Art World 2016 artists from the world selected and presented by Dino MarasĂ
Studio Byblos International
Enjoy, please, the artworks of my selected artists. You will find them on the book alphabetically.
Special Riccardo Battigelli •Altomare Sebastiano •Antonini Paolo •Balleva •Barboni Angelo •Barillaro Umberto •Bazzanella Angelo •Benoist Catherine •Biagini Patrizia •Biagini Yuri •Bleiji Frans •Boubezari Attika •Brooks Jordan •Castelli Gian Luigi •Consoli Maria Luisa •Conte Luisa •Contento Maria Pia •Curreli Luigi •De Marte Daniela •Dimou Spiridoula •Eichenbaumm •Marianne •Elfving Sinikka •Engel Lis
•Favara Massimo •Ferrara Carolina •Freundorfner George •Fu Wenjun •Kenth Bender •Garofalo Carmine •Giudice Angelo •Høst Kirsten •Jani Jan J. •Leonori Elisa •Lopes Angela •Lupo Tina •Mamic Stjepko •Melniczuk Marta •Mercadal Borghetti Felipe •Momentè Mirella •Montagnac Patrick •Nagy Susanne •Nitteberg Anne Elisabeth •Papa Alessio •Patroi Claudia
ISBN 9788894149272
•Pontiggia Sergio •Ragni Ferdinando •Rago Nanda •Rèndina Michele •Rizzo Teresa ARTESE •Romeo Amelia •Russo Roberto •Saner Alexander •Spoto Maria •Sterremberg Anga •Talarico Mario •TanaskovicPapadoupoulos Marija •Tasca Mario •Tatjana Palcuka Rikane •Temín Josefina •Valenti Michela •Versetti Giorgio •Virgone Joseph •Vittonetto Elio •Yoo Choong Yeul •Zoner Flavio
Dear friends welcome on Art World 2016, the first digital format book edited by Studio Byblos, born with the purpose to spread with most actual way the artworks and their emotions all over the world. Art World wants to be an example of the future of publishing, it’s an alternative, and a challenge that Studio Byblos made to itself. Art World 2016 will be soon also on Amazon in printed version, with Amazon ISBN and another size to take advantage of the last innovation made by this giant of world publishing platforms: the distribution of the printed version to Libraries and Academic Istitutions all over the world. As I said, Art World is a continuous challenge. And Studio Byblos engages to win! Best greetings from Dino Marasà
Cari amici benvenuti su Art World 2016, il primo libro in formato digitale edito da Studio Byblos, nato con il proposito di diffondere nel modo più attuale le opere d’arte e le loro emozioni in tutto il mondo. Art World è un esempio del futuro delle pubblicazioni, è un’alternativa e una sfida che Studio Byblos ha lanciato a se stesso. Art Wold sarà presto in versione stampata su Amazon, con ISBN di Amazon e un altro formato per approfittare del’ultima innovazione fatta da questo gigante delle piattaforme editoriali mondiali: la distribuzione della versione stampata a biblioteche e Istituzioni Accademiche in tutto il mondo. Come già detto, Art World è una sfida continua. E Studio Byblos s’impegna per vincerla! I migliori saluti da Dino Marasà on line in 2017 August
Sebastiano Altomare
AriditĂ , 2002, wood and gel color 205x125 cm EURO 2,500,00
Aridity - Master Sebastiano Altomare is capable to translate every emotion and sensation in art. He makes both pictures and sculptures with an enormous power of technical elegance and skill. In this work dark tones are melting each other to underline and to evoke the concept of aridity which is correlated with sadness an poverty in all human fields. Dino MarasĂ
Via Mario francese, 40 -96100 Siracusa Mobile: 347 0449982 E-mail: sebastiano.altomare@yahoo. it
Paolo Antonini
Vaso di fiori con tre grazie, mixed media on canvas 70x50 cm EURO 1.200,00
Flowerpot and graces - Flowers and graces. They are the result of the big fantasy of Master Paolo Antonini that is able to describe his dreams on the canvas. His art is full of colours from a fantastic palette enriched with an harmony of sings. The viewer can only be full of satisfaction oserving this work. Dino MarasĂ
Studio d’Arte Antonini voc Rocca San Zenone, 19 - 05100 Terni Mob: 3932697759
Paolo Antonini
Natura morta con casetta, mixed media on canvas 50x70 cm EURO 1.200,00
Still life with small house - Environment becomes the interpeter of this canvas of Master Paolo Antonini. Flowers, horses, geometrical elements move together to ensure the correct dynamicity to the artwork. The palette and the light are clear and full of pathos and poeticity. Dino MarasĂ
Studio d’Arte Antonini voc Rocca San Zenone, 19 - 05100 Terni Mob: 3932697759
Paolo Antonini
Pesci meccanici, mixed media on canvas 50x70 cm EURO 1.200,00
Mechanic fishes - Flowers and fishes, another wonderful artistic experience of Master Paolo Antonini. These robotic creatures are upon a table, they lost their phisicity to acquire a new dimension made of metallic and mechanic behaviour. Master Paolo Antonini can describe with in full fantasy the world with the best results. Dino MarasĂ
Studio d’Arte Antonini voc Rocca San Zenone, 19 - 05100 Terni Mob: 3932697759
Attrazione, acrylic on canvas, 50x50
Attraction - The word reveals itself in colours and lights among a just born Universe. Balleva explains us the mysteries of the creation of the cosmos which we must intend like an ordinated place where the laws of attraction got the power to determine everything and the human existence too. Dino MarasĂ
Str 67/8 Poggio dei Pini - 09012 Capoterra (CA) Tel: +39(0)70725041 Mob: +393683646104 E-mail:
Angelo Barboni
Mater protecta, oil on canvas, 50x70 cm (the original is in private collection - copies by the author like the original EURO 500,00)
A protected mother - A woman with an antigas mask is crying. She can’t breath polluted air which is rising up from a corrupted environment. A metaphor of the modern times where the economic industrial profits intimidate the fundamental role of any mother: to continue life. Dino MarasĂ
Via delle Reti, 58 - 48122 Punta Marina (RA) Mob: +393275611880
Umberto Barillaro
La Misericordia discende sui tre elementi della terra, 2016 oil and acrylic, 50x50 cm
The Mercy descends on the three elements of Earth. - An angelic figure looks the world. She wants to remember that mercy and good that win always in the human circumstances. An high sense of justice fill this work of Umberto Barillaro, a sense that must be shared to all mankind. Dino MarasĂ
Via Marie Curie, 22 - 59100 Prato Mob: +393331654877
Angelo Bazzanella
Lavori in campagna, oil on canvas, 50x40 cm EURO 2.000,00
Lavori in campagna - Works in the countryside. A peasant works hardly in a picture full of afternoon light. From thousand years country offers to mankind a way of life and a way to survive that in our times are often forgotten. The work is a celebration of the importance of the countryside made by Master Angelo Bazzanella. Dino MarasĂ
Via S. Caterina, 3 (Fraz. Montegrazie) - 18100 Imperia Tel: +39 (0)183 62117 Mob: +393402933754
Angelo Bazzanella
Passeggiata nel bosco, 1980, oil on canvas, EURO 2.000,00
Walk in the bush - The trees of a bush limit a road. This road is a symbol of our walking in life, sorrounded now by sun and now by shadow. These changes are unpredictable, noone catch the secret of destiny, that is represented byall the bush in the work of Master Angelo Bazzanella. This work is full of elements for a bigger thoughts about the sense of our life. Dino MarasĂ
Via S. Caterina, 3 (Fraz. Montegrazie) - 18100 Imperia Tel: +39 (0)183 62117 Mob: +393402933754
Catherine Benoist
São Jorge, acrylic on canvas, cm 50x25 São Jorge - The colours are shaping the borders of a far place where soul and body meet the spirit of Mother Nature. So blue and yellow tones remember the skyes and the sunsets of this island, São Jorge. There times doesn’t exist all is everlasting like Art itself. And this concept is well know by the painter Catherine Benoist and well reproduced too in this artwork.
