Saint Patrick Annual Report 23-24

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Board of Directors


Pamela A. McKinney, Ed.D.


Charles V. McPhillips


William A. Prince


Michael K. Kerner

Cynthia S. Kelly, M.D.

Maura B. Murchake

Donald F. Price

Kevin M. Sweeney, RDML, USN (Ret.)

Julie L. Trudell

Founded in 2005 by the James Barry Robinson Trust, Saint Patrick is an independent Catholic school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Eight. We are committed to educating the whole child through our distinct model for educational success that allows us to celebrate the gifts of every child. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and spiritual instruction is designed to help the child as well as the family as they continue along their own faith journey. Saint Patrick Catholic School admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or disability (if reasonable accommodations can be assumed by the school).

Our Mission

Saint Patrick Catholic School educates and nurtures the whole child — mind, body, and spirit — to be a Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous servant leader.

Saint Patrick Catholic School Foundation

The mission of this Foundation is to hold and manage an endowment to support financial aid, faculty development, operating needs, and capital projects of Saint Patrick Catholic School.


Jane P. Batten


John H. Tucker, Jr.


A s we approach the 20th anniversary of Saint Patrick, I am filled with gratitude and pride for all we have accomplished together. Almost two decades ago, our school was founded with a bold vision — to provide an exceptional education rooted in the Catholic tradition and upholding Saint Patrick’s mission, to educate and nurture the whole child. This vision has come to life in the achievements of our students and alumni, thanks to the leadership of founding Principal Steve Hammond and the Board of Directors, as well as the dedication of our talented faculty and staff.

From our students’ accomplishments

in the classroom and their triumphs on the stage and on the sports fields, to their countless acts of servant leadership, faith, and character, we have much to celebrate.

This past year was truly remarkable, marked by academic achievements, athletic victories, vibrant fine and performing arts programs, and a record-breaking level of support for our Annual Fund. This annual report showcases the many ways our school continues to thrive, all thanks to our donors’ steadfast commitment. From our students’ accomplishments in the classroom and their triumphs on the stage and on the sports fields, to their countless acts of servant leadership, faith, and character, we have much to celebrate. We want to thank our many volunteers for sharing their time and talents with our Wolfhound community, and all of our generous donors for helping us secure a strong future for our School.

Saint Patrick’s core belief that “quality always improves” embodies our commitment to ongoing growth and excellence. As we move into our third decade, this year’s Returning Thanks theme — Enduring Legacy, Endless Possibilities — captures our mission to build upon 20 years of success, ensuring a strong and vibrant future for our School. Central to defining and realizing this vision is the invaluable support of our Annual Fund.

Your contributions to the Annual Fund are essential in helping us attract, hire, and retain the most qualified and dedicated teachers and staff. By supporting the fund, you also help us maintain and enhance our state-of-the-art facilities where we cultivate a love for the arts, creativity, teamwork, play, and healthy habits that nurture both mind and body. Most importantly, the Annual Fund safeguards the sustainability and accessibility of a Saint Patrick education for generations to come. Together, we can build on our rich legacy and take the steps needed to keep Saint Patrick thriving for the next 20 years and beyond.

On behalf of our entire Wolfhound community, thank you for your continued dedication and belief in Saint Patrick Catholic School.

With gratitude,

The Life of Saint Patrick Catholic School 20232024 Year in Review

Life of Mind

Our teachers started their school year by participating in several professional development training sessions including the Science of Reading and an online Math Essentials Workshop for lower school. Middle school teachers attended a workshop on Responsive Classroom, and our PreK team completed the Preschool Early Literacy Indicators (PELI) online training. We hired a reading interventionist in lower school.

We hosted Daniel Scruggs who presented his interactive museum of rare musical instruments from 24 different countries to PreK – 8th grade.

Two 3rd grade students and one 4th grade student received Honorable Mention for the year-end Wordmasters Challenge, finishing in the top 10% of all competitors at their grade level.

Middle school students earned one gold, four silver and 11 bronze medals along with 20 honorable mentions in the 2024 National Spanish Examination.

Spearheaded by the Laudato Si' Committee in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Surfrider Foundation, and other local groups, students participated in environmental sustainability activities in celebration of Earth Day.

In celebration of Black History Month, 2nd grade students brought historical figures to life in their Black History Wax Museum project.

Saint Patrick’s Notre Dame STEM Trustey Fellows facilitated STEM Day. PreK – 8th grade students participated in grade-level science, technology, engineering, and mathematics activities with the support of NASA, ODU, and Wolfhound parents.

Activity Bell allowed middle school students to self-select courses based on their interests including: Advanced Strings, Americana Latina, Science Olympiad, book clubs, and more.

Eight students attended the William & Mary Middle School Model United Nations Conference. Students delved into a variety of issues facing our international community in preparation for the conference.

We hosted a Math-Science Bowl Scrimmage for 7th and 8th grade students. Our Wolfhounds won all four rounds.

Saint Patrick hosted the first Tidewater Catholic Forensics League competition. Saint Patrick had 11 representatives with several placing in the top three for their division.

Several middle school students competed in the Norfolk Public Library Annual Book Review Contest. Two students came in 1st place, one placed 2nd and three placed 3rd for their grade levels.

