November | The Spirit of St. Louis

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The Spirit of

St. Louis @ november


End of Year Giving Opportunity for Discipleship and Stewardship Inspiration from our Pope As stewards of God’s creation we are all called to be “protectors of God’s gifts” and our new Pope Francis is indeed an inspiration for a renewed sense of stewardship. Our Sunday Visitor summed up the Pope’s perspective with these words: “From the beginning of his papacy, he has shown us how to use the gifts God has given us to care for one another and the world. Pope Francis speaks of stewardship with language that is fresh and fitting for the modern world, and yet the call to live out good stewardship is as ancient as the Scriptures themselves.”

Have you put St. Louis on your Christmas list? Year-end giving provides an opportunity for all of us to prayerfully consider our commitment to a stewardship way of life, as witnessed by Pope Francis and his example of living simply and caring for others. St. Louis Church has so many wonderful ministries and programs as evidenced by the Ministry Fair in September, and each of these requires not only your time and talents but your financial support as well. Join us in “protecting” these gifts of service and outreach to the community!

Your generosity enables us to continue serving in the following ways: • Enriching our parishioners’ relationship with God through excellent liturgies, spiritual services, music programs, and the art and environment of our sanctuaries

• Allowing us to celebrate fully the important sacramental moments of our families from birth to death and preparing them for these sacred times • Providing our children and adults of all ages with opportunities for ongoing religious education classes, outstanding speakers, retreats and resources of the parish library • Sustaining our parish school and early childhood programs, sharing the faith with the next generation • Helping us reach out to people in need through our social services and parish garden • Offering opportunities for fellowship and socialization for all our parish groups • Communicating to the parishioners and community at large through publications, websites, social media and every available technological avenue • Maintaining our buildings, equipment and grounds for now and the future

You and your stewardship are the key elements in how well we accomplish all of the above! Please put St. Louis Church on your year-end giving and see back cover in this newsletter about how to develop a spirituality of stewardship for a lifetime!

In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts! —Pope Francis, March 19, 2013 A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •

Parish News Next Holy Day: All Saints Friday, November 1 The holy day of All Saints is a day of obligation this year. Our Mass schedule is as follows: 6:30am English 8:00am School Mass 12:05pm English 6:00pm English 7:30pm Spanish Please join us at one of these Masses, which will all be held in the Main Sanctuary. All Souls Day, Saturday, November 2nd will only be observed at the 8:00am Mass that morning. The 5:00pm Vigil will be for the Sunday liturgy. You are invited to remember your deceased loved ones by listing their names on the All Souls envelopes available in the Church. These envelopes will be placed on the altar throughout the month of November and remembered at all our Masses.


Updates Deck the Bushes!

Saturday, November 23 | 9:00am – 2:00pm

All parish families are invited to join the pastor in the lighting of the bushes for the holidays! Meet on the breezeway between the Church and Rectory at 9:00am and team leaders will assign areas and provide the lights! There will be activities in Wozniak Hall for the youngest children and lunch will be provided by Knights of Columbus Council 5967. Come join the fun and help us deck the bushes for the Christmas season!

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service & Celebration Sunday, November 24 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm St. Louis Sanctuary

The iACT’s 29th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and Celebration returns to St. Louis Church on Sunday, November 24th. This community-wide event joins congregations and denominations of all faiths in a reflection on our blessings and a celebration of our diversity as people of God. A reception in Wozniak Hall will follow the prayer service and everyone is invited to bring a favorite dish to share. This is a free, family-friendly event and all are welcome! Mobile Loaves and Fishes will be present to accept dry goods for those in need throughout Austin. For more information, call iACT at 512-386-9145 or visit

THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Thursday, November 28 | 9:00am

Please join us in giving thanks for the many blessings we have received as individuals, families and parish! Join us Thanksgiving Day at 9:00am for a special Mass for the holiday. (This will be the only Mass that day, as the 7:00am and 6:00pm are cancelled). As in the past, everyone is encouraged to bring non-perishable food items and canned goods that will be given to our Food Pantry and used to supplement Christmas baskets. These food items should be kept in the pew and brought up at the offertory.


Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00am on November 3, 2013, the first Sunday of November. You will “fall back” one hour on your clocks and get an extra hour of sleep. Daylight Saving Time resumes on March 9, 2014 when you will “spring forward” one hour.

Church offices will be closed Thanksgiving Day and the Friday afterward (Nov. 29), re-opening for regular hours on Monday, December 2.

Advent Organ Series Planned The 12:00 Noon organ concerts for Advent are scheduled on Tuesdays, December 3, 10, 17. These 30 to 40-minute concerts, followed by a hot lunch in Wozniak Hall, are a great way to spend your lunch hour, especially during the hustle and bustle before the holidays. Lift your holiday spirits and enjoy “Tuesdays with Music” in the St. Louis sanctuary!

The Spirit of St. Louis


Annual Pet Blessing

Advent Penance Services Scheduled

The Pet Blessing on Saturday, October 5th was once again a huge success. Pets of all kinds and sizes benefitted from their annual blessing by Fr. Larry Covington. Thanks to Betty Franceschi and Dr. Tina Juarez-Bailey for coordinating the event and to the Children’s Choir for providing entertainment!

Plan to attend one of our Advent Penance Services for the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Christmas. Multiple priests will be available at each service.


Wednesday, Dec 4

7PM Spanish

Wednesday, Dec 11

7PM English

Holy Day of Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception, usually celebrated on December 8th, falls on a Sunday this year and consequently will not be observed in deference to the Second Sunday of Advent which takes preference. The observance of the day has been transferred to Monday, December 9th and is not a holy day of obligation. The only Mass that day will be the regularly scheduled 7:00am Mass.

Publication Deadlines

Turkey Bingo

Saturday, November 23 6:00pm-9:00pm | Wozniak Hall Fun for the whole family. Come for food, prizes, and Fun!

$5.00 for 3 Bingo Cards $2.00 for 1 Bingo Card

The next monthly parish newsletter will be a combined issue for DecemberJanuary. Thank you for submitting items for those two months no later than November 5th to Evelyn McNair at Weekly bulletin deadlines are always altered slightly by the holiday printing schedules. The normal deadline for the November 30-December 1 bulletin would be Wednesday, November 20th. However, please submit items two days early by Monday, November 18th to insure that our bulletins can be delivered before our offices close for the Thanksgiving holiday. Watch publications for early publishing deadlines before the Christmas holidays.

