2016-2018 Saint Patrick Catholic School Annual Report

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Annual Report of Giving

fiscal 2016years 2017


Identifying, Nuturing, and Celebrating the Gifts of Each Child Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG |

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School Mission Proud of our Catholic heritage and woven into the Norfolk community, Saint Patrick Catholic School proclaims the Gospel by offering families with children in grades Pre-K through 8 an exceptional Catholic education built upon character formation, spiritual development, leadership training, academic rigor, physical well-being, and an ethic of service. Parents are the primary educators of their children, and Saint Patrick is committed to a close collaboration with them to promote their children’s growth and learning. While utilizing the best educational technologies and facilities possible, Saint Patrick is dedicated to maintaining a safe and caring Christian community in which every child’s gifts are identified, nurtured, and celebrated.

Board of Directors Michael K. Kerner President

Cynthia S. Kelly, M.D. Director

Charles V. McPhillips Secretary

Donald F. Price Director

William A. Prince Treasurer Jane P. Batten Director John Broderick Director Deborah DiCroce, Ed.D. Director William C. Eisenbeiss Director

Educational Consultants John H. Tucker, Jr. Educational Consultant to the Board Deborah J. Alberti Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors

Founded in 2005 by the James Barry Robinson Trust, Saint Patrick is an independent Catholic school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight. We are committed to educating the whole child through our distinct model for educational success that allows us to celebrate the gifts of every child. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and spiritual instruction is designed to help the child as well as the family as they continue along their own faith journey. Saint Patrick Catholic School admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or disability (if reasonable accommodations can be assumed by the school).

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From the desk of... Dear Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic School, As we begin our fourteenth year, Saint Patrick Catholic School is stronger than ever. We are coming to a successful end of our first comprehensive capital campaign, student demand is at an all-time high, and as one of our Pre-Kindergarten students recently proclaimed, “This is a very happy place.” We are a faith-filled and joyful community that is dedicated to educating the whole child - mind, body, and spirit. Our school realizes its vision in a highly intentional manner, focusing on the total formation of every child. Our school mission is to guide students toward independence in striving for quality and goodness in every phase of their development. We encourage students to develop a growth mindset, the belief that there are no preordained limits to the brain’s capacity to learn, and the acceptance that failure is an important part of growth. Our students are inspired learners, and inspire our community every day with their love of learning, passion, and perseverance. Jesus calls us to serve as Christians. This devotion to serving our community is evident in the hundreds of service projects students have initiated and completed since the founding of our school to aid and assist those in need. These projects have impacted communities near and far. This dedicated commitment to others, built from a foundation of faith and empathy, helps form leaders who can view the world from a heart of compassion and responsibility. These are the leaders that the world needs and why “servant leadership in Christ” and an immersion in a culture of service is a priority at Saint Patrick. Our first alumni are now experiencing success in the workforce. These Wolfhounds are carrying forth the values instilled in them at Saint Patrick and are making an impact both locally and internationally. All of our volunteers embrace the spirit of giving and are central to the success of programs such as Athletics, Evenings at Saint Patrick, Helping Hands, Theatre, and so many more. Our donors understand the importance of investing in the future of our students and ensuring the legacy of our institution. Our teaching philosophy calls upon everyone in our faith learning community. In working together, we have accomplished so much and are building a strong future for our children. We celebrate your part in realizing our vision and invite your continued support of our most important mission - creating inspired learners and nurturing compassionate leaders. With joy and gratitude,

Stephen J. Hammond Principal

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Years-In-Review: Highlights From our Banner Years: 2016-2018 LIFE OF MIND • On June 17-18, 2017, Louise Schaeffler and Jan White landed and departed by a C-2 aircraft on the flight deck of the USS George Washington for a two day STEM cruise and to learn about life on a carrier. • On the 2017 National Spanish Exam, five students received Premio de Oro (at or above 95th percentile), five students earned Premio de Plata (85th to 94th percentiles), six students earned Premio de Bronce (75th to 84th percentiles), and 17 students earned Mencion Honorifica (at or above 50th percentile). • Students in third through eighth grade participated in the WordMasters Challenge. Highest Honors are reserved for students who place among the top 10-15 students of all competitors in their respective grade levels. Ten of our students earned High Honors, finishing in the top 2% in their grade level. Forty-four Saint Patrick Catholic School students earned Honorable Mention, finishing in the top 10%. (2016-2017) • Students in kindergarten visited Doumar’s restaurant to learn about the Norfolk community, the invention of the ice cream cone, and economic concepts. (2016-2017) • Five students from middle school were named award winners in the Friends of the Norfolk Public Library Annual Book Review Contest. The contest encourages reading, writing, and critical thinking, as well as a wider use of the library. It is open to all public, private, and home-schooled students in Norfolk, grades four through twelve. They receive thousands of entries each year. (2017-2018) • In a cross-curricular project, Saint Patrick Eighth Grade students wrote and illustrated children’s books in Spanish and English using the conditional tense with the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” series by Laura Numeroff as a template. This year the project was extended across the Eighth Grade curriculum. Eighth

Grade students earned credit in Spanish, English, Religion, and Math. They shared their creations with their Kindergarten prayer buddies, and the Kindergarten students were excited to learn that they could keep the books! (2017-2018) • Fifteen Saint Patrick students from sixth through eighth grades participated in the South Hampton Roads Catholic Middle School Science Bowl. The students were divided into two teams, and one of our teams won third place out of eight teams in the region. (2017-2018) • Seventh and Eighth Grade students literally made history at the 2018 Virginia History Day Competition. Virginia History Day is a competition for students in grades six through twelve. This year’s theme was Conflict & Compromise in History. Five of our students qualified for the state competition, placing first or second in their category and age division at one of eight district-level competitions held throughout Virginia. Three of these students went on to compete in the National History Day Finals in June. (2017-2018) • Four of our Middle School teachers, Amber Seeley, Chris Chagnon, Ashley Costanza, and Louise Schaeffler were selected as Fellows in the 2018 cohort of the Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows. The Trustey STEM Fellowship is a unique, competitive, and formative program focused on increasing student interest and learning in STEM disciplines through the support and growth of high quality STEM teachers. These teachers were selected as one of ten schools in the program’s fourth cohort and joined over 90 teachers from the program’s first three cohorts. (2017-2018) • Over 1000 adults from all over Hampton Roads came back to school for our Evenings at Saint Patrick program, a series of quality enrichment classes for adults to benefit the Saint Patrick Catholic School Scholarship Fund. (2017-2018)

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LIFE OF RELATIONSHIP • Saint Patrick Catholic School collaborated with Old Dominion University’s Department of Recreation and Tourism Studies students to provide ten stations featuring movement exercise fun for our Pre-Kindergarten students. ODU has provided our students this experience each year for the past seven years. • A group of lower and middle school teachers, as well as counselors and directors, participated in a four-day workshop on Responsive Classrooms. Responsive Classroom strategies seamlessly integrate with the Glasser Quality School model to provide engaging, developmentally responsive teaching, and a positive community through effective classroom management. (2017-2018)

• Saint Patrick received the Virginia Naturally Recognition from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: Project WILD for our environmental and stewardship efforts during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years. • Four students from the Rochester School in Bogotá, Colombia spent nine weeks at Saint Patrick as part of our exchange program with this school. These students were fully immersed in the English language and American culture for a more authentic exchange than is readily available for this age group. These exchange students truly enrich the lives of Saint Patrick students and their host families. (2017 -2018)

THE PHYSICAL LIFE • Faculty, staff, and students celebrated our FIRST Earth Day in April 2017. The new pier and outdoor classroom were dedicated, followed by fun, educational activities with topics ranging from beekeeping to bird watching, water testing, and more.

• 93% percent of third through eighth grade students participated in at least one school sport for the past two years.

• For the past two years, a Saint Patrick student has been awarded the Dr. Lawrence G. Dotolo Scholarship for sportsmanship, • Saint Patrick celebrated Hispanic Heritage spirit, community service, and high academic Month and Hispanic cultures during our achievement. Fiesta Latina. Parents from Cuba, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Puerto • In June of 2017, second through eighth Rico, and El Salvador hosted tables where grade students participated in the Presidential families were able to explore the food and Physical Fitness test with 48% earning culture celebrated in that country. Presidential honors and 46% earning National Honors. • Six members of Amphibious Construction Battalion Two, Joint Expeditionary Base Little • Saint Patrick received the Tidewater Creek-Fort Story, visited Saint Patrick as part Catholic Basketball League Sportsmanship of the Fleet Week Hampton Roads community Award in 2017 and 2018. outreach. They welcomed students at drop off, spoke at Middle School Assembly, and visited • Girls Field Hockey had great success in the some Lower School classrooms. (2017-2018) Catholic Field Hockey League and won the Youth Junior and Senior Divisions for the past • Over 50 alumni returned to school for two years. the annual Alumni Reunion and Barbeque. Numerous alumni served on a panel for the • Boys Soccer had their only undefeated season Eighth Grade Graduate at Graduation pre- in 2016 and the Senior Boys Basketball team won sentations and also volunteered their time at their first ever ETIS Championship in 2017. various Wolfhound Weeks Summer Camps. • The Middle School Boys Baseball team Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG |

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Years-In-Review: Highlights From our Banner Years: 2016-2018 continued won their first championship in 2017.

