9 minute read
How to Make Love… Come to You
Love Living Life… Today and Every Day
All that I just described above is the most honest, vulnerable, authentic, healthy, and purpose-driven way to attract love to you. It’s about focusing on creating a space in yourself that helps you fall in love with your life and fully interact with it. If you have these moments throughout each day where you don’t just live life, but you love living life—that’s the lifestyle each of us should pursue. By finding and doing something you love every day, and realizing that it is not necessarily the same one thing, but at least one thing, you allow that love to flow through you 365 days per year. That puts you in the zone with the glow in every molecule of your body in multiple settings around multiple people experiencing the impact it has on your life.
Let me ask: What is that for you? What are some of the things you love to do? I love closing my eyes while facing the sun as it warms my skin. I love finding four-leaf clovers along the side of the path while walking through the park. Go do that thing that lights you up for at least 10 minutes a day. I love learning about the cosmos. I love bird watching. I love teaching. Go do the things that feed your spirit. Even if you only do a little bit of it each day, it causes you to align with the Source that makes you who you are. It brings you back to the center every day.
That’s where you need to be at some point in every day to be attractive to the people who really would be and are attracted to who you truly are, and that is the formula to falling wildly in love with life. You can live life, or you can love living life. The choice is yours. It is a choice that is made daily, and each new day is an opportunity to start again. When you start each day, you get to use what you learned the day before to make this new day better. Every day, if you learn something new, you get to do something different to change your current circumstances. This is a fabulous opportunity that each of us gets to apply to our lives. This is the new day that has been made for us to enjoy and experience more than we did the day before. So, let’s look at how I do this in my life to live as consciously as I can.
Live Life by Principles
here are principles that I live by to ensure that I live my life on purpose each and every day. I start with the seven principles for living life, and then I apply the ten principles for loving life. Here they are.
Seven Principles for Living Life
I. I have one life. That one life intersects with other lives, but it is primarily my own. It is my responsibility to manage and maintain my life and create the atmosphere that will lead to a fulfilling experience.
II. The life I live has a specific, detailed, definable purpose. I live life to accomplish a goal that somehow impacts the community, the environment, and/or the world. It is my responsibility and opportunity to identify, pursue and accomplish my purpose.
III. The life I live is expressed in a variety of ways and has many facets. I encounter the world physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, personally, socially, financially, and more. Each facet of my life expresses something about me.
IV. The life I live has impact. As I interact with others in various situations, my words and actions leave an indelible mark on whomever I meet. That mark is positive, neutral, or negative.
V. The course of my life can be changed in an instant. Though I may be on a specific path in life, a series of consistent choices, a single catastrophic event, or one hasty decision can change the direction and/or quality of my life as much as 180º.
VI. The life I live is guided by themes I acquired from family
members, home life, community involvement, and society-atlarge. These themes, once identified, can be adjusted and changed at my will.
VII. The life I live has begun but will at some point end. Without knowing when its end will be, I can only utilize the time I have right now to accomplish my goals. I can plan for tomorrow, but I can only act during today.
These seven principles above ensure that I can consciously plan my days knowing that I can live with meaning and purpose. I can make the most of my life and understand how important it is in relation to others and the lives they are living. To make my life even more enjoyable and deliberately LOVE it, I go further and apply the ten principles for loving life. Knowing what to do to love my life helps me fall wildly in love with it.
Ten Principles for Loving Life
I. I have one life and I can love my one life. When I love my life, I fully live my life. When I intentionally live my life, I can sincerely love my life.
II. I love my life when my life is guided by principles, practices, and a purpose. I love knowing that I can accomplish what I intend and that what I accomplish has some assigned value that impacts myself and/or others in some desired way.
III. I love my life when I perceive that those things that occur in my life somehow assist me in accomplishing my overall purpose. Not only do good things happen, but those things that do happen can be used and integrated into my life for furthering my overall goals.
IV. I love my life when my life includes those people and activities that produce the kinds of interactions and outcomes that align with my intentions. I am satisfied when I am successful.
V. I love my life when the facets of my life are aligned on the continuum that is central to my core being. My physical, emotional, spiritual, social, interpersonal, financial, and psychological expressions of myself are driven by a common
theme. Congruence in these themes leads to intrapersonal harmony, and I am content.
VI. I love my life when my intentions, efforts, actions, and outcomes are aligned and congruent. When I plan and execute an action, the actual, final outcome usually matches my expected outcome.
VII. I love my life when those people I surround myself with enhance, support, direct and sustain me either emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. I consciously select those that I want to have in my life. I authentically interact with others and I allow others to authentically interact with me.
VIII. I love my life when I successfully do those things that align with my personal expectations of myself.
IX. I love my life when I successfully stop doing things that conflict with my core beliefs about myself.
X. I love my life when I deliberately do the things I love doing-daily. Each day I determine to do something that I love to do. The more I do in my life that I love, the more I love living my life.
These ten principles serve as an anchor for me as I live each day. They cause me to carefully consider my actions and their impact on what happens as I approach the various experiences each day brings. As the day comes to a close, I get to review it and determine if I simply lived through it or if I deliberately chose to LOVE living through it. If I am pleased with my results, I rest in peace. If I choose to adapt and adjust, I awaken to the new day with a plan to love my life just a little bit more than I did the day before. Falling wildly in love may not happen fast. It is more of a gradual process that involves taking steps to arrive at the desired destination. Consistency produces results.
How You Can Love Living Life Every Day
As I state in the second lesson of My Little Book of Wisdom: 52 Lessons I’ve Learned from Living Life, by Torri L. Griffin, Ph.D., LPC,
When you consistently do at least one thing you love to do DAILY, you’ll love living your life.
To love living life, you have to love something about your life every day. That may mean doing something you love to do daily or doing something with someone you love, daily. Again, it does not have to be the same thing that you do, but it does have to be something AT LEAST ONCE A DAY.
Let’s look at how you love your life. We will begin with a short list of your favorite things to do. List below your ten favorite things to do—regardless of the price, regardless of how many people it takes to do them, and regardless of whether or not you have ever done that thing. Ready, set, go.
My Favorite Things to Do List
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Next, review this list and put a star next to those that you have engaged in this year. Kudos if you have at least five stars. Add a star to those you have participated in during the past 30 days. From the items without stars, select three that you think might be doable in the next thirty days and place them on the lines below.
My Target Favorite Things to Do in the Next Thirty Days
1. 2. 3.
Now, let’s add an affirmation to really bring this to life.
Another way to love living your life is to spend time with your favorite people or simply people you enjoy spending time with or talking to. They may or may not know that they fit into this category, but as long as you get to enjoy the time together, it counts as you loving your life. List ten of your last enjoyable conversations.
I really enjoyed talking to/spending time with:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
If this occurred in the past two weeks, kudos to you, again. If these encounters happened many months ago it may be time to call, text, email, or visit someone, or plan a get-together. List the three people you are most likely to reach out to next.
I plan to get in touch with one of the following people in the next few days.
1. 2. 3.
Let’s add an affirmation to keep this top of mind.
These two very simple but powerful things can improve the quality of your life and help you love it, simply by knowing and being active in your favorite activities and conversations. A third thing to consider is the environment you spend time in. Do you love being outdoors? Are you best in a warm or cold climate? Where do you wake up that makes your heart sing? Do you live or work there or do you need to schedule a trip to be where you love to be? Your next list is your ten most favorite places and spaces to be in.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
My Ten Most Favorite Places to Be