PM News MARZO 2015

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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter


# MARZO 2015

Bimestrale di informazione sul Project Management In questa release: Project and Lync together, Performance and scale improvements to Project Online, Novita' per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013, VideoTutorial, Tips & Tricks e molto altro...

PM News Š Ê un progetto editoriale on line di ST NEXT

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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

In questa release vi aspetano approfondimenti su Microsoft project e Lync e una serie di video tutorial indispensabili per tutti i professionisti IT . Buona lettura e buon lavoro!

PM News é un progetto editoriale on line di ST NEXT Da oltre 10 anni ST NEXT SRL è leader per le soluzioni di project management , sviluppo software e applicazioni workflow. L’esperienza professionale e le certificazioni acquisite, fanno di ST NEXT un partner sicuro per la realizzazione di sistemi di project management e per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali. Molte aziende leader di settore si sono affidate ad ST NEXT per lo sviluppo e l’ottimizzazione dei processi aziendali sia su territorio nazionale che per le aziende partner su territorio estero.

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ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Sommario Focus on: # Project and Lync together: Reducing communication barriers # Performance and scale improvements to Project Online # Novità per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013

Tutorial # Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio # Project 2013 scalability and performance improvements

Tips & Tricks # Creating custom data graphics in Visio # Connecting the dots with Project Lite

IT Tools # Microsoft Ignite # Semplifica la gestione dei progetti e collabora dove vuoi con gli strumenti giusti. # Test yourself with the Visio Racing Game

Our Network

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ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

In questi ultimi anni abbiamo vissuto una vera trasformazione dell’ambito di azione dei CIO all’interno delle proprie organizzazioni ICT. Da area preposta all’automazione e miglioramento dei processi, a vera e propria leva abilitante per innovare e sviluppare il business aziendale. In questo contesto, il Demand Management, ovvero il processo attraverso il quale vengono identificati e compresi i bisogni del business aziendale, ricopre ormai il primo posto tra le priorità dei CIO, e si pone come principale obiettivo l’allineamento dei sistemi informativi alle richieste del business in modo più snello e meno costoso. ST NEXT e Microsoft hanno deciso di pianificare un workshop gratuito, orientato alla divulgazione delle più diffuse metodologie di Project Management, mostrando come la piattaforma Microsoft Project 2013 possa supportare e agevolare quanto teoricamente presentato. Microsoft Project 2013 è uno degli strumenti indispensabili per i Project Manager e per il team di lavoro: agevola e semplifica la pianificazione, l’assegnazione delle risorse e l’analisi dei carichi di lavoro, la verifica e il rispetto dei tempi nella gestione dei budget e molto altro ancora. ISCRIVITI AL WORKSHOP ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Focus On: Project and Lync together: Reducing communication barriers Project Professional and Project Web App now allow you to instant message, voice or video call, or send email with one click using Lync in the most common views. This makes getting quick answers from your team members, fellow PMs, or other stakeholders easier than ever.

Here are a couple common scenarios where Project’s new Lync integration can be useful: · You notice a critical task is running behind in the Project Professional Gantt Chart view or the Project Web App “Project Details” view, and you need status from the resource assigned to that task. Hovering over the Resource Name allows you to instantly IM the resource for task status. The resources reports that the task is complete, you mark it as such in the Project, and a headache is averted for your project stakeholder status meeting in 20 minutes.

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Project and Lync together: Reducing communication barriers

· You need a developer to work on a project, but you’re unsure if he’s going to be out of office when you need him. He hasn’t decided whether or not to go on vacation in December or January, so he hasn’t update his availability. You pull up the Build Team page in Project Web App, hover over his name, and initiate a quick phone call learn that he’s flexible in his vacation schedule and he can work on your project when you need him. You add him to your team and start assigning him tasks.