• Saint Patrick celebrated Christian Unity Day by inviting our area pastors, priests, and ministers to attend Chapel • The Fourth Grade Boys and Girls Basketball teams swept to celebrate them. These ministers and priests work in the TCBL and won Division Championships. (2018) collaboration with us to deepen the faith of our students. Students see and experience that we embrace all that we • Over the past two years, students and faculty participated have in common as Christians as we strive to deepen the in a student-led service project called Playing with a faith of all of our students. (2016-2017, 2017-2018) Purpose. This basketball tournament raised thousands of dollars for the migrant workers on the Eastern Shore to LIFE OF VOCATION obtain U.S. Citizenship over the past two years. • Over 50 Middle School students volunteered to serve as Legati for the past two years. These student ambassa• Over 80 students, along with a number of parents dors led Snapshot tours and served as hosts and hostesses at and faculty members, participated in the first Operation school sponsored events. Smile Dodge Ball Tournament. This event brought in over $4000 for Operation Smile, providing sixteen operations • Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students particifor children suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate. (2018). pated in the St. Jude’s Trike-A-Thon and have raised more than $14,000 over the past two years benefiting St. Jude’s Research Hospital. LIFE OF SPIRIT • Saint Patrick Fifth and Eighth grade students scored above the national average on the Assessment of • Mrs. Consunji’s third grade class led a six month schoolCatechetical Religious Education (ACRE) Assessment! wide recycling project collecting all types of plastic film for The students’ stellar performance on this assessment has the TREX Recycling Program. Saint Patrick collected over remained consistent since the inception of the School. The 472 pounds of plastic – that’s over one pound per student. ACRE standardized test measures students’ knowledge of (2017-2018) Catholic theology across six domains: Knowledge of Faith, Liturgical Life, Moral Formation, Prayer, Communal Life, • Students led 43 service projects during the 2017-2018 school year. These projects included collecting canned goods and Missionary Spirit. for the Catholic Worker, clothing for the less fortunate, toys • Eighth Grade students wrote and performed original and gifts for the Toys for Tots program, and Halloween music for the Station of the Cross Program on Holy candy for Operation Gratitude, just to name a few. Thursday. (2017-2018) • The Seventh Grade along with their First Grade prayer • Individual class masses were held with our chaplain, buddies collected toys, socks, school supplies, hats, and Father Jim Curran, for grades three through eight in the more, and filled wrapped shoeboxes as Christmas presents for the organization “Crossing Borders.” The students also spring of 2017 and 2018. made Spanish Christmas cards to go in the boxes. The • Seventh and Eighth graders mentored Kindergarten shoeboxes were delivered to Mexico for young children and first grade students throughout the year in the Prayer that otherwise would not have gifts. Buddy Program (2016-2017, 2017-2018) • Eighth Grade students attended a two-day spiritual • Students celebrated Catholic Schools Week, an annual retreat on the Eastern Shore of Virginia where they celebration of Catholic education that focuses on the participated in team-building activities. They visited two value Catholic education provides to young people and migrant worker camps where they distributed clothing, its contributions to Church, local communities, and the shoes, and other items collected by the school. (2016nation. This year’s theme was “Learn, Serve, Lead and 2017, 2017-2018) Succeed.” (2017-2018)

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Family Focus

“All in the Family” The Cancando, Kohler and Varverud Families


nce upon a time, three young girls from Brazil moved to Norfolk, Virginia to attend Old Dominion University on tennis scholarships. They each met an international student on the tennis team, eventually married, and decided to call Norfolk home. Children were not far down the road, and fast forward to 2018, they now have seven children between them, and they are all proud Wolfhounds. Luciana was the first to attend ODU in 1995. She met her Swedish husband, Johan, a year later. After graduating, Luciana moved into the Bolling Square Apartments, right next to the future site of Saint Patrick. She watched the school being built. They have two children, and when it was time to enroll their oldest child, Julia, in Pre-Kindergarten, the first school they considered was Saint Patrick. They came on a Snapshot tour of the school and according to Luciana, “that was all it took.” Julia is now in her final year at Saint Patrick. She is a talented actress and has starred in numerous musicals at school. She is also the president of the Operation Smile Club. Her brother, Lucas, is in the sixth grade, and can be found on the soccer field, basketball court, or tennis court. Middle sister, Raquel, followed Luciana and started at ODU in January 1996. There she met teammate, (a friend of Johan’s from Sweden), Niclas. They married and have two girls, Sofia and Olivia. There was no question about where they would send their girls to school. Upon visiting Saint Patrick, Raquel was most impressed by “the facilities, the attention to detail, and the family style dining.” Sofia is currently in sixth grade and little sister, Olivia, is in fourth. Both girls are talented athletes, competing in swimming, cross county, basketball, and tennis. Youngest sister, Patchi, was not one to be left behind. She, too, was recruited for tennis and enrolled at ODU

in January 2000. Her husband, Alex, grew up in the same hometown in Brazil. The two reconnected on the tennis courts, married, and have three children – Bela, Marcus and Victor. Bela, sixth grade, is a gifted gymnast, plays the piano, and is on numerous sports teams. Marcus, fourth grade, is quite an athlete as well and plays numerous sports for Saint Patrick. Victor is the newest Wolfhound. This is his first year at Saint Patrick. When Patchi came on a Snapshot, she says she was “very impressed with the kids greeting her at the door, and especially with the Lower School student who spoke at the Snapshot.” Her son Marcus spoke at two Snapshots last year, impressing prospective families with his own public speaking skills. The girls’ grandparents, Nelson and Lucia Araujo, left everything behind in Brazil to be with their children and grandchildren. They sold their house, closed their business, and now call Norfolk home. They can be seen picking up the kids in the afternoon and don’t miss an athletic event or performance. They, too, consider themselves part of the Wolfhound family. The families live in the same neighborhood, spend time together at home, and travel the world together. What do they love most about Saint Patrick? Like their own family, Saint Patrick is one big, inclusive family. They love the friendships they and their children have made. They value the strong academics, the interactions between older and younger students, the family style dining, and the extracurricular opportunities. They are most impressed by the emphasis on Total Formation. Not only do their children have the opportunity to excel academically, they are learning to be leaders and great stewards of the community. They are proud of their Catholic heritage and truly believe in the mission of this school. They are so grateful for the opportunity to send their children here, and generously share their time, talent, and treasure. We are blessed that these families are a vibrant part of the Wolfhound story.

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2016 2017 FISCAL YEAR

Returning Thanks Multi-Year Society Donors The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through yearly pledges of $1000 or more for a duration of five years.

Saint Patrick Society $100,000 and above (members since) Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)

Saint Patrick Society $10,000 to $49,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry (2006)

Shamrock Circle Society $5,000 to $9,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Emmanual Arias (2013) The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund (2006) Damuth Trane (2016) Instant Systems (2014)

Dr. Gerald and Sherry Ramsey (2012) Ms. Tara Ramsey (2014) Pru and Louis Ryan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Gold Society $2,000 to $4,999 (members since) Anonymous (2016) Anton Family Foundation (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. (2014) Nancy O. Chandler (2007) Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss (2008)

Drs. Brian and Natalie Feldman (2008) Jack and Isma Granger (2013) Randal and Barbra Noe (2016) Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott (2013) Jerry Allgeier (2014) Josh and Karen Anderson (2016) Anonymous (2012) Bobby and Susannah Beard (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beard (2013) Stuart Birkel and Nathalie Cassis (2013) Greg and Ann Bockheim (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brandt (2006) Mrs. Ellen Carver and Mr. Will Redfern (2015) John and Charlotte Chandler (2006) Capt. and Mrs. Peter DeMane, USN (Ret.) (2016) Deborah M. DiCroce (2015) Ms. Ercelle Drayton (2016) Lucy and Paul Gibney (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hostutler (2010)

Mrs. Mary G. Keogh (2012) Greg and Janet Kim (2013) Bobby and Nancy King (2014) Mr. Brian Kuebler and Ms. Nancy Nale (2007) The Laplace Family (2012) Mary Louis and Willette LeHew (2010) Denise and Peyton Lex (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Louth (2008) Drs. Eric and Mim Lovell (2014) Suzanne and Vince Mastracco (2014) Andy and Monica McCullough (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDermott (2015) Ms. Nancy McMahon (2008) Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Jon Montagna (2009) N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry (2013) The Novosel Family (2014)

