The Spirit of
St. Louis @ MAY 2015
Pope Francis’ Easter “Urbi et Orbi” Message 5 April 2015
Image by l'osservatore romano
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness! Out of love for us, Jesus stripped himself of his divine glory, emptied himself, took on the form of a slave and humbled himself even to death, death on a cross. For this reason God exalted him and made him Lord of the universe. Jesus is Lord! This way is humility, which involves humiliation. This is the path which leads to glory. On Easter morning Peter and John ran to the tomb. They found it open and empty. Then they drew near and “bent down” in order to enter it. To enter into the mystery, we need to “bend down”, to abase ourselves. Only those who abase themselves understand the glorification of Jesus and are able to follow him on his way. The world proposes that we put ourselves forward at all costs, that we compete, that we prevail. Christians, by the grace of Christ, dead and risen, are the seeds of another humanity, in which we seek to live in service to one another. This is not weakness, but true strength! Those who bear within them God’s power speak and act with the power of truth, beauty and love. From the risen Lord we ask the grace not to succumb to the pride which fuels violence and war, but to have the humble courage of pardon and peace. We ask Jesus, the Victor over death, to lighten the sufferings of our many brothers and
sisters who are persecuted for his name, and of all those who suffer injustice as a result of ongoing conflicts and violence. We ask for peace, above all, for Syria and Iraq, that the roar of arms may cease and that peaceful relations may be restored among the various groups which make up those beloved countries. We pray for peace for all the peoples of the Holy Land. May a culture of encounter grow between Israelis and Palestinians, in order to end years of suffering and division. We ask the risen Lord for the gift of peace for Yemen, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. May constant prayer rise up from all people of goodwill for those who lost their lives – I think in particular of the young people who were killed at Garissa University College in Kenya. We ask for peace and freedom for the many men and women subject to old and new forms of enslavement on the part of criminal individuals and groups. Peace and liberty for the victims of drug dealers, who are often allied with the powers who ought to defend peace and harmony in the human family. May the marginalized, the imprisoned, the poor and the migrants, the sick and the suffering, children, especially those who are victims of violence; and all men and women of goodwill, hear the consoling voice of the Lord Jesus:
“Peace to you! Fear not, for I am risen and I shall always be with you.”
A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •
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Parish Directory
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10 Day Pilgrimage To The From the Parish Office Holy Land Publication Deadlines JERUSALEM – BETHLEHEM – GETHSEMANE – JERICHO – NAZARETH The nextMT. monthly newsletter will a DOUBLE issue TABOR – parish MT. BEATITUDE – SEA OF be GALILEE
for JUNEJULY. Thank you for submitting items to no NOVEMBER 10TH – 19TH, 2015 $3,390.00 PER PERSON FROM HOUSTON later than May 5.
after-luncheon and penses of carriages, erary; baggage and he tour price. person is required due 90 days before will not be accepted. EDIT CARDS.
x220 ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert, M.Th., Director
(Includes: Roundtrip Air Transportation From Houston, First Class Hotels, Double Occupancy, 2 Meals A Day – Breakfast & Dinner, Daily Sightseeing, Daily Mass, Airport Taxes, Entrance Fees, Tips To Drivers And Guides, And Fuel Surcharges – Which Is Subject To Change.)
x211 BUSINESS OFFICE Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator
Weekly bulletin deadlines are always 10 days in advance of an intended weekend. Submit items to no later than Wednesdays Spiritual Director: Fr. James Misko at Noon. Co-Spiritual Director: Fr. David Jaeger, OFM St. Louis King of France Catholic Church - Austin, TX
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x221 CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Beatriz Franceschi, Director
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x219 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., s to travel, whether Director , accident, delay or
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x244 EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Mary Beth Skinnell, Director x216 HISPANIC ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Sumayah Abullarade, Director x213 LITURGICAL MINISTRY Bea Lamb, Director x202 MUSIC Chris Oelkers, Director
x206 SENIOR MINISTRY Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director X 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE Christa Almaguer, Manager
10-Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Church of all Nations
Inspirational Tours, Inc. is offering a 10-day pilgrimage November 10-19, 2015, led by Spiritual Directors, Father James Misko and Msgr. David Jaeger, OFM. The tour is $3,390 per person from Houston and includes roundx265 SOCIAL MINISTRY trip airfare, hotels (double occupancy), two meals per day, daily sightseeing, Bea Dela Rosa, Director daily Mass, airport taxes, entrance fees, tips to drivers/guides and fuel x239 ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC surcharges (subject to change). Look for brochures and registration forms SCHOOL in the narthex tract racks or the Church Office and follow the directions Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., for mailing in your form. The pilgrimage includes stops in Jerusalem, Principal Bethlehem, Gethsemane, Jericho, Nazareth, Mt.Tabor, Mt. Beatitude and the Sea of Galilee. x205 YOUTH MINISTRY Paul Stadelman, Director
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Connect with us! f /stlouisaustin t @stlouisaustin i /stlouisaustin
The Spirit of St. Louis
Is Your Information Correct?
Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 ext 201 or Belinda.
Parish Library Searching for Volunteers! Caps of Love Update
Thanks to all the generous donors from St. Louis who collected plastic caps from October 2014 through mid-January of this year. This campaign, coordinated by the National Council of Catholic Women and our local DCCW, collected plastic caps that will be recycled into wheelchairs for children. Home Depot accepted the caps and shipped them on huge pallets to Florida. Patsy Alvarez was the parish representative that offered her garage as a collection point, and she made endless trips to the Church Office, picking up donations from St. Louis parishioners. Thank you to all for your participation in this nation-wide campaign!
We are currently looking for a person to head this ministry, especially if you’ve had previous library experience or love helping people find materials to supplement their faith journey. We also need volunteers to work in the library after Masses, after school and when there are faith formation activities in/near the PEC. Behindthe-scenes volunteers are needed to process new material, build our Online Catalog System and help with special events. Training is provided! Contact charlotte.aanstoos@st-louis. org for more information.
New leadership in your ministry?
Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ
The March 14th Lenten Retreat for Seniors was a huge success! Almost 100 parishioners enjoyed Fr. James Misko’s presentation on “Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ”. The delicious meal was prepared and served by the ladies from the KJZT #93.
