2 minute read
Relationships Respond to Affirmations
Release Yourself from Relationship Regret
Something you may have uncovered from the review of your relationship resume could be considered regret. It is hard to fall wildly in love when there is regret hanging around. Some things people regret going through happened by accident but others happened through someone’s free will. Regardless of the source of the incident, the impact can be the same. Though there may be more work to be done, take a moment to release yourself from those things that are in your past that have regret attached.
Fill in the blanks with the names of anyone who you’ve got a regretful memory with. Let’s start with releasing them aloud. Speak the three statements below aloud as you release yourself from the impact of regret. Make sure you are in a place you feel comfortable doing this exercise. Feel free to adapt the statements to fit your unique situation.
I Release Others
1. I release (please provide 3 names) , , , and everyone else I have been in relationships with that offended me, hurt me, abandoned me, or had any negative effect on my present love mindset and experience.
2. I release them from my heart and embrace the lessons learned from their presence in my life.
3. I release the past and embrace the present.
4. I am now free to receive love again and give love again and enjoy love, because I deserve it!
I Release Myself
1. I release myself from selecting or accepting or lingering too long in relationships that offended me, hurt me, made me feel abandoned, or had any negative effect on my present love mindset and experience.
2. I release myself from the past and I embrace the present.
3. I can choose my love partners and make good decisions about who I give access to my wonderful self.
4. I am now free to receive love again and give love again and enjoy love, because I deserve it!
Reestablish Your Relationship Expectations
Another important thing to look at is your expectations for the type of love that is available for you—again, regardless of your relationship status. If you believe your current relationship can improve, it can. If you expect things to remain the way they are, they may. Sometimes we can identify our true beliefs when they are written down and we are able to analyze our thoughts when they’ve been externalized to paper. Answer the following questions as truthfully as possible and let’s take a look.
1. What do I believe about love and my ability to engage in it? Do I have beliefs that put me at a disadvantage or am I as capable as anyone else to be involved in a love relationship?
2. If I do expect love, what does it look and feel like?