Storizen Magazine May 2020 | Let The Story Begin

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BOOK REVIEW The Values Compass by Dr. Mandeep Rai

Swapna Peri

BOOK REVIEW My Dark Vanessa by

Swapna Peri

BOOK REVIEW Stress Diaries by Rachna Khanna Singh - Swapna Peri


Raja Ghoshal

STORIZEN POETRY Can't we hibernate? - Moinak Dutta



You can also be a contributor Mail us your entries at Your smart ideas and inputs help us create our informative issues. from the editor

The times have changed The un-imagined life is being lived by the people all over the world. Nobody knew that once the home will become the office and a new trend will be set of Working From Home!

For the writers, it is a good opportunity to start writing their book. In fact, we have dedicated this month's feature story to how you can actually start your story. So, no excuses of you not finding a way to start your book! Do check out on page 8, "9 Unique ways to Start Your Story."

Book Lovers, we have seven new releases this month which I am sure you would like to read! Editor's pick this time is, The Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer Yes the Twilight Saga is back! Midnight Sun is the long-anticipated retelling of Twilight from Edward Cullen’s point of view.

For the Book Nerds out there, we have included four book reviews for you to check out and gear up to read this weekend!

For all are sitting in their homes, it's better to relish the moment, liver every moment of your life. Check out the poems from our contributors.

We always strive to bring in the best and work towards the empowerment of the writers! We have made some BIG changes this time to improve the design aesthetics. We seek valuable feedback so that we can improve!

Finally, before signing off, I would request everyone to keep yourselves updated about the Coronavirus Pandemic and please stay safe!

Happy Reading!

We are Storizen would like to request each and everyone to Stay Safe and Stay Home! Follow all mandatory guidelines issued by WHO and the Government. We also take this opportunity to thank all those people who have been working round the clock to save the spread and in turn save us! Heartfelt Gratitude to all“ Professionals” big or small for making sure that our families and we are safe! Tough time it is yet together we shall strive! Also, Please avoid spreading rumours!


Most of the stories are left unwritten, deep within the author as he/she is unaware of how to START, where to BEGIN. Sharing 9 WAYS to say goodbye to your dilemma and how to start your story.

As an author, writer, novelist, you must have felt the dilemma when you had the whole story, whole plot in your head, but you are not getting how to start. It is extremely crucial to start your story in a better way. Nothing can beat the hook that the beginning of the story has on the reader!

What if you come to know that there are several ways with which you can start your better off? The

start that will keep that spark alive, give the readers and irresistible urge to turn that page? You are in a sense of euphoria right?

The catch is, you don't have to stick to the first line that swept your mind away. Just think of a setting in your story and start by creating a scene in your mind. Relax! It does not need to be perfect (editing will be done after you finish the story anyway). Hold your horses though, it is, unfortunately the truth that the


Yes! It is the best thing you could do in your opening lines so that the reader can't put it down.

beginning paragraph should have that captivating aura, that intrigue and most importantly it should also have the hint about the setting and the conflict about to take place - in short, the hook! This is because the agents or the editors you are pitching your book to, if they are not impressed by reading your first paragraph, it will not be published at all.

So, think of it as you are writing your story or the novel as a journey, and it's fate will be decided in a matter of first few seconds. For that, you have to launch it in the right direction.

Are you ready to know how to start?

Keep on reading and you will come to know...

Enlighten the Reader

The best rule of the thumb of writing your first few lines is to include most the important craft elements. Imagine writing your story in few sentences. The crux of your plot, characters, the story you would like to tell the world out there, all reduced to few sentences. Well not all, but still most of it!

This need not lead to elaborate or complex openings. Simplicity will suffice. You pick up any book of famous authors, you will get an idea of the characterization, their point of view, basic idea of what the story is about, about whom and the most important, the conflict. The reader will get an overall idea without knowing the actual setting This will definitely build the momentum and spark an interest in

Think of it as you are writing your story or the novel as a journey, and it's fate will be decided in a matter of first few seconds. For that, you have to launch it in the right direction.


Enlighten The Reader

Build the Momentum

Do not Disappoint

Put in Some Action

Start with a Puzzle

Introduce the main Character

Master the Art of Seduction

Revisit the beginning after writing the end

Have a Distinctive Voice

Build the Character and/or setting

One of the best approaches while writing the opening lines is to build the character or the scene. You can start by describing the place where your character is at that moment of time or you can start by a hooking dialogue. For example, the classic Brighton Rock, a classic novel by Graham Greene has a captivating lines, “Hale knew, before he had been in Brighton three hours, that they meant to murder him.”

Did you read that? It immediately sparks intrigue in the readers' minds. The questions like, "Who's going to murder Hale?", "Who is Hale?", "How he would be murdered?" and all sorts of questions.

This encourages the reader, without even knowing the actual setting, keep turning the pages till the end to know what actually happens!

