StudenTalk #148 - September 2013

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Issue 148 - September 2013 - Complimentary Copy

‫فواز القناعي‬ ‫رياضي كويتي تغير‬ ‫نمط حياته بعد‬ ‫ممارسته الرياضة‬

Are people in Kuwait

hardworking? What is a more

progressive country?

‫حمل تطبيق خيال‬ ‫ملشاهدة الفيديو‬

‫إمسح ضوئيًا‬

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‫ص ‪62-63‬‬


‫تجربة قيادة‬

‫‪Canadian Minister for‬‬ ‫‪International Trands visits‬‬ ‫‪construction site for‬‬ ‫‪Algonaquin College - kuwait‬‬

‫هيونداي سنتايف اجلديدة كليا‬



‫‪10 hints to keep your‬‬ ‫‪mouth and teeth healthy‬‬

‫ا ن‪ ،‬ﺣﻮل ﻣﻜﺎﻓﺄﺗﻚ ا ﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻴﺔ إﻟﻰ اﻟﺘﺠﺎري واﺣﺼﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 50‬د‪.‬ك‪ .‬ﺗﻮدع ﻓﻲ ﺣﺴﺎﺑﻚ‬ ‫ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ اﺋﺘﻤﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺑﺤﺪ ‪ 200‬د‪.‬ك‪@.‬‬


‫‪COMPETITION‬‬ ‫‪Vote for the most Stylish mix‬‬

‫ﺑﻌﺸﺮة دﻧﺎﻧﻴﺮ ﻓﻘﻂ ﻟﺘﺤﺼﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ‬ ‫ﻛﻤﺎ ﻳﻤﻜﻨﻚ ﻓﺘﺢ ﺣﺴﺎب‬ ‫اﻟﺴﺤﺐ ا ﻟﻲ اﻟﻤﺼﻤﻤﺔ ﺧﺼﻴﺼﺎ ﻟﻚ واﻻﺳﺘﻤﺘﺎع ﺑﺒﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻟﺨﺼﻮﻣﺎت اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻚ‪.‬‬ ‫@ﺣﺴﺐ اﻟﺸﺮوط ا ﺋﺘﻤﺎﻧﻴﺔ‬



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nouf Al-Hajri MANAGING DIRECTOR Zeina Mokaddam LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm MANAGEMENT TEAM Managing Editor Simon Balsom Director Sales & Marketing Assaad Nemer

Dear Students, I have often wondered about energies and how they affect us, and more so this summer than ever before. As I ventured into choosing an island known for its nightlife on which to spend my very short summer vacation, I was set on not changing my routine and was looking forward to only enjoying what the island has to offer in natural beauty and heritage. However, once there, I was immediately swept into the wave of heightened energy. Without knowing how, my body needed less sleep and my whole mood and state of mind was of complete freedom and nonchalance. And I wondered… What was causing that sudden burst of extra energy? Was it the fact that my body was being exposed to 14 hours of sunlight? Or was it the energy of the masses bubbling from all corners of the island? Whatever it may have been, my personal belief has always been that we are all connected and our lives intertwined. The majority’s mood will always overcome and overpower the individual’s state of mind. With my renewed energy, I wish you all to be catalysts of positivity. On this note, may I remind you to keep following the Al-Nowair initiative. May their reach spread more and more, Till next issue, Zeina Mokaddam

Creative Director Lara Homsi Production Manager Jad Nahhas MARKETING TEAM Senior Marketing Executive Rana Kaafarani Marketing Executive Raghda El Deeb EDITORIAL TEAM Senior Editor Katia Abbas CREATIVE TEAM Graphic Designer Nidal Al-Shaker IT Developer Nidal Shehadeh PHOTOGRAPHY Head Of Photography Khalid Al-Saleh Editorial Photographar Khaled Sandid CIRCULATION TEAM Circulation Manager Ragheed Al-Ani Distributers Adel Farouk Roshan Sapumal Ajith Kumara PUBLISHED BY:


PRINTED AT: Four Films DISTRIBUTED BY: International Media Group



Circulation ،‫يف العدد اجلديد‬ ‫ ومت‬،‫بداية أمتنى أن تكونوا استمعتوا بالعطلة الصيفية‬ ‫ وذلك من خالل حتديد‬،‫اإلستعداد للعام الدراسي اجلديد‬ ‫اخلطط واملهمات التي يجب إجنازها يف املرحلة اجلديدة‬ .‫سواء على الصعيد الدراسي أو الشخصي أو العائلي‬ ‫وملساعدتكم يف اإلستعداد للعام الدراسي اجلديد‬ .‫ التي تتحدث عن هذا املوضوع‬56 ‫ميكنكم قراءة صفحة‬ ‫وألننا منصة ومنرب للطلبة نحرص يف بداية كل عام دراسي‬ ‫أن نستقطب عدد أكرب من الطالب ونسمح لهم بالتعبري‬ .‫عن آرائهم وأفكارهم وتوجهاتهم يف خمتلف اجملاالت‬ ‫ويف عدد سبتمرب لدينا مواضيع متنوعة وأجددها صفحة‬ ،‫ وعلى حسب تعبريكم "لتربدون جبوذكم" من أي أمر "يرنفزكم" بعيدًا عن اخلطوط احلمراء‬،‫خمصصة لكم أنتم الطلبة‬ ‫ لتطلعوا على تعبري كل من لطيفة القالف وروان الصالح عن إنزعاجهن من تويرت واالنستجرام‬58 ‫ميكنم قراءة صفحة‬ .‫وغريها من شبكات التواصل اإلجتماعية‬ ‫ وتقربنا‬،‫ أسماء إسماعيل وسارة الراجي‬،‫كما حتاورنا مع طالبتني متميزتني يف األعمال التطوعية من جمالني خمتلفني‬ .21-20 ‫ صفحة‬،‫منهن بشكل أكرب لنتعرف على شخصيتهن اإلنسانية بجانب أعمالهن التطوعية‬ ‫ وكيف يقييمون‬،‫ طالب وطالبة من خمتلف اجلامعات عن ما إذا كان الشعب الكويتي يعمل بجهد‬49 ‫وقد حصلنا على رأي‬ .27-24 ‫ صفحة‬،‫ وكانت األجوبة مفاجئة‬،‫اجليل احلايل كقوى عاملة مستقبلية‬ ‫ ميكنكم‬.‫وأما موضوع الغالف فهو للرياضي الكويتي فواز القناعي الذي كان احلافز األكرب يل شخصيًا ملمارسة الرياضة‬ ‫ كما ميكنكم مشاهدة الفيديو من خالل حتميل تطبيق خيال على األندرويد واأليفون‬.31-30 ‫ صفحة‬،‫قراءة احلوار كام ًال‬ .‫والقيام باملسح الضوئي على صورة الغالف‬ ‫ فجر‬،‫ لطالبتني جامعيتني‬ ‫ أنصحكم مبتابعة الفيديو على املوقع اإللكرتوين‬،‫وألننا ندعم الطلبة‬ .39-38 ‫ صفحة‬،‫ والتصويت لألفضل‬،‫ املوهوبتني يف املكياج‬،‫ودانا‬ .‫وال تنسوا الصفحات التي تتعلق باملوضة والعناية بالبشرة من خالل دليل التسوق‬ .‫فض ًال عن جمموعة من األخبارالفنية واملناسبات التي أقيمت يف الفرتة األخرية‬ . ‫وملشاركة آرائكم واقرتاحتكم ميكنكم إرسال بريد إلكرتوين على‬ ،‫وحتى العدد القادم‬

‫كاتيا عباس‬

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‫حياة الطلبة إحصائيات‬


FOR THIS MONTH STUDENTALK visited the campuses of Kuwait’s universities and asked:

Dana Samer Al-Maleh Deemah Allush, 22 17, AUM, Business GUST, Media Public Administration Relations

Eamon Issa, 24 AUK English

Farah, 20 AUK, Marketing & Management

Hamza Abd El-Wahab Mariam Sameer, 21 21, AUK GUST Economics MOB

Fadi Al-Bouni, 18 AUK Business

Fadi, 21 AUK Business

Faisal,19 AUK Undeclared

Masa, 21 AUK, International Relations

Mashari Al-Sharrah 21, AUK Computer Science

ressive country? og pr e or m a is at h W on ople are focusing A. One where its pe es and work. themselves, famili on ople are focusing B. One where its pe id and hat others have sa W . es su is al ic lit po done. what others have

Serena Al-Hinnawi, 22 AUK Business Marketing

Mayada Al-Hinnawi, 22 AUK Communication and Media

I think it is more progressive if people concentrate on themselves, work and family because all three are related in some way. Also a country is people’s home so she/he needs to have the things that can make them relaxed.

Politics has a huge effect on a country’s development. Focusing on political issues will protect any country from revolution troubles with the citizens. As soon as democracy, freedom of speech and thought is there, a country will be much safer.






Hadi, 19 AUK, International Relations

Mohammed Sekweel, Rami A Khorsheed 19, AUK, Business 20 AUK, Management Undeclared

Saeed AlRathmani, 21, AUK, Computer Engineering

Sami Faidi, 19 AUK Undeclared

Tamara Hamad, 18 Yasmin Abou Zied, 20 AUK AUK, International Mass Communication Relations

Yousef Alnaqeeb, 21 AUK Information System

Zaina Abu-Daqer, 21 GUST MOB

Zunaira A Majeed,18 AUK, Computer Engineering

Ahmad Fayad, 22, AUK, Marketing and Management and enter next month’s poll Yousef Khan, 20, AUK, International Relations

Dina Saoud, 21 AUK Accounting,

hy amera Shy C Camera S Abdullah Hakim, 23 AOU, Business Administration

Adel, 17 AUK, Computer Engineering

Adel Khan, 19 AUK, Marketing & Management

Ahmed Mazen, 19 AUK Computer Science

Ali M. Gawaby, 23 AUK Finance

Anar Y Rzayev, 19 AUK, International Relations

Sarah Konsoa, 21 AUK, Management and Markering

Mohanad Al-Hawari, 21, AUK, Computer Engineering

Harkiran. K. Kohli, 19, AUK Marketing and Management

hy Camera S Areej Khakhar, 19, AUK Business


Aron Midgley, 17, AUK (Undeclared)

Athena Goodwin, 19, Bader, 21 AUK AUK Accounting Undeclared

Belal, 18 AUK Business

Dana Ahmad, 19 AUK, Social Behavioral Science

Faisal Bo-Rahmah, 21 KU Medicine

Farah Baroon, 19 AUM

Ahmad Yassin, 21, AUM, Industrial Engineering

Bader Al-Marzouq, 21, AUM, Industrial Engineering

Dalal Al-Thuwaini,18 AUM, Computer Engineering

Mazen Abdul-Aziz,19 Mohammed Shanat, AUM, Industrial 29, AUM, Computer Engineering Engineering

Shahid Omar Yousef, 19, AUM, Computer Engineering

hy Camera S Hussain Abul, 18


‫حياة الطلبة حوار‬


Active students contributing to the Kuwaiti society

Volunteer work imprinted in Student’s life



AUK student volunteering inside and outside of Kuwait

Promotes Animal Rights in Kuwait as a member of the One group Aiding the Kuwaiti society in a new dimension, Asmaa Esmael is the Supervisor of Media Committe in the One, a non-profit volunteer group. Its latest campaign is spreading awareness about animal rights by holding an event in 360 Mall this September. On behalf of the members in the One group, she explained how they wish to educate and take a stand against the abuse of animals in Kuwait.

At a very young age, Sara Al Raji, a Senior at the American University of Kuwait, started her volunteer work during her High School years in Canada. She brought all the skills she gained through her participation in at other countries such as, Lebanon and Egypt, to help special needs children in the Kuwaiti Community. I embarked on my volunteer journey as a High School student in Canada. I was well-involved with giving back to the elderly community. There is a certain appeal to working with the geriatrics because you learn respectful humility that you would not necessarily pick up working with children. In addition, I participated with LOYAC, a non-profit organization, that taught me how to cooperate with special needs. As a student who is eager to help the Kuwaiti society, Esmael and the One group members have observed several distressing actions against animal. The main form of animal abuse in Kuwait is torturing animals in a very inhumane way by people or kids for the sake of enjoyment. If you go to Kuwait Friday Market, you will find appalling treatment of animals that die of hunger and thirst from being neglected in the sun without food. Also dog fights, that starts by gambling on the winning dog for money in a range to fight till death. Furthermore, importing wild animals that are not domestic. It is not only dangerous for animals but it puts the owner at risk due to any sudden attack from the imported wild animals. Not to mention that most of the animals die from living in a different environment. In solidarity against the shooting of stray dogs of Kuwait and other forms of animal abuse, the One group will take a stand in 360 Mall on September 19, 20, and 21 to collect signatures and comments to enforce a law that prosecutes animal offenders and give them psychiatric treatment. After that, they will direct the petition to the National Council and emphasize it by highlighting the crimes happening in Kuwait. The One group is encouraging all youths in Kuwait to take a stand against animal abuse. You can do so by simply visiting the stand in 360 Mall on September 19, 20 and 21 give your voice by signing the petition. If you wish to go further than just standing against animal abuse by joining the One group, feel free to fill the application on their website on or call them on 69998306. They are updating the campaign movement follow them on instagram @onekuwait_.

Direct the petition to the National Council and emphasize it by highlighting crimes happening in Kuwait The reason the group is called the One is because they embrace their members not only by these activities that build their character positively. In addition to that, it engages their spare time with entertaining activities that aim to create a strong bond by everyone of the group. Therefore, from that comes the concept of being “One”, not only counting each other as members or friends but also as a “One” family.


From my past experience, I have come to believe that volunteering builds good character and reminds one of how fortunate they are. For example, I was an admittedly ungrateful child. On a family trip to Lebanon, my mother took me to an orphanage where I saw children who were highly grateful for the socks and hats that we passed out to them. In general, volunteering trains a person on how to behave in certain situations as well as prepares a person for non-traditional interactions. Volunteering also caused a spiritual awakening in me and not a day passes by in which I do not thank God for my fortunate stature in life. They taught me patience and respect, while I only taught them the A, B, C’s.

They taught me patience and respect, while I only taught them the A, B, C’s.

When I joined university, I wanted to take volunteer work to another level. I was a member at a new club, The Hope Club, that was founded by an AUK student Mohammed Abu-Mazen that provided charitable activities to orphans and special needs children. We created activities at the Al Razi Hospital and NBK Hospital for the children. After my participation, I was elected by the club members to be the president of the Hope Club. Unfortunately, after working with special needs, I saw some families who were ashamed of having special needs children, when they should not since it’s a normal situation . I learned from my past experiences in Alexandra, Egypt, that it is possible to create a co-existing environment with the special need. However, more people over time are becoming more aware on how to work with special needs and I have seen that at AUK. Volunteering aside, as a member of the Student Government Association, we made a debate during the parliament voting period. AUK Students showed outstanding debate etiquette while discussing some political issues. Successfully, it was a very mature discussion. In the end, I would love to encourage everyone to take part in volunteer work. Give to the world even if you do not feel you have gotten anything in return.



Manal Al-Adra

20 ,AUK Graphic Design Ever since I can remember I loved art. When I was younger, I remember I used to get into troubles several times after scribbling on the walls of my bedroom. My paintings are inspired by nature and people. I am not just “another flower painter� I do love painting flowers, because they are so innocent and smooth, but I try to balance out my painting by adding different objects or colors. Other than that, I love painting in monochromatic colors as well. Most of my portraits are chromatic. Painting is very sacred to me. Every time I get a new canvas I fall in love with it,the shape, and the material. I spend the whole day dreaming of the final outcome! I literally get butterflies in my tummy.


