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“mystubai“, the new digital holiday guide in the Stubai Valley, offers guests in Stubai lots of advantages and holiday information on their smartphone. And all this without any effort, because we always have our smartphone on us anyway.

❙ Guests in Stubai are sent the link to their personal digital travel guide when they check in as early as 14 days before arrival, but no later than at their accommodation. As a result, guests can plan all their holiday activities and make more effective use of the offers.

❙ As this is not a classic app, no download is necessary. Simply open the link and save it on your smartphone’s home screen – then you always have “mystubai“ to hand.

❙ The content displayed is tailored to the holiday guest’s stay and interests.

❙ “mystubai“ is the expert for holidays in the Stubai Valley. mystubai provides guests with useful information about the region, the best experiences and many valuable insider tips directly on their own mobile phones. So they can check the weather, plan their day and book experiences directly.

❙ “mystubai“ is also ideal for preparing for your trip. You can browse for interesting events, exciting tours and the region’s highlights from home and create a handy to-do list.

❙ Whether it’s a leisurely family hike or challenging mountain tour, an alpine hut or a gourmet restaurant, exciting experiences or relaxing wellness offers – “mystubai“ has them all.

❙ And even if the weather doesn’t play ball, we have a tip for bad weather.


Kreativ Hofladen

Unseren Kreativ Hofladen finden Sie bei den idyllischen Bergbauernhöfen Pfurtschell/Neustift. Der SB-Laden ist tägl. von 8:00–20:00 Uhr geöffnet. Aus dem Holz von Stadeln, Zäunen und aus dem Wald werden verschiedene Dekorationsgegenstände und Kunstwerke geschaffen. Dabei machen wir alles selbst. Fam. Ranalter

Creative Farm Shop

You will find our creative farm shop at the Pfurtschell/Neustift idyllic mountain farms. The self-service shop is open daily from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Various decorative objects and works of art are created out of wood from barns, fences and the forest, and we make everything ourselves. The Ranalter family WERBUNG

Nehmen Sie sich doch die Zeit und unternehmen Sie Gipfeltouren zu den umliegenden Bergen, hier gibt es von jeder Hütte aus mehrere Möglichkeiten. Der Lohn ist, die Bergwelt des Stubaitales von ihrer schönsten Seite kennenzulernen. (Foto: Panorama auf die Seven Summits bei der Starkenburger Hütte)

Take your time and undertake summit tours to the surrounding mountains, here there are several possibilities from each hut. The reward is to get to know the world of the Stubai Valley mountains from its most beautiful side. (Photo: Panorama of the Seven Summits at the Starkenburger Hütte)

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