FEATURE - The Death of a Reader - Mukesh Rijhwani


I made my debut as an author back in 2006 and I always felt the need for an online magazine or a print magazine that would cater exclusively around and about authors. I am glad that Storizen finally fills up that needed gap. I have been through some of the editions of the Storizen Magazine and I must congratulate Saurabh and Priyanka for the wonderful work they have done. Most of the stories are pretty exhaustive.
I would like to congratulate the Storizen team once again for all the wonderful work in bridging the gap between authors and readers and letting readers know about their favorite authors better.
Thank you so much!
Tuhin Sinha - Author of 'When the Chief Fell in Love'
Short story – Ketaki Patwardhan
Gaurav Sharma
Priyanka Bansal
Sagar Singh
Cheena Kachroo
You are forever in my Heart by Sanjeev Ranjan - Himani Gupta
Seasons that give you lessons
- Namrata Thakur
To moon and back
- Devika Parekh
- Shivi Pandey

You can also be a contributor. Mail us your entries at talktous@storizen.com. Your smart ideas and inputs help us create ou from the editor
Iremember my childhood days when I was obsessed with the famous 'Sherlock Holmes' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I have read that so many times that I can't even remember the count. The love for reading was born when I turned seven I still remember the time I used to clean my cupboard to make extra space for the books I loved to read.
Growing up, the love for reading transformed into me turning into a writer I started blogging and I loved every single moment when I sat down to write. It helped me ease the pain, moreover, it helped me clear m mind off all the clutter.

Storizen Magazine, I would say, happened to me for a reason. We are constantly evolving and we are focused on one mission, to unite the writers, bloggers, and authors with their readers.
We bring you this edition for the Month of May 2018 featuring the 'Death of the Reader' by our founder Mukesh Rijhwani. Pooja Bagul shares her tips on clothing styles for women this summer. We are glad to have Rodolfo Hernandez write for us on the rules for getting PUBLISHED Among our other contributors are Manushreya Sharma, Ketaki Patwardhan, Swetha, Sagar Singh.
Gaurav Sharma and Priyanka Bansal share their journey as an author. Among the poets, we have Devika Parekh, Namrata Thakur, Shivi Pandey, and Cheena Kachroo
We love to see a tremendous response and are glad to provide a platform where readers and writers can unite and know each other better.
It's been a long and soulful journey till now but every time I take a look back, I feel that it has just started. There is so much to learn and a way long to go and be inspired by reading this issue that we have a feeling that you'll be referring to it again and again.
Do share your feedback with us!
Happy Reading!

Saurabh Chawla, Editor in Chief editor@storizen com
Book Launch
Nothing but the Plane Truth: Revelations by a Flight Attendant, by Pinky Eppaturi.
Amaryllis – An imprint of Manjul Publishing House is delighted to announce the launch of its latest book, Nothing but the Plane Truth: Revelations by a Flight Attendant, by Pinky Eppaturi.
The book was unveiled by Nidhi Chaphekar – motivational speaker, survivor and face of the Brussels terror attack, and Shantanu Ray Chibber –Bollywood writer and director, on 6 May 2018 at Title Waves book store, Bandra West, Mumbai.
The event commenced with Lakshmi Krishnan, senior editor, introducing the book and the author. Pinky Eppaturi shared her interesting journey as a writer with the audience. It all began with her chance meeting with the publisher, Vikas Rakheja, on one of her flights. She had an offer to be published even before she started writing! Looking back, she still cannot believe that she is now a published
author and her book has been officially launched.
This was followed by an insightful and fun conversation between Nidhi Chaphekar and Pinky, where they talked about what all goes into the making of a flight attendant, including rigorous safety trainings, DGCA exams, and some humorous incidents from their training days. They also had the audience in splits with their narrations of incidents where star-struck flight attendants forgot what they were supposed to do, just because they got mesmerized by the presence of a celebrity.
Shantanu Ray Chibber talked about the hard work that’s put in by flight attendants to make flying a pleasant experience for passengers – something that is hardly known and rarely talked about.
Book Launch

The event was attended by guests from all walks of life including senior cabin crew members from national and international airlines. The evening saw an enthusiastic participation by the audience who asked interesting questions, and then later lined up to get the book signed by the author.
About the book
Meet Pari Abraham. A girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and is forever smitten by the travel bug. Accomplished flight attendant and insatiable explorer. She takes you on a magical tour around the world, offering you a ring-side view of life on an airplane...

where the next adventure is always just round the corner! From the deeply moving experience of meeting Mother Teresa in her home for abandoned children in Kolkata to eye-opening conversations with professional performers in an Amsterdam strip club... From battling the aftermath of 9/11 to jumping into medical-aid mode to rescue a passenger from the narrow jaws of death... Feisty, fun and full of zest, this is one roller-coaster ride you don't want to miss!
About the Author
Pinky Eppaturi has been a flight attendant and has worked with two international airlines for several years. She is also a qualified Human Factors and Behaviors trainer, having trained many pilots and cabin crew in essential non-technical safety skills. She blogs at peppaturi.wordpress.com. Nothing But the Plane Truth is her first book.
About the Publisher
Manjul’s English-only imprint, Amaryllis, was founded in 2010, and brings to readers the best in writing from across the globe. Our focus is on fiction and non-fiction, mostly by Indian authors, encouraging emerging voices and nurturing established ones.
Manjul’s English-only imprint, Amaryllis, was founded in 2010, and brings to readers the best in writing from across the globe. Our focus is on fiction and non-fiction, mostly by Indian authors, encouraging emerging voices and nurturing established ones. We bring to our readers books of the highest quality, elegantly designed with exceptional production standards.
Amaryllis has more than seventy successful titles already under its belt and boasts of names like Ashok K. Banker, Deepti Naval, Sushma Seth, Jaswant Singh, Rajiv Malhotra, Sudheendra Kulkarni, Pritish Nandy, Satya Saran, Kiran Manral and many more on its list. Amaryllis is, today, a name to reckon with in English publishing in India.

Anita Nair Writer/Author

Anita's Attic is delighted to announce an association with Penguin Random House India

As we prepare to commence the next session of Anita's Attic on June 30, 2018, we are very pleased to announce a partnership with Penguin Random House India.
Anita's Attic, which aims to identify, nurture and empower literary talent across multiple genres of writing, is also a launch pad to promote the best talent through agent networking, publishing, and state-of-the-art marketing tools. The unique format of the program has already groomed many writers to get their work published and signed up by renowned publishing houses.
As part of this association, Penguin Random House India will facilitate visiting lecturers and publishing professionals at the Attic, provide books that might be useful to the
Attic programme participants in their creative journey, and offer publishing experience to the Attic students by way of short internships at Penguin Random House's office in Gurgaon.
This non commercial partnership with Anita’s Attic is part of Penguin Random House India's commitment towards nurturing and empowering new literary talent.
Holding a book in the hand and thinking, why am I reading this?
A tete-a-tete with oneself reveals the answer to the question'Why one should read?
A Storizen Magazine Feature
Text by Mukesh Rijhwani
Dear Reader, THANK YOU for taking time out and stopping by. You know what; you’re going to end up being in one of the few smart people that walked on this planet. As per Microsoft’s recent study, “Humans now have an attention span shorter than that
“Humans now have an attention span shorter than that of a Goldfish”. of a Goldfish”. The attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds and that of a human is 8 seconds.
With great belief, I declare that by the
end of the 21st century, my dear reader, your brain will be much more valuable and be much sought after. The scientist would invest their hard-earned money to bid for your brain because of the lines in your gray matters. Not to mention, the DNA

strands that are responsible for your regular reading habits will leave a long trail. Your lineage, when selecting a partner, will have a massive pool of people to choose from.
You might say, thanks, that’s flattering. All I do is read. Yes, you’re correct. You just read. With the “just reading”, you get a break from this broken world. With the “just reading”, you learn and hence sharpen your mind. With “just reading” you feel which asserts your individuality as a human being.