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Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) continued Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Connor (2013) The Page Family (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Philbin (2012) Greg and Mary Pitman (2016) Donny and Barbara Price (2006) George and Marty Raiss (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III (2015) Mariah and Ethan Rule (2015) Hooman and Sharon Sadr (2009) Candace and Dan Seidensticker (2014) Gabrielle and Michael Shumate (2010)

Sow Universal, LLC (2016) The Smith Family (2015) PJ and Julie Trudell (2013) Thom and Mary Violette (2015) The Walsh Family (2016) Morgan and Adair Wells (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weaver (2015) Mark and Jan White (2011) Mr. G. Wilson and Dr. S. Shepheard (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Don Winchester (20141) Ms. Krysia Witkowski (2015)

Returning Thanks Donors Donations $5,000 and above Anonymous

PNC Wealth Management - EASP Sponsor

Donations $1,000 to $4,999 The Avery/Sokol Family Endowment Nancy Benson Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System - EASP Sponsor Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System - RTB Sponsor Alex and Patchi Cancado The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation John and Karen Cavanaugh Edward and Eleanor Cavin Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Conway Mike and Jocelyn Coppock Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund

T. Clinton and Margaret Damuth Decker, Cardon, Thomas, Weintraub & Neskis, P.C. - RTB Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Denison First Command Financial Services - EASP Sponsor Martha Hofler Hotel and Club Associates - VA Instant Systems - EASP Sponsor Caroline Kea Wood Greg and Janet Kim Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Koch Whitney and Jason Longwell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Malcolm

Terence J. and Julie McPhillips (In memory of Joseph and Sarah McPhillips) New Dominion Pictures, LLC - RTB Sponsor The Prince Family Endowment Drs. Daniel and Perla Solinap and Joseph J. Solinap Nicholas Valcour Virginia Zoological Park - EASP Sponsor Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life

Jim and Blair Bickford Tracy and Bob Bodvake Ms. Brenda Caruana Dr. and Mrs. Georg Dahl Jack Dineen Thad Doumar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doyle Timothy and Teresa Duvall

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Everett First Choice Nurses of Eastern Virginia - EASP Sponsor Mr. Philip Grathwol Harris Teeter Together in Education Steen and Mette Hartov Rick and Hays Kiefner Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Koch

Donations $500 to $999 Deborah Alberti Patric and Isabel Anderson Ernest Andrew Anderson, III and Mary Ellen Tomlin Anderson Anonymous (In honor of Dr. Lea Laplace) Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Bailey Christine and David Beatty

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2016 2017 FISCAL YEAR

Donations $500 to $999 continued

Col. Ignatius and Dr. Rhonda Liberato Joan and Ray Louth Lovell Family Dentistry - EASP Sponsor Col. and Mrs. David R. Maltby, USMC (Ret.) Robert and Karren Mayer

Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Grace and John Mendoza Andrew and Elly Millar Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moro The Richard P. Murchake Family Robert Murphy and Jennifer Tica Emil and Kima Nazaryan Network for Good - Novo Nordisk The Novosel Family Taewon Park and Sookyung Joo Professional Printing Center - EASP Sponsor

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rader Donald and Betty Rudy Enrique and Clemencia Saenz Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Shumate Sinclair Communications - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Stonaker Drs. Rick and Patricia Strauss Ms. Cathy S. Thaden Jeanette Tinkham Michael and Courtney Violette Ware Insurance - EASP Sponsor

Addison and Davis Glenn (In memory of Carol Wilson-Glenn) Harris Teeter Together In Education Richard and Tiffany Hines Hogge Law - EASP Sponsor Susan Jackson John Y. Wright Company - EASP Sponsor Christopher Kennedy and Mary Reeves Murphy George and Marcia Kennedy Jon and Jessica Kliner Donald and Ashley Knight The Kohler Family Lenny and Lisa Koperna The Law Office of Emily Mapp Brannon - EASP Sponsor Adam and Stefanie Levensalor John and Deborah Lewis Mary Pat and Charles Liggio Luna Development Services, LLC - EASP Sponsor Thomas J. Lynch Dinna and Chimere Magno Clark The Maloney Family The Family of Richard C. Mapp, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio The McLemore Family Merrill Lynch - EASP Sponsor Mark and Yesim Miller N2 Eyes Comprehensive Optometry - EASP Sponsor

Tuan and Dinh Nguyen No Frill Bar & Grill - EASP Sponsor Norfolk Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage - EASP Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. Scott Nottingham Michael and Maria O’Hearn Karen Owen The Patrick Family Endowment Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Kristie and Erik Porcaro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Powell Mr. Avi Santo and Ms. Nikki Kilgore John Searing - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Dr. Smith The Soriano Family Franklin and Esmerelda Soriano Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stinnette Amanda Torres Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Christopher and Devon Uiterwyk Courtney Violette, Howard Hanna - EASP Sponsor Capt. and Mrs. Neil P. Walsh Waterside Financial Group, LLC - EASP Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. James Wells, Jr. Westside Speech Therapy - EASP Sponsor

Donations $250 to $499 139 Riverview Tenant, LLC - EASP Sponsor Paul and Sarah Allgeier Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ankerson Mr. and Mrs. Stan Arthur George and Alice Bangs Ana Basso Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Cindy Baugh Berkshire Hathaway Home Services/ Towne Realty - EASP Sponsor The Bonheur Family Stephen and Hannah Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Broach, III Mr. and Mrs. Josh H. Brown Jennifer and Doug Bunk Jennifer and Bill Burke Mr. and Mrs. Chris Challoner Conrad Brothers - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Counselman Anne and Michael Cummings Mike and Amy Cutter Charles A. de Montpellier Luc and Asako Delaney Allison Dunleavy Matt and Theresa Dunleavy Esparza Family Dentistry Jon and Maryjane Finne The Fornes Family Mr. and Mrs. Brent Fraim Virginia Genereux

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Donations $1 to $249 CDR and Mrs. Stephen Aldridge The Alinsonorin Family The Allard Family Lito and Gloria Angeles Anonymous (4) William and Margaret Atwood Ana Avila Margaret Ayscue Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Brigid Barrineau The Batkin Family Raleigh and Doris Beacham Sue Bean Capt. and Mrs. Doug Beaver Mr. and Mrs. John Beckley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Beckner Dr. and Mrs. David and Leanne Besachio Kiara Best The Betancourt Family William E. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bockheim Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III Anne Brockenbrough Bessie Brown Brownie Troop 45, STPCS Edwin and Pat Butler Toya D. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Campbell Ms. Sandra Cannon The Chagnon Family Jane Carter Chandler Ron and Barb Chapman Edward and Olga Chew Andrea Chicas Missy and David Clark Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund John Clift and Michelle Walters Walter P. Conrad James Corbett and Erin Duffy

Kevin and Erin Corrie The Corry Family Ashley and Greg Costanza Betsy Cox Jeff and Jackie Voorhies Craig Shawn Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crook Rana Cuffee Mary Lou Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Dahl The DallaVilla Family Damian and Stacy Daniel Mr. Mark Denison and Mrs. Candice Heidelberg-Denison Katy and Adrian DeRyder Dr. and Mrs. Justin DeVito Christopher and Lauren Dial Mr. and Mrs. John Dineen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domingos Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Domingos Kevin and Joan Donohue Kieran and Erika Donohue Doumar’s - EASP Sponsor Raymond and Kara Dumont Beverly Elliott Clint and Adrianne Enos Mrs. Ertel Kevin and Brianne Fallon Pamela A. Fein Freddy Ferebee Cindy Ferguson Gregory and Mary Fick Thomas and Marielena Finn Huckelberry and Elizabeth Finne Samuel and Kathy Finney Susan Fornicola Caroline H. Furr Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gabos Kathy and Tripp Garris Daniel and Giovanna Genard Catherine Giglio Victoria C. Gonzales Deborah L. Goode-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gooding Angela Graciani Charles and Loretta Grant Andrew and Stefanie Griffey

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Guerrieri Mark and Laura Guyot Maggie Hammond Mark and Sean Hess CDR and Mrs. Brian Hogan Leslie Hogan, Rodan and Fields - EASP Sponsor Noreen Hoi Nancy L. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Gar Housler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hull David Hutchins and Cynthia Rudy

Why We Give... “We give because our children are getting so much more than just an education at Saint Patrick – they are living an experience. It is a home away from home where every child is treated as an individual. Students are taught to love nature, give back to others, ask questions and embrace their talents.” – Tiger and Leah Bell Rebecca Irizarry Ron and Azeb Jackson John James Lynn James Sheila Jessen and ACE Team Marilyn Keel Pearl Kelly The Krigsvold Family Christopher Kypros The LaBaire Family Andy and Ann Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaRock Eric and Meg Lassalle Nicholas and Rebecca Law Leigh and Mark Leffler JT and Martha Ann Lex Mrs. Katherine Lietz and Mr. Hector Carmelo Little Bug Embroidery - EASP Sponsor David and Jessica Livsey