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‫حياة الطلبة شارك برأيك‬




Do you consider the majority in Kuwait to be a hard working group of people? How do you see your generation developing as the work force of the future?

Joseph El-Neaman, 19 AUK Undeclared I honestly believe that every country has their own set of hard working and nonhardworking individuals. We can’t determine a majority because under what definition is hardworking? In studies?At home? Taking care of the family? In hobbies or work?

Alia Mustafa Aref English Major In reference to Kuwaiti people and students: No, simply because of the way they are brought up. Many people think they don’t need to do the work and that their name makes them entitled for work, awards and yes, grades.


Hissa Al-Enezi, 22 AUK International Relations Some do hard work but not all. Most Kuwaitis slack off and are not loyal with their responsibilities because they are not motivated to work hard or don’t work with honesty. My future generation will probably have more hope to build Kuwait better.

Maisoun Abd-Alkader,18 AUK, Undeclared The majority of Kuwait are pretty hard workers comparing to others who aren’t that much. This generation are hard workers and successful.

Marie Georges, 23 AUK International Relations In general, I don’t think it’s fair to generalize Kuwaitis whether they are hard working or not. It really depends on the individual and the definition of “hard working.” Does it mean studying hard? Doing what you’re best at? It really depends.

Shamayel Al-Methen, 18 AUK Business Management No actually, I don’t think that the majority in Kuwait are hard workers, however, there are individuals that are hard workers and successful by their own self.

We give the students of Kuwait a platform from which to express their beliefs on the matters that affect them. Here, students receive the opportunity to voice their opinions, whilst allowing others to hear them out.

Mariam Al-Hunayan, 19 AUM Industrial Engineering It depends on how the person was raised. There is a high percentage of lazy individuals, but there are a lot of dedicated individuals. My generation is hardworking; I witness a lot of creativity as well as intelligence and persistence.

Bibi Al-Ghanim, 18 AUK Media In my opnion, there are two sides of people, half of them are hardworking and the other half aren’t.

Helene El-Neaman, 21 AUK Graphic Design My answer would be yes. But are they hard working on what they should be hard working in? No. Prioritizing is the key – There is no use in being hard working if you are not focusing on something more beneficial to you or your community.

Farah Homaidan, 17, AUK Business No hardworkers! Everyone is lazy to do their own work.

Abdul-Hadi Al-Jeri, 20 AUK Accounting Yes, many of our new, young and bright workers are focused on making a better Kuwait for the future generation. It is developing pretty well and I think the future would be brighter indeed.

Sundes Al-Blushi, 23 AUK Graphic Design No. Yes and no… My generation is ambitious and somewhat lacking in a unified goal. However, I think as a whole they can be an inevitable work force to making Kuwait a more developed and stable nation.

Omar Al-Faresi, 23 AUK Communication I think the majority of the Kuwaiti work force are quite laid back. Doing just enough to not get fired and not hard enough to get noticed.

Joel Fernandez, 25 AUK Finance Too much focus on getting expats deported. There are bigger problems in this country. But the new generation is capable of making big strides for the positive progress of Kuwait.

Mohamed Ameen, 18 AUK Economics Not really, everyone is lazy and expect the money to come to their door. Everyone is growing towards laziness so our generation is going to face problems.

Mennatalla Marwan, 18, AUK Business & Marketing In my opinion the new generation is working harder than the previous one.

Yusra El Militi, 17 AUK Business The number of hard working people in Kuwait is decreasing.

hy Camera S Dalal Kakouli, 21 AUK Accounting No, this upcoming generation very much lacks skills, integrity and the education needed for the workforce which is mostly depending on “wasta” these days.

Idil Tahir, 20 AUK Social Behavior Science The People who study hard seem to work hard; theoretically, I see the educated people of Kuwait as a workforce to be reckoned with.

hy Camera S Mojd Mokdessi, 19 AUK Computer Engineering No, they will do nothing and get low paid labor workers to do the job of the next generation just to get money.

Nadia Al-Seemali, 22, AUK Communication I do not. I believe my generation abuses shortcuts and “wasta”. I see them as a poor future workforce.

Natasha, 19 AUK Media and Communication No, I don’t. There might be a slight development but majority are sadly quite lazy.

hy Camera S Alaa Abdul, 17 AUK Marketing People are getting lazier and depending too much on “wasta” they’re not doing anything themselves.

George, 18 AUK Business No, not at all, people are hardworkers as some are taking university life as a joke.

Mubarak Al-Mishwit, 18 AUK Management “Shabab” you are all lazy. We are more aware of the problem but we are not solving it.


‫حياة الطلبة شارك برأيك‬


Abdu-lMajid El-Kassem, 19 AUK Communications To be honest, our generation is lazier than our older generations and that’s a shame.

Karan Sharma, 20 AUK Computer Science I don’t think they are hardworking people, and as for now, our future is looking very dull!

Walaa Moussa, 19 AUK Marketing Of course not. With the existence of “Wasta” people are getting lazier.

Samad Bajenka, 23 GUST Marketing These days the competition in work places is huge and to prove yourself you need to work as hard as you can to earn your position so yes I agree that our generation is hard working and future will show the results


Hussain Al-Obaid, 23 AUM Electrical Engineering I think the majority in Kuwait are not hard working, and if no real change happens soon I truly believe our current generation won’t develop much, not in the needed rate anyway.

hy Camera S Fouziah Tebe, 19 AUK Social Behavioral Science No, it’s not developing as we expected. We always rely on something else or someone.

hy Camera S Sara Al Saraf No I dont, the majority of people are depending on “Wasta” to earn what they want and unfortunately, we see it being used highly in Kuwaiti Culture which de-motivates hardworking people from accomplishing honest work regarding to the unfairness.

Sara Al-Muzyen, 20 AUM, Industrial Engineering Yes, especially the young generation because as you can see they own most of the businesses now a day and proving to be very responsible and productive. I think the growth will be positive in the future.

hy Camera S Jenan Al-Shakhs, 18 AUM Industrial Engineering In a way yes. Kuwait is infamous for its lazy people. However, I believe that Kuwait has a lot of innovative people that have small businesses.

Salma Ahmad, 19 AUM Marketing I don’t think they are hardworking. In the future, my generation will be lazy due to the available technology. It makes everything easier.

hy Camera S

hy Camera S Fahad Al-Borno, 22 GUST Accounting Unfortunately, I see the majority of people as a playful group rather than hard working and this generation is morally broken through media which leads to the same results.

Dana Abdul-Alim, 18 AUK Finance No, Not harder working. We all depend on technology.

Yaseen Bin-Asri, 18 AUM Electrical Engineering Technology The way the government is dealing with the issue makes the minority to be workinghard; but if the government changes, its way, we will see the majority hard working. Hopefully, my generation will fight to apply services to improve this world.

Sarah Zaeed, 17 AUK English They are hard working; I have personally observed how the majority give so much to the world. My generation shall be way better, and they have more potential.

Joshita Bhasin, 21 AUK graphic Design Nope, not at all. Especially the Kuwaitis. Our next generation is looking pretty strong.

hy Camera S Zainab Wasfy, 17 AUK English No, they are absolutely not hard working. I do believe that my generation will develop with greatness and achieve what others couldn’t.

Samah Hamila, 20 GUST English One word no, they are not a hard working generation. The past generation was better because they had to work hard to succeed and get what they wanted because in our generation everything is offered to us easily and that made us lazy and dont know what true hard work is.

Mayar Shehab, 17 AUK Computer Engineering They are somewhat hardworking, because some of the goals expected have been achieved. As to my generation, they will be the one with creativity especially because most of them are engineers.

Mohammad Al Khashti, 23 AUM MIS In my opinion Kuwait doesn’t have a majority of hard working people because of the social life and responsibility that we handle in our culture. Hard working people can be found in other major parts like entertainment activities but not education.

Rawd Khalid, 20 KU Political Science For sure, the majority of Kuwati people are not hard workers at all and this leads to be irresponsible generation.

Hassan Ahmad, 21 AUM Marketing Even though, the majority in Kuwait 10 years ago or so before weren’t considered hard working, as they are now. As to my generation, they are learning day by day and focusing on how to become the better future.

Shayal, 23 GUST Communication No, because the majority are not well educated and have a really bad social life due to a lack of communication skills.

Sami Salem, 20 KU Political Science

Ahmad Ali, 23 KU Political Science

I think people in Kuwait are really hard workers and they do their best to achive what they want.

Hard work is not related to a specific nationality. Hard work depends on the person himself.




‫العمل التطوعي‪ ...‬جهود تحتاج الدعم‬ ‫أصبح العمل التطوعي في مختلف المجاالت وفي جميع المجتمعات يمثل رافدا من روافد العمل العام ويسهم في دعم وتعزيز العمل الحكومي الذي‬ ‫تقدمه الدولة والمتمثل في الكثير من الخدمات العامة والذي غالبا ما تعاني من القصور ألسباب عدة بينها البيروقراطية والروتين الذي يكبل العاملين‬ ‫في هذا المجال إلى جانب قلة الموارد وضعف الميزانيات‪ ،‬ما اكسب العمل التطوعي زخما حيث بدأ ت كثير من الجهات وبعض األفراد دعم أعمال‬ ‫ومشاريع الحكومة أو تبني مشروعات تسهم في تنمية ورقي المجتمع والنهوض حتى بات العمل التطوعي يحظي بشعبية وتطور ويحقق مزيدا من‬ ‫النجاح‪ ،‬والكويت كغيرها شهدت مساهمات تطوعية لجهات وأفراد في شتى المجاالت‪ .‬حاورنا عدد من المهتمين في هذا المجال وكان اللقاء التالي‪.‬‬

‫عبدالعزيز حاجيه‬ ‫جمموعة سواعدنا التطوعية‬

‫منرية العيدان‬

‫‪(á≤«bO/IQhO 1400 πµd øJƒ«f 240) ƒ˝«H É«¸ƒdƒæµJ ™e …ƒb ¿GQhO ΩõY áHôŒ‬‬ ‫ﺑﻴﺠﻮ ‪ RCZ‬اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪة‬

‫ﺟـﺮب ﻗﻴﺎدﺗﻬﺎ اﻟﻴـﻮم‬ ‫ّ‬



‫‪9988 6465‬‬

‫تقول مؤسسة ورئيسة نادي قصتي‬ ‫منرية العيدان أن حبها وشغفها للقراءة‬ ‫جعلها تستقيل من وظيفتها النشاء‬ ‫النادي التطوعي لتعزيز القراءة لدى‬ ‫األطفال باللغتني العربية واالجنليزية‪.‬‬ ‫وعن املشروع أشارت أنها بدأت بتنفيذه‬ ‫منذ سنة ونصف تقريبا مبساعدة‬ ‫شقيقتها فتقدمت للمشاركة يف‬ ‫حملة "الكويت تسمع" التي تدعم‬ ‫املشاريع الصغرية والتي حتظى برعاية‬ ‫سمو أمري البالد‪ ،‬والتي القت صدى‬ ‫اعالمي ساهم املشروع أن يرى النور‬ ‫برتشيحي من قبل وزير الرتبية والتعليم‬ ‫العايل الدكتور نايف احلجرف لرئاسة حملة‬ ‫"أنا أقرأ" املدعومة من الوزارة ثم تواىل‬ ‫الدعم املعنوي من جمعيات النفع العام‬ ‫وبرنامج لوياك واملؤسسات الثقافية‬ ‫كما شاركت أيضا يف أنشطة مع‬ ‫اجمللس الوطني للفنون واآلداب‪ .‬ومتنت‬ ‫وصول فكرتها للعامل العربي بأكمله‪.‬‬ ‫أما عمل جمموعة سواعدنا التطوعية‬ ‫"شباب وبنات" املعنية بخدمة فئة‬

‫ذوي اإلعاقة وكبار السن أشار رئيس الفريق للعالقات العامة املتطوع بدر الطرموم‬ ‫أن عدد املتطوعني إزداد يف اجملموعة ليصل اىل ‪ 49‬شخص من ذوي االحتياجات‬ ‫اخلاصة وأقرانهم من األسوياء‪ ،‬وعن بدايتنا يف العام السابق للمساعدة يف تقدمي‬ ‫االهداف االساسية للمجموعة املتمثلة يف ابراز وتنمية طاقات ومواهب واجنازات‬ ‫ابناء هذه الفئة ودجمهم يف اجملتمع والقاء الضوء عليهم بصورة أكرب لتصحيح‬ ‫بعض املفاهيم بأن اعاقتهم ال متنعهم من العطاء لهذا الوطن فنعمل على‬ ‫مشاركتهم يف كل املناسبات واألعمال الوطنية والفعاليات‪ ،‬وكان أول ما مت عمله‬ ‫هو جمع أكرب كلمات وفاء للشيخ جابر األحمد الصباح‪ ،‬ثم اقمنا ندوات ودورات لتوعية‬ ‫املواطنني بقدرات فئة املعاقني وقد اجتاز اعضاء اجملموعة دورة كيفية التعامل‬ ‫مع ذوي االعاقة بنجاح‪.‬‬ ‫وأسس حممد بوفتني جمموعة من الشباب هواة وحمبي سيارات السباق وخاصة‬


‫املوستينج حتت مسمى "‪ "mustang club‬ويقول‪ :‬أقيم هذا النادي يف ‪ 2007‬بتعاون‬ ‫جمموعة من الشباب الكويتي املتطوع جمعهم حب السيارة املوستينج لتغيري‬ ‫الفكرة السادة بني جمتمعاتنا العربية وكسر القاعدة املعروفة عن أن قيادة سيارة‬ ‫السباق تشكل خطر على قائدها وعلى من يسري بجانبها يف الطرقات وبأن قائدها‬ ‫غالبا شاب مستهرت غري قادر على حتمل املسؤولية‪ ،‬وذلك بنشر كلمة اخلري بني‬ ‫هؤالء الشباب من خالل حثهم على املداومة بالقيام بزيارات خريية لاليتام واملرضى‬ ‫نوعي صاحب السيارة‬ ‫واملسنني لنثبت للمجتمع اننا ذو مسؤولية‪ ،‬اضافة اىل اننا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بحملة"أمن نفسك" من خماطر السيارات بان شارع اخلليج العربي غري صالح القامة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫السباقات بل هناك حلبات متخصصة يستمتع فيها بقيادة سيارته ذات االمكانيات‬ ‫العالية فيحمي نفسه ويتجنب تأذيه الغري‪.‬‬ ‫أما فريق مواهب فقد تأسس يف ‪ 2009‬برئاسة الفنان التشكيلي عبدالعزيز حاجيه‬

‫واآلن يتكون من ‪ 3000‬شاب كويتي‬ ‫متطوع ويؤكد حاجية أن العمل التطوعي‬ ‫يحتاج إىل واسطة لريى النور فقليل‬ ‫من اجلهات واملؤسسات التي ترعى‬ ‫وتدعم هذه األعمال يف حني أنها‬ ‫حتتاج رعاية ودعم من كثريين ‪ ،‬وعن‬ ‫الهدف من تكوين الفريق يقول حاجيه‪:‬‬ ‫شعار اجملموعة "التشجيع" فنحتضن‬ ‫املواهب التي ميتلكها الشباب يف‬ ‫خمتلف اجملاالت كالتصوير والرسم‬ ‫التشكيلي واألدب واملوسيقى مبجرد‬ ‫اكتشافهم واهم ما مييز هذه االبداعات‬ ‫انها حرف يدوية اليادي كويتية حمرتفة‪.‬‬ ‫وعن إنطالق فريق نبض الوطن التطوعي‬ ‫يقول مؤسس الفريق عبد العزيز شهاب‬

