SCHOOL MISSION Saint Patrick Catholic School educates and nurtures the whole child - mind, body, and spirit - to be a Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous servant leader.
Board of Directors Cynthia S. Kelly, M.D. President
Michael K. Kerner Director
Charles V. McPhillips Secretary
Donald F. Price Director
William A. Prince Treasurer
Educational Consultant
Deborah DiCroce, Ed.D. Director
Deborah J. Alberti Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors
William C. Eisenbeiss Director
Saint Patrick Catholic School Foundation The mission of this Foundation is to hold and manage an endowment to support financial aid, faculty development, operating needs, and capital projects of Saint Patrick Catholic School. Jane P. Batten Co-Chairman
John H. Tucker, Jr. Co-Chairman
Founded in 2005 by the James Barry Robinson Trust, Saint Patrick is an independent Catholic school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Eight. We are committed to educating the whole child through our distinct model for educational success that allows us to celebrate the gifts of every child. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and spiritual instruction is designed to help the child as well as the family as they continue along their own faith journey. Saint Patrick Catholic School admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or disability (if reasonable accommodations can be assumed by the school).
2019-2020 Annual Report of Giving
FROM THE DESK OF... I hope this letter finds you well. The 2020-2021 school year was, undoubtedly, the most challenging in our Schoolʼs history. We had to completely pivot, re-imagine, and re-invent every aspect of our school day. Despite all of the challenges of COVID-19 and strict mitigation policies and procedures, we persevered and were able to deliver in-person learning for the entire school year. Teachers also provided concurrent learning for students unable to attend in person. The efforts it took to have a “normal” school year and the opportunity to grow, build, and strengthen our Wolfhound community were more than worth it. Our Wolfhound community rose to each and every challenge with determination, grace, sacrifice, and selflessness. Obstacles and challenges gave way to new in our community. This dedication to pathways. We learned that nothing is more stewardship is at the heart of everything important than our connections with one we do at Saint Patrick. another. The joy of returning to campus We re-imagined how to celebrate our and experiencing all that Saint Patrick has to offer alongside classmates, colleagues, Eighth Grade class safely with special and friends made this past year one of our fun Fridays, an evening at the Adventure most memorable ones. Learning together, Park at the Virginia Aquarium, and culminating in a beautiful outdoor carrying out familiar school traditions virtually, hosting small outdoor events, and graduation ceremony. implementing new ideas brought renewed vibrancy to our community. One thing is We also celebrated the retirement of for certain, you could not mask the joy! founding faculty members over Zoom and outdoors during our Sweep-Up Week at the conclusion of the school year. The challenges of the 2020-2021 school year presented unique needs, financial and otherwise. With every need Most importantly, we continued the paramount work expressed, our community answered the call. of intentional total formation of our students, nurturing deeper relationships, cultivating character, igniting growth We received invaluable guidance from our Medical mindsets, encouraging empathy, and fostering faith. Advisory Team throughout the year. Donors made it possible for the implementation of a community-wide COVID saliva testing program and also covered the cost for symptomatic students, faculty, or staff members to get tested outside of school. Time and again, this proved to prevent the spread of COVID in our community.
We delivered the Saint Patrick mission of educating and nurturing the whole child –mind, body, and spirit – to be a Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous servant leader, despite adversity. We learned that by working together as a community, we can overcome. We are Wolfhound Strong!
Our parents continuously expressed their gratitude to our faculty and staff, honoring their innovation, dedication, and patience.
Thank you for your belief in our mission, your generosity, and steadfast support.
Our grandparents from near and far were able to join us for a virtual update on the school and view a virtual Lower School Arts Show curated by our incredible Fine Arts team.
