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Art World 2018 artists from the world selected and presented by Dino MarasĂ

Studio Byblos International

Art World 2018 artists from the world selected and presented by Dino MarasĂ

Jaime Jose

El Fardo, acrìlico/tela yute, 1.50x1.20 mts.-2012

The main character of the work is wearing a mask that is typical of the works of Jaime JosĂŠ and he carries on his shoulders an enormous ball, "el fardo", as if it was a weight that makes the work of lighting the candles on the ground more difficult; you can also see pain of the charachter in his expression, a suffering expression of obvious pain. Inside the enormous ball, the fulcrum of the scene, and on the floor on which the protagonist is crouching, there are small figures doing different things. The warm colors used for this work and the particularly dark background probably want to underline the effort and fatigue to which the subject of the painting is subjected.


Jaime Jose

No Te Vayas, acrìlico/tela yute, 1.00x1.00 mts.-2008

The main character of the work is wearing a mask that is typical of the works of Jaime JosĂŠ and he carries on his shoulders an enormous ball, "el fardo", as if it was a weight that makes the work of lighting the candles on the ground more difficult; you can also see pain of the charachter in his expression, a suffering expression of obvious pain. Inside the enormous ball, the fulcrum of the scene, and on the floor on which the protagonist is crouching, there are small figures doing different things. The warm colors used for this work and the particularly dark background probably want to underline the effort and fatigue to which the subject of the painting is subjected.


Jaime Jose

Cada Cosa a su Tiempo acrìlico/tela yute, 1.50x1.50 mts.-2011

The main character of the work is a huge sphere that probably represents the planet Earth; on the inside it is populated by many small characters, intent on doing the most disparate activities. Around this huge ball, we can see the numbers from 1 to 12 like a clock to emphasize the concept of time: as the title of the work says, "everything in its time".


Jaime Jose

La Costurera de Muñecas, acrìlico/tela yute, 1.50x1.20 mts.-2016

In a room lit by twelve candles, sitting on a stool, we can see the protagonist of this paining: the costurera, the seamstress. She’s a special seamstress because she is a doll dressmaker. In this work she is depicted intent on doing her job: in her arms a doll that she is still sewing and on the floor, around her, the dolls that she did previously. To help her working, a white dove that hold with her beak one of the ends of the thread that the seamstress uses for her latest creation. The mask resting on the woman's face is particular, it is slightly faded to the left, as if it was gradually fading


Jaime Jose

Los Inocents Van al Cielo, acrìlico/tela yute, 1.00x1.00 mts.-2008

The protagonists of this painting are two identical towers that remind of the New York twin towers. Two paper airplanes bend them slightly. The picture probably wants to be a metaphor for the 11 September 2001 event. Between the two towers there are a lot of yellow balloons flying upwards : they are "the innocent ones who go to heaven", the victims.


Jaime Jose

Todas mis Flores por un SuenĚƒo, acriĚ€lico/tela yute, 1.50 x1.50 mts.-2017

Day and night, both represented in this painting. The sun on the left and the moon on the right and in the middle of the scene a female figure. The gaze turned upwards and in his hands a huge blanket containing roses: this is probably a tribute. The woman protagonist of the work wants to offer all her flowers, everything she has for a dream, exactly as the title of the work suggests. Next to her, a small church and a structure with a dome, similar to a mosque, both supported by a wheel, typical features of Jaime JosĂŠ's painting. But the woman here does not seem to wear a mask, only her nose is covered.


Jaime Jose

Encuentros, acrìlico/tela yute, 1.50x1.20 mts.-2006

Sitting at a table, wearing a long yellow and white dress, a woman is waiting for someone, a person who we can already see from the window, someone who is walking down the street to reach the woman in the yellow dress. She is wearing a mask and her hair is thick, gray and long. Sitting on a stool, she awaits her guest, in a room with walls decorated with red roses and a glass half full in front of her.


Jaime Jose

“El Bienvenido”

This work is an extraordinary revival of one of the most famous sacred iconographies: the birth of Christ. Instead of sacred figures this time, in the painting made by Jaime José, there are pears. In the center, in fact, inside a wooden case there is the smaller pear, above which a halo hovers, the detail that allows to contextualize the scene. On the right three mediumsized pears, probably to represent the Magi and on the left two larger pears: Giuseppe and Maria. On the right, a white dove flies. In Christian symbolism, the pear is often a symbol of love towards humanity by Jesus Christ.