‫عبدالعزيز شهاب الدوب‬ ‫الدوب‪ :‬احب العمل اجلماعي من ايام‬ ‫املدرسة فكنت اشارك يف االعمال‬ ‫الكشفية لكن هذا اجملال حمدود اىل حد‬ ‫كبري لقصوره يف جماالت املعسكرات‬ ‫بهذا اجملال فتحررت منهما الشكل‬ ‫مع اصدقائي فريق "نبض الوطن" منذ‬ ‫‪ 3‬سنوات تقريبا للعمل على خدمة‬ ‫اجملتمع يف االمور الوطنية واخلريية‬ ‫بعيدا عن السياسة والعنصرية‪.‬‬


‫حوار قصة الغالف‬


‫لياقة بدنية وجسم صحي‬

‫فواز القناعي‬

‫رياضي كويتي تغير نمط حياته بعد‬ ‫ممارسته الرياضة‬

‫ألن اإلرادة سبب في رئيسي في تحقيق كافة األحالم واألمنيات والدافع‬ ‫الجوهري خلف تخطي كافة الصعوبات‪ ،‬وهذه الصفات جمعيها‬ ‫تجمعت مع الرياضي الكويتي الموهوب فواز القناعي‪ ،‬وهو أب لطفلين‬ ‫تمكن في سنوات قليلة التخلص من الوزن الزائد والحصول على جسم‬ ‫رياضي وصحي بإمتياز‪ .‬إلتقت معه مجلة ‪ STUDENTALK‬للتعرف بشكل‬ ‫أكبر على الخطوات التي إعتمدها في تحقيق أهدافه والصعوبات التي‬ ‫واجهته وصوالً إلى ما هو عليه‪ ،‬وكان معه الحوار التالي‪.‬‬ ‫كيف بدأ شغفك بالرياضة؟‬

‫الوزن الزائد كان السبب احلقيقي حيث متكنت يف سنوات قليلة من التحول من‬ ‫شخص بدين بوزن زائد إىل شخص يتميز باللياقة البدنية قادر على أن يتغلب على‬ ‫مشكلة الوزن الزائد التي يعاين منها عدد كبري من الشباب‪ .‬ولألسف ألنني مارست‬ ‫حياة الرجل الكويتي التقليدي والعادات الغذائية السيئة وأهملت نفسي إىل أن وصلت‬ ‫إىل أكرث من ‪ 100‬كيلو غرام‪ ،‬وكان ذلك يف سنة عام ‪ 2008‬ووقتها قررت أن أتخذ قرارًا‬ ‫واعيًا يف هذا الشأن وبدأت برحلة الرتكيز على الصحة واللياقة البدنية بأسلوب حياة‬ ‫أفضل‪.‬‬

‫ما هي الخطوات التي إعتمدتها إلنقاص الوزن؟‬

‫كان ال بد من إتباع حمية غذائية من خالل اإلشرتاك مع مركز غذائي‪ ،‬وكنت مدركا‬ ‫بشكل جيد للسعرات احلرارية والتي يف احلقيقة مل تساعدين وأنا ال أؤمن بها يف‬ ‫الوقت احلايل‪ .‬على الرغم أنه من اجليد مراقبة السعرات احلرارية لكن األمر متعلق‬ ‫بنوعية الطعام أكرث من أي شيء آخر‪.‬‬

‫وما هو النظام الغذائي الذي تتبعه اليوم؟‬

‫ما هي عدد الساعات التي تخضع بها للتمرين‬ ‫يومياً؟‬

‫أعترب أن حمية باليو والتي يسمونه بالنظام الغذائي القدمي لرجل الكهف والتي‬ ‫تعتمد على النباتات الربية واحليوانات‪ .‬وهذا النظام الغذائي من األسماك واللحوم‬ ‫واخلضروات والفواكه‪ ،‬والفطريات‪ ،‬واجلذور‪ ،‬واجلوز‪ ،‬ويستثني احلبوب والبقول‬ ‫ومنتجات األلبان وامللح‪ ،‬والسكر املكرر‪ ،‬والزيوت‪.‬‬

‫أحرص على التمرين من ‪ 5‬إىل ‪ 6‬أيام يف األسبوع ملدة‬ ‫ساعة مكثفة تقريبا‪ ،‬ويف بعض األحيان أخضع إىل ‪ 3‬أو ‪4‬‬ ‫ساعات تدريب يومي‪.‬‬

‫هناك عدد من األشخاص غير قادرين على إتباع نظام باليو الغذائي‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫هناك بدائل؟‬

‫إذا نظرنا إلى الوراء‪ ،‬ما هي األمور التي تغيرت‬ ‫في حياتك؟‬

‫الطريقة األمثل لهؤالء األشخاص هو تناول الطعام الصحيح واخلفيف وإستبدال‬ ‫وجباتهم الغذائية بأفضل منها‪ .‬كما أنه هناك بعض النصائح منها عدم تناول الطعام‬ ‫والنوم بشكل مباشر وتناول الكثري من املاء‪ ،‬ويف نفس الوقت ال يجب املبالغة يف‬ ‫تناول األطعمة وإن كانت صحية‪.‬‬

‫بدأت باإلهتمام بالرياضة‬ ‫بعدما تخطى وزني ‪100‬‬ ‫كيلو غرام‬

‫كل شيء‪ ،‬سواء كان ذلك على مستوى طاقتي التي‬ ‫أصبحت خمتلفة بشكل تام كما أن وجهة نظري لألمور‬ ‫التي تتعلق بالرياضة والصحة‪.‬‬

‫وكيف تمكنت من الوصول إلى لياقتك البدنية‬ ‫والقدرة على رفع جسمك لتصبح موازي بالنسب‬ ‫‪z‬ة لألرض؟‬

‫يمكنكم مشاهدة الفيديو المصور لفواز‬ ‫يف البداية مل يكن هذا هديف‪ ،‬بل أن أخسر وزين وعندما القناعي من خالل تحميل تطبيق خيال على‬ ‫بدأت باخلطوة األوىل أصبح لدي هدف أكرب وبدأت مبرحلة األجهزة الذكية عنوان لياقة بدنية وجسم صحي‬ ‫مكثفة من التمارين‪ .‬وبالصدفة خالل مشاهدتي موقع‬ ‫اليوتيوب شاهدت عدد من الفيديوهات املصورة عن‬ ‫أشخاص ميتلكون لياقة بدنية خيالية قادرين على رفع‬ ‫أجسامهم عن مستوى األرض وخالل ثالث أسابيع بدأت‬ ‫باخلطوة األوىل لكنها إستغرقت أشهر للوصول إىل ما‬ ‫هو عليه اآلن‪.‬‬

‫هل أثرت على األشخاص المحيطين بك؟‬

‫التغيري وصل إىل كافة أفراد أسرتي‪ ،‬فزوجتي إتبعت‬ ‫حمية باليو الغذائية‪ ،‬كما أن ‪ 4‬أفراد من أشقائي بدأوا‬ ‫مبمارسة األعمال الرياضية‪ ،‬حتى أن أوالدي أصبحوا‬ ‫أكرث وعيا فيما يتعلق باألمور الصحية حيث أصبحوا‬ ‫يفضلون تناول الفواكه واخلضروات على الوجبات‬ ‫السريعة وغريها من املأكلوالت الغري صحية فض ًال‬ ‫عن ممارسة خمتلف أنواع من التمارين الرياضية التي‬ ‫تناسب أعمارهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬




OSAMA BO RAHMA DEDICATING HIS EXPERIENCE TO ENCOURAGING SPORT IN KUWAIT The Flying Start Triathlon is a race that combines 3 different sports: Swimming, Cycling and running to be completed consecutively, nonstop to the finish line. An active, fit and sportive student Osama Bo-Rahmah is part of the Triathlon Sport Activity that is held in Kuwait by a group of ambitious sports leaders. Though the sport is very effortful, he decided to be part of it and continued his participation. To know more about the sport, STUDENTALK met with Bo-Rahmah to tell us about his exprience and how he joined.

Where did you find about the Triathlon Sport? It was back in 2010 at Marina Waves right next to Kclimb, the 3 Club were giving out the race kits and explaining the race map for those who wanted to participate.

Can you describe the sport for us? Triathlon is Typically raced over the following distances: Sprint: 750 Meters Swim | 20 KM Bike | 5 KM Run Olympic: 1500 Meters Swim | 40 KM Bike | 10 KM Run The Flying Start can be raced either individually, meaning you partake in all three disciplines alone, or you create a team of 2 or 3 individuals and compete as a relay team, each racing one discipline either swimming, cycling or running. It takes an average of 1:30 to 2:00 hours to complete a Sprint distance triathlon And an average of 2:30 to 3:00 hours to complete an Olympic distance triathlon The Flying Start 6 will take place this November the 15th 2013, make your year different, join TFS 6 and challenge yourself to a new limit. To find out more about our race or register online visit and follow us on @the3club on twitter and instagram. Read real stories of Student triathletes in the following pages

There are three different stages in the race. To complete the race, the participant needs to swim, bike and run in that respect. The distances for each stage varies depending on the type of race. It is either sprint, Olympic, Ironman 70.3, or full Ironman.

What diet or activities do you do to prepare for such sport? Mainly, you need lots of carbs to generate energy for a long span during your training and racing. Pastas, bananas, and dates are my favorite types of food to eat a couple of hours before training or the night before a race. Triathlon might be a little intense, training perhaps twice a day is important. Therefore, you need to have a good nutrition plan along with the training schedule to maximize the performance

Despite the pain, the fatigue, and the sore muscles, triathlon is without any doubt one of the best and glorious sports I have ever played. How long have you been participating in the Triathlon Sport? Ever since the sport began its first official race in 2010, I was volunteering on being a Marshall to set up the race and guide the participants through the race course. On the fourth Flying Start Triathlon, in 2011, I decided to participate in the sprint distance. That kept me going! After that, I continued to race in the Flying Start Triathlon. Last year, I also participated in the sprint distance. Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate this year in The Flying Start because I will be in The United States, but for sure I’ll participate in triathlons back in Boulder.

What are the best ways to encourage more people to participate? I believe that the Kuwaiti youth is now more educated about sports and nutrition more than before. I believe that it is a matter of having the initiative and incentive to try out something new and to test out one’s limits and his/her capabilities. As individuals get more familiar with triathlon, everybody would know about it and perhaps participate in the races.

What would you like to say to STUDENTALK readers about such sport? Despite the pain, the fatigue, and the sore muscles, the triathlon is without any doubt one of the best and glorious sports I have ever played. The more you are passionate and devoted to triathlon, the more returns you›re going to get. One of the best slogans I heard about triathlon is, “when the ordinary become extraordinary.” It’s never too late to try out a small race, especially when you see 70 year old men and women finish full Ironman races! The glory of finishing a triathlon is something simple words can’t describe, but the feeling of it right at the moment you cross the finish line is like no other. Good luck and TRI hard.



Kuwaiti triathalon athlete


As a female participate for two years in a row, Taiba Al-Nouri is encouraging women to join Triathlon Sport Activity for a healthy body and mind. STUDENTALK met with Al-Nouri to explore her experience as a covered Kuwaiti woman and told us about the society’s feedback regarding her participation in a strenuous sport. She also mentioned the reaction she received from friends and family.

How did you hear about the Triathlon Sport Activity? And how did you join? I heard about triathlon when I first joined the 3 Club back in 2010. It was a coincidence. I was there with my friends who was going to join and I thought I’d try it out. I didn’t think 3 years later this sport will take over my life.

I do not think at all it is impossible for women to join. You just have to train by working really hard in order to prepare for it.

Do you find it hard for women to participate in such activity? I do not think at all that is hard for women to join. You just have to train by working really hard in order to prepare for it. Friends provide the best support. Therefore by joining your friends in a run, biking or even finding a pool to swim will make it easier for women to participate in such a sport that requires alot of effort.

How do you evaluate this sport in Kuwait? That’s a difficult question to answer. I am not sure what are the standards needed to evaluate the sport on a national level. Fortunately, I can just say it’s improving. The number of participants are increasing year by year.

Will the society encourage more women to participate? Without a question, the society will encourage women. Half of the participants are women who are encouraged by their friends and family to join. There are some triathlete moms and others of much older age. Gender is not a problem when it comes to participating.

Were your friends and family against or with such strenuous sport? On the contrary, they were all providing me with all the support I ever needed. Most of my friends have participated as individuals or relay team for fun. They actually inspired me to join.

What would you like to say to STUDENTALK readers about such sport. Get active! You’ll never be young as you are today. Use your strengths and get moving!!

rt Triathlon is a race that combines 3 different sports: cling and running to be completed consecutively, nonstop to the finish line. 34


Auditions for acting at Bayt Lothan this September

ELENI REBECCA AND ALISON SHAN PRICE Students in Kuwait participating in the one World Actors Centre In today’s world, people who seek to broaden their horizon, travel overseas in order to develop their talents. STUDENTALK encourages students obtaining extraordinary passion and talent for acting to know more about the One World Actors Centre. Many students from Kuwait participated in last year’s program. We have contacted Eleni Rebecca and Alison Shan Price, Theater Directors, who shared the interesting experiences of the students who joined the summer program. Hopefully after you read this article you will want to participate too! It is a non-profit social enterprise committed to providing training and opportunities in the Arts Industry. From workshops in acting for stage, voice, mime, musical theatre, stage combat and stagecraft to the creation of costumes and properties for theatrical productions, the Centre caters for artistic tastes of all ages. Through associations with TAQA productions and Bayt Lothan of Kuwait, students and theatre professionals have the opportunity to work with visiting international award-winning experts. The Centre was privileged to welcome Emmy Award Winner and ‘father of expressive mime’ Adam Darius and international award winning choreographer Kazimir Kolesnik in March 2013 for a series of intensive and exciting workshops and a world premiere performance at the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah. In November, BAFTA Award winning international playwright/director John Godber will deliver workshops in scriptwriting/ directing, followed by Stage Combat with Royal Shakespeare Company and Disney Fight Director Kevin McCurdy in January 2014. One World Actors Centre also offers the unique opportunity to experience the artistic scene outside the borders of Kuwait. During the summer of 2013, a dedicated group of actors, art students and directors took part in an intense period of advanced theatre workshops and performance reviews in London’s famous West-End including sessions with the casts of War Horse and Chorus Line. Post-studio activities included visiting the stunning Harry Potter Studios and standing to watch Macbeth at the Globe Theatre, starring Billy Boyd of Lord of the Rings. Future summer programmes will take place in London, Venice, Greece and New York. What I and the One World actors do on stage is bringing about imagination and turning it into absolute reality’’- Amir Al Muhanna, actor and movement choreographer


Maryam Al Murad, in her preparation for the UK accredited LAMDA Acting Examinations in which she was awarded a Distinction.

One World Actors Centre invites all budding performers, designers and directors aged 18 to 30 to company auditions and program sign-up at Bayt Lothan on the Gulf Road by Marina Mall from 5 to 7.30pm on Saturday 21 September. For more information or for any queries, please contact us at

‫مواهب مسابقة‬



Who Will Win The “Most Talented” Competition

E T VO W O N www.

talk-o studen



Who Will Win The “Most Talented” Competition




talk-o studen



Introduce yourself to the readers.