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2016 2017 FISCAL YEAR

Donations $1 to $249 continued

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lynch Matthew and Amy Lynch TJ and Lisa Lynch Barbara W. Macleod The Maddaloni Family The Main Family John and Julie Malcolm Lincoln March Roy and Adale Martin Erika McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGrath, III Dina G. McIntyre (In honor of my grandchildren)

Why We Give... “We give so that others can experience the joy that our family has felt being members of the Saint Patrick Community”. – Victor and Emily Brannon John and Jackie McIntyre The McKinney-Nazir Family Ron and Kitty McLean Mrs. Mardane McLemore Patrick and Aaryn McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McPhillips Mr. Michael J. McPhillips Scholarship Fund Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund Teodoro and Merlita Mendoza MidLantic Builders Glenwood Julie Moberly and Steven Velotas Bobby and Sarah Moro Sandra Mueller Stephanie Musgrove

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Rich and Erika Nagy Frederick and Joan Nelson Lauren and Matthew Partin Bill and Terry Peery Jane Pellegrino John and Gail Phipps Madison Phipps The Powers Family Carrie Prince John and Carrie Prince Jim Quigley Kelly Raia David and Rosie Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randolph John Roberts The Roberts Family Forrest and Margie Robertson Chris and Tessa Robinson Lee and Ann Robinson Edward and Frances Roehm The Roy Family Mary Margaret Roy Rudolph and Charlotte Roy Mr. and Mrs. Reid Ruble Denise Dalton Rule Mark Ryan Ken and Joanne Saal Antonio and Dalisay Salvador Mrs. Cecelia Sanford Bert and Nicole Sanford Mark Schoenenberger and Stacie Ringleb Dale and Daisy Schuurman The Seeley Family Jim and Donna Sepull Allen Sherman Terrence Mark Siegrist Andy and Ashley Sinitiere Catherine Smith Dionne Smith Michael Soniak Alan Sonner (In honor of Christopher Kypros) Staff Member Kelly Stefanko Suzanne Stephens (In honor of the McDermott Family)

Theresa Stogner William E. Stonaker and Patricia N. Wilson Michael and Corie Sullivan Sean and Adrienne Sullivan Mrs. Lori Surber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan Jonathan T. Tan Patricia Tayloe Mr. Lee and Dr. Herminia Thacker Kelly Till Susan Tirusittampalam Chris and Vanessa Todd Donald and Elizabeth Tomlin Diane and James Toscano Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Truscinski John and Barbara Tucker Rev. Mr. J. Derek Turrielta Luciana and Johan Varverud The Versprille Family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voorhies Dr. and Mrs. James Vorosmarti Patricia G. Waldo Ms. Suzanne Walters Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward Dorothy B. Wattley Stephanie Wege Michael and Kelly Willette Mr. and Mrs. George M. Williams Mr. Cret Wilson and Ms. Jeanne Marie Liggio The Wohner Family Carrie Woodard Amy Woods Mr. and Mrs. Christian Woodside Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Wooten J. Terrance Wright, JD Curt Wynn Dragos and Kseniya Zamfir Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

*EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor | RTB – Returning Thanks Breakfast Sponsor

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2017 2018 FISCAL YEAR

Returning Thanks Multi-Year Society Donors The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through yearly pledges of $1000 or more for a duration of five years.

Saint Patrick Society $100,000 and above (members since) Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)

Saint Patrick Society $10,000 to $49,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry (2006) Mrs. Jane P. Batten

Instant Systems (2014)

Shamrock Circle Society $5,000 to $9,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Arias (2013) The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund (2006) Damuth Trane (2016)

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Philbin (2017) Ms. Tara Ramsey (2014) Pru and Louis Ryan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Gold Society $2,000 to $4,999 (members since) Anonymous (2016) Rick and Jane Amelon (2016) Anton Family Foundation (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. (2014) Nancy O. Chandler (2007)

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss (2008) Drs. Brian and Natalie Feldman (2008) Jack and Isma Granger (2013) Randal and Barbara Noe (2016) Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott (2013) Jerry Allgeier (2014) Ernest Andrew Anderson III and Mary Ellen Tomlin Anderson (2017) Josh and Karen Anderson (2016) Bobby and Susannah Beard (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beard (2013) Stuart Birkel and Nathalie Cassis (2013) Ann and Greg Bockheim (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brandt (2006) Mrs. Marie Callaham (2013) Ms. Ellen Carver and Mr. Will Redfern (2015) John and Charlotte Chandler (2006) Mr. and Mrs. T. Clinton Damuth (2014) Capt. And Mrs. Peter DeMane, USN (Ret.) (2016) Deborah M. DiCroce (2015) Ms. Ercelle Drayton (2016) Michael Germano (2017) Paul and Lucy Gibney (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hammond (2006)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hostutler (2010) Mrs. Mary G. Keogh (2012) Greg and Janet Kim (2013) Bobby and Nancy King (2014) Mary Louis and Willette LeHew (2010) Denise and Peyton Lex (2014) Drs. Eric and Mim Lovell (2014) Suzanne and Vince Mastracco (2014) Andy and Monica McCullough (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McDermott (2015) Ms. Nancy McMahon (2008) Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Jon Montagna (2009) The Novosel Family (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Connor (2013) The Page Family (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pitman (2016) Donny and Barbara Price (2006) George and Marty Raiss (2006) Frank and Juliette Reidy (2017) Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG |

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2017 2018 FISCAL YEAR

Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) continued

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III (2015) Mariah and Ethan Rule (2015) Hooman and Sharon Sadr (2009) Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Seidensticker (2014) Gabrielle and Michael Shumate (2010)

The Smith Family (2015) Thom and Mary Violette (2015) The Walsh Family (2016) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weaver (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wells (2011) Mr. G. Wilson and Dr. S. Shepheard (2013) Mark and Jan White (2011) Mr. and Mrs. Don Winchester (2014) Ms. Krysia Witkowski (2015)

Returning Thanks Donors Donations $5,000 and above PNC Wealth Management - EASP Sponsor The Prince Family Endowment

Mr. Joseph T. Waldo

Donations $1,000 to $4,999 The Avery/Sokol Family Endowment Tiger and Leah Bell Jim and Blair Bickford Emily and Victor Brannon Alex and Patchi Cancado The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation John and Karen Cavanaugh

Edward and Eleanor Cavin Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Michael and Jocelyn Coppock Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund The Denver Foundation The Doumar Family The Longwell Family

The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts McKnight Military Family Scholarship The Ryan Club Charles and Valerie Watkins Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life

Philip E. Grathwol David and Kathleen Halpin Fund Iron Maidens Fitness John Y. Wright Co., Inc. - EASP Sponsor George and Marcia Kennedy Walter and Amber Koch Peter and Jackie Lanigan Little Creek Family Dental - EASP Sponsor Lovell Family Dentistry - EASP Sponsor Bob and Karren Mayer Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Terence J. and Julia McPhillips Robert Moro

Dr. and Mrs. Jon Moss Taewon Park and Sookyung Joo Ryan and Margot Powell Professional Printing Center - EASP Sponsor Donald and Betty Rudy Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Shumate Sinclair Communications - EASP Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Stonaker Drs. Rick and Patricia Strauss Ms. Cathy S. Thaden Mike and Courtney Violette Virginia Zoological Park - EASP Sponsor Ware Insurance - EASP Sponsor

Donations $500 to $999 Deborah Alberti Ernest Andrew Anderson, III and Mary Ellen Tomlin Anderson Patric and Isabel Anderson Anonymous - Barry Boys Scholarship Fund Jeremy and Anne Leigh Bailey Ana Basso William E. Blair Tracy and Bob Bodvake David and Missy Clark Roger Conner Jack Dineen and Jennifer Sherman Timothy and Teresa Duvall Captain and Mrs. Thomas Emerick Huckelberry and Elizabeth Finne Buddy and Kathy Gadams

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Donations $250 to $499 Jack and Ellie Ankerson George and Alice Bangs James Blassingham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Broach, III Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown Chris and Courtney Challoner Conrad Brothers - EASP Sponsor Richard and Angie Counselman Charles A. de Montpellier Philip and Victoria Dietz Allison Dunleavy Matt and Theresa Dunleavy Esparza Family Dentistry - EASP Sponsor Thomas and Sarah Esparza Ms. Pamela Fein Harris Teeter Together In Education Integrated Dermatology of Tidewater - EASP Sponsor Lisa and Leonard Koperna The Law Office of Emily Mapp Brannon - EASP Sponsor Thomas J. Lynch, Jr. Laura McDermott, BHHS Towne Realty - EASP Sponsor Ron and Kitty McLean

The Mendoza Family MidLantic Builders Glenwood Christopher Kennedy and Mary Reeves Murphy Tuan Nguyen and Dinh Nim No Frill Bar and Grill - EASP Sponsor Norfolk Acupuncture & Therapeutic Massage - EASP Sponsor Karen Owen Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Palestrant The Patrick Family Endowment Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Nancy Deal Chandler and Paul L. Pomplun Kristie and Erik Porcaro John and Carrie Prince Pat and Kate Roberts Mr. Avi Santo and Ms. Nikki Kilgore Christopher and Lauren Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Soriano Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Soriano Tymoff and Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Courtney Violette - EASP Sponsor Waterside Financial - EASP Sponsor