Most importantly, you invest time and attention in yourself. Talking about time, I just have one line that is stuck with me from a very young age from the movie Tezaab -
“Time hota nahin hai, nikal na padta hai”. (PS:
To translate, head over to
“Time hota nahin hai, nikal na padta hai”. (PS: To translate, head over to Google.)
Coming to the attention span, you see you’re
already ahead in the race, you have been reading for more than 16 seconds now. It is not a coincidence, that ‘skip ad’ button in YouTube video is visible after 5 seconds (much lesser than a human’sattention span). The technology giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix spend millions of dollars hiring PhDs to assist them in capturing an individual’s attention. Auto-play is one such invention. It is designed beautifully to keep us engaged for

several hours. If you’ve used any of these or other platforms, you know what I am talking about. Every day is a big war to get your attention back from these platforms to the unfinished tasks like calling your mom, writing that story or narrating a bedtime story to your kid. Wait, am not predicting

Google has recently announced ‘Digital Wellbeing’.
(Not heard - Go Google it)
doomsday here, some of the companies have started taking the step in this direction, leading the front is Google. Google has recently announced ‘Digital Wellbeing’.
(Not heard - Go Google it)
A few years ago, I read a study conducted in the US that on an average a book is read only for the first 17 pages. Well hang on a minute, what does that mean? It means that an author spends few years thinking about the idea for the book then spends an average of 2 years writing the book.
The book got rejections from, on an average, 17 publishers. Finally, the book finds its publisher. And only after 17 months, on an average, of its completion it gets published. The way publishing industry works, an author gets the first cheque only after 3-6 months. To summarize that, it takes, on an average of 4 years, from the moment an author sits down to write the first alphabet and receiving a cheque.
You might say, that’s not bad considering all an author has to do is sit down on the table and write. Naw, my dear read friend, that’s precisely is the toughest part. Let me describe one of an instance from my writing experience. Few years back, I had to write a
soon as I opened my computer to write my wifey asked me, ‘Did you bring the gift for the Kumar’s, we’re going to their place for lunch today.
I hope you remember’. I replied, thinking on my toes, ‘I will go now and select one with the cool head’.
1000-word story for an online magazine. For the uninitiated, 1000 words mean 2 pages of a book. With the big software release at work, I spent most of my waking moments in office. At home, I just showed up to shower and sleep. With just 2 days for submission, I finally was done with the software release. Out of those 2 days, I slept off the first day to catch up on the sleep I missed.
The final day I got up with the dream to write that perfect story to win the award for the storyteller for the year. It was Sunday; wifey cooked the yummy hot idlis for breakfast, a perfect start for the day. As soon as I opened my computer to write my wifey asked me, ‘Did you bring the gift for the Kumar’s, we’re going to their place for lunch today. I hope you remember’. I replied, thinking on my toes, ‘I will go now and select one with the cool head’. By the time I came back with the gift, it was time to get ready and leave, because they stayed on the opposite side of the city. It took us about 1.5 hours with a Sunday traffic. By the time we finished lunch and came back home it was 6 in the evening. I opened the laptop, my wifey requested, ‘Can you take
girls out to play?’. The whole evening passed by and once the kids went to bed, it was night 10 o'clock. I just had 2 hours to complete the story. You might say, 2 hours, 2 pages, not a big deal. I did think the same. When I switched on my computer, I felt tired. I went to make a cup of Indian tea for myself to keep me fresh for the next 2 hours. After 15 minutes, I was back at the desk. I had couple of vague stories in my head but couldn’t decide which one for the next 15 minutes. The clock was ticking, and it was just 90 minutes to the deadline. At that moment, I realized it was my Dad’s birthday. Immediately, I dialed and spoke to him for few minutes. By the time, I came to my desk; it was just close to an hour left.
You might say, that’s not bad considering all an author has to do is sit down on the table and write. Naw, my dear read friend, that’s precisely is the toughest part.
To have extreme focus, I wanted to put on my headphones. I headed to YouTube and selected the songs that I wished to listen while I wrote. I finally, put my first word on the fresh Microsoft word document and titled it as ‘Winning Story’, to keep my spirits up. Within few minutes of my writing, I realized this story is not coming out well. With doubts all over my brain cells, like a plague, I chucked the draft. With under 30 minutes, I started writing on the other story.
Without thinking of the whole wide world, I punched on the keyboards frantically. I completed the story with impending 10 minutes. I had to edit the story grammatically andcheck on the word count. With 2 minutes remaining, I wrapped up the story in the best way possible adhering to the guidelines and hit the send button. I went to bed satisfied, that I completed the task.
The next morning, I woke up with a call from the Online Magazine Editor, she praised me for the wonderful story and expressed that it is the best story she has read in a while however I am sorry to say, nothing of that sort happened, in fact, the story didn’t even got published in the online