Former Saint Patrick science teacher Dr. Strauss returned to the classroom to work with 2nd grade students in a lab experiment, “Do mealworms prefer the light or dark?”

6th grade Spanish students created food carts to engage faculty and staff with their conversational Spanish skills.

Saint Patrick Theatre Troupe students, under the direction of Jason Kypros, performed the musicals Guys and Dolls and The Drowsy Chaperone Jr.

Our Wolfhound Robotics Team, composed of one 5th, one 6th, three 7th, and two 8th graders, took home the top award for Outstanding Performance at the MidAtlantic Regional Sea Perch Demonstration (for the in-water ROV) 2024 MARMC STEM Best Engineering Presentation.

Our Wolfhound Robotics Team won the Judge’s Award during the LEGO League Robotics Competition.

A 6th grade Wolfhound competed in the WHRO Public Media Spelling Bee making it all the way to Round Three.

An oil pastel of the school titled “Second Home” by an 8th grade student was selected by the Southern Teachers Agency Calendar Contest.

Life of Relationship

Saint Patrick hosted “Box Out Bullying” sessions for 3rd – 8th grade students and families.

Jesse Weinberger, author and podcast host, presented “Don’t Be A Sheep” an internet safety information program for 4th – 8th grade students and parents.

In October, we hosted our annual Fiesta Latina event where Wolfhound families gathered to share the food, music, and dance from various Spanish and Latin American countries.

Our Annual Strings Concert showcased Wolfhound students on the guitar, ukulele, cello, and violin.

8th grade students and teachers enjoyed a bonding, cross-curricular field trip to Washington D.C. to visit the Franciscan Monastery, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and FDR Memorial.

Field Trips


> First Landing State Park

> Chrysler Museum

> Colonial Williamsburg

> Jamestown

> Virginia Zoo

> Virginia Aquarium

> Bergey’s Dairy Farm

+ More!


> ODU Planetarium

> Chesapeake Bay

> Brock Environmental Center

> Washington D.C.

+ More!

The Celtic Council Student Government offered a movie night and three dances for middle school students, including the “Halloween Dance,” “Cupid’s Caper,” and “Beach Ball Boogie!” Celtic Council introduced a Lower School movie night for K –4th grade students.

For Grandparent’s Day, students in PreK – 6th grade shared the gift of song under the direction of Chris Kypros. Middle school students shared their visual arts talents at the Middle School Art Show in the Frances M. and Harvey L. Lindsay, Jr. Art Connector. 7th and 8th grade served as gallery hosts and docents.

48 middle school students served as student ambassadors as part of our Legati program. Students led Snapshot Tours of the school during the year and served as hosts for schoolwide events.

Evenings at Saint Patrick offered a robust roster of

continued on next page >

classes and experiences for adults on various topics, including cooking, wine, regional history, travel opportunities, and more, raising money for Saint Patrick Catholic School Financial Assistance.

In December, over 25 of our graduates (21 and older) came together for the annual Alumni Happy Hour at Elation Brewing. For our younger alumni, we hosted a spring Alumni Reunion on campus.

This year Saint Patrick Catholic School was designated as a Purple Star School. In April, we celebrated military families with a Purple Star Week which included a “Military Munchkins” coffee, “Salute Tuesday,” a special dedication of our “Liberty Tree” to honor our Serving Wolfhound parents and students, and a “Purple Up” day.

Life of Vocation

For the fifth year, Saint Patrick Catholic School was awarded the Pearl School Award by Lynnhaven River NOW in recognition of our dedication to environmental sustainability.

The School earned another Resilient River Star award from the Elizabeth River Project for our commitment to wildlife restoration across the watershed.

Our girls volleyball teams played each other in a Pink Out Game to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research.

Led by the Celtic Council student government, 357 toys for the Marine Toys 4 Tots program were collected.

Students kicked off a multi-year Trex plastic recycling program

Life of Spirit

In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, students and parents gathered on the Green with their pets and stuffed animals for our Blessing of the Animals. Head of School Lauren Mazzari blessed all the animals, even blessing the photos of pets not able to attend.

A Wolfhound family visited Fatima, Portugal and Montserrat, Spain carrying special intentions from Saint Patrick faculty and staff to these holy sites.

Catholic Schools Week kicked off with a piano concert by Music Director Chris Kypros. Celebrations continued with a special Mass, art projects, Dress like a Saint or Jesus Day, and a pep rally. Select students participated in an Art Show at the Dragonfly Gallery.

The dedication of the 8th grade Legacy Statue of St. Patrick, a sculpture by Timothy P. Schmalz, was held on June 7, 2024. Each student received a brick engraved with their name to be placed near the statue.

Grade-level spiritual retreats were held for 5th – 8th grade students.

Our Prayer Buddy Program continued, with our oldest students nurturing the Kindergarten and 1st grade students.

Several pastors from area parishes and churches joined us for a special chapel service on Christian Unity Day.

where we plan to collect 1000 lbs of plastic to earn a Trex bench for our campus.

The Operation Smile Club held several fundraisers including our annual Dodgeball Tournament.

