October 2014 | The Spirit of St. Louis

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The Spirit of

St. Louis @ October 2014

! 4 1 0 2 t s e F Fun O C TOB E R 26, 2014 | 11: 00AM - 4: 0 0 PM

Planning is underway for the annual St. Louis Catholic School FU N FEST to be held on Sunday, October 26th from 11am to 4pm on parish grounds. Everyone is invited! There will be enough fun and games for everyone from the youngest to the oldest in your family! Would you like to help? Consider becoming a Fun Fest sponsor, sign up for one of our volunteer opportunities, or donate one of the needed items. When you donate to Fun Fest by sponsorships at any level, you are helping underwrite the cost of putting on this annual family event. Sponsorship forms are available from the School Office, but check out the levels of potential giving below. These sponsorships have a deadline of October 10th for inclusion on all Fun Fest signage. Regretfully, a professional sign cannot be guaranteed after that date. FA I TH L EVEL S $ 1 0 0 0


As a valued event underwriter, a large banner will display your name or business logo, as well as your preferred message, and be mounted at a highly visible location at Fun Fest. In addition, your generous sponsorship will be featured in Fun Fest and Home & School Association communications through the end of the year. At this level, please attach your camera-ready logo/artwork.

Same terms as the Faith and Fellowship Levels, displaying your family or business name only, with the same acknowledgement of your generosity through the end of the year.


We appreciate your sponsorship at any level. As a Fan of St. Louis, your name will be listed together with other sponsors on a sign displayed at Fun Fest and you will receive acknowledgement in communications.

In gratitude for your donation, we are happy to display a banner under the same terms as the Faith Level with acknowledgement of your generous sponsorship in communications through the end of the year.


There are also opportunities to donate homemade baked goods, the ever-popular confetti eggs, and items for our Silent Auction and Country Store booths. There are volunteer opportunities, too, but remember you must be qualified through the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) diocesan program to volunteer on campus. Please contact Lucinda Soto (Lsoto@austin.rr.com or 512-925-8635) for more information.

M A R K YO U R CA LE N DARS FOR T H I S AN N UAL E V E N T! A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx • www.st-louis.org

Parish News

Parish Directory



FR. JAMES TO LEAD A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION Particularly in the past few years, the interest and study of the end times has exploded in Christian and even non-Christian circles. One of the results of this phenomenon is a mis-interpretation of the Book of Revelation. This fall our pastor, Fr. James Misko, will walk us through a six session exegesis of John of Patmos’ visions and reflections on the true end times. Going line by line through this inspired book that concludes the New Testament, we will also read Scott Hahn’s book The Lamb’s Supper. This series promises to be quite interesting, offering a new and fuller sense of not only the end times but also the timeless reality of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Make plans to join us Thursday evenings starting October 9th in Wozniak Hall at 7PM.

512.454.0384 x220 ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 BUSINESS OFFICE Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director x244 EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Mary Beth Skinnell, Director


Once again there have been a rash of robberies from cars parked in our lots. x216 HISPANIC ADULT & FAMILY Although you may feel safe leaving valuables in cars because they are parked at MINISTRY the Church, please be aware that is not a deterrent to the robbers! Remember Sumayah Abullarade, Director to lock your valuables in the trunk of your car, and never leave purses, wallets, laptops, phones or packages in full view (even for a few minutes). They are a x213 LITURGICAL MINISTRY temptation, even if your vehicle is locked, which may result in broken windows Bea Lamb, Director and lost items. Please report any suspicious persons or activity as quickly as x202 MUSIC possible. Thank you for your ongoing vigilance in keeping our property crimefree! Chris Oelkers, Director x206 SENIOR MINISTRY Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director


X 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE Christa Almaguer, Manager x265 SOCIAL MINISTRY Bea Dela Rosa, Director x239 ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal x205 YOUTH MINISTRY Paul Stadelman, Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Our Pastor, Fr. James Misko, threw out the first ball on August 18th at the Dell Diamond’s Catholic Night! Numerous staff from the parish and school, along with members of Naomi Circle, were there to cheer him on! Fans from his previous parishes, St. Elizabeth’s in Pflugerville and Christ the King in Belton, were there in force, too! A former college baseball player, Fr. James looked like a pro throwing his strike, to the delight of the audience.

The Spirit of St. Louis

Thoughts on Angels FR. JAMES MISKO, PASTOR, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014

Today I had an incredibly busy day. I started with Mass at 7AM and then went into two hour-long appointments, knowing that I had three hour-long appointments waiting for me after lunch. This was after a full day yesterday where I had six meetings scheduled, including School Mass and dinner at a parishioner’s house. One of the items on my schedule today, right in the middle of the day, was a tour of Down Home Ranch way out east of Elgin. I had scheduled the appointment a few weeks back at the request of Jerry and Judy Horton, parishioners of St. Louis who run Down Home Ranch. But really, I was super busy and wasn’t feeling like driving all the way out there. I almost called to re-schedule the tour. For some reason though, I went anyway and, as is almost always the case, it was exactly what God needed me to do! Down Home Ranch is just as the name indicates. It is a place for people with Down Syndrome. It is their home. And it is a working Ranch/Farm. If this is the first time you have heard of Down Home Ranch, you should check it out at www.downhomeranch.org. It is truly an amazing place. Down Syndrome is a genetic condition that causes delays in physical and intellectual development, occurring in one in every 691 live births. People with Down Syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. It is the most frequently occurring chromosomal disorder. Down Syndrome is not related to race, nationality, religion or socioeconomic status. The most important fact to know about individuals with Down Syndrome is that they are more like others than they are different. If you have ever met someone with Down Syndrome you will understand my title to this reflection: Thoughts on Angels. They are like angels from God! Jerry and Judy took me on a tour of their ranch which includes green houses where they and the thirty residents grow vegetables, poinsettias, and other plants for sale, lodges in which they live in community, a retreat center (which we use for our St. Louis ACTS retreats), a horse barn, all on over a hundred acres of some of the most beautiful Texas farm land you’ve ever seen. What was most rewarding though was not the facility or the country-side. It was the people with Down Syndrome; the residents of Down Home Ranch. Every single one of the residents stopped to say hello to me with the most beautiful smiles and genuine joy in meeting a new friend. They actually stopped what they were doing, looked me in the eye, and gave themselves completely to meeting me, a new friend! As I was going around with Jerry and Judy, with each encounter of a resident, I found myself becoming more and more calm and at peace. The day that had begun at 6AM with the normal stress of an over loaded schedule had become a day of grace. Had I called to re-schedule the tour I probably wouldn’t have felt the grace of some of the most graceful people in Central Texas. I can remember visiting one young man with Down Syndrome (his name escapes me now) in the workshop. As he came up to me, completely without guile and in total generosity of spirit, I caught myself becoming emotional. I wondered why. But I suppose in a world of cynicism and rat race scheduling, for that moment in that workshop with that young person with Down Syndrome, it seemed that there was still a place in the world for honest, free of any manipulation or agenda, plain old happiness. At that moment I had been visited by an Angel! As I was driving back to the parish my whole perspective on the administrative role God has asked me to take on here at St. Louis was changed; changed by the goodness of the good people who live and love God at Down Home Ranch. Does God still send us angels? I know he does! Let’s continue praying for one another, Take care, Fr. James i