If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/ organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.beltran@st-louis. org
POPE FRANCIS CALLS FOR A HOLY YEAR OF MERCY At Vespers (Evening Prayer) of April 11, in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis announced that, beginning with the new liturgical year, the Universal Church will enter into a time dedicated to the loving mercy of God. He proclaims this the Jubilee of Mercy through what is called a Papal Bull. This comes to us from the Latin word Bulla which is the wax seal that a pope affixes to an important statement to the Church, indicating the importance of the initiative. Pope Francis explains in the Bull, “The Holy Year will open on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This liturgical feast day recalls God’s action from the very beginning of the history of mankind. After the sin of Adam and Eve, God did not wish to leave humanity alone in the throes of evil. So he turned his gaze to Mary, holy and immaculate in love (cf. Eph 1:4), choosing her to be the Mother of man’s Redeemer. When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive. I will have the joy of opening the Holy Door on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On that day, the Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope. On the following Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Rome – that is, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran – will be opened. In the following weeks, the Holy Doors of the other Papal Basilicas will be opened. On the same Sunday, I will announce that in every local Church, at the cathedral – the mother church of the faithful in any particular area – or, alternatively, at the co-cathedral or another church of special significance, a Door of Mercy will be opened for the duration of the Holy Year. At the discretion of the local ordinary, a similar door may be opened at any Shrine frequented by large groups of pilgrims, since visits to these holy sites are so often grace-filled moments, as people discover a path to conversion. Every Particular Church, therefore, will be directly involved in living out this Holy Year as an extraordinary moment of grace and spiritual renewal. Thus the Jubilee will be celebrated both in Rome and in the Particular Churches as a visible sign of the Church’s universal communion.”
The Spirit of St. Louis
The Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is composed of 25 numbered sections. Pope Francis has described the most salient features of mercy, focusing primarily on the theme of the light of Christ’s face. Mercy is not an abstract word, but rather a face to recognise, contemplate and serve. The Bull is developed in a Trinitary fashion (Nos. 6-9) and extends to a description of the Church as a credible sign of mercy: “Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life” (No.10). Pope Francis indicates the salient phases of the Jubilee. The opening coincides with the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Vatican II Ecumenical Council: “The Church feels a great need to keep this event alive. With the Council, the Church entered a new phase of her history. The Council Fathers strongly perceived, as a true breath of the Holy Spirit, a need to talk about God to men and women of their time in a more accessible way. The walls which too long had made the Church a kind of fortress were torn down and the time had come to proclaim the Gospel in a new way” (No. 4). The conclusion will take place “with the liturgical Solemnity of Christ the King on 20 November 2016. On that day, as we seal the Holy Door, we shall be filled, above all, with a sense of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for having granted us an extraordinary time of grace. We will entrust the life of the Church, all humanity, and the entire cosmos to the Lordship of Christ, asking him to pour out his mercy upon us like the morning dew, so that everyone may work together to build a brighter future.” (no.5). A special feature of this Holy Year is the fact that it will be celebrated not only in Rome, but also in all the other dioceses of the world. The Holy Door will be opened by the Pope at St. Peter’s on 8 December, and on the following Sunday in all the Churches of the world. Another novelty is that the Pope will grant the possibility of opening the Holy Door also in Sanctuaries, where many pilgrims will go in order to pray. Pope Francis resumes the teaching of St. John XXIII, who spoke of the “medicine of Mercy”, and of Paul VI who identified the spirituality of Vatican II with that of the Samaritan. The Bull explains, furthermore, various salient aspects of the Jubilee: firstly, the motto, “Merciful like the Father”, then the meaning of pilgrimage and above all the need for forgiveness. The theme that is particularly close to the Pope’s heart is found in section No. 15: the works of corporal and spiritual mercy are to be resumed in order to “reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty. And let us enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy”. A further indication is offered by Lent, with the sending out of the “Missionaries of Mercy” (No. 18), a new and original initiative by which the Pope intends to emphasise his pastoral care in a more concrete way. In paragraphs 20 and 21
the Pope considers the theme of the relationship between justice and mercy, showing that he does not stop at a legalistic view, but rather aims at a path that leads to merciful love. Paragraph 19 is a powerful appeal against organised violence and against those who are “advocates and accomplices” of corruption. The Pope uses strong words to denounce this “festering wound”, and insists that during this Holy Year there must be true conversion: “This is the opportune moment to change our lives! This is the time to allow our hearts to be touched! When confronted with evil deeds, even in the face of serious crimes, it is the time to listen to the cry of innocent people who are deprived of their property, their dignity, their feelings, and even their very lives. To stick to the way of evil will only leave one deluded and sad. True life is something entirely different. God never tires of reaching out to us. He is always ready to listen, as I am too, along with my brother bishops and priests. All one needs to do is to accept the invitation to conversion and submit oneself to justice during this special time of mercy offered by the Church” (No. 19). The granting of indulgences as a traditional theme of the Jubilee year is expressed in section No. 22. A final original aspect is offered by Pope Francis with regard to mercy as a theme shared also by Jews and Muslims: “I trust that this Jubilee year celebrating the mercy of God will foster an encounter with these religions and with other noble religious traditions; may it open us to even more fervent dialogue so that we might know and understand one another better; may it eliminate every form of closed-mindedness and disrespect, and drive out every form of violence and discrimination” (No. 23). The Pope’s wish is that this Year, experienced also in the sharing of divine mercy, may be “dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all of us. In this Jubilee Year, let us allow God to surprise us. He never tires of throwing open the doors of his heart and repeats that he loves us and wants to share his love with us. … In this Jubilee Year, may the Church echo the word of God that resounds strong and clear as a message and a sign of pardon, strength, aid, and love. May she never tire of extending mercy, and be ever patient in offering compassion and comfort. May the Church become the voice of every man and woman, and repeat confidently without end: ‘Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old’”. Published by VISarchive 02 - Monday, April 13, 2015
Read Misericordiae Vultus in its entirety at or search the key words Misericordiae Vultus.
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May Calendar First Eucharist May 2 | 10:30 a.m
Memorial Day NO CLASSES May 25
8th Grade Graduation May 29 | 6:30 p.m.
Ms. Casey Foyt Ms. Foyt is the1st grade teacher and is in her second year teaching at St. Louis. Why St. Louis? I was out of college looking for a job and was friends with the Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Chaffee, who told me about the opportunity. I came for an interview and loved the school and the small community. It seemed like a good opportunity for me at the time. Why do you choose to stay here? I stay for the community. I really enjoy the small aspect of the school. The public schools I taught in were so big and it can be hard to get to know the families or other teachers well. What are your goals for you or your students? For my students, I want them to be able to set goals for themselves. Every week, we work together with students to help set weekly goals. I want them to be able to know that for them to reach their goals, they have to work towards them. For myself, I look forward to gaining more experience, learning all that I can in my time here, learning to be more flexible, spending more time with students on a subject, if that is what they need. Fun Fact: Ms. Foyt is from Arlington and comes from a long line of Texas Longhorns. A graduate of The University of Texas herself, Ms. Foyt always roots for the Burnt Orange.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Mr. Willie Gomez Mr. Gomez teaches Religion for 6th-8th grade and is in his sixth year of teaching at St. Louis. Why St. Louis? My first response is divine providence. My wife and I moved to Austin July of 2008 and by the time the school year started, it was too late to get a teaching job. I was working at HEB, applied through the Diocese in January, and two weeks later was called for a job with a February start. I taught within the Diocese of Corpus Christi for eight years before, so this was a good fit for me. Why do you choose to stay here? I love the school, the kids, the staff, faculty, and the church community. I look at teaching as a ministry that I love and enjoy doing. Honestly, I can say that I have close to 35 years as a catechist and that I am very blessed to be here. What are your goals for you or your students? For my ‘muchitos’, or little children, I wish that they will have a personal relationship with Jesus before they leave the school. One of my challenges is to be the best role model I can; to constantly give witness to my faith and remind students to live their faith, regardless of situations in life. I constantly remind my students that I am an instrument of Christ, a substitute teacher if you will, and my job is to bring them closer to Him. I want for each child to experience faith in whatever capacity and be a witness to their family. Fun Fact: Mr. Gomez and his wife of 23 years are co-directors for religious education at their church. They are also football fanatics who never seem to be on the same team.