Make the hook small

The opening lines need not be unusual or extreme as it may disappoint the readers and draw more criticism. We all have heard about clichés at the end of the story, but a cliché should not be at the beginning! Avoid it at all costs! If you begin writing at the most dramatic or tense moment in your story, you have nowhere to go but downhill. Similarly, if your hook is extremely strange or misleading, you might have trouble living up to its odd expectations.

The opening lines need not be unusual or extreme as it may disappoint the readers and draw more criticism. We all have heard about clichés at the end of the story, but a cliché should not be at the beginning!

If it’s horror, you’ll be wanting to create a suggestion that all is not well: ‘It always felt damp in that room’. If it’s historical, you’ll need to introduce setting and period as well as character

Make it Dynamic

Yes, you read that right. Have you thought about your favorite action movie? It's time to think cinematically. Instead of building the story up to the climax, put the character directly into an action sequence. Put them in the scene. Drop readers straight into a scene; give them the impression that they have caught something really interesting as it’s unfolding. Think of the action and its impact, setting or plot can follow later.

This is a striking way to begin a story if you have an opening scene that justifies such impact. It is great way for thriller or horror or sci-fi novels but may not suit the temperament of a romance novel!

Start with a Puzzle

Before I describe this, one thing you should keep in mind as a writer, you don't intend to confuse your readers, right? Starting with a minor puzzle or mystery can do the trick but make sure it is not confusing and aligns with the story.

This has the instant effect of making the reader and narrator partners in crime. An unanswered question can even encompass an entire novel, as I shared the opening line of Brighton Rock by Graham Greene above, “Hale knew, before he had been in Brighton three hours, that they meant to murder him.”

A small mystery is always hooking and does no harm!

Introduce Protagonist/Antagonist

The short story or the novel you are writing, if it's character driven, you can always begin by introducing your main character, be it the protagonist or the antagonist.

You want the reader to know about the life the character is living and see the things through their perspective. As people, we relate with people and we compare with them. Lt the reader hook to the life of the character(s) and believe me, they are surely going to be arrested into the story.

If the narrator is first-person, show something intriguing through their eyes and let their voice speak. ‘I’m watching the cars crash again. I got here just in time.’

Master the Art of Seduction

I don't mean about 'that' seduction. What I mean by this is to write the opening lines to slowly snare the readers by suggestions about what's going to happen.

This is perfectly followed by mystery/suspense/thriller writers. You keep that intrigue alive. Keep them hooked, give them suggestions, let them predict the outcome. It may or may not be as per they expected.

It can definitely blow their mind away, trust me! They will keep on reading!

The short story or the novel you are writing, if it's character driven, you can always begin by introducing your main character, be it the protagonist or the antagonist.


Once finished writing your short story or novel, it's a good idea to revisit the beginning. Sometimes a story evolves so significantly during the writing process that an opening line, no matter how brilliant, no longer applies to the story that follows. The only way to know this is to reconsider the opening sentence, like the title, once the final draft of the story is complete. Often a new opening is called for. That doesn’t mean your first opening needs to be scrapped entirely; instead, file it away for use in a future project.

Consider this, the opening lines of the novel, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith, “I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.” You are absolutely intrigued and would be dying to know what's going to happen next!

Have a Distinctive Voice

Focus on the voice you would like the story or the narrative to be told. It can be from Protagonist's perspective or Antagonist's perspective or some other. The opening lines should match the voice and should be distinct.

Your opening is the first and most important opportunity for the reader to encounter your narrative style, or voice. So give them a taste of it.

You can get a lot of ideas by following your favorite writers. See how they write their opening lines, how they begin their story. You can relate them with the complete story or the title of the novel.

For example, If your story has a first-person narrator, you need to establish their voice right at the beginning, so make sure their first words create an impression, and evoke a sense of the person saying them.


The Perfect way of getting your reader to read the complete book is to keep the intrigue, the suspense alive, not just only in the beginning, but throughout!


All the things doesn't come in one go It's always the best thing to test your title, opening lines with friends and family, An opening line, like a title, sometimes seems truly perfect—until you come up with several even better choices. Have you been struggling to write your captivating opening line?

Conclusion -

Don't let fear get the best of you. Hope these tips help you out in writing that captivating, intriguing opening lines for your short story or novel. Feel free to add in your tips and share with us too!

About Pria - Young mesmerizing freelance blogger, social enthusiast, an economics graduate from Jharkhand University with Master in Child Psychology. She is hardworking yet crazy, a passionate reader, an ardent music fanatic, an avid caffeine lover, and a maniacal animal lover too.

She has been a part of numerous anthologies, articles, and write-ups for newspapers and magazines which are multilinguistic. She has also written screenplays for YouTube series.