With joy and gratitude,
Our students continued to grow in faith and did not waiver in their commitment to serving the less fortunate
Stephen J. Hammond, Principal
Dear Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic School,
Highlights From our Banner Year: 2020-2021
designed and built structures related to the Five students received High Honors, finishing readings, while middle school students designed, in the top 2% of all competitors at their grade level built, and tested a “Wicked Fast Water Slide” for Wordmasters. 32 students received honorable given a specific set of constraints. mention, finishing in the top 10% of all students in the challenge. six students received perfect LIFE OF RELATIONSHIP scores on one of the challenges. Students earned medals on the National The Celtic Council Student Government Spanish Exam – 3 gold, 4 silver, and 7 bronze, offered outdoor, grade-level movie nights in the spring for our Middle School students, allowing along with 21 honorable mentions. our students a chance to bond outside of the Earth Day 2021 was celebrated on Thursday classroom. April 22nd. Students enjoyed experiences with various activities both in the classroom and As this year looked different for Eighth Grade outdoors, including learning about the life cycle students, the staff planned multiple opportunities of plants and butterflies, leaf rubbings, planting to celebrate this class while adhering to proper parsley to support the Black Swallowtail butterfly, COVID mitigations with Fun Fridays, a trip to learning about renewable and non-renewable the Adventure Park at the Virginia Aquarium, a resources, electric vehicles, and how to be eco- dance on the Green, special treats including letters written by Mr. Hammond and faculty/staff, friendly gardeners. special class t-shirts, and gifts and cards from their Two Fifth Grade students placed in the Norfolk Kindergarten prayer buddies left in their lockers. Public Library Book Review contest, coming We celebrated our Eighth Grade families with in second and third place. Also, three alumni an end of the year picnic and beautiful outdoor students received awards in grades 9 and 11. Graduation Ceremony. The Sixth Grade Life Science students finished We offered an abbreviated and re-imagined their oyster experiment to see if oysters grow faster Evenings at Saint Patrick program for adults in in a Taylor float (which keeps them a little below our community. Like everything else this year, we the water’s surface) than in a surface floating bag. had to reinvent this program in order to ensure The data showed that the oysters in the surface bag the safety and well-being of our Wolfhound grew significantly more than those in the Taylor community, and to comply with current float. This project was a collaboration with the COVID-19 restrictions. We reduced the number, STEM program from Portsmouth Public Schools. but not the quality of classes. Most of the classes Earth Science students completed projects were held virtually during the month of May. related to astronomy including a scrapbook of On Tuesday, November 24, over 175 stars including the star’s age, distance from Earth, Wolfhound grandparents from near and far origin or the star’s name, and its constellation. joined us for a virtual “Grandparent Gathering” One student wrote a children’s book about a child via Zoom. Principal Steve Hammond recognized wanting to live on Mars. Several students made our grandparents for their profound and lasting trading cards for the planets, stars, moon phases, contributions to their grandchildren. After a brief and comets, while others made teaching posters update on our school, we shared our Returning about the solar system. Thanks video to give our grandparents a glimpse The Trustey STEM team facilitated a STEM into what school life looked like at that time. We component in our 2021 Field Day activities. also shared a very special virtual celebration of the Students in lower school read stories and then arts at Saint Patrick curated by our amazing Fine
Saint Patrick participated with the Rochester School in Bogota, Columbia, in the Green Generation: Inspiring Leaders for the Sustainability
Arts team, Jacki Voorhies, Suzanne Voorhies and of Tomorrow environmental education summit. Carrie Prince, and accompanied by Mr. Kypros’ This was part of a collaboration with the Center for and Mrs. Smith’s music classes. Green Schools & Green School National Network, USA, as well as Columbia’s Ministries of Education and Environment. The summit’s purpose was to LIFE OF SPIRIT share ideas and experiences about environmental Seventh Grade students made cards for the sustainability education. Saint Patrick students, Eighth Grade which included a scripture verse faculty, staff and the Laudato Si Committee and words of encouragement and thanks. Our produced a video capturing our sustainability Seventh and Eighth Grade students made action, called Caring for Our Home Together. “About Me” puzzles for their Prayer Buddies, n The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teams which included a prayer the young students were hosted their 5th annual Trike-A-Thon to benefit The Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters, studying in Religion. In April 2021, a group of Saint Patrick Catholic with a virtual version this year due to COVID School alumni returned to school to support mitigations. This event teaches young children a fellow classmate and pay tribute to his father, about bike safety, the hospital, and helping others. whom we lost too soon. The boys constructed a Friends and family were encouraged to visit the bench that sits facing the Little Sprouts Garden, Wolfhounds on Wheels team web page to donate. in honor of Hoyt March – a loving father, great Our youngest servant leaders raised over friend, talented horticulturist, and generous $3,830! n The Laudato Si committee made up of students member of our Wolfhound Family. In May 2021, the Eighth Grade students and adults met weekly in the outdoor classroom experienced an on campus retreat rooted in faith to discuss ways to reduce waste at Saint Patrick, and created around the “Life Of’s.” Mass was and ways to bring awareness about recycling to the celebrated with Father Jim, and activities included school. making care packages for service members n Three Seventh Grade students from Cadette (Vocation), making bead bracelets (Spirit), friendly Girl Scout Troop 505 designed and implemented competition on the Field Day inflatables (Physical a bee house conservation education program. Life), and listened to an ODU tennis player speak They discussed the importance of Mason bees about the transition to high school (Mind). The as pollinators, and provided students with an deep sense of community and fellowship was opportunity to build bee houses. evident throughout the day (Relationship). The legacy of the Class of 2021, the 14th Station of the Cross, “Jesus was laid in the tomb,” PHYSICAL LIFE was dedicated on June 16, 2021. Bricks with the While we were unable to offer our athletics Eight Grade students names were placed in front program due to COVID, our students participated of the Station which is located on the back field in Physical Education classes twice a week and next to the scoreboard. outdoor recess every day with masks to develop their physical well being. Field Day – COVID safe edition was held LIFE OF VOCATION on Friday May 28th. The classes went through Saint Patrick was awarded the Pearl School twelve stations held both inside and out. There Award for the second year by the Lynnhaven River were a variety of activities including Laser Tag, Now Members for the efforts that teachers and Volleyball, Corn Hole, and Ping Pong, and treats included lunch from Chick-fil-A and Kona Ice! students put forth to sustain our environment.