Introduce yourself to the readers

My name is Fajer Ahmad, at the moment I am in my Senior year majoring in Business Finance at Gulf University for Science and Technology. Although I am consumed in studying my final courses to graduate, I try as much as I can to practice my favorite hobbies such as knowing new makeup techniques.

I, Dana Tuwairesh, study at university like any other 22 year old adult. My daily life routine consists of attending classes and lectures at AUK, then heading off to finish some work as being a social media person, and then having a bit of “me time”.

What is your talent?

What is your talent?

Every girl has her own talent, such as being an artist, photographer, cook and so on. My talent is having a passion and addiction for makeup.

My talent is definitely applying makeup after discovering my passion for it, and become more updated with the trends.

How did you develop your talent?

How did you develop your talent?

The ways for me to develop my talent was by experimenting, asking professional makeup artists for advice and observing fashion icons applying their own makeup.

For the last four years, I have attended some courses that provide different make up techniques. As practice makes perfect, I practiced all these techniques accordingly for further development.

What are your future plans? After I earn my degree in Finance, I am planning on having my own business that provides makeup services.

Name: Fajer Ahmad Talent: Makeup

What are your future plans? In the beginning, every girl’s dream is to be a makeup artist to herself. I have been obsessed with cosmetic products since infancy, and with time I have been developing this talent so I can be more professional.

Did you encounter any obstacles?

Did you encounter any obstacles?

With having a very active social life and my studies on the side, the main obstacle was finding enough time to practice my own talent. However, with some time management skills I was able to solve this problem and develop my talent as much as possible.

Make up is usually a lovely talent that girls like in general and by the support of the people surrounding me I didn’t have any obstacles.

Who supported your talent?

I have received an extensive amount of support from family and friends. However, the person who encouraged me the most was my husband.

My biggest supporter would be my mother, the sun of my life, she gave me everything to continue with my talent. In addition, my friends were the perfect candidates for their support because they gave me their faces to experiment on with the different skin tones and different styles.

Any last words for the readers?

Any last words for the readers?

Actually, I have learned through my university years I spent in GUST that it is very important to be creative, open minded and ambitious. And finally looking for a better future that is why I advise all my dear colleges to find their way according to their talent and wish them all best of luck.

I would love to thank my fans for their unconditional support. Every human being has the right to become whoever and whatever they want. Get to know, develop and believe that you can be whatever you want and dream to be. Always dream big!

Who supported your talent?

Name: Dana Tuwairesh Talent: Makeup

Are you a student in Kuwait with a talent that deserves to be seen? If so then here is your chance, STUDENTALK wants you! Email us at




R E N WIN OMAR IBRAHIM The Most Talented Competition For July-August 2013 Due to the reader’s outstanding votes, STUDENTALK team would like to congratulate Omar Ibrahim Qaddoumi for winning the Most Talented Competition as a Motorbike Rider. Let’s take a closer look at Qaddoumi’s talent and his experience to develop it.

In what ways did you develop your talent? While everyone was focused on school and/or hanging out at the age of 17, I was practicing my talent in Motorbike Riding. I really enjoy practicing my talent. It is like my gateway from the world.

From where did you receive the support you needed? My beloved father supported me all the way through my talent. He is a Motorbike Rider as well which is one of the main reasons why I love my talent. In addition to that, I received support from my friends who contributed to evolve my talent. We practice together all the time in order to add more techniques and moves to our talent.

Have you ever had any trouble while practicing your talent? The only obstacle that all Motorbike Riders suffer from, not only myself, is that there is no proper track to practice on or an organization that would provide all the facilities that we need.

Did you ever regret practicing Motorbike Riding? Thankfully I have no regrets. I try to be always safe. As the infamous King Cali once said “It is always better to be safe than sorry. Burn rubber not your soul”


That the Aviation Industry worldwide is expanding rapidly to the point that there is a big shortage in qualified personnel?


‫ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ‬ ‫أن ﻫﻨﺎك ﻧﻘﺼﺎ ﺣﺎدا ﺑﺎﻟﻌﻤﺎﻟﺔ اﻟﻤﺆﻫﻠﺔ واﻟﻤﺪرﺑﺔ ﺑﺴﻮق اﻟﻄﻴﺮان اﻟﺘﺠﺎري‬ ‫وان ﻫﺬا اﻟﻨﻘﺺ ﻳﺘﺰاﻳﺪ ﺳﻨﻮﻳﺎ ﺑﻤﻌﺪﻻت ﻣﺮﺗﻔﻌﺔ‬

‫ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ‬

That the demand for qualified personnel is increasing every year?

‫اﻧﻪ اﺻﺒﺢ ﺑﺈﻣﻜﺎﻧﻚ ا ن ﺣﺠﺰ ﻣﻘﻌﺪ ﻟﻚ ﺑﻬﺬا اﻟﻤﺠﺎل وان ﺗﺼﺒﺢ ﻣﺆﻫﻼ‬


‫ﻋﻠﻲ ﺷﻬﺎده اﻟﻄﻴﺮان اﻟﺘﺠﺎري أو دﺑﻠﻮم ﻃﺎﻗﻢ اﻟﻀﻴﺎﻓﺔ أو ﺷﻬﺎده‬

That you could be one of those personnel just by calling us and joining one of our training programs to be A PILOT, CABIN CREW, GROUND OPERATIONS STAFF or AVIATION ENGINEER. WE AT AVSOC offer a variety of training programs through our Certified Aviation Academies in the Middle East, Europe and USA Our Aim is to help you be part of the Aviation world as a Pilot, Cabin Crew, Ground Operations or Aviation Engineer

Take your first step now into the world of Aviation

‫ﻟﺪﺧﻮﻟﻪ ﺑﻤﺠﺮد اﺗﺼﺎﻟﻚ ﺑﻨﺎ واﻻﻧﻀﻤﺎم إﻟﻲ اﺣﺪ ﺑﺮاﻣﺠﻨﺎ اﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺒﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل‬ ‫ﻫﻨﺪﺳﻪ اﻟﻄﻴﺮان أو دﺑﻠﻮم اﻟﺨﺪﻣﺎت اﻻرﺿﻴﻪ‬

‫ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ‬ ‫ول ﻣﻦ ﻧﻮﻋﻪ ﺑﺪوﻟﻪ اﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬¥‫ اﻟﻤﻌﻬﺪ اﻟﺘﺨﺼﺼﻲ ا‬AVSOC ‫ﻧﺤﻦ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻳﻤﻨﺤﻚ ﻫﺬه اﻟﻔﺮﺻﺔ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﻪ ﻣﻦ ﺑﺮاﻣﺞ اﻟﺘﺪرﻳﺐ آﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺆﻫﻠﻚ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻲ ﺷﻬﺎدات ﻣﻌﺘﻤﺪه ﻣﻦ أﻛﺒﺮ اﻟﻜﻠﻴﺎت اﻟﻤﻌﺘﻤﺪة ﺑﻌﻠﻮم‬ ‫ﻣﺮﻳﻜﻴﺔ‬¥‫وﺳﻂ وأوروﺑﺎ واﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة ا‬¥‫اﻟﻄﻴﺮان ﻓﻲ اﻟﺸﺮق ا‬ ‫واﻟﺨﺎﺻﻪ ﺑﺸﻬﺎدات اﻟﻄﻴﺮان اﻟﺘﺠﺎري وﻫﻨﺪﺳﺔ اﻟﻄﻴﺮان واﻟﺨﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﺠﻮﻳﻪ‬ .‫واﻻرﺿﻴﻪ‬

‫ﺑﺎدر ا ن ﻟﻀﻤﺎن ﻣﺴﺘﻘﺒﻞ اﻓﻀﻞ‬

The friends around me were the ones who contributed to evolve my talent

Call +965 90947407 - 55365738 | | 40

‫موضة دليل تسوق لها‬



Adidas by Stella McCartney is a unique partnership within fashion and sportswear. Since 2005, Stella McCartney has worked with the sportswear super-brand to design a collection of high performance sportswear for women, across a wide range of disciplines including running, gym, yoga, winter sports, cycling, tennis, swimming and even surfing.



As usual Aigner with their absolutely fine leather bag designs, the new collection is varied in sizes and colors and fits every occasion. Choose your favorite color and design at the Aigner boutique.


‫موضة جمالك‬


Marc Jacobs


This collection is inspired by industrial elements which have been combined in an understated way in each silhouette to create a sophisticated feel.

‫ جمموعة عطور وألوان مرحة تعرب عن التعبري اجلريء‬Estee Lauder ‫أطلقت‬ ‫ تطرح اجملموعة األودو‬.‫ اجلديد‬pleasures Pop ‫وغرياملرتبك لألنوثة من خالل عطر‬ ‫ عطر فاكهي‬،‫ اجلديد حمدود اإلصدار‬pleasures Pop Eau de Parfum ‫بارفان‬ ‫مبتع احلياة البسيطة مع‬ ُ ‫زهوري يأسر الروح الهانئة يف قضاء الوقت باالستمتاع‬ ‫ العفوية والطاقة اللونية اجلريئة إلمتام العطر بلمحة‬،‫اإلحساس اجلديد باحليوية‬ ،‫وردية درامية مدهشة وجريئة للغاية‬

NIVEA Day Care creams Hydra IQ with SPF 30 NIVEA’s extensive skin care range has expanded to include a nourishing day care cream featuring both their latest innovation, Hydra IQ and SPF 30. Daily Essentials Day Care with Hydra IQ, provides the skin with all the moisture and soothing elements it needs to enhance its natural balance, whilst the sun factor 30 protects against harmful UVA and UVB rays which can penetrate through make-up and damage skin.


Lolita Lempicka L’Eau Jolie Lolita Lempicka launches a new fragrance. Fruity and gourmand flavors of black currant and rich Nashi pear open the composition that continues with coquettish heart notes of neroli and peach blossom. The perfume closes with a sensual cloud of musk and cedar. It is available as 30 and 50 ml Eau de Toilette.




Officine Panerai

The EBEL Onde watch collection is set to generate even wider ripples with this chic, generously proportioned Onde 36mm style. A radiant new addition to EBEL’s fluidly sculpted women’s line, this Onde model is fashionably up to the minute. A crown set with 18 diamonds accentuates its inherent femininity, while the alternating brushed/polished finish further enhances the timepiece’s overall visual appeal. The gleaming stainless steel case housing a Swiss quartz movement is water resistant to 50 meters. It elegantly frames a shimmering mother-of-pearl dial protected by an anti-reflective sapphire crystal. Refined diamond-polished rhodium-plated hands sweep gracefully over three applied indexes interspersed with eight sparkling diamonds and EBEL’s signature double E logo at 12. Completing the sophisticated look, EBEL’s seamlessly flowing trademark bracelet, complete with EBEL folding clasp, brings the perfect final touch to this grand new addition to the Onde family.

Officine Panerai presents the Luminor 1950 3 Days Chrono Flyback, a new chronograph with a flyback function and an automatic movement with a power reserve of three days. Available in a purely sports version in steel or as a more elegant one in red gold, the new chronograph is the first to be made by Officine Panerai using the new P.9100 calibre, developed and produced entirely in the House’s manufacture in Neuchâtel.

new diamond-dial Onde 36 mm



INTO THE MOMENT ESSENTIALLY SWATCH Let’s face it: we are surrounded by sound bits, snatches of music, ads, distractions, attractions, messages and reminders. Swatch calls time out for a moment of calm. It’s the moment that counts, and the moment is now: THIS MOMENT (SUOW106). White lettering on the minute hand and the dial forms a twopart Zen script twice every hour: BE HAPPY FOR THIS MOMENT—THIS MOMENT IS FOR LIFE.


INTRODUCING THE NUMBER 27 Cities are filled with magical stories and myths that sweep like fevers through the streets. Inspired by such legends, Swatch has created a tribute to the power of youth and the urban imagination: GENERATION 27. With nothing but the number 27 on the dial, this new Swatch Gent is what you make of it. Why 27? It’s a versatile number. To begin with, Street legend speaks of an exclusive «27 Club» whose rock-star members all passed away at the age of 27. Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse are among the most famous rock-star members.



‫موضة دليل تسوق له‬

AMERICAN EAGLE The new collection is all about staying trendy whilst casual, all the pieces are easily mixed and matched to have a look for any occasion. Visit the American Eagle store to snag the pieces while still in stock, keep an eye out for new editions on a regular basis at store.



‫موضة إلكترونيات‬


Philips SensoTouch 3D RQ1251 Wet and Dry Electric Shaver Confused on whether you should have a wet or dry shave? With such amazing technology from Philips SensoTouch 3D RQ1251 Wet and Dry Electric Shaver. It has an effective contouring with its 3 dimensional effect. The battery lasts long and it is very easy to clean. The design adds to its great quality as well. It is a very good investment as it lasts for a very long time.

Nivea For Men Skin Energy Double Action Balm When running late for class, a decent shave is often the first grooming casualty. This 2-in-1 balm and moisturiser is formulated. it will both salve ravaged cheeks after a hasty scraping and energise them to cover up any excesses from the night before.

A Charming Bird on Your Rest L’Oreal Men Expert Pure & Matt Exfoliating Gel Wash

If a couple minutes is all you have to spruce up, skip your shave and maximise your basic cleanse with a dual-action product like L’Oreal Men Expert Pure & Matt Exfoliating Gel Wash (£6.05 for 150ml). A deep-cleansing facial wash, it also contains a built-in exfoliator, so you cleanse and polish at the same time, allowing you to dispense with a face scrub altogether. .

TrewGrip’s portable keyboard for mobile living The TrewGrip gives you a keyboard that moves as freely as your Smartphone and other mobile devices. Instead of requiring that you lay it down, this grab-and-go keyboard is designed for holding and typing, be it while walking, standing, sitting, etc. It includes keys on the back, laid out in a vertical, split-QWERTY design, so instead of using your thumbs or pointer finger, you can get eight digits involved. The curved form factor is designed to bring the most distant keys close enough to type listening out for you to tell it to turn on. As the report points out, this will be

The Swiss watch is wristwatch that includes a tiny automaton bird inside the crystal, that sings and dances at the press of a button. According to Jaquet Droz, the Charming Bird is the first singing bird automaton wristwatch ever made. The 47-mm 18-carat white gold case also uses a background of a transparent sapphire to reveal the hand-wound, 29-jewel Jaquet Droz 610 movement, which runs for 40 hours at 21,600 vibrations per hour.

The New Xbox One All eyes are on Microsoft at E3 today, where punters are eager to learn more about the gaming potential of the Xbox One. Microsoft suggests that the new slimmer 360 is even quieter than the current model, which itself has made significant gains in the near-silent stakes to earlier iterations of the console. The company took the opportunity to press home its continued support for the ageing console, with “hundreds” of new games slated for a release this coming year. These include high profile sequels such as Dark Souls 2, Grand Theft Auto V and Splinter Cell: Blacklist. World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition and Max: The Curse of Brotherhood were also announced as 360 exclusives.






Because we feel tired of black and grey.