Registration St. Louis Catholic School is now registering for the 2015 2016 school year! We provide a rigorous Christ-centered curriculum for Pre-K4 through 8th grade that will help students achieve success beyond our walls. Tours are available by appointment and can be scheduled with the Registrar, Ms. Dowling, at 512-614-6622 ext. 245. Forms and additional information are available on the school website at We look forward to making your children part of our St. Louis Catholic School family!
8th Grade Retreat Our 8th grade participated in their annual retreat at T Bar M Resort and Conference Center in New Braunfels. The day started with a Lenten Prayer Service and devotional led by Secondary Religion teacher, Mr. Gomez. The T Bar M Challenge Staff led students in small team building activities, low and high ropes. These activities encompass personal and team growth activities that challenge students to push themselves. To close the day, students wrote affirmation notes to each other and to faculty members. Both the center and bus driver praised our group for being so well behaved and anticipated our next visit with them. It was a great day!
Stations of the Cross Each year on Holy Thursday, the 8th grade students reenact the Stations of the Cross. Students spent weeks in preparation for the re-enactment and portrayed a very powerful rendition of the journey Jesus took to the cross. Students in grades 2 – 7, faculty, staff, and family members attended the presentation. Led by Middle School Religion Teacher, Mr. Willie Gomez, the show received excellent reviews and it was a great sight to see.
Resurrection Egg Hunt
Ponytail Drive Seventeen students, two teachers and one parent took part in a selfless act for Lent, participating in our first ever Ponytail Drive, donating their hair to the Children With Hair Loss Non-profit to benefit all children affected with medically related hair loss. It was a great sight to see as we had numerous parents and supporters cheering on our participants. Thank you to our Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Chaffee, for organizing the event.
As we closed Holy Week, our 8th grade participated in a Resurrection Egg Hunt with their Kindergarten buddies. 8th graders filled numbered eggs with different Easter Mysteries for their Kindergarten buddies to find. Once each Kindergarten student found 1-12, their buddy helped them open the eggs and prayerfully explained the symbol or bible verse inside. It was a great sight to see how carefully and proudly the 8th graders explained the mysteries to the younger ones. Their relationships have flourished through this year and it shows when you see the care the older ones take for their younger buddies, and how Kinder gets excited when they see them. Our students continue to make us proud!
The Spirit of St. Louis
We begin with 8:00 a.m. Mass Check-in at 7:30 a.m. in the narthex
Empezando con la Misa de 8:00 a.m.
STUDENT REQUIREMENTS TO JOIN THE ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY: • be a registered member of the parish • have completed Grade 3 • have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion Parents will also have an orientation class separate from the students. Both classes will be in the church. Call Mrs. Lamb (454-0384 ext. 213) in the parish office to register or register via e-mail: Thank you!
REQUISITOS DEL ESTUDIANTE PARA PARTICIPAR EN EL MINISTERIO DE MONAGUILLOS. • Estar registrado como miembro de la Parroquia • Haber terminado el 3er. Grado • Haber recibido el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión.
Los padres también tendrán una clase de orientación por separado. Ambas clases serán en la Iglesia y terminaran a las 10:30 a.m. Llamar a la Sra. Lamb (454-0384 ext.213) en la oficina de la parroquia para su registro ~ o ~ por correo electrónico: !Gracias!
JULY 9 - 12, 2015 All High School students (current and incoming) are invited to travel, pray, and grow together at the Limitless Youth Conference. Limitless is a weekend of dynamic Catholic speakers, music, and fellowship in Springfield, Missouri. RSVP to Paul Stadelman at or 512-614-6515 Cost: $200 Deposit of $50 secures your spot. Due Friday, June 5. Space is limited! Do not let money hold you back, scholarships are available on request.
May, a Month for Mothers
The Spirit of St. Louis
During May we show special reverence to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and by extension we honor all mothers. Our parish library has a display of books chosen to support mental and spiritual needs, and to show a mother’s special role in the family. It is in the family that people learn to recognize the love of God and to turn to Him in prayer. Meditations for Women Who do Too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef – For all women who are overextended, regardless of how or why, these meditations will provide sustenance and inspiration and create possibilities for positive change. Handbook for Catholic Moms: Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul by Lisa M. Hendey – The author, who created the website, shares with the reader her advice and that of her online colleagues. Moms will welcome this informative, upbeat guide as a resource that nicely blends the sacred with the secular. Blow Away the Black Clouds: A Woman’s Answer to Depression by Florence Littauer – This book speaks to those suffering from any level of depression, even if it is simply feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or inferiority which get in the way of living fully. Here is practical advice that will lead you through ways to gain control of the emotions that want to weigh you down. A Mother’s Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot – Our God is a god of order. He brought order out of chaos, and in order to fully embrace Him, we must do the same. The author, Holly Pierlot, wanted order in her chaotic life, but like any radical alteration, she had to really want to change. At first, thinking a little chaos was a healthy thing, the beautiful surprise was that surrendering to order is a victory for freedom. 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley – An extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed Pope John Paul II. Fr. Gaitley summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp, and weaving their thoughts into a do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest person. This book is the basis of the program being offered by Kim and Peter Barger.