magazine. I was politely refused on the grounds of ‘too many good entries and they had limited space’.
Needless to say, I was devastated because I literally spent the cognitive power for the whole day, worrying about getting the story out when I should have enjoyed the time with my family and friends.
Just for a 2-page story. Imagine, an author, who has to face the similar
challenges day in and day out to write a full 300-page novel. While writing, the author has to keep the fact in mind, that more than 50% of the readers, who bought the book with their hard earned money, will not read it beyond the first 17 pages. To add to this mix, consider the likes of IPL, Netflix series, and Indian Idol, they’re competing for the same resources - Your time and attention.
So, the question remains, why one should make time to read? Since you’ve read this far, I am sure you have many reasons why you are an avid reader. And also, you wished that everyone on this planet do the same.
I can give you one reason, if there are no readers (sorry reading on FB or a newspaper doesn’t count one as the reader), there won’t be writers. With no writers, we won’t have stories. With no stories, we won’t have interesting movies to watch or interesting books to read.
So, the only question now remains is, when to read? The clue to answering this question is in another one - When not to read?
3 Rules of Getting Published
by Rodolfo Hernandez
Getting a book published has never been easier than in the current market environment. You can quickly find illustrators, graphic designers, and programmers who can all help turn your project from just a dream into a real, tangible product. Depending on your own skill and time, much of the process of building and designing a book can be down on your own. But, focusing on the writing and building a team around you to help with everything else is just as feasible (and possibly even a better idea). Certainly, working with a big publishing house makes the process much easier, but walking that path toward a deal can be daunting and unsuccessful. Because of how democratized the publishing process is now, this traditional approach might not even be the best for some. An audience can be developed with the proper social media outlet (plus a little determination on your end). So how do you go about getting a book into
the hands of a potential audience? For me, the process involved three components: honing my creativity, creating an audience, and developing a great book.
Finding Your Voice
Of all the advice I can offer, the best I can give is for you to find your voice, and never give up in doing so. Before trying to build a social media following, or trying to put together your first book, make sure you’re writing in a style and tone that feels natural. Reading other writers that you admire and enjoy is a good way to learn what works, as well as learn new ways to improve yourself. However, this kind of emulation can be a slippery slope; despite how much you think you’re improving, you may be losing your unique style by trying too hard to sound like someone else.
Of all the advice I can offer, the best I can give is for you to find your voice, and never give up in doing
Writing using a blueprint isn’t sustainable. Being consistency is good, but make sure that your consistency doesn’t become stale. Expanding your style and content is great, but make sure you take smart risks with your voice. Refinement of your writing will take time, so don’t rush your development. Even though I’ve been writing professionally for many years, that doesn’t mean I was good as soon as I started (or that I’m even any good now!). Looking back at my previous work to review my strong and weak points has been a good practice for me, and something I suggest to any writer who hopes to grow.
Building a Community
Growing your audience is the next step if you’re looking to publish work in the future. This is good for two main reasons: the obvious one is that your community will be the ones who support your work by buying, but this community is also where you’ll get your feedback. Not everyone will necessarily give you direct and actionable advice, but the action (or inaction) of this group can be telling. If you’re regularly posting on social media (which you should be), then you’ll understand that engagement can vary between posts.
Herein lies the key: while there are other factors at play that determine your engagement by post, for the most part, the community will respond positively to your best work. If a give work is particularly wellwritten, moving, or otherwise exceptional, your community will express this with their engagement. If, however, a given post isn’t well-received, then you know that there’s a possibility there for you to improve.
Ultimately, this honesty must start with yourself: you must either accept that perhaps writing isn’t for you or commit to a lifelong journey of continuous improvement.
Eliciting this response from your audience is simple enough, at least in theory. The execution is often the part that kills people’s progress. Without consistency, without passion, and without patience, building a strong and healthy community is almost impossible. Out of the last two and a half years that I’ve posted on Instagram, I’ve missed maybe 3 or 4 days in that time frame. What keeps me going every day is my passion for writing and expressing myself. Crafting the poem, taking and editing the image, then posting it online doesn’t feel like a chore to me. Neither did taking the time to research which social media platforms were good for this kind of content. Depending on where you choose to post, you’ll have different concerns, but for the most part, finding a good set of hashtags to drive traffic to your posts is a solid idea. Also, make sure to establish relationships with your early supporters.
Being social on social media should go without saying, yet here we are. Lastly, remember that building an audience takes time. Organic growth will happen, so long as you’re posting regularly and what you’re posting is exceptional. There are other methods for improving your engagement (e.g. writer/content creator groups, influencer marketing), but none of these can replace simply being a good writer. Ultimately, this honesty must start with yourself: you must either accept that perhaps writing isn’t for you or commit to a lifelong journey of continuous improvement.
Finalizing Your Project
Make sure to have fun with getting your book to market. Yes, you need to have clear vision for what you want your project to look like and you need to establish a plan to execute. However, whether you
Of all the advice I can offer, the best I can give is for you to find your voice, and never give
up in doing so.
intend to self-publish or if you plan to develop a publisher proposal, remember that at the heart of any successful book is attention-todetail and a reflection of the artist. You could take time to learn how to use certain programs, or you could establish important relationships with professionals that will help optimize your project. Editors, illustrators, graphic designers, all these folks are easier to reach than ever thanks to freelance websites. However, you get what you pay for, so if there’s any element to your book that you want to retain control of, you may be better off learning how to handle that aspect yourself.
For example, I learned how to use Adobe InDesign because I had a design in mind for my book, rather than pass it off to someone else who might not understand what I wanted.
Having a book ready for sale isn’t just about generating revenue. If you’re able to put together a project and properly establish it on a given marketplace (I like Amazon), this will strengthen your potential pitch to publishers. Depending on the organization, they might want to make their own edits, but having a book done and ready to present is a strong sign that you’re a capable writer and business professional.
With my book done now and on the market, my focus is on continuing to put out the best work I can. Occasionally, I make call-toactions to encourage people to buy my book, but I never let my platform become too much like an outlet for marketing pitches. Constantly throwing this in your community’s face is a surefire way to lose support, so always temper your efforts.
Occasionally, I make call-to-actions to encourage people to buy my book, but I never let my platform become too much like an outlet for marketing pitches.
Finding your voice (and sharpening your skills), building an audience, and creating an excellent book is the best way to start attracting interest from potential publishers. These are businesses, and businesses don’t want to work with lazy artists who aren’t willing to grind for their dreams. Show publishers that this is what you’re truly passionate about, and soon enough, you’ll be on your way to becoming a published author.

Rodolfo’s love for writing started when he was just a kid, and now as an adult, he’s pursuing this calling through a career as a writer and editor He studied philosophy in college, so the nature of existence and human emotion are topics that have interested him for many years. He also has his master’s in business administration degree, which is a testament to his interest in being an entrepreneur alongside being a writer. Although he started with spoken word poetry, over the years he began writing more traditional poems and prose. His future goals as a writer, alongside continuing to create more poems, include finishing his first novel, writing a collection of short stories, and exploring other nonfiction projects on topics that interest him like investing, entrepreneurship, and technology.

by Pooja Bagul
Summer has never been a pleasant time for me, I definitely agree but there is still one interesting thing about summer. The summer fashion is something I look forward to every year. Floral dresses, light fabrics, shifts dresses, summer shirts and so on. The summer fashion is something I have always been crazy about. If you wish to make your summer dress up happening like mine, then here are some of the top summers looks that you can think of based on the event you are attending.

Shorts and Tank Tops
Whether It is a daytime outing or night time event, shorts and tank tops never fail to impress. Pick flashy colours like neon green, orange, yellow, violet for your tank top and pair it up with denim shorts. They are comfortable and chicky, all at once. In case you wish to pucker it up, even more, you can add a trendy jacket over it. Try this look and let me know how many heads did you make a turn.

Long Slit
Off Shoulder
I can never have enough of slit skirts. Get printed bright colored slit skirts and pair it up with a dark colored top.
Brighter the slit skirt, better it will take. If you love tassel earrings then you should go for it. Also off shoulder tops shall look pleasant with a slit skirt.
I can never have enough of slit skirts. Get printed bright colored slit skirts and pair it up with a dark colored top.
Brighter the slit skirt, better it will take. If you love tassel earrings then you should go for it. Also off shoulder tops shall look pleasant with a slit skirt.
Those flowy maxi dresses are meant to slay. It doesn’t matter if you are going to the city market or have a cocktail evening to attend because maxi dresses are for every event. Take a statement neck piece or earrings and couple if with the bright maxi dress. You are ready to slay.

Ripped Jeans
If there is any season where ripped jeans are suitable then it is summer. Pick a plain white or black tee shirt along & you are good to go. Ripped jeans make you look extremely hot & cool at the same time. So go for it don’t even think twice.