On All Saints Day, students brought in 555 canned goods to donate to local food banks. In total, we provided roughly 2,000 donated items to food banks throughout the year.

In December, we hosted award-winning Irish singer and songwriter Cathy Maguire in celebration of the Barry Robinson Center’s 90 years of service.

Our Pre-Kindergarten Community Helpers Program continued with Wolfhound parents and community leaders sharing time and talent with our youngest Wolfhound pups.

Baccalaureate Mass celebrated the Class of 2024 at The Basilica of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception.

Physical Life

Over 90% of students in 3rd – 8th grade participated in at least one of the eight sports offered at Saint Patrick.

Saint Patrick was the only school that had a team in the semi-finals for the Tidewater Catholic Basketball League tournament for all seven divisions. Four of our teams advanced to the final, with our 6th grade boys taking home the Division Championship win.

The middle school boys soccer team won their 11th straight championship in the Eastern Tidewater Independent Schools League.

The 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams made it to the semi-finals for their respective divisions, with the 8th grade girls winning the Championship title.

For a seventh time in a row, an 8th grade Wolfhound was awarded the Tidewater Catholic Basketball League’s Dr. Lawrence

G. Dotolo Scholarship for exemplifying good sportsmanship and team play, with an emphasis on school spirit, community service, and high academic achievement.

Our baseball team ended a winning season with 8 players batting over 0.300.

Middle school track and field smashed two school records with Saint Patrick boys and girls claiming the fastest short distance and long distance.

The Eighth Grade Sports Banquet was held on May 29, with guest speakers alumni Stanton Cutter and Cameron Sadr, both from the Class 2020.

“Olympics” was this year’s Field Day theme. Students participated in a variety of Olympic themed activities that created opportunities for competition, relationshipbuilding, and fun. There were 43 stations across campus manned by countless volunteers.



Since 2007, students have donated 1,320 inches of hair.


100 coats were collected for local families in need.


400 valentines were created for St. Mary’s Home for Disabled Children.


300 lbs. of candy was sent to sailors on deployment.


$400 worth of items were collected for veterans.


24 backpacks were donated to benefit foster children.


$1,858 was raised for Free Range Sisters, a foundation for women’s cancers.

Financial Assistance


Total Revenue from Returning Thanks Annual Fund

Parent Participation


Increase in Annual Fund revenue


Students received financial assistance in 2023-2024


Endowed Funds


Saint Patrick received its first endowed gifts

Size of the Saint Patrick Catholic School Endowment as of June 20 2024 $8M

Saint Patrick Board approved spending policy for true endowments (distribution) 4%

Anyone can contribute to an existing endowed fund.

Returning Thanks Society Donors

The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment through yearly pledges of $1,000 or more. (member since)


$100,000 & Above

Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)


$10,000 to $49,999

Mrs. Jane P. Batten (2017)


$5,000 to $9,999

Josh & Katie Baker (2022)

The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund (2006)

Cynthia & Robert Kelly (2019)

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Mazzari (2023)

Chuck & Theresa McPhillips (2006)

Rear Admiral USN (Ret.) & Mrs. Kevin Sweeney Military Scholarship (2022)

The Ungerman Family (2023)


$2,000 to $4,999

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Abbott (2022)

Mr. Rick & Dr. Jane Amelon (2016)

Richard & Kathleen Collins (2022)

Amy Wilborn & Louis DeCuir (2022)

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. DeMane (2016)

Brian & Marisela Hemphill (2022)

Hayes & Mary Huff (2021)

Barbara & Don Lipskis (2022)

George & Marty Raiss (2006)

Andrea & Scott Weaver (2015)


$1,000 to $1,999

Jerry Allgeier (2014)

Josh & Karen Anderson (2016)

Matthew & Michele Bak (2023)

Jason & Mary Baker (2018)

Sully & Lauren Callahan (2023)

The Canga Leader Family (2018)

John & Charlotte Chandler (2006)

Barbara & Ron Chapman (2023)

Thad Doumar (2020)

Tom & Melissa Emerick (2019)

Rodney Flores & Vanessa Phillips Flores (2020)

John & Janis Harrington (2020)

The Howlett-Kramer Family (2021)

Greg & Janet Kim (2013)

Harry Lester (2019)

Eric & Mim Lovell (2014)

CDR Frank A. McKinney (2022)

Dr. Pamela McKinney (2023)

Ms. Nancy McMahon (2008)

Tom & Colleen Mollison (2023)

The Neskis Family (2019)

Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Price (2006)

Shaun & Leryn Reynolds (2023)

Charles & Kathy Robison (2015)

Mr. Zoah Scheneman & Ms. Rebecca Gantt (2023)

Dr. & Mrs. Dan Seidensticker (2019)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spencer (2023)

Cathy S. Thaden & Stanley Lawson (2022)

Mr. & Mrs. P.J. & Julie Trudell (2022)

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Violette (2015)

Dr. & Mrs. William H. Ward (2023)

Dr. and Mrs. Jock Wheeler (2023)

Dr. Jan White and Mr. Mark White (2011)

