September 2014 | The Spirit of St. Louis

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The Spirit of

St. Louis @


Put your faith into action with NEW ARDOR, NEW METHODS, and NEW EXPRESSIONS Fr. James to lead a study of The Book of Revelation... Catholicism: The New Evangelization explores the Church’s mission within Put the your challenges Particularly in the past few years, the interest and study faith into action of contemporary culture. Created by Father of the end times has exploded in Christian and even nonChristian of the results of this phenomenon Robert Barron, the documentary and METHODS, study with NEW ARDOR, NEW andcircles. NEWOne EXPRESSIONS is a mis-interpretation of the Book of Revelation. This program focuses on the cultural obstacles the CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization explores the Church’s mission within thewill challenges of fall our pastor, Fr. James Misko, walk us through a six Church faces today and sends us on a mission session exegesis of John of Patmos’ visions and reflections contemporary culture. Created by Father Robert Barron, the documentary and study program with a message of great joy. on thetoday true and end times. by line through this focuses on the cultural obstacles the Church faces sends Going us on aline mission inspired book that concludes the New Testament, we will This is an 8 week program. Class will on of great joy. withmeet a message also read Scott Hahn’s book The Lamb’s Supper. This series Tuesdays, beginning September from the 10:30 Join us as we9,explore call to the New to Evangelization. promises be quite interesting, offering a new and fuller a.m. – noon in the Main Room of Wozniak Hall. sense of not only the end times but also the timeless reality DATES, TIMESFor & LOCATION COST / REGISTRATION CONTACT All are invited. more information, please of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Make plans to join us contact the Senior Ministry office. Thursday evenings starting October 16th in Wozniak Hall at 7PM. A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •

Parish Directory 512.454.0384 x220 Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x211 Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x221 Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director x219 Christian Education Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director

Parish News



Newly Appointed Pastoral Council Member In addition to the newly discerned Council members, Mary Garcia, Melissa Fields, Oscar Gonzales and Gilberto Arellano, Fr. James Misko has appointed Peter Polito to the Council. Peter and his wife are active members of our parish and Peter has been a leader in several men’s ministries. We welcome him and the other new members to their leadership roles. They join President Shannon Swenson, Michael Hipolito, Richard Castillo, Sr., Bob Hermansen, Lupe Barragan, and Nancy Dillingham in service to the parish. The Council members were commissioned on Sunday, August 10th, at the 9:30am Mass. Thank you to outgoing Council members Patrick Kurunwune (Past-President), Greg Wetli, Bernadette Newby and Olga Henson who have served the Council faithfully for their full terms.


A report was recently released for the diocesan Catholic Services Appeal, the annual fund-raiser that supports clergy formation, Catholic education, spirituality/ worship, social outreach and pastoral ministries of the Diocese of Austin. Over x244 Early Childhood 22,000 families around the diocese pledged $5.3 million in support for the 2013 Ministry 2014 Let Your Light Shine campaign. Our parish goal of $140,000 was surpassed Mary Beth Skinnell, Director with pledges of $159,000 from 512 gifts. Of those pledges, a total of $135,083 x216 Hispanic Adult & Family was collected! Thank you to the donors from St. Louis Parish that made this possible! It is not too late to complete your pledge. Please mail your donations Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director directly to CSA – Diocese of Austin at 6225 Highway 290 East, Austin, TX 78723-1025. The next annual CSA campaign begins in early November and your support will be important! x213 Liturgical ministry Bea Lamb, Director x202 Music Chris Oelkers, Director

Father Walter Matus Laid to Rest

A former Associate Pastor at St. Louis, Father Walter J. Matus, died on July 2nd at the age of 70. At the time of his death, he was the pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Cyclone and Sts Cyril and Methodius Mission in Marak. Ordained a priest for the Diocese of Austin on May 31, 1970, Father Walter was x 208 SOCIAL MEDIA-WEBSITE appointed to St. Louis as his first assignment. He was a Masters Christa Almaguer, Manager of Ceremonies with Father John Malinowski at the October x265 Social Ministry 1970 Dedication Mass of our main sanctuary by Bishop Louis Bea Dela Rosa, Director Reicher and remained in the parish until August 1973. He served at St. Joseph Parish in Bryan, then was appointed pastor x239 St. Louis Catholic in numerous parishes including Sacred Heart in Austin, St. School Mary in Lampasas, Sts Cyril and Methodius in Granger, St. Luke in Temple and Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., St. Joseph in Killeen before his final assignment to Cyclone in 1998. The Mass Principal of Christian Burial was held for Father Matus on July 7th at St. Mary, Church of the Assumption in West and he was buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery there. We x205 Youth Ministry regret the loss of this kind, gentle priest who spent 44 years of his life serving the Paul Stadelman, Director people so faithfully in the Diocese of Austin.

x206 Senior Ministry Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Div., M.Th., Director

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.

