Stotfold News Magazine February 2022

Page 33

News from St

Mary’s Church

Would you like to meet new people? In addition to coming together to worship God in church services or to discuss the Bible in a small group, at St Mary’s we also gather simply to enjoy one another’s company. Anyone can come to our social events, whatever their faith or lack thereof. These include: The Friendship Lunch, a fellowship lunch which meets on the last Wednesday of the month at The Stag on Brook Street. If you would like to come along please contact Carolyn Bleach on 07759 914891 or to book a meal.

St. Mary's Women's Fellowship, which meets on the third Wednesday of each month in St. Mary's Church Hall at 3.00pm to approximately 5.00pm. The annual subscriptions is £10 per person to cover all meetings, including tea and biscuits, and outings during the year. There are a variety of interesting speakers. If you would like to join us as we would be very pleased to see you at any of the meetings. Men’s Big Breakfast, meets on the last Saturday of the month at 9.00am at the Wilbury pub in Letchworth.

Upcoming events: 30th January at 2.30pm Concert “From Schubert to Swing” with Derek Blyth as Baritone and William Fudge on the piano and organ. It will include songs by Schubert, Finzi, Weill, Porter and others. This is a drop-in event and there are no tickets. Donations can be to St Mary’s Church on the day (cash or card). February 12, Jigsaw Festival, Church Hall February 13, Stotfold Civic Service, 3.00pm Worship Services: Every Sunday in Church: 9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer. A 20-minute service without Holy Communion or a sermon. 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. First Sunday of the Month: 8.00am. Said Communion 9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. 4.00pm. Tea Time Praise for young families. Wednesday Service in Church 9.45am. Parish Communion: a 40 minute service. Monday-Saturday in Church 9.00am. Morning Prayer Service. Christenings/Baptisms Will be held at 2.30pm and 3.30pm on the 4th Sunday of the month. Please contact Sara Clark to discuss dates and arrangements. She can be contacted on or 01462 625270. Once details and date are agreed, you will meet with Revd. Bill/Revd. Graham.

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


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