Returning Thanks Donors

$50,000 & Above


$25,000 to $49,999

Mrs. Jane P. Batten

$5,000 to $9,999


T. Clinton Damuth

Cynthia & Robert Kelly #

Michael K. Kerner

Drs. Heather & Erich Richter #

$1,000 to $4,999

American Online Giving Foundation #

Richard & Carolyn Barry

Tiger & Leah Bell

Lou and Susy Bott

Victor & Emily Brannon #

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown #

John & Karen Cavanaugh

Edward Scott Cavin #

Chris & Courtney Challoner

Sharon Crosby #

Daughters of the American Revolution

Amy Wilborn & Louis DeCuir #

Debbie DiCroce

Sarah & Tom Esparza +#

Kate Johnson

Michael Kellam

Douglas & Morgan Kelly #

Erich & Caitlin Kiehl

Mary Louis & Willette LeHew

Charlie & Mary Pat Liggio +#

Bill & Kathy Magee

Timothy & Tracy Masterson +#

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mayer

Carolyn & Josh Meyer

Tyler & Laura Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Moro, II #

Maura Murchake #

William A. Prince

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stumpf, In Honor of the Owings girls

The Uiterwyk Family +

Chris & George Willson #

$500 to $999

Sarah and Paul Allgeier

Elena Anderson-Magee #

Josh & Katie Baker #

Bill & Lorraine Bott *

Richard & Megan Brammer +

Allan Britz

Brenda B. Caruana

Richard and Kathleen Collins #

Samantha and Rick Conaway

Dr. & Mrs. Georg Dahl *#

Whitney Davidson

Dr. Ryan Diduk-Smith & Mr. L.

Christopher Smith *#

Valerie Downes & Ben Maxymuk

Kensey & Josh Edwards

Alexander & Hayden Farmer +

Pam Fein

Bruce and Sharon Foster *

Rebecca Gabos

Jim & Sarah Gorman

Steve & Renae Hammond *

Briana & Mike Hillstrom

Mr. Whitney Lester & Ms. Elaine Hogan

Heather & Dan Howard #

Lee & Tom Joly

Ed & Connie Kellam *

John & Julie Malcolm

Arthur R. McConnell

John & Jackie McIntyre

Dr. Pamela McKinney #

Jerry & Su McNeill *

Mrs. Sandra Mueller

Josh & Rachel Mullet-Cline #

Amy Owens +

Zach & Amber Pawlikowski *

Abby & Omari Peterkin *

Kristie & Erik Porcaro

J Ryan & Margot Powell *#

Mr. & Mrs. Robert San Julian

Dan & Sarah Schuette +

Dr. & Mrs. Sean Sullivan

The Sym Family

Chris & Beth Tan +#

Dr. & Mrs. Davis Taylor

Mark & Margie Tekamp +

Mengluan Wang & Wenxin Chen

$250 to


Jeremy & Hilary Alessi +

Jack & Ellie Ankerson *

Cristina Baldassari & Samuel Hancock

Bobby Ball & Shannon Riley

Kyle & Melissa Bassham *

Andrew & Annie Bosse +#

Tom and Kathleen Bosse *

Jason & Ann Bruhn

Jenny Cannon

Al & Begonia Cheng

John Clift & Michelle Walters

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Chrabot *

Eileen & Mark Coffman

Amy Cutter #

Duffy & Michael Danish #

Kieran & Erika Donohue #

Ryan & Katie Dougherty

Jeffrey & Jaqueline Hogan

William & Jessica Horner *

Drew & Erin Huston

Mark Kelly, Class of ‘12 +

Megan & Rick Kiefner +

Lauren Kiger *#

Christopher Kypros

Curtis and Susan Lambert

Larchmont/Edgewater Civic League

Lisa LaRock

David Maltby

Audrey R. Maxymuk

The McPhillips Family

Beth Parker

Dan & Nicole Pellegrino *

Tom & Barbara Poindexter

Joshua & Karen Priest

Patrick & Kathryn Roberts

Bryan & Jamie Soriano *#

Drs. Rick & Trish Strauss *#

Adrienne & Traver Whittle #

Bruce and Nancy Wilcox +

$1 to $249

Ms. Mya Achike

Karen Anderson #

Courtney Anderson


Christine Aufiero

Ana Avila

Jason & Mary Baker #

Courtney Barbour

Ellen Barletto

Daniel & Brigid Barrineau

Wayne Barry

Dan & Jen Batkin

Raelyn & Evan Baumgartner *#

$1 to $249 (cont’d)

Doug & Alexis Beaver

The Betancourt Family

Acheena Blackson

James Blockey

Emily Boas

Vince & Tina Bove

Box Tops for Education

Kirk and Jan Brammer

Sophia Burlingame, Class of ‘18

The Burrows Family

Ellen Carver & Will Redfern *#

Nicole Chaplain

Ron and Barbara Chapman #

Missy Clark #

Patrick & Amanda Clark

Brian Collins & Whitney Davis

Peggy Congdon

Margaret Tucker Corprew

Greg & Ashley Costanza

Tiffany Crawford

Patrick & Maegen Cronyn

Rana Cuffee

Kay & Georg Dahl

Trink Dahl-Prince

Jeanne Damron #

Sarah Danels

Tracy Delmar

Peter & Mary-Kate DeMane #

Anne Hobbs Dorsey, Class of ‘10

Andrew & Jessica Dumm #

Kristin Eden & Rick French #

Akilah Ellison

Trey & Suzanne Emmons

Marilyn Ertel

Freddy Ferebee

Andrew & Sarah Fitzsimmons

Vanessa Flores #

Mandi Fornes

Sarah Frauenzimmer

Charles & Kirsten Gough

Thomas & Joan Griffey

Ryan and Clare Griffis

Laura & Mark Guyot

Laura Gwathmey

Liz Harrington

Harris Teeter Together In Education

Ashley Hartson #

Lauren Henry

Chris Herr

Charlie & Jose Hinsch *

Bill Hodkins

$1 to $249 (cont’d)

