Saint Patrick Catholic School 2019-2020 Annual Report

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2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG


SCHOOL MISSION Saint Patrick Catholic School educates and nurtures the whole child - mind, body, and spirit - to be a Christ-centered, compassionate, and courageous servant leader.

Board of Directors Cynthia S. Kelly, M.D. President

Michael K. Kerner Director

Charles V. McPhillips Secretary

Donald F. Price Director

William A. Prince Treasurer

Educational Consultant

Deborah DiCroce, Ed.D. Director

Deborah J. Alberti Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors

William C. Eisenbeiss Director

Saint Patrick Catholic School Foundation The mission of this Foundation is to hold and manage an endowment to support financial aid, faculty development, operating needs, and capital projects of Saint Patrick Catholic School. Jane P. Batten Co-Chairman

2019-2020 Annual Report of Giving

John H. Tucker, Jr. Co-Chairman

Founded in 2005 by the James Barry Robinson Trust, Saint Patrick is an independent Catholic school with an enrollment of approximately 400 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Eight. We are committed to educating the whole child through our distinct model for educational success that allows us to celebrate the gifts of every child. Enrollment is open to children from all faith traditions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, and spiritual instruction is designed to help the child as well as the family as they continue along their own faith journey. Saint Patrick Catholic School admits qualified students of any race, color, gender, ethnicity, national origin, or disability (if reasonable accommodations can be assumed by the school).

FROM THE DESK OF... Dear Friends of Saint Patrick Catholic School, The 2019-2020 school year was full of many amazing moments and remarkable achievements in academics, athletics, the arts, and community service. It was also, undeniably, a year of challenge, creativity, commitment, and constancy. Life is full of challenges that require us to embrace change. Change is the core of transformation and is founded upon a growth mindset. Education opens us to new ways of thinking, new solutions. This past year, we have had to reimagine every aspect of education. Working with the fundamental dynamics of our mission, teachers and staff, along with our parents, we have had to re-imagine the tools and techniques we use and adapt them. The expertise, creativity, and enthusiasm of our talented faculty and staff, who pivoted on a dime to provide digital learning through engaging instruction and project-based lessons, inspired our students to excel rather than remain stagnant. When the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to shut our physical doors last March, our Wolfhound community joined hands (figuratively), in an incredible expression of support. This unwavering commitment to our legacy of quality and leadership inspires our combined efforts to nurture the highly intentional, total formation of youth.

The constancy of our faith, values and virtues that we have inculcated is the bedrock of the foundation that will allow our children to make decisions in successful and dynamic ways and to thrive in these unprecedented times. Our school was founded on the primacy of relationship, and our incredible partnerships with our parents, volunteers, and donors sustain our mission. We need your prayers and financial support, now more than ever, to meet the educational needs of our students, while keeping the health and safety of our Wolfhound community our highest priority. Thank for your belief in what we do and your generosity to ensure the mission and legacy of Saint Patrick Catholic School through these difficult times. With gratitude,

Stephen J. Hammond Principal


year-in-review Highlights From our Banner Year: 2019-2020 LIFE OF MIND  For ten days during the summer of 2019, the Saint Patrick Catholic School STEM team returned to the University of Notre Dame to complete their second year as a part of the Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows. They had to go virtual for their mid-year checkin and finished up their final summer of coaching and peer collaboration remotely. The STEM Trustey fellows will continue to focus on incorporating cross-curricular STEM activities across all grade levels.  In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Spanish Department hosted our annual Fiesta Latina, showcasing the histories, cultures, and contributions of a variety of Latin and South American countries. Additionally, Hispanic families shared their stories about their own journey to the United States in classrooms throughout the month of October.  Our two Learning Resource Center teachers completed a Dyslexia Advocate Program through the Dyslexia Training Institute at the end of December. These teachers supported over 30 students during the school day. Additionally, specific faculty members provided students with academic support after the school day as tutors or homework guides.  Our Saint Patrick Catholic School Theatre Troupe had a particularly busy fall with not one, but two productions. The Troupe delighted audiences in November with S2S, a fun show featuring songs from popular Broadway musicals and movies! In December, audiences were treated to Bethlehem Inn, an interactive dinner-theater production written and directed by our Theater Director, Rocco Wilson, and his wife Kathi-Lee Wilson.  When the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to close school temporarily, our faculty and staff met immediately and began working on an online learning plan. An a-synchronous learning plan was implemented and presented to parents 48 hour later. Just two weeks later when Governor Ralph Northam mandated that all K-12 schools would close for the remainder of the year, Saint Patrick developed a new synchronous learning plan combining Annual Report of Giving

a-synchronous work as well as synchronous live classes through ZOOM. The teachers provided daily synchronous instruction in Language Arts or Mathematics, as well as asynchronous experiences in Religion, science, and Social Studies. Specialty teachers provided explorations in Art, Music, Spanish, and Physical Education.  Fridays for a Purpose provided lessons to students and families on how to stay emotionally healthy, as well as how to bring their faith to action in the community. Many teachers facilitated special projects to keep students engaged, including virtual field trips, science experiments, scavenger hunts, lunch chats, flat-teacher adventures, book clubs, creating virtual zoos, writing superhero stories, virtual field day, tower-building contests, and creating art.  Five early childhood educators participated in the Teaching Young Children Virtually Bootcamp in April. Lower School Teachers engaged in 1:1 coaching with the instructional technology facilitator and in many webinars to learn about technology applications for instruction.  One Seventh Grade student received Highest Honors in the The WordMasters Challenge™ - a national vocabulary competition based on completing analogies. Highest Honors is awarded to students finishing among the top 10-15 students in the country at their grade level. In addition, one Eighth Grade student and one Sixth Grade student earned High Honors by finishing among the top two percent of all competitors at the grade levels.  Five Middle School students advanced to the State National History Day Contest. These students advanced to the state-level contest after placing first or second in their divisions at the Regional National History Day Contest. One Eighth Grade student was selected to compete in the National History Day competition in June.