You can also leverage video chatting, email and more in a variety of views across Project Professional and Project Web App. Try Project + Lync together and make communicating with your Project team and stakeholders even easier in 2013! NOTE: This only works with Lync 2010 or greater and Lync integration is not supported in Project Standard. In all cases the resource’s Email Address field must be populated to enable Lync presence information for that resource. This field is populated when adding resources via Active Directory or Active Directory Synchronization.

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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Focus On: Performance and scale improvements to Project Online Chris Boyd is a senior program manager lead on the Project Engineering team and Krishna Mamidipaka is a senior product marketing manager on the Project Product Marketing team. To provide a delightful user experience and better support the scale at which some of our largest customers operate, we have started to roll out performance enhancements to Project Online tenants worldwide. While some of these changes will be visually evident to the user, others could be more latent. Here are a few common things that will feel much snappier as a result of these investments: • Project Center—In particular, navigating to a specific project from Project Center. We invested in optimization that eliminates certain intermediate steps. • Interacting with projects on the web—Performance optimizations, all the way from SQL tier to the web UI will speed up user experience. • Creating and publishing a project—We have improved queue jobs required to create and publish projects. This enables users to seamlessly transition out and start working on the next stage of the project much faster. • Submitting timesheets—Improvements to page performance will allow users to quickly submit their timesheets. We are also providing new levers to Project Online administrators to further enhance the value for their organizations. These are designed to improve performance when creating projects, working with Project Detail Pages and publishing projects. They are: • Option to turn off the creation of Enterprise Project sites—A Project Web App (PWA) admin can now configure if and when a Project site gets created for Enterprise Projects. If the organization does not plan to use the Project sites, turning off the creation of the sites can greatly improve the time it takes to create and publish a project. This allows users to move from one Project Detail Page to the other faster. This option can be accessed from the Connected SharePoint sites page. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Performance and scale improvements to Project Online

Settings to enable or disable the Enterprise Project site creation. • Option to turn off the Task List Sync—By turning off the Task List Sync for enterprise projects, users will find that publishing a project is much faster. It also helps users navigate to the next Project Detail Page faster and generate their latest project status report quicker. This option can be accessed from the Connected SharePoint sites page as well. In addition, we also successfully addressed a few key customer requirements around improved scale, including: • Projects limit per PWA instance increased to 5,000—With the option to turn off Enterprise Project site creation for any enterprise project, customers can now manage up to 5,000 projects per any site collection with PWA within Project Online. Today, customers are limited to 2,000 projects per PWA instance which is a direct function of the number of project team sites that can be supported within any SharePoint Online site collection. • PWA instances per tenant increased to seven—Customers can now benefit from up to seven site collections with PWA within any Project Online tenant. The current limit is three. When combined with 5,000 projects per PWA instance as mentioned above, organizations can theoretically manage up to 35,000 projects in their Project Online tenant. This should give organizations plenty of flexibility to roll out enterprise wide Project and Portfolio management.

We continue working on a number of other improvements and will share more details in weeks to come. Thanks for continuing to support Project Online! — Chris Boyd and Krishna Mamidipaka ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Focus On: Novita' per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013 Consolidamento dei database In Project Server 2013, il servizio di Project offre funzionalità di gestione dei progetti non solo in Project Web App (PWA) ma anche nell'intera farm di SharePoint Server 2013 in cui si trova. Una delle modifiche principali consiste nell'uso di un singolo database di Project Web App per Project Server 2013. In Project Server 2010, ogni istanza di Project Server 2010 è supportata da un gruppo di quattro database di Project Server (Draft, Published, Reporting e Archived). In Project Server 2013, i quattro database di Project Server 2013 sono stati consolidati in un unico database, il database di Project Web App (nome predefinito: ProjectWebApp). Le tabelle di Reporting mantengono i nomi precedenti, mentre quelle di Draft, Published e Archived presentano i prefissi draft., pub. e ver. L'accesso diretto alle tabelle e alle viste di Draft, Published e Archived non è supportato. Per le relazioni occorre usare solo le tabelle e le viste di Reporting. Queste modifiche si fondano sulla necessità di ridurre il costo totale di proprietà correlato all'uso di Project Server 2013, in particolare quando si implementa un ambiente in cui possono essere presenti più istanze di PWA. La riduzione del numero di database necessari per l'uso di Project Server 2013 consente di diminuire i costi correlati alla gestione dei dati (aggiornamento, backup, ripristino di emergenza e così via).