Leslie Hogan

Eleanor Homire

Adaira Howell, Class of ‘10 *

Katie Howlett #

Robby & Jess Hulett

Robert Hull

Ray and Jane Huston

Mackenzie Kastner

Morgan Kelly #

Kathleen Kelly, Class of ‘10

T. Kelly

Ryan & Emily Kenrick

Michelle Kent

Mr. and Mrs. John Klock

Sarah Krantz

Antoine & Noemie Landry

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lassalle

Nathan Laurin

Alexandra Leader #

Darryl & Pamela Lewis

Jessica Lin

Stephanie Little

Mim Lovell

David & Penny Main

Riza Manaois

Kathryn Mann

Melissa Mark

Kendall Mathieu

James Maus

Lauren Mazzari #

Erika McCullough

Joseph Dean McDonald Cruz & Xemis

Cruz Garcia

Nicole McGahan

Kathie McKnight

Jon & Moira McManus

Mary Meehan

William R. Miller III

Paul & Lindsay Mullan #

Leonard & Jessica Newcomb

Tuan Nguyen & Dinh Nim

Brittney Ochs

Nathan & Katie O’Neal

Robin & John Owings #

Jane Pellegrino #

Emily Perkins

Heather Perry

Mr. & Mrs. John Phipps, Jr. #

Lauren Phipps

Madison Phipps

The Powers Family #

$1 to $249 (cont’d)

Kevin Price

John & Carrie Prince

George & Marty Raiss

Chris & Amy Roberts

Charles & Kathy Robison #

Martha Roebuck

Jennifer Rose

The Roy Family

Mark Ryan

Tara Saunders *

Mark Schoenenberger & Stacie Ringleb

Madison Schofield

The Seeley Family

Dan & Candace Seidensticker #

Greg & Melissa Seitz

Amanda Senne

Whitney P. Shaffer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Shannon

Maria Shannon

Dionne Smith & Family

John & Beth Sokol

Francisco Soto & Barbara Soto Collazo*

Isabelle Stewart

Nicolle Stopa

Ed and Barbara Tem

Michael & Alison Tem #

Mr. & Mrs. Tenney

Cathy S. Thaden #

Officer Kevin Thornes

Jui-Rze & Mii-Yuh Too

Amanda Torres & Bill Petersen

John Tucker

Emily & Tom Uhl #

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Violette

Jacqueline Voorhies

Suzanne & Walter Voorhies

Hannah Wagner

Virginia & Carter Ward

Lindsey Webb

Jesse Weinberger

Carol Wesolik

Scott & Kendra White

Bo Whittington

Ryan Whittington

Henry & Pamela Wilcox

James & Joanna Willette

Karen Wohner

Inaugural Campaign

Many thanks to the FY 2023-24 donors in our first comprehensive campaign to raise funds for professional development, science and technology enhancements, need-based financial assistance, and campus enhancements.

Financial Aid & Endowment

Dr. L.D. Britt

John Tucker Professional Development

Greg & Janet Kim

Undesignated Funds

Addison & Davis Glenn

Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits

Victor & Emily Brannon

Paul K. Campsen & Dr. Caramine White

Richard & Angie Counselman

James D. Hooker

Robert & Cynthia Kelly

Richard & Janice Knapp

The Laplace Family

Stanley R. Lawson

Richard C. Mapp, III

Suzanne & Vince Mastracco

John & Robin Owings

Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ungerman

Tribute In Memory of Jeremy


George & Marty Raiss

Celtic Cross Society

We are deeply grateful to our legacy donors who have made a commitment to the School through planned giving.

Deborah Jo Alberti

Patric & Isabel Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barry

Mrs. Jane P. Batten

Tiger & Leah Bell

Jim Bush

Marie Callaham

Ms. Margaret Cordovana*

Ellen Reed Carver

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. DeMane

Mr. Mark Denison & Mrs. Candace


Mr. Thad Doumar

Ms. Leslie Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss

Mr. Michael Glenn

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond

Ms. Lynn Hopkins

Mr. John James

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Joly

Robert & Cynthia Kelly

Michael and Helen Kerner

Mr. John Koonce

Ann & Andrew Larkin

Harvey L. Lindsay, Jr.*

Mr. James Maus

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Mazzari

Ms. Nancy McMahon

Mr. & Mrs. Charles McPhillips

George & Catherine Neskis

Randy & Barbra Noe

Dan & Nicole Pellegrino

Donald & Barbara Price

John & Carrie Prince

Mr. & Mrs. Art Prince

George & Marty Raiss

Juliette & Frank Reidy

Mr. & Mrs. John Searing

Drs. Rick & Trish Strauss

Cathy S. Thaden & Stanley Lawson

Mr. & Mrs. PJ and Julie Trudell

Mr. and Mrs.* John Tucker

Mr. Mark and Dr. Jan White



$8,013,201.92 VALUE AS OF JUNE 30, 2023

The Wolfhound community has established funds to support general endowment as well as specific academic, faculty, and student programs. Endowments are invested to support Saint Patrick Catholic School’s mission in perpetuity.

