Key Moments
Stay atstayHome, active S
port is an important part of life at St Peter’s, with 15 sports, 250 teams and enthusiastic participation at all levels. When fixtures were cancelled in March 2020, followed closely by a national lockdown, our Sports staff were determined to deliver an active games programme virtually to encourage all pupils to stay active at home.
St Peter’s 2-8 Sports Day is usually the highlight of the sporting calendar at 2-8, but our usual sports day activities were cancelled this year to ensure the safety of our pupils and to comply with social distancing guidelines. Instead, we launched a Virtual Sports Day and encouraged the children to join in from home. Sports ranged from the Standing Long Jump and 40m Sprint to the slightly less conventional Egg and Spoon Collection, Star Jumps, Speed Bounce and Welly Standing Throw. We are so proud of all our little athletes who participated from home and at school.
46 || The Peterite 2019-20