Saint Patrick Catholic School Annual Report 2015-2016

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Annual Report of Giving 2015 - 2016

School Mission Proud of our Catholic heritage and woven into the Norfolk community, Saint Patrick Catholic School proclaims the Gospel by offering children in grades pre-K through 8 an exceptional Catholic education built upon character formation, spiritual development, leadership training, academic rigor, physical well-being, and an ethic of service. Parents are the primary educators of their children, and Saint Patrick Catholic School is committed to a close collaboration with families to promote their children’s growth and learning. While utilizing the best educational technologies and facilities possible, Saint Patrick Catholic School is dedicated to maintaining a safe and caring Christian community in which every child’s gifts are identified, nurtured, and celebrated.

Board of Directors William C. Eisenbeiss Chairman & Director

Michael K. Kerner Director

Donald F. Price Director

William A. Prince Director

Charles V. McPhillips Director

John H. Tucker, Jr. Educational Consultant

Founded in 2005 by the James Barry Robinson Trust, Saint Patrick Catholic School is an independent Catholic school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. We are committed to educating the whole child through our distinctive model for educational success that allows us to celebrate the gifts of every child. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and spiritual instruction is designed to help the child as well as the family as they continue along their own faith journey. Saint Patrick Catholic School admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or disability (if reasonable accommodations can be assumed by the school).


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

From the desk of... Dear Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic School, Since the school’s founding, service to others has been a core value. It is at the heart of the Catholic mission and vision and enables students to grow in all aspects of their lives. Jesus’ vision of community is one in which our love for God is expressed in our service to others; He calls us to serve as Christians. If we embrace this belief, our thoughts and actions will reflect reverence for community and serving others will become the foundation of all that we do. Our teaching philosophy is deeply-rooted in this theology. Our faculty and staff teach children to put God first and to help others out of our love for Him. This teaching mechanism has ignited a passion in our students to help change the world through service. Imbued with selflessness, students respond to human suffering through student-initiated and led service projects. In the last ten years, students have completed hundreds of service projects, impacting communities near and far. Students have collected relief funds and goods in response to Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Japan, for earthquake victims in Haiti, and for impoverished individuals in our local community through organizations such as the Catholic Worker and ForKids. However, we could not accomplish all this without our parents as our co-creators in this effort. Our teaching philosophy calls upon everyone in our faith learning community. As Jesus aptly reminds us, if we are able to collectively put others first, we will be a joyful people.

And what a joyful people we are! In working closely together, we have accomplished so much. Enjoying a huge volunteer base, our team has created and nourished many school programs including the Returning Thanks Breakfast, Evenings at Saint Patrick, Athletics, Theatre, Helping Hands, Library, classroom volunteers, and many others. This remarkable community of volunteers continues to vitalize the spirit of giving that is so central to our character. The first Saint Patrick graduates are entering the workforce, prepared to make their mark on the world! They are a true testament to our collective efforts. They are confident global citizens—technically proficient, environmentally mindful, internally motivated, and compassionately engaged—working both locally and internationally. And the devotion to serving community is undeniable in the many graduates who regularly return to Wolfhound country, a community that has nourished them and one in which they are deeply invested. Thus, through an emphasis on service, we are preparing students to reinvest in the community that built them. Our school realizes its vision in a highly intentional manner. It is with deep gratitude that we celebrate your part in realizing our vision and invite your continued support of Saint Patrick Catholic School. Together there is no change or challenge that we cannot overcome in building a strong future for our children. With joy and gratitude,


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Lil’ Sprouts with Immense Impact

If you didn’t look close enough, you’d almost miss it. Just before the playground, nestled on the side of the school, is one of our best assets. Upon closer inspection, you will find a flourishing garden that feeds both the inquisitive minds and caring hearts of our students as well as the hungry in our community.

Working with our students has had a positive impact on our Master Gardeners too. Alice Hinsch says, “I think as an adult, we look at things sometimes and don’t see them. Our lives are so busy and rushed. The children allow us to slow down. They notice so much and allow us to see it all over again.”

Since 2008, Saint Patrick has operated a school garden, tended to by students and volunteers. The students help design the garden, plant the seeds, and harvest the produce. At the end of the growing season, the children— proud of their labor—hand off the produce to The Catholic Worker so that it can feed those who are unable to afford a meal. In giving away the fruits of their labor, students are showing the ultimate love for God and community.

This program has developed into one of the most popular clubs at Saint Patrick. What started with three small makeshift gardens confined by hula hoops has grown to nine beds with more than fifteen different crops and herbs.

The garden took root when Mr. Hammond approached Mrs. Sheila Jessen, Extended Care Director, with the idea to use our lush school property beyond aesthetics, as a tool to enhance education. Sheila, a Norfolk Master Gardener herself, invited her colleagues at the Norfolk Master Gardener Association to join in this educational endeavor to use the land, however small, in the biggest way possible—to help those in need.


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

The Master Gardeners have shared their horticultural knowledge and passion with the children who have learned about every aspect of gardening from soil pH and essential nutrients to the nuances of each growing season, harvesting, and composting. Beyond the physical conditions of gardening, the children learn to respect and connect with the Earth. They develop an understanding of what it takes to get produce from farm to table. Last year, the Pope advocated for children and adults alike to protect and honor the Earth through his encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si.” Through these types of outdoor experiences, our children are learning to see God in both people and places. Stewardship of the environment is a way to give back to the Earth and to the community through the food that we harvest.