The portfolio of endowed funds is managed by Cerity Partners in Norfolk, VA, with oversight from the Board of Directors of the Saint Patrick Catholic School Foundation. The June 2024 market value of each fund is listed next to the fund name. Support in any amount is welcome for any existing fund. New funds can be named with a minimum investment of $10,000.

Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund


Established in 2007 by the McPhillips family in honor of their parents, this fund provides scholarships for students demonstating need.

Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund


Established in 2007, the endowed fund provides scholarships for students demonstrating need.

Patrick Family Endowment


Established in 2008, this fund supports financial assistance for Saint Patrick students.

Prince Family Endowment

Avery Family and D.J. Sokol Fund


Established in 2010, this endowed fund helps to meet the immediate financial aid needs of qualified students.

Barry Boys Fund


Established in 2008, this fund provides income for need-based student scholarships.

Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund


Established in 2012, this fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

Margaret Canada Callaham Memorial Fund


Established in 2017, this fund benefits need-based tuition assistance for Saint Patrick students.

Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund


Established in 2006, this endowed fund supports need-based financial assistance.

Harvey and Frances Lindsay Scholarship Fund


Established in 2016 in honor of Harvey and Frances Lindsay’s contributions to Saint Patrick, this fund supports need-based financial assistance.

James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts


Established in 2017 as a living memorial to Joan Elizabeth Maus, proceeds of this fund supplement the visual arts budget.

McKnight Military Family Scholarship


Established in 2013, this fund supports military students who have learning challenges.

Charles V. McPhillips Scholarship Fund


Established in 2019 in honor of founding board member, Chuck McPhillips, this fund supports financial assistance for qualified students.


Established in 2006, this endowed fund provides assistance to students who demonstate financial need.

James Barry Robinson Trust Fund


Established in 2014, this endowed fund provides tuition assistance to students demonstrating need.

John H. Tucker Professional Development Fund


Established in 2015 in honor of Saint Patrick Catholic School Educational Advisor, Mr. John H. Tucker, this fund supports faculty professional development.

Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund


Established in 2008, this endowed fund provides student scholarships.

Ms. Barbara Zoby & Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund


Established in 2007, this endowed fund provides need-based student scholarships.

Class FundsScholarship

Funds generated from the annual Servant Leadership Dinner are applied to the corresponding Class Scholarship Fund, and as part of the Endowment, benefit Saint Patrick students.

Class of 2008

Class of 2009

Class of 2010

Class of 2011

Class of 2012

Class of 2013

Class of 2014

Class of 2015

Class of 2016

Class of 2017

Class of 2018

Class of 2019













Class of 2020 Delayed due to Covid

Class of 2021 Delayed due to Covid

Class of 2022

Class of 2023

Class of 2024




Saint Patrick Patron Sponsors

Thank you to our community sponsors for supporting both the Returning Thanks Breakfast and Evenings at Saint Patrick.


Instant Systems


Ware Insurance


Conrad Brothers


Selective Insurance

Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsors

Evenings at Saint Patrick are one-night classes for the community, from cooking to history to music, taught by a talented cadre of volunteers. All proceeds from Evenings go directly to need-based financial assistance.


IP Configure

Katie Howlett & Charlotte Chandler, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

Towne Realty

The Law Office of Emily Brannon

Department Chair

Elite European Day Spa

Esparza Family Dentistry

Fulton Bank

Lovell Family Dentistry

Lauren Dial, Howard Hannah Real Estate Services


Alexis Dattoli Interior Design

Coach House Bar and Grill

Courtney Violette, Howard Hannah Real Estate Services


Hale Marys Fitness

Hatcher & Frey

No Frill Bar and Grill

Tidewater Pipes & Drums


Tidewater Gymnastics Academy

In-Kind Sponsors

Deadline Digital Printing

Sinclair Communications

JR Hogan teamed up with his dad to create culinary delights in our “Chopped” Evenings class cooking competition.

Sajo Farm Classic Sponsors

Over 100 antique and exotic cars were on display at The Sajo Farm Classic Car Show to support Saint Patrick financial assistance.


The Decker Law Firm


Doummar Law

Elite Motors

Law Office of Shawn M. Cline P.C.

Luna Development, LLC

Montagna Law

The Neskis Family

Priority Lexus


Lawyer Garage

LPR Limousine Service

Protogyrou Law

Stanley Lawson & Cathy Thaden


Kissell Painting & Contracting

Norfolk Catering Company

Westside Speech Therapy, LLC

Dr. Robert Woolfitt

Grandparents Circle

We appreciate all of the grandparents and “grandfriends” of students, past and present, who generously support our school.