Kaftans While monsoon is the best time to show you love for kaftan well, so is summer. Kaftans usually have traditional and ethnic designs that look pretty.
Go for a kaftan this summer and put multiple loud silver bangles in your one hand. Wear shorts below and ankle length boots, well you are ready to slay.
Shift Dresses
Your wardrobe is incomplete without a shift dress. Shit dresses are comfortable and chicky. They are on trend this summer. You can keep your look as simple as you want & put on the casual shift dress. A long necklace, however, works the best with a shift dress. Try it out yourself. Darker the colour of the shift dress, better it looks. But do not restrict yourself. You can choose bright colours as well.
Loose Tees
Oversized Shirts
Also known as boyfriend tee shirts. I am literally in love with them. They are comfortable and stylish. You can simply put a belt around your waist and make it look like address and couple them with a hot pant and tuck them in. These loose tee shirts can be made into anything a multiple times.
Oh damn! These are one of the best things happened to the entire fashion industry. Yes! Pick an oversized shirt for yourself and wear camisole inside. You can also choose tank top or a brallete for that matter and you are good to go!
So, we talked about the kind of attire you can choose in summers. To get even more specific here are a couple of designs and colours that set the trend of 2018 summer.
Mustard colour is highly on trend. This bright but not so bright colour is a must-have for your wardrobe. Buy a skirt of this colour or a topanything works. Just make sure that this summer you do own this colour.
Floral Prints
Florals give those holiday and beachy feelings to me. When it is summer time I prefer choosing floral prints over solid colours. So, whether it is a top or a dress - florals never go out of style in summer. In fact, they stay in trend.
These could be your go to footwears in summer. The best part is that it goes well with every kind of outfit in summer and they are comfortable too. Pick the kind of colour that would work well any colour of your outfit.

Summer has always been a time of the year when I maximise my regime of experimenting fashion and let my imagination run wild. Right from a liliac coloured lipstick to a messy up do and flowy skirt - summer has been the season where all my dramatic attires come out. In summers, you aren’t afraid of water ruining your dress or you dying due to cold, perhaps that is why summer has always been a fashion friendly experience to me.

A system engineer by profession but an author by passion. She loves to set her taste buds on fire every once in a while. Travelling is her hobby and shopping too!

The Summer of Surprises
by Manushreya Sharma
While celebrating Karl Marx's 200th birthday on 5th May, I was reminded of my cultural exchange programme to Germany. It was two years ago that I had been to Germany with my friends and teachers for a research project. His birthday reminded me of all the kazillion memories especially one with his statue in Trier city. Back then, I didn't understand much of his ideas about life and struggles that we face on daily basis. But now, I cherish of being back to Trier and live all those magical moments again. It seems like a fantasy of meeting my host sister and hanging out with her family. It was not about the places that I had visited or the clothes that

I cherish of being back to Trier and live all those magical moments again
I shopped there, but the people whom I met, the eye glances I exchanged and those warm hugs that I still crave. When I think about it now, my heart is filled with the warmth of the sky amidst the chilling water flowing through my feet and happiness just the way I got while talking to my German mom with just our eyes. There was something really special about everything that came my way.

I had never imagined the fact that I would be visiting Germany and that too being a fourteen year old with minimal knowledge of German. It was never the place that was associated with all the dreams that I had in my heart. Ironically, it turned out to be my place full of love, laughter, and comfort. If I could ever travel back in time, I would wish to be back and unfold all the more craziness and adventure with my bunch of lovelies.

Somehow, destiny surprised me with million priceless memories and musings.
Those were the perfect kind of summers. My days were filled with new experiments with new things and people, learning new values and imparting whatever little I possessed. It was not just any other vacation or workstation but a power booster for me and all of us.
I have written enough about my German diaries but every time I ponder over it again, I

I have written enough about my German diaries but every time I ponder over it again, I discover a new light and life inside me.

It seems like a fantasy of meeting my host sister and hanging out with her family. It was not about the places that I had visited or the clothes that I shopped there, but the people whom I met, the eye glances I exchanged and those warm hugs that I still crave.
discover a new light and life inside me. There is always one place, one memory of persons who created it and one emotion that is always there in heart no matter where we are. This place has that part of my life that I carry wherever I go.
With the passage of time, some tangible things stayed and others have forgotten while the intangible knowledge, heritage, and sweet emotions are all I have.
Someday, while you will be alone and life will be still, a place where you had met your own self and made you feel blessed; that would be your summer of surprises. Ponder of it and let the magic mesmerize you.

Manushreya Sharma is a teen poet, blogger, freelance writer and content manager who is studying in Bal Bharati Public School, Rohini, New Delhi. She bleeds ink and creates magical webs by her words.

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Photo by: Chelsea Ferenando
Second Love
by Swetha Rajagopal - Anand
Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
- Eliizabeth Stone
Sejal saw her child say goodbye & running inside the school gate. She was happy as it was her first day at school. She came home & made herself a cup of hot tea & sat by the window. A silent tear slipped through her eyes. She remembered the words her family said –please stop being foolish - abort the
child. Please marry someone… & she smiled at herself for being so strong & going against all odds & bringing Pari into this beautiful world.
3 years ago...
Rajdeep & Sejal knew each other for little over a year now. Both knew what they deeply felt for each other.
One day they were sipping coffee at the CCD. Rajdeep went down on his knees & proposed her. That was the best day of her life. He said, “Sejal…my sweetheart, I am sure you know I am already in love & committed. Still, would you like to be my 2nd love?
I assure you the best possible life & all the happiness till my last breath. Will you be mine? Will you marry me?”
Sejal smiled & willingly became his 2nd love. She stretched her hands & he slipped the ring in her gentle fingers. The next few days were difficult one convincing her family.
Sejal’s parents could not accept Rajdeep. They felt Sejal’s life bordered on insecurity. They were worried about her future. But Sejal already made up her mind & was all set to tie the knot with Rajdeep. Sejal’s family had no choice but to agree to the alliance. On the other hand, Rajdeep’s family
welcomed her with open arms. Soon the wedding bells were ringing for the much in love couple.
Sejal’s life was filled with happy moments & love. Her rapport with her in-laws was just awesome.
Rajdeep showered his love with flowers, chocolates, dinner dates & gifts. Their life was filled with love & passion.
It was 8months since they got married & life was indeed beautiful till the time Rajdeep received the call. It was time for him to go... time to leave Sejal just to return back after few months. Sejal though not happy, just accepted the life she had chosen…after all she knew she was his
2nd Love any day. Rajdeep packed his bags & was ready to leave. She steeled herself & bid him Goodbye with a smile as she knew this memory will be etched in his heart when they are apart. As the car moved out of the lane, she sobbed like a child & her mother-in-law tried to comfort her. She was just inconsolable. She fainted in her arms. Rajdeep’s mother immediately called for the medical help.
Few minutes later….
The doctors arrived & did a complete checkup of Sejal. They had good news to share. Sejal was expecting. She was nurturing Rajdeep & her’s first child. Her happiness
knew no bounds as being a mother is nothing but a blessing. She could not wait to share this joy with Rajdeep. She impatiently waited for him to reach his destination. The moment he reached & called to inform them about his safe arrival, Sejal broke the news to him. He was elated. Happiness doubled as the family was all set to welcome the child. The next 1.5 months were memories to cherish for the lifetime. Rajdeep called Sejal every night & was eager to see her, kiss her & shower her the love & affection which all moms to be deserved…but he had to wait.
A week later…Sejal received a call.
Sejal: Hello
The voice on the other side: Mam, I am Mr.Arora calling from Kargil. We regret to inform you that Rajdeep breathed his last 5 minutes ago. He was hit by the bullet while trying to save our countrymen. We will be sending his mortal remains shortly. Jai Hind. Sejal was silent…all hell broke loose & she collapsed. She knew she has to be ready to see this day. But never did she expect it so soon. She was shocked. She cried out loud… Rajdeep…Rajdeep…
His mother came running & shook her. She wanted to know who called & what actually happened.
Amidst sobs when Sejal broke the news of her son’s demise it shook her completely. She was shattered… devastated & now broken to even share it with her husband. In next 24 hours everything changed. Rajdeep was given an honorable farewell by his motherland. Life took a 360degree turn for Sejal. Her parent’s worst fears had come true. They saw their pregnant daughter widowed. After the initial 15days of emotional turmoil, Sejal’s mom suggested she abort the child as it is difficult to handle life all alone as a single mother in this cruel world. Sejal was adamant.
She revolted. She wanted to bring in Rajdeep’s best & last gift to the earth. She pulled through the 9 month period with determination to bring up the child on her own.
When Pari was born, there was a celebration all over the house. The child was welcomed with the warmth of her grandparents. While everyone rejoiced, they were equally pained by seeing a fatherless child. Life of the little child seemed a concern for Rajdeep as well as Sejal’s parents.
Rajdeep’s parents suggested Sejal get married again & live a happy life. She was too young to face the whole world all alone. She needed a
companion, Part needed a father. But Sejal was all set to fight the battle alone. She reminisced Rajdeep’s words…. “I am sure you know I am already in love & committed”- Yes she knew his love for his country & commitment to his duty. “Still would you like to be my 2nd love?” – And she was ready to be his 2nd choice after his motherland. “I assure you the best possible life & all the happiness till my last breath”- Yes he lived up to his words. He gave her all the happiness in the world in their 8 months of togetherness. “Will you be mine?’- Yes, she willingly & happily lived as Mrs.
Rajdeep though for a short while. But what he gave her was irreplaceable – Pari… her sole purpose to continue living her life. Her mission was to give their child all happiness & comforts she deserved…apart from her DAD.
Soon it was time to pick up Pari from school. She went to fetch the little one who had stories to tell about her new school. Sejal spent quality time with her. Her life was busy as a doting mother…a single mother…a proud one. The day she married Rajdeep she learned only one thing – to be BRAVE. Today she is an independent, brave, single mother & walking life path all by herself.
She wanted Pari to grow up to respect her dad who lived a short meaningful life which spelled sacrifice for his country, duty towards his countrymen & brave enough to see death.
Salute to all Single Moms…. Salute to all Jawans of our country.
Happy Mother’s Day to all woman who chooses to live life the way they want & make their own choices.
Widowed, Single, married or divorced are the tags given by the society…but a MOTHER is always a MOTHER.