The produce feeds individuals in need across eighteen households, all of whom are facing chronic illnesses and are financially limited. On top of these challenges, none of these individuals have their own car or money for other transportation. Despite living in a relatively urban area, they live in a “food desert,” an urban area where individuals lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables. This is yet another reason why the produce from the Lil’ Sprouts garden is so important, “the vegetables are making their way into local ‘food deserts,’” says Kim Williams at the Catholic Worker. The food not only nourishes the bodies but also the souls of those who receive it. Kim Williams recalls the profound impact the produce had on a couple in need, “Last year I was regularly bringing produce from the Lil’ Sprouts Garden to an older couple, Jeanette and Ron. Ron was ill with cancer and ended up in hospice care in their tiny one bedroom apartment. He really loved cooked greens and squash, and Jeanette would lovingly prepare it for him for the eight months he was in hospice. She cared for him until he died at home.” Jeannette and Ron’s story reminds us how powerful a simple act of kindness can be. It is truly remarkable that the produce not only nourished his body but also his soul in his final days.

Begun in 1989, The Norfolk Catholic Worker has a community-building mission that reinforces Saint Patrick’s emphasis on servant leadership. Kim Williams says their mission is to, “bring the poor and non-poor together so that we may learn from each other about how to be good.” She believes that through the lessons we teach one another we can, “create a more just world where all people have what they need to live in dignity and peace.” Our students are making this world a better place, one harvest at a time. Through this garden, we have gained a tremendous teaching tool. It is yet another way for students to discover God and to form a deep respect for His creation while also making an amazing impact on our community. In the years to come, Sheila hopes to expand the garden, and continue to guide students toward becoming the stewards that will change this world for the better.

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Year-In-Review Highlights From a Banner Year: 2015 - 2016 LIFE OF MIND


• Two Wolfhounds out of over 1,700 student entries received top prizes at the Norfolk Public Library Annual Book Review Contest.

• Mr. Hammond met with middle school once a week for specific grade-level conversations called “Hammond Chats.”

• The school’s Science-Math Bowl Team came in second place in the Virginia Middle School Science Bowl competition held at the Jefferson Lab in Newport News.

• Middle school students attended grade-level spiritual retreats centered on making connections and building relationships with peers and teachers.

• Students in third through eighth grades participated in the WordMasters Challenge. Thirty-nine students received Honorable Mention for scoring in the top 10% of all students in the country participating in the respective grade level challenge. Twelve students were recognized as being the school’s top scoring students for their grade level team.

• Hugs and Kisses, a sexual abuse prevention play, expressed personal safety lessons to students in third through fifth grades.

• Students in fourth and fifth grades participated in the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Art Contest. One of our fourth grade students earned the First Place Award for her illustration of the theme “How do we care for our environment.” • Middle school students shared their research projects at the Regional District 6 History Day competition. Twelve students advanced to the state competition at Virginia State University in Petersburg. One student advanced to the national competition at University of Maryland, College Park. • Second grade students observed and cared for eggs that hatched into eleven Orpingtons and Icelandic chicks. • Fifth grade students visited the Operation Smile Education Center to explore real-world connections to the school curriculum and potential mission work. • Quinteto Latino, a performing arts group, introduced students in Kindergarten through eighth grades to the sounds of classical and contemporary music. • Student delegates prepared for debate and diplomacy alongside over 700 other middle school students at the Middle School Model United Nations Conference in Richmond. • Middle school students were recognized for their outstanding performance in the Math Olympiads Competition. • The second annual “Fiesta Latina” was held and featured country showcases, food tastings, Latin music, and dance performances. • Eighth graders traveled to Washington, D.C. for a field trip, visiting a monastery, the National Air and Space Museum, and the National American Museum of History.


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

• Get Cyber-Smart Technology Safety Workshop led by national speaker Katie Koestner was presented to parents and students and focused on the importance of internet safety and healthy relationships. • Approximately thirteen alumni returned to volunteer at various Wolfhound Weeks Summer Camps. • Thirty-eight alumni returned to campus to visit with students, faculty, and staff—twenty-four came to visit for lunch and several served on a panel for eighth grade presentations. • The third grade students studied biographies and created a living “Wax Museum” presented in the Theatre to parents, siblings, and staff. • Fourth grade students memorized and recited poetry to their mothers and special friends during the annual Mother’s Day Tea and Poetry Reading.

THE PHYSICAL LIFE • In June of 2016, students participated in the Presidential Physical Fitness test with 41% of second through eighth graders earning Presidential honors and 40% earning National honors. • Among our third-eighth grade students, 92% of children participated in at least one school sport. • Girls Field Hockey experienced great success in the Catholic Field Hockey League Championships. The eighth grade girls won the Senior Division, the fifth grade girls won the Junior Division, and the third grade girls won the Youth Division. • Six students were named ETIS All Conference Athletes. • Lower school hosted students from ODU’s Department of Recreation and Tourism Studies for the fifth year together, providing a variety of movement exercises for our Pre-Kindergarten students.

• Fifth and eighth graders took the 2016 ACRE Test, a national standardized assessment of Catholic Education. Our students surpassed both the National Average and the School National Average in every category. • Eighth graders scored 93% in the missionary spirit domain on the 2016 ACRE Test. LIFE OF VOCATION • Saint Patrick Catholic School was recognized for the sixth year as an Elizabeth River Star Model designation.

• The Boys Soccer Team became the first team in Wolfhound history to defeat every middle school opponent during a season.

• All students continued to collect canned goods for the Catholic Worker in honor of the socially conscious Father Dan Klem— “Just One Can For Father Dan.”

• Boys and Girls Middle School Soccer Teams each earned ETIS Championship Titles.

• Middle school Legati, student ambassadors, led over 150 guests on Snapshot tours.

• The Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Team was named Tidewater Catholic Basketball League (TCBL) Junior Division Champs.

• To date, 730 inches of hair have been donated by 73 students and faculty to Locks of Love.