AT A2020-2021 GLANCE 2020-2021
16.5 Acres
16.5 Acres
Students Received Need-Based Students Received Financial Aid Need-Based Financial Aid
High School Level High Courses School Level Offered Courses Offered
400 400
Catholic 62%
Students of Color of Students
0ver $200,000 over
$200,000 Spent on COVID Spent on COVID Mitigation Mitigation
Students Catholic
Faculty & Staff Participation Faculty & Staff in our Participation in our Annual Fund Annual Fund
As an editor of a global publication, I spend my days reading and writing and playing with words until they make the reader feel something. I read about 189,000 words a week - roughly 9.8 million words a year - and yet while trying to put something so intangible as to what makes Saint Patrick Catholic school special onto paper, I found myself, truly, at a loss for what to say. My favorite Maya Angelou quote, and one I tell my writers, and my children frequently is: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
And so, I spent my time thinking about the moments throughout my years as a parent at this school that truly exemplified that feeling of love and community, inclusion and kindness:
here’s what makes saint patrick catholic school special: It’s a Boo Hoo/Woo Hoo gathering on the first day of school for teary-eyed PreK parents to get sympathetic hugs from the ones dropping off their Eighth Grader for their last first day. It’s a Kindergarten teacher giving your son a treasure box full of over 200 Hershey kisses - one kiss a day for each day his dad was going to be deployed (and an extra bag of chocolates, for the inevitable last-minute arrival date change).
It’s seeing your Kindergartner foster a love for their faith as they walk hand-in-hand to Chapel with their prayer buddy. It’s watching Eighth Graders put on the Stations of the Cross. It’s watching your First Grader donate nine inches of hair because she was inspired by a Middle School student who had done the same thing to help kids with cancer.
It’s a First Grade teacher showing your child the miracle of life through witnessing the entire lifecycle of a butterfly.
It’s moms who brought countless meals after surgery and even drove me and my kids around for four weeks when I couldn’t drive.
It’s a Second Grade teacher, who, when virtual school was just too hard, sent a reminder to parents to just do the best you can during these scary times, and more than anything just love on your kids.
It’s seeing parents cry tears of pride and hug in the stands when our Third Grade girls basketball team finally scored a basket, despite never winning a game. (Don’t worry, we have big goals for this year.)
It’s Third Grade teachers, driving to every Third Grader’s house for a car parade during a global pandemic to remind their students they were so loved; and a principal doing live streams just to say, “Hey. We’re in this together. You’re not alone.”
It’s that feeling of coming home, every time you walk through the door of the school.
It’s hearing 50 6-year-olds sing Silent Night at a Christmas play.
There is nothing more special than watching your children thrive in a place that teaches empathy, mercy, acceptance, kindness, forgiveness, love, and stewardship; a school that values diversity and inclusion over ambition; and humility over perfection.
It’s a class musical where your daughter dresses up like a peapod and sings about life in a vegetable garden. My kids wouldn’t be able to tell you what they did in class last year or maybe even last week; they won’t remember what the teacher said; but I know, with certainty, they can tell you exactly how Saint Patrick makes them feel. And that is loved.
That’s what makes Saint Patrick Catholic School special - It’s how it makes you and your children feel. But, how do you communicate that? How do you tell someone looking at a Facebook page, or on a Snapshot Tour, or reading a pamphlet that Saint Patrick is so much more than the beautiful and worthy pillars upon which the foundation is built.
