S. H. Bradley, P. J. Brindle, A. Brining, J. D. Carr, R. Dawes, R. J. Dowson, J. R. Eggleshaw, K. W. Headlam, M. L. Lees, A. L. McKay, C. P. Midgeley, M. E. Raine, E. P. Raynes, E. G. Richman, J. S. Scott, R. P. Wilson.
HOUSE NOTES THE GROVE The beginning of term found us looking back on an excellent year. It had not been, however, limited to the games field. P. A. Crossley had obtained a State Scholarship, and the rest of the House had worked hard enough to win us the Work Cup. Everyone is to be congratulated on this, and reminded that they can all contribute to our keeping it. But then we looked to the future, and settled down to show that there is still as much spirit in the House as ever. Ten new juniors have joined us, including another Welshman : we are prepared. At the top of the House E. S. Bolton, P. A. Crossley, R. L. Evans and A. Gomersall are to be congratulated on their appointments as House Monitors, as is T. D. J. Layfield as Head of the School and of the House. The highlight of the term was undoubtedly the Senior House Rugger. After beating Manor 17-11 in the semi-final, we met Rise in the final. In a good, hard game we were defeated 0-6. However, of our tackling and teamwork we feel justly proud. P. A. Crossley, L S. T. Dutton, W. J. Bottomley and A. Gomersall have since been awarded their House colours. In the School teams L. H. K. Mackay, I. S. T. Dutton and R. L. Evans have been awarded their 1st XV colours; T. D. J. Layfield captained the 2nd XV, and together with P. A. Crossley was awarded his colours. As usual we were well represented in the 3rd XV by W. J. Bottomley, A. Gomersall, J. C. G. Wheeler and R. W. Kirk. In the basketball world the name of E. S. Bolton was a name to be feared. Debating has become a very popular activity in the House. In the School Society T. D. J. Layfield was President and R. A. Crossley, R. L. Evans and D. E. Rayner were on the Committee. However, the last two appear to have found their vocations in the Law Courts. It is very good to see that the Presidency has not left the Grove, and R. L. Evans is to be congratulated on his election for next term. Our House Debating Society continues to flourish. The term included three debates and an evening of light-hearted entertainment, all well attended. We are pleased to see so many Junior members of the House taking an interest, and hope they will all make the effort to speak some time. 9