LIFE OF RELATIONSHIP  This past fall marked the ninth year our families hosted students from the Rochester School in Bogota, Colombia. The Rochester School, like Saint

5 Patrick Catholic School, is an independent Catholic School and a Glasser Quality School. Four students stayed for ten weeks earning transferable credits for their school. They were also able to participate in our fall sports programs. Additionally, two sisters from The Rochester School chose to spend the entire school year with us, completing their year virtually from Colombia.  Saint Patrick hosted the inaugural Sajo Farm Classic, a classic and antique car show featuring over 70 vehicles on the beautiful grounds on Sajo Farm in Virginia Beach. This first-time event was a great success, raising over $7000 for Saint Patrick Catholic Financial Aid, and helped us to further promote our school’s mission of Total Formation to greater the Hampton Roads community.  Students in Pre-K through Sixth Grade shared the gift of song with our grandparents and “grand friends” at the Grandparent’s Day Program under the direction of Chris Kypros. Following the program, Fifth through Eighth Grade shared their visual arts talents by presenting a Middle School Art Show in the Francis and Harvey L. Lindsay, Jr. Art Connector. Seventh and Eighth Grade students served as gallery hosts and docents.  We celebrated the 15th anniversary of Evenings at Saint Patrick, a series of over 50 enrichment classes for adults in our community on a variety of topics including cooking, wine and spirits, music, crafts, wellness and more. We added many new classes to this year’s line-up, which were very popular with our attendees.  Construction of the new Outdoor Classroom was completed this spring. We utilized this space for a number of the Eighth Grade Graduate at Graduation panel presentations, as it allowed for proper social distancing in an outdoor setting. This incredible new outdoor space along with the enhancements made to our wetlands area with the building of the pier and creation of a Memorial Garden, “A Garden for All God’s Creatures”, in memory of Julia Delaney Hayes and Rebecca Anne Burlingame, offer a singular outdoor education experience for our students.  For the third year, Saint Patrick was selected to receive a Virginia Naturally School Award from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Saint Patrick Catholic School was awarded the Pearl

School Award and recognized by the Lynnhaven River Now Members for the efforts that teachers and students put forth to sustain our environment.  This past spring, in recognition our amazing faculty, many students and their families visited teachers’ homes with drive-by parades or sent them cards and pictures. In recognition of National Teacher Appreciation day, treats were delivered to each teacher’s front door, postcards were emailed from their students, staff sent video messages of gratitude, a photo memory presentation of retreats was shared on Throwback Thursday, and a Teacher Appreciation Parade ended the week. The teachers received cupcakes and a “joy jar” containing student messages. Likewise, many teachers celebrated their students with end-of-year caravans to deliver mementos.

LIFE OF SPIRIT  We welcomed our new school chaplain for the 2019-2020 school year, Father Eric Ayers. Father Eric is also serving as the new Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Father Jim Curran, Basilica of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, has served our school faithfully for over five years and assisted Father Eric during his transition and with our Third through Eighth Grade individual class Masses. We are extremely grateful for the support of these priests.  Eight Grade students participated in their annual overnight retreat at Camp Silver Beach on the Eastern Shore. Part of this retreat experience involved a visit to two migrant farm worker camps to deliver donations collected by the school. The students were also able to extend their ministry to Father Michael who conducted Mass for the migrant workers. Our students read the readings in English and Spanish and served as Altar servers.  Our faith-learning community, “Authentically Catholic, Warmly Ecumenical”, celebrated our friends of other faiths with love and intentionality on Christian Unity Day. We had twelve priests and ministers in attendance from eleven different churches and six faith traditions, further deepening the faith of our students.  The 13th Station of the Cross - Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross – was dedicated virtually this year on the final morning of school. The Station Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG




of the Cross was blessed by our friend, Father Jim Curran. Bricks with the names of each Eighth Grade student surround the base of this station marking the Eighth Grade students’ legacy to the school.  Our Fifth through Eighth Grade students posted stellar results again this year on the Assessment of Catechetical Religious Education (ACRE). They have scored above the national average for the past sixteen years.

LIFE OF VOCATION  Led by the Seventh Grade, students collected money for the Bahamas and items such as baby supplies, cleaning supplies, and toiletries, in conjunction with Catholic Charities of NC, for those in affected by Hurricane Dorian.  Over 60 Middle School students served as student ambassadors as part of our Legati program. The students lead the Snapshot Tours of school during the year and served as hosts for school-wide special events. Almost half of the Fifth Grade students volunteered to serve this year.  The Third Grade students continued to focus their efforts on recycling, leading the school-wide collection of plastic film for the TREX recycling project as well as recycling markers, highlighters, and expo markers for the CRAYOLA ColorCyle program.  Fifth Grade collected back packs, snacks, and coins for their “God’s Got Your Back Pack and a Snack” service project. All items were donated to ForKids, a local organization assisting homeless children in our region.  Our Middle School Girl Scout Troop built and will be maintaining a Little Lending Library on the edge of our soccer field.  Saint Patrick received an award from Bishop Barry C. Knestout, Diocese of Richmond, for our school’s work with the Migrant Farm Workers on the Eastern Shore. The award was for hours of service.  The Laudato Si Committee met monthly to discuss ways the students and community could be better stewards of Earth. The committee focused on a school-wide recycling program, and looked at ways we can reduce emissions to help keep our air clean. The committee is developing a proposal for a solar collection station for the school.  Our Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten students participated in a virtual Trike-a-Thon in May to benefit the Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters and raised Annual Report of Giving

$6,170. This is an incredible amount, especially given our current environment. Pre-K students also participated in the Anthem LemonAid program that raised over $400.00 for cancer patient care.  Our entire Wolfhound community answered the call during the COVID-19 quarantine by donating canned goods and coins to the Cans and Coins for the Community project. We collected more than $2500 in coins, cash, and checks, as well as mountains of food donations to feed the less fortunate in our region. Donations were distributed to two Catholic ministries: The Basilica of Saint Mary’s Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen and The Catholic Worker. Thank you, Wolfhounds, for answering the call to serve the hungry in our city.