Parish News Advent and Adoration Advent is such a busy chaotic time for everyone as we countdown to Christmas. Plan to spend time with the Lord in perpetual adoration as a gift that you give yourself and the parish. Anyone is welcome at any time during the day to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. To signup for a specific hour each week or for keypad code information, please contact Joshua Merrill at Joshua_ or 512-879-7514.




Respect Life Activities BABY BANKS ARE DUE NOW! Thank you to all those who used their Baby Banks during the month of October and saved your pocket change for Respect Life projects. Your donations are requested now so that the annual campaign can be wrapped up and monies distributed to recipients. Your donations will benefit Gabriel Project, Gabriel Project Life Center, Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown and John Paul II Life Center in Austin among other Respect Life apostolates in the diocese. Your generosity helps build a Culture of Life! HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE | Please join us each month on the 3rd Monday from 7:00-8:00pm in the Adoration Chapel as we devote an hour to praying for a culture of life. This is a great opportunity to pray with others for all respect life issues, especially as they pertain to our religious freedoms and a Culture of Life.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE…a campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil in front of area abortion clinics, is being held in the Diocese until November 3rd. In this annual effort, Austin unites with hundreds of cities across the country for simultaneous prayer vigils and prayer has swayed over 150 women in Central Texas to choose life! Be part of this amazing Respect Life effort by going online at or by calling them at 512-296-

St. Louis Bereavement Ministry

The Guadalupana Society

Este grupo de la parroquia invita a todas las damas de habla hispana mayor de 21 años de edad a que se unan a este ministerio que honra a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe; brinde apoyo a la parroquia a través de servicios sociales y eventos; y ayuda a organizar la Fiesta del Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, el 12 de diciembre. Para más información, por favor comuníquese con Amelia Rivera 512/873-9328; Cornelia Aviles 512/698-6804 o Ramona Lopez 512/837-2061.

This ministry provides food and comfort to the family and friends of a registered parishioner who has died. Bereavement teams of volunteers donate food to a central location where it is delivered to the grieving family, usually after the funeral. There are no meetings to attend and food donations do not have to be homemade. The team leaders notify their members about what foods are needed and a team is usually asked to donate food about two times per year. Each team serves in rotation. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a team leader may also ask for help to set out food, serve and clean-up. Men and women are welcome to serve in this much-needed ministry. Please call Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512-453-4823 if interested in helping or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information.

Attention Professional Catholics! The Catholic Business Network will hold its next meeting on November 6th at St. William Catholic Church, Round Rock, TX. All Catholic Business Professionals are invited to attend and network in an effort to form trusted relationships based on Catholic values The meeting begins at 7:30am and will end by 9am. To register, go to:

The Spirit of St. Louis


The Saints (Books) Come Marching In In Honor of All Saints day this month we have added the following books donated recently to our Parish Library. We are continually grateful for the generosity of our donors. A Book of Saints True Stories Of How They Touch Our Lives. by Anne Gordon. In an age when we need real heroes, discover the contemporary messages of these extraordinary men and women. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli. What is the value of knowing about Padre Pio? We find it in the truth that God sends Saints that meet the needs of the times. Every Saint is a prophet for his time. And every prophet is a beacon casting light upon the present and future pathway of men. The City of God by Saint Augustine. One of the great cornerstones in the history of Christian philosophy, The City of God provides an insightful interpretation of the development of modern Western society and the origin of most Western thought. Contrasting earthly and heavenly cities--representing the omnipresent struggle between good and evil--Augustine explores human history in its relation to all eternity. Voices of the Saints: A Year of Readings by Bert Ghezzi. The inspiring stories of 365 holy men and women-from the best known to some of the most obscure-come to life in an engaging collection of biographical profiles, quotations from the saints themselves, meditations, and prayers. Anthony of Padua: Saint of the People, His Life, Legends and Popular Devotions edited by Jack Wintz, O.F.M.

The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself

Benedict’s Way: An Ancient Monk’s The Wisdom of the Saints an Anthol- Insights for a Balanced life by Lonogy by Jill Haak Adels ni Collins Pratt and Father Daniel Homan, OSB Giants of the Faith: Conversions Which Changed The World by John St. Therese: The Gospels Rediscovered A. O’Brien by Jimmy McCaffrey Praying with Saint Paul: Daily Re- Saint Catherine of Siena by Alice Curflections on the Letters of the Apostle tayne Paul, edited by Fr. Peter John CamOblation: Meditations on St. Beneeron, O.P. dict’s Rule by Rachel M. Srubas Last Words: Final Thoughts Of CathoSaint Benedict: The Story of the Father lic Saints & Sinners by Paul Thigpen of the Western Monks by Mary Fabyan Windeatt

SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: October 20-26 Memory of Rudolph Saenz, Sr. by Lottman Family (M/N) Memory of Ramon H. Castro by Alicia Castro & Patsy Alvarez (C) October 27- November 2 Memory of Eleanor & Harvey Patton by Barbara Jo Johnson (M/N & C) November 3-9 Memory of Emma Saenz Gonzales by Lottman Family (M/N) Memory of Sue G. Castro by Alicia Castro & Patsy Alvarez (C) November 10-16 Memory of Aloysius Roling by Janice Roling (C) Memory of Richard Reinert by Reinert children (M/N) November 17-23 Memory of John S. Mason, Sr. by Dorothy Mason (C) November 24-30 Memory of Stephen Villanueva by Tina and Dora Villanueva (M/N) Memory of Trinidad Villanueva by Tina and Dora Villanueva (C)

CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL Since 1978, the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) has provided millions of dollars toward the needs of the Diocese of Austin. Annual support from Catholics throughout Central Texas allows the diocese to continue the ministry of Jesus. November marks the beginning of the CSA for the year ahead. As disciples of Jesus Christ, your generous pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal will: • Provide support for thousands of poor and needy people through Catholic Charities of Central Texas • Sustain thousands of students and teachers in our Catholic schools • Educate and form our seminarians as they advance to their day of ordination • Help thousands of families and individuals receive catechetical and leadership training and liturgical resources, and much more. The CSA pledge weekend is November 2-3, 2013. Your generosity is greatly appreciated in this annual a ppe a l. Fo r a ccurat e accounting, please use the personalized pledge card sent to you in the mail and either mail it or bring it for the parish collection November 2-3. Generic pledge envelopes will also be available in the pews the first two weekends of November.