Dino Marasà
(France) Tel: 0033610355597
Catherine Benoist
Purple Secrets, acrylic on canvas, cm 80x40
Purple Secrets - Wonderful tones of purple describe the secret soul of a lost paradise, at sunset when the sun is going to complete its daily work. Catherine Benoist gives us these sensations in this work. In a few moments darkness will come, because of day is changing in night. But it will be a restfull night full of calm and dreams. Dino MarasĂ Dino MarasĂ
(France) Tel: 0033610355597
Catherine Benoist
Les Açores 2, acrylic on canvas, cm 50x40 Les Azores 2 - The Atlantic ocean has a secret, a group of islands, where sea meet wind and nature. Sun is dancing with the atmosphere of this remote islands and all togheter give to man an unique environment full of joy and beauty. Catherine Benoist is a great artist and she is able to describe all the sensation and the beauty of the places with a great skill.
Dino MarasĂ
(France) Tel: 0033610355597
Catherine Benoist
La Corbière Lighthouse, acrylic on canvas, cm 50x50 La Corbière Lighthouse - A wonderful landscape beetween England and France is described in this artwork by Catherine Benoist. Where the land ends and sea starts we have a magical border, a place where all the human sensation are loosing in the enormous sea, the perception confuses with day light attempting to reach the mysteries of nature and life.
Dino Marasà
(France) Tel: 0033610355597
Catherine Benoist
Khaos, acrylic on canvas, cm 60x50 Khaos - The idea of chaos is very very ancient. It means confusion when you loose something in a great number of other things. The red colour represents well this concept, because it is associated with energy and chaotic motion of the atoms. This work is a way to explain the unicity of nature and it’s secrets, made by the wonderful artist Catherine Benoist.
Dino MarasĂ
(France) Tel: 0033610355597
Patrizia Biagini
Alma, 2015, mixed and acrilic on canvas, 100x70 cm
Soul - A human figure is mixed in large colouristic shadows - an apparition, something trascendent from another dimension. It could be a projection of our mind or something real. This is the question that comes out, a open question and the painter Patrizia Biagini leaves to us the answer. Dino MarasĂ
Via Giovanni Falcone, 2 - Manziana (RM) Tel: 0699675000 Mob: 347283900
Yuri Biagini
Aurora, 2015, oil on canvas, 80x60 cm
Dawn - The sun is rising in a few minutes and the darkness of the night will go away. Some soft colours are sketching a female figure that brings the new day. This work of Master Yuri Biagini is full of evocative power and suggestions. A real example of a big painting poetry. Dino MarasĂ
Agliana (PT) Mob: 3333285348
Yuri Biagini
City, 2015, oil on paper, 32x51 cm
City - Some shadows of a fantastic city are hidden under the colours of Master Yuri Biagini. He has a wonderful expressive power so he can describe the emotions and the suggestions from the matter with a language full or emotive value. So this city has coloured bricks put together with light and shadows and we can feel free to imagine it as we like. Dino MarasĂ
Agliana (PT) Mob: 3333285348
Frans Bleiji
At the studio, 2015, oil on linen, 50x80 cm EURO 2.950,00
At the studio - The strong hyperrealism of Frans Bleiji is the main characteristic of all his artistic work. The studio of the painter comes to life in this work. It seems to smell of colours and solvents. A shelf in a comfortable room with the proper order of who reaches to create without missing an instant in finding his instruments. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Funny guy, 2015, oil on linen, 30x30 cm EURO 1.200,00
Funny guy - A clown looks at us by the media. It has a cheerful look because he was born to entertain and feed the imagination of children. It performs its job regardless of his age, with diligence and perseverance. A work with romantic tones gift of Master of hyperrealism Frans Bleiji. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Cabinet with toys, 2015, oil on panel, 56x100 cm EURO 3.600,00
Cabinet with toys - Toys, children's joy. They are part of a parallel world that adults often forget. We should play? Maybe yes! To make life more fun and full of dreams. This is the pictorial message transmitted by the Master Frans Bleiji, everyone should listen it. To reclaim our dreams. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Timeless, 2015, oil on linen, 70x100 cm EURO 3.900,00
Timeless - An old clock with romantic tones marks the time of a timeless room. A room of those of the past, where simple objects of everyday life are triumphing on shelves and are protected by small wooden doors. An evocative image of memory, like any work of the Master Frans Bleiji. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Cabinet, 2016, oil on panel, 60x40 cm EURO 2.400,00
Cabinet - This little cabinet is the synthesis of a pleasant furniture painted by Master Frans Bleiji. Old objects, now replaced by machines, make us part of a family warmth, of timeless gestures able to heat the room with a simple cup of tea thanks to the magic of an acquired wisdom from generation to generation. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Granny's, 2015, oil on linen,40x100 cm EURO 3.200,00
Granny’s - The grandmother and her frugality. Almost austerity. Apples, glass bottles, soda. These are the memories that come to life on linen Master Frans Bleiji. At dusk, on a shelf they await the night. Already settled by tidy hands, ready to perform their function in one of the days to come. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Damaged by a ball, 2015, oil on linen, 60x95 cm EURO 3.200,00
Damaged by a ball - A ball hit the wall. There will be a child playing .. the bottles, egg, glass are falling down. One can almost hear the sound. The child now is surely laughing. He enjoys his childhood and he doesn’t give care to the damage, unaware he is the protagonist of a pictorial story made with the greatest possible skill by Master Frans Bleiji. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Big meeting, 2012, oil on linen, 40x100 cm EURO 3.200,00
Big meeting - The eggs symbol of life show themselves to the viewer. They give nourishment to all living beings, and in this work they are part of a still life from the past. Frans Bleiji is the poet of objects, all belonging to his personal memories. Romantic and poetic items. Almost animated they meet each other to talk a little, to be together. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
T. Ford, 2014, oil on panel, 60x40 cm EURO 1.400,00
T. Ford - The Ford T becomes toy. The car that motorised the US now makes traveling the fantasy of his little owner. Other games have been placed on the shelf by whom puts house in order. Images of a time so dear to the Master Frans Bleiji that transport us into a world of simple but real, real things! Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Frans Bleiji
Ugly duck, 2013, oil on panel, 36x61 cm EURO 1.900,00
Ugly duck - A duck is playing the drum. A naughty toy that was created to entertain children with its rhythmic noises. The car is annoyed but it bear while the marbles want to run away. The painting by Frans Bleiji a stimulus for imagination and makes us daydreaming as we should be children again. Dino MarasĂ
Burg. Knappertlaan 218B - 3117 JA Schiedam Tel: +31(0)10-4734054
Attika Boubezari
Profondeur, 2013, acrylic, 40x50 cm EUR 450.00
Depth - In the abyss a deep blue is surrounding us in a magical wold made of infinite silences- This is the magic of Attika Boubezari, a magic living on the canvas where the power of the colours fits with the silence of the underwater world. So we start a trip under the surface discovering secrets which speaks directly to our soul. Dino MarasĂ
28 rue Ferhat boussad - 16 000 Alger - AlgeĚ r Tel: +213 771 710657 Mob: +213 665 119035
Attika Boubezari