PHYSICAL LIFE  Eighty-eight percent of our Third through Eighth Grade students participated in at least one of our eight sports offered. Basketball was by far the most popular sport.  The Middle School Gold Boys Soccer Team won their seventh straight ETIS soccer championship, while the Middle School Green Boys Soccer Team finished strong with a 13-1 record.  Our Cross Country team dominated the competition again this year. The Cross County Girls Team finished in first place and our Boys Team finished second overall. One Wolfhound boy was named co-champion in the Catholic Cross Country championship.  The Middle School Green Volleyball Team secured the number #1 seed with the best regular season record.  A school-record and league-high 20 basketball teams competed this season, finishing in first place in five of the six divisions. Although cut short due to COVID-19, this was arguably the Wolfhounds’ best season yet.  Field Day was a fun-filled day for our Wolfhounds! While we couldn’t hold this event on school grounds this year, our families had the opportunity to participate in Field Day fun at home. Students gathered the required household items and spent the morning completing traditional activities such as the 50-yard dash, the bear crawl, and an egg relay, as well as creative challenges such as “the floor is lava,” “secret message relay,” “sock-er-skee ball,” and a “popcorn shoe relay.” Our students had to get creative and use problem-solving skills for some of the activities, and were challenged to show off their athletic prowess for others.

leaving his legacy Standing six feet, seven inches tall, Mr. John H. Tucker, Jr. is quite an impressive man. Even more impressive is his background in education. His list of achievements is as long as he is tall. His passion for shaping and molding young minds, his leadership in independent school education, his love of the Fine Arts, and his innate ability to fundraise are unmatched in our community. His career in education spans sixty-five years. He began teaching at Norfolk Academy in 1955. In 1970, he moved to Roanoke to serve as the Headmaster for the North Cross School. After eight years in Roanoke, he returned to Norfolk Academy to lead the school as Headmaster, eventually retiring in July of 2000. Or, so he thought. Saint Patrick Catholic School was nothing more than an idea in the year 2000. The James Barry Robison Trust had proposed to build a new Catholic school on the west side of Norfolk, the first new Catholic school in the area in fifty years, with a goal that the school would be not only one of the best Catholic schools in the country, but also affordable and accessible to as many families as possible. Chuck McPhillips, a James Barry Robinson Trust Board Member, knew just the person to ask to serve as the educational consultant for this new school. And the rest, they say, is history. John Tucker’s impact on Saint Patrick is immeasurable. From his input on the physical building, to the core curriculum with an emphasis on public speaking, Mr. Tucker’s role as our Educational Consultant has been transformational. In looking back, Mr. Tucker says that one of his

most significant achievements was the role he played in “tracking down Steve Hammond and bringing him on board as Principal.” His creation of the Celtic Cross Society for Planned Giving is another in his list of significant achievements. Mr. Tucker was keenly aware that instituting an endowment program was essential in ensuring that students receive a quality education for years to come. He established the Celtic Cross Society to honor individuals who have made a commitment to Saint Patrick through deferred giving. Planned gifts made to Saint Patrick are invested in perpetuity, with a portion of investment income used each year to offset a variety of school expenses. Mr. Tucker is transitioning in his role at Saint Patrick. Mr. Tucker stated, “It has been great to be a part of the school and to assist in making it what it is today, but my physical presence is no longer needed.” That said, he is still “ready, willing, and able to help.” Mr. Tucker will now serve as Co-Chair, along with Mrs. Jane P. Batten, of the newly formed Saint Patrick Catholic School Foundation. This mission of this foundation is to hold and manage the endowment to support financial aid, faculty development, operating needs, and capital projects. With these two at the helm, guiding the Foundation, the future of Saint Patrick will remain undoubtedly bright.




Returning Thanks Society Donors 2019-2020 The Society recognizes individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability through yearly pledges of $1000 or more.

Saint Patrick Society

Irish Wolfhound Society (cont.)

$100,000 and above (members since)

$1,000 to $1,999 (members since)

Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund (2013)

Deborah M. DiCroce (2015) Ms. Ercelle Drayton (2015) Mr. and Mrs. William Eisenbeiss (2018) Tom and Melissa Emerick (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hammond (2006) Brooke and Michael Hooper (2018) Mrs. Mary Keogh (2012) Scott and Trisha Kern (2018) Greg and Janet Kim (2013) Mary Louis and Bill LeHew (2019) Harry Lester (2019) Eric and Mim Lovell (2014) Suzanne and Vince Mastracco (2014) Mr. and Mrs. Rob McDermott (2015) Ms. Nancy McMahon (2019) Sean and Mary Meehan (2018) Mr. and Mrs. William Miller (2019) The Neskis Family (2019) Dr. and Mrs. Anhtai Nguyen (2018) Greg Pitman (2016) Donny and Barbara Price (2006) George and Marty Raiss (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III (2015) Dr. and Mrs. Dan Seidensticker (2014) Gabrielle and Michael Shumate (2010) Alton and Stephanie Smith (2015) Mark and Margie Tekamp (2019) PJ and Julie Trudell (2013) Mr. and Mrs. Thom Violette (2015) Brendan and Erin Walsh (2016) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weaver (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wells (2011) Mark and Jan White (2011) Ms. Krysia Witkowski (2015)