From one of China’s most acclaimed and decorated writers comes a powerful first-person account of life in Wuhan during the COVID-19 outbreak

A fascinating eyewitness account of events as they unfolded, Wuhan Diary captures the challenges of daily life and the changing moods and emotions of being quarantined without reliable information. Fang Fang finds solace in small domestic comforts, and is inspired by the courage of friends, health professionals, and volunteers, as well as the resilience and perseverance of Wuhan’s nine million residents. But, by claiming the writer´s duty to record, she also speaks out against social injustice, abuse of power, and other problems that impeded the response to the epidemic and gets herself embroiled in online controversies because of it. As Fang Fang documents the beginning of the global health crisis in real time, we are able to identify patterns and mistakes that many of the countries dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic have later repeated. She reminds us that, in the face of the new virus, the plight of the citizens of Wuhan is also that of citizens everywhere. As Fang Fang concludes in her introduction: “The virus is the common enemy of humankind; that is a lesson for all humanity. The only way we can conquer this virus and free ourselves

from its grip is for all members of humankind to work together.” Blending the intimate and the epic, the profound and the quotidian, Wuhan Diary is a remarkable record of an extraordinary time. Fang writes in the introduction: “This is a book dedicated to the people of Wuhan. It is also a book for those people who came to Wuhan’s aid during this city’s darkest hour. All of my proceeds from this book will be used to aid those people who put their lives on the line for this city.” Wuhan Diary is to be translated into 15 languages.



Seventy years since it became a republic, India has come a long way. However, it is still failing on key counts: water, health, education, power, and law and order.

Piped drinking water for all continues to be a pipe dream; homes and businesses are haunted by power outages; the lack of proper primary health care renders the poorest more vulnerable; millions of children coming out of schools lack rudimentary skills; and the protection of families and enterprises is a source of great anxiety. Indians are seceding from dependence on the government for these most basic of services, to invest in the pay-and-plug economy. Citizens across income levels – having internalized the failure of the state to deliver public services – are opting for private service providers despite the costs. That this is happening even as governments spend more and more tax-payer money every year is the reflection of a harsh reality: there is too much government and too little governance.But can India sustain such private republics? What are the possible solutions to set right such failures in a landscape scarred by social and economic fault lines? Can government reinvent itself? The Gated Republic presents an interrogative view of the history and future of private India.


AIYAR is an internationally recognized political economy analyst and prominent Indian author-columnist.His pathbreaking book Accidental India: A History of the Nation’s Passage Through Crisis and Change earned him acclaim as a public intellectual. His Aadhaar: A Biometric History of India’s 12Digit Revolution fetched him global recognition for this first comprehensive book on the controversial biometric identity platform.



This unforgettable tale, as told through Edward’s eyes, takes on a new and decidedly dark twist.

Midnight Sun is the long-anticipated retelling of Twilight from Edward Cullen’s point of view.

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun. This unforgettable tale, as told through Edward’s eyes, takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most intriguing and unnerving event he has experienced in his many years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. “It feels strange to be making this announcement when the world is suffering through a pandemic, and no one really knows what’s next. I thought seriously about delaying this announcement until things were back to normal; however, that felt wrong, considering how long those who are eager for this book have already waited. I know how much I personally need distractions right now, how much I need something to look forward to, and most of all, how much I need more books to read. So, I hope this book gives my readers a little pleasure to anticipate and, after it

arrives, a chance to live in an imaginary world for a while. I can’t express how much I appreciate the patience of my readers, and their support over the years it took to finish Midnight Sun,” said author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight has enraptured millions of readers since its first publication in 2005 and has become a modern classic, redefining genres within young-adult literature and inspiring a phenomenon that has had readers yearning for more. The novel was a #1 New York Times bestseller, a #1 USA Today bestseller, a Time magazine Best Young-Adult Book of All Time and more.


Unempoyment: Another Epidemic?

Reviving Jobs examine different aspects of the unemployment epidemic.


The third volume of the ambitious fourteen-volume project brings together India’s foremost intellectuals, activists and policymakers like Saarthi Acharya, Vijay Mahajan and Madan Pataki to examine different aspects of the unemployment epidemic. The essays are provocative, well-written and aimed at a general, interested readership which is concerned about the present and future of India.


Santosh Mehrotra is professor of economics at the Centre for Labour, Jawaharlal Nehru University. After an MA in economics from the New School for Social Research, New York, and a PhD in economics from Cambridge University, Mehrotra spent fifteen years with the United Nations (1991–2006) in research positions, heading UNICEF’s global research programme at the Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, and as chief economist of the global Human Development Report, New York. He returned to India to head the rural development division and development policy division of the Planning Commission (2006–09). He advises the NITI Aayog, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Skill Development. His writings have been translated into Hindi, Spanish, French, Russian, German and Portuguese.


Do you know the difference between anxiety and stress? What can you do when you have a panic attack? How do you know when it’s time to get help?

A Woven Life

As we wade through this unprecedented and tough time, we have all had to see a shift in our ways and the changing norm.

Jenny Housego is a textile historian, designer and co-founder of Kashmir Loom. She has helped inspire a generation of Indian craftsmen to raise their skills to new heights of creativity and excellence. During her over three decades in India, she has ventured across the country to work with weavers and embroiderers to forge new ways of combining their traditional craftsmanship with contemporary designs.

