5 minute read
How You Can Love Living Life Every Day
You Are Worthy of Love
So many people think that they are unworthy of good love. The numbers are astounding! This message comes both consciously and unconsciously, by accident and on purpose from loved ones and strangers. Some people are told they are not good enough and they believe it to the point that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They convince themselves that they should settle for lackluster love or risk being alone. Because as the saying goes, “anything’s better than being by yourself.” And Well, I’m here to set the record straight! You—each of you—are loveable, you are deserving of the best love, and no one needs to be in a romantic relationship to be whole, loved, supported, or cherished.
Too many of us went through situations in our lives, whether we were children at the time or adults, whether it came from a parent or a relationship, where someone’s words were so powerful that they shifted us to believe the lie that we weren’t good enough. Maybe we were told that we were too fat to love, too skinny, too quiet, too messy, too… lies, lies, lies. You are enough. You deserve good love.
We are each more than enough, but those words can create wounds and scars so deep that they can be extremely difficult to heal without professional counseling. Find someone skilled and experienced who knows a blueprint to those places and who can help guide you there safely and gently. Then, you can release the power of those lies and open up that massive source of love you’ve had hiding within you. You will find that self-love there, and it will beam outward, attracting the authentic love you deserve from others around you.
At the core, we are each an amazing creation. Some entity literally thought of each one of us and decided that we were needed on Earth—that our existence matters. I believe this in the core of my being because I have a belief in a higher power, a God who picks each person and says, “There’s something I need on Earth, and you, my friend, are the answer to someone’s question. You simply need to be yourself, open up all the greatness I’ve put inside of you, and present it as the gift that it is to the world.”
When you recognize that you have deep value and purpose and that you are an amazing person, love will flow freely from you and to you.
My Love Zone
Ilove dancing. I started dancing professionally when I was four years old, and over the years, throughout my teen years, college years and beyond, I always found myself in some sort of dance team, troop, or class, constantly rehearsing and performing around town. As an adult, the dancing that I’ve settled into is mostly freestyle, line-dancing, Chicago-style stepping, and Detroit-style ballroom. And I love it. I love it, love it, love it! Because I’ve studied, I’ve learned, and I’ve practiced, the dance floor has become like a safe, play place for me. I enjoy releasing myself and becoming one with the music, and I just dance.
When I get on the dance floor, I totally climb into a song, and every part of me is engaged in that moment with dancing. There are usually other people there, and the energy of all of us together expressing ourselves with our bodies, and experiencing the song is transformative. We have a moment together, a magical moment, where we are in the same zone together. We’re all moving and flowing and unaware or uncaring that other people are watching or that they are even in the room with us because we are all doing our own thing—together.
After one of these experiences, totally lost in the song, I had climbed all the way in and was giving it my all, I learned that one person was paying particular attention to me. I was totally oblivious. I do remember at that moment feeling an overwhelming love flowing through me, and I was not conscious of the people near me, I was not concerned about my hair, my outfit, my makeup, my shoes, my clothes, none of that.
This person who was observing me, said to me later, “You know, at first, I was watching all of the ladies dance. And I was enjoying it. And then I saw you. And then I realized, I was enjoying watching you dance. And pretty soon, I was only watching you.”
In a separate setting, also involving a dance floor, a gentleman invited me to spend 4 ½ minutes dancing to a song. This was a stepping or ballroom song and required that I be led by hand motions for us as a couple to dance. As we left the dance floor, this gentleman said, “Thank you. It’s been a long time and while I thought I was missing dancing, actually I was missing dancing with you.” Wow!
This was someone that I had danced with before, but we’d never had a deep connection. Then, he noticed me in this particular moment. That connection was me, again completely uninhibited, expressing my fully authentic self, beaming with inner love. I was in the zone. I was in my most authentic place. I wasn’t concerned about being liked. I wasn’t concerned about being rejected. I wasn’t concerned about who might be watching me or what they might be thinking. I was where I wanted to be. I was giving it my all for myself, feeding my joy.
And I wasn’t even trying. That’s the thing. I wasn’t trying to attract anyone, but I did. And he was attracted to the fullness of me experiencing pure joy. That relationship lasted for many years and involved us dancing publicly, privately, in stores, and even in parking lots. We danced absolutely everywhere there was music. It was fun, it was freeing and it was exhilarating to be in that zone together.
If I had been trying to attract someone, he would not have noticed what he noticed about me. Instead, I was focused on my joy, enjoying where I was fully present. And I was electric; my skin was tingling. I was so at peace and content and jazzed and thrilled and feeling fabulous and excited and centered…all those strong words that make me grounded…that no one could have bothered me. I was in my love zone and didn’t even know it.