2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR
Returning Thanks Society Donors 2020-2021 The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through yearly pledges of $1000 or more.
Saint Patrick Society
Irish Wolfhound Society (cont.)
$100,000 and above (members since)
$1,000 to $1,999 (members since)
Carolyn and Richard Barry (2006) Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)
The Canga Leader Family (2018) John and Charlotte Chandler (2006) Thad Doumar (2020) Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbeiss (2008) Tom and Melissa Emerick (2019) Rodney Flores and Vanessa Phillips Flores (2020) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hammond (2006) John and Janis Harrington (2020) Brooke and Michael Hooper (2018) Mrs. Mary Keogh (2012) Greg and Janet Kim (2013) Mary Louis and Willette LeHew (2019) Harry Lester (2019) Eric and Mim Lovell (2014) Suzanne and Vince Mastracco (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Rob McDermott (2015) Ms. Nancy McMahon (2008) Sean and Mary Meehan (2018) William and Laurie Miller (2019) The Neskis Family (2019) Dr. and Mrs. Anhtai Nguyen (2018) Donny and Barbara Price (2006) George and Marty Raiss (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III (2015) Mariah and Ethan Rule (2020) Gabrielle and Michael Shumate (2010) Mr. and Mrs. Alton Smith (2015) Chris and Lauren Smith (2020) Mark and Margie Tekamp (2019) Brendan and Erin Walsh (2016) Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wells (2011) Mark and Jan White (2011)
Saint Patrick Society $10,000 to $49,999 (members since) Mrs. Jane P. Batten (2017)
Shamrock Circle Society $5,000 to $9,999 (members since) The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund (2006) Damuth Trane (2016) Robert and Cynthia Kelly (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Philbin (2017)
Irish Wolfhound Gold Society $2,000 to $4,999 (members since) Mr. Rick and Dr. Jane Amelon (2016) Anonymous (2016) Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. (2014) Capt. And Mrs. Peter DeMane (Ret.) (2016) Scott and Trisha Kern (2018) Chuck and Theresa McPhillips (2014) Barbra and Randy Noe (2006) Andrea and Scott Weaver (2015)
Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) Deborah Jo Alberti (2018) Jerry Allgeier (2014) Josh and Karen Anderson (2016) Jason and Mary Baker (2018)
“I choose to offer a monetary gift to this school. The stated mission and lofty ideals of Saint Patrick Catholic School are commendable, often counter-cultural in a good way. On a practical level, it needs support because it is privately funded. That support can provide for students and faculty on many levels. From my heart, though, I give to honor and recognize the LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY that pulses throughout this community.” – Christopher Kypros, Faculty Member
Donations $25,000 and above
Donations $1,000 to $4,999 (cont.)
Buddy and Kathy Gadams #
John and Julie Malcolm The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts Bob and Karren Mayer McKnight Military Family Scholarship Chuck McPhillips Scholarship Fund Robert and Toni Moro Janie and Bob Mullet Jamye Oliviera and Christina Alencar Lauren Partin Taewon Park and Sookyung Joo Pinnacle Group Engineering, Inc. Sarah Perrel Krantz Dr. and Mrs. James Rapley # Bill Roach Mariah and Ethan Rule # The Ryan Club # Sharon and Hooman Sadr CMDR and Mrs. Axel L. Steiner # Frank J. Stumpf Jr. TowneBank David Voightritter and Jenny Chung # Brendan and Erin Walsh # Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ward + Jim and Bunny Wells John and Teresa Wessling Caroline Kea Wood # Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life
Donations $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (3) Clint and Peggy Damuth Buddy and Kathy Gadams #
Donations $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Abbott # Joshua and Katherine Baker # Tiger and Leah Bell # Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. # Brooke and Michael Hooper # Louis and Pru Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warden
Donations $1,000 to $4,999 Howard and Cynthia Baugh # Stuart Birkel and Natalie Cassis # The Blackbaud Giving Fund Patrick and Susan Blake # Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown # Marie Callaham Alex and Patchi Cancado John and Karen Cavanaugh Edward Scott Cavin # Class of 2021 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund Col. And Mrs. James De Grand (Ret.) Ryan and Katie Dougherty # Tom and Melissa Emerick # The Esparza Family + # David & Kathleen Halpin Fund Instant Systems - EASP Sponsor Greg and Janet Kim # Leggett and Tippins Kitchin In Honor of Kieran, Kinley & Korbin Koch Walter and Jessica LaBrie Erik and Krystle Lappinen Larry and Jessica Lombardi Eric and Mim Lovell #
Donations $500 to $999 Kathleen Abbott Paul and Sarah Allgeier # Josh and Karen Anderson # Anonymous Anonymous * Anonymous # Anne Leigh Bailey * Beau and Katie Benoit # Greg and Ann Bockheim # Bill and Lorraine Bott * The Burke Family * Ron and Barbara Chapman +
+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge | # Donated Multiple Times During FY
Returning Thanks Donors
2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR
Returning Thanks Donors (Continued) Donations $500 to $999 (cont.)