The Spirit of St. Louis

First Impressions

Fr. James Misko, Pastor, August 2, 2014

I can hardly believe that it’s been a month since arriving at St. Louis as your new pastor. Someone asked me last week how it was going so far. My response was, “It’s going great but there’s a lot of moving parts.” I am so impressed with this parish and I think it’s because of those moving parts. St. Irenaeus of Lyon was a theologian who lived in France in the 3rd century. He once said, “The Glory of God is the human person fully alive.” I think if he had lived today and had he come to visit us at St. Louis he might say, “The Glory of God is a Catholic parish fully alive.” That’s my first impression, and it’s still summer time! A heart felt “thank-you” for welcoming me to the parish. You have been friendly, kind, genuine, and joyful. Transitions are always difficult, especially when the people transitioning are so dear to us. I want to thank Fr. Larry for his hard work over the past two decades. A parish doesn’t become like St. Louis by accident. It takes a lot of hard work from the pastor and the people. It’s a privilege to be asked by Bishop Vásquez to join you in the important work of bringing about the Kingdom of God in north Austin. I am so impressed with the ministries here at the parish. With special thanks to Bea, our coordinator of liturgical ministers, the liturgy is beautifully and worthily celebrated. The lectors read the Word of God with clarity and reverence. The Altar Servers are simply outstanding, committed to reverence and love for the Church’s liturgy. The music definitely helps me and, I’m sure you all as well, to enter more deeply into the mysteries of God at Mass. I’ve observed an excellent team of hospitality ministers who help keep our worship orderly and smooth, which is always helpful to the priest. Thursday evening I met our new families entering into St. Louis School and am very excited to work with our principal Pat Romanies and her team in the most important work of forming young Catholics for our future in our Catholic school. I have been able to visit with all of our ministry heads and parish leadership and among every one of them a single theme has appeared evident over and over again: our staff loves this parish! We are preparing for 1000 souls in our Religious Education ministry and Tina, Paul, Betty, Amy, Sumayah and their team are doing an amazing job in those last minute plans and tasks to make this work a reality. This morning I made a visit to our Social Ministries building and our Young Adults were helping Bea, our director of Social Ministries, take care of those in most need at our Saturday morning Food Pantry. Social Ministries work is really the front lines of discipleship. I told them that if Pope Francis were to visit us at The Glory of God is the St. Louis today he’d be right there with them in the Food Pantry loving the poor. I also attended my first Knights of Columbus meeting last week and am human person fully alive. proud to be their new Chaplain and look forward to supporting them as they continue to support me in my ministry as pastor. These are just a few of the wonderful first impressions that have made my first month with you a great experience. Needless to say, I’m impressed! A special thanks for Frs. Vincent and Paul as they make room in their lives for a new pastor. Please pray for me as I continue to learn from you and I promise I will pray for you as you continue to learn from me. Remember St. Irenaeus’ words, “The glory of God is the human person fully alive”. Together let’s make sure that we glorify God as a parish, fully alive. Take care, Fr. James




Family Formation

young adult, adult and family faith formation ministries.

Fellowship of Catholic Men The Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men has an active chapter at St. Louis Church. All men over the age of 18 are invited to participate, sharing Scripture, spiritual reading and their faith. The group meets each Sunday evening at 7:00pm, in the narthex. Many will stay for the 9:00pm Compline service afterward. For more information, contact Steve Watkins or (512) 836-4777.

Mothers of Young Children All mothers with children, preschool aged and younger, are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment. We will meet for spiritual formation on the first and third Fridays of the month in the Parish Education Center and at a park for mommy and children playtime on the second and fourth Fridays of the month at 10:30am. Children are welcome at all gatherings. Email Shanna Steinbach with any questions. Sunday Nursery Located in Wozniak Hall Nursery is available during the 9:30 and 11:30 Mass for children ages 6 weeks through 4 years of age. The nursery is located in Wozniak Hall in room 5.

NAOMI CIRCLE This parish group is specifically for widows, who would like to seek the suppor t and friendship of other women who have lost their spouse to death. The group meets monthly. If you are interested in attending or want more information, contact Annette Kohoutek at 512-451-1425 or Eileen Rosipal at 512-452-3292.

A.C.T.S Men’s Retreat The next Men’s ACTS Retreat is coming, October 16-19 Registration is now OPEN! What is A.C.T.S? ACTS is a parish retreat which brings parishioners closer to one another, but more importantly, closer to God. You won’t regret it as it may be the best retreat you’ve ever taken. An ACTS retreat is designed to help people enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Lord and fellow Christians. This is accomplished through ADORATION and daily prayer, the call to COMMUNITY as a member of the Body of Christ, and THEOLOGY in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic faith. All of these emphasize and encourage the virtue of SERVICE to our Lord, our parish and one another. An ACTS retreat is a three-day and night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. The retreat begins on Thursday evening at 5:00pm and ends Sunday at the 11:30am Mass celebrated with the parish community. Retreats for men and women are given separately. The weekend allows people to experience God’s love and joy. They return with a deeper love for our Lord, Jesus Christ and it is a powerful community-building experience. Registration and Information: The registration form included on the last page of this newsletter has more details and contact information. Tear out the form and return it to register or contact the Director/Co-Director if you are interested and have questions. Invite your husband, dad, brother, cousin or friend!! ALL men are welcome. It is not necessary to be Catholic.