Parish Happenings KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY KC Ladies Auxiliary encourages members to enrich their spiritual life, promotes a spirit of friendship and gives assistance to the KC Council in developing independent programs and projects. Membership is open to any lady over 18 years of age, Catholic or non-Catholic whose husband, father, son, brother or sweetheart is a member in good standing of a Knights of Columbus Council, or the widow/daughter of a deceased member. If you have questions or need more information, please contact President Julia Johnson at 512836-1726. SISTERHOOD OF THE HOLY CLOTH Would you love to serve your church through a ministry that has no meetings, no dues and you can work from your own home? Then the Sisterhood is for you! These ministry volunteers launder the sacred linens (purificators and corporals) used at Mass and you only have to do it about every 5 weeks. We will train you and give you a written schedule. Please call Judy Bonham 512836-4639 if you are interested. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Since 2007, Daylight Savings Time ends the first Sunday in November which will be Sunday, November 2nd this year. Don’t forget to “fall back” one hour and set your clocks accordingly or be an hour early for Mass! NEW CONFESSION SCHEDULE Remember that effective September 20th, the Saturday morning confession schedule changed slightly. Confessions now start immediately after Mass at 8:30am (not 9:00am) and they end at 10:00am (not 10:30am). Confessions on Saturday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm and Thursdays from 6:30-7:15pm remain the same.

WALK WITH MARY In honor and gratitude to our Blessed Mother, Mary, the Spanish Rosary Group will be hosting a Special Event October 4th. Immediately after Mass, we will gather in the Garden of Mary praying the Holy Rosary in procession to Wozniak Hall. Refreshments will be served afterward, along with reflections and a movie about our Blessed Mother’s message concerning the Rosary. Everyone is invited to attend!


NCCW has long been advocating the need to RECYCLE plastic and other materials in an effort to be good stewards of our earth. Here is a fun, free and easy way to fulfill that mission and help provide wheelchairs for disabled children! WHICH CAPS SHOULD YOU SAVE?

Hard Plastic Caps from laundry detergents, hand sanitizer, beverages, toothpaste, shampoo, spray paint, tennis ball can lids, grated cheese, cream cheese, salad dressing, peanut butter, medicines, and so many others. Color is not an issue - save them all!

No Metal! Please remove all paper inserts! Please send only the caps! (see "What to Collect" at capsoflove.com)

Recycling plastic caps raises money to buy wheelchairs for disabled children. This also has an environmental benefit as discarded caps are put in our landfills or incinerated which harms the earth if not recycled. Plastic caps can be created into new products such as plastic shipping pallets, park benches, plastic paint cans and many other items. For more information, please visit www.capsoflove.com Bring caps to the Church Office during the week OR to the Ministry Room in the Narthex on weekends. CAPS WILL BE COLLECTED BETWEEN NOW AND JANUARY 17, 2015, then sent to caps of love for this special project.

The Spirit of St. Louis

PROJECT HYMNAL After 15 plus years of use and due to the changes in the Order of Mass, it’s time to replace current hymnals.We are in need of 1000 hymnals for our main sanctuary, day chapel, and school. Our goal is to have our new hymnals ordered by the beginning of November, so that they can be in the pews by Christmas. Each hymnal costs $20, and you can sponsor as many hymnals as you like. Each hymnal will be dedicated in memory of or in honor of by you, and indicated on the inside cover of each hymnal with a beautiful dedication plate. Thank you for joining us in this worthy project honoring your loved ones and our beloved parish! If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact Chris Oelkers, Director of Music, at (512) 454-0384, ext. 202.

Catholic Scripture Study Catholic Scripture Study of Austin continues on Wednesday, 9:30-11:30am in the sanctuary of St. Louis Church. The weekly two hour Bible Study consists of prayer, small group discussions and guest lecturers and follows the Austin Independent School District calendar for holidays. The fall study is the Book of Hebrews, using the CSS International series written by Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea. Newcomers are welcomed on the first Wednesday of every month for orientation prior to their assignment with a discussion group. Men and women are invited to participate.

Hymnal Donor Form Use one form per hymnal PRINT CLEARLY! honoree may e an nal or a famly  no mlple nals


