Stonyhurst Development Annual Giving Report 2020/2021

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Annual Giving Report


Thanking Our Donors

Our sincere thanks go to all our benefactors who have contributed to our fundraising over the past year and to those who continue to regularly support us. We value each and every gift no matter what size.

M Ashman

P Metcalf

J Hartley

J L Cash

T Gillin

P Feeny

F D Taylor

R Carrington

E Gonsalves

M Hruska

F Isola

A Tilden

B O'Driscoll

I Macpherson

C Burton

I Burnside

C Flint

J Hanratty

D Creece

P Savignon

P Franc

J Laidlow

P Tallon

M Summerfield

R Rand

N Southward

R Brooks

J Fraser

P O'Mahony

R Dawes

P O'Flynn

P Hanratty

M Owen

T Burroughs

J Mulholland

D Northey

P Frank

N Schiele

F Sheng

C Monteith

V Keunen

N Turner

T Jackson

R Courteney-Harris

D Sullivan

L B Foster

G Lagerberg

A Bruce

A Vickers

D Bond

A Hart

P Kearns

M Winfield

G Coulthard

C Butcher

H Van Oordt

T Bible

S Blake

H Leong

K Haworth

Y Takano

C Byrne

C Mahon

M Fok

E Egan

F Van Oordt

N Armstrong

R Veys

R Chessells

J O'Donahue

K Bracken

J Cleary

T O'Maoileoin

W Mould

N Cates

L Fattorini

J McDowell

P D May

D Lee

J Doyle

M Cartwright-Terry

J Moulton

N Burnet

S Darley

R Ashcroft

B Taylor

J Hurst


M Bradbury

N Kenyon

D McNeela

C Ghirardi

R Horn

A Culley

S McLoughlin

A Lester

N Glendon-Doyle

E Curran

T Clements

P Holliday

M Glendon-Doyle

G Haynes

C Cimpoias

J Pedraza

J P Maughan

J Ansbro

V Keunen

R McDermott

D Sparks

P Anwyl

A Bell

R & G Brumby

J Cobb

M Davis

K Diekmann & K Kessler

O Gilmore

T & B Gregory

M & K Hargreaves

E Haworth

P Kearns

V Love

B Macey-Dare

P & B McDowell

M Mostyn

V Pizzoni

S & C Plath

A & V Short

E Slater

M Torrents Dels Prats

K Weber-Brabant

S Wheeler

M Wirtz

W & A Yung

A R Dickinson

R Godfrey

T Bailey

Legacy gifts

N Evans

D Brand

Donors' names appear within the following groups OS, parents, past parents, and friends. Some donors' names will appear more than once where they are constituents of more than one group.

We have tried to omit the name of all those donors who have indicated their wish to remain anonymous. Please advise us if you would like your name to be included in future donor lists or if your name does appear and you would like it to be removed.

OS Stonyhurst community In memorium Thankyou
Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace 23rd August 2021

From The Headmaster

During 2020/2021, it would be easy to assume that the multiple lockdowns caused by Covid resulted in fundraising taking a back step during this time. Yet, as this report will show, a combination of the resilience and generosity of the wider Stonyhurst Family and the adaptability of the Development Team meant that working together as ' men and women for others’ we not only achieved our Annual Fund but successfully launched the “Passing It On” Appeal to build a new rugby pavilion on Smithfield.

These achievements, against such a difficult backdrop are testimony to the generosity and benevolence of the Stonyhurst Family for the benefit of our pupils today and for future generations.

We owe much to our supporters and friends – thank you.

The 'Passing It On' Appeal

The ‘Passing It On’ Appeal to build a new Rugby Pavilion on Smithfield was launched in 2020/2021. The aim was that the fundraising would be completed by August 2021 to allow the new pavilion to be built at the end of the 2021/2022 rugby season so that it was ready for the OS Centenary of Rugby Celebrations on 3rd June 2022. Given global events we were stunned and more than a little delighted to have achieved our target by August 2021, thanks in large part to a significant gift/contribution from our Gibraltar OS community

The Captains' Campaign

This was a discrete campaign within the ‘Passing It On Appeal’ which encouraged previous 1st XV Captains’ to lead their teams and Playrooms onto the fundraising field in support of the new pavilion. Things became very competitive with progress charted on a ‘leaderboard’. Eventually 1983 ran out as the winners closely followed by 1985.