Women of Faith A.M. Group Women of Faith is a women’s spiritual enrichment group that explores the feminine genius of being created in God’s image. This is a great way for women of all walks of life and ages to meet and share. Through prayer and various forms of media, we learn how we can live out our discipleship as Catholic women in the modern world. Women of Faith explores how God has designed our unique gifts for living our Catholic faith in our home, our workplace and our community, large and small. The morning group of Women of Faith will resume meeting on Wednesday, September 10th at 8:00am in the PEC cafeteria with a breakfast social to discuss the content of the upcoming semester. Childcare for children three and under is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For children over the age of four, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will watch children for a small fee. For more information on Women of Faith A.M., contact Kim Barger at kimb@bargers. com The evening Women of Faith group will meet on Thursdays, beginning September 11th, 7:00-8:30pm in the School Library. We will be watching and discussing Fr. Robert Baron’s Conversion: Following the Call of Christ. To register or for more information, please contact Vickie at

The Spirit of St. Louis

CALLING ALL PARISH MEN! The King’s Men of St. Louis help men become better husbands, fathers and community leaders through the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of her saints. This year’s program, DECISION POINT is from and hosted by Matthew Kelly. This video series is a fresh distinction from other Catholic programs. For too long we have watched young people walk away from the Catholic faith. The tragedy is, most of them have never had the genius of Catholicism presented to them in a compelling way. So they have walked away, completely unaware of what they were turning their backs on. To combat a culture that turns our children away from God, good Catholic men must take a stand and continue to form their consciences and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. DECISION POINT helps men understand situations facing young Catholics today. In his gifted way, Matthew Kelly offers relevant examples and dialogue to help men teach the Catholic faith to their children. Now in its 5th year, more than 250 men have registered for the King’s Men program. Here are some answers to common questions about the new program: I have never attended any meetings, can I join now? Absolutely. This program is designed so that men can join at anytime and get going quickly. I can’t make every meeting. Most participants have to miss some meetings. We all lead busy lives; this unique ministry sets time apart for men to study their faith, meet other parish families and grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus.


Catholic Scripture Study Catholic Scripture Study of Austin begins on Wednesday, September 3, 9:30-11:30am in the sanctuary of St. Louis Church. The weekly two hour Bible Study consists of prayer, small group discussions and guest lecturers and follows the Austin Independent School District calendar for holidays. The fall study will be about the Book of Hebrews, using the CSS International series written by Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea. Once the course begins, newcomers are welcomed on the first Wednesday of every month for orientation prior to their assignment with a discussion group. Men and women are invited to participate.

Save the Date! The John Paul II Life Center’s Benefit Dinner is Friday, November 7th, 7:00pm, at the Hyatt Hotel downtown. For sponsorships and tickets go to or 512-407-2900. Purchase a sponsorship or two tickets by September 5th and receive a FREE copy of Saint John Paul the Great, His Five Loves, by Jason Ever t.

Do I need to study anything in advance? No. While this program does compel a desire within men to deepen their knowledge about their faith, it doesn’t require advance study prep. The King’s Men help the Catholic faith come alive for men in ways that would have been impossible given a more narrow focus. The weekly prayer breakfast offers the perfect opportunity for fellowship with Fr. James Misko and the men of St. Louis. The group meets Friday mornings from 6:00 to 7:30 a.m. in Wozniak Hall beginning September 12. The weekly agenda is 6:00 am – Breakfast 6:15 am – Opening prayer & presentation 7:30 am – Closing prayer & adjourn Father James invites all men of the parish to join this men’s leadership group! To register, text KINGSMEN to 84576. Join on Facebook at www.facebook. com/groups/st.louis.kingsmen. Shannon Swenson is also available at shannon@ or (512) 789-3912.

Relevant Radio 970 AM in Austin

Grow your faith and change your life with Relevant Radio 970 – “Austin’s Talk Radio for Catholic Life”. This nonprofit, listener-supported Catholic radio station bridges the gap between faith and everyday life by giving you a greater understanding of Catholicism in today’s secular society. Relevant Radio 970 is owned and operated by the largest Catholic talk radio network in the U.S., reaching more than 20 million people through 33 radio stations across the country and its internet broadcast at Tune in today!

St. Louis Catholic School news preparing the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide

September Calendar September 1

All School Holiday / Labor Day

September 4

7:45 am

Room Parent Orientation in Wozniak Hall

September 5

3:15 pm

Honors Readers 1st List Due

September 10

6:00 pm

Back-to-School Night for All Grades

September 17

12:00 pm

Student Early Release (F/S In-Service Day)

Another year is underway and is progressing quite well. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome once again not only our new families, faculty, and staff, but also those returning this year! We do have several new faculty and staff members that have become part of our team: Becca Yasskin – Middle School Science;Tamara Luera – Director of Advancement, and Rebecca Kee – Pre-K Teacher’s Aide and Extended Day Program. Please join us in welcoming them, and our new Pastor, Fr. James Misko, to the St. Louis Parish community! Several faculty members remain with us, but will hold new positions around campus. Ms. Casey Foyt will teach first grade, Mrs. Judy Jenschke will teach third grade, and Mrs. Julie Davis will teach fourth grade.