Saint Patrick Society $10,000 to $49,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry (2006) Mrs. Jane P. Batten (2017)

Shamrock Circle Society $5,000 to $9,999 (members since) The Barry Boys Scholarship Fund (20006) Damuth Trane (2016) Robert and Cynthia Kelly (2019) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Philbin (2017) Pru and Louis Ryan (2013)

Irish Wolfhound Gold Society $2,000 to $4,999 (members since) Rick and Jane Amelon (2016) Anonymous (2016) Anton Family Foundation (2015) Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. (2014) Drs. Brian and Natalie Feldman (2008) Chuck and Theresa McPhillips (2014) Barbra and Randy Noe (2006) Dr. and Mrs. Domingo Tan (2015)

Irish Wolfhound Society $1,000 to $1,999 (members since) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Abbott (2013) Jerry Allgeier (2014) Josh and Karen Anderson (2016) Jason and Mary Baker (2018) Greg and Ann Bockheim (2015) The Canga Leader Family (2018) Ellen Carver (2015) John and Charlotte Chandler (2006) Capt. (Ret.) and Mrs. Peter DeMane (Ret.) (2016)

Annual Report of Giving

EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor | RTB – Returning Thanks Breakfast Sponsor | SFCCS – Sajo Farm Classic Car Show Sponsor


Returning Thanks Donors Donations $5,000 and above

Donations $1,000 to $4,999 (cont.)

Anonymous Tiger and Leah Bell + Clint and Peggy Damuth Damuth Trane Instant Systems - EASP Sponsor The Prince Family Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Mark Warden

McKnight Military Family Scholarship Bobby and Sarah Moro The Neskis Family - SFCCS Sponsor Taewon Park and Sookyung Joo Mariah and Ethan Rule Sajo Farm Classic Car Show Donations Southern Bank - EASP Sponsor CMDR and Mrs. Axel L. Steiner Frank and Cathy Stumpf

Donations $1,000 to $4,999 Abacus of Hampton Roads, Inc. All Hallows Eve Donations Patric and Isabel Anderson Stuart Birkel and Nathalie Cassis Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Blake Bob and Tracy Bodvake Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Brannon, Jr. John and Kate Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Josh Brown Alex and Patchi Cancado The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation John and Karen Cavanaugh Edward and Eleanor Cavin Ron and Barbara Chapman + Class of 2020 Scholarship Fund Conrad Brothers Inc. - RTB Sponsor Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund The Decker Law Firm - SFCCS Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougherty Thad Doumar Doummar & O’Brien - SFCCS Sponsor Elite Motors - SFCCS Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Chip Elliott The Esparza Family + Jack and Isma Granger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hostutler Michael and Lisa LaRock Law Office of Shawn M. Cline - SFCCS Sponsor Mary Pat and Charlie Liggio + Marathon Development Group - SFCCS Sponsor The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts CDR Frank A. McKinney and Dr. Pamela A. McKinney

+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge

(In honor of Clara, Frances, and Cate Owings)

TowneBank - RTB Sponsor The Uiterwyk Family + Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ward + Caroline Kea Wood Your Cause, LLC Trustee for New York Life Zoby, Broccoletti & Normile, P.C. - SFCCS Sponsor

Donations $500 to $999 Accurate-Tune Plus - SFCCS Sponsor Deborah Alberti* Anonymous (2) Anonymous* Jeremy and Anne Leigh Bailey* Jason and Mary Baker Susannah and Bobby Beard Christine and David Beatty Greg and Ann Bockheim The Bonheur Family Bill and Lorraine Bott* Brenda B. Caruana Chris and Courtney Challoner Roger Conner Conrad Brothers Inc. - EASP Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. Georg Dahl* Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. James De Grand The Duvall Family Mr. Philip E. Grathwol Trudy and Steve Gross (In honor of George Raiss) Ms. Kathleen Halpin Harris Teeter Together In Education Drs. Brooke and Michael Hooper The Joly Family

Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG




Returning Thanks Donors (Continued) Donations $500 to $999 (cont.)

Donations $250 to $499 (cont.)

Jane H. Kelly Leggett and Tippins Kitchin Brian Kuebler and Nancy Nale Mr. Whitney Lester Col. Ignatius and Dr. Rhonda Liberto* Little Creek Family Dental - EASP Sponsor John and Julie Malcolm David Maltby The McIntyre Family Jerry and Su McNeill * Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund John and Grace Mendoza MidLantic Builders Glenwood + Montagna Klein Camden - SFCCS Sponsor Dr. and Mrs. Scott Nottingham* Lauren Partin Ryan and Margot Powell + Priority Automotive - SFCCS Sponsor Professional Printing - EASP Sponsor Aaron, Lara, and Lulu Quintanar + Leondra and Luciano Ramos + William Roach Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Sarah Schuette + Sinclair Communications - EASP Sponsor Christopher and Lauren Smith* Douglas and Linda Smith Drs. Richard and Patricia Strauss* Swartz, Taliaferro, Swartz, & Goodove SFCCS Sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan+ Dr. H. and Mr. Lee Thacker Cathy S. Thaden Virginia Zoological Park - EASP Sponsor Ware Insurance - EASP Sponsor Jim and Bunny Wells Wynne Ford/Volvo - SFCCS Sponsor

