May 1961

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Administration was generally excellent. We had a cooked breakfast, a hard-tack and chocolate lunch and a cooked meal when we returned to base in the evening. However, we sadly lacked facilities for drying wet clothing. Our R.A.S.C. rations were usually delicious (it depended on the duty cook) and our Gaz stoves excellent. Bombardier Bywater later assumed the role of chef and managed to remain popular, whilst L./Sgt. Baldwin's climbing experience was invaluable. Finally we must thank Captain Gaastra and R.S.M. Power, the former for his kindness and expert care and instruction, the latter for his stimulus, his soup and a Boy Scout Hut. It was a great experience, although perhaps even better in retrospect. C.J.T.

THE SCOUT GROUP SENIOR SCOUT TROOP The most outstanding achievement has been that P/L. (S) R. A. B. Wood completed his requirements for the Bushman's Thong and Queen's Scout Badge during the Easter holidays. He is the first to have done so for some two years and we offer him our congratulations. Several Seniors completed the Fireman Course and all successfully took the examination at the end, while an encouraging number went on Venturer journeys during the Easter holidays. These hope to complete the Venturer Badge next term. For the Field Day we split into two groups. Some two-thirds of the Troop took advantage of the recent acquisition of a large selection of new ropes to spend the day doing some elaborate pioneering. An excellent suspension bridge was constructed, while a few noble spirits cooked lunch in the training ground for the rest of the party. The rest of the Troop disappeared into the oblivion of the Hambleton Hills under the benign control of A.S.M. M. J. French. As far as we know they went on a hike. The Summer Camp will be held in the Edale area of Derbyshire, from Tuesday, 1st August, to Wednesday, 9th August. Full details will be sent to parents during the Summer term and we hope that most of the Senior Troop will be able to attend this camp in an area which should give full scope to the varied interests of the members of the Troop.

GILWELL : APRIL, 1961 During the Easter holiday, the 6th Leadership in Scouting course was held at the World Scout Leaders' Training Ground, Gilwell Park, Essex. The course, open to all Public Schoolboys, was attended by 47 boys from schools all over Britain. The course is 35

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