Swetha Rajagopal- Anand is currently known for her short stories. However, her journey started differently.
She is a graduate in Psychology & has done her post graduation in Advertising & Public Relations. She has worked in leading MNC PR agencies for 2 years. After marriage, she took a break from her profession to enjoy her life with her best half.
She explored different places with her spouse within India & started writing travelogues. This eventually became her passion to write further. Later she embraced motherhood & did her ECCEd. Course & is an active member in her child’s school.
She has written short stories – Fame, My Special Someone & Frames of Love. Her stories explore relationships in different perspective. The stories always focus on positives of life & give an overview of how life can be lived on our own terms. Her stories are short, crisp & give a feel good to readers.

Photo: Dr. Ketaki Patwardhan

by Dr. Ketaki Patwardhan
I dialed the number without thinking.
The caller tune was the song "Na jaanu tum Kaun ho, khayalon me jo Chaa Gaye"...meaning "I don't know who you are, you have occupied my mind". It kept ringing and I was left wondering how apt the song was for my situation. She didn't pick up.
Not knowing what to do next, I took a bus back to Colaba, the scarf still clutched against my chest. My trip had not been a total waste. I now had a name and number.
I came home and
dozed off on the sofa, tired.
It was past 7 pm when I woke up. As I stretched, I looked out of the window. The sky looked a mesmerizing shade of dark blue with streaks of crimson red and orange splashed across. It was twilight and the atmosphere seemed serene.
I was too lazy to go out now. I dialed dominoes and ordered a cheese burst pizza with all toppings possible.
I brewed a cup of coffee and sat down with the steaming mug, mobile in my hand.
She hadn't called me back.
I went to WhatsApp and searched her.
There was no display picture. No status. No last seen. She probably had very tight securing settings. I decided to message her anyway.
Before I could think it over and my left brain could analyze and prohibit my right hand from doing so, my heart had taken over and I typed 'hi' and hit send. I kept waiting to see the letters 'online'
beneath her name. To see the single black tick getting converted into double blue ticks. But they didn't. For a long time.
I gave up. My pizza arrived. I switched on the television.
I ate piece after piece of the cheese-laden pizza whilst absentmindedly watching an episode of 'The secret life of American teenager'. In the episode I watched, Adrian, who is Ricky's girlfriend, cheats on him with Ben, who is Amy's boyfriend, to get back at Ricky for kissing Amy, who has a son from Ricky! Phew! It is so easy for these American teenagers!
Why is it so difficult for me? I wondered.
Nearly an hour later, when there was still no reply from her, I settled into bed with the novel I was currently reading. A love story titled crazy affair’. Here I couldn't have a normal affair, and this author had had a crazy affair!
But‘settled’is a hyperbole. In fact, I was totally unsettled. Though I had been hooked on this book, today I had no interest in the crazy way the author pursued his lady. Every two minutes, I took out my mobile to check WhatsApp. But she never came online.
I was glad that my display picture was that of a setting sun, and not me. At least she wouldn't immediately know her lovelorn stalker.
Next morning, I was on autopilot as I made my way to the office. I couldn't for the love of God remove Anamika from my mind.
“So how was the weekend?” my cubicle neighbor, Varun asked me. He was more than just my cubicle neighbor. He was my friend, guide, and philosopher. And most importantly, booze buddy, which necessarily includes the first three.
I turned around in my chair to speak to him and was transfixed. In front of me, down the aisle of our cubicles, stood Anamika. She looked resplendent in the peach colored, slightly off- shoulder top and a bronze colored skirt that reached just below her knees. Her dark brown curls played on her shoulders caressing her silky soft white skin and I was, all over again, mesmerized.
Our moment (read as me staring at an unknowing her) was broken when our nasty floor manager walked up to her. I hate the guy. He began talking to her with authority as she looked at him,
her expressions a mixture of shyness and fear. I wanted to protect her from this man. My urge overwhelmed me, and before I knew it, I got up, walked up to them and interrupted them, leaving an agape Varun behind, who, all this while, had been expecting me to answer him.
"Sir, it's okay, I will show her around”, I said, fake brevity bouncing off every inch of my being. Had I shown this bravado anytime in my career before, I wouldn't still be working under this guy. But like they say, love makes you do unimaginable things and that was exactly what I was doing.
Mr. Nasty stared me down, enraged at my interruption. But I didn't care. I could feel her eyes on me though I was not looking at her, and I felt butterflies flying helterskelter in my stomach. Just as I was about to regret my decision and began wondering if this was it, my exit from the company, Mr.Nasty’s expressions changed and he mellowed down.
“Okay then, Anamika, Rahul here will show you around. He has been with us for more than three years and knows everything well. You can then start off at your cubicle no. 12”.
He gave me a stern nod, turned his back and walked away, leaving a dumbfounded me behind, astonished at Mr.Nasty’s unexpected kind demeanor and fumbling for what to say to her.
“So?” she said, raising those carved eyebrows two notches higher.
So what, I thought, but she saved me from saying anything absurd by extending her hand.
“Anamika”, and she smiled such a sweet smile that I melted then and there.
“Rahul’, I shook her hand with the newly acquired fake valor. We spent the next 45
minutes walking up and down our floor as I showed her each and every section, introduced her to our colleagues and discussed the current projects we were doing.