Donations $1 to $249 Steve and Mary Liz Aldridge The Alinsonorin Family Sarah and Paul Allgeier John and Barbara Anderson Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood (In honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. Raiss) Ana Avila Susan Bean Mr. and Mrs. William Beckner Roxanne Beer David and Leanne Besachio The Betancourt Family Greg and Jackie Bockheim Box Tops for Education Chris Bray Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III Edwin and Patricia Butler

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Ms. Toya Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Campbell Sandra L. Cannon The Chagnon Family Carolyn Challoner Ron and Barb Chapman Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund John Clift and Michelle Walters Coca Cola Give

Why We Give... “We both moved to Norfolk from out of the area and decided to build our life together here. We love the idea of helping to build a legacy for our children here as well – a school where they would be proud and excited to send their children someday; a place that teaches children how to be good people as well as how to be good students.” – Andrew and Ann Larkin

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2017 2018 FISCAL YEAR

Donations $1 to $249 continued

Kathleen Kelly Mark Kelly Pearl Kelly Rick and Megan Kiefner David King Rey and Jenifer Consunji Jon and Jessica Kliner Ashley and Greg Costanza The Kohler Family Shawn Crawford Sasha and Kevin Krigsvold Rana Cuffee Christopher Kypros Mary Lou Cutter Jason Kypros Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cutter Irvin R. and Karen B. Land Georg and Kay Dahl Mark G. Land The Delaney Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaRock Adrian and Katy DeRyder Eric and Meg Lassalle Dr. and Mrs. Justin DeVito Mr. and Mrs. John D. Laudenslager Christopher and Lauren Dial The Leffler Family Mrs. Mary Dohrman Adam and Stefanie Levensalor Joan and Kevin Donohue JT and Martha Ann Lex Paul and Amy Driscoll Jeanne Marie Liggio Norma Lucas TJ and Lisa Lynch John and Julie Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio Erika McCullough “It’s simple: We love seeing those smiles The McDermott Family (In honor of in the pick-up line reflecting the magic Andrew D’s 7th bithday) of Saint Patrick.” Quinn McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Allen McGrath, III – Jane and Rick Amelon, Ian, Alex and Chandler McIntyre Wolfhound Grandparents The McLemore Family Su McNeill Ed and Mary McPhillips Brad and Liz Dubil Michael J. McPhillips Endowment Francois and Astrid du Cluzel Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dumont McPhillips Scholarship Fund Cindy Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Moro Thomas and Marielena Finn Rich and Erika Nagy Norman and Catherine Gooding Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Nottingham Mrs. Angela Graciani O’Connor Brewing Charles and Loretta Grant Aven Parker Dr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Griffey William R. and Terry L. Peery Mark and Laura Guyot Jane A. Pellegrino The Hinsch Family Lynn Polizos (In honor of Chuck and Leslie Hogan, Rodan and Fields Theresa McPhillips) - EASP Sponsor The Randolph Family Michael and Brooke Hooper Robert and Evelyn Randolph Brooke Hummel Carolyn Reed Iron Maidens Fitness - EASP Sponsor David and Larah Ring Lynn Hopkins James

Why We Give...

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The Ringleb-Schoenenberger Family John Roberts Forrest and Margaret Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robinson Patrick and Martha Roebuck Edward and Fran Roehm Margaret C. Ruble Denise Dalton Rule David Russell and Jenny Cannon Cathy Scarborough Steve and Anne Schmieder Mr. and Mrs. James Sepull Andy and Ashley Sinitiere Cleteus and Catherine Smith Mrs. Dionne Smith Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Smith Thiodora St. Remy Kelly Stefanko William Stonaker and Patricia Wilson Lori Surber Cynthia Symons Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan Mr. Lee and Dr. Herminia Thacker Chris and Vanessa Todd Capt. and Mrs. Carlos A. Torres Dr. James and Diane Toscano Steven Velotas and Julie Moberly The Versprille Family Chip and Barbara Vogan Suzanne and Walter Voorhies Dr. and Mrs. James Vorosmarti, Jr. Patricia G. Waldo Suzanne Walters Carter and Virginia Ward Cecilia Welch Mary S. Robinette Wilkinson Elizabeth Willis Cret Wilson and Jeanne Marie Liggio The Wohner Family Hubbard Wooten Joseph R. Yanez Mrs. Kseniya Zamfir Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

*EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor

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Wolfhounds Will Inaugural Campaign Donors Thank you to our donors for your generous leadership in our Inaugural Campaign. We exceeded our goal and raised $5,098,891!

$1,000,000 and Above Mrs. Jane P. Batten

$250,000 – $999,999 Instant Systems/ Ramsey Family James Barry Robinson Home for Boys Trust

TowneBank Foundation Challenge Gift

$100,000 – $249,999 Richard and Carolyn Barry Buddy and Kathy Gadams

Robert and Cynthia Kelly Harvey Lindsay and Company

The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts

$50,000 – $99,999 Nancy and Manny Arias Margaret M. Cordovana T. Richard Litton, Jr. and Audra M. Bullock

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips Robert and Jennifer Squatrito Michael J. McPhillips - In memory of Mr. and Mrs. J.V. McPhillips Barbra and Randy Noe

$20,000 – $49,999 Anonymous Michael and Bill Eisenbeiss Eleanor and Sandy Harris

Robert and Cynthia Kelly Helen and Michael K. Kerner Mr. and Mrs. William A. Prince

Dr. Gerald and Sherry Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III PJ and Julie Trudell

Ellen Carver - Julia and Rebecca Memorial Garden Fund Nancy and Robert King, Jr. Mary Louis and Willette LeHew Diane and Jim O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. G. Conoly Phillips Donald F. and Barbara Price Allison Kenneth Scribner, Jr. Ware Insurance

L.D. Britt, M.D. Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce Steve and Renae Hammond Bill and Allene Hull

Dick and Marie Hull Robert and Cynthia Kelly Greg and Janet Kim TJ and Lisa Lynch

$10,000 – $19,999 Bob and Joanne Abbott Greg and Ann Bockheim Victor and Emily Brannon Bill and Beth Brock Christian Broadcasting Network

$5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous (3) Bank of America Charitable Foundation Susannah and Bobby Beard Stuart J. Birkel and Nathalie Cassis

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Wolfhounds Will Inaugural Campaign Donors $5,000 – $9,999 continued Mabel Burroughs Tyler Fund c/o Hampton Roads Community Foundation Richard C. Mapp, III

Merrill Lynch c/o John Searing The Neskis Family Mariah and Ethan Rule Gabrielle and Michael Shumate

Joseph T. Waldo Morgan and Adair Wells Don and Amanda Winchester

Jim and Debbie Early Thomas and Melissa Emerick Shawn and Christy Everett The Finne Family Brent and Meg Fraim Addison and Davis Glenn ( In memory of Carol Wilson-Glenn) Jack and Isma Granger Ray and Lauri Hogge Lee and Tom Joly Edwin C. and Constance P. Kellam Rick and Hays Kiefner Wayne W. Koch Mike and Lisa LaRock Charlie and Mary Pat Liggio Dan and Alice Malcolm James B. and Joan E. Maus Robert and Karren Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McDermott Shep and Gigi Miller Dr. and Mrs. Jon Moss

Patrick and Brigid Murphy Frank and Betsy Murphy Robert Murphy and Jennifer Tica New Dominion Pictures - Gala Sponsor Palladium Registered Investment Advisors - Gala Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III Mr. and Dr. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Soriano The St. Remy Family Amy and Roger Stinnette Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Stonaker Drs. Rick and Patricia Strauss Sysco Hampton Roads - Gala Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan Bob and Margot Taylor Foundation Jim and Bunny Wells Dr. Carrie White Brian P. Winfield Gordon and Elizabeth Wogan Xenith Bank - Gala Sponsor

Stephen and Hannah Brewer John R. and Kathleen A. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown Mallory C. Butler Toya D. Butler Robert Cade Michael L. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Campbell The Chagnon Family Chris and Courtney Challoner Nancy Deal Chandler and Paul L. Pomplun Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chew Missy and David Clark David and Shelly Compton

Rey and Jenifer Consunji Ashley and Greg Costanza Betsy Cox Mr. and Mrs. William H. Crone, V Rana Cuffee Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cutter Adrian and Katy DeRyder Christopher and Lauren Dial Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Domingos Kieran and Erika Donohue Paul and Amy Driscoll Francois and Astrid du Cluzel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dumont Eastern Virginia Orthodontics - Gala Sponsor