Jaime Jose

Usanzas, acrìlico/tela Algòdon 1-20x2.00 mts.-2018

As in the work "El Bienvenido", José once again uses pears to resume one of the most famous iconographies in the art world and this time is The Last Supper. At the center, also here, Christ with his halo and around him the twelve apostles. On the table thirteen fish and thirteen pitchers. Important is the presence of a white dove, standing on the table next to the figure of Christ. The meaning of the pear is probably connected to the Christian meaning of this fruit where pears represent the love towards humanity by Jesus Christ. We can find the peculiarity of works such as Usanzas and El Bienvenido in the reworking of iconographies already used in the past and well known in the art world, to give it a new meaning and to see them with a more surrealist eye.


Jaime Jose

“Tiempos de Rinovaciòn”

The work is a clear symbol of freedom, of renewal, of change. At the base of the painting some figures rapresented with extreme simplicity are pulling the masks away from the two main characters of the work. To free oneself from the masks is to renew oneself, it is to change and as the title of the work suggests, "Tiempos de Rinovaciòn", for these two faces, with a serene and rested look, it is time for change and renewal. The masks are a typical element of the art of Jaime José, but here it seems as if his works had a final development, freeing themselves from this prison that covers the real face of its protagonists.


Claudette Allosio

"Vision abyssale", 2018, pastel, 80x70 cm

Claudette Allosio unifies the material with color. In Claudette's work there is a use of remarkable color. In a mixture of warm and cold colors, the artist excellently expresses the concept of matter, a material that takes shape throughout the artist's work. Therefore, for the artist, the material is a central element that emerges from the color. The warm reds and yellows blend beautifully with the cool purple and aqua green. Dino MarasĂ

36 Rue le Corbusier, 38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères (FRANCE) - Telefono: +33 4 76 15 29 21 E-mail: 11


The firts autumn rain, 100x70 cm

Dentro una cornice di luccicanti colori,nell'intersecarsi tra natura e contemplazione, emerge lo stile pittorico dell'artista Balleva. L'artista attraverso l'opera "La prima pioggia d'autunno" esprime il suo sereno approccio al paesaggio, reso completo di lirica e che avvolge il fruitore. Within a frame of glittering colors, in the intersection between nature and contemplation, the pictorial style of the artist Balleva emerges. The artist through his work "The first autumn rain" expresses her serene approach to the landscape, made complete with lyric and which envelops the user. Dino MarasĂ

Str 67/8 Poggio dei Pini - 09012 Capoterra (CA) - Tel: +39(0)70725041 Mob: +393683646104 E-mail: 12


Attrazione, acrylic on canvas, 50x50

Un'esplosione di colori vivaci nell'opera della nostra artista Balleva,arrivano ad incarnare l'essenza vera dell'estro creativo della pittrice,che non si allontana dalla natura, piuttosto mantiene sempre acceso il suo legame con essa,natura resa pittoricamente bene. An explosion of bright colors in the work of our artist Balleva, they come to embody the true essence of the painter's creative flair, which does not stray from nature, but rather keeps her link with it always alive, nature rendered pictorially well. Dino MarasĂ

Str 67/8 Poggio dei Pini - 09012 Capoterra (CA) - Tel: +39(0)70725041 Mob: +393683646104 E-mail: 13

Laurence Eichenlaub “LauSense”

Vitality, 2016, acrylic on canvas,60x60 cm

The work of the artist Eichenlaub gives us access to a dimension of exact cohesion between shapes and color. In “Vitality” Eichenlaub unleashes all the strength of the chromatic stroke, inviting the viewer's eye to a greater visual deepening of the painting. Dino Marasà

7A rue du Général Koenig - 67360 Gunstett (FRANCE) - Tel: +33 (0)950 642115 Mob: +33 (0) 782 496852 E-mail: Website: 14

Ettore Forestiere

Evoluzione philodendro, n° 3 canvases, 60x80 cm

Forestiere Ettore nella sua opera ci regala uno sfondo naturalistico. L'artista con minuziosità cura i dettagli di ogni singolo elemento che prende parte allo scenario pittorico. La pittura del Forestieri mette in rilevanza tutta la potenza e la forza della natura,natura dai colori delicati, evocando quanto vi è di più sublime in natura:la perfezione in continua evoluzione. Forestiere Ettore in his work gives us a naturalistic background. The artist meticulously takes care of the details of every single element that takes part in the pictorial scenario. Forestieri's painting emphasizes all the power and strength of nature, nature with delicate colors, evoking what is most sublime in nature: perfection in continuous evolution. Dino Marasà

Via Mazzini, 41 - 80046 S. Giorgio a Cremano (NA) Tel: 081 480581 Mob: 366 3022734 - 333 5383549 E-mail: - 15

Luisella Parisi

“The Violated Woman” ... the courage to rebel.