Catherine Hosek and Mikayla Morgan, 8th grade students at St. Louis Catholic School in Austin, are installed as the 2014-2015 school year Altar Servers - Master of Ceremonies for School Masses. They are shown on the Altar at an end-of-year awards Mass accepting this honor from Fr. Larry Covington and the 2013-2014 MC’s and graduates, Catherine Bruns and Ian Kloc.

We would like to take this time to thank our Knights of Columbus here at St. Louis. Their presence at our school is very much appreciated and noticed! Each year they invite us to participate in Art and Sports competitions, and are generous in checking in to see if they can help in any other way. We look forward to working with them again in the coming school year. If you are interested in St. Louis Catholic School, please look at our website ( and give us a call! Personalized tours are given year round. Mrs. Rosalie Dowling, our Registrar, will be happy to talk with you. Her contact number is: 512/614-6622 x245. We are still accepting students in some grades and would love to have you and your child(ren) join our family.

The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide.

The Spirit of St. Louis

Once again we would like to congratulate our 2013-2014 middle school Honor Roll recipients from our May celebration. Students that achieved First or Second Honor Roll for the year are as follows: Ethan Castillo, Cecilia Fields, Dante Gardini, Sofia Garza, Catherine Hermansen, Sarah Hughes, Thomas McCarthy, Mikayla Morgan, Cristabel Soto, Thomas White, Elizabeth Wostarek, and Diego Yanez. Our students that received First Honor Roll for the entire 2013-2014 school year are Jacob Neidig, Gia Nguyen, Ariana Pouya, Reagan Reitmeyer, and Owen Scales. The photos show students enjoying a luncheon in their honor and receiving endof-year award certificates.

Benefiting St. Louis Catholic School Sunday, October 26, 2014 | 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Contact Lucinda Soto ( or 512-925-8635) for details on how you can help sponsor, offer a baked good, or donate items for the Silent Auction and Country Store Booths.


St. Vincent de Paul Society Truck Coming to St. Louis Get ready for school by cleaning out those closets! Please donate your gently used clothing, household items, sports equipment, small furniture, books and magazines, children's items, and so on, to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The SVdP truck will be in the St. Louis Church parking lot on Saturday, September 13, from 10am - 2pm, rain or shine. Items that you no longer need can give hope to a needy family - please help us to help others!

THE HEALING SACRAMENT Don’t forget that the Sacrament of Healing with laying-on of hands and anointing will be offered next on September 14, during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Join us for this weekly, meditative service of beautiful Gregorian chant. You’ll be glad you did!

ST. LOUIS BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information.


parish social MINISTRy

“The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1123) BAPTISMS July 6 – August 5, 2014 Hutchens Hugh Holder Katherine Marie Watson Sergio David Abundis Isaias Emilio Gonzalez Andres Landaverde-Gonzalez Camila Lizette Lujano-Degante Isla Rose Berrean Aylin Edith Cabrera-Gonzalez Tolkien John Gaudin Aubree Faustina-Rose DeLa Rosa Alexis Gorostieta-Torres Danna Paola Macedo-Sanchez MARRIAGES AND CONVALIDATIONS July 6 – August 5, 2014 Jesus Alejandro Chapa-Garcia and Gina Lennell Hinojosa Aldo Wijaya Sunaryo and Gabriella Gunawan Rodolfo Garcia and Liliana Santoyo

serving the neediest among us

WOW! What a summer! The number of people asking for assistance for food made a line around the corner of the Social Ministries building several times. We’re grateful the food we had made it through the summer. Now we need help to continue stocking the shelves for the rest of the year. Right now the shelves are bare. Summer months are the hardest months to give a hand to those in need. We are extremely grateful the St. Louis Garden was able to give us fresh vegetables throughout the summer. We received tomatoes, three different kinds of squash, cantaloupe, small melons, onions, eggplant, three different kind of peppers, potatoes, cucumbers and jalapeño peppers. Food Pantry shelves are extremely low. We could use some help stocking the shelves with Mac and Cheese, tuna, corn, rice, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, oatmeal and canned fruit. Mobile Loaves & Fishes is in dire need of shaving cream, razors, mouth wash, toothbrushes and toothpaste. We are also short on summer t-shirts and socks. We ask that you help us with our ANNUAL DONATION DRIVE in September with items listed on a bag that will be given out on Sept. 27-28. Then please return bags on October 4-5. We appreciate any and all donations.