$1,000 – $4,999 The Abano Family Deborah Jo Alberti Josh and Karen Anderson Anonymous (In honor of Bill Eisenbeiss) Anonymous Bank of Hampton Roads Tiger and Leah Bell Robert and Tracy Bodvake Alex and Patchi Cancado Cape Henry Audubon Society Capital Financial Group - Gala Sponsor Edward and Eleanor Cavin Chandler Property Management, LLC - Gala Sponsor Chandler Realty, Inc. - Gala Sponsor John and Charlotte Chandler Michael and Jocelyn Coppock The Robert and Dorothy Doumar Foundation

$1 – $999 Barbara and Bill Aldridge Steve and Mary Liz Aldridge Abby Allard Patric and Isabel Anderson Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Avery Ana Avila George and Alice Bangs Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Brigid Barrineau Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Beacham Sue Bean David and Leanne Besachio The Betancourt Family James Blassingham The Bonheur Family

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Wolfhounds Will Inaugural Campaign Donors $1 – $99 continued Elite European Day Spa - Gala Sponsor Security Officer Beverly Elliott Marilyn Ertel Thomas and Sarah Esparza Raymond Faircloth Freddy Ferebee Patrick and Mandi Fornes Susan Fornicola Kathy and Tripp Garris Victoria C. Gonzales David R. and Susan S. Goode Norman and Catherine Gooding Philip E. Grathwol Trudy and Steve Gross Maggie Hammond Hampton Roads Bonding - Gala Sponsor Sharon R. Harrell The Hinsch Family Commander Brian and Leslie Hogan Jason and Elaine Hogan Michael and Brooke Hooper Lynn Hopkins-James Nancy E. Hopkins Iron Maidens Fitness Ron and Azeb Jackson Sheila Jessen and ACE Team Efrem Johnson Robert and Cynthia Kelly Pearl Kelly Rick and Megan Kiefner Grady and Melissa Koch Wayne W. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Koch, III The Kohler Family Jim and Sue Kruse Brian Kuebler and Nancy Nale Christopher Kypros The Leffler Family Maureen Levensalor Adam and Stefanie Levensalor Dr. Linda M. Long Robert and Eleni Longwell Matt and Rebecca Louth Drs. Eric and Mim Lovell

Lovell Family Dentistry - Gala Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lynch Chewey and Amy Lynch Bill and Kathy Magee Main Industries, Inc. - Gala Sponsor The Main Family John and Julie Malcolm John and Marie Maloney David T. Marshall, DDS - Gala Sponsor Kathleen J. Mastrisciano Amy and Robert McClure Erika McCullough Andrea and Tom McLemore Mardane McLemore Ed and Mary McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerrieri - Michaela’s Grands Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Midgette Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Moro, II Cannon and Mackenzie Moss Sandra D. Mueller Mary P. Murray Stephanie Musgrove Mark and Ramona Myers Network for Good Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Nottingham Kim and Vince O’Brien O’Connor Brewing Company - Gala Sponsor Michael and Maria O’Hearn Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Palestrant Lauren Partin Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Abigail and Omari Peterkin William Petersen and Amanda Torres John and Gail Phipps Madison Phipps Kristie and Erik Porcaro The Powers Family John and Carrie Prince Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Rader George and Marty Raiss The Randolph Family Helen and James Rapley

Pat and Kate Roberts Ernestine B. Rorrer The Roy Family Mary Margaret Roy David Russell and Jenny Cannon Mark and Kate Ryan Sharon and Hooman Sadr Nicky and Bert Sanford Chadwick and Sara Schroeder The Seeley Family Jim and Donna Sepull David and Mary Lee Shumate Andy and Ashley Sinitiere Cleatus and Catherine Smith Dionne Smith Leandra and Luciano Ramos Thiodora St. Remy Staff Member Lonny and Laura Staylor Drs. Rick and Patricia Strauss Corie L. Sullivan David and Aimee Sullivan Lori Surber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan E. Bradford Tazewell, Jr. Ms. Catherine S. Thaden Jeanette Tinkham Dr. James and Diane Toscano PJ and Julie Trudell - Gala Sponsor The Uiterwyk Family The Varverud Family Steven Velotas and Julie Moberly Lucy and Scott Vinson Chip and Barbara Vogan Jaqueline Voorhies and Jeff Craig Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Voorhies Suzanne Walters Virginia and Carter Ward Stephanie Wege Jan and Mark White Rocco and Kathi-Lee Wilson Mr. Cret Wilson and Ms. Jeanne Marie Liggio The Wohner Family Dennis and Joann Wolff Gordon M. Woods

Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG |

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Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits Victor and Emily Brannon (2016) Paul K. Campsen and Dr. Carrie White (2015, 2016, 2017) Margaret Cordovana (2015) Richard and Angie Counselman (2016, 2017) Timothy W. Dorsey (2016) Paul and Lucy Gibney (2015, 2016, 2017) Steve and Renae Hammond (2017) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Holbrook (2016, 2017) Michael and Brooke Hooper (2017) Warren Karesh (2016) Robert and Cynthia Kelly (2016) Peter and Lea Laplace (2017) Andy and Ann Larkin (2017) Vince and Suzanne Mastracco (2015, 2016, 2017) John and Jackie McIntyre (2017) Rob and Beth McMahon (2017) James and Diane O’Brien (2016, 2017) James W. Rawles (2015, 2016, 2017) John and Sheri Searing (2015, 2016, 2017) Robert and Jennifer Squatrito (2015, 2016, 2017) Cathy S. Thaden (2015, 2016, 2017)

Celtic Cross Society Members Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry Mrs. Jane P. Batten Tiger and Leah Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bush Ellen Reed Carver Ms. Margaret M. Cordovana Mr. Mark Denison and Ms. Candace Heidelberg-Denison Ms. Leslie Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Mr. Michael Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond Mr. John James Ms. Lynn James Robert and Cynthia Kelly Helen and Michael Kerner Mr. John Koonce Mr. James Maus Ms. Nancy McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. George Neskis Randy and Barbra Noe

Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Donny and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. Art Prince John and Carrie Prince Mr. and Mrs. George Raiss Mr. and Mrs. John Searing Drs. Rick and Trish Strauss Ms. Cathy Thaden Mr. and Mrs. P.J. and Julie Trudell Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Mark White

Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts McKnight Military Family Scholarship Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund

Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund The Patrick Family Endowment The Prince Family Endowment Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Endowments The Barry Boys Fund Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund

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Tributes for fiscal years 2016-17 | 2017-18 Batten/Tucker Birthday Celebration Deborah Alberti Clay H. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batten Jr. Sandra S. Baylor David and Christine Beatty David and Valerie Black The Blue Point Greg and Ann Bockheim John and Charlotte Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colpitts Eddie and Donna Cooke Margaret Tucker Corprew Emily H. Filer Paul and Beth Fraim Raymond and Marilyn Gindroz Tom and Lee Joly Anne Talbott Jordan Sandy and Bob Kal Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Kellam, IV Sarah F. Kellam Kirkland Kelley Robert and Cynthia Kelly Mary G. Keogh Willette and Mary Louis LeHew Mr. and Mrs. Miles B. Leon Harry T. Lester Rev. and Mrs. Win Lewis Vince and Suzanne Mastracco

Maureen McGrath Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Miller Sarah Munford and Laurel Quarberg Louise B. Nagourney Mr. and Mrs. Erik H. Neil Thomas F. O’Brien Gary and Glenda Philbin Suzanne Puryear William E. Rachels, Jr. George and Marty Raiss Ray and Mary Reisert, Jr. Emily S. Rixey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Rueger John and Elizabeth Shannon Conrad and Anne Shumadine Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tazewell, Jr. Cathy S. Thaden John and Barbara Tucker Marguerite K. Vail Tinsley Van Durand Alan and Jody Wagner Beau and Ghada Walker, III Diane Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Watson Ms. Jane Webster Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson Dubby and Susan Wynne

Connie Conrad Tribute Anne Brockenbrough Katherine Finney Caroline Furr Virginia Genereux

Lynn James Kelly Till Dr. and Mrs. James M. Wells, Jr.