Motherhood: a Radio Collection on CD by the actors of A Prairie Home Companion – celebrates the one person who makes you feel you're special and that you are not living up to your potential – all in the same sentence. This funny, affectionate, poignant collection contains the best sketches, songs, and stories that cover the gamut of all that goes into and comes out of motherhood. Grab a Broom, Lord… There’s Dust Everywhere by Karon Phillips Goodman – The author uses wit and wisdom to explain how to establish realistic expectations in an unrealistic world. We must realize that God’s grace is available not because we earn it, but because we need it. A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul by Lisa M. Hendey – Ms. Hendey wrote this book as the follow-up to her best seller "The Handbook for Catholic Moms." In this resource, which also focuses on heart, mind, body and soul, she profiles 52 saints and highlights which of those four components speak to us in our lives. This book can be used on a week by week basis concentrating on one saint per week, or on a saint that speaks to whatever area of one's life is in need of a little extra help at the moment. Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers compiled by the Bishop’s Committee on the Liturgy – These prayers and blessings are intended for family prayer time. The collection includes quotes of saints, biblical quotes, daily prayers, and prayers for particular seasons. Holiness for Housewives by Hubert van Zeller – Written especially for women in charge of households, this book will help you discover a path to sanctity in your vocation as a housewife, show you the meaning of even routine chores, help you pray in the midst of turmoil, and much more. Direct, yet eloquently written, this book gets into the practical of our desire to unite with God, but it also makes one think of prayer and the desire to pray on a different level.
SATURDAY JUNE 6 WOZNIAK HALL 6:30-8:30 PM Dads, You Rock! Let’s celebrate all dads and the gift of fatherhood. All families (of every shape and size) are invited. MUST RSVP FOR DINNER AND/OR CHILDCARE BY JUNE 1, 2015
LOVE IS OUR MISSION The Family Fully Alive
Childcare available, first come first served. 6 months–12yrs. Space is limited. Free will donations for childcare. (512) 454-0384 ext. 222.
Pastoral Council
The Spirit of St. Louis
called forth
through Discernment On Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015, the newest Pastoral Council members will be called forth from our community by the Holy Spirit. In years past, council members were identified by a small committee and then the parish was invited to vote for the persons they wanted to be on the Pastoral Council. This method, while sufficient for civil authority, is not adequate for a faith community which calls upon God for every other aspect of its life. From its very beginning, the Church has used discernment based in prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit to call forth those to serve as its leaders, from choosing Matthias as Judas’ replacement to the selection of Pope Benedict XVI.
WHAT IS DISCERNMENT? According to the dictionary, discernment means “to understand something that is not immediately obvious; to be able to tell the difference between two or more things; to separate, determine.” Faith-based discernment is a process that is Spiritled. It involves prayer and a willingness to be open to the Holy Spirit’s presence and direction in your life and the life of the faith community of St. Louis. The discernment process is as old as the Catholic Church. The Apostles used discernment to choose a replacement for Judas (Acts 1:23-26) and the Church still uses it to this day to select each Pope. It is a process which compliments stewardship. Discernment calls upon individuals to examine and acknowledge their gifts from God and to use those gifts in the service of the parish as parish leaders.
HOW WILL DISCERNMENT TAKE PLACE AT ST. LOUIS CHURCH? On Pentecost Sunday of each year, the parish of St. Louis will be asked to prayerfully discern who they believe God is calling forth as leaders in this faith community. Persons may put forward their own name or the name of someone else. Those whose names have been called forth will be invited to a discernment session where they will further reflect on whether God is calling them to serve the St. Louis community as a member of the Pastoral Council. If there are more persons than positions open, a second discernment session will take place at the June Pastoral Council meeting. At that time, current members of the Pastoral Council, along with those called forth, will discern who among them God is calling to serve in the open positions.
WHAT CAN I DO TO PREPARE FOR THIS DISCERNMENT? The best way to prepare for the discernment process at St. Louis is to prayerfully reflect and personally discern whether God is calling you to serve this faith community as a member of the Pastoral Council. Do not shut the Holy Spirit and God’s will out by denying you could be called. If we do not take time to listen to God we cannot hear God. For more information please contact Shannon Swenson at or (512) 789-3912.
SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor.Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: May 3 - 9 To Honor Marriage of Patrick Colgan & Ashley Zauft by Terry and Andrea Colgan (M/N and C) May 10 - 16 In Memory of Brigida Perez Fonseca by Virginia Jaramillo (M/N) In Memory of Manuel P. Lena & John Lena by Vilma Lena (C) May 17 - 23 In Memory of Mercedes C. Ramos by Roland C. Ramos & Patricia R. Cantu (M/N) May 24 - 30 In Memory of Dr. Juan Alvarez by Nohemi and Juan Alvarez (M/N)
The Healing Sacrament
The Sacrament of Healing which includes the laying on of hands and anointing is offered every second Sunday of each month during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Please join us Sunday, May 10. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and this meditative service, held each Sunday, includes beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. This is a wonderful prayerful way to end your weekend and prepare for the new week ahead.
Respect Life? Consider helping your parish! PARISH PRO-LIFE COORDINATOR VOLUNTEER POSITION
Each parish in the diocese is invited to appoint a Pro-Life Coordinator to initiate and organize pro-life activities within the parish. Although actively promoting a renewed respect for human life is the responsibility of every Catholic, a Pro-Life Coordinator would be the liaison to the parish, raising awareness about pro-life issues and advertising upcoming pro-life activities in the Diocese of Austin. This volunteer position would entail the following: • Working with the Pastor and Director of Parish Social Ministry in building a Culture of Life. • Being the parish liaison with the Diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living. • Staying informed of pro-life resources/services available in the parish/diocese and using this information to raise awareness and educate parishioners. • Promoting pro-life fund-raisers through advertising. • Involving parishioners in public policy issues with non-partisan voter information and updates from national, state and local Catholic advocates working to protect all life. • Organizing periodic prayer and worship opportunities that support a Culture of Life. • Forming a parish Pro-Life Committee to support the above mentioned activities. One or more parishioners could share this volunteer position together. If interested, please contact Bea Dela Rosa (512) 454-0384 ext. 265 or bea.
How Our Parish's St. Vincent de Paul Society is Helping!
At Masses the second weekend of May, look in your pews for some bright blue cards. They provide insight into how our St. Vincent de Paul Society is helping our neighbors in need. On one side you'll see facts and figures about the direct aid given throughout the diocese, but on the other side, you'll see how the donations from you, our parishioners, are spent in direct aid in our neighborhood. Thanks in great part to your generosity, your parish SVdP Society was able to provide more than $81,000 in direct aid, mostly in rent and utilities. We do this through home visits, and we would love to have you join us in spiritual growth by being a part of our ministry. The St. Vincent de Paul Society meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the Parish Social Ministries building. Come join us. The Impact Cards were made possible by a grant provided to the Diocesan Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Kudos to St. Louis Food Pantry
The St. Louis Food Pantry, under the direction of Bea Dela Rosa, recently applied for a grant through Capital Area Food Bank that would provide a large two-door refrigerator valued at $2,055. The application was accepted and approved in March! Grateful thanks to the KC Council 5967 that helped with the required matching funds of $514 and to Abigail Parkison, a Social Ministries volunteer, who helped write the grant. The Food Pantry funded the $100 required for delivery and installation and the refrigerator is a welcome replacement for a smaller, older one. The Food Pantry is now receiving fresh produce from the St. Louis Farm Ministry on a weekly basis, in addition to donations from four different Target stores on a daily basis! The new refrigerator will offer greater storage capacity for fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products!