Apparition, 2014, acrylic and oil, 65x50 cm EUR 750,00
Apparition - A woman appears in the canvas surrounded by colours fitting perfectly with them. Se is smiling and she is a testimonial of the beautiful sensation given by a smile. Attika Boubezari in this work wants to remark the importance of smiling to calm the soul and the bad sensations that sometimes life gives to us. Dino MarasĂ
28 rue Ferhat boussad - 16 000 Alger - AlgeĚ r Tel: +213 771 710657 Mob: +213 665 119035
Jordan Brooks
This Chemical, 2012, charcoal on cotton paper, 45x60 cm, USD 290.00
The man feelings are often under control of chemical power. It manipulates the will of man and woman, generating attraction or repulsion. This idea is well represented by master Jordan Brooks. He explain it with dark tones. They fit better with the mystery of this event who is basilar to understand human behaviour. Dino MarasĂ
642 N. W. Shorey Place 66608 Topeka (Kansas) Mob: +17853806099
Gian Luigi Castelli
Demian, oil on canvas, 50x70 cm ( Demian-plurispacial Art can explain the different planes surrounding the human
existence and mind. So a multispace environment can influence the walk of the man in life, Demian, the good mentor, speaks directly to the soul. Demian is pure good energy and lives in every mind and Maestro Gian Luigi Castelli gives to him the chance to appear in the artworks. The Plurispacialism (Plurispazialismo), created by Castelli in the 1999, gives body to fluent thoughts and introduces in the art the vision of quantum physics and relational networks; therefore the viewer, determining signs and elements indeterminate and “navigatingâ€? in the relational networks of paintings, can tell and so, also he can become a creative artist. Dino MarasĂ
Torino Tel: +39115692568 Mob: 3382374520
Maria Luisa Consoli
Samuela: C'è sempre un motivo, oil spatula on canvas, 60x90 cm
Samuela: there’s always a theme - This artwork shows all the drawing skills of Maria Luisa Consoli. A girl is playing in an atmosphere full of light and bright colours. It will be a melody with strong musics, resolved words and big poetry. This canvas is really very very effective to explain the real feelings of a free soul. Dino Marasà
Mob: 3402234008
Maria Luisa Consoli
Un bolognese siciliano – omaggio a Lucio Dalla, oil-spatula on canvas, 60x80 cm
A Sicilian Bolognese - tribute to Lucio Dalla - One of the greatest singers of Italian music was Mr. Lucio Dalla. His music has been loved by a lot of Italian people and the portrait on this canvas is full of expression and power. It’s a masterpiece of Maria Luisa Consoli both for the drawing and for the poetry that it contains. Dino Marasà
Mob: 3402234008
Luisa Conte
La gatta della libertà, acryl on canvas, cm 70x100 EURO 3.000,00
"The Cat of Liberty” is watching from high an Ellis Island of a parallel dimension unknown to the most of people. this di- mensions is unveiled by art, and once cats instead of men arrived at this Ellis Island from Europe. I really think so! Because I know that Luisa Conte does not lie in his works and reveals a mystery! Dino Marasà
Via Foscolo, 2/A - 10098 Rivoli (TO) Mob: +393470696544
Luisa Conte
The Union's Jack cat, acrylic on table, cm 60x80 EURO 2.000,00
The Union's Jack Cat is the witness of the union of England, Scotland and Ireland. It us that the union of peoples gives great results such as the British Empire. Cats like safety and not uncertainty. But they are smart: they can be on the side of the strongest maintaining their freedom. We have to learn something from the cats! Dino MarasĂ
Via Foscolo, 2/A - 10098 Rivoli (TO) Mob: +393470696544
Maria Pia Contento
Il mare e la fuga, 2014, oil on canvas, cm 120x100 EUR 2.500,00
Sea and the escape - Every day in our times, some men are crossing the seas to go in countries hoping to find a better way of life but they find death in old boats. Their voyages are managed by men who takes advantage from tother’s misfortunes. Corageous and sensible souls like Maria Pia Contento remember us this tragedy using an effective paint. Dino MarasĂ
Viale Venezia, 506 - 33100 Udine Mob: 339 2552646
Luigi Curreli
I colori del mare immenso, 2014, 100x50x4
The colours of the immense sea - Brushstrokes that create spots of blue, red in all their green hue want to represent the endless reverberations of the marine environment, both the surface and the bottom. They are also a metaphor of the sea biodiversity, because they seem to move in the space of which is a masterful creation of the painter Luigi Curreli. Dino MarasĂ
via Einaudi 15 - 09170 Oristano Mob: 392/6560721
Luigi Curreli
Luci e colori di monti lontani, 2014, 120x60x1
Lights and colour from far worlds - An explosion of light and color creates the echo of unknown places, full of life and energy. We can not say if they are worlds on this planet or another. Certainly they are born from the imagination of master Luigi Curreli, who transforms the emotion and creativity into art. Dino MarasĂ
via Einaudi 15 - 09170 Oristano Mob: 392/6560721
Daniela De Marte
Ti vedo, oil on canvas, 50x50 cm EUR 400,00
I see you - A young child with blue eyes from Asia or Africa. Her glance is already an adult glance. It ‘s serious, and witness of a not so easy life. They are echoes from distant countries. Places with a different standards from ours but full of humanity and poetry like this artwork of Daniela De Marte, she is magnificent for brush and signs. Dino MarasĂ
Mob: 333 3000974
Daniela De Marte
Allegria, oil on canvas, 70x50 cm EUR 450,00
Cheerfulness - A young girl is laughing with a sincere smile, her face is blessed by sun of her Africa.It’s a pleasure to discover the love for life in this girl. And it’s a lesson. Because we occidental man are often sad because don’t appreciate nothing. Let’s learn from this girl. She lives with less resources than us and she laugh. Dino Marasà
Mob: 333 3000974
Daniela De Marte
Disperazione, oil on canvas, 40x30 cm EUR 350,00
Desperation - Sadness is in a couple of blue eyes. This girl is probably the witness of the difficult condition for the woman in countries where problems are numerous and they have their negative effect on the human society. This artwork reminds us that our occidental world should be do something more for other countries where civilization is delayed. Dino MarasĂ
Mob: 333 3000974
Spiridoula Dimou
Diva, 2012, oil, 24x18 cm EURO 1.500,00
Diva - The styles of the feminine beauty acquire often a different status - like some divine. So faces, colours and moods are astonishing and beautiful, deep in their expression and all together reveal the great skill of the painter Spiridoula Dimou. She tells us the beauty and the grace with colours and marks and she gives us real emotions. Dino MarasĂ Dino MarasĂ
Kleomenous, 12 - 10675 Athens (Greece) Mob: +306972088434 facebook/spiridoula.dimou.1
Marianne Eichenbaumm
The Human Condition, acrylic on gallery wrap canvas 91x62 cm EURO 1300.00
The Human Condition - The colours are the testimonials of the human condition. They are distributed in large and deep brushstrokes underlining the different situation of human life. So a gallery of emotions spreads in front of us in a deep and sharp light which open the soul of Marianne Eichenbaumm to the viewer. Dino MarasĂ
511 Via Del Oro - Gilroy, (CA) 95020 USA Mob: +14084835020
Marianne Eichenbaumm
The Human Condition, acrylic on gallery wrap canvas, 91x62 cm EURO 1300.00
The Human Condition - As regards the human condition we must say that colours are the reflection of the soul’s disposal. They can be bright or dark, but always they are expression of the will of Marianne Eichenbaumm to express her feelings and her emotion to the viewer, enriching them with her personal impression about human life. Dino MarasĂ
511 Via Del Oro - Gilroy, (CA) 95020 USA Mob: +14084835020
Sinikka Elfving
One way street, 2016, acrylic on canvas, cm 30x30