Disponibilita' dei siti di progetto in SharePoint Server 2013 I siti di progetto offrono funzionalità di base per la gestione dei progetti in tutte le versioni di SharePoint Server 2013. Il sito di progetto offre agli utenti di SharePoint Server 2013 un sito in cui il team può collaborare alla gestione dei progetti. I siti di progetto in SharePoint Server 2013 consentono agli utenti di un'organizzazione di collaborare in modo efficiente su progetti semplici. I project manager possono ottenere rapidamente un quadro generale dell'andamento del progetto mentre i membri del team possono verificare con immediatezza se il proprio lavoro è idoneo nel contesto generale. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Novita' per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013

I siti di progetto consentono inoltre ai team di accedere a dati, documenti e comunicazioni rilevanti e di condividerli. I siti di progetto offrono quanto segue: •

Web part di riepilogo del progetto

Sequenza temporale visiva delle attività di progetto

Programmazione completa delle attività di progetto

Raccolta per l'archiviazione di documenti rilevanti per il progetto

Blocco appunti per l'acquisizione e l'organizzazione rapide di informazioni sul progetto

Calendario condiviso per gli eventi del team

Possibilità di connettersi all'applicazione client Project 2013

Quando SharePoint Server 2013 è connesso a Exchange Server, nel sito del progetto può essere inoltre inclusa una cassetta postale del team dedicata alle comunicazioni unificate sull'andamento del progetto. Quando un sito di progetto fa parte di una raccolta siti associata a Project Server 2013, è inoltre possibile utilizzarlo per acquisire problemi, rischi e risultati finali nonché passare alla modalità di controllo completo (invece che la modalità gestita) per assicurare funzionalità di Project Server 2013 di maggiore efficienza. Sebbene i siti di progetto offrano funzionalità utili per la gestione di progetti semplici agli utenti di SharePoint Server, è possibile che l'ambiente si evolva progressivamente al punto tale da richiedere caratteristiche aggiuntive. Potrebbero ad esempio essere presenti numerosi siti di progetti e potrebbe risultare necessaria una visualizzazione collettiva della informazioni. Quando è necessario aggiungere funzionalità di gestione dei progetti, un metodo strutturato consente di eseguire facilmente la migrazione dei dati del sito del progetto a Project Server 2013.

Diponibilita' di Project sui dispositivi mobili Una novità di Project Server 2013 è rappresentata dal supporto dell'accesso da dispositivi mobili ai dati dei progetti. È ora disponibile un sito per dispositivi mobili basato sul Web che consente ai membri del team e ai project manager di visualizzare rapidamente lo stato del progetto su un dispositivo mobile. Con il sito per dispositivi mobili abilitato per il tocco, è possibile accedere e modificare documenti rilevanti sui progetti e apportare modifiche di base ai piani dei progetti tramite dispositivi Windows Phone 7.5 (con il browser Internet Explorer 9), Apple iPhone o Android. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Novita' per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013

Le caratteristiche per i dispositivi mobili sono utilizzate principalmente da due tipi di utenti di Project Server: Membri del team •

Verificare le assegnazioni di attività in un sito di progetto

Interagire con documenti, attività e altre informazioni mantenute in un sito di progetto

Visualizzare lo stato complessivo di un progetto per progetti semplici e di Project Server.