Summer Food Drive JUNE 13-14, 2015
Non-perishable food items are always needed throughout the year, but even more so in the summer when kids are home and don’t have access to breakfast and lunch programs through public schools. Bags will be passed out the weekend of June 6-7 and you are asked to fill them with requested items and return them June 13-14. Trucks will be parked at entrances to accept your donations as you enter the church for Mass. Some of the most needed food items include: Corn, dry pinto beans, tuna, spam, mac and cheese, canned mixed vegetables, canned fruit (peaches, pears, applesauce). In addition, our Mobile Loaves and Fishes program and Food Pantry always need tee shirts (all sizes), socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste (travel size), deodorant (travel size), shaving cream and razors for men/women. Thank you for your generosity that benefits the needs of so many!
The Spirit of St. Louis
Auxiliadores De Maria, Madre De Dios Invita
la Comunidad Parroquial Venerar y Coronar A Nuestra Bendita Madre, La Santísima Virgen María El 17 de mayo, 2015 en el Jardín de María 3:00pm: Rezo del Santo Rosario por los Niños 3:35pm: Coronación a Nuestra Santísima Madre 3:45pm: Oración de Despedida Los invitamos en este dia a ofrecer bellas flores para Honrar a Nuestra Madre Santísima. Que Nuestra Bendita Madre del Cielo interceda por todos nosotros Y que Nuestro Señor Dios Todopoderoso nos Bendiga siempre.
Auxiliadores De Maria, Madre De Dios Invites
The Parish Community To the Crowning of Mary, Our Blessed Virgin Mother, On May 17, 2015 in the Garden of Mary 3:00 p.m. - The Holy Rosary with the Children 3:35 p.m. - The Crowing of Mary 3:35 p.m. - Closing Prayer We invite you on this day to offer beautiful flowers to honor our Blessed Mother. May our Blessed Mother in Heaven intercede for us all and May our Lord God Almighty bless us always!
OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS MARCH 6 – APRIL 5, 2015 Josselyn Cristina Cruz-Sanchez Rosemary Christine Chartier Darla Zusana Hernandez Camila Mejia-Castillo Matthew Frankie Hyzak Gabriel Martinez-Zuniga Zachary Thomas Hussey Charlotte Elaine Luckett Lizbeth Osorio-Godoy Julian Rey Ruiz Jose Luis Cruz-Sanchez Campbell Vinson Romell Allan Oswaldo Cruz-Sanchez BAPTISM-CONFIRMATION-EUCHARIST Harrell Oliver-Zachary Alexander Kevin Avellaneda-Pita Bradley AllenBecker Colin Hunter Brennan Ellen Marie Casey Erin Marian Casey Enriqueta Karen Choxom-Santos Jonathan Eduardo Choxom-Santos Zharick Dayana Conde-Pita Maria Guadalupe Fabian-Rivera Marvin Valentin Fabian Rivera Erika Magdalena Garcia Grace Mercy Hope Goetz
EASTER VIGIL – APRIL 4, 2015 Mahalia Celeste Goetz Alondra Gonzalez Acebedo Yuvely Gonzalez-Acevedo Christopher Michael Heck Leona Marie Heikkala Diego Gabriel Jaramillo Samantha Niccole Locke Jessie Jason Lopez, Jr. Angeles Lizbeth Maldonado-Diaz Estefany Maldonado-Diaz Christian Michael Price Lucas James Revering Tyler Andrew Revering
Diana Sofia Rocha-Palafox Janet Sarai Rodriguez-Olalde Damian Jorge Segovia Julian Daniel Segovia Sara Samantha Singleterry Carlos Fernando Torres Edwin Javier Torres-Sanchez Alexas Paola Valerio-Flores Francisco Vasquez IV Abril Verde Angel Verde-Salas Denise Vukelaj Kristina Vukelaj
FIRST EUCHARIST & CONFIRMATION Rachel Ahuatzin Litzi Jacquelin Albarran Jose Guadalupe Alvarado Angel Daniel Alvarez Luis Erick Alvarez Vanessa Avalos Jose Alberto Aviles Aylin Barbosa Lizbeth Barbosa Kelly Brito Fabian Isaiah Castillo Jacob Matthew Castillo Marina Michelle Diaz Daniel Escamilla
MARCH 11, 2015 Dulce Maria Martinez Mauricio Escamilla Alexandra Melendez Carlos Escobar Oscar Mendoza Jorge Escobar Francisco Jose Minero Jesus Espinosa Brandon Lee Morales Dayana Fabian Gerardo Jason Morales Guillermo Fabian Jesus Moreno Melissa Garcia Dulce Sofia Negrete Andres Garza Christopher Ocampo Edin Alexander Gomes Ashley Ochoa Abril de Jesus Lessieur Vanessa Ochoa Joshua Lessieur Cindy Candelaria Olivares Susan Leyva Diego Alexander Olivares Flor Anel Lopez Jose Octavio Lopez
Christopher Bryan Ramirez Francisco Rangel Jesus Martin Rangel Luz Michelle Rebollar Juan Carlos Rodriguez Magali Rogel Edgar Rosas Maria Belen Soto Yamilet Soto Christobal Tellez Nallely Valenzuela Conor Richard Ziaja
The Spirit of St. Louis
FIRST EUCHARIST & CONFIRMATION Jesus Aguilar Angeles Ahuatzin Emily Ahuatzin Joey Gerardo Alayon Cristal Guadalupe Albarran Kevin Yandel Almanza Juana Marie Alvarado Yoselin Arriaga Alexis Trinity-Arely Avalos David Thomas Avalos Richard Antonio Avalos Leslie Bahena Yadira Barreto Citlaly Yetlanezi Briones Joshua Said Briones Kenny Brito Vincent Carney Bryan Carrillo Lorena Castelan Rafael Castelan Edi Castellanos Janessa Renee Castillo Jair Alexander Cedillo Kevin Cedillo
MARCH 11, 2015 Ashley Kathrine Lessieur Yaire Cisneros Litzi Leyva Maurice Corona Aileen Stephanie Martinez Luz Graciela Cortes Anthony Ivane Martinez Landon Alexander Cruz Freddy Yair Martinez Armando DeLara Deisi Yuliana Mata Raul Delgado Gustavo Angel Mata Juan Angel Denova Ariana Melchor Elizabeth Diaz Dalia Yareli Morales Anthony Neftaly Diaz DeLeon Esmeralda Rubi Morales Erick Ulises Diaz Kimberly Monserrat Morales Joana Belen Dominguez Ashley Melanie Naranjo Diego Dominguez Miguel Angel Narvaez Carlos Eduardo Escamilla Magdalena Nava Marissa Escobar Angela Negrete Aline Ximena Estanislao Brittany Ocampo Mariella Forte Miguel Orozco Cristian Garza Shayla Marie Ortiz Emily Urania Garza Yahaira Pena Ricardo Gomez Jose Manuel Pena Estrella Guadarrama Josh Michael Perez Ciro Alexis Hernandez Erick Pita Andrea Jaramillo Casey Marie Ponce Andres Jose Jasso, Jr. Britany Puente Oscar Jimenez
Joseph Ramirez Mayra Yareli Rangel Morelia Rangel Carolina Resendiz Jerry Rivas Jose Manuel Rivera Dalia Itzel Rodriguez Lorenzo Rodriguez Eduardo Rodriguez Jordi Rosas Natalie Nicole Sanchez David Sandoval Maria Guadalupe Solorzano Angel Andres Soto Diego Omar Soto Jose Armando Tellez Thomas Rice Turner Bryan Vasquez Jose Luis Vega Christopher Verde Andy Phillip Villa Alma Villegas
CONFIRMATIONS Mario Alberto Albaran Diego Sabas Alvarez Julyya Alvarez Javier Arce Elizabeth Avila Miguel Angel Aviles Sergio Benitez Catherine Grace Bruns Hector Cabrera Ercie Samantha Camarillo Susana Carrion