Algonquin Garden Club (In honor of Frank Walker) Jack and Ellie Ankerson* Stacie Bailey Cindy and Howard Baugh Katie and Beau Benoit* Box Tops for Education Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Broach, III* The Chagnon Family + John Clift and Michelle Walters + Richard and Angie Counselman * Matt and Liz Cummings Mike and Amy Cutter Ryan and Katie Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Emmons, III Esparza Family Dentistry - EASP Sponsor Pamela Fein Buddy and Kathy Gadams Lucy, Paul, and Colin Gibney* Tayloe and Laura Gwathmey Lesile Hogan, Rodan & Fields - EASP Sponsor Hogge Law - EASP Sponsor The Hannah Family Kathleen Hooker Integrated Dermatology - EASP Sponsor Iron Maidens - EASP Sponsor Azeb and Ron Jackson John Y. Wright Company - EASP Sponsor Tommy Kimble and Jessica Lin Niclas and Raquel Kohler The Labaire Family* The Law Office of Emily Mapp Brannon - EASP Sponsor Stanley Lawson Adam and Stefanie Levensalor Mr. and Mrs. John D. Laudenslager* Luna Development Services, LLC - SFCCS Sponsor Bob and Karren Mayer Lorraine Meehan Mrs. Sandra Mueller Rick and Maura Murchake No Frill Bar and Grill - EASP Sponsor Norfolk Acupuncture and Therapeutic Massage EASP Sponsor

Donations $250 to $499 Aegean Pools, Inc. - SFCCS Sponsor Jeremy and Hilary Alessi + Alestra Automotive Services - SFCCS Sponsor

Annual Report of Giving

EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor | RTB – Returning Thanks Breakfast Sponsor | SFCCS – Sajo Farm Classic Car Show Sponsor


Returning Thanks Donors (Continued) Donations $250 to $499 (cont.) O’Connor Brewing Dan and Nicole Pellegrino* Sarah Perrel and Ben Krantz Kristie and Erik Porcaro Dr. and Mrs. James Rapley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Roberts Sharon and Hooman Sadr Wayne and Ann Shank John and Marti Suber (In honor of Carrie Suber) Tymoff and Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Courtney Violette, Howard Hanna Real Estate Services - EASP Sponsor Mengluan Wang Westside Speech Therapy EASP Sponsor

Donations $1 to $249 The Adsit Family Mary Liz and Steve Aldridge The Alinsonorin Family Abby Allard Paul and Sarah Allgeier Alpha Group Security America’s Charities Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood (In honor of Marty and George Raiss) Ana Avila Susan Baggs Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barrineau Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner Dr. and Mrs. David Besachio Ms. Kiara Best Carlos and Sarah Betancourt Emily Boas Neil and Shelley Booth Elizabeth D. Bowes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III J. David Britt Ann and Jason Bruhn

+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge

Donations $1 to $249 (cont.) KC Buffkin Toya D. Butler The Campbell Family Drs. Denis and Brita Chagnon Chris and Courtney Challoner* Miss Virginia Chandler Olga Chew Timothy Churchwell + Juanita and Michael Churilla Missy and David Clark Rosemary O. Clark Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Class of 2019 Scholarship Fund Dr. April L. Colette The Compton Family Bradley and Erin Conroy Brooke Cooper Nick and Jennifer Cordovana The Corry Family Ashley and Greg Costanza Betsy Cox Jeff Craig Rana Cuffee Ms. Mary Lou Cutter* Georg and Kay Dahl Trink Dahl-Prince The DallaVilla Family Jeanne Damron Lexi Daniel Kieran and Erika Donohue Joan and Kevin Donohue Anne, Walker, and Danny Dorsey

Donations $1 to $249 (cont.) Ray and Kara Dumont Gloria H. Emanuel Marilyn Ertel Joe Faltz Freddy Ferebee Cindy Ferguson Chris Fervier Michael Ford Patrick and Mandi Fornes + John Gossner Angela Graciani Mark Grochmal Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerrieri Mark and Laura Guyot + Matt and Lindsey Haggerty Alicia Hammond Samuel Hancock and Cristina Baldassari Mr. and Mrs. Simms Hardin Señora Ashley Hartson Elizabeth Hernandez-Spina Charlie Hinsch Emily Holmes Lynn Hopkins* Dan and Heather Howard Dick and Marie Hull Erin and Drew Huston Ray and Jane Huston Jackie Hutcheson Randy and Ginny James Sheila and David Jessen Nathaniel Joly Morgan and Douglas Kelly Eric and Michelle Kent Leigh and Megan Keogh Rick and Megan Kiefner + Walt and Amber Koch Sasha and Kevin Krigsvold Christopher Kypros Ronald and Wanda Landry Ann and Andrew Larkin Lisa LaRock

Saint Patrick Catholic School | STPCS.ORG




Returning Thanks Donors (Continued) Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)

Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)

Donations $1 to $249 (cont.)