• Saint Patrick began a Middle School Baseball Team, completing their inaugural season with a second place finish. • Sixty students participated in the Operation Smile Final Mile and together they raised over $5,500 for Operation Smile. LIFE OF SPIRIT • Seventh and eighth graders mentored kindergarten and first graders in Prayer Buddy Program. • Six classes, grades three through eight, planned and held small class Masses with our chaplain, Father Jim Curran. • Stations of the Cross Program designed by eighth graders was presented on Holy Thursday. • Catholic Christian Unity Week was celebrated with a special chapel and included 15 pastoral guests from 14 different churches representing 6 different faith traditions. • Students spent Catholic Schools Week examining the Year of Mercy and Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si’: Care for our Common Home. Classroom doors were decorated by students using the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, as well as biblical stories of Mercy.

• Sixty students participated in the ‘Reach Out and Read’ project, sponsored by our Media Center, and we collected over 640 books which were turned over to CHKD doctors’ offices. • Kindergarten students planted and sold 300 pansies at their Pansy Plant Sale to support the teaching and learning dock fund. • The Celtic Council sponsored the second annual Harvest Festival raising over $1,100 for student scholarships. • Middle school advisories sponsored a variety of service projects which resulted in the collection of $900 for the Returning Thanks Annual Fund and 160 DVDs as part of the “DVDs for Vets” project. • The school hosted its first Blood Drive for the American Red Cross. We had 32 donors donate blood with the lifesaving potential to help up to 96 people in need. • Students engaged in educational activities during our first annual Earth Day Celebration. • Students and volunteers helped with the school campus’ Great American Cleanup to pull weeds, remove dead wood and vines, and plant marsh plants donated by the Elizabeth River Project. Saint Patrick Catholic School |


Saint Patrick Graduate Becomes Peace Corps Volunteer Hannah Crockett At Saint Patrick, service is a vital part of our school culture, with students learning to serve right alongside their academic lessons. Inspiration takes root early; from the time students enter Pre-Kindergarten, they are deeply involved in service. They experience family-style lunches and once in Kindergarten, they participate in worship services. Even as first or second graders, they stand in front of their peers at Chapel to launch service projects that they initiate. Faculty sponsors support student efforts and the projects grow in scope as they enter Middle School. Last year’s service projects included several schoolwide events conceived of and coordinated by Middle School students —they collected baby items and school supplies, planned a fall festival, performed in the talent show, cut their hair for Locks of Love, and ran for a cause through the Operation Smile Final Mile, to name a few. It’s no surprise then that one of our graduates is now embarking on an incredible service opportunity as a Peace Corps volunteer. In July, Hannah Crockett, Saint Patrick Class of 2008, departed for Africa for a once in a lifetime volunteer opportunity with the Peace Corps. As a Public Health Education Volunteer, Hannah will address barriers to healthcare in order to increase access to quality care that will save lives. Faith and service have led Hannah to where she is today. For the Crockett family, faith has always been a central part of their lives. From her humanitarian Catholic grandparents to the extremely generous and dedicated volunteers at church, Hannah grew up surrounded by exemplary servant leaders. Hannah’s father, Mike Crockett, says it was Hannah’s grandparents that rooted these values in his family. He says, they “set the tone of a faith-first lifestyle for our family. From there, Saint Patrick nurtured our girls’ (Hannah and Madeline) faith journeys.”


Saint Patrick’s emphasis on teaching the whole child was important to the Crocketts not only because of their faith but also in light of Mr. Crockett’s service in the Navy. Hannah, like so many children in our community, was inspired by her father’s military service. She says, “As the daughter of a US Naval Officer, I learned the value of service to country, to countrymen, and to others at a young age.” As the oldest child, she took on a lot of responsibility during periods when her father was deployed. She looked up to her mother, who cared for her special needs sister, during these deployments. She says, “Growing up with a disabled older sibling taught me how important it is to help those who can’t help themselves.” During this time, Hannah was blessed to have a solid foundation at school that gave her, “a well-conceived path to follow,” according to her father. Upon graduating from Saint Patrick, Hannah continued to serve others through many major service initiatives. As a student at the University of Virginia, she volunteered with the Special Olympics and Habitat for Humanity; she was a worship leader in her college ministry program; and she was also a leader in her national service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. Through an already incredible résumé of volunteer experiences, service has become second nature to Hannah. She says, “A strong desire to help others is a major part of who I am; if there is a need that needs to be filled, I will try and fill it.” Service continues to open her eyes by providing valuable life lessons. She says her experience in the Peace Corps has been a humbling one, “It continues to amaze me that even though Guineans are some of the poorest people in the world, living without access to clean drinking water, indoor plumbing or electricity, and plagued by deadly diseases like Malaria and Ebola, they are also the kindest and friendliest people I have ever met.”

Saint Patrick’s educational environment—with an emphasis on prayer and worship, religious education, community and service —appealed to the faith-centered Crockett family. Mr. Crockett says, “After meeting school leadership and the outstanding teachers, we were 100% sold that we had found the right place for Hannah.” And indeed they had—Hannah thrived at Saint Patrick.

Mr. Crockett is in awe of where his daughter is today. He says, “Now, she’s a Peace Corps volunteer in Guinea and realizing a personal dream at the ripe old age of 21 years old.” But he is quick to acknowledge the roots from which her spirit of volunteerism grew, from her family to her education. He says, “It all started at Saint Patrick.”

Our faith-filled learning community has provided students like Hannah the opportunity to deepen their relationships with God and their peers through service to others. In 2007, Hannah earned the “Life of Award” for the Life of Relationship, highlighting her ability to bring out the best in her peers. A former Middle School teacher said of Hannah, “She has an easy way of helping classmates sort through disagreements in order to reach a collaborative, equitable solution for all.”

We are confident that Hannah is the first of many Saint Patrick graduates whose service will have a global impact. She validates the Saint Patrick mission and work of our dedicated faculty and staff.

Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

Multi-Year Society Donors The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through yearly pledges of $1000 or more for a duration of five years.

Saint Patrick Society $100,000 and above (members since) Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)

Saint Patrick Society $10,000 to $49,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry (2006)

Shamrock Circle Society $5,000 to $9,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Emanual Arias (2013) The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund Mr. Robert t. Hasler, Jr. (2013) - In Memory of Gerry Hasler

Instant Systems (2014) Dr. Gerald and Sherry Ramsey (2012) Pru and Louis Ryan (2015) Dr. Archie Wright and Ms. Tara Ramsey Wright (2014)

Irish Wolfhound Gold Society $2,000 to $4,999 (members since) Anton Family Foundation (2015) Victor and Emily Brannon (2014) Nancy O. Chandler (2007) Damuth Trane (2015)

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss (2008) Jack and Isma Granger (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lombardi (2009) Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott (2013) Jerry Allgeier (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Amorosso (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Beard (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beard (2013) Stuart Birkel and Natalie Cassis (2013) Ann and Greg Bockheim (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brandt (2006) Mr. and Mrs. William Brock (2010) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burton (2012) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Callaham (2013) Ellen Carver (2015) John and Charlotte Chandler (2006) Damuth Trane (2011) Deborah M. DiCroce (2015) Drs. Brian and Natalie Feldman (2008) Peter and Jessica Gilden (2012) Paul and Lucy Gibney (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Herndon (2010) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hostutler (2010) Tom and Lin Jones (2011) Mrs. Mary G. Keogh (2012) Michael and Helen Kerner (2012) Greg and Janet Kim (2013) Bobby and Nancy King (2014) Mr. Brian Kuebler and Ms. Nancy Nale (2007) Peter and Lea Laplace (2012) Mary Louis and Willette LeHew (2010) Denise and Peyton Lex (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Louth (2008)

Drs. Eric and Mim Lovell (2014) Suzanne and Vince Mastracco (2014) Mr. Michael W. McCabe, Sr. (2010) Andy and Monica McCullough (2014) Laura and Rob McDermott (2015) Ms. Nancy McMahon (2008) Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips (2014) Mr. Michael J. McPhillips (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Jon Montagna (2009) N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry (2013) The Novosel Family (2014) O’Connor Brewing Company (2013) The Page Family (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Philbin (2012) Mr. and Mrs. G. Conoly Phillips (2011) Donny and Barbara Price (2006) George and Marty Raiss (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III (2015) Mariah and Ethan Rule (2015) Drs. Hooman and Sharon Sadr (2009) Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Seidensticker (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaillard Shumate (2010) The Smith Family (2015) Sean D. and Adrienne L. Sullivan (2007) Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Trudell (2013) Thom and Mary Violette (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wells (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weaver (2015) Mark and Jan White (2011) Mr. G. Wilson and Dr. S. Shepheard (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Don Winchester (2014) Ms. Krysia Witkowski (2015)

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Saint Patrick Catholic School Donors One-time Donations from $5,000 and above Mr. and Mrs. T. Clinton Damuth

PNC Bank - EASP Sponsor

Mr. Joseph T. Waldo

One-time Donations from $1,000 to $4,999 Alex and Patchi Cancado The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Doye First Command Financial Planning - EASP Sponsor Mr. Philip Grathwol Matthew Hillman Martha C. Hofler Instant Systems - EASP Sponsor

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koch Maureen Levensalor The Longwell Family Alice M. Malcolm The Mapp Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mayer McKnight Military Family Scholarship Rob and Beth McMahon Pickett and Helen Miles New Dominion Pictures, LLC New York Life Foundation Taewon Park and Sookyung Joo The Patrick Family Endowment

Greg and Mary Pitman The Prince Family Endowment David Russell and Jenny Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Ted M. Sherman Drs. Daniel and Perla Solinap and Mr. Joseph Solinap TowneBank Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Trudell Nicholas Valcour The Virginia Zoo - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wogan

Steen and Mette Hartov Ray and Lauri Hogge The Joly Family Col. Ignatius and Dr. Rhonda Liberto TJ and Lisa Lynch Col and Mrs. David B. Maltby, USMC (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martinez Mr. and Mrs. George Mathew Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Terence J. and Julie McPhillips The Mendoza Family Midlantic Builders Mark and Yesim Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Murchake, Jr. Robert Murphy and Jennifer Tica-Murphy N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry - EASP Sponsor

Nauticus - EASP Sponsor Professional Printing Center - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rader Robert and Eleni Longwell Donald and Betty Rudy Enrique and Clemencia Saenz Mr. Zoah Scheneman Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Shumate Sinclair Communications - EASP Sponsor Martha Price Stewart Drs. Rick and Trish Strauss Ms. Cathy Thaden Jeanette Tinkham Ware Insurance - EASP Sponsor Work Program Architects Mr. and Mrs. Adam Yanez Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life

Al and Sherry Churilla David and Missy Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Counselman Mrs. John R. Crumpler, Jr. Jared Curry and Beth Jones Matthew and Angela Domingos The Dude Bus - EASP Sponsor Matt and Theresa Dunleavy First Choice Nurses of Eastern Virginia - EASP Sponsor Addison and Davis Glenn (In memory of Carol Wilson-Glenn) Matt and Eileen Graham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hines

Hogge Law - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Jon and Jessica Kliner Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Koch The Law Office of Emily Mapp Brannon - EASP Sponsor Adam and Stefanie Levensalor The Lewis Family Deborah M. Lewis Drs. John Lewis and Jennifer Mathew Charles and Mary Pat Liggio Luna Development, LLC - EASP Sponsor Thomas J. Lynch, Jr. The Maloney Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio

Donations from $500 to $999 A-Z Bookkeeping and Tax Service - EASP Sponsor Deborah Alberti Anonymous Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mr. Stuart Birkel and Ms. Natalie Cassis Robert and Tracy Bodvake John and Karen Cavanaugh Mike and Amy Cutter Dr. and Mrs. Georg Dahl Mr. and Mrs. John Dineen Thad Doumar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emerick Escape Room Virginia Beach - EASP Sponsor Shawn and Christy Everett Buddy and Kathy Gadams Mr. and Mrs. William C. Giermak Harris Teeter Together In Education

Donations from $250 to $499 Sarah and Paul Allgeier Josh and Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ankerson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baugh Berkshire Hathaway Home Services - EASP Sponsor Ronn and Barbara Bonheur Borjo - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon Jane Bray Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Broach, III John and Kate Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown 9

Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

Donations from $250 to $499 Continued The McLemore Family Merrill Lynch - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nazaryan Tuan and Dinh Nguyen No Frill Grill - EASP Sponsor Norfolk Acupuncture and Therapeutic Massage - EASP Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. Scott Nottingham Dan and Nicole Pellegrino

The Porcaro Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powell Karen Powell Riverview Lofts - EASP Sponsor Mr. Avi Santo and Ms. Nikki Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Gary Short Mr. and Dr. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Soriano The Soriano Family

The Stinette Family Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Uiterwyk Waterside Financial Group - EASP Sponsor Westside Speech Therapy - EASP Sponsor Michael and Kelly McMahon Willette

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chagnon Chris and Courtney Challoner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chew Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund David and Shelly Compton Walter P. Conrad Jenifer Consunji Mr. and Mrs. Hahns Copeland Kevin and Erin Corrie Kyle and Ashley Corry Ashley and Greg Costanza Betsy Cox Jeff and Jacki Voorhies Craig The Crumpler Family Rana Cuffee Mary Lou Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Dahl Damian and Stacy Daniel Betty Davis McPhillips, Roberts and Deans The Delaney Family Mr. and Mrs. Adrian and Katy DeRyder The DeVito Family Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dial

Philip and Victoria Dietz David and Dana Donis The Donohue Family Joan and Kevin Donohue Doumar’s - EASP Sponsor The Dumont Family Gene and Lynn Edwards Theodora Eichert Beverly Elliott Marilyn Ertel Margaret Esparza Thomas and Sarah Esparza Ms. Pamela Fein Freddy Ferebee Cindy Ferguson Thomas and Marielena Finn The Fornes Family Susan Fornicola CDR and Mrs. Doug Gabos The Garris Family Daniel and Giovanna Genard Mrs. Susan George The Gonzalez Family Norman and Catherine Gooding Mrs. Angela Graciani Angelique Graves Robin Witt Gregory The Griffin Family Mr. and Mrs. F. Guerrieri Karla and Stefan Hakansson Margaret Hammond

Donations from $1 to $249 ACE Staff Ms. Paula Adams CDR and Mrs. Stephen Aldridge The Alinsonorin Family The Allard Family Sandra Allard Alpha Delta Kappa, Alpha Lambda Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Patric Anderson Anonymous (4) CDR Brad Arthur Ms. Carolyn Arthur Ana Avila The Barrineau Family Susan Bean CAPT Douglas and Mrs. Alexis Beaver Mr. and Mrs. William Beckner Dr. and Mrs. David Besachio Ms. Kiara Best The Betancourt Family Terry Bishirjian Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bockheim, Sr. Box Tops for Education Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III Bessie Brown Andy and K. C. Buffkin Jean-Guy and Lyndabeth Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Butler Ms. Toya Butler Greg and Shelley Campbell Sandra L. Cannon

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Donations from $1 to $249 continued Nancy Lynn Hopkins Robert and Marie Hull Isabelle Hutchinson Ron and Azeb Jackson John and Lynn James Sheila Jessen Ellen and Kenny Keeter Pearl Kelly Kevin and Joan Donohue The Kiefner Family Nicole Kiger and Hoyt March The Kohler Family Lisa Koperna Sasha and Kevin Krigsvold Christopher Kypros The LaBaire Family Patrick and Nancy Lacore The Landings at Bolling Square Community Association, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaRock Meg and Eric Lassalle Mr. and Mrs. John D. Laudenslager The Leffler Family John and Samantha Lester LuLaRoe Inc. - Angela Domingos Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lynch Matthew and Amy Lynch Kathy and Bill Magee The Main Family John and Julie Malcolm Thomas L. Mann March Kiger Roy and Adale Martin Erika McCullough Wendy S. McGrady Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGrath, III Ron and Kitty McLean Marjorie McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McPhillips Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro and Merlita Mendoza

Norva Meyer Midgett and Preti PC - EASP Sponsor Sandra Mueller Stephanie Musgrove Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nagy, Jr. Jared and Shana O’Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Parker Bill and Terry Peery Jane Pellegrino John and Gail Phipps Madison Phipps Bill Petersen and Amanda Torres Steven and Nicole Powell The Powers Family Jennifer Priest Carrie Prince Dave and Rosie Randolph David and Larah Ring The Ringleb-Schoenenberger Family The Roberts Family John Roberts Lee and Annie Robinson Stephen and Katherine C. Rocca Patrick and Martha Roebuck Edward and Fran Roehm The Roy Family Mary Margaret Roy John and Denise Rule Mark Ryan Ken and Joanne Saal Antonio and Dalisay Salvador Mrs. Cecelia Sanford Bert and Nicky Sanford Louise Schaeffler Paul F. Schellhammer Dale and Daisy Schuurman Mr. and Mrs. James Sepull Allen Sherman David and Mary Lee Shumate Leah Slaughter Catherine and Cleteus Smith Mrs. Dionne Smith Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Smith *EASP — Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