CSA FAQ - Questions & Answers

The Spirit of St. Louis

Q How will the CSA funds be used? A Funds will be used to support only those diocesan programs and ministries outlined in the case for support. No funds will be distributed to outside organizations or used for political purposes. Q Is the Catholic Services Appeal a good opportunity for evangelization and stewardship? A A well-balanced and effective campaign can unite clergy and laity to work together as one Church. The Catholic Services Appeal can be an extraordinary opportunity to reach out to all. Parishioners will develop a better understanding of what our Diocese currently does and its obligations to the community. This often leads to greater involvement and support. Q Who will be asked to support the Catholic Services Appeal? A Every Catholic household in the Diocese of Austin will be asked for its prayerful CSA consideration of a gift to the Catholic CLIP ART Services Appeal.

Your Pledge Is Important

You Can Make

Q To whom should an initial payment check be made payable? a Difference A An initial payment check should be made payable to “Catholic Services Appeal”. the ministries that

serve all the people and parishes Q How should subsequent payments bethroughmade? out the Diocese of A A donor will receive a monthly statement from the diocese Austin by your pledge for remaining pledge Donors may also choose to use the Catholic electronic giving through their Services bank orAppeal a credit card as indicated on their pledge card. Please return these pledge payments directly to the Diocese of Austin, not St. Louis Parish.

Thank You!

Q What kinds of pledges and gifts are acceptable? A While cash gifts and pledges are most common, it may be advantageous to the donor to make a gift of appreciated stock. 2013-2014 Donors wishing to make a gift of appreciated stock, please contact Margaret Kappel at (512) 949-2444 or margaret-kappel@ for your ongoing support of the Catholic

Services Appeal. Your pledge makes it possible to continue vital ministries gifts bethroughout made toour the Diocese of diocese.

Q Can trust and estate-type Austin? A Yes. If a donor offers a planned gift, the parish should refer them to Scott Whitaker at (512) 949-2441 Catholic or scott-whitaker@ Services Appeal funds will be devoted to

direct ministry needs throughout the diocese


LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE “You are the light of the world.” (Mt 5:14)

PRAYER FOR THE CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL Lord, Jesus, we thank you for calling us together as Church. In you we are one. Enlighten us, that we may know how we are called to foster your Kingdom on Earth through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure. Bless our efforts and help us grow into a strong and vibrant community. Give us the grace to support generously the Catholic Services Appeal so that we may, with your blessing, strengthen the Catholic Church in Central Texas. Amen.




Family MiNistry

young adult, adult and family faith formation ministries.

God and Controversy:

Women of Faith A women’s small church community that explores the feminine genius of being created in God’s image will continue this fall with their morning meetings. The meetings are held Wednesdays at 7:30 am in the Parish Education Center – PEC 201 with breakfast and fellowship first, followed by an exploration of women’s spirituality drawing upon various resources and including group discussions. This is a great way for women of all walks of life to start their day. To register, or for more questions please contact Kim Barger at kimb@

Catholic Scripture Study Catholic Scripture Study of Austin is held Wednesday mornings, through April, 9:30-11:30am in the St. Louis Church sanctuary. The weekly two-hour bible study consists of prayer, small group discussions and guest lecturers and follows the Austin Independent School District calendar for holidays, including a long Christmas break. CSS is open to men and women and some participants have been enjoying its programs for 12 years or more! This fall, the class is studying the Book of Joshua, using the Catholic Scripture Study International series written by Steve Ray. Register online at If you have questions, contact Rosemary Howard at 512-345-3687.

Fellowship of Catholic Men The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at 7:00pm in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins or (512) 836-4777.

The Origins of Doctrine The Fall Pastor’s Series, which began in September, continues Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm in Wozniak Hall. Join Fr. Larry Covington and come learn about the intrigue, the controversy and the history surrounding our basic doctrines of faith. The final session is in November as follows: Nov. 4

The final session was previously scheduled on this Monday, but has been moved to the following week due to a conflict in the Pastor’s schedule.

Nov. 11 Christian doctrine in the first millennium (final session)

Political intrigue, the iconoclastic controversy and failure to come to consensus on Christological doctrine results in a permanent split in the Christian Church in 1053. The Eastern and Western Churches choose different models for understanding and articulating doctrine.

THE KING’S MEN Friday Morning Fellowship

Parish men of all ages, are invited to be part of The King’s Men! This weekly Friday morning fellowship breakfast begins and ends promptly from 6:00am to 7:30am for those who must go to work. Sessions will focus on a 13-week video series, Beginning Apologetics, by Father Frank Chacon and Jim Burnham that covers the history and reasoning behind our Catholic beliefs and traditions. Attendance and materials are free. The King’s Men meet in support of their personal faith development so that they may become better husbands, fathers and servant leaders in our community. They come together to deepen their relationships with Jesus Christ, their families and their community so as to live their faith in everyday life. Newcomers always welcome! Register via mobile phone, text KINGSMEN to 84576.


Sunday School Adult Sunday School Continues! Join us each Sunday morning at 11:00am in the St. Louis Catholic School Library. The class is facilitated each week by Chad Nusbaum, St. Louis’ Pastoral Associate and candidate for the Catholic priesthood. Join the group in learning more about the Catholic faith and discussing topics important to you. If you have questions, please contact Chad Nusbaum at chad.nusbaum@ or call the church office at 512-454-0384 x 208.