One way street is a picture that underlines the strength of the will of man when he decides to walk along a way. This picture is a symbol of man willpower and it’s is also a declaration of the importance to maintain personal liberty. Sinikka Elfving entrusts to a woman the duty to represent this idea, because women are often more resolute than men in circumstances of life. Dino MarasĂ
Norway (Finland)
Lis Engel
Blue Stillness, oil on canvas 102x140 cm, EUR 1340
Blue Stillness - The blue is the color of sea, of sky and of a special state of being. Blue is about limitless space and stillness opening into a timeless state of being. This is an image opening into states of deep calm and joy. Dino MarasĂ
Toeltvej - 39A 3050 HumlebĂŚk Mob: +45 31689013
Lis Engel
Sweet roses, oil on canvas 20x20 cm EUR 200,00
Sweet roses - Wonderful flowers in wonderful colours are shining on the canvas. They are full of light and expressive force and they are telling the power of Nature to the viewer. So green, red and pink, blue are together to affirm the great creativity and the deep skills the fine painter Lis Engel. Dino MarasĂ
Toeltvej - 39A 3050 HumlebĂŚk Mob: +45 31689013
Lis Engel
Sacred Meeting, oil on canvas, 40x40cm, EUR 260,00
Sacred Meeting - A fish and a tree are meeting. They are symbols of life and of the deep communion of everything alive. This work of Lis Engel is a pure evocation of the mystic power of both of them. In a perfect coloured ensemble they are full of the vibrating energy of life and love, tha same creative energy which moves the entire universe. Dino MarasĂ
Toeltvej - 39A 3050 HumlebĂŚk Mob: +45 31689013
Massimo Favara
Il grigio sole che non vuole tramontare, cm 60x80
The grey sun that doesn’t want to set - A human body is now sad, is thin, as it was sick. This particular body is the result of a grey sun, which is unable to give it force, power and joy. Setting this unusual sun a new day with a normal sun came out, capable to give to that body a new force and a new life. For Massimo Favara this grey sun is a metaphor of our times’ crisis. Dino Marasà
Via S. Scifo - 82100 Agrigento Mob: 320 6105348
Carolina Ferrara
For Chris, 2009, oil on canvas, 70x50 cm
For Chris - This work shows the great pictorial skill of Carolina Ferrara. On the canvas we can see a woman with a black horn from the eye. She is watching above horizon and she is condidering what could be the best actions to do. She is a free woman and she is ready to know the world and other dimensions full of charme. Dino MarasĂ
George Freundorfner
Spherical beings, wood, diameter 35 cm
Spherical beings - Spheres are the principal way used by nature to create the elements of the Universe. Atoms, elements, drops, planets, stars, are spheres. In this work George Freundorfner celebrates the language of Nature that choose and uses always the shortest way to occupy space or to keep force fields on it: the sphere or similar. This is Art that explains Universe. Dino MarasĂ
Atelier an der Burg - HĂśllgasse 6 D-88709 Meersburg (Germany) Mob: 0049 160 9033 9471 0049 7532 44 55 35
Wenjun Fu
From Egypt to Rome, 2015, conceptual photography 140x175 cm From Egypt to Rome - a brilliant palette describes ancient emotions derived from history. It’s the moment when Rome got the power from Egypt that will have the effect of a “roman” Mediterrean sea. It’s
the prelude of a empire enriched also by aegyptian culture. In this photo Master Wenjun Fu demonstates a big passion for history and his big skill for art. Dino Marasà
501 art base, no. 120 huangjueping Main Street, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing, China, 400053.
Wenjun Fu
Fuzzy Data, 2016, conceptual photography, 140x175 cm
Fuzzy Data - A light excursion has the power to describe the confusion of uncertain. Fuzzy. And the brain can’t do the right toughts about a matter. Red, yellow and green are mixed with the signs and they predict then position of the uncertain. This work is a brilliant representation of chaos in his empathic form made by Maester Fu Wenjun. Dino MarasĂ
501 art base, no. 120 huangjueping Main Street, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing, China, 400053.
Wenjun Fu
Insolence, 2016, conceptual photography 140x175 cm
Insolence - Shaped forms full of colours and light are out from the picture. They have no pain to demonstrate their power to the viewer. So “Insolence” is the right title because the represented colour have the right stenght to impact on the viewer, in his sensibility and in his soul. Fu Wenjun is a real Master of effective art. Dino Marasà
501 art base, no. 120 huangjueping Main Street, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing, China, 400053.
Wenjun Fu
Interest, 2015, conceptual photography, 140x175 cm
Interest - The colours are showing a dimension full of emotions. They catch the interest of the viewer and they put him in another dimension. They interest him, they help him to find a new horizon made of fascination and curiosity. Master Fu Wenjun is a real interpeter in art of the words and of what they seems. Dino MarasĂ
501 art base, no. 120 huangjueping Main Street, Jiulongpo district, Chongqing, China, 400053.
Kenth Bender
It is closer to the future, acrylic on canvas, 60x80x4 cm
It is closer to the future - A chromatic ensemble is the favorite expression of master Kenth Bender. It solves all the needs for a new style of the pictorial tale and it also allows to the viewer to know a different way to appreciate a pictorial language based on individual experiences, emotions, intellect and instinct an on technical experiments. Dino MarasĂ
Kenth Bender
The joy is to discover what is hidden and understand what we do not understand, acrylic on canvas, 50x70x4 cm
The cognitive process is represented here by Kenth Bender with the help of chromatic formalism and rich in color brushstrokes. Therefore all the artwork becomes like a metaphor for the tension generated by the now reached knowledge that needs to be cataloged as a precious ally of man. Dino MarasĂ
Kenth Bender
Mr and Mrs Bates joy, acrylic on canvas 80x80x4 cm
Communication between humans happens sometimes atypically. And often this happens in couples, such as Mr and Mr Bates that in this work unite their intellects to reach an agreement. This phenomenon is represented by chromatic traces full of wisdom painted by Master Kenth Bender. Dino MarasĂ
Carmine Garofalo “Mark Etios”
Just a simple sunset, 2016, photography with digital manipulation Ultra HD photographic print on Fuji Crystal DPI behind acrylic 4 mm bright glass
Just a simple sunset that gives particular moments of artistic pleasure. The tones and the colours are delicate and demonstrates the skill of the Master Mark Etios to suggest to our intimacy the beautiful and the astonisging of the real. These are in sun beams at sunset - ironically simple - alwaysd charge of poetry and dreams of unknown. Dino Marasà
Mob: 329 1915898 346 8395782
Angelo Giudice
Paesaggio di Licodia Eubea (CT) acrylic on Sicilian fossil sandstone of Climiti and Iblei mountains, 50x45 cm
Lanscape of Licodia Eubea - Master Angelo Giudice paints stones to give to the power of the rocks the calm and the grace of Art. Every stone can be a character of the cosmic plot named world or Universe. Licodia Eubea is a mountain little town in Sicily but now it is in a stone, and it is ready to reveal us itself and its essence. Dino MarasĂ
Ronco II al Viale zecchino, 5 - 96100 Siracusa Tel: 0931 39777 Mob: 333 3131341
Kirsten Høst
Two women, for price please contact the artsist
“Two women” meet and share memories, impressions, secrets. Two special women are painted by the artist Kirsten Host with elegance and excellent technical staff. Their faces express the satisfaction of souls for a sincere agreement, full of immediate spontaneity. Dino Marasà
Mob: 004522272065
Jani Jan J.
