission as missionaries of the Holy Spirit). Rates for groups, individuals, active military, clergy, religious, seminarians and students are available by going online at www. or calling 210-521-3377. The earlier you register the more you save!

Spiritual Renewal Conference March 7-8, 2014

You’re invited! Don’t miss this year’s Spiritual Empowered Conference sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Austin, (CCRA). Among the speakers, Fr. John Kim, Fr. Robert Becker, Carmen Frankel and Dr. Geri Telepak, they will address the theme of “Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit with Healing Grace Victoriously in Christ.” Learn how to be empowered in the spiritual gifts God has given you for spiritual growth, evangelizing, teaching, and edifying the body of Christ. Friday, March 7, 7-10pm Saturday, March 8, 8:30am-10pm. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Paris Hall 1206 E. 9th Street. Conference details and registration on-line at or call (512) 563-7851.

Attention All Curistillistas!

Austin Diocese English Cursillo has weekends scheduled this spring. A women’s weekend is April 3-6 and the men’s weekend is April 24-27. If you would like more information about these weekend retreats, please contact Robin Spencer at 254-220-3883 or robins@hot.


Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Support

For more info about either of the below programs or to find out about bringing one or both to your parish, contact or call (512) 736-7334. Infertility & Miscarriage Support

Sarah's Hope & Abraham's Promise is a spiritual support program for couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage. Based on Catholic teaching, we combine the wisdom of modern medicine with the healing power of the Catholic Church. We offer a women's Bible study support group, couples healing retreats and prayer services throughout the year. Adoption Support

Destined: Families Built by Love is a spiritual support program and monthly playgroup for adoptive families. Anyone who has built their family through the miracle of adoption is invited to meet with other families to share the joys and challenges of adoption and fostering. The playgroup meets once a month in different areas of Austin.

Czech Republic, Poland, and Austria Vienna, Brno, Ostrava, Krakow, Prague Hosted by Fr. Louis Pavlicek, Fr. Stephen Nestra, Fr. William Straten 11 days: June 23-July 3, 2014 $3489 per person, from Austin Price Includes: Roundtrip Airfare from Austin, $690 govt. taxes/ airline fuel surcharges, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals Professional Tour Director, and Comprehensive Siteseeing.

For a brochure and more information contact Msgr. Louis Pavlicek: Tel: (512) 255-4473 Email:

parish social MINISTRy serving the neediest among us

Spotlight: St. Vincent de Paul Society The St. Vincent de Paul Society conference at St. Louis Church has been serving the needy in our neighborhoods for well over 50 years. Our 2013 fiscal year ended on September 30, and we take this opportunity to report on last year's activities so that you may see how your generosity is benefiting the community around us. None of the work that we do as Vincentians would be possible without your generous support throughout the year. Last year:

• Our 10-12 members made 387 home visits – that equates to 1,041 people helped. • Our gross income was $51,200 – 77% of that came directly from church and poor box collections. • We spent $49,600 in direct help to the poor, mostly to assist with rent, utility payments, and medications. We also purchased Cap Metro bus passes (at a discount) and HEB gift cards to distribute to those most in need of those items. We are incredibly blessed to have received $3,000 in twinning funds last year from our sister conference at St. Vincent de Paul parish. We also received extra help through the year for specific cases from St. Vincent de Paul conferences at St. Theresa's, St. Albert's, Sacred Heart, St. Austin's, St. John Neumann, and our own parish social ministries. And most of all, many families were greatly helped throughout the year by the dedicated Vincentians at St. Theresa's conference, who take 7 of our cases every week of the year - they do the home visits and provide the assistance. Christmas

We participated for the first time in the giving trees during Advent in 2012. We collected HEB gift cards, which we were able to distribute to needy families all throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. Most of the parishioners who donated bought their HEB cards at the scrip table, so the parish school and St. Vincent de Paul Society both benefited! We also had four families sponsored last year at Christmastime; large families with many children. One family was sponsored by donations given at a private corporation, one by the nonprofit SEDL, and two by our SVDP conference members as a group. Plus One (Austin Energy)

Since 2011, our conference has been a Plus One partner with Austin Energy. Through this program, Austin Energy provides us with an allocation that we can apply against Austin Energy accounts to help our clients with their utility bills. Our allocation last year was $16,000 (the allocation for the current year was increased to $21,000). We are grateful for this program in that we manage the allocations ourselves, with our only requirements being to attend quarterly meetings and that Austin Energy conduct an annual on-site visit. All of our $16,000 allocation was spent to help needy families with their utility bills. Vincentians

The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides a blessed opportunity for parishioners to share their time and talent in service to the neediest all around us. Some of our members do home visits; some members work in our office. Come see what we do – we meet every Tuesday at 7pm in the Parish Social Ministries building.

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