Maya Mirchandani is an award-winning Indian journalist with interests in Indian Foreign Policy, South Asia, and identity conflicts. She moved to research and teaching after over two decades with NDTV India.


Richly layered and remarkably candid, A Woven Life is anything but an ordinary memoir. Life writing at its truthful and unapologetic best, this is the story of a textile historian, entrepreneur, and collector with an eventful and adventurous life-story. As a child in countryside England, Jenny Housego had thought she would grow up to be a spy, but life had other plans. Brought to the world of Asian textiles, art and Museums, she has over the last five decades travelled across Asia with a passion to document traditional, local, and

nomadic weaving and handcrafted textiles. In collaboration with Maya Mirchandani, Housego lays bare her idyllic childhood in the aftermath of the second World War; her aspirations of being in the arts and then as a researcher at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London; the struggles of falling in and out of love and a broken marriage; of parenting; and her passion for Indian textiles having established herself as one of the most successful British entrepreneurs working in India who co-founded the luxury brands Shades of India and Kashmir Loom.



A fourthgeneration Army officer, Vijyant dreamt of serving his country even as a young boy.

Told by his father and Neha Dwivedi, a martyr’s daughter herself, the anecdotes from his family and close friends come alive, and we have a chance to know the exceptional young man that Vijyant was.

‘By the time you get this letter I'll be observing you all from the sky. I have no regrets, in fact even if I become a human again, I'll join the Army and fight for my Nation. ’This was the last letter Captain Vijyant Thapar wrote to his family. He was twenty-two when he was martyred in the Kargil War, having fought bravely in the crucial battles of Tololing and Knoll. A fourthgeneration Army officer, Vijyant dreamt of serving his country even as a young boy. In this first-ever biography, we learn about his journey to join the Indian Military Academy and the experiences that shaped him into a fine officer. Told by his father and Neha Dwivedi, a martyr’s daughter herself, the anecdotes from his family and close friends come alive, and we have a chance to know the exceptional young man that Vijyant was. His inspiring story provides a rare glimpse into the heart of a brave soldier. His legacy stays alive through these fond memories and his service to the country.


Col V N Thapar is the father of Capt. Vijyant Thapar, VrC, who was a fourthgeneration army officer. At the early age of 15, he was selected for the National Defence Academy and commissioned on 12 Dec 1962 in the Maratha Light Infantry. He commanded a battalion of the Jammu and Kashmir Rifles. He was part of the 1965 War and Bangladesh War, and has operated in counterinsurgency operations. He is an alumnus of the prestigious Defense Services, Staff College, Wellington. He has written for media publications and is a motivational speaker at various forums, universities, colleges and schools.

Neha Dwivedi, a Kargil war martyr’s daughter and an Armoured Corps Officer’s wife, is a doctor by profession. She is an alumnus of DPS RK Puram and Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi. Writing is what she took solace in and found her strength from post her father’s martyrdom. She now lives in Mumbai, where she works as a childbirth educator and an Infant and young child feeding specialist. She deeply believes in the healing and inspirational power of stories.



Dear Diary – I am documenting this as part of that phase of my life when we all were quarantined at our homes due to COVID-19. It started somewhere in March 2020 when the government declared lockdown throughout the country to protect citizens from pandemic which was spreading in the world with lightning speed

And that's how I started our isolation journey in the first quarter of the historical year 2020.

For the first two days, I felt everything slowed down like someone pressed the pause button in my LIFE movie. I woke up and things started looking different, I did

not have to put an alarm to wake up, I did not have to rush to office, did not have to take on the go breakfast, push myself to go to the gym, not to crib about how bad it feels to be stuck in traffic and why house help not reached on time.

For a week everything was in chaos – like a complete mess of how to cope up with this new life.

And then one day I thought let me try to fit in this whole mess, so I started to adjust in a new routine. Yes, there was no alarm, but I started waking up normally just like any other day, started my regular activities slightly differently though. It included drinking tons of water,

writing affirmations, mopping the house, which was my new exercise routine, doing my morning prayers and starting my work just like any other day. And that's how after few days everything started making sense, AQI dropped down a sudden, we started seeing blue skies, we all started spending time with our families, work from home become new normal, home balconies became new gym area and cooking and staying become the new cool

That's how mother earth rebirthed and that's how we all got to know about minimalism.