Project manager • Gestire progetti mediante i siti di progetto • Visualizzare informazioni aggiornate sullo stato di risorse assegnate ai progetti ovunque si trovino • Visualizzare con immediatezza informazioni sullo stato dei progetti in un formato fruibile ovunque ci si trovi • Apportare al volo modifiche di base al piano del progetto I membri del team possono inoltre modificare e inviare lo stato delle attività tramite i client Microsoft Exchange sui propri telefoni. La sincronizzazione delle attività tra Exchange Server e SharePoint Server 2013 (pagina Attività personali) viene effettuata tramite il Servizio di gestione del lavoro.

Miglioramenti alla gestione delle proposte Gestione proposte è l'area in cui vengono raccolte le proposte e le idee per il progetto e le relative informazioni. Le proposte vengono quindi gestite tramite il portfolio con flussi di lavoro di accettazione e selezione e quindi i progetti selezionati vengono eseguiti e monitorati mediante Project Professional 2013 e Project Server 2013. In Project Server 2010, i flussi di lavoro possono essere creati e modificati in Visual Studio. Un miglioramento chiave in Project Server 2013 consiste nella possibilità di utilizzare SharePoint Designer e il motore dei flussi di lavoro di SharePoint Server 2013 per creare flussi di lavoro di Project per la gestione delle proposte.

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Novita' per professionisti IT in Project Server 2013

Gestione proposte di Project Server 2013 offre i vantaggi seguenti: • È possibile creare e gestire una nuova proposta in SharePoint Server (ovvero con un elenco di SharePoint) e integrarla facilmente in Project Server. • Il project manager crea un elenco di SharePoint per le idee e lo configura nel modo desiderato. Non sono previsti requisiti da rispettare per la configurazione dell'elenco per PPM Online affinché sia possibile utilizzarlo. • Dopo che il PM decide di consentire la migrazione degli elementi in Project Server, è possibile aggiungere l'app di gestione dei progetti all'elenco in modo da esporre tale funzionalità. • (Facoltativo) L'utente passa alla pagina delle impostazioni di Project Server e in Impostazioni elenco configura il mapping delle colonne dell'elenco ai campi di Project Server. • L'utente può promuovere gli elementi in uno dei due modi seguenti: • Manualmente, selezionando uno o più elementi della visualizzazione elenco e facendo clic sul pulsante Crea progetti nella scheda Elementi della barra multifunzione. In questo modo viene aperta una finestra di dialogo che consente all'utente di specificare il mapping tra colonne e campi (per impostazione predefinita si tratta dei mapping impostati nel passaggio 3) e il modello di progetto dell'organizzazione da usare. Verranno a questo punto creati i progetti per gli elementi selezionati. • Automaticamente, tramite un'azione del flusso di lavoro. L'utente configura un normale flusso di lavoro di SharePoint per l'elenco e usa l'azione Crea progetto da voce di elenco come parte di tale flusso di lavoro. L'azione accetta un modello di progetto dell'organizzazione come parametro e, al momento dell'esecuzione, utilizza il mapping impostato nel passaggio precedente per creare un progetto dal contesto della voce di elenco corrente. • In entrambi i casi, il progetto viene creato in Project Server e viene stabilita l'associazione tra la voce di elenco e il progetto (possono essere importate solo le nuove voci di elenco). • Gli utenti che utilizzano la piattaforma avanzata di gestione delle proposte con pagine dettagli progetto e modelli di progetto dell'organizzazione (disponibili in Project 2010) possono accedere a una visualizzazione avanzata dello stato del flusso di lavoro di Project per la proposta (invece che a una tabella di testo).

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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Tutorial Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio The new Visio is more than a tool to create and edit diagrams and connect dashboards to data–now you can work with 3-D objects too. Try these step-by-step instructions to create a diagram using graphical features of the new Visio. Here’s what the 3-D Visio drawing will look like when we’re finished.

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On the diagram you can see two Visio objects, a half sphere and the letter V. First, we’ll create the half sphere. • On the Ribbon, unlock the Developer tab. To do this, click File, then click Options, and then click Customize Ribbon. (The default is that the Developer tab isn’t visible.)