Pudicab incipie nimposam quam quatum Problem, crisis? apideniatque pre, unt vellupt ionsequ ad’s constant research to discover Ximaios de quam facest moluptatum ne We need some fun to make reality less iduciis imporer emolupis dolum ium re new materials and technologies has volorehent aut alit licae. Rum et re, siminiet dramatic and to find new solutions. explit que molorum que dende reped achieved an other result and offers us a eum lit, nobit, volore la nos res dest prerita experum nam sunt. new opportunity. Temple with a steel core am, odictorem accus, seque nis reperior That’s why we’ve startedand from the colors. in rubber Uga. Tem quam, que et eos quibus conseddolorit ullisciat over-injection is enriched and solorendam oditaque cum, interpreted fully with the quo moloribus que sequi ducimil in cuptas si cullit, conetur? We’ve made use of patchwork and we’ve got the intur? Mad philosophy. Equossin rerepel iscipsa pellent lante inspiration from whatever surrounds us: pictures At ut aborem fugit eata conseque dolupta LF. Esplashes S poribeautae de moloratur si num latia secus E and images, posters, signs, newspapers, tisqui as iminvenimus, susdandent, N has always made the recycling everiae dolupta consent faccus exernate OItaly Mad in Gmaterials of colors. quam illant lam dem archit arunt aut N I of its philosophy. We have non culparum il iliquias nobitatur? BEforreutilized A new idea of glasses women comes out. molorib usaperaSequis qui suntur? F jeans and fabrics from old pants volupta tusanda dita ad maximet O S The woman with a personality. Veliquo stiscimenis audaestentem natur, num S and jackets, mostly that belonged to Mad aliqui dem fugit et voluptaque E N Unique glasses which areemployees different from one The use sintorum quam ab iumenim laturesequi D themselves. of old jeans quidebit, omnimus, quas eium aut MA another. dolupti fugitatur? and fabrics makes each frame unique.rehent In omnienemod eumet fugiandunto to fact, the are checked and paired et, commolore occuptur? Quiatia ad ulpa quamus ipsae Mad Fun: amusing, creative, withtemples a personality, Sequibeatis vellorum based on the color and type autem. of fabric,Reicias thus itaquod volestiant alignit fugit elest, ullantus volore unique and strong, light and authentic at the isitius voluptatem guaranteeing a perfect aesthetic pairing, dicimi, que sunti ut andam, sunt. same time. dolum est la velecupta sapellanto evendio despite giving the privilege of owning an Ota coribus ut exerios enditib usandest et beaquam ea dolumet eos accatibus, item that is one-of-a-kind. pero magnis repelestius incim evelec Once more Mad, Mad in Italy! volorum alia demperumque et laut dolendaestis deni quuntis


CARBON& easy hinge

CARBON & EASY HINGE The patented Easy hinge system that has done so well due to its reliability and style meets carbon.

Because we feel tired of black and grey. Problem, crisis? We need some fun to make reality less dramatic and ad’snew constant research to discover Ximaios de quam facest moluptatum ne to find solutions.


The diversity of forms and materials of front face made with steel, acetate and full-rim completes this trilogy of models to satisfy all tastes.

CARBON& easy hinge

new materials and technologies has volorehent aut alit licae. Rum et re, siminiet achieved an we’ve other result and offers a eum lit, nobit, volore la nos res dest prerita That’s why started from theuscolours. um tastraet vastude scidestre moTemple eropopu new opportunity. with a steel core am, We’ve made use of patchwork and we’ve got theodictorem accus, seque nis reperior ssus. and over-injection in rubber is enriched and solorendam quibus dolorit oditaque cum, inspiration from whatever surrounds us: pictures interpreted fully with the sequi ducimil in cuptas si cullit, conetur? and images, posters, signs, newspapers, splashes of Mad philosophy. Equossin rerepel iscipsa pellent lante colours. poribea de moloratur si num latia secus Mad in Italy has always made the recycling everiae dolupta consent faccus exernate A materials new ideaits of philosophy. glasses for We women of havecomes out.non culparum il iliquias nobitatur? The woman with personality. reutilized jeans andafabrics from old pants Sequis volupta tusanda dita ad maximet Unique glasses which different from onealiqui another. and jackets, mostly thatare belonged to Mad dem fugit et voluptaque num employees themselves. The use of old jeans quidebit, omnimus, quas eium aut Mad Fun:makes amusing, creative, with a In personality, and fabrics each frame unique. omnienemod eumet fugiandunto to fact, the and temples arelight checked pairedat the occuptur? Quiatia ad ulpa quamus ipsae unique strong, and and authentic same based on the color and type of fabric, thus volestiant alignit fugit elest, ullantus volore time. guaranteeing a perfect aesthetic pairing, dicimi, que sunti ut andam, sunt. despite givingMad, the privilege of owning an Ota coribus ut exerios enditib usandest et Once more Mad in Italy! item that is one-of-a-kind. pero magnis repelestius incim evelec

concept Aldo Rebuli |

mod. Ribolla | distribuited by vista eyewear srl |


y vista eyewear srl |

he patented Easy Hinge system that has Et laborep tatiisciume lit aut ea acessus, done so well due to its reliability and style, velicatur accab id ma et asit dolorum meets carbon. quundae. Nam eosam quam resequis si ius SUNWe have made a temple of carbon and dellabo remossin et magname nosam, voles rubber joined together by hot welding untur? steel core placed inside the Some(fusion), of thethe characteristics of these glassesUda velecep eritati ommolor aut et alit temple makes it flexible, adjustable, ani omniet mo tem fugit utae. Vit volupta if thecomfortable, collection and Mad Italy are: lightness,musdae dolupta teceper spicabores alsoinstrong. flexibility, transparency, elasticity, comfort The diversity of forms and materials of the and repudit, ipsundit mint voluptat escilis doles front faces made with steel, acetate and es int il ius, volorec erciet il ius rererum uniqueness. full-rim completes this trilogy of models to eatis ma periti ute commo doluptiam quam satisfy all tastes. et ad

Thanks to new technologies we are able to get closer to the classic sunglasses in a totally innovative and out of the ordinary.


FABRIC Mad’s constant research to discover new materials and technologies has achieved another result and offers us a new opportunity. Temple with a steel core and over-injection in rubber is enriched and interpreted fully with the Mad Philosophy. Mad in Italy has always made the recycling of materials its philosophy. We have re-utilized jeans and fabrics from old pants and jackets, mostly he patented Easy Hinge system that has that belonged to Mad employees themselves. done so well due to its reliability and style, The use of old jeans and fabrics makes each meets carbon. frame unique. In-fact, the temples are checked Wecolour have made a temple of carbon and and paired based on the and type of fabrubber joined together by ric, thus guaranteeing a perfect aesthetic pairing,hot welding (fusion), the steel core placed inside the despite giving the privilege of owning an item temple makes it flexible, adjustable, that is one-of-a-kind.



We have made a temple of carbon and rubber joined together by hot welding (fusion), the steel core placed inside the temple makes it flexible, adjustable, comfortable, and also strong.

concept Aldo Rebuli |


‫موضة له ولها‬

comfortable, and also strong. The diversity of forms and materials of the front faces made with steel, acetate and full-rim completes this trilogy of models to satisfy all tastes.

What about breaking the mould? Just wear these glasses: They design your face and stress your personality. Mad in Italy is high quality of construction and sophisticated technologies. The production process starts with the most audacious creativity and then is developed by a working team that experiments with new materials and production techniques to end lit upaut with unique and innovaEt laborep tatiisciume eaaacessus, velicatur accab id ma et asit dolorum tive proposal. quundae. Nam eosam quam resequis si ius dellabo remossin etcreativity magname nosam, voles to Imagination, and a desire untur? dare: Udathis velecep ommolor autiset alitproject. is theeritati formula and this the ani omniet mo tem fugit utae. Vit volupta musdae dolupta teceper spicabores Mad in Italy glasses different from every repudit, ipsundit mint voluptat escilis doles point of view! es int il ius, volorec erciet il ius rererum eatis ma periti ute commo doluptiam quam et ad



ome of the characteristics of these glasses if the collection Mad in Italy are: lightness, flexibility, transparency, elasticity, comfort and uniqueness. Thanks to new technologies we are able to get closer to the classic sunglasses in a totally innovative and out of the ordinary.

Ratis pratur? Am et res providest debis aut doluptatur sit volupta temque quis maionsequi occustios duciumque nonsequi as modi doluptatis voluptium corendit alias minum enis doluptiis in corem quas apit elluptatiis re si aut essequis endam eum voles pos eum et repellic te providunt autet




Who Got The Most Stylish Mix?

‫مزج وتناسق مسابقة‬

E T VO W O N www.

talk-o studen



This month the students went to FASHIONET SHOP in 33 boutique and created different styles to go with this JACKET.

Isha 54

Raghda 55


How to prepare for the new semester Summer vacation is over, bummer! Instead of dwelling on the past, lets prepare for the upcoming Fall Semester. Getting back in the game may seem hard, but with us at STUDENTALK we will tell you how to prepare effectively for the new semester in order to become a diligent student. Remember that the Fall semester is the longest semester so get your head in the game.

1 Make sure you are enrolled in all the classes required for your degree. Creating a weekly schedule with all your classes will help you from being tardy.

2 Read the syllabus or the class instruction to know what is required to get that “A” on your final grade. Note down the dates of your midterms and finals and include them in your personal calendar.

3 Buy your supplies as early as possible. Get the books, pens, the coloring brushes, canvases and/or all the utensils you will need on time.

4 Be active! Enroll into the university clubs and organizations. You will be able to know the rules and regulation of your own university and be more familiar with it. And Guess what? It will definitely look great on your future resume.

5 Do not procrastinate! If you keep telling yourself the lie of “I’ll do it later.” in a blink of an eye you will find yourself cramming the day before the exam. Preparation is the key to kill those midterms and finals.

6 Socialize and have fun. Yes this is a must! University life is a once in a life time experience which will never happen again, try to get the best of it. Meet people, make friends and mingle at events in order to ensure a fulfilling and successful experience.



‫عقولنا‬ ‫إنسانه ما أقدر أعيش من غري‬ ‫أنا بنيه ومراهقه كويتيه حايل من حالكم‪..‬‬ ‫وأحتلطم و أسولف وأصور وأتشيحط‬ ‫تلفوين ‪ ..‬عندي تويرت أستعمله وأعرب فيه‬ ‫وعندي كييك بس ال تفهمون غلط سوويته عشان أشوف املصخره ايل ‪ ..‬قاعده‬ ‫تصري بالربنامج ‪ ..‬وعندي واتس اب ‪ ..‬بس ما أرد إال على ايل ابيهم ‪ ..‬والعيايز ايل عندي‬ ‫كل ما شافوين يسألوين 'قريتي الربودكاست ايل دزيته؟ أقول اي و أجاملها و أنا مادري‬ ‫شالسالفه‪ ..‬وأنا حاليًا قاعده بني اهلي و ماسكه تلفوين اكتبلكم ايل قاعده اشوفه‬ ‫حواليني ‪ ..‬اهو شي مو طبيعي وغلط ‪ ..‬و لكن مبجتمعنا حاليا صار هالوضع شي‬ ‫عادي جدا وأمر طبيعي ‪ ..‬أخوي عمره ‪ 17‬سنه عنده تلفونني ‪ ..‬ومو عاجبينه يبي‬ ‫غريهم ‪ ..‬والياهل ايل عمره ‪ 10‬سنني عنده ايفون و بالك بريي ‪ ..‬وآيباد ‪ ..‬وكبار العايله‬ ‫ماسكني تلفوناتهم ‪ ..‬ويسولفون وال كأنه احد حوالينهم ‪ ..‬وبعدين يعيبون علينا «كله‬ ‫ماسكني التلفون!!!! « واملربيات ايل عندها فيس بوك ‪ ..‬و آيفون صيني ‪...‬‬ ‫‪ ..‬مثال‬ ‫ياخي الشعب الكويتي فاهم االنرتنت وشبكات التواصل اإلجتماعية غلط‬ ‫االنستقرام ‪ ..‬اهو حاليا اقوى برنامج ‪ ..‬مايف إنسان ما عنده ‪..‬وملا اقول كل انسان‬ ‫أعنيها ‪ ..‬واهلل ان ياهل عمره ‪ 10‬سنني عنده انستقرام و كل شوي منزل كل صورة‬ ‫أسخف من الثانيه !!! و ينزل الصوره ‪ 7‬مرات مكرره ورا بعض حتا لو الياهل اينن بتكرها‬ ‫‪ ..‬و بالبايو كاتب '‪ 'i love cars‬يعني طالعلي فيها !!!‬ ‫وجمابل يسوي حق العاملني فولو عشان الناس تسويله فولو ‪..‬‬ ‫قامت تصري مسابقه منو اييب اكرث فلورز ‪ ..‬هل انا غلطانه؟ ال!‬ ‫و طبعا شباب احلني بس يسوون فولو عشان يطنزون على البنات‬ ‫‪ ..‬ومعاهم حق الصور ايل تنزل ترفع الضغط ‪ ..‬ولكن تالقون انه كل‬ ‫واحد من الشباب أخف من الثاين مايصدق بنية تسويله فولو ‪..‬‬ ‫بس حبيبي أنطر ميكن ماتعجبها خلقتك‬ ‫يصري عند عرس ‪...‬‬ ‫عادي تنكفخ ببلوك ‪....‬‬ ‫والوالده الكرميه وصديقاتها ‪ ..‬مايصدقون على اهلل يصري الصبح‬ ‫‪ ..‬عشان تنزل صورة ورد ‪ ..‬و صباح اخلري ‪ ..‬أوك حجيه نزيل ‪ ..‬بس‬ ‫وحده مو ‪ ٤‬وال خمس ‪ ..‬واهلل درينه أنه الصبح ‪ ...‬انزين خشيهم‬ ‫حق باجر؟؟‪ ...‬ال تنزلينهم كلهم مع بعض الن يف درزن ثاين بتنزلينه‬ ‫انتو ترا وضعكم مايطمن ‪ ..‬كلش فاهمني‬ ‫باجر ‪ ..‬يا بعد قلبي‬ ‫االنستقرام غلط ‪..‬‬ ‫واخلطابات ايل على انستقرام ‪ ..‬ياهلل شنو اهم مصيبه ‪ ..‬اتسوي فولو حق البنات ‪..‬‬ ‫وتسويلهم منشن على الشباب ‪ ..‬هذيله بخلوين أشق هدومي !!‬

‫عليهم ؟ أرجوكم اتقو اهلل فينه ‪ ..‬وال كل واحد مصور خلقته و أهو مو مغسل ويها‬ ‫ياخي الحتاول كلش ماتنبلع ماكو جمال صدقني ترا انت مو جميل جمال الكييك ‪..‬‬ ‫هذاك جماله مكسر الدنيا حتى من غري مايغسل بس انت؟ غسل اهلل يسملك‬ ‫ويطول بعمرك ‪ ...‬واملشكله الثانيه أنه كل واحد يف باله أنه اهو ظريف ‪ ..‬و ينكت ‪..‬‬ ‫ويسويله هبه يديده ‪ ..‬تعيبون على ايل يكلمون الطيور أنتو شتطلعون عيل؟؟‪...‬‬ ‫ترا السوالف هذي فعال قامت تصري ‪ ..‬و بدرجه مو طبيعيه ‪ ..‬و الكل اليعه جبده ‪ ..‬يا‬ ‫حبايبي إنتو فاهمني الربامج غلط ‪ ..‬الناس وصلت ملرحله من السخافه الال اراديه ‪..‬‬ ‫يا جماعه ترا احنا شعب مثقف ونفهم وعندا القدرة وعلى أنه نسوي شي مفيد‬ ‫ليش نحول شبكات االتصال مكان‬ ‫‪ ..‬ليش نوصل ليه هل الدرجه من اإلنحدار ‪..‬‬ ‫للمصخره واللعب والسخافه ‪ ..‬ترا احنا مو يهال ‪ ..‬وعلى قولة الوالده يف ناس وصلت‬ ‫القمر ويف ناس مو عارفه كوعها من بوعها‪.‬‬ ‫مع حتيات‪،‬‬ ‫لطيفه القالف و روان الصالح‪.‬‬