Stuti is a Software Engineer by profession and a writer by nature. She realized her love for writing while blogging for her own page. Her work has also been appreciated by Quora users. She is God's true evangelist and her work speaks volumes about it

Quarantine - An Eyeopener For Me

Relax! Relax! My mind was reminding me to just unwind all day. Are you thinking why I am relaxing today? After working for six days a week, I always keep looking at the calendar to see when the off day, Sunday, will arrive. Yes, today is Sunday. It is the day when I do not have to rush for work. To beat the time, I switched on my television set. The first thing I hear of the breaking news of Covid-19. The news of Corona infected people was flashing in every news channel. I was surfing through other news channels, but all I could hear and see was the increasing number of patients of Covid-19 corona virus. Somewhere, my ears caught the news of lockdown which could take place soon in

our country, India. I did not pay heed to the news at first. I could not step outside that day as our nation was following a one-day lockdown on Sunday. Somehow, I passed my time and the day.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

On Monday, I heard the shocking news in my office of lockdown which would go on for 21 days or perhaps for some more months. The pandemic, Corona turned out to be life-threatening disease. In order to keep the count of Corona patients in check, our government requested people to go for self-quarantine which then followed by lockdown in the entire nation from 25th March 2020. On Wednesday morning, all I could see outside every shop, a huge crowd where countless people had shopping bags packed with groceries in their hands. The shopping bags contain vegetables, fruits, groceries and other essential items which could people use for more than

a month. People were stocking up food as much as possible. It seemed to me that shops will remain closed for a long period. I was in utter surprise, as i could not figure out what was happening around.

A week passed since lockdown had been implemented

all over India. Essential stores were opened in the day for a few hours. But in the night, the shutters of the shops were tightly shut down. There are a few things which I came across during the period of lockdown. Many people are of the opinion that lockdown is a curse. How do I perceive this lockdown period? Today, my alarm clock buzzed sharp at 6 am. I jumped off my bed hurriedly to get ready for office. My father woke up early in the morning today. He was standing at the balcony. He saw me from distant that I was ironing my clothes.

He came forward, patted my shoulder and said, "No need to be in a hurry. Offices will be closed till lockdown ends." In the initial days of quarantine, I was locked at home; focussing on my hobbies and other activities which I long forgotten. Although I was working from home just like other employees, after a week of quarantine, I started missing going to the office.

Every morning, I used to stand for a while on our balcony and used to see the quiet streets which were once crowded with people. There used to be hordes of people on the roads who were busy in reaching their respective destinations. Shopkeepers were busy selling their goods. Today, my eyes could catch a sight of silent streets and closed shops. Not a single person was roaming in the streets without reason. As each day passed by, staying at home all day seemed to be no less than a punishment. Although I was submitting my office task from the comfort of my home, still I was missing the office ambience. Everyday I stare at the watch, hoping the day would come when I would rush for leaving office. Time was, when I used to wait for Sundays and now, I wait for the day

when things would be normal and I would join my work with enthusiasm. From getting up early in the morning for dressing up for going to the office to working in my office cubicle, I miss everything part of my office life.

Have you ever done household chores all b yourself? In these lockdown days, I have tried doing maximum household chores all by myself and have realized that we should not underestimate our women who devote their entire time in doing housework. From brooming, mopping floors to cooking, doing vegetable shopping and taking every little thing in your house, a woman indeed does a commendable job which should be applauded and appreciated by every family member. It is not an easy task to do all chores of your home and still flashing the smiling face at the end of the day. Only the women of our families can do this. After doing housework one day, I became exhausted and I came to know that managing things properly at home is tougher than doing your office work Our patriarchal society gives value to a man's work which he does at his workplace. A homemaker never gets credit for the work she does at

her house. While being confined at home during the quarantine period, I have confronted the things which I have always overlooked. Going to the office daily used to irk me. I never felt the pain my mother had gone through all her life doing housework until I experienced the same in the quarantine days when I took the responsibility of doing the chores all by myself.

Home---at the time of quarantine has turned out to be an eye opener for me. Every day, I help my mother in doing the chores as much as possible and the reward I get in return is her relaxing face. Now, seeing her resting on the couch gives a broad smile on my face. My ears are curious to hear,

"Home Quarantine Finally Come To An End!"

In a few words, Aparna defines a woman who beholds high aspirations and firmly believes in expanding her horizon. She holds a Master degree in English from Mumbai University. By profession, she is an online content writer and blogger who writes informative articles for various UK and US blogs and websites.

Her poems got published in the digital Reflection Magazine and in the Indian literature website named Facestory' She is a budding author too. Her first story on romantic theme got published in a book named "Memoirs Of Love".

As a person, she is open-minded, downto-earth and amiable in nature. Her world revolves around creativity. She wishes to make her mark in the literary world, hoping to leave an indelible imprint on her readers' minds.

The Unacknowledged Corona-Paragons

Coronavirus pandemic has swapped our life in so many ways, bringing us closer together and reaffirming the importance of viability. There are many unsung heroes who are putting their lives at pitfall in order to save our nation. We get the privilege to lead a safer life under the quiet channelling of the very positive energy of the healthcare workers, police personnel, defence forces, firefighters, transporters, hygiene and sanitation staff, electricity department, bankers, philanthropists, home delivery professionals, ragpickers, shopkeepers, think thanks, politicians and media.

Hence, I would take this opportunity to deliver my heartfelt gratitude to all the coronavirus fighters and share some insights into the Delhi Pradesh CGHS (Dhruv Apt).