The other side, 2015, iron painting, mixed media on wood, 120x85 cm
The other side - The other side is a masterpiece of Jani Jan J. because he tells to us with the greatest simplicity possible the complexity of the entire world. Everything has another side, hidden by the circumstances. We never have to leave this idea because this concept is the basis of all in the human society and generically in the Dino MarasĂ
Enzersdorf, 98 - 2134 Staatz (Austria) Tel: +4369914021422 Mob: +43 69914021422
Elisa Leonori
Figura n°13, 2016, ecoline, 25x35 cm Euro 300,00
Picture # 13 - The lines and the colours of the artist Elisa Leonori are underlining a feminine body. Full of elegance and poise this body demonstrates us that sketches can be art. It seems something divine, just drawn and ready to tell us about. Because Art is often suggesting emotions and not screaming them with a powerful voice. Dino MarasĂ
Udine Mob: 339 2603571
Angela Lopes
Le preziose essenze di madre natura, acrylic on canvas 90x90 cm EURO 1.500,00
The precious essences of Mother Nature - A joyful chromatic atmosphere describes Mother Nature hidden in all object of our Universe. Her face is mixed with light remembering us the importance of energy in Universe. Energy is basilar for all thing in the Universe and moves all, also the dance of a girl who is perceiving the essence of Nature. Dino MarasĂ
Palermo Mob: 392 2830018
Four characters are playing, they are interacting with each other! Black, red, white and the other gold that seems to take the lead. Is it the eternal game of human existence? Is it an endless Divine Comedy? Dino MarasĂ
Through hardships to the stars - Through difficult and hard things to the stars. And this latin phrase has right. Because we have to work hard to go out from the crevice, to find the circle of light that will lead us to success and satisfaction. This is the pictorial tell of Tina Lupo and it’s full of creativity and skill, elegance and aequlibrium. Dino MarasĂ
Stjepko Mamic
The Long Net , 2006, liquid semi transparent paint for glass with golden leaves on linen canvas, cm 200x110 EURO 35.000,00
The Long Net - A net is in the sea in search of fish. But itís really a metaphor of the unpredictable future. When fishermen throw their nets they don’t know what exactly are going to find in the waters like all us men don’t know what could be the consequences of their actions. Future is like the underwater we throw nets but we never know what exactly they bring. Dino Marasà
Blatska, 9 20000 - Dubrovnik (Croatia) Mob: 00385959061703
Stjepko Mamic
Colori di Luce - Rosso, 2014, paint for glass over golden leaf on linen canvas, cm 80x80 EURO 10.000,00
Colours of Light - Red - This artwork show to the viewer some fishes playing with a red frame. Red is sunrise, energy and life. Red is the power of the passion and it evokes to us strong sensations. Fishes are full of “red”; they need “red” al lot of energy to survive in a blue world full of dangers and enemies able to kill them in every moment. Dino Marasà
Blatska, 9 20000 - Dubrovnik (Croatia) Mob: 00385959061703
Marta Melniczuk
Glass Ways I, 2013, relievo acryl glass canvas, 60x50 cm
Glass Ways I - Some wide brush strokes are on the canvas and they are on relief. It seems they are moving in the space of the artworks, in rivers of light, in coloristic ensembles. They are chromatic ways, the result of a long technical research made by Marta Melniczuk. She is a painter full of skill and talent, a real valid modern artist. Dino MarasĂ
Ebersberg (Germany)
Marta Melniczuk
Glass Ways II, 2013, relievo acryl glass canvas, 60x50 cm
Glass Ways II - On the canvas a lot of colours. They dance and give a sensation of motion to the viewer. This dynamic force of colours is a masterpiece of Marta Melniczuk. It’s very difficult for us to find something similar. Because the sensation of movement is real and really very, very rare. Dino MarasĂ
Ebersberg (Germany)
Felipe Mercadal Borghetti
South of the world, in the channels, a runned around ship, 2008, acrylic on linen canvas, 65x81 cm EURO 5.000
A ship is shaped with sharp geometrical lines, mixed with colours that remember the southern pacific, where desert meets ocean in all the shades of green possible. The reflection of the ship in the water is something coloristic synthesis of its motion and is weight together. This works contains a lot of evocative power, itĂs really a travel to the South. Dino MarasĂ
Mirella Momentè
Simbolismo tra il positivo e il negativo, 2011, mixed media, acrylic paints, enamels, gutta, plaster, 80x80 cm EUR 4000
Symbolism between positive and negative - A totality of colours seemingly generate chaos. They are the result of the contrast between positive and negative. They shape the material at their leisure. From this mixture of symbols are born strong tones which brings light and dynamism. This work is rich in technique. it’s created by the artist Mirella Momentè and it’s full of poetry. Dino Marasà
Via Gramsci, 6 - 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Mob: 338 4471948
Mirella Momentè
Simbolismo tra il positivo e il negativo, 2011, mixed media, acrylic paints, enamels, gutta, plaster, 80x80 cm EUR 4000
Symbolism between positive and negative - A totality of colours seemingly generate chaos. They are the result of the contrast between positive and negative. They shape the material at their leisure. From this mixture of symbols are born strong tones which brings light and dynamism. This work is rich in technique. it’s created by the artist Mirella Momentè and it’s full of poetry. Dino Marasà
Via Gramsci, 6 - 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Mob: 338 4471948
Mirella Momentè
Riflesso dell'Anima, 2009, mixed media, acrylic paints, mortar, enamels, gutta, 70x100 cm EUR 4000
Souls’s glare - The soul of each of us does not have shade but projects itself in dimensions which are accessible only by thought. Such dimensions are overlapping in their spatiality and they are closed in borders which are represented here by chromatic inserts in a now circular now linear sequence. This work of Mirella Momentè is a masterpiece of narrative synthesis Dino Marasà
Via Gramsci, 6 - 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Mob: 338 4471948
Mirella Momentè
Espandersi e contrarsi, 2010, mixed media, acrylic paints, enamels, gutta, 60x80 cm EUR 4000
Expand and contract - More brightly coloured plans pulsate with life and with action in alternation made by vibrant and determined tones. The expansion and contraction are the basis of all laws of Nature. We might look them if we search more carefully at the world around us. Mirella Momentè with her art helps us to understand this. Dino Marasà
Via Gramsci, 6 - 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Mob: 338 4471948
Mirella Momentè
Esplosione di suoni e rumori, 2009, mixed media, acrylic enamels, gutta, 70x50 cm EUR 4000
Sounds and noises explosion - The sound and noise are similar but opposite. The first is the bearer of harmony and composure the second arises from the turmoil and disorder. This is expressed by Mirella Momentè who with the color emphasises the power of sounds and noises that accompany every moment of our lives. Dino Marasà
Via Gramsci, 6 - 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Mob: 338 4471948
Patrick Montagnac
Japan across time, 195x130 cm
Japan across time -The stylised vision of Japan is the protagonist of this work of Patrick Montagnac. Through changing tones of black mixed with white- grey spots and sinuous forms, it seems almost an ideogram that becomes a synthesis of Japan itself, of the its traditions and its unique culture. Dino MarasĂ
Mob: +33(6)29892695
Patrick Montagnac
Wedding Dress, 195x114 cm
Wedding dress- A white monochrome is a dress of an ideal wedding. Ideal because it could be anyone’s wedding. This work is the celebration of the absolute value of a day when two people decide to give legal force to their union and to communicate this to the world. Patrickt Montagnac is really an evocative painter. Dino MarasĂ