Edgar J. Smith Robert and Elizabeth Spina Priscilla Stewart William Stonaker and Patricia Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Sean Sullivan Lori Surber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan Target Take Charge of Education Mr. and Mrs. John Tenney Susan Tirusittampalam Mr. and Mrs. Chris Todd Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Torres The Toscano Family Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tucker Dave and Kathe Twardzik The Varverud Family The Velotas Family The Versprille Family Mr. and Mrs. Scott Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voorhies Jim and Carol Vorosmarti Pat Waldo Ms. Suzanne Walters Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward Dorothy B. Wattley Stephanie Wege Dr. and Mrs. James M. Wells, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Williams Elizabeth Willis Mr. Cret Wilson and Ms. Jeanne Marie Liggio Rocco Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winchester The Wohner Family The Woodard Family Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Yanez Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund


Tributes Dr. Cesar Alinsonorin Peter and Lea Laplace

Elinor Bean Christopher Kypros

Jeffrey Pool and Colleen Prince - In honor of their wedding Jeri Colenda

James “Bubba” Schaefer Anastasios Emmanuelidis Steve Kondracki Christopher Kypros

Suzanne Puryear Cathy Scarborough

Doug Stephenson Christopher Kypros

The John Tucker Professional Development fund Mrs. Jane Batten (2014) The McCullough Family (2013)

Frank and Juliette Reidy (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wogan (2015)

Matching Gift Donors Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Merrill Lynch New York Life Foundation Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life

McMahon Parater Foundation

Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits Mr. Paul K. Campsen and Ms. Carrie White Ms. Margaret M. Cordovana Drs. Paul and Lucy Gibney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holbrook Warren and Mimi Karesh Drs. Robert and Cynthia Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mastracco Mr. and Mrs. James P. O’Brien James W. Rawles Mr. and Mrs. John Searing Dr. and Mrs. Robert Squatrito Ms. Cathy S. Thaden

Saint Patrick Catholic School |


& 2015 2016


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

Celtic Cross Society Members Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry Mrs. Jane P. Batten Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bush Ellen Reed Carver Ms. Margaret M. Cordovanna Ms. Leslie Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Mr. Michael Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond

Mr. and Mrs. John James Helen and Michael Kerner Mr. John Koonce Ms. Nancy McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. George Neskis Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Donny and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. Art Prince

Mr. and Mrs. George Raiss Mr. and Mrs. John Searing Drs. Rick and Trish Strauss Ms. Cathy Thaden Mr. and Mrs. P.J. and Julie Trudell Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Mark White

Endowments The Barry Boys Fund Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund

Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund McKnight Military Family Scholarship Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund The Patrick Family Endowment The Prince Family Endowment Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Inaugural Campaign We are excited to announce that we are working on our Inaugural Campaign. We look forward to sharing more details in the coming months. Many thanks to our generous donors who have been an integral part of bringing this campaign to life. Anonymous (3) Bank of America Bank of Hampton Roads Richard and Carolyn Barry Barry Robinson Trust Mrs. Jane P. Batten Greg and Ann Bockheim Victor and Emily Brannon Cape Henry Audubon Society Edward Scott Cavin Margaret M. Cordovana Michael and Bill Eisenbeiss Buddy and Kathy Gadams Paul and Lucy Gibney

Eleanor and Sandy Harris Bruce and Susan Holbrook Instant Systems Robert and Cynthia Kelly Helen and Michael K. Kerner Julia and Rebecca Memorial Garden Fund Kieran Koch and Friends Mary Louis and Willette LeHew Mabel Burroughs Tyler Fund T. Richard Litton and Audra M. Bullock Richard C. Mapp, III Mr. and Mrs. James B. Maus Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips

Merrill Lynch The Neskis Family Barbra and Randy Noe Diane and Jim O’Brien Betsy and Conoly Phillips Donald F. and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. William A. Prince Gerald and Sherry Ramsey Kenneth Scribner, Jr. J.C. and Anne Scribner John and Sheri Searing Robert and Jennifer Squatrito P.J. and Julie Trudell Ware Insurance Saint Patrick Catholic School |


Grandparent Circle In celebration of some of our wisest leaders, we publish our third Wolfhounds Grandparent Circle! Sandra Allard Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ankerson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beard Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bockheim, Sr. Ed and Marian Breeden Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Butler John and Karen Cavanaugh Nancy O. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chew Al and Sherry Churilla Walter P. Conrad, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Crumpler, Jr. Mrs. Mary Lou Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Dahl Joan and Kevin Donohue Theodora Eichert Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbeiss Margaret Esparza Ms. Pamela Fein Thomas and Marielena Finn Mrs. Susan George Mr. and Mrs. Francis Guerrieri Mr. Robert Hasler, Jr. Martha C. Hofler Isabelle Hutchinson Tom and Lin Jones Mary G. Keogh

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koch John and Sandy Laudenslager Dr. and Mrs. Willette LeHew Maureen Levensalor Deborah M. Lewis Charles and Mary Pat Liggio Robert and Eleni Longwell Tom and Margarette Lynch Kathy and Bill Magee Alice M. Malcolm Mr. Rick Mapp Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio Vincent and Mary Martinez George and Ruth Mathew Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Ron McLean Marjorie McLemore Ms. Nancy McMahon Teodoro and Merlita Mendoza Norva Meyer Pickett and Helen Miles Bill and Terry Peery Mr. and Mrs. G. Conoly Phillips Dr. Gerald and Sherry Ramsey John Roberts Charles and Kathy Robison Lee and Annie Robinson Edward and Fran Roehm