In honor of______

In memory of_______

NAME_____________________________________________________________ BY DONOR NAME______________________________________________________ TELEPHONE___________________ AMOUNT PAID: $______________ CASH___ CHECK___CHECK #______________ checks made out to: St Louis Catholic Church

write ‘hymnal’ in memo line



For over forty years, since Pope Paul VI implemented the Second Vatican Council's directive to restore the Order of Deacons as a permanent and stable ministry, we have had deacons ministering in our parishes and schools and a thousand other places. Still people come up to me and ask, “What is a Deacon? What can you do that the average Catholic in the pew can't?” The best way to answer that is to look at the source of our ministry, Jesus Christ Himself. At the Last Supper He commissioned His Apostles to do three things. In John 17:17-21 we read that Jesus asks the Father to consecrate the Apostles in truth so that the world might believe that the Father has sent Him. They are to proclaim the Gospel. In Matthew 26, Mark 14, and Luke 22, He told them to take bread and wine and “Do this in memory of me”, offering perfect worship to the Father by recalling Jesus's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. And in John 13, Jesus takes on the lowly task of washing the disciples’ feet showing that they must serve as He served. The Bishops of the Church, by the commission of Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Apostles, exercise this three-fold ministry of Word, Liturgy, and Service. Each Bishop serves a local Church as its chief administrator. He sanctifies the Church as its chief liturgist and celebrant of the sacraments. And he teaches the Church as the principal teacher and proclaimer of the Gospel. But as we read in Acts 6, very quickly the Apostles saw that they needed help in fulfilling the ministry. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit they chose seven men to be their assistants in the distribution of food to the widows and orphans in the Jerusalem Church. Tradition sees these men as the first Deacons. The Bishop calls some men to be priests, his collaborators in the ministry of governing, sanctifying, and teaching, to shepherd the parishes which are the house churches of the one Church of Austin. Configured sacramentally to Christ the Priest, they offer the One Sacrifice for the whole Church. Deacons – the word comes from the Greek diakonos, meaning “servant” – are sacramentally configured to Christ the Servant. Deacons are to serve the Church by assisting the Bishop and his priests as needed and in direct ministry to the whole Church. Deacons seek out the under-served. They find unmet needs and fill them. Deacons are not “Priests-Lite”. As Fr. Joe Komonchak, professor at Catholic University and a keen historian of the Council was wont to observe, "Vatican II didn't renew the diaconate because of a shortage of priests but because of a shortage of deacons." For the Church to be fully itself, it must have all three orders of Apostolic ministry functioning together in harmony. So what do deacons do, besides the things you see us do, assisting at the altar, officiating marriages, and baptizing babies: Deacons teach. They counsel couples having difficulty with their marriages. They do marriage preparation. They help prepare annulment cases. They minister in jails, and hospitals, and nursing homes. They ride with the Mobile Loaves & Fishes trucks. They visit people in financial need for St. Vincent de Paul. In squad cars and fire engines, they ride with police and fire fighters to be a spiritual support in the midst of the first responders' chaos and danger. The ministry is helping a single mother with two small children find the money to pay the rent or the electrical bill because the collector has come knocking on the door. It may be counseling, mentoring, and cajoling someone through the spiritual healing process of filling out the annulment paperwork. It is sometimes sitting with the weeping young wife and her hostile husband. She wants a baby and he wants a divorce. He's afraid he can't handle the responsibility of a child. The ministry is varied and a source of spiritual joy beyond description. As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Pt 4:10-11)

The Spirit of St. Louis



PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY This ministry meets on the third from 7:00-9:00pm in On Saturday, October 4th at 9:00 a.m., the parish Monday members’ homes to create blankets will honor Saint Francis and his love of everything that are lovingly hand-sewn, blessed in nature. Please join us under the north portico and then available for sale. These make of the Church, gathering at 8:45am. Bring your pets great gifts for special occasions or for ones suffering with illness. For on a leash or in a carrier/cage. You may also bring loved details on monthly sewing sessions or your favorite stuffed animal, too! We look forward to to purchase a blanket, contact Evelyn Janecka at 512-453-6466. seeing you there for this annual parish event! WEEKEND ALTAR FLOWERS


If you would like to honor or a loved one or a special SELLING TAMALES AGAIN! memorialize family event, consider donating toward the altar flowers for a particular The Knights of Columbus, Council # weekend. Call Evelyn McNair 5125967 is again selling tamales starting in 454-0283 x 209 or email her at evelyn. October after the 6:00am, 7:30am and mcnair@st-louis.org and send a check for $65.00 payable to St. Louis Church. the 9:30am Masses during the first three Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Sundays of each month, at Wozniak Hall. Flower Guild.

Proceeds from the sale of tamales will be donated to St. Louis for our new parish sign! Cost for a dozen will be the same as last year ($7.00). If you are unable to pick up your tamales at the above times please call Mr. Kirby Krause (512) 453-4823 and he will make arrangements to ensure you get your tamales for those holiday parties!

ST. LOUIS FLOWER GUILD St. Louis Flower Guild welcomes volunteers throughout the year to enhance our worship spaces. There are two ways to volunteer: 1. Each Friday, join a team that is creating the floral arrangements for the weekend Masses.

LIVE AUCTION Join other ladies of the diocese at the Austin Deanery Council of Catholic Women’s annual live auction on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at St. Louis Church. The event begins with Mass in the chapel at 9:00 AM. A short business meeting and complementary brunch precede the auction in Wozniak Hall. St. Louis Pastor, Father James Misko, is the auctioneer. Attendees are asked to bring one or two new or “re-giftable” items for the auction. For more information, contact president Gerri Misko at 512-426-2817 or gerri. misko@bhhstxrealty.com.

2. Volunteers are especially needed before major feasts like Christmas and Easter. Call Dolores Rumpf 512-836-2190 for additional details. Whether you can give two hours or ten, come help us decorate God’s house!






Fellowship of Catholic Men The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at 7:00pm, in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins swatkins@caci.com or (512) 836-4777.

Mothers of Young Children All mothers with children, preschool aged and younger, are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment through prayer, book study, scriptural reflection and play dates. They meet on the second and fourth Fridays at parks around town, and in PEC 202 on the first and third Fridays of the month from 9:3011:30am for a book study. Children are welcome at all gatherings. Email Shanna Steinbach shannakathleene@gmail.com with any questions. Babysitters for MOYC are especially helpful on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. If interested please contact Marla Schmitz at sierramarla@ yahoo.com or call 512-921-8689.

NAOMI CIRCLE This parish group is specifically for widows, who would like to seek the support and friendship of other women who have lost their spouse to death. The group meets monthly. If you are interested in attending or want more information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292.