If she remembered me and our yesterday's rendezvous, she showed no sign of it, so I was a bit relaxed. Finally, gathering courage, I said the line I had been rehearsing in my mind for the past 45 minutes and 33 seconds.
“So now that we are heading to the cafeteria, can I buy you a cup of coffee?” She looked at me for a bit more than a
moment and I had a near panic attack.
“Of course”, she said. We headed to our cafeteria. Guys around turned to look at us, at her. Till now, I had always been the spectator, the guy who watched with jealousy as another one brings in a girl to have coffee with. Today, the roles had reversed and I had a sense of sadistic pleasure.
"The office looks nice, people are warm and friendly here”, she said, possibly as a thanksgiving remark. I wanted to tell her that people were ‘warm’ and ‘friendly’ only towards gorgeous girls like her.
“Thanks for showing me around,” she said, again giving me that cute smile that ripped my heart apart.
“It's totally my pleasure,” I replied. I meant it.
“But beware of our floor manager, Mr.Verma,”I added.
“What? Why?” she asked, confused.
“Well, he can be rude and bossy sometimes, not sometimes, all the times,” I added, to emphasize my point.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, staring down at the coffee. Was she smiling?
“So where do you stay?”I asked her, to make some conversation.
“Parel,” she replied, looking me in the eyes and I suddenly felt like a thief caught redhanded. Of course, I knew that. I had followed her like a creep yesterday. I even had her scarf. I wondered what she would think of me if she got to know what I had done with her scarf. She would definitely think I was a pervert. Was I?
There was no point in behaving like yesterday didn't happen. I had to face it.
“So how come you were in Colaba yesterday?” I asked. She smiled a knowing smile at that, a smile that hinted that she
knew how smitten I was with her.
“Meeting up some friends”, she replied. “And you?” she asked. “I stay near the restaurant where...you know...” I again mentally facepalmed. I was being such an a**hole! She laughed. “Yeah...got it”.
Later, at my cubicle, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I kept trying to catch a glimpse of her while Varun kept trying to catch a glimpse of me. I still hadn't told him anything. And I knew he was dying to know.
As I reversed my car out of the parking lot, I saw her standing near the entrance to the parking lot. Butterflies, which had been dormant in my tummy since morning, got up with a start and again began flying. This was my chance of spending some more time with her. I halted the car in front of her and rolled the window of passenger seat down. “Can I drop you somewhere?”
Of course, I would have liked to drop her home, but I stayed in Colaba and she stayed in Parel and our office is in Byculla, our destinations were 180 degrees apart. So it would have seemed
creepy if I had shown eagerness to drive all the way in the opposite direction just to drop her off.
“No, thanks, I have someone who can give me a lift till home,” she said.
Disappointed, I gave her a fake smile and a thumbs up, though I could feel my butterflies getting paralyzed. I drove out of the parking lot and waited by the curb.
I felt a pang of jealousy. Who was the person who could give her a lift till home, I wondered?
And as I waited, I saw in my rearview mirror, Mr.Nasty’s car emerging from the
parking lot, with Anamika in the passenger seat, both laughing over some private joke they had just shared.
Next day, I immersed myself in my work. I didn't want to see her. I didn't want to hear her. I was angry. I felt betrayed. Varun kept pestering me to tell him all the juicy details but I didn't want to give him that satisfaction either. So I was holed up in my cubicle, eyes locked on my computer screen and fingers stuck to the keyboard. A message popped up. We had a separate messenger for employees to communicate with
each other, and the sender used to be recognized by cubicle number.
12: Hey
So finally she remembered me!
I was almost about to ignore her message, but that would look rude and childish. So I typed a reply.
5: Hi
12: Wassup
5: Work, what else I gave a small sarcastic laugh.
12. : Coffee?
What? Did she just ask me out??
5: Now?
I asked as if it was midnight or an ungodly hour for coffee
12: yup
5: Okay...
How could I say no to her?
12: Cafeteria, in five
I got up and stretched my arms above my head. Then as I turned for a sideways stretch I caught Varun peeping into my cubicle, his body on his chair pressed against our common wall and head dangling into my cubicle at an odd angle. He didn't care, obviously, that I had caught him. He was busy reading our messages. Our bloody personal messages. I smacked him on his head and he returned to his cubicle, head pressed in his palms, screaming out of proportion to the blow.
“Stop being melodramatic” I scolded him.
“So no. 12, ha?”
I gave him a wary look.
“Okay! None of my business,” he said, hands raised in defeat and then winked at me followed by a convulsing laughter. I shook my head and went out towards the cafeteria. As I passed, I saw from the corner of my eye that her cubicle was empty. She must be already there.
I reached the cafeteria but couldn't spot her. I went to sit on my usual spot, from where all exits of our office building were visible. A few moments later, I saw her coming out of the exit from the floor
managers office. I felt my blood begin to boil.
To be continued....

Dr.Ketaki Patwardhan Nirkhi is an anesthetist by profession and writer by passion. She is the proud author of three novels, ‘Those enchanted four and half years’, a love story in the backdrop of the medical college, and ‘The missing connection and ‘Hello stranger’, both psychological suspense thrillers. She has multiple short stories to her credit, five of which have found their way into various paperback anthologies. She loves to write a mystery, suspense and twist in the tale kind of stories that keep readers biting their nails till the end.
She utilizes her medical know-how into weaving intriguing scenarios with the perfect recipes for a thriller.
She writes a blog titled wordcharmerblog when she’s not putting her patients to sleep. She stays in Thane with her anesthetist husband and cute little daughter.