MARCH 11, 2015 Jackson Beaty Fulbright Yovani Castelan Kenia Garcia Miguel Antonio Cuevas Adey Gayim Paloma Del Valle Elena Katherine Gockel Daniel DeNova Ethan Alexander Gonzalez Eden Desta Noelia Adriana Heidt Leopoldo Diaz Mario Giovani Hernandez Michael Ryan Dolezal Giakhanh Huu Hoang James Anthony Doyal Glen Craig Holder Breianna Aleigh Ellerbee Thyra Eden Jensen Jennifer Estrada Vritsy Michelle Farias Sophia Madeleine
Kalamarides Ian Tate Kloc Santiago de Jesus Leyva Jazmin Yvette Lopez Raquel Abigail Lopez Gabriel Joseph Martinez Leslie Jazmin Martinez Alejandra Lludi Maruri Maria Del Cielo Maruri Guadalupe Mercado Cont. on next page...
MAY: MARY´S MONTH OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH CONT. CONFIRMATIONS MARCH 11, 2015 Alexander Birchard Newton Felix Angel Ocampo Cecilia Magaly Olvera Efrain Ortiz Leslie Pena Ivan Pizano Alexander Joseph Pojman Luis Shane Quintanilla Micaela Ramacciotti Anthony Ramirez Juan Luis Ramirez Andrew Rudy Reyna Valerie Marie Gonzales Rocha Armando Rodriguez Josefina Roman Carlos Rosas Ulisses Ruiz Jazmin Salgado Jose Alfredo Salgado Kevin Brayan Silverio Alexis Sosa Ashley Nicole Sosa Daisy Melissa Trejo Gabriella Marie Tucker Krystel Keahi Velez Alejandra Raquel Villarreal Brianna Alicia White RECENTLY DECEASED George Albert Tierney Consuelo “Betty” Flores
May is the month of spring and flowers. It is also the month in which everyone remembers his/her mother (Mother's Day), and flowers are the most common gift children offer to their mothers. Furthermore, this month is perfect to be outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Precisely for this reason, because everything around us is so pretty, we must remember our Creator. This month is dedicated to the most delicate of all his creatures: the Blessed Virgin Mary, gentle soul who offered her life to the care and service of Jesus Christ, our redeemer. The Church dedicates this month to Mary, to know and love her more. It is an excellent opportunity to help our children have a closer relationship with their Mother in Heaven.
A BIT OF HISTORY: The first references in history about the "Month of Mary" are found in the thirteenth century, when King Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castile, invited everyone to pray to Mary in one of his poems “Cantigas de Santa Maria” named "Bienvenido Mayo" (Welcome May). In the following century in Paris, jewelers used to make a "mayo" for Our Lady: a silver branch adorned with diamonds and ribbons. In the sixteenth century, the May devotion extended to Germany and Italy and a German monk bequeathed a small writing entitled "spiritual May", which contains the first draft for the celebration of the Month of Mary. At that time St. Philip Neri advised young people to venerate Mary during the month of May. Dominicans novices in the seventeenth century, dedicated the first Sunday of May to the Virgin Mary. In a church in Naples, there was a custom of reciting prayers to Mary for a whole hour during May. The first codifications of the devotion to Mary in May are composed by two Jesuits priests, one at the beginning and one at the end of the eighteenth century. Also in the
The Spirit of St. Louis
eighteenth century, this pious practice spanned to the US and Latin America, and according to some data, even to China. The first popes who spoke about and recommended it were Pius VII and Blessed Pius IX, who rewarded its practice with abundant indulgences. WHAT CAN WE DO THIS MONTH TO ESPECIALLY HONOR MARY? Offer the Rosary as a crown of roses for our Mother. This is the best gift we can give to Our Lady. The word Rosary means "Crown of Roses". Our Lady has revealed that each time we say a Hail Mary we are giving her a beautiful rose and that each complete Rosary makes her a crown of roses. The rose is the queen of flowers, and so the Rosary is the rose of all devotions, and therefore one of the most important. Reflect on the virtues and mysteries of the life of Mary. To reflect implies making an effort with the mind, imagination and even with the heart. Mary was a woman of profound prayer, always close to God. She was a humble, simple woman; she was generous and gave to others; she had great charity, loving and helping everyone equally; she was helpful, caring for Joseph and Jesus with love; she lived with joy; she was patient with her family; she knew how to accept the Will of God in her life. WE CAN MEDITATE ON HOW MARY ACTED DURING THESE SITUATIONS:
• • • • • • • •
The Annunciation The visit to her cousin Elizabeth The birth of Jesus The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Child Jesus is lost and found in the Temple The Wedding at Cana The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ At the foot of the cross.
• Her Immaculate Conception: The only human creature that God allowed to be conceived and born without original sin was the Virgin Mary because she would be the mother of Christ. • Her Divine Motherhood: The Virgin Mary is in the flesh truly Mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. • Her Perpetual Virginity: Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, "without any detriment to her virginity, which remained inviolate even after his birth" (Council of the Lateran, 649). • Her Assumption into Heaven: The Virgin Mary (body and soul), at the end of her life, was elevated or assumed into heaven by the power and grace of God Grow in real and true devotion to Mary. Mary always takes care of us and helps us in everything we need. She helps us to overcome temptation and to remain in state of grace and friendship with God to get to Heaven. Mary is the Mother of the Church. During this month we can strive to live as her children in the following ways. • Look at Mary as a mother, telling her everything that happens to us, good and bad, knowing that we should go to her at all times. • Show her our love by doing what she expects of us and remembering her throughout the day. • Fully trust her, by remembering that she intercedes with her Son for our difficulties. • Imitate her virtues, the best way to show our love. • Have family prayer time specially dedicated to Mary. The Church offers us beautiful prayers in the Angelus (which should be prayed at noon), the Regina Caeli, the Consecration to Mary and the Rosary.