A.C.T.S Men’s Retreat The next Men’s ACTS Retreat is coming, October 16-19 Registration is now OPEN! What is A.C.T.S? ACTS is a parish retreat which brings parishioners closer to one another, but more importantly, closer to God. You won’t regret it as it may be the best retreat you’ve ever taken. An ACTS retreat is designed to help people enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow Christians. This is accomplished through ADORATION and daily prayer, the call to COMMUNITY as a member of the Body of Christ, and THEOLOGY in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic faith. All of these emphasize and encourage the virtue of SERVICE to our Lord, our parish and one another. An ACTS retreat is a three-day and night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening at 5:00pm and ends Sunday at the 11:30am Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and women are given separately. The weekend allows people to experience God’s love and joy. They return with a deeper love for our Lord, Jesus Christ and it is a powerful community-building experience. Registration and Information: The registration form included on the last page of this newsletter has more details and contact information. Tear out the form and return it to register or contact the Director/Co-Director if you have interested and have questions. Invite your husband, dad, brother, cousin or friend!! ALL men are welcome. It is not necessary to be Catholic.

Women of Faith A.M. Group Women of Faith is a women’s spiritual enrichment group that explores the feminine genius of being created in God’s image. This is a great way for women of all walks of life and ages to meet and share. Through prayer and various forms of media, we learn how we can live out our discipleship as Catholic women in the modern world. Women of Faith explores how God has designed our unique gifts for living our Catholic faith in our home, our workplace and our community, large and small. The morning group of Women of Faith meets on Wednesdays, at 8:00am in the PEC cafeteria. For children, age four and older, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will watch children for a small fee. At this time we are unable to provide childcare for children under four. For more information on Women of Faith A.M., contact Kim Barger at kimb@bargers.com The evening Women of Faith group meets on Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm in the School Library. They are watching and discussing Fr. Robert Baron’s Conversion: Following the Call of Christ. To register or for more information, please contact Vickie at vicsmailbox@sbcglobal.net

The Spirit of St. Louis

RITES OF ACCEPTANCE AND WELCOME Who are those people and what are they doing on the altar? This month we will formally welcome many children, teens and adults into the RCIA process by celebrating the Rites of Acceptance and Welcome on October 19 during the 9:30AM Mass. Through RCIA, persons encounter Jesus by hearing the sacred scriptures proclaimed, by immersing themselves in the Tradition of the Catholic Christian community, and by discovering the Risen Jesus present concretely in the seven sacraments. From very early times, the Church has been offering the RCIA process to help women and men respond to the impulse of God’s Spirit in their lives. RCIA helps bring people into community and fellowship in Jesus, to know personal holiness, and to engage in loving service to God and to others. We are called to be one in Christ. The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) incorporate us into Christ's body (The Church) and forms us into God’s people. The Rite of Acceptance marks the public movement of unbaptized children (7 years and older) through adults from the ‘pre-catechumenate’ (inquiry stage) to the ‘catechumenate’ (the period of instruction in the faith). The rite begins with the opening dialogue and affirmation by the sponsors (or parents), and the assembly. With this rite comes a new name: “Catechumen”. From this Sunday until Holy Week, we will ‘send forth’ these catechumens from Mass each week to study and explore scripture more deeply where they can encounter God in the living Word. Our baptized brothers and sisters (Catholic and Christians from other faith backgrounds), will be celebrating the Rite of Welcome. This rite officially welcomes baptized Catholics and Christians to our parish community and acknowledges that they are in formation. At the heart of these rites is the proclamation of the gospel as a way of life and the marking of the person’s forehead and senses with the cross, the sign of salvation. Both of these rites celebrate that faith is a concrete commitment of one’s whole self to the community of Christ, and him alone, to be “the way, the truth and the life.” Let us all join in prayer for these children, young people, women and men as they take this important step in their spiritual journey.

The King's Men The King’s Men is a fellowship prayer breakfast that meets to discuss marriage, parenting and faith issues facing all Catholic men today. The group meets every Friday from 6:00 to 7:30 AM in Wozniak Hall. All men of St. Louis are invited and join anytime! Register by texting KINGSMEN to 84576. In September, the group launched a new program from Matthew Kelly called Decision Point. This video series helps participants recognize and cooperate with God’s grace in everyday life. Plan to attend even if you missed a few sessions. For more information email Shannon Swenson: Shannon@shannonswenson.com or 512-789-3912.


THE HEALING SACRAMENT Don’t forget that the Sacrament of Healing with laying-on of hands and anointing will be offered next on October 12th, during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Join us for this weekly, meditative service of beautiful Gregorian chant. You’ll be glad you did! PERPETUAL ADORATION Anyone is welcome at any time during the day or night to pray and meditate in the small Adoration chapel. After hours, nights and weekends, please use the keypad entrance that requires a code. The locked doors at these times provide security for adorers and for the sanctuary building itself. If you can commit to a specific time each and every week, you are truly a blessing! Keeping watch with the Blessed Sacrament is such a privilege and honor and your life will be enriched by the time spent with Jesus. To sign-up for a specific hour each week or for keypad code information, please contact Joshua Merrill at Joshua_Merrill@baylor.edu or 512-879-7514. ST. LOUIS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512-453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information.

St. Louis Catholic SCHOOL NEWS PREPARING THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW WITH THE LIGHT OF CHRIST AS THEIR GUIDE Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Gala hosted by the HSA

FEBRUARY 7, 2015

at the DoubleTree Hotel in Austin. We hope to see you there!

October Calendar October 1

All School Mass

October 4 Parish Feast of St. Francis | Pet Blessing @ Narthex Canopy October 6 – 10

Fall Book Fair Week!

October 8

All School Mass

October 13

Student Holiday | Diocesan In-Service Day

October 17

Last Day of 1st Quarter

October 20

First Day of 2nd Quarter

October 21

School Board Meeting in PEC 201

October 22

All School Mass

October 23 Student Holiday | Parent/Teacher Conferences Report Cards go Home October 26

Joyful Hearts, Minds, and Souls! Fun Fest

October 27

Home & School Meeting in School Library

October 31

All School Mass | All Saints Day

We are off to a great school year at St. Louis Catholic School! Our students are getting into the routine of school and jumping right into learning. Our middle school students are great examples to our primary students. Each year our 7th grade and Pre-K, 8th grade and Kindergarten partner up in our buddy program where our older students serve as role models for our younger students.They accompany each other to church, classroom activities and celebrate holiday parties. At the beginning of each year, they share a Watermelon Day where they have the opportunity to get to know each other before the year starts. It is such a great sight to see our older students engaging with our younger ones and to see how much ownership they take in the role. We are very excited to see how these relationships grow over the school year!