Donald and Betty Rudy John and Denise Rule Antonio and Dalisay Salvador Mrs. Cecelia Sanford Mr. and Mrs. James Sepull Allen Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Ted M. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Shumate Edgar J. Smith Drs. Daniel and Perla Solinap Priscilla Stewart Mr. William Stonaker and Ms. Patricia Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan Jeanette Tinkham Susan Tirusittampalam Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vinson Thom and Mary Violette Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voorhies Jim and Carol Vorosmarti Joseph T. Waldo Dorothy B. Wattley Dr. and Mrs. James M. Wells, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Wooten Joseph R. Yanez

Volunteers With gratitude and celebration we salute our volunteers for all the dedicated work they accomplish in the school and for our community. Michael Acheson Paul Allgeier Jen Adams Jane Amelon Mary Liz Aldridge Rick Amelon Ann-Randolph Karen Anderson Alewine Josh Anderson Sam Alexander Kelly Andrews Rosalie Alinsonorin Jackson Arnold Abby Allard Tami Arnowitz Allie Allen Carrie Arthur Sarah Allgeier Anne Leigh Bailey 15

Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016

Jeremy Bailey Eileen Ballance Brigid Barrineau Theresa Bartlett Howard Baugh Robert Beard Susannah Beard Alexis Beaver Brian Becker Pete Bender

Danielle Benjamin Lindsay Bennett Michael Berg Anne Bernadette Leanne Besachio David Besachio Stuart Birkel Yolanda Blair Ann Bockheim Greg Bockheim

Bob Bodvake Tracy Bodvake Diane Bolin Barbara Bonheur Becca Bonheur Ronn Bonheur Ryn Bonheur Emily Brannon Victor Brannon Betsy Brichter

Jill Broach Jamye Brown Josh Brown Jean-Guy Bureau Jared Burgess Bill Burke Jennifer Burke Tamatha Burton Kimberly Cabrejos Tony Califano

Volunteers continued With gratitude and celebration we salute our volunteers for all the dedicated work they accomplish in the school and for our community. Laura Calvert Alexandre Cancado Patchi Cancado Jeanie Carlson Ellen Carver Nathalie Cassis Courtney Challoner Charlotte Chandler John Chandler David Clark Missy Clark Sofia Clark Rachel Clother Liam Combes Shelly Compton Tracey Copeland Jocelyn Coppock Ashley Corry Greg Costanza Angie Counselman Anne Cummings Amy Cutter Mary Lou Cutter Mike Cutter Alison Dahl Chris DallaVilla Stacy DallaVilla Damian Daniel Ken Danser Bill Davis Hliarie Dayton Ruth Debrito Dana Decker Paul Decker Kathy Delbridge Michele DeVito Christopher Dial Lauren Dial Beth Ann Dickie James Dickie Angela Domingos Matthew Domingos Erika Donohue Kieran Donohue Thad Doumar Ben Doyle Leslie Doyle Kara Dumont Theresa Dunleavy Jonay Dupree Abby Dyer Melissa Emerick Adrianne Enos Marilyn Ertel Sarah Esparza Christy Everett Shawn Everett Natalie Feldman Cindy Ferguson Rebecca Gabos Buddy Gadams Jennifer Gadams Kathy Gadams Cola Gavin Donald Genora Aaron Georgiades Shane Gibbs Lucy Gibney

Paul Gibney Jessica Gilden Peter Gilden Gill Gillespie Mike Glenn Angela Graciani Ben Graciani-Smith Deanna Graham Isma Granger Jack Granger James Granger Jim Granger Jennifer Greeley AnnMarie Gunter Charlie Gunter Laura Guyot Margaret Hagan Karla Hakansson Stefan Hakansson Renae Hammond Steve Hammond Brendan Haring Dan Haworth Craig Haynes Grayson Haynes Jana Hazekamp Bryan Herndon Charlotte Herndon Cindy Hickey Matt Hickey Alice Hinsch Lauri Hogge Ray Hogge Martha Holmes Nicole Hostutler Bobby Howlett Megan Howlett Ashley Hubert Ken Hubert Bob Hudson Chrissy Hunt Pooja Iyer Azeb Jackson Debra James John James Lynn James Jill Janssen Kedron Jenkins Lisa Renee Jennings Rosalie Jepsky Jennifer Johns Efrem Johnson Lee Joly Tom Joly Trish Jones Fred Jordan Tom Kent Phil Kessling Megan Kiefner Rick Kiefner Nicole Kiger Nikki Kilgore Janet Kim Brian King Rebecca King Tippins Kitchin Courtney Klepac Jessica Kliner

Elizabeth Kloc Raquel Kohler Amber Koch Walt Koch Mary Beth Kopso Sasha Krigsvold Jason Kypros Nancy Lacore Pat Lacore Lea Laplace Peter Laplace Andy Larkin Ann Larkin Larry Larkins Lynne Larson Eric Lassalle Meg Lassalle Larah Lease Jacob Leffler Leigh Leffler John Lester Whitney Lester Adam Levensalor Stefanie Levensalor Courtney Lewis John Lewis Matt Lewis Denise Lex Peyton Lex Buck Liberto Coralie Liberto Iggy Liberto Jeanne Marie Liggio Dave Limroth Matt Louth Rebecca Louth Mim Lovell Brian Lynch Chewey Lynch Julie Malcolm John Maloney Marie Maloney Kathleen Mann- Aldridge Hoyt March Adale Martin Roy Martin Sandy Martin Lara Matela Mike Mateo Jennifer Mathew- Lewis Lisa Matthews Andy McCullough Erika McCullough Monica McCullough Laura McDermott Rob McDermott John McIntyre Jackie McIntyre Jeff McLaughlin Andrea McLemore Thomas McLemore Beth McMahon Rob McMahon Anne McNally Ed McPhillips Mary McPhillips