All those who donated to the Captains’ Campaign or the Gibraltar Fund are recognised on the permanent donors' board within the pavilion.

The new Gibraltar Pavilion will be a lasting legacy underlining the importance of rugby to a Stonyhurst education

Thank you

Supporters from OS47 through to OS16

4 x wooden benches

Refurbishment of our basketball facilities at the College and at St Mary's Hall

4 x 'spot moving headlights' for our Academy Room

2 x Indoor Rifles and 2 x 12 Bore Shotguns for the school Corps shooting team

A branded horsebox café

Fishing rods for our pupils to relearn fly fishing skills

Your Support in 2020/2021

We recognise that fees alone cannot meet the costs of every aspect of school life, but we remain ambitious about the development of all our Stonyhurst and Stonyhurst St Mary’s pupils, seeking to discover and nurture each pupil’s gifts and unlock their potential, whatever that may be.

The primary source of support bridging this gap is through donations.

Thanks to the generosity of the Stonyhurst community we are delighted to have received £187,357 in 2020/2021. Every penny of this is used to improve the school for our pupils today and for future generations.

In addition to this, we received a grant of £456,688 from The Stonyhurst Foundation for specific provision of bursaries.

Donations by Donor Group

Horsebox Café Annual Fund 2020/2021

Development & Engagements



TheAnnualFund2020/2021Appealwas launched.



OnlineHongKongReceptionwithguest speakerLawrenceLeongOS82



OnlineNorthAmericaandCanada ReceptionwithguestspeakerMark ThompsonOS75



Blessingofthe425Monumentandthe newlynamed'Sisters'Walk'



ThomasWeldSocietyannualeventwent virtualforthefirsttime.



ProfessorGabrielLeungOS89talkforthe WatertonSocietyonCOVID19.



RugbyCentenaryanniversaryisannounced andcelebrationsbegin.



CharliePetersOS69Scholars’Lectureon 'Story-tellingandthepowerofnarrativein movies,novelsandplays'.



OnlineSpainReceptionwithguestspeaker PabloRubioOS87



OnlineMaltaReceptionwithguest speakersZachDemajoOS07andAnthea DemajoOS09.



ChoralEveningPrayerServiceinthe ChapelRoyalandReceptionat Hampton Court



OnlineMexicoReceptionwithguest speakerNicoMariscalOS18



OnlineGermanReceptionwithguest speakerClintGrohmannOS20andover80 attendees.



The'PassingItOn'Appealwaslaunchedas partoftheRugbyCentenaryanniversary.

'Afamilylike noother.'

Your Legacy to Stonyhurst

Legacies are often the most significant gift a person can make, and less than half (41%) of UK adults have written a will.

We are incredibly grateful to the sixty-six individuals who have pledged to leave a gift to Stonyhurst in their wills - your legacy is their future.

Five Key Questions


Legacy gifts have played, and continue to play, an important role in the history of philanthropy at Stonyhurst Bequests left to our school have created bursaries and scholarships, enhanced our Collections and contributed to the environment in which our pupils live and study Rest assured that no matter the size of the gift, it will make a real difference


There are different types of gifts you can leave in your will, including:

a percentage of your estate - this is a residuary bequest a specific cash sum - known as a pecuniary bequest personal possessions - a specific bequest

All of these can also be left to provide for a loved one until their death, with the condition that it is then passed on to Stonyhurst This is called a reversionary bequest.


We would of course expect a gift to Stonyhurst to be given after you have provided for your loved ones.

If you leave 10% or more of your net taxable estate to registered charities such as Stonyhurst, you can reduce your Inheritance Tax Bill from 40% to 36% - meaning you make more of a charitable impact without affecting the inheritance given to your heirs


You can include Stonyhurst any time you update your will using a codicil or when writing your will for the first time It may be at a significant life moment - but you can do it whenever you like by speaking to your solicitor.

By leaving a legacy

We are getting as close as is practical to the Jesuit charism on which we base all that we do Weld members can ensure the future is as gloriousandillustriousasourpast

If you are happy to do so, please let us know once you have remembered Stonyhurst in this way so that we can keep you updated with our plans and progress during your lifetime, welcome you to the Thomas Weld Society, and extend our gratitude.


Speak to your solicitor about writing or updating your will to include a gift to Stonyhurst

Many solicitors offer free will writing or updates during 'Free Wills Month' for those aged over 55 The next is taking place in October 2022 To find out more, search online for 'Free Wills Month' or visit

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