I am (yet) an unknown name in the industry. But thanks for turning up to this page. Now that you are here, you shall realize the might of a drop in the ocean. I began writing when I was in my college in Delhi, pursuing a bachelor degree in journalism. I wanted to help my fellow classmates, juniors, and seniors who did not manage to pass in some initial subjects of the curriculum. I came up with my first book in 2011 when I was 19. Then, another one in 2013, and the third and last textbook in 2014.
The last one was launched by NDTV’s journalist Abhigyan Prakash in New Delhi World Book Fair 2014.
For me, it’s one of the good memories associated with writing books. It was in the last semester of my bachelor’s when I decided not to write textbooks anymore. The reason was simple, most of the students in my college were interested in smoking, clubbing and ‘chilling out’ and not in understanding the concepts.
The only thing that mattered was getting good grades in the test, and many even didn’t get that. I was frustrated seeing my efforts made in good faith going wasted and never wrote any textbook after that.
In December 2014, I came to Canada to pursue higher studies. I began writing my first semiautobiographical novel, Gone are the Days and finished it in 10 months. It came out in 2016 and served as a lab rat for me as I wanted to know what fiction
writing feels like. And it’s a more robust process than writing textbooks, I realize now. I have completed my second novel (and fifth book overall), God of the Sullied which is commercial, historical fiction. I am hoping it to get published by a more prominent brand this time. Also, I am currently working on Long Live the Sullied, a sequel to God of the Sullied. Yes, it’s a duology, rare to find these days! That was enough about my journey so far as an author.
Besides, I also write articles and blogs here and there on a random basis. But knowing what I am doing or have done is probably of no use to you as a potential (book) writer. However, keep reading further, and you will get something out of it for sure. My most specific suggestion to the newcomers would be about the intention they have for writing. It is essential to introspect whether one wants to write because they
like it or they purely want to write to get famous and wealthy. There’s nothing wrong with having these intentions. However, getting it clear in mind would help you approach your goal efficiently.
If you like or love (really? That’s good!) to write, then you will keep producing content for an extended period, if not forever. Creating content is of grave importance in today’s content-driven world. You will keep learning from your mistakes.
Your work would ultimately get noticed, and you’d be able to get good publishing deals. Also, you wouldn’t get demotivated by the rejections you might (you will, in all likelihood) face as you love what you do irrespective of the outcome as per publishing point of view.
On the contrary, if your sole intention behind writing is to get famous and rich, chances are you will get easily frustrated by rejections and then
drop your idea of writing again or improving your writing. Because the central motive is to get rich and famous, you will try to find other ways apart from writing to get famous and rich. Hope you get the point.
Another big thing is approaching publishing houses. Many newbies or even some experienced ones send emails to the publisher which are not even looked upon. Big publishing houses get a lot of emails and manuscripts daily. It is impossible for them to look at each of them. Chances are, your email will be swamped and snowed under the ‘slush pile’, as they call it. The best idea is to research them on LinkedIn. Don’t approach via Facebook or Twitter as some people don’t like strangers breaching their private space. You will find many of the employees working in the capacity of an intern to the CEO of the respective publishing company
on LinkedIn. Connect with them, message them or take their email id from there and then compose a compelling email. By sending your email to a personal id, you have already surpassed the biggest hurdle. Most of them will reply, it is my experience. And if your manuscript is really a good read, you will get the deal for sure.
That was all I wanted to share about myself with you. I hope my suggestion would help you get your book published. Again, nothing can beat a good manuscript. So, work on it, everything else comes later.
Happy Writing!
(As told by the author)

New Delhi-born maverick Gaurav Sharma is an author that constantly seeks to improve himself and his writing. If he is not sleeping or eating, he is writing something. He is best described as reserved, blunt, and meditative; this trifecta of traits has proved essential on both his literal and figurative life journeys, from New Delhi to Vancouver.
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I don’t know where to start and what to write. Becoming an author was never planned or pursued. It just happened. I have done MCA and also have worked in HCL, Noida. Way back to school and college, I was a commerce student and had tried CA twice, but failed. After realizing and convincing my family too that CA isn’t my cup of tea, I finally dropped the idea of doing it. I could have tried once again had the government accepted the proposal of removing
mathematics from my entire life.
I remember I wrote my first poem in Xth Std. It was an English poem on positivity titled, A ray of hope. It was appreciated a lot by friends and family, it boosted up my moral.
I kept scribbling few words in rough copies but never shared much with family until I made a proper diary a few years later. The first page of it had an extension of my name that I did my myself to feel
different about myself, to feel good and I still remember it!
I started maintaining the diary properly with dates and titles and wrote, rhymed anything that touched my heart, be it pain or happiness. I had stuck a few pictures even in it relating to the writeup. Sadly, I don’t have it anymore, Rajat flew airplanes out of its pages.
Scribbling here and then fairing out everything in dairy continued together with studies. But with increasing pressure of studies,
writing took a back step. The table soon got loaded with project files, papers, notes and the budding writer in me failed to observe life and its happenings around.
After completing MCA when I was planning to do a job in some MNC, I got married and I know my capabilities.
Life is never easy. When you are planning your best, it shows you something else.
Before anyone could even ask about
managing both job and home, I myself made clear about not looking for work anymore. I knew I won’t be able to handle both.so the idea of working in an MNC took its last breath in my mind and I was happy.No regrets.
After a break up with writing for a few years, we became just friends again :P Staying back home all alone, compelled me to resumed writing. I again started penning down poems, both in English and Hindi.
It was that time when Facebook entered our lives. I started posting my poems and to my surprise, they were like by a huge number of people. I was thrilled. It was like a yummy icing on some tasteless cake. My poems were the icing and the tasteless cake, being my life then. Yes, it was dreary. Being in a nuclear family and staying alone at home all day. It was tough. But that was also my time, my alone time. I read and wrote a lot
and posted a lot more. Initially, I posted even short stories on the wall when someone told me about a thing called blog. I then made blogs for different kinds of writings.witll talk further later but first, let m say sorry to the readers/mutual friends for torturing them with really long pots of up to 1000 words on the wall.
Coming back to where I left, I have four blogs now on poetry, short stories, articles, and scripts.none of them are updated till date
as most of the material is in print. I have 3 books in my name till yet. I hope you know me a bit :P The poetry I write is purely based on observations and to some extent life experiences. If you read Rubroo (Hindi poetry collection), you will definitely relate to it. It is based on everyone's life. A very common and relatable base each poem has. Had I not felt vulnerable and lonely, I probably would have never started writing.
While I meditated a lot to calm down my soul, I met myself. Whereas, the English love stories are pure fiction. Once a friend suggested reading the then national bestseller and after reading that I realized I too can to write such daily life stuff. The love storybook ( That’s a heart handle with care) is the outcome of it =D
Getting your work published is a tough task. You have to send manuscripts to a lot of publishers, wait for responses and get rejected most of the
time. I too have faced all such but now tables have turned. I don’t have to run after people, instead, they come to me and wait for my response. That’s how good writing gives you name and fame. Any journey is incomplete without a helping hand. Many people helped me too in taking to the place where I stand. Initially, I didn’t even know the difference between an article and a short story! What did they mean by manuscript!
What number of word count is good to read, the meaning of kindle, how are covers designed, what do we mean by self and traditional publishing and a lot more?
My very first work that got published was a paid one, for an anthology by a known publisher.
You know how desperate we all are to get published and earn the name. But that was the first and the last time that I paid. It was rs 2000 for a single poem in a book!
Now you can ask me anything about this industry.
I am not a renowned writer but a small advice to the youngsters and the new ones. Don’t run after filling pages and getting published. Unless your writing touch hearts, it is worthless.
If you write pain, your reader should cry and if you write humor, he must definitely laugh.
(As told by the author)

by Sagar Singh
He woke up when the summer sun sneaked in through the window on his face. Sometimes he wished he hadn't put the bed right by the window. The white drapes fluttered with the summer breeze as if calling for him. He looked at her and recalled how beautiful last night was. She was still sleeping and he adjusted her blanket slowly dragging himself out getting his pants on. He had rented this house 6 months back and it was just one big hall divided into a kitchen and a bedroom by a huge bookshelf. In front of his bed on the wall was a flat-screen which was hardly ever
used, only when friends were over. There was a sofa in front for the same reason. He made his way to the kitchen and washed his face in the sink. The heat seemed to increase rapidly. He wasn't the sophisticated type when it came to trivial things. Filled the vessel and put it to boil, mixing some eggs.
"How dare you leave me alone in bed?" she asked leaning on the shelf looking at him.
She was in his white shirt which perfectly hung on her body showing glimpses of her black lingerie. She didn't bother to button it all the way.
The humid weather catching on to her as drops of sweat surfaced on her neck and forehead. Her eyes with a hint of eyeliner were the most seductive part of her, he thought. It was hard for him to resist himself from pulling her into his arms and giving her reasons to sweat a little more. She snapped her fingers waiting for an answer.
He slid her coffee and smiled.
"I thought breakfast in bed would please you. Looks like I'm wrong."
She loved how he knew, food was her weakness.
"If you are making grilled cheese and scrambled eggs, you are right."
He motioned towards the eggs he was mixing and the sliced bread pieces. She winked and made her way back picking the book she was reading last night. She adjusted the fan towards her. Laying on the bed, she faced the kitchen, sneaking glances while he was busy making breakfast. And in that instant they both thought to themselves, 'God, I love you.'