The Spirit of St. Louis

Upcoming Gabriel Project Training November 16 | St. william parish


OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123)

Gabriel Angels and Michael Angels are trained BAPTISMS volunteers who work with those in need of emotional and spiritual support due to a crisis September 6 – October 5, 2013 pregnancy. The support of an angel can make Juan Julian Balderas-Tinoco a wonderful difference by providing a spirit of Yareli Gutierrez-Figeroa hope as an expectant mom works through each Iliana Abigail Moreno day. Support for someone as they await the birth of their child is a ministry from the heart. Reyna Therese Castillo There is a need for Angels at St. Louis and Izaiah Elijah Gonzales across the diocese. The next scheduled training Cameron Gilbert Lucero is November16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Allison Elena Gallegos-De La Cruz William Parish in Round Rock. Classes are free and include materials, resources and lunch. Rosendo Alexander Gallegos-De La Cruz Valeria Lizet Hernandez-Lumbreras This ministry is open to both women and men interested in accompanying mothers-to-be and fathers-to-be throughout their pregnancy. Osbaldo Mondragon-Santana To register or for more information, call (512) 949-2488 or e-mail brianaMARRIAGES & CONVALIDATIONS Registration is required to attend. Please register by Monday, November 11 to reserve your spot. September 6 – October 5, 2013 David Casimir Beaudoin and Dayva Lyn Young Matteo Cehovin and Francis Marie Seale Kevin Michael Gates and Aurora Melinda Saucedo Juan Guillermo Ramirez-Perez and Maria Guadalupe Linan-Tovar Jesus Gonzalez-Diaz and Nora Lis Lopez-Zuniga Alberto Marquez and Maira Anabel Jaimes

The Garden Ministry The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers to help with garden maintenance. Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays for 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact Andrew Walsh for more information or to sign up for a time The St. Louis Garden Ministry seeks to cultivate the land God has entrusted to us in order to bless our brothers and sisters in need. The garden, which will be located on half an acre on the St. Louis property, will provide fresh produce to the St. Louis Food Pantry.


Deshon Lydelle Trimble Edward S. Nicklaus Oscar Ibarra-Gomez Jesus Arreola Jimenez Yony Arreola Ibarra Ottilia “Tillie” Lempar Joan Gardner

St. Louis Catholic School news The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide.

Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Gala ~ February 8, 2014 at Marriot La Frontera in Round Rock. We hope to see you there!

St. Louis Catholic School Pre-K4 - 8th Grade

St. Louis Catholic School, in Austin, is proud of its library. Despite its modest size, the library supports a catalog of around 16,000 items; from titles for the earliest reader through professional, religious, and parent resources for adults. The library alsoACCEPTING manages subscriptions to online resources, such as ProQuest, NOW Learn360, and electronic newspapers that enable students to expand the depth APPLICATIONS of their research to include information from periodicals and vetted Internet sources. Numerous online resources are maintained and updated on the school’s website to encourage research, exploration, and reading.

Contact Mrs. Dowling 512.454.0384 x245 Encouraging students to read is a central goal of the library. The library supports



Boy Scout Troup 89

Boys in 6th through 12th grade are invited to join Troop 89. Monthly outings include camping, backpacking, canoeing, shooting and archery. Many boys also attend summer camp. Please contact Scoutmaster Don Michler at or Committee Chairman Joe Leary at jleary1@austin. for more information.

a number of reading incentive programs. Students are encouraged to read books from yearly award sets: Gallery (Gr. 1-3), Bluebonnet (Gr. 3-6), Crown (Gr. 4-5), and Lamplighter (Gr. 6-8). Students who complete certain requirements with these programs may earn certificates, parties, and medals. The library also plays a supporting role in the Home & School Association (HSA) run Honors Readers program. This program provides opportunities and incentives for readers at all grade levels to earn certificates and rewards while improving their reading ability and interests. The librarian, Brian Kemp, MSIS, has nearly ten years of experience managing the St. Louis Catholic School Library. A product of Catholic education in Wisconsin and Dallas, TX, Mr. Kemp has an unusual mix of a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Dallas and a Master’s degree in Information Science from the University of North Texas. Mr. Kemp is well versed in a variety of technologies and is skilled in Internet research techniques. Using this technical knowledge, Mr. Kemp maintains the school’s website, Facebook page, e-mail lists, school information software, and runs our Fall and Spring Scholastic Book Fairs in addition to his traditional library duties. One of Mr. Kemp’s favorite duties, however, is reading stories to the students.

The Spirit of St. Louis



November 1

All School Mass ~ All Saints Day

November 2

Altar Servers ~ Continuing Education Class (10:00 am- 12 Noon)

November 3

Daylight Savings Ends (Fall Back!)

November 4 – 8

Fall Book Fair ~ Wozniak Hall

November 6

All School Mass

November 8

Catholic School’s Choir Festival @ Holy Family Catholic School

November 13

All School Mass

November 20

All School Mass ~ Thanksgiving Mass Progress Reports go Home

November 22

Jr. High School Dance (Gr. 7 & 8)

November 27 - 29

All School Holiday ~ Happy Thanksgiving!

St. Louis Catholic School was blessed by a visit by Bishop Joe Vásquez on Tues., Sept. 10. The Bishop began the school day by celebrating Mass with the student

body and parents. Bishop Joe Vásquez then enjoyed a tour of the school campus, accompanied by Fr. Larry Covington, Pastor, Dr. Ned Vanders, Superintendent, and Mrs. Patricia Romanies, Principal. The Bishop asked students about their favorite aspect of attending St. Louis and he received many excellent answers. St. Louis Catholic School looks forward to future visits from Bishop Joe.


Parish Giving Trees Parish Social Ministries will again have Giving Trees for those ministries who help the needy among us. This year there will be three trees set up in the church. The trees will be located in the Narthex will have ornaments in English & Spanish. This year Parish Social Ministries has picked these Ministries to benefit from the Giving Trees: ST. LOUIS MOBILE LOAVES & FISHES distributes food, clothing and dignity to our brothers and sisters who live off the streets of Austin or to the working poor community. ST. L OUIS GABRIEL PROJ ECT Volunteers who are called “Angels” are assigned a pregnant mom in crisis to help assist them throughout their pregnancy until the baby is 6-12 months old. They give spiritual support along with some material support. We encourage them to take parental classes through the Gabriel Project Center and Any Baby Can. Giving Tree gifts are to be placed in the box provided by the trees, or taken to the Church Office or the Social Ministries’ office. Please return all gifts by December 15. Please do not gift wrap the items, however, please attach the ornament tag. It is necessary to have the ornament tag attached to differentiate which ministry the gift is to be designated. The ministries listed above do appreciate anything and everything that is given to them. We thank you in advance and bless each and every one of you for supporting these ministries. Without you these ministries wouldn’t exist.

