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News from Stotfold Methodist Chuch
News from Stotfold Methodist Church
I was fortunate to visit Anglesey Abbey earlier this year. The gardens contain some beautiful ornamental paths, leading to another lovely view. I was thinking about this in context of life decisions. It was easy to decide which path to follow in those gardens, but that’s not often so easy in life.
In a time when people are looking for guidance and leadership, I’m remembering a verse from the Bible where the writer declares to God “your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119). The writer was referring to the law of God as it was given to the Hebrew people. Many years later, Jesus was questioned by a lawyer, a person who studied that very law. Jesus asked him what he thought was the most important parts of God’s law?
The lawyer replied “you shall love God and love your neighbour as yourself” . Jesus commended him for a good answer. But the lawyer asked Jesus “who is my neighbour”? Then Jesus told him the story of the Good Samaritan. This is the story of a crime victim who was left to die at the roadside. In the story, two different religious leaders saw the victim but walked by on the other side of the road. Lastly a man from Samaria took pity and risked much to rescue him. At the end of the story, Jesus asked the lawyer which of the people in the story was the neighbour to the crime victim. The lawyer replied it was the one who showed him mercy. Jesus said to him, “go and do likewise” .
My hope is that mercy will continue to be our guiding light in the decisions we make, as members of families and communities, as leaders and as neighbours. God help us to follow that lamp to our path.
The Methodist Church Coffee morning is on the first Saturday of the month as usual, 10am to 11:30. Monday Club is not running in August. Sunday worship at 10am. Our preachers are: 7th : led by members of the congregation 14th : Rev Graham Claydon-Knights 21st : Christine Warren 28th : led by members of the congregation
Revd. Graham 07340 857386 Graham.Claydon-Knights@methodist.org.uk