Grady Wimmer Tribute Irvin R. and Karen B. Land Mark G. Land

Norma Lucas Joseph R. Yanez

John Tucker Professional Development Fund (members since) Mrs. Jane Batten (2014) The McCullough Family (2013)

Frank and Juliette Reidy (2013)

Matching Gift Donors

Why We Give... “We give to Saint Patrick because we want the school to be as enduring as its mission. The faculty and staff make it look easy, but fostering an educational environment where children are encouraged to become the best versions of themselves academically, physically, spiritually, and ethically - takes work. We want to do our small part to support them, knowing they will continue to teach young men and women not to fear becoming forces for good in this world.” – Randy and Barbra Noe

Bank of America Charitable Foundation Network For Good Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation York Life Merrill Lynch

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Grandparent circle for fiscal years 2016-17 | 2017-18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott Barbara and Bill Aldridge Jerry Allgeier Rick and Jane Amelon John and Barbara Anderson Lito and Gloria Angeles Jack and Ellie Ankerson William and Patricia Anton Margaret Ayscue Howard and Cynthia Baugh Raleigh and Doris Beacham Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beard David and Christine Beatty Mr. and Mrs. John Beckley, Jr. Nancy Benson William E. Blair Greg and Jackie Bockheim Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III Edwin and Patricia Butler Ms. Sandra Cannon Ms. Brenda B. Caruana John and Karen Cavanaugh Ron and Barb Chapman Edward and Olga Chew Roger Conner Walter P. Conrad, Jr. John and Marsha Conway Shawn Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Larry Crook Mary Lou Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Georg W. Dahl Denise Dalton Rule Charles A. de Montpellier Alan and Ursula Denison Mrs. Mary Dohrman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domingos Joan and Kevin Donohue Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Raymond Faircloth Pamela A. Fein Thomas and Marielena Finn Jon and Maryjane Finne

Mike Germano Charles and Loretta Grant Dr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Griffey Trudy and Steve Gross Mr. and Mrs. Francis Guerrieri David and Kathleen Halpin Dailey and Sharon Harrell Martha C. Hofler David Hutchins and Cynthia Rudy Marilyn Keel George and Marcia Kennedy Mary G. Keogh Rick and Hays Kiefner Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Koch Mr. and Mrs. John D. Laudenslager Mary Louis and Willette LeHew Maureen Levensalor John and Deborah Lewis JT and Martha Ann Lex Charlie and Mary Pat Liggio Robert and Eleni Longwell Joan and Ray Louth Tom and Margarette Lynch Barbara W. Macleod Bill and Kathy Magee Dan and Alice Malcolm Rick Mapp Frank and MaryAnn Marcoccio Bob and Karren Mayer Dina G. McIntyre Ron and Kitty McLean Mardane McLemore Ms. Nancy McMahon Teodoro and Merlita Mendoza Bob and Toni Moro Mr. and Mrs. Jon Moss Frederick and Joan Nelson Jim and Diane O’Brien Bill and Terry Peery Conoly and Betsy Phillips Jim Quigley Dr. Gerald and Sherry Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randolph John Roberts Forrest and Margaret Robertson Matthew Robinette and Mary S. Robinette Wilkinson Lee and Annie Robinson Charles and Kathy Robison Edward and Fran Roehm Rudolph and Charlotte Roy Margaret C. Ruble Reid and Peg Ruble Donald and Betty Rudy Antonio and Dalisay Salvador Cecelia Sanford Steve and Anne Schmieder Jim and Donna Sepull Allen Sherman Mike and Gail Shumate Daniel and Perla Solinap Thiodora St. Remy Lonny and Laura Staylor William Stonaker and Patricia Wilson Domingo and Jackie Tan Lee and Herminia Thacker Jeanette Tinkham Susan Tirusittampalam Donald and Elizabeth Tomlin Carlos and Maria Torres Dr. and Mrs. Edward Truscinski Thom and Mary Violette Walter and Suzanne Voorhies Jim and Carol Vorosmarti Joseph T. Waldo Dorothy B. Wattley Jim and Bunny Wells George and Dianne Williams Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Wooten J. Terrance Wright, JD Joseph R. Yanez

Volunteers With gratitude and celebration we salute our volunteers for all the dedicated work they accomplish in the school and for our community. Kathleen Aldridge Mary Liz Aldridge Sami Alexander Sam Alexander

Abby Allard Sarah Allgeier Jane Amelon Rick Amelon

Courtney Anderson Josh Anderson Karen Anderson Lucea Ararugo

Carrie Arthur Detra Atkinson Donald Atkinson Anne Leigh Bailey

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Volunteers George Bangs Daniel Barrineau Jennifer Batkin Sandy Batkin Howard Baugh Susannah Beard Shelly Beaver Leah Bell Peter Bender Danielle Benjamin Kyle Bentz Michael Berg Anne Bernadette David Besachio Leanne Besachio Stuart Birkel Ann Bockheim Greg Bockheim Bob Bodvake Tracy Bodvake Diane Bolin Barbara Bonheur Ronn Bonheur Emily Brannon Victor Brannon Jamye Brown Jennifer Bunk Chris Burgess Jennifer Burke Shelly Campbell Patchi Cancado Jeanie Carlson Nathalie Cassis Chris Challoner Courtney Challoner Charlotte Chandler John Chandler Liam Chavez Jenny Chung Chaz Church Jennifer Clayton John Clayton Isabelle Clifford Rhianne Cofer Shelly Compton Hahns Copeland Tracey Copeland Jocelyn Coppock Erin Corrie Ashley Corry Angie Counselman Jeff Craig Cynthia Creede


Anne Cummings Grace Cummings Mike Cummings Amy Cutter Mary Lou Cutter Mike Cutter Stanton Cutter Alison Dahl Georg Dahl Stacy DallaVilla Damian Daniel Dana Decker Elizabeth Dekker Pete DeMane Michele DeVito Dana Dixon Erika Donohue Kieran Donohue Angela Douglas Beth Driscoll Bill Driscoll Kara Dumont Allison Dunleavy Aunyee Dupree Bill Eisenbeiss Michael Eisenbeiss Dina Elgohary Melissa Emerick Tom Emerick Adrianne Enos Marilyn Ertel Sarah Esparza Shawn Everett Cindy Ferguson Elizabeth Finne Huck Finne Mandi Fornes Patrick Fornes Ted Forte Meg Fraim Kelsey Friend Kathy Gadams Beau Gagnon Sue Gates Kim Gibbs Shane Gibbs Lucy Gibney Jessica Gilden Caroline Giordano Mike Glenn Cathy Gooding Norman Gooding Sarah Gorman

Isma Granger Jack Granger Jennifer Greely Anna Griffin Andrew Gunter Laura Guyot Karla Hakansson Stefan Hakansson Renae Hammond Steve Hammond Morgan Hardy Mo Hayes Candice Heidelberg-Denison John Heller Julie Heller Stacy Hennessy Ben Herndon Bryan Herndon Cassidy Hill Alice Hinsch Brian Hogan Leslie Hogan Chris Hogge Brooke Hooper Michael Hooper Lisa Horth Bobby Howlett Nicholas Howlett Megan Howlett Ken Hubert Sheena Inge Pooja Iyer Master Jack Azeb Jackson Susan Jackson Lynn James John James Jill Janssen Karl Jarrard Kedron Jenkins Frank Jernigan Sheila Jessen Efrem Johnson Grayson Joly Lee Joly Nathaniel Joly Coach K Cynthia Kelly John Kelly Rob Kelly Chris Kennedy Mary Kennedy Tom Kent

Megan Kiefner Rick Kiefner Nicole Kiger Janet Kim Jessica Kliner Ashley Knight Raquel Kohler Kevin Krigsvold Sasha Krigsvold Chris Kypros Liz LaBaire Jackie Lanigan Andy Larkin Ann Larkin Kevin Larkin Larry Larkins Lynne Larson Meg Lassalle Stanley Lawson Alex Leader Leigh Leffler Adam Levensalor Stefanie Levensalor Elisa Lewis Jill Lewis Denise Lex Peyton Lex Jeanne Marie Liggio Dave Limroth Matt Louth Rebecca Louth Eric Lovell Mim Lovell Amy Lynch Bryson Lynch Chewey Lynch Shelby Lynch Avery Maddaloni Olivia Madison Bill Magnan Julie Malcolm Marie Maloney Hoyt March Connie Martin Roy Martin Amelia Martinez Lara Matela Bob Mayer Jackie Mayer Andy McCullough Erika McCullough Monica McCullough Laura McDermott

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Volunteers Jackie McIntyre Andrea McLemore Beth McMahon Rob McMahon Anne McNally Sue McNeill Chuck McPhillips Ed McPhillips Jean Mercer Caitlin Messer Elly Millar Elaine Moninger Sami Moore Sarah Moro Rachel Mullet-Cline Brigid Murphy Patrick Murphy Rob Murphy Bill Myers Erika Nagy Rich Nagy Lourdes Neilan Heather Nelson George Neskis George E. Neskis Jim Newsom Tuan Nguyen Barbra Noe Randy Noe Michelle Nottingham Scott Nottingham Tracy Novosel Joy Nunnikhoven Kim O’Brien Vince O’Brien Louis Ortiz Chris Palestrant Jennifer Palestrant Lauren Partin Beth Paulszek Olena Peterson Gail Phipps Madison Phipps Lanie Pickel Courtney Podesta Erik Porcaro Kristie Porcaro David Powell Margot Powell Donny Price Carrie Prince John Prince