The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide.

The Spirit of St. Louis

Parish News



Updates, cont.


This month, October 5 – 19, Pope Francis will convene an Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome. The theme is “The Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization.” To prepare for this, our Holy Father has asked the world’s bishops a series of questions on the challenges of living and sharing the faith within today’s culture. The U.S. Conference of Bishops (USCCB) requested that bishops in the U.S. distribute the questionnaire to all Catholics in their dioceses. You will recall that earlier this year we received this questionnaire. The summarized results from each diocese was submitted to the USCCB; then forwarded on to the Holy See, along with results from all Conferences around the world. In June, the Vatican published the combined summary. The full text of that document can be read at the Vatican’s website: www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_ doc_20140626_instrumentum-laboris­familia_en.html#top/ The USCCB continually updates information on their website: www.usccb.org/issues­and­action/marriage­and­family/2014­ 2015­synods­of­bishops­on-the­family.cfm#__topdoc__

Another useful source is the John Paul II Institute website: www.johnpaulii.edu/resources/october­2014­synod/ Also check the Catholic News Service: www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1402659.htm

A synod is usually any religious assembly. The idea of forming a permanent Synod of Bishops was begun by Pope Paul VI at the closing of the Second Vatican Council. This consists of a representative from each conference of bishops. This month they will discuss family issues from around the world, such as the practices of cohabitation, contraception, forced marriages, a lack of adequate marriage preparation, Catholic education of children, and same sex marriage. This meeting will be followed by an Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2015, on the same topics. The 2015 assembly will be a much larger group because Pope Francis will appoint a number of additional bishops, experts and observers. There can also be local synods to discuss matters unique to a small community. For example, the Diocese of Austin held such an assembly/synod in 1960 and again from 1988 until 1992 (yes, some synods last for several years). Our first pastors, Msgr. Edward Matocha and Msgr. Louis Wozniak were delegates, as were several St. Louis parishioners. In the parish library we have the concluding documents of these two synods: First Synod of the Diocese of Austin, 1960. Documents of the Second Synod, Diocese of Austin, 1988 – 1992.

The parish library has information about past assemblies:

The General Councils: A History of the TwentyOne Church Councils from Nicaea to Vatican II, by Christopher M. Bellitto.

Vatican Council II, Vol. 1: The Conciliar and PostConciliar Documents, Austin Flannery (Editor).

Vatican Council II, Vol. 2: More Post-Conciliar Documents, Austin Flannery (Editor).

The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortations of John Paul II, by Pope John Paul II, edited by J. Michael Miller.

The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church: Verbum Domini, by Pope Benedict XVI.


Upcoming dates for Liturgical Ministries October: Rehearsal for the Altar Server Elevation Service | Saturday, October 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the main church. Altar Server Elevation Service | Tuesday, October 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the main church. Altar Server Continuing Ed Class | Saturday, October 11 at 10:00 a.m. in the main church.

Orientation Class for New Altar Servers SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 10:00 A.M. | MAIN CHURCH

Student requirements to join the Altar Server Ministry: • be a registered member of the parish • have completed Grade 3 • have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion Parents will also have an orientation class separate from the students. Both classes will be in the church. Call Mrs. Lamb [512-454-0384 ext. 213] in the parish office to register. Leave your name and phone number and your call will be returned. Thank you!!

Orientation for Brand New Altar Servers and their Parents | Saturday, October 11 at 10:00 a.m. November: Altar Server Continuing Ed Class | Saturday, November 1 at 10:00 a.m. in the main church. Eucharistic Minister Training Class | Tuesday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. Homebound Ministry Class | Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m. Questions may be addressed to Mrs. Lamb: 512-454-0384 ext. 213 or bea.lamb@st-louis.org

Clase de Orientación Para Monaguillos SABADO, 11 OCTUBRE 2014 EMPEZANDO A LAS 10:00 A.M. | IGLESIA GRANDE

Requisitos del estudiante para participar en el Ministerio de Monaguilllos: • Estar registrado como miembro de la Parroquia • Haber terminado el 3er Grado • Haber recibido el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión Los padres también tendrán una clase de orientación por separado a las 10:00 a.m. Llamar a la Sra. Lamb [512-454-0384 ext. 213] en la oficina de la parroquia para su registro. Dejar su nombre y numero telefónico y su llamada será atendida. ¡Gracias!


The Spirit of St. Louis



AARP Driver Safety Class AARP Driver Safety Class will be offered on Thursday, October 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in Wozniak Hall. The class fee is $15.00 for AARP members and $20.00 for non-members. The class may qualify you for a reduction in your insurance. For more information and/or to register, please contact the Senior Ministry office (512) 454-0384 ext. 206.

Senior Retreat A retreat titled “St. Thérèsa of Lisieux—A Wise Guide for Our Spiritual Journey” will be presented by Brother Joel Giallanza, Associate Executive Director of Holy Cross Institute at St. Edward’s University. The retreat will be on Saturday, November 8 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. It will begin with 8:00 a.m. Mass in the church and then continue in Wozniak Hall. A donation of $6.00 is requested to help defray the cost of the after-Mass refreshments and lunch. For reservations and/or more information, please contact the Senior Ministry office (512) 454-0384 ext. 206. OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH

“The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS August 6 – September 5, 2014 John Kirk Rivas Joshua David Rivas Paige Elizabeth Taylor Mercedes Leonor Camila Martinez-Ramirez Joaquin Miguel Ochoa Liliana Perez Raul Victoriano-Jaramillo Griffin Thomas Boland Alma Dulce Perez Ambrose Louis Wilkens MARRIAGES AND CONVALIDATIONS August 6 – September 5, 2014 Cameron Steven Holloway and Lauren Michael Probus Arol James Horkavy and Kimberly Ann Davis

RECENTLY DECEASED Margaret Pitcher Molly M. Mercado Placida Eschbach Helen Rodriguez

SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: September 7 - 13 Memory of Gilbert Saenz by the Lottman Family (C) October 5 - 11 Memory of Celestina Gutierrez by Flora Saenz (M/N) Memory of Stephen Villanueva by Villanueva Family (C) October 12 - 18 Memory of Sue G. Castro by Alicia Castro & Patsy Alvarez (M/N) Memory of Ramon H. Castro by Alicia Castro & Patsy Alvarez (C) October 19 - 25 Memory of Tillie Castro by Alicia Castro & Patsy Alvarez (C) Memory of Miguel Herrera Rivera by Virginia Jaramillo (M/N) October 26 – November 1 Memory of Rudolph Saenz by the Lottman Family (M/N)




The St. Louis Food Pantry was started in the parish in the early 1980’s and was operated strictly by volunteers. To this day, we have only one paid staff member and at least 100 volunteers operating the Pantry. We have seen hundreds of families come to the pantry in dire need for food. We have had some who have never been in a situation where they had to ask for food or any kind of assistance. We have befriended some of our clients who are now volunteering in the Pantry, giving something back to society and the church that helped them. St. Louis Food Pantry is one of the largest pantries in Travis County, due to the amount of food and clients that we serve. We have been blessed with extra donations from retail stores that allow us to give more than just food to our clients. We are able to offer cleaning supplies, laundry soap, shampoo, conditioner, bath soap, dish soap, toothpaste and toilet paper and lots more. We are giving these items to our clients because they are not affordable or cannot be purchased with food stamps. Every Tuesday morning we have volunteers that leave early to be at the Capital Area Food Bank by 8:00 a.m. (South Congress and Slaughter), picking up the food that has been ordered for the Pantry. They pull a trailer with them that is filled with the food that is purchased at CAFB. You read that correctly..... we have to purchase the food from CAFB. It isn’t free food. So, 98% of the food that we get for the Food Pantry is purchased from CAFB; 1% is donations from schools, other churches in the area, like St. Albert the Great, and the Annual Food drive that is held at least three times a year at St. Louis Church. The other 1% is given by The Knights of Columbus when they purchase food from HEB once a month. We even have some children who have given up receiving birthday gifts, asking instead for canned foods that they bring to the Food Pantry. Going into fall, parishioners need to be reminded that the past months of summer are the longest and hardest for the Food Pantry. When school is out, the food is out as well, not just at home with the kids out of school, but for the Food Pantry, too. Here is a comment from an Agency Relations Senior Director at Capital Area Food Bank: We are all aware that the donated inventory at CAFB is extremely low. As I stated in prior emails to Partner Agencies, this is due to a decrease in donations of funds and food, and the depletion of our USDA allotment for this fiscal year. I also stated that we would see this trend for several months. The last time our inventory was this low was during the hurricane disasters. This being said, this is why we so strongly encouraged agencies to participate in the Summer Family Nutrition Program as the funding and food are guaranteed. Even with this program, the boxes are going quicker than they are coming in due to the rule change. But together we will weather through and keep our eyes focused on the families. This is what keeps us going. Until then, know that we are doing all that we can. This is a reminder that agencies should not rely exclusively on CAFB for its food, but have other sources of food, either donated or purchased. Consequently, if you missed our Parish Food Drive in early October, we still need your help!!! Your ongoing support of our Food Pantry is critical to the success with which we reach out to the neediest among us. It’s never too late to give to our Food Pantry. We appreciate your full participation in our next Annual Food Drive which will be Souper Bowl Weekend. Look for more details in the bulletin.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Feast Of Giving Eleven years ago, Parish Social Ministries started a new tradition for Thanksgiving.“A Feast of Giving” is about helping our brothers and sisters in need receive a great traditional Thanksgiving meal, on Thanksgiving Day. This year it will be on November 27th at Wozniak Hall. The last few years, we have served over 500 individuals and had over 150 volunteers. Everyone had a great time. The act of sharing not only allows us to give of ourselves to others, but it also allows us to realize the significance of this very special day. We will be asking for donations of turkeys (baked), boxes of stuffing, gravy packets, canned green beans, canned corn, canned mushroom soup, French fried onions, cranberry sauce, bread and desserts. As always, we need lots of volunteers! Look for a flyer in late October or early November with more details.

THE GARDEN MINISTRY The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers to help with garden maintenance. Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Thursdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact Anna Walsh for more information or to sign up for a time annaruthwalsh@gmail.com Come be part of our “growing” ministry!



Each parish in the diocese is invited to appoint a Pro-Life Coordinator to initiate and organize pro-life activities within the parish. Although actively promoting a renewed respect for human life is the responsibility of every Catholic, a Pro-Life Coordinator would be the liaison to the parish, raising awareness about pro-life issues and advertising upcoming pro-life activities in the Diocese of Austin. This volunteer position would entail the following: • Working with the Pastor and Director of Parish Social Ministry in building a Culture of Life. • Being the parish liaison with the Diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living. • Staying informed of pro-life resources/services available in the parish/diocese and using this information to raise awareness and educate parishioners. • Promoting pro-life fund-raisers through advertising. • Involving parishioners in public policy issues with non-partisan voter information and updates from national, state and local Catholic advocates working to protect all life. • Organizing periodic prayer and worship opportunities that support a Culture of Life. • Forming a parish Pro-Life Committee to support the above mentioned activities. One or more parishioners could share this volunteer position together. If interested, please contact Bea Dela Rosa (512) 454-0384 ext. 265 or bea.delarosa@st-louis.org


FUNDRAISER FOR DRIVE A SENIOR - NORTH CENTRAL! A great event coming up October 15! Grand raffle prize will be a Cruise for 2 to the Western Caribbean on the Carnival Triumph out of Galveston - Jan 12-17, 2015. Grand raffle tickets are $20 each, or 3 for $50. Call Linda St.Clair for raffle tickets at 512 689-4107. Other great prizes too! Please come join us, and help Drive a Senior!

2nd 2nd Annual Annual

LiftYour Your Spirits Lift Spirits Bene�ng Drive Drive aa Senior Senior ‐‐ North North Central Central Bene�ng

Bene�ng Drive a Senior ‐ North Central

4 ‐ 7 pm Wednesday October 15  Water 2 Wine  3300 West Anderson Lane

100% Wednesday October 15 of the the proceeds proceeds directly directly benet benet Drive Drive aa  Senior North Central Central 4 ‐ 7 pm 100% of Senior North a group of 16 congrega�ons working together a group of 16 congrega�ons working together Water 2 Wine 3300 Anderson to provide provide transporta�on transporta�on forWest our older older neighbors. Lane to for our neighbors.