Benjamin Farrell Jones and Amanda Ruth Austin Matthew Owen Boehm and Nicole Marie Orth

RECENTLY DECEASED Conception P. Castillo Gustavo Olivares Phyllis T. Aleman Tim Schuyler

FAMILY RETREAT BUDA, TX @ The Onion Creek Ranch


The Spirit of St. Louis


for the young at heart

Writing Memoirs A Writing Memoirs course will be offered on Wednesdays, from 10:00 a.m. – Noon starting September 10. The course runs for 8 weeks. The cost is $20.00. To register and/or for more information, please contact the Senior Ministry office, (512) 454-0384 x 206. THE HEALING SACRAMENT THE GARDEN MINISTRY The Garden Ministry seeks volunteers to help with garden maintenance. Ongoing tasks include weeding, watering and harvesting as well as various construction projects. Volunteer hours are Thursdays from 4:00-6:00pm and Saturdays from 9:00-11:00am. No experience necessary! Join one of the crews of three to five volunteers and rotate your service in the garden with other “green thumbs”. Contact Anna Walsh for more information or to sign up for a time Come be part of our “growing” ministry!


We have had the privilege of living during one of the most exciting, eventful eras in history—the birth and development of radio and television, the airplane and moon landing, computers and internet, and profound changes in society. Here’s an opportunity to dip into your memories for stories you can tell in your own words, then read them to the class. Enjoy the stories of others and let them enjoy yours.

Medicare Updates for 2015


Bilingual Texas Department of Insurance HICAP Coordinator, Norma BUDA, TX in Medicare and related Almanza, will present the changes insurances for 2015. She will also explain easy ways of finding out how much you can save. The meeting will be on Thursday, September 11 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the Main Room of Wozniak Hall.Ranch Everyone is invited to attend. @ The Onion Creek

Y RETREAT Senior Appreciation Celebration Right between Austin & S.A.

St. Louis Catholic Church is very pleased to host the Senior Appreciation Celebration. Through this event, we acknowledge the multitude of ways in which you have so generously given of yourselves to serve the church and community. The Celebration will be on Saturday, September 20 from 12 Noon to 2:00 p.m. in Wozniak Hall. A delicious lunch will be served. Entertainment will be provided by Su Honor M.O.V.E. All seniors are invited to this event. During four days this October, you’ll experience guided activities, relaxing free time, dynamic speakers and graces that can come only from the sacraments as you focus on how to best guard, reveal and communicate love.

En Su Honor

Come and learn from other families and

During four days this October, you’ll experience the outstanding dynamic speakers for

Early Childhood Ministry Serving our youngest parishioners

Early Childhood Development Center The children have acclimated to their new classrooms and are enjoying learning through hands-on experiences. The toddlers are playing in their new sand box, installed over the break. This month the children will be taking donations of canned food to the Food Pantry. They will put the cans on the shelves and Ms. Bea Dela Rosa will talk to them about whom they will be helping through their donation of food. September closings:

Monday, Sept 1 ~Labor Day Friday, Sept 5 ~Teachers attending TAEYC conference

Children’s Liturgy

(Sundays 9:30am and 1:30/5:00pm Masses)

Children ages 3 through 8 are welcome to attend! During the month of September, the children will be learning the following: God did not create us to live as individuals. Rather, he created us for community. God willed that we would2nd haveAnnual access to 2nd Annual him through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. When we live as Christ taught us to live, we build up the Kingdom of God here on 2nd Annual Bene�ng Bene�ng Drive a Senior Drive a‐ North SeniorCentral ‐ North C earth. Strive humbly to do the will of God.

Lift Lift YourYour Spirits Spiri

2nd Annual Lift Your Spirits Drive a Senior ‐ North Central 2ndBene�ng Annual

Lift Your Spirits 2nd Annual Lift‐ North Your Bene�ng Drive a Senior CentralSpirits

Lift Your Spirits Bene�ng Drive a Senior ‐ North Central

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Kindle Fire

Complimentary Coffee & Tea

Hor’doeuvres with

liturgical MINISTRy

The Spirit of St. Louis


service at the altar

Need to be EIM Certified All Adult Liturgical Ministers and any other volunteers at a parish or diocesan location, are required to complete an Application for Ministry AND are required to attend an EIM workshop every three years. Please call Brenda Beltran, EIM Administrator for St. Louis at 512-454-0384 ext 211 or at to check on your EIM status.

Hospitality Ministers Our Annual Hospitality Meeting will be on Saturday, September 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the main nave. This will be an opportunity to renew, reflect, and invite parish friends to join us in the ranks of Hospitality ministry. Come see what’s new and help us visualize the future for Hospitality at St. Louis!

Altar Servers Important dates for altar servers: First Continuing Ed Class | Saturday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m. in main nave. Fall Business Meeting (Mandatory) | Tuesday, September 9 at 6:45 p.m. in main nave (we close at 8:00 p.m.~ school night). Fall Elevation Service | Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 p.m. in the main nave. Orientation Welcoming Brand New Altar Servers and their Parents | Saturday, October 11 at 10:00 a.m. in the main nave. Questions may be addressed to Mrs. Lamb: 512-454-0384 ext. 213 or bea.

SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: August 10 – 16 Memory of Carmen & Sebrina Reyes by Pablo Reyes (M/N and C) August 17 - 23 Memory Florencia de Loera by Garcia Family (C) Memory of Emma DeVaney (M/N) August 24 - 30 Memory of Nathalie Munoz by Garcia Family (C) August 31 – September 6 To honor Brooke Fuller’s Birthday by Bobby & Janie Vernengo (C) To honor Bobby L. Vernengo’s Birthday by Janie Vernengo (M/N) September 7 - 13 Memory of Barbara Vrazel by her family (M/N)

The Homebound Ministry at St. Louis Church includes reaching out to our neighbors in the Retirement and Nursing Center on Burnet Lane. Thanks to Fr. Vincent Romuald, SRC, who says a monthly Mass at RNC and to the many homebound ministers that visit and take communion on a regular basis.

September 14 – 20 Memory of Dominga & Ruperto Reyes by Pablo Reyes (M/N and C) September 21 - 27 Memory of Raphael Pavlica by Teresa Dellana (C) Memory of Mercedes C. Ramos by Roland C. Ramos and Patricia R. Cantu (M/N)

Childhood MINISTRy St Francis Day and the Blessing of Pets

Octoberto4th The John Paul II Life Center is pleased present two upcoming programs St. women Francis wasembrace born in Assisi, Italy, in 1182. The son of wealthy merchant, he spent his early to help the dignity and beauty ofatheir femininity!

youth years in harmless fun and had a desire to achieve military glory. Various encounters with beggars and lepers pricked the conscience of the young man, which after living a life he was not happy with, decided to renounce his father’s inheritance and live an austere and spiritual life. Francesco decided to embrace a life devoted to Lady Poverty, and to assist, accompany and guide The all John Paulcreatures, II Life Center is pleased to which present upcoming programs living especially animals, he two considered his "little brothers". There are many toanecdotes help women embrace dignity and beauty theirthat femininity! that reflect thethe special connection and of power Francis had with animals. Many stories talk about all species listening and obeying his orders, including swallows, which followed him in droves and formed a cross over the place where he was preaching. Even a wild wolf that devoured the sheep of the shepherds and attacked men, after St Francis talked to it, became so tame that people started to feed him and children ran through the city on his back. Among his manyLearn writings is talk the confidently "Canticle with of the Creatures", based the sense brotherhood towards nature, and how to your daughter about heron changing bodyofand human sexuality expressing how all creatures are united in one chorus to praise God. with love, faith and science at one of our upcoming Blossom classes.

He felt that we share something with all creatures, and considered them children of God, and consequently their existence and life should be respected, as they were a gift from the Creator, man could survive. Dates: without Thursday,which August no 7, Saturday, November 15.St. Francis had Learn how to talk confidently with your daughter about her changing body and human sexuality a deep respect and admiration for all that was in nature, from the smallest insects to the sun king, acknowledging that Tickets: $10 Available at Click on “News with love, faith and science at one of our upcoming Blossom classes. God's creatures had interdependence, and to break the ties that bind them was a serious misconduct. Francis of Assisi & Events” and select the Blossom class youSt. want. died on October 4, 1226, and was canonized in 1228. In Dates: 1980 John II7,declared him the15.Patron Saint of Animals Time:Thursday, 10:00Paul am August Saturday, November and Ecologists. Christians everywhere celebrate the feast of Tickets: St. Francis of Assisi on October by having Location: The JPIIatLife Center lobby4 Click $10 Available on “Newstheir pets blessed. & Events” and select the not Blossom class you want. Audience: For mothers, daughters.

At St Louis, there will be a special blessing for all pets and animals October 4th at 9:00 AM under the Time: 10:00 amon Saturday, RSVP is requried and seating is limited. Life9:00 Centerblessing. lobby canopy on the north entrance of the church. We will gatherLocation: at 8:45The forJPII the Please bring your pets on a leash Audience: ForSee mothers, daughters. or in a carrier/cage. You may also bring your favorite stuffed animal. you not there! RSVP is requried and seating is limited.

The JPII Life Center is joining with the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, to bring this program to Central JPII LifeThis Center is joining withhelps the Dominican of Mary, the Eucharist, to being bring this program to Central of God! TexasThe women. new program womenSisters celebrate theMother dignityofand beauty of a beloved daughter Texas women. This new program helps women celebrate the dignity and beauty of being a beloved daughter of God!

Dates: September September 16 Dates: September 15 15 andand September 16 Classes: Classes: •• •• • • • ••

Sept. 1515 - Junior HighHigh girls girls Sept. - Junior Sept. 1515 - Mothers of any Sept. - Mothers ofage any age Sept. 16 - High school girls Sept. 16 - High school girls Sept. 16 - Married women without children Sept. 16 -16Married women September - Unmarried adult without women children

• September 16 - Unmarried adult women Tickets: $5 Available at Click on “News &

Tickets:Events” $5 Available Click “News & and then at select the Beloved class you want to on attend. Events” and nights then select the Beloved class you want to attend. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 both Location: St. -Michael’s Catholic Academy, Austin Time: 6:30 8:30 both nights RSVP is requried and seating is limited. Location: St. Michael’s Catholic Academy, Austin RSVP is requried and seating is limited.