Donations $250 to $499
Donations $250 to $499 (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cordovana Dr. and Mrs. Georg Dahl * # Harry and Flo Dougherty # Terri and Tim Duvall Trey and Suzanne Emmons Pamela Fein Brian and Natalie Feldman Jack and Isma Granger Mr. Philip E. Grathwol Andrew and Stefanie Griffey Samuel Hancock and Christina Baldassari # Hayes and Mary Huff # Tom and Lee Joly Douglas and Morgan Kelly Lisa and Leonard Koperna Michael and Lisa LaRock # Adam and Stefanie Levensalor # Maureen R. Levensalor David Maltby John and Jackie McIntyre Jerry and Su McNeill * Sean and Mary Meehan # John and Grace Mendoza MidLantic Builders Glenwood # Sandra Mueller Paul and Lindsay Mullan Fund # Emil and Kima Nazaryan * # Dr. and Mrs. Scott Nottingham *# Mike and Nancy O’Boyle PNC Foundation Joseph and Margot Powell + Zoah Scheneman Dan and Sarah Schuette + Wayne and Ann Shank Barbara and Jim Stoner R. Truxton Terkla The Uiterwyk Family + # Michael and Amy Walls Isabel Walters Carrie Woodard #
Barbara Aldridge # Rosalie Alinsonorin # Kathleen Ambrosino Jack and Ellie Ankerson * Anonymous Ronn and Barbara Bonheur Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Brewer The Campbell Family The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Drs. Denis and Brita Chagnon # Chris and Courtney Challoner John Clift and Michelle Walters + David and Shelly Compton Kyle and Ashley Corry Sidney Degan, III Cameron and Elizabeth Dekker Allison Dunleavy Matthew and Theresa Dunleavy Shawn and Christy Everett Hardy and Barbara Everett Cindy Ferguson # Paul and Lucy Gibney * The Hannah Family Mr. and Mrs. Simms Hardin Liz Harrington Harris Teeter Together In Education Dan and Heather Howard # Ray and Jane Huston # Leigh and Megan Keogh Mrs. James Leggett Kitchin, Jr. Christopher Kypros # Antoine and Noemie Landry Matt and Courtney Lewis # James B. Maus Kelly McMahon and Michael Willette Lorraine A. Meehan Tuan Nguyen and Dinh Nim Shana O’Boyle # Amy Owens +
Dan and Nicole Pellegrino *# Tom and Barbara Poindexter Jerome and Regine Remajon Patrick and Eileen Scott # Paul and Evelyn Smith Robert and Jennifer Squatrito # Michael and Jennifer Steffen Luke Suber Ed and Barbara Tem # Gloria Too Tymoff and Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Mengluan Wang and Wenxin Chen Elizabeth Willis # Angela Summer Woods
Donations $1 to $249 Mary Liz Aldridge # Abby Allard Alpha Delta Kappa, Alpha Lambda Chapter Patric AC Anderson Anonymous (3) The Avila Family Susan Baggs Anne Leigh Bailey # Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barrineau Ana Basso Dan and Jen Batkin # The Baumgartner Family Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Beacham Christine and David Beatty David and Danielle Benjamin # Dr. and Mrs. David Besachio Kiara Best Sarah and Carlos Betancourt Emily Boas Neil Booth Christophe Bouthiaux and Haukilagi Pakeso Box Tops for Education
+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge | # Donated Multiple Times During FY
Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Patricia and Mark Breor Shannon Breor and Craig Chivers Ted and Jill Broach Richard and Kara Brophy Jason and Ann Bruhn # K.C. Buffkin Toya Butler Colleen Calabrese The Canga Leader Family The Chagnon Family Missy and David Clark Rosemary O. Clark Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Class of 2019 Scholarship Fund Class of 2020 Scholarship Fund John Clift and Michelle Walters + Peggy Congdon Bradley and Erin Conroy Brooke Cooper Betsy Cox Rana Cuffee Mary Lou Cutter * Georg and Kay Dahl Trink Dahl-Prince # Jeanne Damron Bill and Tracy Delmar Kieran and Erika Donohue # Joan and Kevin Donohue Ann Drobot Francois and Astrid du Cluzel Brad and Liz Dubil Ray and Kara Dumont Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbeiss #
Marilyn Ertel Rodney and Vanessa Flores # Chris and Karen Follin Brent and Meg Fraim Xemis Cruz Garcia and Joseph Dean McDonald Cruz Brent and April Gaut Daniel and Giovanna Genard* Peter and Jessica Gilden Edson Gilmore Angela Graciani Thomas and Joan Griffey Mark Grochmal Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerrieri Laura and Mark Guyot + # Matthew and Lindsey Haggerty Maggie Hammond Betty Hart Ashley Hartson Candice Heidelberg-Denison and Mark Denison Krista Hess Catherine Hickman Charlie and Jose Hinsch * Jackie and Jeffrey Hogan # Ryan and Ellie Homire # Lynn Hopkins + Dick and Marie Hull Jackie and Ray Hutcheson Sheila and Dave Jessen Michael and Michelle Kellam Kathleen Kelly - Class of ‘10 Mark Kelly - Class of ‘12 + Pearl G. Kelly Michelle Kent Stephen and Ann Kern Rick and Megan Kiefner + Nicole Kiger Maura Kikstra Jon and Jessica Kliner Connie Klock Walt and Amber Koch Jim and Susan Kruse