Caroline Meek John Meek Grace Mendoza John Mendoza Jean Mercer Caitlin Messer Bill Meyer Cathy Mindak Julie Moberly Elaine Moninger Jon Montagna Liz Montagna John Moore Katherine Moore Peter Morford Bobby Moro Sarah Moro Sandra Mueller Sarah Munford Maura Murchake Imani Murray Rose Muza Bill Myers Lourdes Neilan Michael Nentwich Catherine Neskis George Neskis Jim Newsom Barbra Noe George Noe Michelle Nottingham Scott Nottingham Tracy Novosel Joy Nunnikhoven Kim O’Brien Vince O’Brien Kevin O’Connor Penny O’Connor Michaleen O’Hearn Chris Palestrant Jennifer Palestrant Beth Paluszek Beth Parker Jeff Parker Dan Pellegrino Olena Peterson William Phillips Gail Phipps Greg Pitman Eric Porcaro Kristie Porcaro Andy Powell Caitlin Powell David Powell Margot Powell Nicole Powell Heather Powers Mike Powers Carrie Prince John Prince Laurel Quarberg Neal Quesnel Q. Karl Quinn George Raiss Marty Raiss Angela Ramsey James Ramsey Jerry Ramsey

Dave Randolph Rosie Randolph Shelloy Ranhorn Vince Ranhorn Lori Ransone Michael Reedy Mike Reiss David Ring Stacie Ringleb Paula Rodgers Martha Roebuck Andrea Rohlk Joey Rothgery Mary Margaret Roy Ethan Rule Mariah Rule Joanne Saal Ken Saal Hooman Sadr Sharon Sadr Bert Sanford Nicky Sanford Betsy Sangster Chad Schroeder Sara Schroeder Daisy Schuurman John Searing Sheri Searing C. Seidensticker D. Seidensticker Donna Sepull Pete Sessa Jennifer Sherman Elizabeth Short Gabi Shumate Mary Lee Shumate Mike Shumate Mike Simon Ashley Sinitiere George Skena Alton Smith Linda Smith Jackson Smith Shawn Smith Bryan Soriano Christina Sousa-Poza Elizabeth Spina Jennifer Squatrito Ada St.Remy Carl St. Remy Denise Stevens Kevin Stevens John Stewart Amy Stinnette Roger Stinnette Ghislaine Stonaker Randy Stowe Marti Suber Adrienne Sullivan Aimee Sullivan David Sullivan Lori Surber Cynthia Symons Marguerite Tallman Beth Tan Chris Tan John Tenney Teresa Tenney

Cathy Thaden Shani Thomas Jenn Tica Andrea Tomlin Jennifer Toomy Amanda Torres Carlos Torres Diane Toscano Crystal Treat Julie Trudell PJ Trudell John Tucker Devon Uiterwyk Marla Valentine Weldon Vanderberry Donna VanKeuren Johan Varverud Lu Varverud Steve Velotas Jacob Versprille David Vihonski Lucy Vinson Scott Vinson Courtney Violette Mike Violette Ray Vittum Jacki Voorhies Suzanne Voorhies Dylan Wakefield Pat Waldo Frank Walker Michelle Walters Carter Ward Virginia Ward Kathleen Warner Andrea Weaver Cecilia Welch Adair Wells Morgan Wells Tom West John Wharton Jonathan White Bill Whitehurst Kathryn Whitlock Shannon Wiens Darrell Willette Kelly Willette Mike Willette Karen Wilson Kathi Lee Wilson Amanda Winchester Myong Winston Matt Winston Carol Withus Krysia Witkowski Jerry Wohner Barrett Wood Carrie Woodard Elizabeth Wooten Hubbard Wooten Tara Wright John Yanez Reeves Yanez Amy Young Emily Zak William Zak Paul Ziegler

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Graduate Class of 2016 In June, we bid farewell to our 8th graduating class. All Wolfhounds in the eighth grade class of 2016 who applied to selective high school programs, were admitted. Our graduates will be attending the following schools and/or programs: Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School Cape Henry Collegiate School Governor’s School for the Arts Granby High School International Baccalaureate Program Maury High School The Medical and Health Specialties Program at Maury High School Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School, Beaumont, Texas Norfolk Academy Norfolk Christian School Norfolk Collegiate School Renaissance High School, Meridian, Idaho

Graduate Class of 2012 We are pleased to report that our fifith class of Wolfhounds are heading off to college. Of all the graduates, 75% were honors graduates from their respective high school programs. The Class of 2010 will be attending the following colleges and universities: Christopher Newport University College of Charleston Connecticut College Indiana University James Madison University Old Dominion University Saint Joseph University Shenandoah University Tulane University University of San Diego The University of Texas at Tyler University of Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University


Annual Report of Giving: 2015 - 2016


2 3


Tuition and Fees $3,839,590 James Barry Robinson Trust Support, Contributions, Gifts and Donations $2,766,000

Operating Income

Other Income (Athletics, Theatre, Spirit Store, Clubs, Facility Rental, etc) $343,725


Returning Thanks Annual Fund & Donations $237,752

Total: $7,374,023


Evenings at Saint Patrick, Designated Gifts & Scholarships $186,956


6 8

Operating Expense 43

Total: $7,374,023

Salaries & Benefits $3,937,381


Facilities, Depreciation & Grounds $2,292,513 Operations $619,353 Curriculum & Instruction $428,040 Professional Development $96,736

The Code of Canon Law Book III, Canon 795 “Since true education must strive for complete formation of the

and intellectual talents harmoniously, acquire a more perfect sense of

human person that looks to his or her final end as well as the

responsibility and right use of freedom, and are formed to participate

common good of societies, children and youth are to be nurtured

actively in social life.�

in such a way that they are able to develop their physical, moral,

Saint Patrick Catholic School |


FOUNDED 2005 Identifying, Nurturing, and Celebrating the Gifts of Each Child 1000 Bolling Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia 23508 | | Phone 757-440-5500 Fax 757-440-5200

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