Indeed, not all the heroes wear capes and they are all around us and uncelebrated. They are the one who has given their life to something bigger than oneself. These healers have to unintentionally leave their own families to work endlessly for the society.

From Janata Curfew to the nationwide lockdown, the staff of the Delhi Pradesh CGHS have played a pivotal role in serving humanity. Mr Dildar, Mr Chauhan, Mr Darpan, Mr Mohammad, Mr Prabhav, Ms Janaki and Ms Savita have not only ensured the safety, security, cleanliness, peace and discipline in the society but have also maintained the importance of HealthForAll by preventing the transmission of COVID19 and promoting universal access to essential commodities (by getting engaged with the Daawat and helping out the elders in the home delivery). They have been tirelessly working day and night under extreme weather conditions and epidemic just to promote our well-being.

In order to facilitate us, they have been shielding our society from the interlopers and prohibiting the entry of the outsiders, sanitizing every house, delivering essential supplies at our doorsteps, promoting social distancing and ensuring the cleanliness of our apartment with a big smile. While everyone is complaining about the lockdown of being stuck up or prisoned at one place- some of these warriors have not yet reunited with their families

Photo by Sharon Mccutcheon

and still, they are risking their own lives to save ours. Everyone lives for themselves but there are very few who live for others.

Also, the head of the society succoured in controlling the lockdown situation in a nice manner (during the festivals and ongoing protests). The thali and candle lightening tasks are given by our Hon’ble Prime Minister was not only an appreciation moment for the coronavirus warriors, but it also showed us how united/fearless/happy we are unlike other countries. Hence, we celebrated ourselves while celebrating the frontline Corona warriors. The generosity, selflessness, hard work, positivity and sacrifice of the corona warriors will soon mark the triumph of good over the evil.

Furthermore, there is a good thing to learn from the prevailing pandemic is that there is no job too big or too small and thereby, we need to respect our work and appreciate the work of others. These corona warriors not only work for the monetary benefits but also for our nation’s safety. Hence, we need to reward them with massive respect, admiration and help them as much as

possible. Unity, patience, wisdom and obedience will help us to fight against this deadly disease and we will soon overcome this fiendish time.

With all great love and honour, the whole nation applauds and salutes the contribution made by every Corona Hero.

YT Link:

Riya Gulati is a Paralegal at Law Offices of Caro Kinsella, Ireland. She is LL.M (Intellectual Property & Information Technology) from University College Dublin & BA.LLB from Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

It's All About A Happy Family!

That's all we are trying to achieve...

Mother's Day

Your childhood holds the template to your adult life. This book by Raageshwari will help you revisit your childhood not just creatively but philosophically too- to uncover what childhood patterns you are carrying forward.

Book Title: Cheerful & Informative

Book Cover:

Author's smile and a chirpy color gives a positive feeling

Narration: Soulful

Language & Grammar:

Clear and easy to understand language

About the Author:

Raageshwari is an Indian actor, singer, Tibetan yoga expert, and motivational speaker. She has cut many chart-topping albums and been a VJ on both MTV and Channel V, being called a Youth Icon by India Today.

The word parenting according to the dictionary means - the raising of the child by its parents. This holds good for any living being. But, as humans are the most developed and efficient living beings on the earth, the concept of parenting also adds great value to the world's harmony. In this 21st century, the whole concept has taken a huge paradigm shift. Previously, almost in every place of the world, the parents are considered the torch bearers of the family and the clan where children are indefinitely raised with strict rules and massive discipline. On a lighter note, it is a common statement to hear that.

'My father is as strict as a school headmaster or my mother is a very strict person'. Somewhere during the parenting process, the gap between the parents and children has grown apparently.

After the industrial revolution, when large families have been cut short and the concept of the Nuclear families emerged, the relationship between parents and children started taking a new turn. As it was

not in every household but the children started to get their voices heard. Right from what they wanted to study until they chose of picking up the life partner, some parents have shown a new path. But all certain times, good parenting is what makes a difference.

In this book, apart from parenting, the author focused on 11 points that will make new-age parenting very effective and draw greater results to raise the children with confidence, freedom, and responsibility.

With so much interesting information, the book is really worth reading. This book can also be gifted to the parents which makes a fantastic gift!

My Final VerdictVery mindfully written book! Cheers!


Book Title: 4/5

Book Cover: 4/5

Inside the book: 4/5

Narration: 4/5

Language & Grammar: 4/5

Final Rating: 4/5

Swapna worked as SAP Consultant for 10 years in Major IT companies. Reading has always been her passion and occasional painting her hobby. She decided to quit her job, look after the family and pursue her hobby of reading and painting in a larger way. Thus, her big leap into book reviewing has paved a way and has been successful to date. Reading challenges interest her a lot and visiting book fairs is her favorite thing. She believes that there is no good back or bad book, but only books. Writing unbiased reviews is her strength and she is appreciated by fellow reviewers and readers for the same. An anthology of musings with her paintings is her pending dream!