John and Susan Lasater Eric and Meg Lassalle The Leffler Family Courtney and Matthew Lewis Don and Barbara Lipskis Lisa and TJ Lynch The Magno Clark Family The Main Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martinez James B. Maus Erika McCullough Ed and Mary McPhillips Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro and Merlita Mendoza William A. Miller Patrick and Brigid Murphy Patricia and George Murphy Stephanie Musgrove Louis Nguyen Will and Kerry O’Donnell Karen Owen The Owings Family The Pascoe Family The Patrick Family Endowment Jane A. Pellegrino

Aubrey Perry Omari and Abigail Peterkin John and Gail Phipps Madison Phipps Tom and Barbara Poindexter The Powers Family Carrie Prince Matthew Prince William Prince Rosie and Dave Randolph Carrie Reed Jerome and Régine Remanjon Justin Riley Stacie Ringleb and Mark Schoenenberger* Lee and Ann Robinson Martha Roebuck The Roy Family Denise Dalton Rule Mark and Kate Ryan Sheila Ryan Louise Schaeffler Dale and Daisy Schuurman The Seeley Family Kathleen Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Cleatus Smith Dionne Smith and Family Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Soriano* Roger and Amy Stinnette*

David and Aimee Sullivan Lori Surber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tan* Alison and Michael Tem Cameron and Teresa Tenney Sara Thornley Chris and Vanessa Todd* Terrye Toland Mrs. Tove Tragos Mr. and Mrs. Steven Traylor John and Barbara Tucker Maximilian and Sarah Van Hecke Johan and Luciana Varverud* Chip and Barbara Vogan* Ms. Jacki Voorhies Suzanne and Walter Voorhies Mrs. Carol Vorosmarti Carter and Virginia Ward Adair Wells Henry and Pamela Wilcox Mark and Deirdre Willette Rocco Wilson The Wilson-Liggio Family Jerry and Karen Wohner Carrie Woodard The Woodside Family The Zamfir Family Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Inaugural Campaign Pledge Payments and Donations for Fiscal Year 2019-20 Aid/Endowment Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry

Outdoor Classroom/STEM Buddy and Kathy Gadams

Annual Report of Giving

Eleanor and Sandy Harris The Julia and Rebecca Memorial Garden Fund

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Prince Wayne W. Koch Drs. Rick and Trish Strauss

EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor | RTB – Returning Thanks Breakfast Sponsor | SFCCS – Sajo Farm Classic Car Show Sponsor


Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. McPhillips

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McPhillips

Bill and Aileen Hull Dick and Marie Hull

Constance P. and Edwin C. Kellam Cynthia and Robert Kelly Helen and Michael K. Kerner Greg and Janet Kim TJ and Lisa Lynch Johnand Marie Maloney Richard C. Mapp, III The Neskis Family

Barbra and Randy Noe Donald F. and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III Gabrielle and Michael Shumate TowneBank Foundation Mr. and Mrs. PJ and Julie Trudell Steven Velotas and Julie Moberly Ware Insurance

Undesignated Funds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott Josh and Karen Anderson Nancy H. Arias The Chagnon Family Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss The Esparza Family Jack and Isma Granger

John Tucker Professional Development Fund Jane P. Batten

Mary Louis and Willette LeHew

Harvey and Frances Lindsay Scholarship Fund Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry

Aimee and Frank Batten Jane P. Batten Dr. Deborah M. DiCroce

Constance P. and Edwin C. Kellam Bobby and Nancy King TowneBank Foundation

Education Improvement Scholarship Tax Credits Anonymous Emily Mapp Brannon Victor and Emily Brannon Paul K. Campsen and Dr. Carrie White Kathleen H. Heaton

James and Diane O’Brien Tara Ramsey Robert and Jennifer Squatrito Richard T. and Patricia M. Strauss Cathy S. Thaden

Bruce and Suzie Holbrook Instant Systems, Inc. Richard N. and Janice T. Knapp Peter and Lea Laplace Andrew and Ann Larkin Vince and Suzanne Mastracco

Celtic Cross Society Members Debbie Alberti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barry Mrs. Jane P. Batten Tiger and Leah Bell Jim Bush Ellen Reed Carver Ms. Margaret M. Cordovana Mr. Mark Denison and Ms. Candace Heidelberg-Denison Ms. Leslie Doyle Mr. Thad Doumar Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss

+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge

Mr. Michael Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hammond Ms. Lynn Hopkins Mr. John James Robert and Cynthia Kelly Helen and Michael Kerner Mr. John Koonce Mr. James Maus Ms. Nancy McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPhillips Mr. and Mrs. George Neskis Randy and Barbra Noe

Dan and Nicole Pellegrino Donny and Barbara Price Mr. and Mrs. Art Prince John and Carrie Prince Mr. and Mrs. George Raiss Mr. and Mrs. John Searing Drs. Rick and Trish Strauss Cathy S. Thaden Mr. and Mrs. PJ and Julie Trudell Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Mark White

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Endowments The Barry Boys Fund Mrs. Jane P. Batten Scholarship Fund Class of 2008 Scholarship Fund Class of 2009 Scholarship Fund Class of 2010 Scholarship Fund Class of 2011 Scholarship Fund Class of 2012 Scholarship Fund Class of 2013 Scholarship Fund Class of 2014 Scholarship Fund Class of 2015 Scholarship Fund Class of 2016 Scholarship Fund Class of 2017 Scholarship Fund

Class of 2018 Scholarship Fund Class of 2019 Scholarship Fund Class of 2020 Scholarship Fund Ms. Margaret Cordovana Scholarship Fund Harvey and Frances Lindsay Scholarship Fund The James and Joan Maus Endowment for the Visual Arts McKnight Military Family Scholarship Chuck McPhillips Scholarship Fund

Family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent McPhillips Scholarship Fund Michael J. McPhillips Endowment Family of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joseph McPhillips Scholarship Fund The Patrick Family Endowment The Prince Family Endowment Tymoff + Moss Architects Scholarship Fund Ms. Barbara Zoby and Dr. Sture V. Sigfried, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Tributes In Memory of Barbara Bodvake Stacie Bailey Juanita and Michael Churilla