Please Save the Date: December 14, 2013 Parish Social Ministries Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at 6:30 p.m. at Wozniak Hall. More information will go out as the date gets closer.

parish social MINISTRy serving the neediest among us

St. Louis 10th Annual

Feast of Giving St. Louis Catholic Church will host the 10th Annual “Feast of Giving” from 11:00am-2:00pm on November 28th. This annual Thanksgiving Day event is sponsored by the St. Louis Social Ministry department and offers our brothers and sisters in need a traditional hot Thanksgiving meal. This gathering gives members at St. Louis Parish an opportunity to share a portion of God’s blessings and to spend time with our friends in the community on this very special day. If you would like to volunteer for this wonderful ministry, the Social Ministry team could use at least 2 hours of your time on Thanksgiving Day or the night before. Preparations and decorations are made on Wednesday evening from 6:00pm-8:00pm and the cooking begins at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday morning and lasts until 2:00pm or until all the food is gone.

Volunteers are needed for the following areas: Kitchen Help: warming up the turkey and cooking all the side dishes; serving; washing dishes throughout the event; cleaning up beginning around 1:00pm. Dessert Table: preparation of desserts and serving all our guests. Drink Station: preparation of drinks and maintenance of drink areas through the event. Serving: families will be seated at the tables and we need volunteers to serve our guests with food, drinks and desserts. Greeters: greeting guests as they arrive and matching them with family volunteers. Bussers: bussing tables; assisting with trash collection; refilling drinks as needed; assisting families with young children. Housekeeping: helping take out trash when needed from the dining and kitchen areas throughout the day. Clean-up Crew: cleaning up; washing dishes; taking out the last round of trash; boxing up leftover paper goods and canned-foods for storage; assisting with pick-up meals. ON THANKSGIVING DAY ONLY (from 8:00am-11:00pm) baked or purchased desserts (all kinds) and bread or rolls are needed. NO UNCOOKED OR BAKED TURKEYS, PLEASE. For additional information on how to sign up to be a volunteer, please contact Bea Dela Rosa via email or phone at or 512-4540384 x 199.

Early Childhood Ministry Serving our youngest parishioners

Rough – and – Tumble Play We believe that exuberant, boisterous, rough- andtumble play supports preschoolers’ development. Energetic big body play lets children use language, understand cause and effect, and learn how to negotiate, take turns, compromise, and make and follow rules. Vigorous big body play is a great way to support physical development. Because children enjoy it so much, they tend to play for a long time.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Breakfast with Santa Save the Date Saturday, December 7 Mark your calendars and bring your children to this annual event in Wozniak Hall. Watch bulletins for more information!

To support big body play, at home you can: • Play big body games, such as tag • Encourage children’s rough-andand hopscotch, or throw, catch, tumble play outside in the yard or and roll a ball with your child. at a park. Preschoolers like to run, jump, tag, roll, twirl, fall down, • Walk, instead of riding, to the and chase each other or you. places you are going. Vary your -Teaching Young Children/Preschool movements to include periods of hopping, skipping, galloping, and twirling.

Early Childhood Development Center November begins with our All Saint’s Day Workshop. The children will learn about Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (Patron Saint of Ecology), Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Patron Saint of Pilots), Saint Joseph, the carpenter and Jesus’ father, and Saint Cecilia (Patron Saint of Music). Fr. Vincent will be blessing our dios de los mertos altar on November 14. Our families will be celebrating Thanksgiving at our Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 19. The children will be writing/drawing what they are thankful for on construction paper leaves. They will continue learning colors, numbers, letter recognition, social skills, and songs about fall. Closed - November 27, 28, 29 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Children’s Liturgy We will begin offering Children’s Liturgy during the 1:30 Spanish Mass on Sunday, November 17. Tendremos la Liturgia para Niños durante la Misa en Español de 1:30pm empezando el domingo, 17 de noviembre. November 3 - The Power of God’s Love When we have a change of heart, we open ourselves to the transforming love of God.

November 17 - There Are Challenges of All Kinds in a Lifetime Jesus taught us what it means to make sacrifices for the sake of others.

November 10 - God Gives Us the Strength We Need We are called to live as disciples of Jesus, participating in his mission, every day of our lives.

November 24 - The Son of God Has Many Names The Church uses different names for Jesus in order to teach us the many different meanings of who Jesus is for us.

St. Vincent Truck coming back!!

If you missed the St. Vincent de Paul Society truck in September, it will be back in December for your gently used clothing, household items, furniture, sports equipment, books and magazines, children’s items and much more. Clean out those closets before the holidays and benefit the less fortunate in the process! The SVdP truck will be in the St. Louis Church parking lot on Saturday, December 14, from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

Schedule A Mammogram and Save a Life! Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the world, with one woman diagnosed every three minutes in the U.S. alone. It’s a disease that touches the lives of millions every year. On Saturday, November 23, 2013 The Big Pink Bus will be in the parking lot in front of the St. Louis Secondary School from 8:00AM–3:30PM To schedule an appointment please call (512) 324-1000, ext. 18226.

senior MINISTRY for the young at heart

Senior celebration

The Senior Celebration on September 28th, honored our senior citizens for their dedication to the parish over the decades. Volunteer servers (altar servers, liturgical ministers parish staff and even our Pastor) personally assisted Chef Philip Carbajal in serving our senior honorees. Grateful thanks to all those who made this celebration such a wonderful event!

The Spirit of St. Louis

Senior Ministry Social

Prayer Blanket Ministry

St. Louis Seniors will enjoy accordion music by Rollie Revering on Thursday, November 14th in Wozniak Hall from 1:00-2:00pm. Refreshments included! All invited!


KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY The KC Ladies Reunion was well attended in September. They honored their deceased members with a short memorial by ringing a bell and reading the names. Coral Migoni-Ryan read a beautiful prayer for the repose of their souls. KC Ladies Auxiliary encourages members to enrich their spiritual life, promotes a spirit of friendship and gives assistance to the KC Council in developing independent programs and projects. Membership is open to any lady over 18 years of age, Catholic or non-Catholic whose husband, father, son, brother or sweetheart is a member in good standing of a Knights of Columbus Council, or the widow/daughter of a deceased member. If you have questions or need more information, please contact President Julia Johnson at 512-836-1726.