@swapna508 @sappy_dreamz_unlimited

101 Countries Around the World

What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life and Leadership is perfetly depicted in The Values Compass by Dr. Mandeep Rai.

It is indeed a great experience reading this book. On a personal note I cannot stop admiring Dr.Mandeep's interest and dedication in traveling to many places, understanding the culture and history, and bringing out the political perspective imbibed with the traditions of every place she visited. It is not up to everyone's fortune to travel all over the world but the author has given every reader a chance to travel along with her through the book. This book 'The Values Compass', as the name suggests is all about the values and values system every country created for itself on which the country runs and sets an example to the world. It is indeed a thoroughly researched

encyclopedia of various systems. The bottom line that every country with at least one similarity shares the same thread of lifestyle. The author starts off the book saying, 'All of us will have moments like this in our life, where the choices, challenges, or opportunities facing us reveal something important about our character, desires, and personality. A decision about whether to prioritize professional aims or family needs; to pursue the best-paid job or the most meaningful; to do the things we want, or those that support our health and well-being'. A decision was taken by an individual who always has its own stakes unless everyone related to the person agrees to it. Then comes the conflict. The conflict of choice, ideas, beliefs, and values. While some seem to be rational and some irrelevant. If a decision was taken based on such conflicts by a single person in the family when becomes a point of decision, on an aggregated level how does a country take decisions and how were the builders of the country back then during the evolution of

Dr. Mandeep Rai

Book Title: Interesting & Evolving

Book Cover:

Calm and creating an interest to read the book!

Language & Grammar:

High quality and rich language has been used throughout the book.


Highly engaging.


Final Rating: 4/5

Swapna worked as SAP Consultant for 10 years in Major IT companies. Reading has always been her passion and occasional painting her hobby. She decided to quit her job, look after the family and pursue her hobby of reading and painting in a larger way. Thus, her big leap into book reviewing has paved a way and has been successful to date. Reading challenges interest her a lot and visiting book fairs is her favorite thing. She believes that there is no good back or bad book, but only books. Writing unbiased reviews is her strength and she is appreciated by fellow reviewers and readers for the same. An anthology of musings with her paintings is her pending dream!

A Book

Difficult To Put Down

The story is about a 15-year-old girl Vanessa who gets into a relationship with her manipulative teacher. The book talks about the psychological aspects and dynamics between the two.

The story dates back to the year 2000 when a young, naive, ambitious, and beautiful girl Vanessa Wye becomes a bait unknowingly and is in an affair with Jacob Strane, a 5-year-old English teacher. The author explains in detail which some of the readers might find the narration too raw and unacceptable, the incidents and the encounters between Vanessa and Strane.

Now, in the present, when the #metoo movement occurred, Strane has been accused of sexual abuse by a former student and he reaches out to Vanessa to help him from being charged. This is when Vanessa starts thinking and digs into her past. The story is narrated in the first person, and thus as a reader, everyone travels with Vanessa and feels her every emotion. At this moment, Strane calls her and insists her to think that what happened between them many years ago was on her will and consent. Just after hearing this, Vanessa falls into the confusion trap.

As she starts digging her past, the readers are given information about every activity in detail.

Oscillating between Vanessa’s present and her past, My Dark

Vanessa showcases a memory and trauma with the pain and innocence of a teenage girl discovering her true power through her femme. The book is a thought-provoking and a perfect page-turner.

The book also indirectly talks about a teenager's problems, the victimhood of sexual predators unknowingly, the haunting memories and how it affects her overall personality as she grows up, her muted feelings, her scary thoughts about her partner, difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships, becoming prey to depression and many such more socio-psychological aspects.

Book Title: Humane and emotional

Book Cover:

Face of a young woman with closed eyes who is in distress.


Characters are complex due to their previous and subsequent actions

Language & Grammar:

A very fine language with rich vocabulary is found in the story.

About the Author:

Kate Elizabeth Russell is originally from eastern Maine. She holds a Ph.D. in creative writing from the University of Kansas and an MFA from Indiana University. My Dark Vanessa is her first novel

My Final Verdict:

Disturbing yet an honest story!


Book Title: 4/5

Book Cover: 4/5

Plot: 4/5

Characters: 4/5

Narration: 4/5

Language & Grammar: 4/5

Final Rating: 4/5

Swapna worked as SAP Consultant for 10 years in Major IT companies. Reading has always been her passion and occasional painting her hobby. She decided to quit her job, look after the family and pursue her hobby of reading and painting in a larger way. Thus, her big leap into book reviewing has paved a way and has been successful to date. Reading challenges interest her a lot and visiting book fairs is her favorite thing. She believes that there is no good back or bad book, but only books. Writing unbiased reviews is her strength and she is appreciated by fellow reviewers and readers for the same. An anthology of musings with her paintings is her pending dream!


@swapna508 @sappy_dreamz_unlimited

Stress Diaries

Our Love for READING

Post Pandemic, Stress Levels are soaring high for most professionals, Stress Diaries is an account from the eyes of a Therapist.