There is no gre bearing an untold story ins te by Maya Angelou has deeply influenced and is one of the major reasons Sagar Singh chose to write.
A mechanical engineer by morning and a writer by night Sagar puts everything he feels into words. A sappy romantic, as his friends call him, Sagar has a unique way of making heartbreak seem beautiful and find hope in tragedy. The 25-year-old writer wishes to get published someday and live life as a storyteller. He started writing at the age of 21 and still learning the art.
You are Forever in my Heart

Reviewed by Himani Gupta
When it comes to love stories, I am a very big fan of these books. Although I prefer happy ending sometimes exceptions are there when books are extremely good to read. Sanjeev’s book is one such example. The narration is from the first person which itself indicates that it is somehow a real-life story which itself make the boo so engrossing to read that you could not stop the book till you completes it. The cover of the book is beautifully designed perfectly match the title and story. I just fell in love with the character Sanjeev
by Sanjeev Ranjan

and his love for Suchi. The characters of the book are well defined. Ruchita, Suchi, Sanjeev and even Ashima all were perfectly matched in the story. I just love the way Ruchita played the bubbly character which is full of life. Each part of the story keeps you hooked until the end. I just loved the way Sanjeev had planned the one-day trip for Suchi. It was very romantic. I also loved the way Suchi had expressed her feelings for Sanjeev through letters. The climax of the book really will make you cry. I just can’t stop myself from crying. Overall, as a voracious reader,
Book Review
I would recommend everyone to read this book and understand the meaning of soulmate and true love.
About the book
“Love can leave a memory no one can steal, Love can leave a pain no one can heal.”
Sanjeev had loved Ashima with his heart and soul. But she left him for another, leaving him in a vortex of pain, dejection and depression. Unable to move on and haunted by her memories day and night, he pens down his story as a novel and becomes a noted author. With a nudge from a friend, he decides to make an effort to reclaim his life, to learn to be alive again and joins a photography class. There, he befriends Ruchita, a happy-golucky girl, who introduces him to his ardent fan Shuchi who is
fighting a break up too. As two broken hearts meet, they connect like they were made for each other. But just when Sanjeev seems to have gained some control over life, he receives a pack of letters that turns his world upside down.
Will Sanjeev find true love or has destiny planned something else for him?You Are Forever in my Heart is based on real life events and explores the true meaning of love that was once lost and comes back.
About the Author
Sanjeev Ranjan is the bestselling author of three books – In Course of True Love (2012), It's No Longer a Dream (2014) and Just the Way You Are (2014). In his small social circle, he is known as an ambivert, a keen observer of human behaviour and relationships, and a motivator. He is an engineer, but to stay away from engineering, he earned an MBA degree from the prestigious Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT).

In her own words: I am Himani Gupta, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Bengaluru. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers I have read and reviewed numerous books so far Rohit is my favorite writer as far as writing is concerned and I wait for his books to read. If you wish to get your book reviewed, do feel free to contact me.

Seasons that give you lessons
Sun shinning bright in the sky, chirping birds soaring high. Summer mornings setting, major success goals in each and everyone's eye.
Relaxation mood start to occupy, still aims of reaching heights intensify. That is Summer
Summer is that refreshment by, cool flowing breeze.
Chef and DJ Carlo gives us a tour in Rome, Italy
Summer is that adjustment, along with getting contented by sensible usage of water. Summer is experience of satisfaction, when you receive just by one sip of water.
Jen is loving her 15 minutes of fame and fortune
Summer is feeling of frustration, which you get in scroching sun. You keep searching shade for relaxation which leaves you teaching patience. Summer means that lovable await for vacations, While exam preparation.

Summer is that process of completion, when trees shed leaves and lead to decomposition.
It teaches you let go all bitter memories of relations, while starting new growth with dedication.
Embracing the change, that everything is going through, But no matter what you will be reborn again.
That moment when just few drops of inviting rain, replenish your every vein. You get new enthusiasm, to work hard.
Chef and DJ Carlo gives us a tour in Rome, Italy
That teaches that there's no importance to life without fruitful gain.
Jen is loving her 15 minutes of fame and fortune
Namrata Thakur is an practicing architect from Nashik while an author by passion. She already had an hand in writing essays and speeches during her school days. She is strong beliver of simplicity is the best form of sophistication. The best teacher to her in world is travelling.She better knows that observation makes person always the better from the previous ones. She has her works earlier published as a contributing author in various anthologies.All she wants is to make her writings a medium to bring out a change towards to betterment of society.

To the Moon and back
by Devika Parekh
The one person that, I look forward to in hardships, I not only love her, But is the one I worship
My role model, My pride
My desire to live for, And my sole reason to die
How I wish, I could, Be like her
Make her happy, And make her proud
I stand speechless In front of her Yet she finds my pain Lost in my smile
Her touch has a, Healing therapy
Her silence, is My nightmare

I love you my mom, To the moon and back....

Devika pa r,a writer and a blogger from ahmedabad. She perceives that writing is the reason she lives peacefully. She has also contributed in few anthologies.of body text

Messed up
by Shivi Pandey

The world is the desire and you are a dream
Desire is true but the dream is a lie.
Love is optional but lust is mandatory
Companionship is hobby and lust is survival. Love is abstract while lust is tangible
Madness is an illusion while money is real. The relationship is fear and power the security family is burden and wealth the aid.

SHIVI PANDEY was born in Patna on and grew up in West Bengal. He completed his BTech from KIIT University and is currently working in Cognizant. He is a jovial, carefree and fun loving person. He is a voracious reader and his hunger for reading led him to write his solo book “LOVE STORY? SERIOUSLY! Ever since then his pen has never stopped.

Every Season
by Cheena Kachroo
The time that started with sun and moon, The sec which ends with the strong boon. Summer has come. Children have started playing their drums,
After all, it's the beautiful holiday sum!
"Daddy I need that ice cream", As it’s a sun-filled with an intensive beam. So hot!
Isn’t it like a new thought
How beautiful this season is, Filled with flowers blooming, Sunflowers dancing,
And me Lying and enhancing. Sweat Sweat!
Please fly away like a jet. It's the season filled with love,
The season of flying dove.
Summers are favorite, But having a lot of gol Gappa is extravagant. How beautiful is the creation of god,
Summers are there, Winters are there, Spring is too there, But the common thing is that every season is beautiful in its air (filled with love)

Cheena Kachroo is no stranger to hard work. She is eighteen years old strong girl of the 21st century. She lives in Delhi and is a proud Kashmiri. obsessed with books since her childhood.cheena began penning her words and now those words are imprinted in the upcoming anthology" warmth of embrace". She speaks, writes and live for her life to the fullest. she enjoys traveling, writing and making new friends. She is a well-rounded individual who lives with passion, grace, and dedication

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