November 30 – December 1

This parish ministry creates beautiful handmade blankets that are blessed and make wonderful gifts for those who are grieving, suffering illness or celebrating special occasions. This ministry meets monthly in homes to make the blankets while praying together and is open to anyone who loves to sew. St. Louis Prayer Blankets are available for sale throughout the year by calling Evelyn Janecka at 512453-6466. Call Evelyn if you would like information about membership, too! Their next sale is Nov. 30-Dec. 1, just in time for Christmas shopping! Grateful thanks to all parishioners who continue to donate fabrics and supplies for the blankets!

Is Your Information Correct?

Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records 512-454-0384 or

The Retirement Nursing Center Celebrated its Volunteers On Wednesday, several groups and individuals were recognized for their volunteer service to the residents at RNC. St. Louis, King of France was recognized for giving 39 years of Homebound Ministry service at RNC. We are the longest standing group to be serving the Catholic residents with Sunday Communion visits! The current team of Homebound Ministers are: Norma Sigler, Guadalupe Fuentes, Pat Stebbins, Paul Herrera, and Andrea Colgan. St. Louis is also represented by other volunteers/musicians who give time to entertain the residents at special occasions. The theme this year was “Our Volunteers are Special Human Beans” (pun on words).

Photos: Guadalupe Fuentes, Bea Lamb, Paul and Peggy Herrera, Pat Stebbins and Pat Watkins.

ery student the opportunity to excel academically and professionally.

Fall Open House day, October 6, 2013 2:30 –5:00 pm

Around the Diocese and beyond

NOW St. Dominic Savio Catholic High GRA ENROLL ING DES School 8 –12 APP TH

LY N Prospective(5Parent Night OW 12) 8041935 Prospective parents are invited to attend a parent-only Information Session on November 20th from 6:30-8:00pm in their campus library. During this session, parents will learn about the school, tour as 78704their † (512)campus 804-1935 †and † hear about the admission process. You must reserve a spot as space is limited. Reservations are made by visiting their website admissions/ or by contacting Holly Bologna, Admissions Director at 512-388-8846 ext. 5504. The school will also have an Open House on Sunday, November 3rd from 1:00-4:00pm. No reservation required for the Open House. TH

More opportunities to obtain Bishop McCarthy’s new book

Sarah’s Hope

Fertility and Recurrent Miscarriage Support

Sarah’s Hope is a free spiritual support program through the Vitae Clinic for couples struggling to conceive or deal with pregnancy loss. Attend a monthly women’s support group on the first Wednesday for Rosary (6:45pm) and discussion (7:00pm). Vitae Clinic is located at 1600 W. 38th St., Suite 115.

Cedarbrake Retreat Center

All weekend retreats are $185 for private room, $155 for shared room, $75 for commuter. All day retreats are $35 and include lunch. For more information or registration on upcoming retreats, contact 254-780-2436 or email cedarbrake@ Writing as Prayer: Sept 13-15 Next events include: Join us for a weekend exploring writing as a tool for fostering intimate prayer. We will use guided writing exercises, visual and musical props to invite participants into spiritual conversations with the sacred. Anne Klock, flutist, will provide the sacred music for this retreat. NO writing skills are required, only a willingness to ponder and listen—with pen in hand! Led by author Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda. This retreat is open to both men and women.

November 1-3 The Art & Heart of the Spiritual If you missed the book signing by Bishop Emeritus John Life with Fr. Haase McCarthy, held at St. Louis in August, there are two more November 14 The Devil We Don’t Know with Fr. book signings this fall around the diocese. His new“The book Shack” with Sr. Lois Dideon: Oct. 4- 6 Angelo Bertini has been immensely popular and if you haven’t gotten “Meet Me at the Shack ~ Love, Papa” So you’ve read The Shack. Would you like to come and December 6-8 Silent Weekend conducted your copy of Off the Cuff and Over the Collar, they experience make it and talk about it? Have you wondered why God put this book in yourRetreat hands? Would you like to spend the weekend with others who have been touched and challenged by The Shack, by the Cedarbrake Staff great Christmas gifts! Upcoming book signings include: reflecting, unpacking, sharing and experiencing God? The weekend will include presentations, time for discussion, guided imagery and relaxing beauty.

November 20 4:30-6:00pm The Gospel of John: Oct. 14_ McCarthy Room of Fleck Hall at St. Edward’s University Project

Rachel Retreats

The fourth gospel is written in great poetic language by John often telling two levels of stories at the same time. This day will be an opportunity to enter more deeply into the Woman at the Well story and the Eucharist Discourse in Chapter Six. Brian Egan will present this day.

This compassionate ministry helps women and men suffering emotionally and spiritually from the trauma of abortion. Project retreats are1-3offered throughout The Art & Heart of the Spiritual LifeRachel Fr. Hasse, OFM: Nov. All proceeds go to Saint Louise House, a local charityThethat the year at private locations. Confidential registration is Art and Heart of the Spiritual Life: Based upon his bestselling book, Catching Fire, Becoming assists single mothers in need. Book People and Flame: other A Guideavailable for Spiritual Transformation, this weekend retreat focuses upon some the by contacting 877-932-2732 or ofproject-rachel@ important elements and attitudes of a vibrant spiritual life: confronting temptations, and local bookstores may still have copies as well! experiencing God’s presence in our everyday, ordinary life and routine. Fr. Haase is December 8 10:15-11:15am & 12:30-1:00pm Holiday Fair-Parish Gym, St. Austin Catholic Church

is a popular speaker, spiritual director and co- host of “Spirit &Life” on Relevant Radio.

December 5th


Fr. 970 Angelo Bertini Relevant Radio,Cedarbrake AM in Austin Staff

Nov. 14 The Devil We Don’t Know Dec. 6-8 Silent Weekend Retreat Dec. 9 Advent Dinner

GrowFr.your Richardfaith O’Rourkeand change your life Support the John Paul II Life Center with Relevant Radio 970 – “Austin’s To REGISTER: call 254-780-2436 or go to Mark your calendars for the December Talk Radio for Catholic Life”. This 5th benefit for the John Paul II All Life Weekend Retreats are $185 for private room, $155 for shared room, non-profit, listener-supported Center. Patrick Madrid will be the guest $75 for commuter Catholic radio station bridges the Day Retreats are $35 and include lunch speaker. He is host of EWTN’s “Right gap All between faith and everyday life by giving you a greater Here, Right Now” program and author understanding of Catholicism in today’s secular society. of 16 Catholic books selling 750,000 Relevant Radio 970 is owned and operated by the largest copies worldwide. He’ll address the Catholic talk radio network in the U.S., reaching more long-reaching impact of our current culture on society. than 20 million people through 33 radio stations across the Tickets will be on sale soon, so save the date: Thursday, country and its internet broadcast at www.relevantradio. December 5th at the AT& T Conference Center. Other com Tune in today! speakers and surprises to be announced soon!