Mob: +33(6)29892695
Patrick Montagnac
Ocean, 130x89 cm
Ocean - A blue spot reminds us the depth of the ocean, its power, its mystery. This is the interpretation of Patrick Montagnac of the magic world water surrounding our lands. This work contains energy that is available to all the viewers. It catches the attentions and it explains the fantastic with the simple power of the colour. Dino MarasĂ
Mob: +33(6)29892695
Suzanne C. Nagy
The walking tree, acrylic on plexy, 122x82 cm EURO 5.000
The walking tree - The tree that walks, a common story in many cultures is a metaphor of the alleged wisdom and intellect of the plant world as custodian of one of the many secrets at the basis of life. Cheerful colors and vivid brightness give this work a great dynamism and are the compositional skill witnesses of Suzanne C. Nagy. Dino MarasĂ
Les Looms Inc. - 270 Lafayette st. suite 809 New York NY.10012 /corner of Prince Tel: +12127520995 Tel: +19173287252
Anne Elisabeth Nitteberg
Creations, 2014 oil on linen canvas, 100x120 cm
Creations - A center of light remembers us the force of creation, the energy that modifies matter and creates new objects and forms. This art evokes the modern theories of cosmology and astronomy, it’s a well-made description of them. Anne Elisabeth Nitteberg reaches her goal: to appasionate the viewer to art and to the human culture. Dino Marasà
Kjøpmannsgata 2 - 4741 Byglandsfjord (Norway) Mob: +4794202490
Alessio Papa
La grazia e la forza, 2011 oil on canvas, 70x100 cm Euro1.900
The grace and the strenght - A woman warrior with a sword and a lion is watching over the canvas. This custodian of a secret world hasn’t lost her nature. Because of it seems she is dancing with her dresses and weapons. A sacred lion, is protecting her and it will help her in battle. Master Alessio Papa has really a great evocative power. Dino MarasĂ
Via Genova, 2 - 01019 Vetralla (VT) Tel: 0761 481195 Mob: 347 0466319
Alessio Papa
Black Angel, 2013 oil on canvas, 40x60 cm Euro1.300
Black Angel - In a scenery with strong colours an angel is watching over the canvas. This feminine angel has black wings that remember us other hidden worlds - dark worlds. But black is only a colour. And nothing assures its correspondance with evil. Never to trust only in apparence! This is the message of Master Alessio Papa. Dino MarasĂ
Via Genova, 2 - 01019 Vetralla (VT) Tel: 0761 481195 Mob: 347 0466319
Claudia Patroi
Maci rosii pe camp (Red poppies in the field) oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Red poppies in the field - A lanscape of big and wide dimensions is astonishing the viewer. Claudia Patroi reminds us that Nature is wonderful also under a grey sky at sunset. This landscape is familiar to Claudia Patroi - it is marked by a “northern sun” that we must know because is always a sun, full of charme and beauty. Dino Marasà
Bucharest (Romania)
Sergio Pontiggia
Artemide, 2014 tempera su carta forte, 100x70 cm
Artemis - ancient greek goddess of the hunt and of wild animals, in tune with nature is represented by coloured symbols. The green the predominant color of the plants, the blue of water that gives life, the black spread with quick brushstrokes is a symbol of biodiversity. An highly evocative work made by the talent of the master Sergio Pontiggia. Dino MarasĂ
Via Solferino, 15 G - 23900 Lecco Tel: 0341251093 Mob: 3453085821
Sergio Pontiggia
Antipatie, 2013 tempera su carta forte, cm 100x70
Antipathy - Two contrasting colours are divided in the pictorial space. They represent opposing ideas in open conflict with each other. They collide producing chromatic dynamics sparks, now toned dark now clear. A work from abstract tones created by Sergio Pontiggia, full of high creative and poetic value. Dino MarasĂ
Via Solferino, 15 G - 23900 Lecco Tel: 0341251093 Mob: 3453085821
Sergio Pontiggia
Omaggio a Pollock, 2013 tempera su carta forte, cm 70x100
Tribute to Pollock - The immediate creative instinct Sergio Pontiggia well resumes the lesson dictated by Pollock. The "Drip painting" with its charm takes shape once again and it attracts the viewer and opens a new way of making art that is full of charm, unconditional beauty and it’s a new border of art and soul. Dino MarasĂ
Via Solferino, 15 G - 23900 Lecco Tel: 0341251093 Mob: 3453085821
Ferdinando Ragni
Il mare a Pan di Zucchero oil on canvas, 54,5x64 cm
Sea at Sugarloaf Mountain - The Atlantic Ocean and the rock meet together in a magical place. The son of creativity of Nature is portrayed by Ferdinando Ragni. It is not just a landscape but the exaltation of beauty and harmony, a symbol of majesty and wonder of our often overlooked planet. A home planet that needs more respect and love. Dino Marasà
Str. 45 n° 9 Poggiodei Pini - 09012 Capoterra (CA) Tel: 070 725118 Mob: 392 9061789 www.
Ferdinando Ragni
Quant' è bella giovinezza che si fugge tuttavia oil on canvas, 50x70 cm EUR 1.200,00
How beautiful youth who flees yet - A woman seen from behind, young and beautiful presumably, reflects on the passing of time that waits for no one. Aware that one day her beauty will be destined to wither like the flowers in the vase. A masterfully executed painting that makes us think. This is a masterpiece of the master Ferdinando Ragni. Dino Marasà
Str. 45 n° 9 Poggiodei Pini - 09012 Capoterra (CA) Tel: 070 725118 Mob: 392 9061789 www.
Nanda Rago
Donne nella cava, oil on canvas 70x70 cm Euro 5.000
Women in quarry - From India spontaneous and heart smiles are coming. They show the will to live and to enjoy the life of women who work hard to earn something to get by. They arouse deep emotions in the viewer can not help but reflect on the message painted masterfully by Nanda Rago. Dino MarasĂ www.
Michele Rèndina “Arte pittorica”
Figura di Donna, mixed media on wood 75x125 cm EUR 1.500,00
Figure of a Woman - The woman with her sensuality pervades the work of Michele Rèndina. It is exaltation of femininity that meets the canons of beauty. The opera colors emphasize the totality of the design and elevate it to the rank of real art. Art created by Master Rèndina who has great compositional and painting abilities. Dino Marasà
Via Inghilterra, 12 - 76015 Trinitapoli (BT) Tel: 0883 634464 Mob: 328 1449744
Michele Rèndina “Arte pittorica”
Azzurro, mixed media on wood 122x81 cm EUR 1.500,00
Light blue - As light as the light-filled sky is light-blue. In the background a woman who does not show her face. She is surely thoughtful and a part of the harmony of the whole work. We can not enter into her thoughts, we can only say that they are part of this masterpiece of Mastr Rèndina. Dino Marasà
Via Inghilterra, 12 - 76015 Trinitapoli (BT) Tel: 0883 634464 Mob: 328 1449744
Michele Rèndina “Arte pittorica”
Figura di Donna, mixed media on wood 122x81 cm EUR 1.500,00
Figure of a woman - She is with closed eyes and pursed lips. Set in her own impenetrable world of women, the protagonist of the work write of a free pictorial tale which allows sincere and spontaneous sensations in the viewer. Master Rèndina is able to give us dreams of true beauty and harmony, where poetry is present in powering form. Dino Marasà
Via Inghilterra, 12 - 76015 Trinitapoli (BT) Tel: 0883 634464 Mob: 328 1449744
Michele Rèndina “Arte pittorica”
Figure di Donne al Mare, mixed media on wood 122x81 cm EUR 1.500,00
Figure of women at beach - Under a Mediterranean sun, full of marine perfumes, of light of hint sensuality, some women spend their time. They are reflexive and melancholic and they hide a blue background full of expressive power. Master Rèndina shows again his artistic abilities in a large and successful masterpiece painting. Dino Marasà
Via Inghilterra, 12 - 76015 Trinitapoli (BT) Tel: 0883 634464 Mob: 328 1449744
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