‫املثال الثاين التويرت ‪ ..‬الناس تشوفه نفس مكان تضبط بنات و بس ‪ ..‬و املشكله انه‬ ‫البنات أغلبيتهم اهم ايل يدشون على الشباب ‪ ..‬ياخي الناس مسوينه حق شي معني‬ ‫يفيد البشر ‪ .‬إال الكوتيني يشوفونه كأنه مكان للمغازل ‪ ..‬الناس تدز توييت مثال‪ :‬بنيه‬ ‫تغرد 'بطني يعورين!!' أحد يدلها حمام بيتهم ويل يعافيكم ‪ ..‬و ال ملا تكتب 'اخوي خذا‬ ‫حالوتي' ياهلل صربناااااا ‪ ..‬و ايل تقول «شفت احلب اليوم' وين أبوج عنج انتي ؟؟ اناديه‬ ‫بنات الناس مو لعبه ‪ ..‬والدنيا دواره ‪ ..‬ماله داعي‬ ‫؟؟ و ايل ميثل علينا بالتويرت يكتب‬ ‫يالطيب دايرة فيك ان شاء اهلل ‪..‬‬ ‫و العزيز الثاين ‪' ..‬مع احلب بو زرزور « زرزور يشيلك انت وياه !!‬ ‫وال احلبيب الريال العود بو شنب اجلبار الزقرتي يدز رتويت اللهم اعني يف دنيتي فاين‬ ‫طفلة تبكي‪ !! ...‬اي طفلة حبيبي شكله هرمونك تضارب‪.‬‬ ‫و حبيبنا ايل يسب ترى السب مو عضالت وال رجولة كلش ماله شغل حط لسانك يف‬ ‫خشمك يالغايل !!‬ ‫وعندنا الكيك ‪ ..‬يا صرب أيووووب على بلواه ‪' ..‬هاااااي كيييكرز' باهلل هذييل شريدون‬ ‫‪58‬‬

‫أخبار سيارات‬


SPORTS NEWS Messi’s Thigh Injury Barcelona’s star player Lionel Messi has a bruised left thigh, the club confirmed. After medical tests, Messi was diagnosed with a thigh bruise which might prevent him from playing in Barcelona’s second Spanish League match slated for Sunday against Malaga. The 26-year-old Messi was withdrawn at halftime of Wednesday’s Spanish Super Cup first leg against Atletico Madrid and could not play in the second half, being replaced by Cesc Fabregas. Despite the absence of the four-time world player of the year in Wednesday’s match against Atletico Madrid Barcelona’s new acquisition Neymar scored a goal and the match resulted in a 1-1 draw after former Barcelona player David Villa had scored first.

Cardiff City Claim Their First Victory In The Premier League Cardiff City produced a stunning win over 2011-12 champions Manchester City to claim their first victory in the Premier League. After falling behind to Edin Dzeko’s powerful 52nd-minute opener, Aron Gunnarsson equalised after Joe Hart blocked Fraizer Campbell’s shot. Former Manchester United youngster Campbell then scored twice in eight minutes to put the home side in charge. Alvaro Negredo set up a grandstand finish, but Malky Mackay’s men held on. The final whistle brought with it scenes of celebration from the packed crowd at the Cardiff City Stadium as the Bluebirds won in the top flight of English football for the first time since they were last there in 1962. It was also the first top-flight victory for Mackay, who guided his team to the Championship title last season.

HYUNDAI VELOSTER - OFFICIALLY THE COOLEST CAR AROUND The Hyundai Veloster has claimed the number one spot in Kelley Blue Book’s ‘10 coolest cars under $18,000’. The Korean company’s innovative hatchback received the award for its unique exterior design, stylish interior and wealth of modern technology, all of which have been key to its increasing popularity in the Middle East. Two criteria – being fun-to-drive and fun-toown - are critical among the deciding factors for Kelley Blue Book (, which is a trusted new and used car information resource in the US. Having been named one of the ‘10 coolest cars under $18,000’ in 2012, the Veloster has gone a step further this year to claim the overall title. This latest honor comes after the model was named Best Hatchback at the 2012 Middle East Motor Awards (MEMA), one of the most prestigious automotive award ceremonies in the region. The 2+1 door hatchback continues Hyundai’s ‘Fluidic Sculpture’ design ethos, its flowing lines combining to create a distinctive form with strong proportions and an immediate sense of movement and balance. The Veloster boasts a truly unique feature, with one door on the driver’s side, and two on the passenger’s side. This helps aerodynamics and safety, ensuring the model stands apart from any other car on the market.

World Cup 2022 will not be held in Qatar FIFA’s executive committee will vote to move the 2022 World Cup from Qatar’s summer heat, head of soccer’s world governing body Sepp Blatter has confirmed, but did not guaranteed moving the tournament to a winter date. The comments on Sunday are the strongest indication yet that Qatar could lose the World Cup, with Blatter also conceding that it was a mistake to award a summer tournament to the desert state and that hosting it in winter may not be feasible. The committee members, many of whom participated in the December 2010 vote to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar over the US, are due to make a decision on the timing of the month-long event during their next meeting in Zurich on October 3-4.


Making it ideal for cool urban living , the Veloster features a wealth of standard kit that includes an engine stop/start button, cruise control, fully automatic air conditioning and an advanced multimedia system with a seven inch colour touch-screen display and MP3 compatibility/iPod connectivity. In the Middle East the Veloster is available in a variety of fun and vibrant colors and is powered by a 1.6-litre MPI petrol engine, delivering 130 PS @ 6300rpm and torque of 157 Nm (116 lb.ft) @ 4850rpm, powering it to a top speed of 200kph. To maximize fuel economy, reduce emissions and enhance refinement, every Veloster is fitted with a six-speed automatic transmission.


‫أخبار تجربة قيادة‬


‫رياضية وعصرية‬

‫هيونداي سنتافي الجديدة كليا‬

‫من النجاح‪ ،‬وبالتأكيد النسخة األكرب حجمًا سوف حتظى‬ ‫باإلقبال الرائع ذاته خصوصًا وأنها تتيح للعمالء اختيار‬ ‫متعددة االستخدامات بسبعة مقاعد‬ ‫سيارة رياضية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تتم ّيز بكونها واسعة وعملية ومريحة وتتمتّع أيضًا‬ ‫بتصميم عصري أنيق وجودة راقية‬ ‫املميزات الرائعة كـ املقاعد اخللفية ذات زاوية‬ ‫االتكاء أصبحت أكرث راحة وفخامة مماثلة لسيارات‬ ‫السيدان الفارهه‪ .‬أيضا مت تلبيس املقاعد األمامية‬ ‫واخللفية باجللد الكامل‪ ،‬كما مت تزويد مقعد السائق‬ ‫ب ‪ 12‬وضعيه خمتلفة ميكن التحكم بها من أسفل‬ ‫املقعد‪ .‬كما مت إضافة ملسات أخرى مثل ثالجة‬ ‫لتربيد املرطبات خصوصا يف األجواء احلارة‪ ،‬وستائر‬ ‫خلفية والتي تعطي املزيد من اخلصوصية للركاب يف‬ ‫املقعد اخللفي‪.‬‬ ‫اعتمادًا على فلسفة هيونداي يف جتسيم انسيابية‬ ‫التصميم‪ ،‬جراند سنتايف اجلديد تبنت مفهوم‬ ‫التصميم واخلاص به واملعروف بإسم "إندفاع‬ ‫العاصفة" وهي القوة والديناميكية التي يتم إنشاؤها‬ ‫من قبل الطبيعة خالل تشكيل العاصفة‪ .‬كما مت‬ ‫تطعيم السيارة بالشبك ذات الفتحات السداسية‬ ‫والتي أصبحت هوية أغلب سيارات هيونداي‪ ،‬وايضا‬ ‫بالعوادم اخللفية ذات الطابع الكبري‪ ،‬وكما وزودت‬ ‫سنتايف مبصدات أمامية وخلفية عريضة تعطي‬

‫السيارة رونقًا اكرث جما ًال خللق صورة مستقبلية‬ ‫متحضره للسيارات ذات الدفع الرباعي‪.‬‬ ‫السيارة من الداخل تظهر مدى التطور والتحول يف‬ ‫التصميم ومدى نظرة املستقبل يف عيون هيونداي‪.‬‬ ‫جراند سنتايف متوفر يف الكويت بالفئة ذات الست‬ ‫مقاعد او بالفئة ذات السبعة مقاعد مع توفري جمال‬ ‫رحب وواسع داخل السيارة‪ .‬صندوق السيارة يحتوي‬ ‫على مكانني لتخزين األمتعة‪ ،‬فيمكن تخزين األمتعة‬ ‫أسفل املقاعد اخللفية او خلفها يف الصندوق‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫ميكن أيضا طي املقاعد اخللفية وخلق مساحة أكرب‬ ‫لألمتعة ملستخدمي سيارة جراند سنتايف الرائعة‪.‬‬ ‫سيارة جراند سنتايف مزودة برثوة من التكنولوجيا‬ ‫اجلديدة واملتطورة مع التزام شركة هيونداي بتقدمي‬ ‫سيارات أكرث صداقة للبيئة بتوفريها نظام تنشيط‬ ‫''‪ ''ECO‬والذي يتحكم بنشاط مكيف السيارة ونشاط‬ ‫احملرك إلستهالك افضل للوقود‪ .‬أيضا مت تزويد جراند‬ ‫سنتايف اجلديد بتقنيات رائعة مل توجد من قبل مثل‬ ‫"‪ "Flex Steer‬وهو عبارة عن نظام التحكم بعجلة القيادة‬ ‫على ثالث وضعيات خمتلفة‪ ،‬ونظام عجلة القيادة‬ ‫اإللكرتونية "‪ ،"MDPS‬ونظام التوقف األوتوماتيكي‪ ،‬ونظام‬ ‫تنبيه السائق عند اإلنحراف عن املسار واملنعطفات‪،‬‬ ‫ونظام "‪ "ESP‬املانع لإلنزالق‪ ،‬ونظام املساعدة الذكي‬ ‫عند ركن السيارة‬

‫في تجربة قيادة سيارة هيونداي جراند‬ ‫سنتافي التي تميزت بالكثير من الخصائص‬ ‫الداخلية والتكنولوجية المميزة فضال عن‬ ‫تيميم هيكلها الخارجي القادر أن ينافس‬ ‫السيارات األخرى من جيلها‪ .‬وللتعرف أكثر على‬ ‫مميزات السيارة قامت ‪ STUDENTALK‬بتجربة‬ ‫اآلداء ونتابع آبرز مميزاتها‪.‬‬

‫ترتكز جراند سنتايف على النجاحات الكبرية التي‬ ‫حقّ قتها سيارة سنتايف اجلديدة كليا التي كانت قد‬ ‫وصلت إىل املنطقة يف أواخر العام ‪ ،2012‬وهي تلتزم‬ ‫بتوجه العالمة التجارية الكورية العمالقة الذي يتمحور‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حول مبدأ "الفخامة العصرية" وتتم ّيز بتصميم عصري‬ ‫أنيق‪ ،‬والكثري من اخلصائص واملزايا التنفيذية‪ ،‬واألداء‬ ‫املمتاز إضافة ملزيد من العمالنية واملساحة‪.‬‬ ‫ُعد جراند سنتايف مناسبة جدًا للمنطقة حيث‬ ‫ت ّ‬ ‫متعددة‬ ‫الرياضية‬ ‫السيارات‬ ‫على‬ ‫كبري‬ ‫طلب‬ ‫يوجد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫االستخدامات الكبرية ذات السبعة مقاعد‪ ،‬وستل ّبي‬ ‫هذه السيارة خمتلف احتياجات تنقّ ل العائالت خصوصًا‬ ‫وأنها تتمتّع بباقة متكاملة من التجهيزات الراقية‪.‬‬ ‫وتتم ّيز جراند سنتايف بكونها أطول و أعرض وأعلى‬ ‫من طراز سنتايف الذي يوفر فقط صف مقاعد ثالث‬ ‫لالستخدام عند الطلب‪ ،‬وباب خلفي يعمل كهربائيًا‬ ‫لتسهيل الوصول إىل الصندوق‪ ،‬إىل جانب جمموعة من‬ ‫املتقدمة تقنيًا‪.‬‬ ‫املزايا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪63‬‬

‫حمرك ‪Lambda II 3.3 MPI‬‬ ‫ويأتي الطراز اجلديد مع‬ ‫ّ‬

‫قوة ‪ 270‬حصانًا و ‪ 318‬نيوتن لكل مرت من عزم‬ ‫يولّد ّ‬ ‫الدوران‪ ،‬كما يحظى العمالء بخيار الدفع بعجلتني أو‬ ‫الدفع الرباعي ونظام ناقل حركة أوتوماتيكي من ست‬ ‫سرعات‪.‬‬ ‫ومن املتوقّ ع أن تكسب شعبية كبرية بني أوساط‬ ‫العائالت يف الشرق األوسط التي تعيش أسلوب حياة‬ ‫متعددة‬ ‫نشط وكثري احلركة وتبحث عن سيارة رياضية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫االستخدامات جتمع بني العمالنية العالية واجلودة‬ ‫الراقية‪.‬‬ ‫وستشكّ ل هذه املركبة العصرية الواسعة من‬ ‫حتل مكان طراز "فرياكروز" السابق‪ ،‬بدي ًال‬ ‫هيونداي‪ ،‬التي ّ‬ ‫مناسبًا لعدد من املركبات األخرى من نفس الفئة‬ ‫إن إطالق جراند سنتايف اجلديدة يعزّ ز كثريًا جمموعة‬ ‫طرازات هيونداي يف الشرق األوسط‪ ،‬وهي منطقة‬ ‫متعددة االستخدامات‬ ‫حتظى فيها السيارات الرياضية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الكبرية بأهمية عالية‪ .‬ولقد أظهر طراز سنتايف الكثري‬ ‫‪62‬‬

‫أخبار صحية‬


10 hints to keep your mouth and teeth healthy

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are the ABCs of oral health, but they’re only the beginning. A marvelous mouth takes more than squeezing paste out of a tube -- think improving your toothbrushing technique, ditching the daily soda habit, and saying good-bye to cigarettes. 1- Make a visit to your dentist on regular basis (twice a year, the American dental Association advises) and you will catch problems such as tooth decay (cavities) gum disease or oral fungi or oral cancer at an early stage when they are treatable. Any sore in your mouth which persists more than 7-10 days must be checked out by your dentist. 2- Check your daily sugar consumption: sugar is a major cause of tooth decay (cavities). It fuels bacterial growth and boosts acidity in your mouth. A sugar intake boosts acid production in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. To avoid teeth cavities, try to cut down sweet treats and aim to brush and floss after every meal or snack. The least you can do is to rinse your mouth after every sweet snack you indulge in.