Bob & Joanne Abbott

Jerry Allgeier

Rick & Jane Amelon

Jack & Ellie Ankerson

Christine Aufiero

George & Alice Bangs

Tom & Kathy Bosse

Lou & Susy Bott

Kirk & Jan Brammer

Deborah & William Burkett

Brenda B. Caruana

John & Karen Cavanaugh

Ron & Barbara Chapman

Missy & David Clark

Richard & Kathleen Collins

Peggy Congdon

Margaret Tucker Corprew

Sharon Crosby

Kay & Georg Dahl

Trink Dahl-Prince

Jeanne Damron

Pamela Fein

Bruce & Sharon Foster

Thomas & Joan Griffey

Liz Harrington

Roy & Diane Harrington

Ray & Jane Huston

John & Connie Klock

Christopher Kypros

Mary Louis LeHew

Harry Lester

Charlie & Mary Pat Liggio

Barbara Lipskis

Bill & Kathy Magee

Kathryn Mann

Audrey R. Maxymuk

Robert & Karren Mayer

Pamela & Frank McKinney

Nancy McMahon

William R. Miller III

Tom & Barbara Poindexter

Charles & Kathy Robison

Bob & Cathy San Julian

Dan & Sarah Schuette

Wayne & Ann Shank

Thomas & Kim Shannon

Michael & Maureen Spencer

Frank & Cathy Stumpf

Ed & Barbara Tem

Jui-Rze & Mii-Yuh Too

William & Laura Ungerman

Thom & Mary Violette

Suzanne & Walter Voorhies

Carol Wesolik

Jock & Bonnie Wheeler

Bruce & Nancy Wilcox

Chris & George Willson


292 Volunteers shared their time and talent in countless ways to make the 2023-2024 school year a success!

Mya Achike

Hailey Aguas

Hilary Alessi

Beatrice Amankona

Courtney Anderson

Josh Anderson

Karen Anderson

Detra Atkinson

Don Atkinson

Matthew Bak

Jason Baker

Josh Baker

Katie Baker

Mary Baker

Christina Baldassari

Nick Bandy

Brigid Barrineau

Melissa Bassham

Dan Batkin

Jen Batkin

Howard Baugh

Evan Baumgartner

Ann Bednash

Steve Bednash

Leah Bell

Brantley Bissette

Acheena Blackson

Greg Bockheim

Susan Bohache

Barbara Bonheur

Ronn Bonheur

Annie Bosse

Bill Bott

Lorraine Bott

Tina Bove

Martha Bradley

Emily Brannon

Victor Brannon

Shannon Breor

Ann Bruhn

Glenn Burch

Bill Burke

Jennifer Burke

Lee Burgess

Susan Burnett

Stacey Burrows

Melissa Buryk

Jenny Cannon

Katie Castelle

Chris Chagnon

Sarah Chagnon

Devon Charity

Begonia Cheng

Craig Chivers

Jenny Chung

Patrick Collins

Nick Cordovana

Angie Counselman

Maegen Cronyn

Virginie D’Avezac

Alison Dahl

Georg Dahl

Trink Dahl-Prince

Damian Daniel

Stacy Daniel

Duffy Danish

Alexis Dattoli

Matthew Dattoli

Judy Davis

Louis DeCuir

Barbara DeSoto

Chris Dial

Lindsay Dixon

Abigail Dobzyniak

Erika Donohue

Kieran Donohue

Katie Dougherty

Ryan Dougherty

Valerie Downes

Andrew Dumm

Jessica Dumm

Carol Earp

Kristen Eden

Kensey Edwards

Kenneth Elenora

Melissa Emerick

Suzanne Emmons

Trey Emmons

Sarah Esparza

Christy Everett

Mills Everett

Adam Fairchilds

Katherine Filer

Josh Fisher

Rodney Flores

Vanessa Flores

Val Foley

Jackie Foster

Peggy Fox

Paul Franklin

Rick French


Ethel Frio

Lauren Gallagher

Rebecca Gantt

Cynthia Garcia

Brent Gaut

Scott Gilmore

Audrey Gotterup

Kirsten Gough

Kayla Gradwell

Jack Granger

Stephanie Griffey

Clare Griffis

Brie Guerra

Laura Gwathmey

Matthew Hahne

Meg Hallberg

Steve Hammond

Charlotte Hannah

Lamar Hannah

Janis Harrington

John Harrington

Ashley Hartson

Lindsay Heath

Lauren Henry

Lucia Herndon

Briana Hillstrom

Alice Hinsch

Elaine Hogan

Jackie Hogan

Jason Hogan

Jeff Hogan

Marlys Hogan

Martha Holmes

Eleanor Homire

Ryan Homire

William Horner

Katie Howlett

Mary Huff

Heather Huling

Corrine Hupp

Drew Huston

Erin Huston

Jerry Huston

Bernard Jones

Christian Joyner

Sydney Joynt

Catherine Kelly

Cynthia Kelly

Morgan Kelly

Tom Kent

Rick Kiefner

Lauren Kiger

Janet Kim

Beau Kirkwood

Whitney Koenigsknecht

Andrew Kramer

Kevin Krigsvold

Sasha Krigsvold

Jason Kypros

Susan Lambert

Meg Lassalle

Nate Laurin

Stanley Lawson

Alex Leader

Adam Levensalor

Stefanie Levensalor

Darryl Lewis

Elisa Lewis

Pamela Lewis

Jessica Lin

Rizelle Manaois

Lindsay Mullan

Paul Mullan

Rachel Mullet-Cline

Maura Murchake

Edwin Murilo-Arita

Matthew Murphy

Sheryl Murphy

Erin Murray

Emil Nazaryan

Chris Nelson

Jessica Newcomb

Leonard Newcomb

Jim Newsom

Pam Northam

Ann O’Keefe

Brittney Ochs

Anne ODell

Robin Owings

Heather Perry

Abby Peterkin

Omari Peterkin

Melissa Mark

Tracy Masterson

Kendall Mathieu

Lauren Mazzari

Sarah McBride

Laura McDermott

Rob McDermott

Joseph McDonald

Pamela McKinney