1600 W. 38th Street, Suite 115, Austin TX 78731 - 512-407-2900 - -

1600 W. 38th Street, Suite 115, Austin TX 78731 - 512-407-2900 - -

The Spirit of St. Louis

Parish News



Updates, cont.

Parish Library Honors Our Lady’s Feast Days in September By Eileen Boske

The month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. This is an excellent time to check out our parish library; we have some wonderful books about Mary for both children and adults. The specific day on which we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is September 15. We are fortunate to have a beautiful stained glass window depicting Our Lady with seven swords piercing her heart (to represent the seven sorrows in her life). This window is in the Adoration Chapel. It is comforting to spend time there praying the rosary of the seven sorrows while meditating with one of our rosary books. Other Marian feasts this month are the Birth of Mary and the Holy Name of Mary. We usually recognize feast days of saints on their date of death. But in Mary’s case, we celebrate both her death (The Assumption) and her birth. Her existence is significant in the context of salvation history. Mary’s birth was miraculous. She was conceived without sin as a special grace because God had selected her to become the mother of His Son. The name Mary, Star of the Sea, is most fitting for the Virgin Mother. She may well be compared to a star. As a star glows without losing its brightness, so too, the Virgin gave birth to a Son with no loss to her virginity. We venerate the name of Mary because it belongs to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY This ministry meets on the third Monday from 7:00-9:00pm in members’ homes to create blankets that are lovingly hand-sewn, blessed and then available for sale. These make great gifts for special occasions or for loved ones suffering with illness. For details on monthly sewing sessions or to purchase a blanket, contact Evelyn Janecka at 512-453-6466. Thanks to all those parishioners who suppor ted their Spring Sale in April!! WEEKEND ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one or a special family event, consider donating toward the altar flowers for a par ticular weekend. Call Evelyn McNair 512-4540283 x 209 or email her at evelyn. and send a check for $65.00 payable to St. Louis Church. Your donation will benefit our St. Louis Flower Guild.

Here are a few books for reflection on Mary:

Rosary helps:

Books for children:

ST. LOUIS FLOWER GUILD St. Louis Flower Guild welcomes volunteers throughout the year to enhance our worship spaces. There are two ways to volunteer : 1. Each Friday, join a team that is creating the floral arrangements for the weekend Masses. 2. Volunteers are especially needed before major feasts like Christmas and Easter. Call Dolores Rumpf 512-836-2190 for additional details. Whether you can give two hours or ten, come help us decorate God’s house!

Around the Diocese and beyond For more information or registration on upcoming retreats, contact 254-780-2436 or email Next events include:

Catholic Women’s Conference

September 19-20 The 13th annual Catholic Women’s Conference is scheduled for September 19-20 at the Henry B. Gonzalez September 10 Living Daily with an Attitude of Convention Center in San Antonio. Gratitude Register early by August 18th for Join us for this day retreat led by Msgr. Elmer Holtman and discounted price at (210) 521-3377 or Father Angelo Bertini. Cost is $35 and includes lunch. online A few registration forms can be found in narthex tract racks.

September 20 Discerning God’s Will Apostles of the Interior Life are returning to Cedarbrake. Come join us as they lead this Day of Reflection. Cost is $35 and includes lunch.

Schoenstatt Shrine Dedication

Save the date and plan to be part of this historic event…. the dedication of the first Marian Shrine for the Diocese of Austin! This new Shrine will be a place to rest, be at peace, to pray in an intimate setting with Christ and the Blessed Mother. The first shrine, located in Germany near Koblenz on the Rhine, has multiplied to more than 200 shrines to be found on every continent…each one home to Christ in the Tabernacle, to the Blessed Mother, and to every child of God who comes to pray and to learn. Each shrine is connected by grace to the Original Shrine in Schoenstatt, Germany. In the U.S. alone, there are 10 Schoenstatt Shrines, with the closest in San Antonio. The dedication begins at 2:30pm on September 13th with Mass at 3:30pm, located at 225 Addie Roy Rd., Austin, 78746. Go online for more information

Living the Good News: The Joy of the Gospel A conference on justice and life issues will be presented September 27 from 8:30am to 4:00pm at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin. The diocesan Secretariat of Justice and Charity will host this conference which will address criminal justice, pro-life activities, social justice, missions and much more. The keynote speakers include Paulist Father Bruce Nieli, an evangelist and missionary, and Jason Jones, producer of the pro-life movie “Bella” and founder of Whole Life America. Registration is $25 in advance (includes lunch) or $35 at the door (lunch not included). The conference will be held in English and Spanish. For more information and to register, visit or contact Yvonne Saldana at 512-949-2486 or Yvonne-saldana@

Interfaith Action of Central Texas (IACT) Join IACT on Tuesday, October 7th from 6:30-9:00pm at the Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum for “A Night Under One Sky”. This special evening has become a beloved tradition in our community. It celebrates the notion that there is common ground we can all walk in search of peace and respect in this world. The setting is magical. The food is delightful. The music is inspiring and the conversation is uplifting. JOIN US!