100% of the proceeds directly benet Drive a Senior North Central

Along with with aa wine wine tas�ng, tas�ng, there there will will also also be be aa Fondue Fondue tas�ng. tas�ng. We We will will have have Along a group of 16 congrega�ons working together four different different tas�ng tas�ng sta�ons sta�ons with with chocolate chocolate and and cheese cheese selec�ons. selec�ons. ItIt will will be be your your four to provide transporta�on for our older neighbors. job to taste each one and help select the “Best Chocolate Fondue” and job to taste each one and help select the “Best Chocolate Fondue” and the “Best “Best Cheese Cheese Fondue” Fondue” the Hor’doeuvres

Along with a wine tas�ng, there will alsoHor’doeuvres bewith a Fondue tas�ng. We will have with Raffle prizes prizes include: include: Raffle Complimentary four different tas�ng sta�ons with chocolate and cheese selec�ons. It will be your Complimentary Coffee & & Tea  5 5 Day Day Caribbean Caribbean Cruise Cruise Coffee  job to taste each one and help select the “BestTeaChocolate Fondue” and  Kindle Kindle Fire Fire  the “Best Cheese Fondue”  

$100 Amazon Amazon Gi� Gi� Card Card $100

Raffle prizes Silent include: Auc�on and Raffle Silent Auc�on and Raffle


5 Day Caribbean Cruise


Kindle Fire


$100 Amazon Gi� Card

$20 admission admission �cket �cket gets gets you you 55 wine wine tas�ngs, tas�ngs, $20 Hor’doeuvres 1 full full glass, glass, food, food, and and 11 $1 $1 raffle raffle �cket. �cket. 1 with Due to to our our wonderful wonderful sponsors sponsors 100% 100% of of the the proceeds proceeds go go to to DriveASenior! DriveASenior! Due Complimentary For more more informa�on and �ckets �ckets call call (512) (512) 453‐2273 453‐2273 Coffee & Tea For informa�on and

$20 admission �cket gets you 5 wine tas�ngs, 1 full glass, food, and 1 $1 raffle �cket. Due to our wonderful sponsors 100% of the proceeds go to DriveASenior!

The Spirit of St. Louis

GUIDELINES FOR ADVOCACY AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION Let Your Faith Be Your Voter's Guide Every election season, questions arise over what parishes can do to promote civic participation while avoiding partisan electioneering. This can sometimes be difficult to answer. Our faith calls us to know, love, and serve God by protecting life, serving the poor and vulnerable, upholding the dignity of the individual, and preserving our religious liberty--all of which sometimes carry political overtones that can be difficult to separate from what may be seen as political action. The Texas bishops refrain from telling parishioners how to vote or from endorsing candidates. Instead, they call upon for the faithful to consider public issues not through political parties or candidates, but through conscience and thoughtful adherence to Catholic moral and social doctrine. Put simply: we should define our civic actions through our Catholic conscience and not by affiliation to a particular political party or ideology. We should let our faith be our voter's guide. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship which outlined the Church's responsibility to help Catholics understand the moral dimensions of public decisions, and to encourage them to fulfill their civic responsibilities. "As Catholics we are not single-issue voters. Our cause is the defense of human life and the protection of the weak and vulnerable. Catholic voters should use the framework of Catholic teaching to examine candidates’ positions on issues affecting human life and dignity as well as issues of justice and peace, and they should consider candidates’ integrity, philosophy, and performance," the bishops wrote in Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility. If we truly want a nation of respect for human life, dignity, justice, and peace, we must make a personal commitment in ourselves, and in our families, businesses, communities, and governments to achieve it. Participation in political life in light of fundamental moral principles is an essential duty for every Catholic and all people of good will. To learn more, go to the Texas Catholic Conference website (www.txcatholic.org) or to the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops website at (www.faithfulcitizenship.org).


Around the Diocese and beyond October is Respect Life month!

Texas Alliance for Life

40 Days for Life

BENEFIT DINNER TAL is a non-sectarian, non-partisan, pro-life organization of people committed to protecting innocent human lives from conception through natural death with peaceful, legal means. TAL is a statewide organization based in the Texas capital. Plan to attend their annual benefit dinner on Thursday, October 9th at the Hilton Austin, from 6-9pm. Silent auction and VIP reception starts at 6:00pm, followed by dinner and program from 7:00-9:00pm. To purchase tickets or sponsorships, call (512) 477-1244 or email www.texasallianceforlife.org

On September 27-28, Baby Banks were handed out at all Masses. We urge each family to take one (or make your own) and fill it with spare change during the month of October. Money collected will be used to help sustain the work of the Diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living, and 50% will be used for pro-life efforts in our own parish, including Gabriel Project. Your support is important and Baby Banks should be returned to the parish October 25-26!

This volunteer-based, prayer campaign of the Central Texas coalition for Life draws attention to the injustice of abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach and education, and constant peaceful vigil. Since 2009, 203 women have chosen life for 206 babies that were to be aborted. Over 2,500 people have brought prayer to the streets of Austin in front of abortion clinics. Thousands of women have been redirected to local pregnancy resource centers. Prayer volunteers commit to pray for one or more hours each week during the 40-day vigil in front of local abortion facilities. The fall 2014 campaign began September 24th and ends November 2nd. If you are interested in participating in this life-saving campaign, email info@centraltexascoalition.com or call the Central Texas Coalition for Life office at 512.296.2071.