Joe Faltz Michael Ford

William A. Miller

Grandparent Circle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott Jerry Allgeier Rick and Jane Amelon Jack and Ellie Ankerson William and Patricia Anton Howard and Cynthia Baugh David and Christine Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breeden, III Brenda B. Caruana John and Karen Cavanaugh Denis and Brita Chagnon Ron and Barb Chapman Olga Chew Roger Conner Mary Lou Cutter Georg and Kay Dahl Trink Dahl-Prince Jeanne Damron Col. and Mrs. James De Grand (Ret.) Joan and Kevin Donohue Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougherty Annual Report of Giving

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Eisenbeiss Pamela A. Fein Trudy and Steve Gross Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerrieri David and Kathleen Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Simms Hardin Mr. and Mrs. James Hooker Ray and Jane Huston Randy and Ginny James Mary G. Keogh Wayne W. Koch Ronald and Wanda Landry John and Susan Lasater Mr. and Mrs. John D. Laudenslager Mary Louis and Willette LeHew Harry Lester Charlie and Mary Pat Liggio Richard C. Mapp, III Frank and MaryAnn Marcoccio Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martinez

Bob and Karren Mayer Dina G. McIntyre Ms. Nancy McMahon Lorraine and Stephen Meehan Teodoro Mendoza Patricia and George Murphy Jane Pellegrino Tom and Barbara Poindexter Lee and Ann Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Robison, III Denise Dalton Rule Sarah and Dan Schuette Frank and Cathy Stumpf, Jr. John and Marti Suber Domingo and Jackie Tan Lee and Herminia Thacker Terrye Toland Walter and Suzanne Voorhies Carol Vorosmarti Jim and Bunny Wells Mark and Deirdre Willette

EASP – Evenings at Saint Patrick Sponsor | RTB – Returning Thanks Breakfast Sponsor | SFCCS – Sajo Farm Classic Car Show Sponsor


Volunteers Michael Acheson Mary Liz Aldridge Hilary Alessi Jeremy Alessi Rosalie Alinsonorin Abby Allard Sarah Allgeier Isabel Anderson Patric Anderson Aaron Arndt Rose Arnett Detra Atkinson Anne Leigh Bailey Catie Barrineau Howard Baugh Susannah Beard Leah Bell Peter Bender Katie Benoit Michael Blevins Ann Bockheim Greg Bockheim Tracy Bodvake Barbara Bonheur Ronn Bonheur Emily Mapp Brannon Heather Brinkman Jill Broach Jamye Brown Derinda Bunch Ray Bunch Jennifer Burke Patchi Cancado Pam Chalkley Courtney Challoner Charlotte Chandler Billy Chard Jennifer Clayton John Clayton Gary Coldren Shelly Compton Gina Cooper Tracey Copeland

Ashley Corry Angie Counselman Jeff Craig Robert Crawford Cindy Creede Anne Cummings Grace Cummings Liz Cummings Matt Cummings Mary Lou Cutter Mike Cutter Alison Dahl Georg Dahl Trink Dahl-Prince Damian Daniel Tracy Delmar Chris Dial Lauren Dial Chip Dodson Gino Doles Erika Donohue Kieran Donohue Ann Drobot Nicole Drummond Allison Dunleavy Melissa Edmonson Taliyah Edwards Anthony Elgohary Dina Elgohary Melissa Emerick Tom Emerick Courtney Epps Sarah Esparza Shawn Everett Cynthia Ferguson Kathy Gadams Kathy Garris Kim Gibbs Shane Gibbs Jessica Gilden Peter Gilden Mike Glenn Jim Gorman

+ Reccuring Monthly Donation | *Multi-year Pledge

Isma Granger Jack Granger Phil Grathwol Laura Guyot Beckie Hall Renae Hammond Steve Hammond Charlotte Hannah Lauren Henry Leslie Hogan Elle Homire Lynn Hopkins Brian Horn Heather Howard Bobby Howlett Megan Howlett Erin Huston Poojah Iyer Azeb Jackson Hannah James Rebecca Jennings Bernard Jones Sookyung Joo Christian Joyner Tracey Judge Monica Kello Tom Kent Trisha Kern Nicole Kiger Greg Kim Janet Kim Jessica Kliner Raquel Kohler Kevin Krigsvold Roman Krigsvold Sabine Krigsvold Sasha Krigsvold Jason Kypros Liz Labaire Mark Labaire Nancy Lacore Pat Lacore Andy Larkin

Ann Larkin Lisa LaRock Meg Lassalle Stanley Lawson Alex Leader Adam Levensalor Stefanie Levensalor Elisa Lewis David Limroth Jessica Lin Eric Lopez-Sanchez Matt Louth Bill Magnan Julie Malcolm Jennifer Marcus George Marino Bailey Matela Lara Matela Bob Mayer Shannon McCole Andy McCullough Erika McCullough Katie McCullough Monica McCullough Tom McDonough Jackie McIntyre Andrea McLemore Kelly McMahon Willette Grace Mendoza John Mendoza Christopher Michael Patty Michael Suzanne Miller Bobby Moro Sarah Moro Meghan Lourdes Neilan George Neskis Nicholas Neskis Jim Newsom Hieu Ngo Tuan Nguyen Sandra Norman

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Volunteers Michelle Nottingham Jared O’Boyle Kevin O’Connor Penny O’Connor Bill Odom Ana Oliver Robin Owings Chris Palestrant Erin Parker David Parkerson Lauren Partin Kristen Pascoe Dan Pellegrino William Petersen Kevin Pinkos Erik Porcaro George Raiss Marti Raiss Leandra Ramos Tara Ramsey Dave Randolph Rosie Randolph Vince Ranhorn Helen Rapley Mike Redel Ken Richardson Stacie Ringleb Tessa Robinson Chuck Rodgers Paula Rodgers Martha Roebuck Shea Roebuck Kasey Rosen JD Roy Mark Ryan Bella Sadr Sharon Sadr Alison Schoew Sara Schroeder John Searing Noelle Searing Sheri Searing Candace Seidensticker Daniel Seidensticker