The Developer tab can help you create new stencils, templates, macros and more.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

Choose an object that you’d like to create. In this example, we’ll select Ellipse.

Right-click the ellipse shape. On the menu, select Format Shape.

On the Format Shape menu, there are a lot of different effects that you could add to your shape. (We’re showing 2 parts of the menu side by side here to make it easier to follow along with this exercise.) Under the Fill section of the menu, click Color, then select Blue.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

Choose an object that you’d like to create. In this example, we’ll select Ellipse.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

Choose an object that you’d like to create. In this example, we’ll select Ellipse.

On the Shadow section of the menu, make sure the settings display the following: Transparency 100%, Size 1%, Blur 9pt, Angle 0, Distance 0pt. Set Reflection parameters to display the following: Transparency 28%, Size 87%, Blur 0.5pt, Distance 2pt. Set the Glow parameters to display the following: Size 150pt, Transparency 46%.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

On the 3-D Format section of the menu, make sure the Top bevel settings display the following: Width 92.5 pt, Height 73.5 pt. Bottom bevel, Depth, Contour, and Lighting settings all should display 0.

Now the 3-D half sphere shape is complete. Next, we’ll create the letter V that goes on top of it.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

The letter V is really 2 separate rectangles created in a new stencil and then joined together. To create the rectangles: Click the Developer tab, then click the rectangle shape. Click in the drawing area. A rectangle will appear. This is the starting point of your drawing. Click a corner of the rectangle and drag it into the shape you want. Click in the drawing area again and create a second rectangle using Steps 1-3. Rotate the angle of the rectangles. To do this: Click one of the rectangles. A circle symbol will appear at the top of the rectangle.

Click and drag the circle symbol to move the rectangles to the angle you want.

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Learn to create 3-D shapes in Visio

Now join the rectangles: Select both of the rectangles. Click the Developer tab, then click the Operations button, and then click the Union button.

To complete the image: Apply the effects you learned when you created the half sphere shape (steps 4-10). Select the letter V, then drag and drop it onto the half sphere shape.

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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Tips & Tricks Creating custom data graphics in Visio Visio has a rich set of built-in graphics to represent data visually. To help you get started quickly, Visio Professional 2013 provides 4 kinds of data graphics: text, data bar, icon set and color by value. With these, you can build data graphics, create multiple data graphics with a single shape and link your data from an external data source to create compelling and up-to-date charts. You also can create custom data graphics specific to your business needs and corporate standards.

How to create custom data graphics Let’s say you’re the project manager for a housing construction project. You track tasks in an Excel spreadsheet and also have a flowchart for the same tasks.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

You use a flowchart to report project status, so you’d like to show each task’s status as On Track, Delayed, At Risk, On Hold or Completed. Then project team members and stakeholders can see at a glance how the project is progressing, and you can see the status of each of these stages reflected in the diagram in your own customized way.

Create data graphic icons First, decide what shapes to use as data graphics icons. The example below shows an existing decorative shape. All shapes can be renamed by using the Shape Name command on the Developer tab.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

Resize the data graphics according to your needs. One easy way is to drop the shape of the flowchart onto the Visio canvas and then drop one of data graphics shapes on top of the flowchart to get an idea of how it will look. Group shapes Now group the shapes together. You can do this on the Visio canvas by dropping the shapes on top of each other. The data graphic hides the shapes to show only the top shape, but if the shapes are spread across the page, the data graphics will not be shown to scale. So, start by laying out the shapes as shown above and then drag D on top of G, R on top of G, and so on, until you get all shapes on top of one another. Visio guides will help you achieve accuracy.

Once you get all of the shapes together, select all of the shapes and then use the group operation to group the shapes.