Neal Quesnel Pat Quinn George Raiss Marty Raiss David Randolph Rosie Randolph Lori Ransone Christine Redel Mike Reedy Lisa Renee Jennings Ryan Rhodes Rebekah Rickards Ronald Riffle Janet Rinehart-Kim Dave Ring Larah Ring Kate Roberts Ian Robertson Master Robin Tessa Robinson Charles Robison Laurel Robison Chuck Rodgers Josiah Rodgers Paula Rodgers Karen Roy Ethan Rule Mariah Rule Mark Ryan Hooman Sadr Sharon Sadr Bert Sanford Nicky Sanford Tucker Sanford Bob Sauls Bella Schroeder Chad Schroeder Sara Schroeder Daisy Schuurman Lily Schuurman John Searing Sheri Searing Candace Seidensticker Dan Seidensticker Jessica Sharp Jennifer Sherman Daniel Shoemaker Gabi Shumate Mary Lee Shumate Mike Shumate Danielle Siegrist Kathleen Sigrist

Kayla Simmons Andy Sinitiere Ashley Sinitiere Dr. Skena Audrey Smith Christopher Smith Doug Smith Lauren Smith Olivia Smith Stephanie Smith Bryan Soriano Jennifer Squatrito Ada St. Remy Carl St. Remy Amy Stinnette Ghislaine Stonaker Patricia Strauss Aimee Sullivan Corie Sullivan David Sullivan Lori Surber Cynthia Symons Beth Tan Chris Tan Dante Terronez Cathy Thaden Tighe Thuston Jenn Tica Amanda Torres Diane Toscano Julie Trudell PJ Trudell Ed Truscinski Kathy Truscinski John Tucker Devon Uiterwyk Donna Van Keuren Weldon Vanderberry Soveige Varved Johan Varverud Luciana Varverud Lucy Vinson Courtney Violette Mike Violette Barbara Vogan Chip Vogan David Voightritter Michelle Waiters Dylan Wakefield Pat Waldo Pattie Walker Erin Walsh

Carter Ward Virginia Ward Andrea Weaver Cecilia Welch Adair Wells Morgan Wells Tom West Mark White Bill Whitehurst Kelly Willette Kathi-Lee Wilson Amanda Winchester Don Winchester Matt Winston Myong Winston Caroline Wood Carrie Woodard Stephan Woodard Summer Woods Christian Woodside Leigh Anne Woodside Jamie Wright Archie Wright Jonathan Wynne Kseniya Zamfir

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Max Willette,


or Max Willette, serving others is not only a promise he has made as a Boy Scout, this has been a core value in his life since he entered Pre-Kindergarten at Saint Patrick eleven years ago. Students at Saint Patrick Catholic School learn at a very early age the principles and skills of servant leadership. They learn that compassion and spiritual growth are as important as academics in each student’s total formation. By the time they graduate, students have a deep commitment to serving others and have gained invaluable leadership skills. During his years at Saint Patrick, Max developed a deep commitment to serving others by participating in numerous service projects and leadership opportunities, and culminating in achieving Eagle Scout during his eighth grade year. To achieve this rank, Max had to earn 21 merit badges, log a large number of service hours and leadership time, as well as complete the hardest requirement - the Eagle Scout service project. Max wanted to choose a project that would “benefit others and the world around them,” and Saint Patrick was the beneficiary of this project. Max worked diligently with his Biology teacher, Dr. Rick Strauss, and alumni parent, John Prince, on a bioswale on school property. What is a bioswale, you might ask? Bioswales are natural filtration and water filter systems composed of landscape elements designed to concentrate or remove debris and pollution out of surface runoff water. Max spent six months working on this project in addition to earning all of the other merit badges. He was the first to earn Eagle Scout while a student at Saint Patrick. We asked Max to look back at his time

at Saint Patrick and share some of his most memorable experiences with us. Tell us about your service experiences during your time at Saint Patrick. Pet Food Drive: In the third grade I led a pet food drive and, with the help of other students, we brought in over 2,000 pounds of dog and cat food to donate to local pet shelters. I had the idea to do this when my teacher, Mrs. Consunji, was telling the class to bring in canned foods to donate to local food banks for the homeless. I chimed in and said, “What about the pets?” and that is where it all started. Walking With the Wolfhounds: Walking with the Wolfhounds was a service project to benefit the Norfolk SPCA. I was on the original committee for planning and leading the event. This event consisted of a one-mile dog walk and included vendor booths, music, food, and raffles. Virginia Senate Page Class of 2017: In the seventh grade, I applied to become a Virginia Senate Page. I was not expecting that I would get in due to it being such a competitive program, but I knew it would be an incredible experience. While a page, I lived in Richmond, by myself, in a hotel with the other pages for seven weeks. Each week we got a different job for half of the day, and for the other half we worked on the floor when the senators were voting for bills. This was a very positive experience and left a lasting impression on me. I got a feel for what it is like to live in the real world, and I served others while doing so. I also made many great friends that I am still in contact with today. Boy Scouts: I joined the Cub Scouts in the third grade with a group of my friends from Saint Patrick and transferred to the Boy Scouts in Troop 24 in the fifth grade. I learned to become an effective leader, and through the Boy Scouts, I have had many service opportunities from cleaning up local parks, to helping others - whether it was yard work or just easy chores. Boy Scouts is probably one of the best things

Class of 2018

that has ever happened to me. What skills did you develop during your Eagle Scout project? The skills that I developed during this project were mainly leadership qualities like humor and delegation. These are both very important because if you have humor, you can be fun to work with instead of being that one boss that everyone hates. Also, delegation is important because you can tell others how and what to do to get the job done more efficiently. Looking back at your time at Saint Patrick, what were the most striking aspects of your experience and what had the greatest impact on you? One aspect of the school that had the greatest impact on me is how close all of the students are with each other. I know it is a small school, but everyone is friends with each other. In general, we all got along and you don’t see that at a lot of schools or organizations. Sure, everyone still has their own clique that they are in, but everyone is just kind and respectful to each other, and that is what I think is so great about Saint Patrick. How has the transition been to high school? Tell us a bit about what you are doing now. My transition to high school was really easy. I think that was because I knew a lot of kids that went to public school already. Currently, I am doing well grade wise. I am still very active in Boy Scouts as the Senior Patrol Leader for the entire troop. I am also running cross country and track for Maury, and doing many other great things like Young Life. What does the future hold for you? I don’t know exactly what the future holds for me yet, but I do have an idea of what I would like to do when I am older. When I am older, I would like to have some kind of job in law. I really enjoy working with people and the Virginia Senate Page program really opened me up to the world of politics and law.

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2013 2017 GRADUATES

Graduate Classes of 2017 & 2018 We bid farewell to two more 8th grade graduating classes. We will miss them, and are so proud that they are attending the following schools and/or programs:

Bayside High School Health Sciences Academy Bishop Sullivan Catholic High School Camden County High School Cape Henry Collegiate School Cox High School Culver Academies, Culver, Indiana The Governer’s School for the Arts Granby High School Granby High School International Baccalaureate Program Jamestown High School

Maury High School The Medical and Health Specialties Program at Maury High School Norfolk Academy Norfolk Christian School Norfolk Collegiate School Norview High School Oak Harbor Public High School, Oak Harbor, Washington Oscar Smith High School Western Albemarle High School

Graduate Class of 2013 & 2014 We are so proud of our Wolfhounds who are heading off to the following colleges and universities: University of Alabama Boston University Christopher Newport University Colorado State University Columbia University Duke University East Carolina University Hampden Sydney University James Madison University University of Kentucky University of Mary Washington Merchant Marine Academy University of North Carolina at Greensboro Pennsylvania State University Rochester Institute of Technology University of South Carolina United States Naval Academy University of Virginia Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Virginia State University The College of William & Mary

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Financials - fiscal year 2016-2017

3 3


Tuition and Fees $3,987,382 James Barry Robinson Trust Support $2,748,475 Other Income (athletics, theatre, Spirit Store, clubs, facility rental, etc.) $226,313


Returning Thanks Annual Fund & Donations $229,342

6 Salaries & Benefits $4,072,403


Facilities, Depreciation & Grounds $2,095,722

Operating Expense



Total: $7,444,560

Evenings at Saint Patrick, Designated Gifts & Scholarships $253,048


Operating Income

Operations $622,766


Curriculum & Instruction $432,673 Contribution to Net Assets $155,324

Total: $7,444,560

Professional Development $65,672

financials - fiscal year 2017-2018

2 3 3

Tuition and Fees $3,938,637

Operating Income

James Barry Robinson Trust Support $3,051,026 Other Income (athletics, theatre, Spirit Store, clubs, facility rental, etc) $223,092


Evenings at Saint Patrick, Designated Gifts & Scholarships $199,112 Returning Thanks Annual Fund & Donations $166,633


Total: $7,578,500

6 10

Operating Expense



Salaries & Benefits $4,022,774 Facilities, Depreciation & Grounds $2,069,087 Operations $711,202 Curriculum & Instruction $449,955

Total: $7,578,500 27

Contribution to Net Assets $229,467 Professional Development $96,015

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1000 BOLLING AVENUE, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23508 STPCS.ORG | P: 757.440.5500 | F: 757.440.5200

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