La musica è finita
The music has stopped - The painting of Artese is classic. Her design is full of details and elegance. She presents her characters all with magic and expressiveness of signs. The face of this woman is already nostalgic of the time when the music was playing. She would like to try the same joy now. But the wait will make the sweetest melody play. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
La violoncellista, oil on canvas 50x70 cm
The cellist - A beautiful woman and her cello. In a moment of intimacy between the two. A strong bond that we can only guess, a stable and valuable bond. In a few moments this girl will exercise with her cello. They will go traveling hand by hand. And we only hear the echo of their soul that runs through the boundless spaces of the music dimension. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
The artist - To be an artist means to be versatile. Art is creativity, color, music, line, word. A so vast concept is summed up in this'work of Artese. Everyone has their own sensitivity that art is always able to stimulate and to bring out. Art is feeling, passion, intelligence, spontaneity and life .. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
La chitarrista, oil on canvas 50x70 cm
The guitarist - A guitar in the hands of a girl. Memories of summer bonfire by the sea, the good-natured stars look and listen to the notes of the cheerful brigade waiting for the sunlight. Art made by high evocative tones is that of trtese that fascinates for its spontaneity and real technique. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
Incantatore, oil on canvas 50x70 cm
The charmer - The East with its old fascination is manifested in this work of Artese. Snakes follow the flute and dance to its rhythm. A show that we all know well and that creates the illusion that man is able to dominate the animal's nature. The caster knows that this is not true because he threatens every moment doing his job. Just a little mistake. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
L'altra identità, oil, 40x60 cm
The other identity - Deep Eyes are the witnesses of a different world from our customs. They are women who are subjected to harsh rules, often senseless to our eyes. They communicate us their sadness, they make us to understand their desire to change, they touch our sensitivity thanks to the clever and poetic brush of Artese. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
Enigma biblico della mela
Byblical aenigma of the apple - The myth of Adam and Eve is revived. Eva measures herself with Athena the goddess of wisdom. Woman is curiosity and it is the mother of learning. So Artese underlines a new aspect which is the most true. Curiosity is useful to make man to move forward, it doesn’t cause harm, but truth and wisdom. And it is the prerogative of the creator of new life. The woman. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
Fragilità estetica, oil on canvas, 40x50 cm
A still life reminds us of the inexorable passage of time and that makes all things futile. Time is the only winner. Implacable. It reaches to lose the value of beauty and harmony. Artese wants us to understand the importance of restoring and preserving human creations. They are subject to the time that drives even the universe. Time has no respect for anything. Only for itself. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
Colapesce coulded to immerse himself and to re-float lost treasures generating amazement in men. As the myth tells, Colapesce, one day noticed that one of the three pillars that supported Sicily was damaged. He decided to stay in abyss to support it Now he has mermaid as friend. A tale told by the painting of Artese. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Teresa Rizzo ARtESE
Composizione musicale oil on canvas, cm 40x50
Books and music. To compose melodies we must read so to have the right inspiration. And the violin joins well with the reading. Because its voice goes well with every human situation described by the authors of the books. Even scientific theories. And a sensitive painter as Artese could not miss it and describes it with the words of brushes. Dino MarasĂ
Via La Farina, 91 - isolato R - 98123 Messina Tel: 090 2928229 Mob: 348 8283670
Amelia Romeo
La luce sul far della sera, 2014 40x50 cm EURO 1.200
The sunset light - The sunset light is split into two beams as if the sun wanted to greet the day that ends up giving way to dreams of the night. The landscape, almost dreamlike, remembers the family lands of Amelia Romeo, a talented and skilled painter, able to tell the reality. Dino MarasĂ
S.S. 106 3° tratto. 317/B - 89134 Reggio Calabria Tel: 0965 350303 Mob: 333 4837645
Amelia Romeo
L'Angelo senza volto, 2008 50x70 cm EURO 1.200
The angel with no face - Who is the angel with no face painted by Amelia Romeo? It’s watching the viewer. It’s a dreamlike vision or a projection of consciousness? Certainly it invites us to reflect on us and on our human condition, to develop our introspective abilities without being attracted by the futility of the world. Dino Marasà
S.S. 106 3° tratto. 317/B - 89134 Reggio Calabria Tel: 0965 350303 Mob: 333 4837645
Roberto Russo
Notte lunare, 2016, acrylic 70x50 cm private collection
Moonlight night - The moon is lighting the characters in the artwork. A couple is walking in a little street with others in a romantic ambience populated by characters full of surreal themes. This painting seems to be a dream full of emotions and sensations. The magic of the moon is palpable and all the work is a masterpiece of Master Roberto Russo. Dino MarasĂ
Bologna Mob: 346 8040959
Roberto Russo
L'operetta, 2016, acrylic 100x100 cm private collection
Light opera - The light opera is a show that is the ancestor of the modern musical. The creativity of Master Roberto Russo reaches the goal to describe a drama with a coloristic scale full of light and brilliance. The characters are well defined and they well represent the argument of the artwork giving to colour the role of protagonist. Dino MarasĂ
Bologna Mob: 346 8040959
Roberto Russo
Ring metropolitano, 2016, acrylic 100x100 cm private collection
Metropolitan ring - Boxing is the passion of a lot a people and this work of Master Roberto Russo is a good representation of matches. With a valid, personal style he paints this scene with a particolar realism. Characters are suspended between reality and fantasy and they show all the tension of this sport. Dino MarasĂ
Bologna Mob: 346 8040959
Alexander Saner
Tension, 2015, steel, 30x92x125 cm EUR 19.500
Tension - Alexander Saner expresses himself with a formidable steel sculptures which are telling to the viewer the inner sense of things. So the concept of tension is well defined in the work “Tension” where a wire is upon a series of circles. An effective work rich of skill that is basilar for making wonderful art. Dino Marasà
Spitalstrasse, 45 - Breitenbach (Switzerland)
Maria Spoto
Parigi 2 - Serie: Omaggio alle grandi cittĂ ; stalattiti,stalagmiti, 2013, enamels and oil on canvas, 90x100 cm EURO 2,500,00
Paris 2 - Series: Tribute to the great cities; stalactites, stalagmites - The painter Maria Spoto puts together elements of the urban landscape of Paris with natural patterns. This reminds us the bond between the architecture of man and that of Nature. In fact Nature is a point of ispiration for mankind that would learn to respect it much more. Dino MarasĂ
Via Etnea, 263 - 95125 Catania Tel: 095 444132 Mob: 328 5464830
Anga Sterrenberg
Atelier – Metamorphosen 2009, oil on canvas, 100x50 cm Atelier – Metamorphosis - The painter Anga Sterrenberg owns a great personal style that fascinates the viewer. Her colours are resolved in large brushstrokes and they are part of a big and generous palette. This women on the canvas is full of glamour and style and sure she is representative for the contemporary art.