6- Avoid bad habits : clenching on your teeth , biting a pen , chewing ice cubes , using your teeth to open cans , nuts , bottles or to cut threads and adhesive tapes etc… will only put you at risk of having tooth trauma such as tooth abrasion ( worn- out tooth) , cracks , chipping , breakings and necrosis of the pulp ( death of the tooth ‘’nerve’’) . 3- Check your consumption of Sodas: 2 ingredients – phosphoric acid and citric acid- give soda its ‘’bite’’ but also eat away at the surface of your teeth. Although an occasional soda won’t hurt sipping a can or more a day makes your tooth enamel softer and more susceptible to cavities. Besides, sodas contain sugar, increasing even more your risk of developing tooth decay (cavities). 4- Avoid alcohol: One of the major causes of oral cancer. 5- Quit smoking: Nicotine and tar not only turn your teeth an ugly shade of yellow they eat away at your gums. smoking creates a ripe environment for bacteria and plaque on your teeth and along the gum line that harms tissue , degrades the bone surrounding the teeth and eventually , increases your risk of tooth loss .Keep in mind that the risk of developing periodontitis ( inflammation of the gums and loss of the bone surrounding the roots of your teeth ) increases threefold if you are a smoker. Besides, smoking is a major cause of oral cancer.

Wrap about 30 cm of floss around your fingers to work with. Unroll a fresh section of floss for each space. Use a ‘’shoeshine motion ’’ to guide it gently between teeth without hurting the gum. Keep the floss tight against the tooth to break up plaque while leaving your gums in good shape.

10- Brush your tongue : Most of our bad breath is produced by the microorganisms living on the upper surface of the tongue. Brush your tongue daily in a back-to-front motion with a special tongue brush and you’ll be able to significantly check your bad breath.

7- Avoid sharp temperature changes : Switching abruptly from the very hot (tea, soup, etc…) to the very cold ( ice cream…) and vice versa will only make your enamel expand, then contract fast. This will generate cracks in the mass of your enamel and restorations (fillings), thus significantly fragilizing them. Instead, allow your teeth some few minutes before switching from very hot to the very cold and vice-versa. Or Just a cup of warm water (room temperature) before the switch. 8- Use the right toothbrush: Choose a brush with soft bristles, with the right technique; it should last 2-3 months. Don’t wait until you see bent bristles to replace it. Practice the proper technique: Hold the toothbrush at a 45 degrees angle pointed to the gum line and use short circular motions. Brush gently each tooth 10-15 times, but don’t overdo it. Overly brushing with excessive pressure can damage teeth and erode your gum line. 9- Floss: Flossing fosters healthier gums and teeth but like brushing, there is a right way to do it.

@RoyaleHayat RoyaleHayat

@RoyaleHayat This article is written by Dr. Roland Francis Endodontist (Root Canal Treatment Specialist) Royale Hayat Hospital

RoyaleHayatHospital 65

Marina Mall, Dome

At the Marina Dome, we constructed a Photobooth and placed handheld placards on which people wrote thank you messages and clicked pictures of themselves holding the placard. The Photobooth was designed in a way to look like a window of a cute house and was branded with thank you messages. People uploaded, Whatsapped & emailed these pictures to friends and family they wanted to share their gratitude with.

One of the simplest and most effortless habits to live a more positive life is to take a minute or two every day and focus on the wonder that life is. There are a gazillion reasons for us to be grateful, let’s start from our very own heart, every time our heart beats a miracle happens, every heartbeat thousands of mechanisms fall in the right place to combine and give us life!! Isn’t that reason enough for us to be grateful? This Ramadan, Alnowair launched the #iThank campaign to remind us, inspire us and encourage us to feel and show gratitude.

The iconic bridge at Marina Mall was transformed for 2 weeks into the bridge of gratitude. We built a 50 Meter long wall in the center of the bridge and let people write things they are thankful for on the #ITHANK post-its and stick them on the wall!! This was Kuwait’s longest ever Yellow Wall of Gratitude!!! Marina Mall, Bridge

Al Hamra

We planted a distinguished couch at the mezzanine floor of the luxury center of Al Hamra Tower, a place where you could sit down and talk to a friend about things you are grateful for. The cozy, comfortable and cool environment was the hub of many a deep conversations!!!

We distributed free #ITHANK post-its at Caribou Coffee outlets - a quick, cute, creative way of showing your gratitude towards someone or something. Watch the #ithank video on our YouTube!

‫تفاعل أنشطة‬

‫لوياك نظمت غبقة داو الرمضانية‬ ‫بحضور ورعاية وزيرة الشئون االجتماعية والعمل ذكرى الرشيدي أقامت لوياك‬ ‫غبقة داو الرمضانية وحفل القرقيعان لذوي االحتياجات اخلاصة ‪ ،‬نسبة اىل شركة‬ ‫داو للكيماويات الراعية للحفل وذلك يف فندق شرياتون الكويت ‪ ،‬كانت الغبقة‬ ‫حتت شعار " شكرا " حيث شكر فيها املبدعني واملوهوبني من يقفون وراء‬ ‫جناحهم‪.‬‬

‫الوزيرة مع الشيخة شيخة والعتال وعضوات جملس ادارة لوياك‬


‫‪LOYAC members performing on‬‬ ‫‪Beirut streets‬‬ ‫‪On September 23, members from LOYAC wanted to spread the joy and‬‬ ‫‪exuberance in the beautiful city of Beirut. They have occupied the streets‬‬ ‫‪of Hamra and Verdun with their trainer from Brazil, Moahmoud Baydon,‬‬ ‫‪on the Street Theatre. It was a way for the members to express their free‬‬ ‫‪spirit out in the open and to give the audience a wonderful memory to‬‬ ‫‪remember.‬‬

‫حملة توعية لمرضى السرطان‬ ‫لفراس أبو شعر‬ ‫انطلقت يف جممع االفنيوز فعالية حلملة «‪ »WON’T LET YOU GO‬للتوعية‬ ‫مبرض السرطان مببادرة من الشاب فـراس فـهــد ابو شعـر وبحضور وزير دولة‬ ‫لشؤون جملس الوزراء ووزير الصحة الشيخ حممد عبداهلل املبارك الصباح ووزير‬ ‫التجارة والصناعة أنس الصالح وممثلني عن جمعيات خريية وانسانية ومشاركة‬ ‫بعض الشباب املميزين يف جماالت اإلعالم‪ ،‬الفن‪ ،‬الرياضة والتواصل االجتماعي‬ ‫يف اجملتمع الكويتي وذلك بهدف إيصال رسالة احلملة وهي نشر الوعي مبرض‬ ‫السرطان ومد العون للمرضى املصابني به ألكرب شريحة باجملتمع‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت فكرة هذا العمل تولدت لدى فراس أبو شعر‪ ،‬بعدما تأثر بإصابة شخصية‬ ‫عزيزة على قلبه فعمل على تأليف وتلحني وتسجيل أغنية «‪WON’T LET YOU‬‬ ‫‪ »GO‬لتكون رسالة لنشر الوعي الصحي وبث األمل عند مرضى السرطان‬ ‫بأسلوب بسيط قادر على جذب شرائح اجملتمع من كل األعمار واألجناس‪.‬‬ ‫كما قام فراس بتسجيل فيلم موسيقي توعوي بتقنية سينمائية يظهر حياة‬ ‫املصابني باملرض وعائالتهم قبل‪ ،‬وأثناء وبعد التشخيص‪ .‬مت تصويره يف الواليات‬ ‫املتحدة األمريكية للمخرج العاملي الشهري «رومان وايت»‪ .‬كما صور اعالن‬ ‫تلفزيوين حملي عرض على الشاشات ليتوافق مع اطالق فعالية حملة األفنيوز‪.‬‬ ‫وتهدف احلملة كما قال فراس إىل تشجيع وحتفيز كل فئات اجملتمع للمشاركة‬ ‫يف حتقيق اهدافها من خالل اقتناء سوار احلملة الذي يربهن حامله للمجتمع‬ ‫انتماءه ودعمه لها وليساهم يف انقاذ حياة املصابني‪ ،‬اضافة إىل نشرة توعوية‬ ‫بها معلومات توضيحية وحقائق عن مرض السرطان‪ .‬ويعود ريع مبيعات السوار‬ ‫بالكامل لعالج مرضى السرطان الذين حالت قدراتهم املادية دون تلقيهم‬ ‫العالج‪ .‬ويف هذا الصدد‪ ،‬قام فراس باالتفاق مع بيت عبداهلل ومربة السيدة رقية‬ ‫القطامي (حياة)‪.‬‬

‫& ‪AUK Mass Communication‬‬ ‫‪Media Students Visit Al Hadath‬‬ ‫‪Studios‬‬ ‫‪Assistant Professor of Mass Communication & Media at the American‬‬ ‫‪University of Kuwait, Dr. Mohammad Akbar, gave his students at the‬‬ ‫‪Broadcast Journalism class an opportunity to visit and tour Al-Hadath‬‬ ‫‪Studios - a local broadcast studio in Kuwait. During the visit, Hussein Jamal,‬‬ ‫‪the owner of Al-Hadath Studios and Director of the News Department and‬‬ ‫‪Political Programs at Kuwait TV, welcomed the students and conducted a‬‬ ‫‪tour in the premises while sharing his personal experiences as a journalist.‬‬ ‫‪As part of an applied learning project, the students were given the chance‬‬ ‫‪to record a session that they had created inside an actual studio. Students‬‬ ‫‪were assigned specific roles to play as a TV crew, such as interviewer,‬‬ ‫‪floor manager, director, where they managed the equipment themselves.‬‬ ‫‪Dr. Akbar explained that the students felt comfortable inside the studio.‬‬ ‫‪“The students acted professionally and really took the experience in.They‬‬ ‫‪put all their energy into creating a full-length live video as a practice for‬‬ ‫‪their class”, he added.‬‬

‫‪Group photo of students with Dr. Mohammad Akbar and Hussein Jamal‬‬

‫الوزيرة مع املكرمني واالطفال املشاركني‬ ‫حممد املبارك وأنس الصالح‬

‫جلنة تنظيم لوياك‬


‫صورة جماعية مع سوار احلملة‬

‫‪Students working as a TV crew‬‬


Augmented Reality, Unleashed.


Canadian Minister for International Trade Visits Construction Site for Algonquin College – Kuwait The Honourable Ed Fast, Canadian Minister for International Trade, visited the building site for the planned campus for Algonquin College – Kuwait and, citing the longstanding ties between Canada and Kuwait, praised the cooperation between Algonquin College in Canada and their Kuwaiti partner, Orient Education Services, as an example of the strong and growing relationship in education between the two countries. Also in attendance was His Excellency Douglas George, Canadian Ambassador to Kuwait, Mr. Saud Abdulaziz Jafar, Chairman, AC-Kuwait, Mr. Hamed Al-Bader, Chairman, Orient Education Services Co. Kuwait, , and Mr. Ghazi Al Abduljaleel, Board Member (OES). Currently under construction on a 75,000 m2 site in East Naseem, Jahra, the 43,544 m2campus buildings will include state of the art labs, smart e-classrooms, athletic and recreational facilities, and a wide range of student services. With a planned launch in September 2014 of Foundation Programs followed by the launch of Diploma programs in Business Marketing, Accounting, Computer Programming, and Computer Systems in 2015, AC-Kuwait will reach a student population of 3000 students and will be Algonquin College’s largest international branch campus.

Canadian minister and Canadian ambassador in Kuwait received by Al-Bader & Jaafar

Viewing the construction site


Innovative campus features will include a “Green” sustainable building design, intensive use of ICT enhanced and supported learning across all program areas and multi-media rich “smart” classrooms, full broadband wireless access across all campus areas, and a campus wide networked learning environment.

Snipp Khayal allows marketers to create seamless and immersive augmented reality experiences for their customers.

Algonquin College is accredited by the Ontario, Canada, Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, and is one of the largest and highest ranking post-secondary colleges of applied arts and technology in Canada. Located in Ottawa, the capital of Canada and centre of Canada’s IT sector, Algonquin College is recognized for excellence in the design and delivery of state of the art IT and Management and Business related postsecondary certificates, diplomas,degrees and post-diploma industry certifications.

Download the app, hold your phone in front of a trigger image that has the ‘Khayal Enabled’ logo and watch the magic happen!

As a fully recognized branch of Algonquin College, AC-Kuwait’s commitment to excellence, internationally recognized programs, “hands on” labs and innovative applied learning, and their student oriented approach will provide graduates with the knowledge to succeed in tomorrow’s technology intensive environment.

Quaitba Al-Shahhen presenting the design of the project

Powerful AR Engine

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‫تفاعل مناسبات‬


‫“سنتر بوينت” يطلق تشكيلته الرائعة‬ ‫لموسم “العودة إلى المدرسة”‬

‫كروكس وكيكرز يحتفالن بالقرقيعان‬ ‫مع األطفال‬

‫كانون تحصد جوائز من الجمعية األوروبية‬ ‫للصوت والصورة‬

‫مرحا هذا العام مع "سنرت بوينت" الذي‬ ‫سيكون موسم العام الدراسي اجلديد أكرث ً‬ ‫أطلق تشكيلة "العودة إىل املدرسة" يف جميع فروعه يف الكويت مع أحدث تشكيلة‬ ‫من منتجات "جونيورز" التي تستوحي تصاميمها من عامل الرسوم املتحركة وأبطال‬ ‫احلركة‪ .‬وتتضمن التشكيلة اجلديدة أكرب جمموعة يف السوق من املنتجات التي‬ ‫حتمل صورًا مرخصة ألشهر الشخصيات الكرتونية وأبطال احلركة‪.‬‬ ‫تتضمن اجملموعة كل ما يحتاجه طالب املدرسة بداية من احلقائب املدرسية‬ ‫انتهاء بأكياس القرطاسية وعلب الغداء‪ .‬كما تتضمن‬ ‫وعبوات املياه وليس‬ ‫ً‬ ‫التشكيلة جمموعة من املنتجات العصرية املفعمة باأللوان والتي حتمل شخصيات‬ ‫مفضلة لدى البنات مثل "أمرية ديزين" و"هيلو كيتي" و"باربي" و"املستكشفة دورا"‪،‬‬ ‫والقطة ماري (مرحلة احلضانة)‪ ،‬ولولو كاتي‪ ،‬وطيور لعبة ‪.Angry Birds‬‬

‫احتفا ًال مبناسبة القرقيعان هذا العام‪ ،‬أقامت شركة علي عبدالوهاب املطوع‬ ‫التجارية وعالمتي التجزئة "كروكس" و"كيكرز" التابعتني لها‪ ،‬سلسة من الفعاليات‬ ‫واألنشطة الرتاثية والرتفيهية ملئات ألطفال وعائالتهم الزائرين جملمع األفنيوز‬ ‫حيث واصلت االحتفالية على مدار ثالث أيام ما بني ‪ 22‬يوليو و ‪ 24‬يوليو‪.‬‬ ‫وكان فريق عمل كل من "كروكس" و"كيكرز" موجودًا لالحتفال مع األطفال‬ ‫بالقرقيعان‪ ،‬ومساعدتهم باأللعاب واألنشطة خالل أيام القرقيعان الثالثة‪.‬‬

‫أعلنت كانون عن فوزها بثالث جوائز مرموقة من اجلمعية األوروبية للصوت والصورة‬ ‫‪ .EISA‬وفازت كامريا ‪ EOS 100D‬بجائزة "أفضل كامريا أوروبية بعدسة أحادية‬ ‫عاكسة لعام ‪ ،"2013-2014‬بينما نال ممدد العدسة ‪400mm f/4L IS USM-EF 200‬‬ ‫أما كامريا‬ ‫‪ Extender 1.4x‬لقب "أفضل عدسة أوروبية للمحرتفني لعام ‪ّ ."2014-2013‬‬ ‫متطورة بعدسة أحادية عاكسة‬ ‫‪ ،EOS 6D‬فحصدت جائزة "أفضل كامريا أوروبية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مما يشهد على اجلودة العالية التي تتم ّيز بها كل منتجات كانون‬ ‫لعام ‪ّ ،"2013-2014‬‬ ‫من الكامريات بعدسة أحادية عاكسة رقمية إىل العدسات‪.‬ويجري التصويت جلوائز‬ ‫اجلمعية األوروبية للصوت والصورة ضمن جلنة حتكيم مؤلفة من ‪ 50‬جملة بارزة‬ ‫من ‪ 18‬بلدًا‪ .‬وتكرم هذه اجلوائز املنتجات التي جتمع بني التكنولوجيا األكرث تطورًا‪،‬‬ ‫واملواصفات املرغوبة‪ ،‬والتصميم الرائد‪ ،‬والقيمة احلقيقية‪.‬‬

‫تويوتا تطلق خدمة “مساعدة”‬ ‫يف حال حدوث أعطال غري متوقعة ال أحد يريد أن يكون عالقا على جانب الطريق‪،‬‬ ‫الساير تطمئن عمالئها أنها ستكون اىل جانبهم يف حال نفاذ الوقود أو تعطل‬ ‫السيارة نتيجة بنشر‪ ،‬لضمان مواصلة رحلتهم وسالمتهم على الطريق حتى‬ ‫يف أوقات الشدة‪ .‬لذلك تك إطالق خدمة "مساعدةط تويوتا الساير ‪ -‬يف‬ ‫معرض الري‪ ،‬وذلك بحضور يوهان هايزلتز مدير األعمال األول جملموعة‬ ‫املبيعات يف شركة مؤسسة حممد ناصر الساير واوالده‪ ،‬وحضور كبار مدراء‬ ‫الشركة والضيوف أعضاء الصحافة‪.‬‬

‫إلقاء كلمة‬

‫وليد وناصر مع شخصية كروكس‬

‫حصة وحمود خالد صباح‬



‫ترفيه مشاهير‬


NSync is BACK!