Le figure rappresentate nell'opera dell'artista,racchiudono un'interiorità che traccia parti di luci e ombre tutte a sfondo femminile. La tecnica del colore è bene impiegata e riflette l'amara bellezza di un intimo violato. Il disegno è confortato da un tratto leggero e riguardoso. The figures represented in the artist's work contain an interiority that traces parts of lights and shadows all with a feminine background. The color technique is well used and reflects the bitter beauty of a violated underwear. The design is supported by a light and respectful trait. Dino Marasà

Via Don Tarchini, 2 - 22060 Carimate (CO) Tel: 031 791134 Mob: 338 9300741 E-mail:


Luisella Parisi

"The Red Moon - 2018"

Rimaniamo piacevolmente cristallizzati di fronte alla delicatezza del segno e del colore impiegati dall'artista nel compimento della sua opera. L'opera contiene grandi lune che la fanno affiorare in tutta la sua bellezza,laddove i colori utilizzati delineano meglio lo scenario,rendendola sublime. La potenza di quest'opera è trasmessa anche dal tratto del segno elegante. We remain pleasantly crystallized in front of the delicacy of the sign and the color used by the artist in the accomplishment of his work. The work contains great moons that make it emerge in all its beauty, where the colors used better delineate the scenery, making it sublime. The power of this work is also transmitted by the line of the elegant sign. Dino MarasĂ

Via Don Tarchini, 2 - 22060 Carimate (CO) Tel: 031 791134 Mob: 338 9300741 E-mail:


Ferdinando Ragni

Like a butterfly

Il corpo in equilibrio è ancor meglio definito dalle linee anatomiche bene tracciate da un audace gioco di luce e ombra nell'opera di Ferdinando Ragni. Il soggetto dell'opera arriva al fruitore in tutta la sua interezza,evocando la sensazione del volo, volo piacevole che riscontriamo nella pittura del Ragni. La cromatologia risponde adeguatamente ai criteri di spazio. The body in balance is even better defined by the anatomical lines well traced by a daring play of light and shadow in the work of Ferdinando Ragni. The subject of the work reaches the user in its entirety, evoking the sensation of flight, a pleasant flight that we find in Ragni's painting. Chromatology adequately responds to the criteria of space. Dino MarasĂ

Strada 45 n° 9 Poggio dei Pini - 09012 Capoterra Cagliari Tel: +39(0)70 725118 Mob: +393929061789 E-mail: 18

Ferdinando Ragni

Monte Arcosu - an oasis of serenity

Tutta l'opera dell'artista è incentrata sulla tranquillità di una natura rappresentata pittoricamente bene. L'utilizzo dei toni cromatici negli elementi costituitivi dell'opera è mitigato; un uso dunque gradevole del colore. Vediamo la trasparenza dell'acqua che riflette gli alberi di cui sembra sentirne il profumo. Rocce e fiori in prossimità di un fiume che scorre. La percezione di un infinito insito nella calma della natura stessa e che solo la natura può donarci. The whole work of the artist is centred on the tranquility of a pictorially well represented nature. The use of chromatic tones in the constituent elements of the work is mitigated; therefore a pleasant use of color. We see the transparency of the water that reflects the trees of which it seems to smell. Rocks and flowers near a flowing river. The perception of an infinite inherent in the calm of nature itself and that only nature can give us. Dino Marasà

Strada 45 n° 9 Poggio dei Pini - 09012 Capoterra Cagliari Tel: +39(0)70 725118 Mob: +393929061789 E-mail: 19

Alexander Saner


Saner's work is representative of a universe, his own universe. “Cut” is an extraordinarily realised artwork in which the uniqueness of sculpture is linked to beauty, that plays a key role in all of Saner's masterpiece. Saner’s construction aspires to take a very precise direction: the order. “Cut” is a return to the origins of a universe in which geometries dominate space and time. Dino Marasà

Spitalstrasse 45, 4226 Breitenbach, Switzerland

E-mail: 20

Alexander Saner


In the work “Static” geometry and matter merge. The balance in the construction of the material objects of the work is only absorbed by the concreteness of the product. The viewer in exploring Saner's work reflects the equilibrium not aimed at flight, but at a satisfying immobility. Dino Marasà

Spitalstrasse 45, 4226 Breitenbach, Switzerland

E-mail: 21

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Printed in 2019 September ISBN  9788885862487 Studio Byblos Publishing House

Studio Byblos Editore - Palermo

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