Dino MarasĂ
Wien (Austria) Mob: 00436645594544
Mario talarico
Alluvione a Parma, 2015, oil on canvas, 70x50 cm
Flood in Parma - In this picture of Maestro Mario Talarico we can find a romantic taste. In a rainy day when sky is grey a couple is walking along a road of a italian city, Parma. The light is soft and the reflection made by water contribute in creating a special melancholic atmosphere that is part of winter when Nature creates life again with water. Dino MarasĂ
Via Serra Crispo, 6 - 87012 Castrovillari (CS) Tel: 0981 480018 Mob: 348 5317159
Marja tanaskovic Papadoupoulos
Heavens gate, 2013, dry pastel, 45,72x60,96 cm USD 25.000 Heavens gate - Heavens gate is imagined as a circular opening, behind a tree of life. Both of them are the origin of the mystery of the Universe. The light and color shine together to confer solemnity and playfulness to this place. There the harmony is palpable and well rendered by the talent of Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos. Dino MarasĂ
Oak Brook, IL; USA Tel: +16303681328 Mob: +16302724130
Marija tanaskovic Papadoupoulos
Pandora, 15x12x10 cm USD 7.000
Pandora - A recurring profile in the ancient painting takes shape and texture She is Pandora. With her curiosity brought evil to humanity. It was inevitable that she discovered the box where the gods had hidden them. The symbol of the eternal feminine curiosity is the witness of the great artist's plastic skill Marjia Tanaskovic Papadopoulos. Dino MarasĂ
Oak Brook, IL; USA Tel: +16303681328 Mob: +16302724130
Marija tanaskovic Papadoupoulos
Peace beam, 73x61 cm USD 25.000
Peace beam - In this artwork of Marjia Tanaskovic Papadopoulos a peace beam gives light a meadow in a place that is full of serenity. The peace of mind and heart pervade the viewer. He is filled with a feeling of happiness and for a moment forgets the evils of the world and is carried away by the joy of life and the beauty of the universe. Dino MarasĂ
Oak Brook, IL; USA Tel: +16303681328 Mob: +16302724130
Mario tasca
Capriccio italiano 3, 2014 acrilico a spatola su tela, cm 70x60
Italian caprice - The personal vision of the painter Mario Tasca of the concept of Italian caprice, in its forms both in music and in others, is rendered on the canvas by spatula strokes and acrylic mimicking a harmonious and full of passion movement which offers to the viewer distraction and a incentive to the imagination. Dino MarasĂ
Via Apollodoro, 11 - 35134 Padova Tel: 049 611289 Mob: 389 1566273
Mario tasca
Espressione N°1, 2016 acrilico su tela, cm 80x60
Expression n°1 - The power of the color and of the shape replace the writing and may express each concept and human feeling as well as the alphabet and the words of a language . This is the message of this work of Mario Tasca, whose technique and pictorial skills can make us once again to fall in love with painting and art. Dino Marasà
Via Apollodoro, 11 - 35134 Padova Tel: 049 611289 Mob: 389 1566273
tatjana Palcuka Rikane
Marine Band, 2013, oil on canvas, 80x100 cm
Marine Band - A joyful marine band in a special atmosphere is playing a synphony tuned with nature. Music is fundamental for the developement of a spirtual aequilibrium in harmony with nature and expecially with the power of the sea. Tatjana Palcuka has a great talent and a great skill in describing sensation with creativity and phantasy. Dino MarasĂ
Robezu Street, 4 LV 3913 Iecava (Latvia) Mob: +371 29909504
Josefina temín
Caminatas, EUR 750,00
The wood is the interpreter of all Nature. Compostion of Master Josefina Temín are rich of fantasy and of richness in composition. Every detail is harmonised with the entire composition, every detail is full of light and experience in creating and in interesting the viewer that is encouraged to know new horizons and new ways of understanding the world. Dino Marasà
Hacienda de Rancho Seco, 221 Echagaray 53310 Naucalpan (Mexico) Tel: +525555602228
Michela Valenti
Freedom, 2016, acrylic on board 102x117 cm EURO 2.000,00
Freedom - Colours and lines are moving in canvas’ space without limits they are free and they express the idea of freedom. But what is freedom. It’s something divine that moves the will of men, that guides peoples to determine the right way for them in respect of the laws. Freedom has born from soul and heart and is essential for a civil society. Dino Marasà
Dufourstrasse, 6 Ch 9500 Wil (Switzerland) Mob: +41793781328
Giorgio Versetti
Aliene presenze, series Gli staticodinamici, 2010 acrylic composition on laminated on both sides, 79x79x3,5 cm EUR 2.200
Alien presences series the “static-dynamics” - A vortex motion starts always the universal dance of matter. It is the synthesis of the observation made by science. Are these motions always a natuaral phaenomenon? Or are they producted by anybody? Master Giorgio Versetti suggests us this ask. We have just to search the answer! Dino Marasà
Via Resiga, 23 - 24043 Caravaggio (BG) Tel: 0363 50618 Mob: 339 8133476
Giorgio Versetti
Intimismo femminile, series: Universo donna, 2015 oil on canvas, 30x40 cm EUR 1.400
Female intimacy (Series: Universe woman) - The elegance and the fascinating world of women is well represented in this artwork of Master Giorgio Versetti. His brush strokes and his lines are full of poetic sense of creativity and they tell to the viewer the story of the character that is a symbol of women all over the world. Dino MarasĂ
Via Resiga, 23 - 24043 Caravaggio (BG) Tel: 0363 50618 Mob: 339 8133476
Joseph Virgone
Nostalgie, 2013, acrylic on panel, 50x60 cm
Nostalgia - The colours are protagonists of this work of Maestro Joseph Virgone. Drawing is made by lines and spots with the highly evocative power of something we miss. It’s a feeling born into soul, the feeling who is remembering us the past with the hope it coul be back again. Nostalgia is it’s name perfectly represented in this work. Dino Marasà
6 Bis, rue Alphonse Barral - 38210 Tullins - Fures (France) Tel: +33 0476079358
Joseph Virgone
Visages entre ombres et lumières, 2013 acrylic on panel, 50x60 cm
Face beetween shadows and lights - A strong coloured explosion of light plays with dark colours in this artwork. Under them Master Virgone set feminine faces, symbols of the polyedric female character and of their infinite skills both positive and negative. The colours are the effects of the feminine actions, various and vivid in all season. Dino MarasĂ
6 Bis, rue Alphonse Barral - 38210 Tullins - Fures (France) Tel: +33 0476079358
Elio Vittonetto
Incertezze, collage on M.D.F., cm 50x40 EUR 950,00 technique “LOSA'NTEMI. The collage in lozenge shaped modular cards" ISBN 9788897410072 trade mark UIBM by Master E. Vittonetto
Hesitations - The lozenge is an alternative to the usual spatiality. At the same time it is mosaic tessera and matrix of the visual field matrix of the whole work which is the result of an emotional-aesthetic summation finely prepared by the creativity of Master Elio Vittonetto. He is a great artist and a great thinker of our times. Dino MarasĂ
Elio Vittonetto
I due pilastri, oil on masonite, 50x50 cm EUR 1300,00
The two pillars - A well composed prospectively hall supported by pillars. A palpable silence pervades environments that are similar to rooms of a labirinth. It’s a metaphor of the most intimate corners of the mind. This work of the master Elio Vittonetto, frees the mind from external influences allowing to perform the most extensive and ample reflections. Dino MarasĂ
Yoo Choong Yeul
Map Captain And Five Children, 2012 oil on canvas, 102x76 USD 7.000
Map Captain and Five Children - We are starting to sail across the seas to know new lands, with and old but valid ship. Sun in with us and guides us, and also stars. Master Yoo Choong Yeul uses a palette with the right and wonderful colours of southern Asia, where he lives. Places full of myths and mysteries that are revealed on the canvas. Dino MarasĂ
78-1 Podori-ro Gwang Ju-Si (City), Gyeong gi-Do Tel: 0082317651271 Mob: 00821065001195
Flavio Zoner
Sinfonia d'autunno, 2015, oil, cm 80x60 EURO 1.400,00
The Autumn is the prelude to that rest of nature: the winter season. Autumn is not sadness but beginning of a regeneration of things according the laws of the Universe. The signs in this work of the master Flavio Zoner remember the vital energies generated by power and the majesty of sun represented by disks. A work that this is pure expressive power. Dino MarasĂ
Via Brigata Mantova, 34 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) Tel: 0464 435005 Mob: 348 4796906
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Note legali “Art World 2016” è un prodotto editoriale di Studio Byblos. Qualsiasi riproduzione anche parziale del nome, del progetto grafico, delle modalità di pubblicazione non autorizzata da Studio Byblos sarà perseguita secondo i termini di legge. La stampa della pubblicazione e delle ristampe è esclusiva di Studio Byblos, il quale consente la diffusione di singole pagine o del libro intero in formato immagine. La pubblicazione su piattaforme digitali deve avvenire esclusivamente con il consenso di Studio Byblos. I diritti sulle opere d’arte sono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti pubblicati che hanno dato il loro consenso per la pubblicazione delle stesse e dei loro recapiti. La presentazione di Dino Marasà non può essere riprodotta, modificata, tradotta senza consenso dello stesso. Per qualsiasi controversia si elegge competente il Foro di Palermo.
Art World 2016, was created and curated by Dino Marasà editor. Layout by Studio Byblos publishing house Art World 2016, ideato e curato dall’editore Dino Marasà, impaginato dalla casa editrice Studio Byblos
copyright Studio Byblos Palermo 2017 ISBN 9788894149272