North West’s picture

An official Twitter account by NSync announces their reunion at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. If there was any doubt about the vague signs being thrown around, they were pretty much all but erased Saturday night when the band established an official Verified Twitter account. The account had over 50,000 followers in its first five hours active on the site. Band members Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick, and JC Chasez are expected to reunite with breakout superstar Justin Timberlake, who’s receiving the prestigious VMA Vanguard Award on Sunday. the group “is expected to perform” their biggest hit, “Bye Bye Bye” and reenact some of their biggest videos in some sort of video medley before Justin performs his new single and gets his award. NBC late night host Jimmy Fallon will present Justin with his award.

Squashing rumors that he and Kim were withholding the pictures of their new daughter until they received a high enough offer from a magazine to publish them, Kanye insisted they “have not tried to put anything in a magazine.” He then went on to announce that he would be sharing a snapshot of their bundle-of-joy because he was sick of being followed by paparazzi gunning to get the first look since she was born on June 15. Kanye, beaming like a proud parent, explained that having a child has strengthened his bond with Kim even further. “It’s brought us closer because there is someone more important than us to us for the first time,” Kanye mentioned. Kanye also confessed that becoming a father gave him a new perspective on a moment that has made him infamous, the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards when he interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech.

Angelina Jolie’s Statement on the Situation in Syria Angelina Jolie has released a statement about the children of Syria and the horrific conditions they are subject to in order to raise awareness in the international community. “What is happening to the children of Syria is sickening,” the 38-yearold actress and UNHCR Special Envoy said. “Thousands of innocent young boys and girls have lost their lives in horrific circumstances, including in recent attacks near Damascus. And now one million Syrian children are struggling to survive as refugees in heart-breaking conditions.” “Each one of these child refugees is an innocent victim of a senseless conflict. These vulnerable children need shelter, food and assistance. But above all, they need security,” Angelina added. Angelina then urged, “The international community must not look away from Syria, they must renew the search for peace with urgency and determination.”


Ben Affleck: The New Batman Actor Ben Affleck will play Batman in an upcoming Superman sequel that will see the two caped crusaders face off against each other, film studio Warner Bros Pictures said on Thursday. Affleck, 41, will take on the role of reclusive billionaire Bruce Wayne, Batman’s alter-ego, in director Zack Snyder’s 2015 sequel to this year’s Superman reboot “Man of Steel,” starring 30-year-old British actor Henry Cavill. The announcement that two iconic comic book heroes will face off against each other was made by Snyder earlier this year at San Diego’s annual Comic-Con, a convention celebrating comic-book and pop culture. “It’s beyond mythological to have Superman and our new Batman facing off, since they are the greatest super heroes in the world,” Snyder said. Affleck joins a list of actors who have donned Batman’s black mask and cape, including Michael Keaton, George Clooney and most recently Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan’s “Dark Knight” trilogy. Both Batman and Superman are part of the DC Comics universe, which is part of the Warner Bros Entertainment division, a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc.

‫زواج رامي عياش وداليدا سعيد‬ ‫ مصممة االزياء‬ ‫ استطاعت‬،‫وسط أجواء من سحر احلفالت البريوتية‬ ‫رامي عياش إىل دخول القفص‬ ‫داليدا سعيد اقتناص قلب النجم املغني‬ ‫احلسناء‬ ‫ أكرث من أربعة أالف شخصًا من األصدقاء وأهل‬ ‫ وقد حضر حفل الزفاف‬.‫الذهبي‬ . ‫ قاعات البيال‬ ‫الفن واإلعالم وذلك يف‬ ‫ عامًا وهي مصممة أزياء وقريبًا‬22 ‫ رامي عياش تبلغ من العمر‬ ‫ زوجة‬،‫ داليدا سعيد‬ .‫تفتتح يف بريوت حمال جتاريا لبيع تصاميمها اخلاصة‬

‫هيفاء وهبي‬ ‫في قائمة نجمات‬ ‫عالميات غير‬ ‫أمريكيات‬ ‫ األمريكي النجمة‬ELLE ‫صنف موقع‬ 7 ‫اللبنانية هيفاء وهبي ضمن‬ ‫ وصلن إىل‬،‫جنمات غري أمريكيات‬ .‫العاملية وهي العربية الوحيدة‬ ‫وعرف املوقع جمهوره بأن هيفاء‬ ‫وهبي كانت ملكة جمال لبنان‬ ‫ وظهرت‬،‫وقدمت أربعة ألبومات‬ ‫ ويف‬،‫ غالف جملة‬150 ‫على أكرث من‬ ‫ كانت من ضمن قائمة‬2006 ‫عام‬ ‫ ومن الفنانني اخلمسة‬،‫األكرث جماال‬ ‫فقط من الشرق ممن قاموا‬ ‫بتصميم خط جموهرات مسمى‬ ‫ حقق‬،MJK ‫باسمهم وأن ألبومها‬ ‫املركز األول فى قائمة أي تيونز فى‬ ‫قائمة أعلى األلبومات يف العامل يف‬ .‫فئة اللغة األجنبية غري اإلجنليزية‬

‫إجازة إجبارية لمي عز‬ ‫الدين في بيروت‬ ‫قررت مي عز الدين احلصول على إجازة‬ ‫ملدة شهر من األعمال الفنية خالل‬ ‫ من أجل قضائها يف‬،‫الفرتة احلالية‬ ،‫بريوت‬ ‫مي قامت بإعطاء كل املساعدين لها‬ ‫ يف وقت رفضت‬،‫إجازة ملدة شهر‬ ‫ باستثناء‬،‫اصطحاب أي حممول معها‬ ‫حممول واحد بحوزة شقيقتها التي‬ ٍ ‫ مي تشعر اآلن‬. ‫رافقتها يف الرحلة‬ ‫ بعد أن جنح مسلسلها الشك‬،‫براحة‬ ‫الذي عرض خالل شهر رمضان املبارك‬ ‫ وبعد حصوله على فرصة‬،‫بشكل كبري‬ ‫جيدة يف التسويق عرب أكرب القنوات‬ ‫ ألنها‬،‫ وقد اختارت مي بريوت‬.‫الفضائ ّية‬ .‫مل تغادر مصر طيلة العام املاضي‬ ،‫ عقب عودتها إىل مصر‬،‫وسوف تبدأ مي‬ ‫التحضري لفيلم سينمائي مع املنتج‬ .‫السبكي‬ ‫حممد‬ ّ

‫تامر حسني يستعد‬ ‫لتنظيم حملة عالمية‬ ‫للتبرع بالدم‬ ‫البدء يف تنظيم‬ ‫تامر حسني‬ ‫قرر الفنان‬ ‫حملة عاملية كبرية من أجل التربع بالدم‬ ‫ بل يف كافة أنحاء‬،‫ليس يف مصر فقط‬ .‫العامل‬ ‫ “املرضى األبرياء‬:‫وقال تامر حسني‬ ‫يف مصر والعامل ليس لهم أي ذنب يف‬ ‫كل الظروف واألحداث السياسية التي‬ ‫ ومن منطلق‬،‫منر بها يف الفرتة احلالية‬ ‫دوري كفنان قررت البدء يف حملة كبرية‬ .‫تشمل العامل كله من أجل التربع بالدم‬ ‫ أهدف إىل إعادة بنك الدم املصري‬:‫وتابع‬ ‫ واحلفاظ على كميات‬،‫بوضعه املعتاد‬ .”.‫الدم املوجودة به من أي نقصا‬ ‫يذكر أن آخر أعمال مرييام فيديو كليب‬ ‫كيفك إنت الذي أحيت فيه مرييام لوك‬ ‫الستينيات وأطلّت بحلّة خمتلفة ولكن‬ ‫ علمًا بأن األغنية كلمات‬،‫مم ّيزة وجميلة‬ ،‫ أحلان وتوزيع هيثم زياد‬،‫أحمد ماضي‬ .‫إخراج سمري سرياين‬ 75

‫ترفيه موسيقى‬


Top 20 English September 2013 2




Blurred Lines Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. + Pharrell



5 Radioactive Imagine Dragons


Get Lucky -Daft Punk Featuring Pharrell Williams


‫ سافرت عني‬- ‫راشد املاجد‬

Cups (Pitch Perfect’s When I’m Gone) - Anna Kendrick

Treasure Bruno Mars

11 9 Safe And Sound Capital Cities


17 Wake Me Up! Avicii


2013 3


8 Clarity Zedd Featuring Foxes


‫حسني اجلسمي – حلو‬


‫ ما هو إنت‬- ‫رابح صقر‬



10 Love Somebody Maroon 5

Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Mary Lambert


Cruise - Florida Georgia Line Featuring Nelly


15 Can’t Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Ray Dalton

‫عربية‬ ‫أغاني‬ ‫يونيو‬

Holy Grail - Jay Z Featuring Justin Timberlake

‫ هذا منو‬- ‫بلقيس‬ We Can’t Stop Miley Cyrus

10 ‫أفضل‬

Mirrors Justin Timberlake

18 The Other Side Jason Derulo

Best Song Ever One Direction

19 Come & Get It Selena Gomez

‫عمرو دياب – وهي ذكريات‬


‫منى أمرشا – رفع ضغطي‬


‫عبد اجمليد عبداهلل – يا حالته‬


I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris Featuring Ellie Goulding

20 The Way - Ariana Grande Featuring Mac Miller

‫علي عبداهلل – حي سي يف‬

‫مطرف املطرف – فهموه‬

‫وليد الشامي – ذهب‬ 77



Man of Thai ChiRelease

A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space.

A young martial artist’s unparalleled Tai Chi skills land him in a highly lucrative underworld fight club.

About Time

Empire State


At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think.

A drama centered on two childhood friends who plan to rob an armored car depository, and the NYPD officer who stands in their way.

A sheltered high school girl unleashes her newly developed telekinetic powers after she is pushed too far by her peers.

This month’s releases at

Grand Cinemas

in Al-Hamra Tower




This month’s horoscope; Virgos are known to be practical, loyal and most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to care, giving like no other, while their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead. They like animals, cleanness and books and they dislike rudeness, and asking for help.

Virgo Men:

Virgo men typically have a fantastic eye for detail and enjoy order, precision and efficiency in all things. This has several implications, for example he is likely to prefer routines to random or chaotic approaches, and is very likely to have a fondness for lists.

Virgo Women:

Virgo women have this awesome combination that allures the minds and hearts of people around them. Ruled by the planet Mercury, women born under this sun sign are charming, witty and realistic in their approach. They have an eye for detail and enjoy precision, accuracy and order in everything that they do.


Adam Sandler

Salma Hayek

Mar 21 - Apr 20 LIBRA


Much can happen in the month ahead as far as Arians are concerned. There would be certain expectations about what the coming days will bring and surprises occur that can transform your life all of a sudden.

Sep 24 - Oct 23

Apr 21 - May 21

Oct 24 - Nov 22


As much as you enjoy adrenaline surges or the thrill of achieving something thought to be beyond your abilities, play it safe during this month. You could gain something significant by doing so now.


May 22 - June 21



Your daily life during this month shall take a beating. Almost everything you try shall meet with hindrances and impediments. In some ways, the cosmos is demanding you appease it before it can grant you access to something you truly desire.

June 22 - July 22 CAPRICORN

July 23 - Aug22 AQUARIUS

August 23 - Sep 23 PISCES


New sources of income will become possible for you. There would be chances that a new business is set up this year, which will fetch you very good returns. If you find a suitable partner from within your circle of friends then that would be a very good option for you to pursue.

You have the right to respond to a tricky or uncomfortable offer in a way that suits you. That’s the thing, though. Are you, through choosing to respond in a certain way, You need to take the thoughts or feelings of your near ones into consideration...

You possess uncanny abilities to predict outcomes to events that the rest of us tend to believe must be left to unfold in their own way and time. You are seeing something now that others fail to see.

Feb 20 - Mar 20 VIRGO

A relationship, long overdue to be repaired, is being given special focus now. You probably thought that what happened would always remain left well and truly in the past and even if you had the chance previously to improve the situation, you’d have refused the opportunity to do so.

Nov 23 - Dec 21

Jan 21 - Feb 19 LEO

They don’t want anything expensive or extravagant or for you to go to too much trouble. To bring about increased closeness between you and someone else, all you need to do is show genuine understanding towards them.

Grass may be greener on the other side of a fence but don’t underestimate how much time and effort may have been required on the part of the gardener to make it so, Scorpio. You appear to be of the opinion that your current situation is less attractive than one you know exists.

Dec 22 - Jan 20 CANCER

There’s a certain person you need to make more of an effort to understand for this month, Cancer. The attitudes and opinions of people around you have changed recently and you could be struggling to keep up with their constantly-changing ideas.

It takes all sorts to make the world go round and you would be able to understand the same in this month ahead, Libra. That being said does little to help someone growing increasingly impatient with the behavior or attitudes of certain.

Some people love being fussy and you are one, Pisces. You take pride in yourself on not pursuing anything until every eventuality has been considered. You are more spontaneous than that and this is where you and a certain person are failing to see eye to eye now.

‫ﻋﺮﺽ ﺍﳌﻮﺳﻢ‬ ‫ﺩ‪.‬ﻙ‬

‫ﻣﺮﻛﺰ ﺍﻟﻔﻨﻄﺎﺱ ﺍﻟﺘﺠﺎﺭﻱ‬

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