(Continued) Marie Shanahan Courtney Sherron Gabi Shumate Gail Shumate Cynthia Silva Ben Smith Chris Smith Lauren Smith Linda Smith Matt Smith Bryan Soriano Laurie Steiner Amy Stinnette Rue Stuteville Cynthia Symons Chris Tan Zachary Taylor Cathy Thaden Amanda Torres Maureen Traylor Devon Uiterwyk Annie Van Hook Johan Varverud Luciana Varverud Lucy Vinson Scott Vinson Courtney Violette Mike Violette Kristin Wasco Valerie Watkins Andrea Weaver Adair Wells Morgan Wells Mark White Michael Willette Liz Willis Catherine Witt Caroline Wood Carrie Woodard Sam Woomer Jamie Wright Allison Zedd



A Classic Event What do you get when you combine over 70 antique cars, a crisp fall day, and a beautiful outdoor venue? A “Classic” event! The inaugural Sajo Farm Classic Car Show was held on Saturday, November 2, 2019, on the expansive grounds of Sajo Farm in Virginia Beach. Ray and Derinda Bunch, friends of Saint Patrick and classic car enthusiasts, graciously hosted this event on their property to benefit Saint Patrick Catholic School Financial Assistance.

with the assistance of Ray and Derinda Bunch, the Sajo Farm Classic Car Show was born. As George stated, “In my opinion, this is the most incredible fundraiser for Saint Patrick. It is just pure FUN! To see it evolve to this level has been very fulfilling and heartwarming for me, and to be able to do this with my son is so special. I realized years ago that Saint Patrick is the type of school you want to keep helping long after your children have attended there.”

An amazing array of classic and antique cars was on display that afternoon. Attendees talked to car owners and heard stories of their prized possessions, while enjoying food by Mission BBQ, wine and beer tastings, and live music by Dan Pellegrino as well as Mike Powers and Jeff McLaughlin of the Fighting Jamesons. VIP ticket holders were treated to hors d’ouevres and bourbon tastings led by bourbon aficionado Stanley Lawson in the Guest House.

As the event grew, so did the planning committee. Several other parents of Saint Patrick students joined including Phil Grathwol and Michael Willette. Phil shared the following about this event, “Owning a 1965 Ford Mustang, I’m involved with the Mustang Club of Tidewater and other car clubs in the area, so one of my responsibilities is reaching out to them to promote our show. After our huge success last year and the quality of cars that turned out, I see it as having great potential to be one of the premiere car shows in the area.”

The idea for the car show started over six years ago, when car enthusiasts George Neskis, alumni parent, and his son Nicholas, Class of 2017, shared their desire to put together a showcase of local classic cars with fellow Saint Patrick parents Mike Glenn and Erika McCullough. The first event featured 20 classic cars in the side parking lot of Saint Patrick. The event grew even bigger over the next few years and in 2017, the event was moved off campus to Doumar’s, thanks to the generous offer by Saint Patrick parent Thad Doumar. Exposure and interest increased at this new location, and more car owners came out to display their cars. In 2019, George brought the idea and dream of an East Coast “Concours d’ Elegance” to the planning table, and

An event of this size and caliber would not have been possible with the support of generous of our friends and sponsors. Special thanks to our hosts, Ray and Derinda Bunch, and inaugural sponsors: The Decker Law Firm; Doummar & O’Brien; Elite Motors; The Law Firm of Shawn M. Cline; Marathon Development Group; the Neskis Family; Zoby, Broccoletti & Normile, AccurateTune Plus, Priority Automotive, Montanga, Klein, Camden Law Firm; Swartz, Taliaferro, Swartz & Goodove; Wynne Ford/Volvo; Aegean Pools; Alestra Automotive; the Gibney Family and the Glenn Family.

Pictured bottom left: Sajo Farm Planning Committee. Bottom right: Ray, Derinda, and Jonathan Bunch




Graduate Class of 2020 We bid farewell to another Eighth Grade graduating class. We will miss them, and are so proud that they are attending the following schools and/or programs:

Bayside High School Catholic High School Colegio Rochester - Bogota, Colombia Governor’s School for the Arts, Maury High School Granby High School, International Baccalaureate Program Maury High School Maury High School, The Medical and Health Specialties Program Norfolk Academy Norfolk Collegiate Norview High School, Leadership Program Princess Anne High School, International Baccalaureate Program Shenandoah Valley Academy

Graduate Class of 2016 We are so proud of our Wolfhounds who are heading off to the following colleges and universities: Christopher Newport University College of William & Mary East Carolina University Elon University George Mason University Hampden-Sydney College James Madison University Old Dominion University University of Mary Washington University of South Carolina University of Texas at San Antonio University of Virginia Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Annual Report of Giving


Financials Fiscal Year 2019-2020




Operating Income 37


Total: $7,566,925

Tuition and Fees $3,871,333 James Barry Robinson Trust Support $2,779,837 Evenings at Saint Patrick, Designated Gifts & Scholarships $324,800 Auxilary Programs $312,734 Returning Thanks Annual $226,533 Other $51,688




Operating Expense Total: $7,729,744


Salaries & Benefits $4,658,265 Facilities, Depreciation & Grounds $2,220,494 Operations $517,787 Curriculum & Instruction $331,198 *Unaudited Financials

For the first time in our 16 year history, Saint Patrick Catholic School ended the fiscal year with a deficit due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1000 BOLLING AVENUE, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23508 STPCS.ORG | P: 757.440.5500 | F: 757.440.5200

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