Moira McManus

Chuck McPhillips

Mary Meehan

Carolyn Meyer

Ellena Millar

Colleen Mollison

Thomas Mollison

Olivia Moran

Peter Morford

Emily Moser

Nate Moss

Staci Muckian

Erik Porcaro

Ben Potts

Heather Powers

Mike Powers

Donny Price

John Prince

Robert Pursell

Helen Rapley

Mike Redel

William Redfern

Mike Reiss

Leryn Reynolds

Heather Riesenberger

Phil Riske

Aaron Rittgers

Ashley Rittgers

Amy Roberts

Jim Roberts

Grace Robertson

Tessa Robinson

Martha Roebuck

Denise Romeo

Jennifer Rose

Mark Ryan

Kelsey Sarcone

John Scholefield

Candace Seidensticker

Dan Seidensticker

Jim Slauson

Travis Smaglo

Sarah Smith

Beth Sokol

Bryan Soriano

Roscoe Monroe Soto

Barbara Soto Collazo

Genesis Soto Melendez

Axel Steiner

Sarah Sterzing

Amy Stinnette

Nicolle Stopa

Rick Strauss

David Sullivan

Kevin Sweeney

Emily Swick

Beth Tan

Shellie Taylor

Alison Tem

Teresa Tenney

Cathy Thaden

Hilliary Thompson

Amanda Torres

Steven Traylor

Jennifer Tschanz

Emily Uhl

Tom Uhl

Chris Uiterwyk

Devon Uiterwyk

Mike Violette

Jack Wagner

Frank Walker

Jane Walsh

Isabel Walters

Billy Ward

Mary Elizabeth Ward

Monica Weatherington

Andrea Weaver

Scott Weaver

Teresa Wessling

Lacie Wever

Adrienne Whittle

Amy Wilborn

Pamela Wilcox

Joanna Willette

Amanda Williams-Clark

Lucy Wilson

Melissa Young

Allison Zedd

Remembering Suzanne Voorhies

On July 6, 2024, our Wolfhound community lost a bright light with the passing of our beloved teacher, colleague, and friend, Suzanne Voorhies. Mrs. Voorhies was a talented artist and art teacher who began her career in 1978. After 25 years at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy, she joined her daughter, Jacki Voorhies, in the art department at Saint Patrick. For eighteen years, she taught art alongside her daughter, and we are so happy she became a Wolfhound.

Mrs. Suzanne Voorhies was not just a teacher but a mentor, guide, and source of creativity and support. Her gentle spirit and passion for art created an environment where students felt safe to explore without fear of judgment. She believed in the power of creative expression to unlock potential, foster personal growth, and help the human spirit endure life’s

hardships. Alongside the art curriculum, Mrs. Voorhies taught students how to creative problem-solve, push through frustration, and turn mistakes into beautiful parts of their art.

She truly cared about each student she taught and had a unique ability to coax out the inner artist in even the most hesitant pupils. Whether a student was naturally gifted or initially resistant, Mrs. Voorhies found ways to inspire and motivate. She saw potential where others saw none, and her belief in her students’ abilities often surpassed their own, encouraging them to achieve more than they ever thought possible. Many of her students pursued fine arts in high school at the Governor’s School for the Arts and beyond.

While we mourn the loss of Suzanne Voorhies, her spirit lives on in the confidence and creativity she instilled in her students and the beautiful works of art created under her guidance. She will be remembered not only as an amazing art teacher and artist but as a transformative force who taught her students to see the world through a lens of creativity and possibility. Suzanne Voorhies left the world a better place, and we are all better for having known her.

The Class of 2024 is attending the following high schools:

Cape Henry Collegiate

Catholic High School

Georgetown Preparatory School

Granby High School: International Baccalaureate Program

Landstown High School: Governor’s STEM Academy

Maury High School

Maury High School: Medical & Health Specialties Program

Norfolk Academy

Norfolk Christian School

Norfolk Collegiate School

The Class of 2020 is attending the following colleges and universities:

Appalachian State University

Duke University

Hampden-Sydney College

James Madison University

Michigan State University

Old Dominion University

Oklahoma City University

Pennsylvania State University

United States Merchant Marine Academy

United States Naval Academy

University of Georgia

University of South Carolina

University of Virginia

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

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