Brian Kuebler and Nancy Nale Mauri Lappinen Andy and Ann Larkin Lisa M. LaRock Meg Lassalle Kevin and Margaret Lewis Pamela A. Lewis Jeanne Marie Liggio and Cret Wilson # Lisa and TJ Lynch Shelby Lynch The Main Family Steven and Stephanie Marx Joe Massey Brian and Jean Masterson Erika McCullough # Laura and Rob McDermott # Quinn McDermott - Class of ‘25 Pamela McKinney Ed and Mary McPhillips Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund William R. Miller III Elizabeth and Jon Montagna Mary D. Moran Bobby and Sarah Moro* Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moss Paul and Lindsay Mullan # Eric Mungo # Patricia and George Murphy Stephanie Musgrove + Emil and Kima Nazaryan # Sarah Newcomb Patrick and Patricia O’Connor Michael and Maria O’Hearn Katie O’Neal # The Owings Family # Mark and Erin Parker The Patrick Family Endowment Jane Pellegrino
+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge | # Donated Multiple Times During FY
Returning Thanks Donors (Continued)
2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR
Returning Thanks Donors (Continued) Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)
Ms. Dorothy Shinn Perrel Heather Perry Abby Peterkin Bill Petersen and Amanda Torres # Gail Phipps Madison Phipps The Powers Family Carrie Prince The Prince Family Endowment Suzanne Puryear George and Marty Raiss # Luciano and Leondra Ramos Dave and Rosie Randolph # Dominick Rascona Tessa Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Roebuck Marc and Michele Rosen Karen and Tim Roy Margaret Ruble Mark and Kate Ryan Aaron and Camille Rybar Bob and Cathy San Julian Mark Schoenenberger and Stacie Ringleb Linda Shearer Courtney Sherron
Alton and Stephanie Smith # Mr. and Mrs. Cleatus Smith David A. Snouffer Douglas Stay Kelly Stefanko Axel and Laurie Steiner # Roger and Amy Stinnette *# Lori Surber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan + Alec Tekamp Alison and Michael Tem # Teresa and Cameron Tenney Cathy S. Thaden Rhonda Thompson Sara Thornley Capt. and Mrs. Carlos A. Torres (Ret.) # Mr. and Mrs. Steven Traylor PJ and Julie Trudell Mr. and Mrs. Garry Varney Johan and Luciana Varverud*# Chip and Barbara Vogan* Jacki Voorhies Jeannette Voorhies Suzanne Voorhies Mrs. Carol Vorosmarti
Richard Vorosmarti Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Waiters Carter and Virginia Ward Morgan and Adair Wells # James Wells - Class of ‘23 Scott and Kendra White # Bruce and Nancy Wilcox Henry and Pamela Wilcox James and Joanna Willette # Martha Jo Wilson Karen Wohner James and Leigh Anne Woodside Kseniya Zamfir Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund Carter and Virginia Ward Henry and Pamela Wilcox Mark and Deirdre Willette Rocco Wilson Jerry and Karen Wohner The Woodside Family The Zamfir Family
Inaugural Campaign Pledge Payments and Donations for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 John Tucker Professional Development Fund
Harvey and Frances Lindsay Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry
Bobby and Nancy King Harvey Lindsay and Company Cheryl McLeskey
Aid/Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry
Chapel In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McPhillips
+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge | # Donated Multiple Times During FY
Undesignated Funds Josh and Karen Anderson Nancy H. Arias Greg and Ann Bockheim Bob and Tracy Bodvake Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce Greg and Janet Kim
John and Marie Maloney Donald F. and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III Gabrielle and Michael Shumate Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Soriano
TowneBank Foundation Steve Velotas and Julie Moberly Ware Insurance Morgan and Adair Wells Don and Amanda Winchester
Rebecca Hall Ryan and Elle Homire Hayes and Mary Huff Drew and Erin Huston Greg and Janet Kim Jason Kypros and Allison Zedd Antoine and Noemie Landry Matthew and Courtney Lewis John and Jackie McIntyre Bill Petersen and Amanda Torres James and Helen Rapley Patrick and Eileen Scott