QUINCEAÑERA CELEBRATIONS ARE COMING TO ST. LOUIS! This August will mark the first time in a few years that Quinceañeras will be celebrated at St. Louis. A committee of six parishioners has been busy working on the guidelines and has produced a booklet with the process to be followed in order to schedule a quinceañera celebration at St. Louis. If you are planning a quinceañera celebration, please contact Tina Juárez-Bailey as soon as possible. WHAT IS A QUNICEAÑERA? It is a deeply rooted tradition of Hispanic people; it is the celebration of a young lady’s fifteenth birthday with a Mass and party.
The tradition of quince años has been celebrated for more than 400 years. It has its roots in the rites of passage of native peoples, the Aztec and the Maya. These tribes were religious people whose lives were governed by their beliefs in gods and goddesses of their mythology. In time, some of them became Catholic through the teachings of the Spanish missionaries. At a certain age, the children were separated from the mother and were entrusted to the care of those who prepared them for the transition from childhood to adulthood - a transition from a life of irresponsibility and dependence to life of responsibility and interdependence. According to the accounts of contemporary historians, the Aztecs were the only ones who specified the age of fifteen. In preparation for their lives as adults, the children were introduced to the sacred ways of their ancestors. They revolved around their indigenous beliefs. They were put through ordeals to prove their courage and to test their maturity. After the preparation was complete in the Mayan tradition, an account states the community prepared for the return of the young people. The young people sat in a circle surrounded by the community. After their confession, the priest sprinkled them with water. A meal was given in their honor at which time they received gifts from the community. After the celebration, they took their place in the community as adults. The occasion of the quince años celebration provides us an opportunity to remember the past as we discover our roots in the ancient traditions of our ancestors. As the Church, the family of God, families and friends, we welcome the young people and rejoice with them at their “coming of age.” In the celebration of the Eucharist, a Mass of Thanksgiving, we honor them as members of the Church, the Body of Christ. They receive gifts from the community as a sign of our love and gratitude to God for the gift of their life and their presence among us. The young people are very special who have been blessed by God. We encourage them to share their time, talents and treasures that God has given them. We invite them to be servants of the faith community as Jesus was servant to all. For further information or to schedule a quinceañera celebration, contact Tina Juárez-Bailey at 512-454-0384, Ext. 219 or by e-mail – Erevia, Sister Angela MCPD, Quince Años: Celebrando la Vida – Celebrating Life, Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence, San Antonio, TX, 2000.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Parish Happenings Perpetual Adoration
Recently Fr. James Misko took St. Louis School students to lunch at Phil’s with Amy’s ice cream afterward. The ten lucky students had parents who bid on “Lunch with the Pastor” at the Home and School’s annual Gala Dinner. Fun was had by all, especially the pastor!
Have Pond – Will Tour!
Each year the Austin Pond Society sponsors a popular Austin area tour of exceptional ponds featuring Koi, landscaping and water features. This year the Father Larry Covington designed pond, located behind the rectory, will be a featured pond on the tour. The pond is considered a quiet private meditative area for rectory residents and visitors but is not generally known to parishioners. This year the pond can be viewed as part of the tour, one day only, on Saturday, June 6, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Tour admissions for the two day tour, June 6 and 7 are $20 prior to the tour and $25 the days of the tour, (children under 12 free), but parish families can view the pond during the tour hours at no charge by identifying themselves as St. Louis members. Proceeds from the tour go The Austin Police Program Blue Santa. For further information, call Rollie Sidla at 763-607-6754 or rdsidla@
Prayer Blanket Ministry
This ministry meets on the third Monday from 7:00-9:00pm in members’ homes to create blankets that are lovingly hand-sewn, blessed and then available for sale. These make great gifts for special occasions or for loved ones suffering with illness. For details on monthly sewing sessions or to purchase a blanket, contact Evelyn Janecka at 512-453-6466. Grateful thanks to this generous ministry that recently donated $1,400 toward the purchase of a Sanctuary Lamp for the Adoration Chapel, and a Roman Missal for the Church! Your support of their bi-annual blanket sales made this donation possible!
Anyone is welcome at any time during the day or night to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. To sign-up for a specific hour each week or for keypad code information, please contact Joshua Merrill at or 512-879-7514.
33 Days to Morning Glory
For those who began the individual study of Marian consecration in April, based on the book of the same name by Fr. Michael Gaitley, remember that there will be a Mass to close the study. The Mass is on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13th, at 7:00pm in the Chapel. All participating families are encouraged to attend and there will be a prayer of consecration after the Mass.
Naomi Circle
This parish group is specifically for widows, who would like to seek the support and friendship of other women who have lost their spouse to death. The group meets monthly. If you are interested in attending or want more information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292.
Around the Diocese and beyon Women Who Followed Jesus
This program, sponsored by Women of Faith Unbound, is hosting a series that explores the history and roles of the faith-filled female disciples in the development and expansion of Christianity. Held at St. Austin’s Parish, all are welcome to attend this series – men, women, students, non-Catholics – anyone interested in learning more about the roles women have played in the Catholic Church over the years. Free parking is available in the St. Austin parking garage at MLK Blvd and San Antonio, and most programs would be from 7:00 to 8:30pm. For more information on upcoming presentations, contact Katie Flahive at or Sharon Bieser at Future topics include: May 26 Protectors of the Environment: Dorothy Stang and Kateri Tekaxwitha July 28 Advocates for Social Justice: Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa September 22 Doctors of the Church: Therese of Lisieux, Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen October 27 Teresa of Avila, in celebration of the 500th anniversary of her birth
Marriage Encounter
Do you and your spouse need some time together away from the stresses of everyday life? An upcoming Marriage Encounter weekend might be just the “refresher” retreat you need. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend in the diocese is May 15-17. See or email or call 512-677-9963 for information. Para informacion en espanol, llamar al 512-635-1036
Texas Alliance for Life PRO LIFE WALK-A-THON
This annual Walk-a-Thon will be held Saturday, May 9th. Join us in raising funds to build a culture of life. For information, to register or volunteer, please go to www.
Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center DESERT SOLITUDE – JUNE 5-10
The practice of intentional silence is essential to growth and spiritual awakening. Cedarbrake offers that opportunity with Desert Solitude, a 6-day silent retreat with centering prayer and daily Mass as the heart of this retreat. Three nights are offered at $300 (single) or $550 (couple); four nights at $360/$640 or five nights at $420/$720. For registration, contact or call at 254-780-2436. LA MUJER SAMARITANA NUESTRA SED PARA DIOS 6 DE JUNIO
Todos tenemos sed de Dios y estamos buscando a Dios en nuestras vidas. Jesus encontro a una mujer samaritana y ofrecio a ella agua viva y un comienzo Nuevo en su vida. “El que beba del agua que yole doy nunca vovera a tener sed y el agua que yo le doybrotara como un manatial dentrp de uno” dice Jesus. El dia sera guiada por la Hermana Elena Raycraft, O.P. Cost is $25. To register, contact Cedarbrake at cedarbrake@ or 254-780-2436.
Annunciation Maternity Home Banquet
Registration is open for the Annual Annunciation Maternity Home Banquet. Join us on Thursday, May 7th at St. Helen Catholic Church, St. Rita Center. Registration and silent auction begin at 6:00pm. Live auction, dinner, and program begin at 7:00pm. Sponsorships include tables seating 8, and are available at the following levels: Faith ($300) Hope ($500) Love ($1000). Individual Tickets ($40) and Couples ($75). Online registration and more information can be found at or 512-864-7755.
St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration23 The Spirit of St. Louis St. Louis ACTS Retreat Registration “YetMen’s we are courageous.” 2 Corinthians 5:8 “Yet we are courageous.” 2 Corinthians 5:8
June 11-14, 2015 Down Home Ranch June 11-14, 2015 20250 FM 619, Elgin, Texas Down Home Ranch 20250 FM 619, Elgin, Texas ACTS is a Catholic retreat movement presented by parishioners for parishioners with the guidance of religious leaders. The goal of each retreat is to facilitate a deepening of our relationship with Jesus Christ, to renew ACTS is a Catholic retreat movement presented parishioners the guidance of religious ourselves spiritually, to give new meaning to ourbyprayer life, andfor to parishioners build lasting with friendships with members of leaders. The goal of each retreat is to facilitate a deepening of our relationship with Jesus Christ, to renew our parish communities. ourselves spiritually, to give new meaning to our prayer life, and to build lasting friendships with members of our communities. Thisparish ACTS retreat will begin on Thursday evening, June 11 and continue through the weekend ending with an 11:30 Mass on Sunday, June 14 at St. Louis Catholic Church at 7601 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757. This ACTS retreat will begin on Thursday evening, June 11 and continue through the weekend ending with an 11:30 Mass cost on Sunday, 14 attoSt.“St. Louis Catholic at 7601isBurnet Rd,St. Austin, The retreat is $160,June payable Louis ACTS”.Church Registration open for Louis,TX St.78757. Theresa and St. Albert the Great. Out of parish registrations will begin Monday, May 18 for any remaining openings. To The retreat is $160, payable “St. Louis ACTS”. for St. Louis, St. Theresa and on a reserve yourcost place, please return to this registration formRegistration and includeisaopen $50 deposit payment. Registration Albert the Great. Out of parish registrations will begin Monday, May 18 for any remaining openings. To first-come, first-served basis, with a waiting list thereafter. Forms are date and time stamped upon receipt. reserve your place,will please return this registration formevening and include $50 deposit is on The $110 balance be due upon check-in Thursday at St.aLouis Catholicpayment. Church orRegistration any time prior toa first-come, first-served basis, a waiting list thereafter. areanyone date and time stampedthe upon receipt. that date. **Please note thatwith financial hardship should notForms prevent from attending retreat. If you The $110 balance will be due upon check-in Thursday evening at St. Louis Catholic Church or any time prior are unable to pay the entire fee, contact the director or co-director as a limited number of scholarships are to that date. **Please note that financial hardship should not prevent anyone from attending the retreat. If you available. are unable to pay the entire fee, contact the director or co-director as a limited number of scholarships are available.Deliver or mail registration form to: Register online at: St. Louis Catholic Church Office Deliver or7601 mailBurnet registration Register online at: Road form to: St. LouisAustin, Catholic Church Office TX 78757 7601 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78757 It is the policy of ACTS Missions and St. Louis Catholic Church that alcohol will not be a part of the retreat. The retreat center does not permit alcohol. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas. Platonic behavior only. It is the policy of ACTS Missions and St. Louis Catholic Church that alcohol will not be a part of the retreat. The retreat center does not permit alcohol. Smoking is allowed onlycontact in designated areas.BillPlatonic only. For further information regarding the retreat weekend, please the director Farnumbehavior at or 512-423-2891, co-director Ryan Edgerly at or 512-567-7877, For further information regarding the retreat weekend, please contact the director Bill Farnum at or co-director Matt DiTeresa at or 512-586-6770. or 512-423-2891, co-director Ryan Edgerly at or 512-567-7877, or co-director at 512-586-6770. A letter will beMatt sent DiTeresa to registered retreatants 7-10 days prior to theorretreat providing you with further details, directions, and suggestions on what to bring for the weekend. A letter will be sent to registered retreatants 7-10 days prior to the retreat providing you with further details, directions, and suggestions on what to bring for the weekend.
Please fill out and return registration form on reverse side Please fill out and return registration form on reverse side
St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration June 11-14, 2015 “Yet we are courageous.” 2 Corinthians 5:8 Please print clearly Name:
(As you would like it on your nametag)
(Street, city, state & zip code)
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email address: Parish or Church you attend:
(or religion if not affiliated with a parish or church)
Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name:
Cell: (
Cell: (
I have included my: [ ] $50 deposit or [ ] $160 retreat fee. Checks can be made payable to St. Louis ACTS Indemnity and Waiver
I release and agree to and hold St. Louis Catholic Church of Austin, Texas, the Catholic Diocese of Austin, and their clergy, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (Released Parties) harmless from any and all liability, claims, losses, or damages arising from or in connection with the St. Louis ACTS retreat. I assume all risk of injury or loss to my person and my property. I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand, or damage caused by me or caused by my participation in the retreat. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______ /______ /______
Medical Information
Please read and list all conditions which apply. All information will be kept confidential.
Please list any special dietary needs or restrictions: Do you have difficulty climbing stairs, walking on unpaved or uneven surfaces, other mobility problems (e.g. use cane, walker, wheelchair)? [ ] No [ ] Yes (please list) (Mobility challenges should NOT deter you from attending.) Please list any medical conditions: I take the following medications:
I will bring to the retreat all necessary medications and directions, including dosage(s) and frequency of consumption. In case of emergency persons at or associated with the retreat may transport me to a hospital for medical or surgical treatment. In an emergency, please contact: ****MUST LIST AT LEAST ONE EMERGENCY CONTACT**** Name: Cell Phone: (
Family Doctor: Insurance Plan: Policy Number: Signature: Date:
Relationship: ___________________________________ Home Phone: ( )_____________________________
For Office Use Only
Application Received: Amount Received: Cash Paid Online Received by:
/ $ Check #