Caritas of Austin 7th Annual Words of Hope Dinner Tickets are now available for the 2014 Words of Hope Dinner featuring “Lone Survivor” author and U.S. Navy Seal, Marcus Luttrell! This year’s event will highlight Caritas’ work to prevent and end homelessness for local veterans who have honorably served our country. Marcus will share his captivating story of surviving Operation Redwing as well as his passionate work to support veterans as they return home. The dinner is Thursday, September 25th, 6:00-9:00pm at the Hyatt Regency Austin, 208 Barton Spring Rd. Purchase your tickets early by going online at

Texas Alliance for Life Benefit Dinner TAL is a non-sectarian, non-partisan, pro-life organization of people committed to protecting innocent human lives from conception through natural death through peaceful, legal means. TAL is a statewide organization based in the Texas capital. Plan to attend their annual benefit dinner on Thursday, October 9th at the Hilton Austin, from 6-9pm. Silent auction and VIP reception starts at 6:00pm, followed by dinner and program from 7:00-9:00pm. To purchase tickets or sponsorships, call (512) 477-1244 or email www.

The Spirit of St. Louis

July 29, 2014

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: We give thanks for the recent decision from Judge Lee Yeakel of the U.S. District Court in Austin voiding a city ordinance that affects pregnancy care facilities. Over four years ago, the Diocese of Austin learned that the City of Austin adopted an ordinance requiring local pregnancy resource centers to make specific statements by posting public notices. Knowing this ordinance was unnecessary and discriminatory against pregnancy resource centers which offer alternatives to abortion, we joined with others to challenge the ordinance as it violated our constitutional rights to free speech and was not in accordance with the tradition of our faith. I am grateful for all those who worked and prayed for this effort, especially the legal team: Justice Raul Gonzalez, David Lill, and the attorneys at the Liberty Institute (Jeff Mateer, Hiram Sasser, Jonathan Saenz, and Erin Leu), as well as Deacon Ron Walker at the Diocese of Austin. I am also grateful to Marie Cehovin and her staff at the Office of Pro-Life Activities and Chaste Living of the Diocese of Austin, and Allison Cavazos and her staff of the Gabriel Project Life Center at Catholic Charities of Central Texas. At times, these legal proceedings were difficult and tiring, but this process enabled us to share about the work of the Gabriel Project Life Center, which performs its services in truth, love and mercy. I pray that this victory motivates us to renew our commitment to protect religious liberty, and thank you for your dedication to build a culture of life and a civilization of compassion. Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Joe S. Vรกsquez Bishop of Austin JSV:mj


St. Louis Men’s A.C.T.S Retreat October 16 – 19, 2014

"I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no GOD: I gird you, though you do not know me.” (Isaiah 45:5) The men’s ACTS Retreat is a week-end retreat presented by lay Catholic men. The goal of the retreat is to provide an opportunity for men to focus on their faith, its application in their daily lives, to build purpose in their prayer life, and to cultivate friendship and fellowship among members of the community. The retreat will begin Thursday evening, October 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. with Check-In at St. Louis Catholic Church at the Parish Education Center Bldg. (PEC). Transportation will be provided to and from Downhome Ranch in Elgin, Texas. The weekend will conclude with a “Welcome Home” Mass at 11:30 a.m. at St. Louis on October 19, 2014. Family and friends are invited to attend Mass at the church and to a reception & lunch after Mass at Wozniak Hall. The cost of the retreat is $160.00 which covers the accommodations and all meals for the week-end (3 nights & 7 meals). To reserve your place, $60.00 must be submitted with this registration form. The remaining $100.00 is due no later than Thursday Oct. 9th, 2014. The retreat is limited to 30 men; please register early. PLEASE NOTE: Do not let financial difficulties prevent you from attending. Financial assistance is available. Please contact one of the men below for assistance. Larry Fox, Director Bill Farnum, Co-Director Daniel Cabellero, Co-Director 512-785-1420 512-280-8896 512-417-2959 Please fill out the bottom part of this form and return with registration fee to: St. Louis Catholic Church 7601 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78757 Please make checks payable to: St. Louis Church - Men’s ACTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Men’s A.C.T.S Retreat - REGISTRATION FORM Name (First/Last)

Name as you want it to appear on name tag



Cell phone

Other phone

E-mail address

Date of Birth

Emergency Contact




Parish / Religion (Best) phone # / Alternate phone #

Please list any special dietary needs, allergies, medical, mobility, or other special needs for the retreat week-end.

Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name








Office Use Only Date:_______________

Time:_____________ Name of Registrar: _______________________________________

Amount paid: ____________ [ cash____ / check#________ ]

Installments (Amt. & date): ____________ / _____________

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