A Prayer of

Thank you Lord for all the years and days of my life with their harvest of successes and failures, joys and sorrows. Thank you, good Father, for my family. Thank you for my parents, who with the characteristic lights and shadows of every human being, raised me and brought me to You. Thank you for my spouse, whom I love as part of me, but different, with whom I enjoy life in body and spirit, with whom I do all my plans and with whom I share joys, sorrows and work, with whom I delight in the simple life of every day, and dream for a better tomorrow, with whom I share my faith and prayer, and with whom I participate in the life of my community. Thank you for our children, the best for us and for you! Thanks for their originality, their richness, their personality and their uniqueness that we care lovingly for them to become what they are called to be; what you want them to be, every one of them. Thank you for my brothers, sisters, and thanks also for the friends who helped me or even disappointed me, because I’ve always learned from them. Thanks for the mystery of Grace and Life. And thank you, Lord, for Thyself, great and good Father to our family, builder of the great brotherhood that we all -your children- form in union with all Creation, wonderful work of your hands. Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ, our savior who showed your unlimited love for us, liberator who broke all our chains. Thank you, for your Spirit, ongoing calling that encourages us every day to a clean and generous harmony, especially in the dark hours, in moments of fatigue and conflict, when everything becomes dark, but you’re still there as light and breath of life. Thank you, Father always good and eternally compassionate and merciful. Thanks for giving us Mary, your mother, as our mother. And most of all I thank you, because despite my weaknesses, you offer me the hope that at the end of my days you’ll be waiting right there, to give me a hug. Thanks to Betty Franceschi, our Director of Childhood Ministry, for authoring and sharing this beautiful prayer of Thanksgiving with all of us. Happy Thanksgiving from the priests, deacons and staff of St. Louis, King of France Catholic Church!

The Spirit of St. Louis


Life in the Spirit Seminar

The St. Louis Prayer Group is hosting a Life in the Spirit Seminar that began on October 24th and will run every Thursday through December 12th, except Thanksgiving. They meet in Wozniak Hall, Meeting Room 1, from 7:30-9:00pm and sessions are open to anyone, even if you have missed some sessions. Use this Advent to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! All are welcome!

Welcome Ministry Team 9:30 & 11:30 Sunday Masses Do you have the gift of hospitality? St. Louis is looking for new members to join our Welcome Ministry team for both the 9:30 and 11:30 Sunday Mass times. This is an opportunity to help newcomers feel welcomed to our parish and assist our clergy to insure that everyone has the information they need to get plugged in to life in our church community. We especially need ministers for the 11:30am Mass time. If you are interested in helping others understand all the wonderful ministries available here at St. Louis, please contact Chad Nusbaum in the Church office for details or 512-454-0384 x 208.

Yes, we are selling tamales again! The Knights of Columbus, Council # 5967 are again selling tamales after the 6:00am, 7:30am and the 9:30am Masses during the first three Sundays of each month, at the Parish Activity Center (Wozniak Hall). Cost for a dozen will be the same as last year, $7.00. If you are unable to pick up your tamales at the above times, please call Mr. Kirby Krause at (512) 453-4823 and he will make arrangements to ensure you can purchase your tamales.

Want to serve in Ministry? Formerly known as North Central Caregivers, this community outreach to the elderly received a new name effective October 1st. As part of Faith in Action Network in the Austin metro area, this new name, Drive a Senior, more accurately describes the services provided by the nine groups that offer Requests for services to seniors. transportation have made up the bulk of requests to these groups, but for many years they have also received calls seeking personal care for seniors because of the “Caregivers” name. Changing the name will hopefully eliminate confusion about what they do and will help our seniors seeking help with transportation find the group more easily.

Annual Neighborhood Concert Benefits Drive a Senior Friday, December 6 St. Louis Sanctuary

Don’t miss this outstanding concert featuring choirs from at least 10 churches in our neighborhood! Each of these parishes are supporting Drive a Senior with financial donations and volunteers throughout the year. Their participation enables the homebound and elderly shut-ins of North Central Austin to stay in their homes and yet still get to appointments and live independently. This concert supplements the work of the outstanding volunteers! There is no charge for the event, but good will donations are gratefully accepted! Join us at 7:30pm for this musical event enjoyed by all!

Naomi Circle

This parish group is specifically for widows, who would like to seek the support and friendship of other women who have lost their spouse to death. The group meets monthly. If you are interested in attending or want more information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292.

Without exception, all applicants for paid positions in the Diocese, and all applicants for volunteer positions at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church in particular must complete the Catholic Diocese of Austin Application for Ministry which includes a release of information to conduct a criminal background check (go to to complete the application on-line or print a hard copy to complete). A criminal records check for the State of Texas, or any other U.S. state where the applicant has resided during the past five years, shall be conducted prior to employment or volunteer work. The application should be submitted to the Diocese (and the background check completed) prior to EIM workshop attendance, or as soon as possible after attendance. All three (3) requirements of the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry process— application, background check and EIM training workshop—must be completed before anyone may begin work with minors or vulnerable adults. The application for ministry is submitted only one time.

Additionally, our Pastor has determined that those in any parish leadership position (i.e. ministry and organization leaders and Pastoral, Finance and Stewardship Council members) should be in compliance with these diocesan EIM policies as a symbol of leadership within the parish. Applicants should be registered members of the parish/ school community for at least six months prior to beginning work or service in any ministry. Exceptions may be made by the pastor or principal only. ALL applicants shall participate in an Ethics and Integrity in Ministry abuse prevention training workshop within 60 days of completing the Application for Ministry. The Bishop’s office has mandated that all employees and volunteers in the diocese must attend the EIM workshop every three (3) years. However, there is no need to complete a second Application for Ministry. A list of workshops in the diocese is available on-line at the diocesan website http://www.