Jeffrey and Dionne Smith Bryan and Jamie Soriano Axel and Laurie Steiner Hon Tsui and Vivian Vu Chris and Devon Uiterwyk David Voightritter and Jenny Chung Brendan and Erin Walsh Mark and Michelle Warden Morgan and Adair Wells James and Joanna Willette Carrie Woodard
David and Danielle Benjamin Beau and Katie Benoit Josh and Jamye Brown Jason and Ann Bruhn Sean and Silena Chapman Georg and Alison Dahl Dana Dixon Francois and Astrid du Cluzel Rodney and Vanessa Flores Buddy and Kathy Gadams Mark and Laura Guyot George and Laura Gwathmey
Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits Anonymous Victor and Emily Brannon Paul K. Campsen and Dr. Carrie White Angie and Richard Counselman James and Kathleen Hooker
Instant Systems, Inc. Robert and Cindy Kelly Jr. Richard N. and Janice T. Knapp Lea and Peter Laplace Stanley R. Lawson Rick Mapp
Vince and Suzanne Mastracco Julia McPhillips Robert and Jennifer Squatrito Richard T. and Patricia M. Strauss Cathy S. Thaden William and Laura Ungerman
Celtic Cross Society Members Ms. Deborah Jo Alberti Mr. and Mrs. Patric Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry Mrs. Jane P. Batten Dr. and Mrs. Tiger Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bush Mrs. Marie Callaham Mrs. Ellen Carver Mr. Mark Denison and Ms. Candace Heidelberg-Denison Mr. Thad Doumar Ms. Leslie Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbeiss
Mr. Michael Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hammond Ms. Lynn Hopkins Mr. John James Drs. Robert and Cynthia Kelly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerner Mr. John Koonce Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larkin Mr. Harvey Lindsay Mr. James Maus Ms. Nancy McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. George Neskis
+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge | # Donated Multiple Times During FY
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Noe Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pellegrino Mr. and Mrs. Donald Price Mr. and Mrs. John Prince Mr. and Mrs. William A. Prince Mr. and Mrs. George Raiss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reidy Mr. and Mrs. John Searing Drs. Richard and Patricia Strauss Ms. Cathy S. Thaden Mr. and Mrs. PJ Trudell Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Mark White
COVID Help Fund
2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR
“Our family contributes to the annual fund at Saint Patrick Catholic School because of all of the wonderful opportunities it provides to students & families. We give because it provides funding for competitive academic programs and talented teachers, it facilitates a strong athletic program, and most importantly provides a means to those in our community who would like the same opportunities but may not be in the position to afford it.” – Tom and Melissa Emerick, Woflhound Parents
Endowments The Barry Boys Fund Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund
Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Class of 2019 Scholarship Fund Class of 2020 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund Harvey and Frances Lindsay Scholarship Fund The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts McKnight Military Family Scholarship Chuck McPhillips Scholarship Fund
Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Michael J. McPhillips Endowment Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund The Patrick Family Endowment The Prince Family Endowment Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Tributes In Memory of Marguerite Cecilia “Ceil” Baxter Joe Massey
Volunteers Mary Liz Aldridge Hillary Alessi Karen Anderson Cristina Baldassari Evan Baumgartner Leah Bell Katie Benoit Pat Blackson Susan Blake Greg Bockheim Emily Brannon Shannon Breor
Begonia Cheng Alison Dahl Erika Donohue James Dwyer Melissa Emerick Rodney Flores Kathy Gadams April Gaut Janis Harrington Eleanor Homire Janet Kim Betsy Knapp
Adam Levensalor Courtney Lewis Su McNeill Elly Millar Katie O’Neal William Petersen Leandra Ramos Tessa Robinson John Searing Stephanie Smith Bryan Soriano Jennifer Squatrito
Axel Steiner Laurie Steiner Aimee Sullivan Andrea Weaver John Wessling Kendra White Scott White Pam Wilcox Joanna Willette