To verify that you have the shapes grouped, open the Drawing Explorer on the Developer tab and check the page where you have grouped the shapes. In the example below, 5 shapes have been grouped and a new group shape Sheet.11 has been created. Sheet.11 is the parent and this will be our master shape.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

Insert user sections Now let’s dive deeper into Visio’s rich extensibility with user sections. Go to the shape sheet of the master shape and define it as an Icon Set for Visio. To do this, right-click anywhere on the shapesheet to insert the userdefined cells in the shapesheet.

Insert 3 rows and then define them as shown in the example below.

The msvCalloutType defines this group shape as an Icon Set that can be used in creating data graphics. The msvCalloutIconCount defines the number of icons that are present in this Icon Set. The third field is dynamic, and it updates based on the shape data, which in turn controls which of the 5 icons to show.

Set NoShow properties Now that the Icon Set is defined, we need to tell Visio when it should show the corresponding icons based on the master shape’s msvCalloutIconNumber property. At this point, decide the order in which you want the shapes to appear in the Create Data Graphic menu and note the corresponding shape’s name. You can check the shape’s name in the Drawing Explorer or use the Shape Name menu item under the Developer tab. C shape’s name is Black, O is Purple, and so on.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

Now set the NoShow property of all 5 individual shapes so that they only appear when the master shape has the correct property set by the shape data. In this case, set the Geometry. NoShow property to: NOT(Sheet.11!User.msvCalloutIconNumber=4)

Repeat this step for any other Geometry section that’s part of the shape. Since text is part of the shape, do the same for the HideText property under the Miscellaneous section.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

In addition, for every shape, lock the width and height to prevent them from varying with the shape size. To do this, check the size of the data graphic. In the example, the size of the data graphic shape is already reduced to what should appear in the final diagram. The example data graphic width is 0.5525 and the height is 0.1842.

The formula here is: GUARD (0.5525 in*DropOnPageScale) for Width and GUARD (0.1842 in*DropOnPageScale)

Repeat the action for the other shapes: For Purple: NOT(Sheet.11!User.msvCalloutIconNumber=3) For Red: NOT(Sheet.11!User.msvCalloutIconNumber=2) For Orange: NOT(Sheet.11!User.msvCalloutIconNumber=1) For Green: NOT(Sheet.11!User.msvCalloutIconNumber=0)

Theme protection To protect the theme of the final diagram, lock the Format, Group Format, Theme Colors and Theme Effects cells in the Protection section of the shapesheet.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

Quickly test the data graphic. On the master sheet, go to the shapesheet and try different numbers between 0 and 4 in the msvCalloutIconNumber property. The canvas should show the appropriate shape.

Create a master stencil To create a master stencil, it’s a good idea to create a backup of your group shape first. Once you have your backup saved, open the document stencil by browsing to More Shapes and then selecting Show Document Stencil. Drag and drop the group shape in the Document Stencil to make it a master stencil.

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Creating custom data graphics in Visio

Now try creating a new data graphic based on the Icon Set. You should see your new custom Icon Set represented in the menu. Apply the rules based on the shape data and select where the data graphic needs to appear on the shape. In the example, the top right edge is selected. Apply the data graphics to all shapes in the flow chart.

The flow chart shows the data graphic on the shapes so that you can see the status of the process in the flow chart at a glance. To insert a legend for the data graphics, go to the Data tab and insert a vertical legend.

That’s it! Your flowchart with custom data graphics is ready. You can use this data graphic in other diagrams by copying the master from the Document Stencil and pasting it in the document stencil of the new diagram. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Tips & Tricks Connecting the dots with Project Lite: From time tracking and collaboration to business growth On May 1, 2014, we released Microsoft Project Lite, a cloud-based companion offering to Project Online. Project Lite enables team members to manage tasks, highlight issues and risks, submit timesheets, and collaborate with each other from variety of devices—all in a lightweight way. Priced at $7 per user/month, Project Lite lowers the total cost of ownership (TCO) of Project Online. It also simplifies project management by making it easier for team members to be productive on the go. With built-in integration with Project Online and other Office 365 services, Project Lite helps project teams get work done faster.