Photo by Gokil I

As we all know, Stress is a natural thing of not being able to cope with specific demands and events. However, it can also become fatal and a chronic condition not managed well. Nowadays a lot of articles and tools for dealing with stress management have popped up. Did anyone think if there was stress during the olden days? How did people use stress management? Also, did they ever use such tools? For this, one of the standard answers we get from our elders is 'lifestyle changes'.

How much ever we try to deny it happens to be the root cause. Due to the effects of globalization, our lifestyles, food changes, cultural changes, and relationships have taken new shapes. This resulted in a lack of discipline or in simple terms we run out of time. When sometimes people shrug off looking at the lifestyle of a person who does according to the clock, it is indeed a proven fact that timeliness in doing anything helps to maintain mental and physical health intact.

have an ill effect on a person's life with the help of her interactions with her clients. As we know, a therapist is a person who journeys with you during difficult times in your life and remains hopeful for change through the therapy process. Here, the author being a therapist and a counselor, shares some real-time incidents in the book.

Overall, few things like lack of people to share feelings and emotions, gaps in communication between family and relatives, living in an illusion, lack of confidence, and many more are the reasons for the virus called stress in everyone's life. Thanks to the author Rachna Ji for bringing out this self-help book. The book inside has flyers, tables, and such tools to understand and deal with the stress.

In this book, Stress Diaries by Rachna Khanna Singh explains many commonly found problems that

BOOK TITLE: Informative and Helpful


A rope entangled haphazardly depicting a person's mind in a stressful situation.


From the author herself that speaks about various experiences she had with her clients who have been the prey to a dangerous invisible traitor called 'Stress'.

LANGUAGE & GRAMMAR: Clear and easily understandable

My Final VerdictA very well researched and articulated book on stress management.


Book Title: 4/5

Book Cover: 4/5

Inside the book: 4/5

Narration: 4/5

Language & Grammar: 4/5

Final Rating: 4/5

Swapna worked as SAP Consultant for 10 years in Major IT companies. Reading has always been her passion and occasional painting her hobby. She decided to quit her job, look after the family and pursue her hobby of reading and painting in a larger way. Thus, her big leap into book reviewing has paved a way and has been successful to date. Reading challenges interest her a lot and visiting book fairs is her favorite thing. She believes that there is no good back or bad book, but only books. Writing unbiased reviews is her strength and she is appreciated by fellow reviewers and readers for the same. An anthology of musings with her paintings is her pending dream!


@swapna508 @sappy_dreamz_unlimited

In The End

In the end, love is all that remains when the cacophony of events peter out

Silence sits quietly on the lips nothing matters, except love.

Even the one

That you left behind, never looking back

Turned out to be thriving in the end which took root, in the wilderness

It grew and spread its tentacles far and wide

In the end, everything ends, rots and decay

Except love, which does not know how to die!

Raja Ghoshal is a Journalist turned communications professional. When not writing press releases or editing social media posts, he likes to write poems, some of which have been published in different platforms and some have been broadcast on All India Radio. His six ebooks are available on and kindle books.

Can't We Hibernate?

Can't we hibernate, For some months?

Like some other creatures do, Sleeping through every winter Or summer ,

Making a cave deep into mother earth

Sleeping , sleeping just?

When we are fast asleep

The earth becomes so beautiful, We dream, while the planet reboots itself

Making it greener, purer, happier,

When the cars do not honk,

When the factories do not shoot columns of black fumes

Into the sky,

The earth lives merrily.

Moinak Dutta has been writing poems and stories for the last fifteen years, having many of his poems and stories finding their ways in journals, magazines, ezines, dailies, anthologies, published in India and abroad. He got two published fictions to his credit , namely 'Online@Offline' and 'In search of la radice'. His third fiction will be published soon.

He is presently engaged as a teacher in a government sponsored school

Apart from writing, he enjoys traveling and doing photography.

Lockdown Paradigm

desolate train tracks wait for action

passenger-less mobility-challenged autorickshaws

sleep in stands billboards meaningless now smear on cityscapes beaches sans crowds luxuriate in solitude

blockbusters human saga

unreal celluloid reels worthless gold, diamonds hunger is precious materialism once sovereign ineffective in death

Vidya Shankar is a poet, writer, motivational speaker, yoga enthusiast, English language teacher. An active member of poetry circles, her works have appeared in national and international literary platforms and anthologies. She is the recipient of literary awards and recognition.

Vidya Shankar’s first book of poems, The Flautist of Brindaranyam is a collaborative effort with her photographer husband, Shankar Ramakrishnan. Her second book of poems The Rise of Yogamaya is an effort to create awareness about mental health. She has also been on the editorial of three anthologies. A “book” with the Human Library, Chennai Chapter, Vidya Shankar uses the power of her words, both written and spoken, to create awareness about environmental issues, mental health, and the need to break the shackles of an outdated society.

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