Oct 1971

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On May 13th there was a joint performance with Queen Anne Grammar School of lepthe' by Carissimi and 'Der Jasager' by Weill; it took place at Queen Anne School. * * * The Choir sang Evensong in York Minster on May 19th, and took part in the R.S.C.M. Festival in Ripon Cathedral on May 25th. * * * June 5th, 6th and 7th became a Field Week-end, and on the last of these dates the General Inspection of the CCF was made by RearAdmiral J. E. Dyer-Smith, the Director General, Aircraft (Naval). * * * Scenes from Ben Jonson's 'Bartholomew Fair' were performed in Hall on June 15th and 16th. Extracts were repeated on June 28th before Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh when they made their visit to York on June 28th. Some of the School's fencers were also present at this splendid occasion on the Knavesmire. * * * On July 4th there was a party for parents of Lower V1 th boys to meet the masters. * * * Commemoration started on July 9th when there was a Concert in Hall. Speech Day was on the 10th, and the Commemoration Service on the 11th. *



Term ended on July 1 1 th.

* * * In the N.R.A. Meeting at Bisley from July 12th to 15th, the CCF Shooting Team did remarkably well, and we congratulate them on winning the Country Life Competition and coming third in the Ashburton. * * * A. B. Stow, the Contingent Warrant Officer of the CCF was selected for the International Air Cadet Exchange scheme which is to foster international understanding, good will and fellowship among young men with an interest in aviation. He spent three weeks as the guest of the Israeli Government during the Summer holidays, and we congratulate him on being selected. * * * The Work Cup was won for 1970-71 by Temple. * * * Until further notice the second issue of The Peterite will be in May instead of February. *



COMMEMORATION, 1971 The Cricket Match against the Old Peterites started on Friday, July 9th, and the following day the Speeches and Presentation of Prizes were presided over by the Chairman of the Governors, the Very Revd. the Dean of York. The Prizes were presented by the Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Sir Gordon Sutherland, Sc.D., F.R.S. On Sunday, July 1 1 th, at the Commemoration Service in Chapel, the new Choir Stalls were dedicated in memory of K. H. Rhodes by The Rt. Revd. M. H. Harland, D.D., (O.P.). 3

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