Next scheduled workshop at St. Louis in Wozniak Hall: Saturday, November 9

9 AM - Noon

Basic SPANISH Course

This BASIC course in Spanish is for persons who have never attended a previous 3-hour EIM workshop OR who need a Spanish refresher. Please RSVP so that adequate material may be available by contacting the church office at 454-0384. Due to the nature of the subject, if you have any concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to arrange an alternative option to receive your training. Such inquiries shall remain confidential.

New leadership in your ministry? If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Please call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders: Contact Chad Nusbaum to check on EIM status (512) 454-0384 x 208 or chad.

Volunteer opportunity! Do the letters HTML, SMS or HDMI mean anything to you? Do the phrases “New Media”, “Web 2.0”, or “MailChimp”, make your ears perk up? Are YouTube, Google and your RSS feeder the first things you look at in the morning? If we have piqued your interest with any of these questions, then we have a ministry for you. In the next few months, St. Louis will be launching a very ambitious communications strategy, specifically the realm of New or Social Media. We’re looking for volunteers who have expertise in Facebook marketing and Twitter, e-mail and text communications, Video and YouTube channel productions, Web and Mobile Web development and even Blog management. Over the last few months after Mass you’ve heard Fr. Larry ask you to go to our Facebook page and “like us”. This may surprise you, but he’s actually following directions on this. In this case, from the Holy Father himself. Our last three Popes

have urged the faithful to use these new means of communication to reach out to the world. Our goal is to use all the new media and communication tools at our disposal to reach as many people as possible in order to proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. If you have experience in any of the areas of New Media listed above, we would love to talk to you and let you know about the exciting plans we have in store for St. Louis and how this could impact the ministry we do here. Please contact chad.nusbaum@ for more information on how to volunteer for the new way to help the parish in communication.

St. Louis Flower Guild St. Louis Flower Guild welcomes volunteers throughout the year to enhance our worship spaces. There are two ways to volunteer: 1. Each Friday, join a team that is creating the floral arrangements for the weekend Masses. 2. Volunteers are especially needed before major feasts like Christmas and Easter. Call Dolores Rumpf at 836-2190 for additional information. Whether you can give two hours or ten, come help us decorate God’s house! Maybe you can’t arrange flowers but you can help provide the flowers through your generosity. Altar flowers may be used to honor or memorialize a loved one or a special family event. Consider donating toward the altar flowers for a particular weekend. Call Evelyn McNair 512-454-0384 x 209 or email evelyn.mcnair@st-louis. org and send a check for $65.00 payable to St. Louis Church. Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Flower Guild that offers fresh floral arrangements weekly in our main sanctuary!

The Spirit of St. Louis


Sisterhood of the Holy Cloth Would you love to serve your church through a ministry that has no meetings, no dues and you can work from your own home? Then the Sisterhood is for you! These ministry volunteers launder the sacred linens (purificators and corporals) used at Mass and you only have to do it about every 5 weeks. We will train you and give you a written schedule. Please call Judy Bonham 512836-4639 if you are interested.

The Healing Sacrament

Don’t forget that on the second Sunday of every month, the Sacrament of Healing with laying-on of hands and anointing is offered during the 9:00pm Compline ser vice in the Chapel. Join us for this weekly, meditative ser vice of beautiful Gregorian chant. No reser vation is needed and the ser vice lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Landmark Marriages | 2013

On Holy Family Sunday, December 29th, the parish will recognize those parish couples who have been married 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 years or more. Certificates signed by Bishop Joe Vasquez will again be available to couples who have celebrated one of these landmark anniversaries in 2013. This year, however, the certificates will not be presented at Mass but will be available for pick-up in the Church Office (or can be mailed) after December 29th. Names and anniversaries will be published in the bulletin on Holy Family, if they are submitted no later than December 15th to Evelyn McNair at or 512-454-0384 x 209. Leave your first and last names, your phone number, and the landmark anniversary you have celebrated this year. Names submitted after December 15th may still be able to receive a certificate but may not receive bulletin recognition, due to the early publishing deadlines during the holidays.

Spirituality in Stewardship How can we personally follow the Pope’s lead and develop his spirituality of stewardship? Most Reverend Robert F. Morneau, Auxiliary Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, offered seven habits or principles that would foster a life of stewardship. These are excerpts from his book on Embracing a Generous Life – The joyful spirituality of stewardship (copyright 2013). 1. Be grateful! Gratitude is at the heart of stewardship. Everything we have and are is gift, given by a gracious and generous God. If we are aware of this and have an appreciation of being so gifted, our response is one of “thank you!” 2. Realize that every gift is a responsibility! A fundamental question that each of us must ask is: “What is my gift?” A secondary but most helpful question is: “When am I happiest and most alive?” When that gift is discovered (and it may take years and help of friends) a serious duty surfaces that demands that we nurture and use it. 3. You cannot out-give God! There is an implicit fear in the human condition. If I give away my time, talent, or treasure, I will be left empty-handed and poor. Not so with stewardship. If we give away daily what God gives us, space is created for more to come (and then to be given away). We are conduits of God’s love and life. Serious problems arise when we hoard and store up things. We become bloated. Faith and trust in God’s liberality frees us to be generous givers. 4. Gifts not used weigh us down! It could well be that a significant amount of depression results when a person who has time fails to share it with others or one who has talents puts them on the shelf, or one who has financial resources turns into a Silas Marner, a morose recluse hoarding his money. By contrast, a lightness of being is experienced as we share God’s gifts whenever asked. In that sharing we retain our freedom, whereas in a narrow frugality we become enslaved. 5. Emulate God’s liberality! The sun shines on all, the good and the bad, the saint and the sinner. God’s extravagant light and love is offered to all. Our challenge is to be as indiscriminate in our love as God is in the shower of divine grace. Everyone we meet is to be given respect and dignity, a share in what God has given to us. 6. Be a conduit of grace! All of us through our baptism are called to be recipients and transmitters of God’s life. Those beams of love, those sunbeams of grace, are to be received and then shared. In the end it is all about listening and loving, obedience and self-giving, receiving and sharing. 7. All is gift – SHARE! The psalmist cries out, “What return can I make to the Lord for his bounty to me?” (Psalm 116:12). Our return is one of sharing both in justice and in sacrifice. What has been given to each of us is for all. The pundit reminds us that there is no U-Haul behind the hearse, and we take nothing with us except our life of prayers and sharing.

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