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t Peter’s School community is an extended family that includes all of our past pupils, parents and staff, and others who have an interest in our School. We seek to maintain a lifelong association with almost 5,000 former pupils who live and work all over the world. Each year, our Development & Alumni team produce the Cross Keys Magazine, which celebrates our Old Peterite community. We have included some of their stories in this edition of The Peterite, and the full version of the Cross Keys Magazine is available on our website. Report from the President of the Old Peterite Club I am delighted to be writing with an update on the great progress we have made within the Old Peterite Club over the last year. I had three aims during my time as President; to increase the number of Old Peterites attending functions, to encourage our younger Old Peterites to remain in contact with the Club and re-introduce our annual London event. We continue to review our events and consider what appeals to the Old Peterite Community, and have enjoyed the addition of new events, such as the Newcastle Pub Quiz, which was attended by a number of our younger Old Peterites in Newcastle in October. We have a more diverse Committee, and were delighted to welcome a number of new members at the AGM in 2019. We now have representatives from each decade on the Committee and have already been able to make positive changes to our activities as a result. I want to give my thanks to Andy Tuck, who has done a wonderful job of looking after the finances of the Old Peterite Club for the last 22 years. We are in the fortunate position that we have been able to move the Old Peterite Club finances into the care of the School. This has removed the need for a Treasurer for the OP Club and we will continue discussions as to how these funds will be used in future to benefit the OP Club and the School. I feel in my term as President we have been able to make key changes that will hold the Old Peterite Club in good stead for the future and I am delighted to have had the opportunity to follow in my brother’s footsteps as Old Peterite President. I hope to see many of you at some of our OP events in the coming months and thank you for your continued support of the Old Peterite Club. John Coles Old Peterite Club President 2018-2020
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