Infertility, Miscarriage and Adoption Support

Sarah’s Hope and Abraham’s Promise is a spiritual support program for couples struggling with infertility and miscarriage. Based on Catholic teaching, the wisdom of modern medicine is combined with the healing power of the Catholic Church. A women’s bible study support group, couples healing retreats and prayer services are offered throughout the year. The next retreat is October 25th from 8:30am – 7:00pm at St. Martin de Porres Church in Dripping Springs. An optional Adoption Information Dinner Program will be featured from 5:30-7:30pm. Come for the whole retreat or just the adoption portion. Register by October 20th at www.Oct2014SHAP.eventbrite.com Adoption Support is offered in a spiritual support program entitle “Destined: Families Built by Love”. Monthly playgroups for adoptive families are part of the program. Anyone who has built their family through the miracle of adoption is invited to meet with other families to share the joys and challenges of adoption and fostering. For information, contact SarahsHope@RabboniInstitute.org

Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center For more information or registration on upcoming retreats, contact 254-780-2436 or email cedarbrake@austindiocese. org Next events include: Saturday, October 4 Scripture and Music with Cindy Isaacson Saturday, October 11 Our Lady of Guadalupe with Fr. Pedro Garcia Saturday, October 18 Single Parent Spirituality Retreat with Fr. Barry Cuba and Ana Chavez Wednesday, November 19 Abundant Living with Cheryl Maxwell


The annual fundraiser for the Diocese of Austin, Catholic Services Appeal, will kick-off on November 8-9. The CSA is not just another Sunday collection. It is a unified effort in which all Catholics in the diocese join together to further the mission and ministry of the Catholic Church in Central Texas. Funds will be used to support only those diocesan programs and ministries outlined in the case for support. No funds will be distributed to outside organizations or used for political purposes. Every Catholic household will be asked for prayerful consideration of a CSA gift. Initial payment checks should be made payable to “Catholic Services Appeal” and deposited with the parish. Subsequent installment payments throughout the year are billed with monthly statements from the diocese and should be returned directly to the Diocese of Austin. Donors may also choose to use electronic giving through their bank or a credit card as indicated on their pledge card. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the CSA and the Diocese of Austin!

The Spirit of St. Louis

St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School

Prospective parents are invited to one of Dominic Savio’s parent-only information sessions. During these sessions, parents will learn about the school, tour the beautiful campus and hear about their admission process. This is a wonderful chance to explore what’s available for your child at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School. You must reserve a spot as space is limited. Visit their website http://saviochs. org/admissions/ or contact Holly Bologna, Director of Admission at 512.388.8846 ext. 5504. Next fall session dates are October 17 (8:30-10:00am) and November 19 (6:308:00pm). Mark your calendar for their OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, November 9th from 1:00-3:00pm!

Save the Date! The John Paul II Life Center’s Benefit Dinner is Friday, November 7th, 7:00pm, at the Hyatt Hotel downtown. For sponsorships and tickets go to www.jpiilifecenter.org or 512-407-2900. Plan to attend and join the community in recognizing the important pro-life work that takes place daily at the John Paul II Life Center!


Diocesan Special Collection

World Mission Sunday will be celebrated in the Diocese of Austin October 19-20, 2014. The Propagation of the Faith collection, taken up that weekend, unites us with Catholics throughout the diocese in the missionary task that we all share. Our support in bringing the Good News to the world through our missionary efforts is important and your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please use your special envelopes for this purpose on October 19-20 and place them in the regular collection.

Taste of India

Taste of India is the annual flagship fundraiser organized by the India Catholic Association of Central Texas (ICA) and will be held at St. Thomas More Church, Parish Activity Center, on Saturday, October 18th from 6:30-9:30pm. Come and be a part of India’s multi-ethnic, diverse, colorful cultural landscape for the evening. Proceeds benefit a home for the elderly in India and the Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Austin. Enjoy delicious Indian cuisine, traditional song and dance performances, henna, raffles, and much more. Tickets are being sold at $25 each and include dinner. Please contact Brian Fernandes, at bsfernandes@gmail.com for more information or to purchase tickets.


RECEPTION HELD BEFORE AND AFTER THE LECTURE. Agustin Fuentes, a biological NO COST TO ATTEND. anthropologist, completed an OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. M.A. and Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of California (Berkeley). His research delves There are no biological races in humans, but race is a into the how and why of being prominent social reality. Humans vary in many ways, but human. Dr. Fuentes serves as not always in the ways we think. This lecture reveals the director at the Institute for myths and the realities about human diversity, and why this information is very important to all of us. Scholarship in the Liberal Arts. Agustin Fuentes, Ph.D. Professor of Anthropology

St. Louis Men’s A.C.T.S Retreat October 16 – 19, 2014

"I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no GOD: I gird you, though you do not know me.” (Isaiah 45:5) The men’s ACTS Retreat is a week-end retreat presented by lay Catholic men. The goal of the retreat is to provide an opportunity for men to focus on their faith, its application in their daily lives, to build purpose in their prayer life, and to cultivate friendship and fellowship among members of the community. The retreat will begin Thursday evening, October 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. with Check-In at St. Louis Catholic Church at the Parish Education Center Bldg. (PEC). Transportation will be provided to and from Downhome Ranch in Elgin, Texas. The weekend will conclude with a “Welcome Home” Mass at 11:30 a.m. at St. Louis on October 19, 2014. Family and friends are invited to attend Mass at the church and to a reception & lunch after Mass at Wozniak Hall. The cost of the retreat is $160.00 which covers the accommodations and all meals for the week-end (3 nights & 7 meals). To reserve your place, $60.00 must be submitted with this registration form. The remaining $100.00 is due no later than Thursday Oct. 9th, 2014. The retreat is limited to 30 men; please register early. PLEASE NOTE: Do not let financial difficulties prevent you from attending. Financial assistance is available. Please contact one of the men below for assistance. Larry Fox, Director Bill Farnum, Co-Director Daniel Cabellero, Co-Director 512-785-1420 512-280-8896 512-417-2959 Please fill out the bottom part of this form and return with registration fee to: St. Louis Catholic Church 7601 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78757 Please make checks payable to: St. Louis Church - Men’s ACTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Men’s A.C.T.S Retreat - REGISTRATION FORM Name (First/Last)

Name as you want it to appear on name tag



Cell phone

Other phone

E-mail address

Date of Birth

Emergency Contact




Parish / Religion (Best) phone # / Alternate phone #

Please list any special dietary needs, allergies, medical, mobility, or other special needs for the retreat week-end.

Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name








Office Use Only Date:_______________

Time:_____________ Name of Registrar: _______________________________________

Amount paid: ____________ [ cash____ / check#________ ]

Installments (Amt. & date): ____________ / _____________

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