Bob and Joanne Abbott Barbara Aldridge Jerry Allgeier Kathleen Ambrosino Rick and Jane Amelon Jack and Ellie Ankerson Howard and Cynthia Baugh Raleigh and Doris Beacham David and Christine Beatty Neil Booth Patricia and Mark Breor Colleen Calabrese John and Karen Cavanaugh Denis and Brita Chagnon Ron and Barb Chapman Peggy Congdon Mary Lou Cutter Georg and Kay Dahl Trink Dahl-Prince Jeanne Damron Col. and Mrs. James De Grand (Ret.) Sidney Degan III Joan and Kevin Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Hardy and Barbara Everett Pamela Fein
Edson Gilmore Thomas and Joan Griffey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerrieri David and Kathleen Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Simms Hardin Elizabeth A. Harrington James and Kathleen Hooker Ray and Jane Huston Mary G. Keogh Stephen and Ann Kern Sally Kitchin Connie Klock Wayne W. Koch Christopher Kypros Mauri Lappinen Mary Louis and Willette LeHew Harry Lester Maureen Levensalor Kevin and Margaret Lewis Charlie and Mary Pat Liggio Richard C. Mapp, III Bob and Karren Mayer Pamela McKinney Nancy McMahon Lorraine and Stephen Meehan William R. Miller III Robert and Toni Moro
Glen and Theresa Moss Janie and Bob Mullet Patricia and George Murphy Mike and Nancy O’Boyle Patrick O’Connor Dorothy Perrel Tom and Barbara Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III Peg Ruble Bob and Cathy San Julian Wayne and Ann Shank Linda Shearer Charles and Evelyn Smith Douglas Stay Barbara and Jim Stoner Frank J. Stumpf Jr. Rhonda Thompson Jeanette Tinkham Carlos and Maria Torres Garry and Karen Varney Suzanne Voorhies Carol Vorosmarti Ernest G. Waiters Isabel Walters Jim and Bunny Wells Bruce and Nancy Wilcox Martha Jo Wilson
“Our two boys, who are both now in college, attended Saint Patrick from pre-K through eighth grade, and ever since I have come to realize how important a role Saint Patrick played in our sons lives and what an incredible school we are fortunate to have in our community. Because we have been so lucky for our children to attend this amazing school, I felt it important to not only support it financially while they were there, but in the years since, by participating in its legacy program so that other families can benefit similarly in what Saint Patrick can offer in the formation in the lives of our children in our community.” – George Neskis, Alumni Parent
Grandparent Circle
2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR
Graduate Class of 2021
We bid farewell to another Eighth Grade graduating class. We will miss them, and are so proud that they are attending the following schools and/or programs:
Blacksburg High School, Blacksburg, VA Cape Henry Collegiate Catholic High School Governor School for the Arts, Maury High School Granby High School French American School of Norfolk Granby High School International Baccalaureate Program NORSTAR Program - Norfolk Public Schools Maury High School Maury High School Honors Program Medical and Health Specialties Program at Maury High School Mountain View High School, Stafford, VA Norfolk Academy Norfolk Christian School Norfolk Collegiate School Smithfield High School The Hague School Winnacunnet High School, Hampton, NH
Graduate Class of 2017 We are so proud of our Wolfhounds who are heading off to the following colleges and universities: Clemson University Florida State University James Madison University Longwood University Morehouse College Old Dominion University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Roanoke College Shenandoah Conservatory University of California, Los Angeles University of Mary Washington University of South Carolina University of Virginia Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University William & Mary
Financials Fiscal Year 2020-2021 <1 2
Operating Revenue
Tuition and Fees $3,908,481 James Barry Robinson Trust Support $3,059,994 Evenings at Saint Patrick, Designated Gifts & Scholarships $206,340 Auxiliary Programs $119,859 Returning Thanks Annual $324,935 Other $21,636
Operating Expense Total: $7,418,812
Salaries & Benefits $4,368,845 Facilities, Depreciation & Grounds $2,020,224 Operations $742,009 Curriculum & Instruction $287,734 *Unaudited Financials
Total: $7,640,945
1000 BOLLING AVENUE, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23508 STPCS.ORG | P: 757.440.5500 | F: 757.440.5200