Task management for team members. Using Project Lite streamlines project management in two important ways. Project managers can automate routine project management tasks such as time tracking and task updates, which saves them time so they can focus on more strategic areas of managing projects. They can also be notified by team members about imminent risks and issues, almost in real time, which can help prevent delays and extra costs. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Connecting the dots with Project Lite: From time tracking and collaboration to business

Team projects depend on collaboration. Period. Project Lite enhances collaboration by making it easier for team members to work together efficiently. Using co-authoring capabilities offered in Office 365, team members can work on project documents concurrently and save valuable time otherwise lost in reconciling version conflicts, manual merging and coordinating of changes, and other ways. Also, teams can take the project collaboration experience to the next level by adding Yammer*, private enterprise social networking, to their project team sites in a few easy steps.

Timesheet entries for team members. It’s no secret that all team projects require lots of communication, and Project Online works seamlessly with Lync Online to give you a wide variety of ways for team members to stay connected with one another. When enabled, Lync Online* connects team members anywhere they happen to be working and on whatever device they’re happen to be using, by providing a consistently great communication experience, whether they choose to connect by instant messaging, voice, video, or online meetings. As more project teams choose to use Project Lite to collaborate and manage tasks, useful trends and insights start to emerge at the organization level. Using reports in Project Online, Project Management Office (PMO) teams can better manage new project demands against available resource capacity and make better resourcing decisions. These are just a few of the ways adding Project Lite to Project Online can enhance your project management. You can learn more about Project Lite here. –Krishna Mamidipaka * Yammer and Lync Online are not included in Project Lite. They each require a separate subscription. ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

IT Tools Microsoft Ignite May 4–8, 2015 - Chicago, IL Spark the future. The best and brightest minds will be all in one place to talk cloud infrastructure and management, productivity, big data and the internet of things, unified communications, mobility and more. So welcome, thinkers. And get ready for a glimpse at what’s possible today and in the future.


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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

IT Tools Crea progetti vincenti

Semplifica la gestione dei progetti e collabora dove vuoi con gli strumenti giusti per project manager, team di progetto e decisori.


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PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

IT Tools Test yourself with the Visio Racing Game Alexander Matyushenko is a Product Marketing Manager on the Microsoft Visio team

Think you know Visio? Test your knowledge with the Visio Racing Game. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran user, during your next break from work take a couple of laps in the Visio car and brush up on fun facts.

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Test yourself with the Visio Racing Game

As you drive, you’ll check your knowledge of the new Visio. When you answer questions correctly, you can upgrade your car to get an edge on the competition

You can unlock up to 8 different upgrades to your car, such as lights, tires, and even turbo! With a few right answers you’ll have everything you need to get to the top of our leader board.

ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

Test yourself with the Visio Racing Game

Don’t worry if you don’t know the right answer, just keep racing and we’ll show you all the correct answers after you cross the finish line.

You also can challenge your colleagues and friends to test their knowledge. Finish the race and then send an invitation to your opponent. When they accept, they’ll race against your best score.

Check out the Visio Racing Game at and enjoy your racing experience! Learn more about the new Visio at –Alexander Matyushenko, Product Marketing Manager ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM NEWS Project Management Newsletter

Our Network I link piu’interessanti per il Project Management Project Management Institute - PMI Project Online con Project Pro per Office 365 Visio Professional 2013 Fly with Microsoft Project Fly with Microsoft Visio Visio Pro per Office 365 Istituto italiano Project Management - ISIPM ASSIREP ITIL ISTQB COBIT Microsoft Project Server 2013 Microsoft SHOWCASE ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

PM News © é un progetto editoriale on line di ST NEXT ST NEXT Via Aosta 2 Milano ST NEXT © - PM NEWS - Project Management Newsletter © Marzo 2015

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