Marta Melniczuk music in picture
Marta Melniczuk, married Oberrauch (Collalbo, Renon, Italia), stateless ukrainian 1949 was born in Wilfingen, district Rottweil, she studied from 1968 to 1975 with a scholarship by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes highschool-teaching at the university of Tübingen and at the University Institute for Drawing. In 1993 she took her doctorate at the LudwigMaximilians-Universität Munich. Teacher at the Thomas Mann-Highschool in Munich. Advanced artistic training with L.Fischach from 1993 to 1997, and etching, lithography as well as glassart, studies for art teachers at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. “The key to Marta Melniczuk’s art lies in catching the transparency of psychic experiencies both stagnation and drive, like a rainbow produced by the sun after the pouring rain is over.“ (Zoreslawa Kowal: Musische Dimensionen, in NIKE, New Art in Europe, No 64, p.10). Numerous exhibitions and publications in Germany and abroad - Italy , France, Austria, Turkey, U.S.A - show the concentrated colour range and the dynamic movement of Marta Melniczuk’s artistic world. She concentrates on connections between language and painting – her painted poetic stories had been translated into Ukainian, Japanese and English – on the other hand she visualizes music in paintings, where she chose compositions by Liszt, Debussy, Satie, Prokofiev and Rachmaninow. Her artworks are in public and private collections.
When drawing meets music is like seeing two old friends. Grow at Talent’s home in the quarter of Creativity in the city of Suggestion. From the dialogue between drawing and music arise an alchemy of color images and signs, which we find in the series of works of art “Music in picture” by the artist Marta Melniczuk. The pictorial words we hear with our eyes are directed at our instincts, to understand them and to know their meaning we shall hear them many times. By doing so, we are able to gather the most intimate essence of a speech that is timeless and is witness to an indissoluble link between two old old acquaintances that suddenly become familiar as our old friends.
Marta Melniczuk, sposata Oberrauch (Collalbo, Renon, Italia), ostetrico ucraino del 1949, è nata a Wilfingen, provincia Rottweil, ha studiato dal 1968 al 1975 con una borsa di studio dell'istituto”Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes” presso l'Università di Tubinga e presso l'Istituto Universitario per Disegno. Nel 1993 ha conseguito il dottorato presso la LudwigMaximilians-Universität di Monaco. Ha insegnato presso il liceo Thomas Mann di Monaco. Specializzazioni artistiche avanzate con con L.Fischach dal 1993 al 1997, incisione, litografia e arte del vetro, studi per insegnanti d'arte presso l'Akademie der Bildenden Künste Monaco. “La chiave dell'arte di Marta Melniczuk sta nel catturare la trasparenza delle esperienze psichiche sia in stagnazione che in movimento, come un arcobaleno prodotto dal sole dopo che è finito un acquazzone.” (Zoreslawa Kowal: Musische Dimensionen, in NIKE, New Art in Europa, n. 64, pag.10). Numerose mostre e pubblicazioni in Germania e all'estero Italia, Francia, Austria, Turchia, Stati Uniti - mostrano la gamma fitta di colori e il movimento dinamico del mondo artistico di Marta Melniczuk. Marta si concentra sulle connessioni tra lingua e pittura - le sue storie poetiche dipinte sono state tradotte in ukainiano, giapponese e inglese - inoltre visualizza la musica nei dipinti, in cui ha scelto composizioni di Liszt, Debussy, Satie, Prokofiev e Rachmaninow. Le sue opere sono in collezioni pubbliche e private.
Quando il disegno incontra la musica è come il rivedersi di due vecchi amici. Cresciuti a casa del Talento nel quartiere delle Creatività nella città della Suggestione. Dal dialogo tra disegno e musica viene fuori un’alchimia di immagini colori e segni, che ritroviamo nella serie di opere d’arte “Music in picture”, dell’artista Marta Melniczuk. Le parole pittoriche che sentiamo con gli occhi sono dirette al nostro istinto, per capirle e conoscerne il significato dobbiamo sentirle più volte. Così facendo siamo capaci di raccogliere l’essenza più intima di un discorso che è senza tempo ed è testimone di un legame indissolubile tra due vecchie conoscenza che diventano all’improvviso familiari come nostri vecchi amici. Dino Marasà
Marta Melniczuk Sarreiterweg, 12 a - 85560 Ebersberg, Germany Website: - Email: On cover: Sonatine Bureaucratique, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 64x102 cm
Music in picture - Sergei Prokofiev
The alien god to music of Prokofiev, 2001 oil, relief, 70x100 cm 1
Music in picture - Sergei Prokofiev
The night to music of Prokofiev, 2001, oil,relief, 70x100 cm 2
Music in picture - Sergei Prokofiev
The fools to music of Prokofiev, 2001 acrylic, relief, 30x40 cm 3
Music in picture - Sergei Prokofiev
The magician, to music of Prokofiev, 2001, acrylic, relief, 30x40 cm 4
Music in picture - Sergej Rachmaninov
Oriental sketch, to music of Rachmaninov, 1996, acrylic, 81x63 cm
Music in picture - Igor Strawinsky
Firebird, to music of Strawinski, 1995, acrylic, 80x100 cm 6
Music in picture - Franz Liszt
Feux follets, to music of Liszt, 1995, acrylic, 80x85 cm 7
Music in picture - Franz Liszt
Harmonies du soir, to music of Liszt, 1995, acrylic, 80x85 cm 8
Music in picture - Franz Liszt
Mazeppa, to music of Liszt, 1995, acrylic, 80x85 cm 9
Music in picture - Franz Liszt
Mephistowalz, to music of Liszt, 1995, acrylic, 80x85 cm 10
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Une soiree dans Grenade I, to music of Debussy, 1996, acrylic, 45x39 cm
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Une soiree dans Grenade II, to music of Debussy, 1996, acrylic, 50x55 cm 12
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Une soiree dans Grenade III, to music of Debussy, 1996, acrylic, 50x55 cm 13
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Par les rues et par les chemins, Iberia, to music of Debussy, 1996, acrylic, relief, 70x80 cm 14
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Les parfums de la nuit, II Iberia, to music of Debussy, 1996, acrylic, relief, 70x80 cm 15
Music in picture - Claude Debussy
Le matin d'un jour de fĂŠte, III Iberia, to music of Debussy, acrylic, relief, 70x80 cm 16
Music in picture - FrĂŠdĂŠric Chopin
Nocturnes I, to music of Chopin, 1996, acrylic, relief, 50x55 cm 17
Music in picture - Frédéric Chopin
Nocturne II, to music of Chopin, 1996, acrylic, relief, 50x55 cm 18
Music in picture - Frédéric Chopin
Nocturnes III, to music of Chopin, 1996, acrylic, relief, 50x55 cm 19
Music in picture - Eric Satie
La pĂŞche, Sports et divertissements, to music of Satie, 1995 acrylic, 60x80 cm 20
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Le yachting, Sports et divertissements, to music of Satie, 1995 acrylic, 60x80 cm 21
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Le carnaval, Sports et divertissements, to music of Satie, 1995. acrylic, 60x80 cm 22
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Les quatre coins, Sports et divertissements, to music of Satie, 1994, acrylic, 60x80 cm 23
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Le piccadilly, to music of Satie, acrylic, 1995, 50x60 cm 24
Music in picture - Eric Satie
1iere gnossienne, to music of Satie, 1994, acrylic, 50x60 cm 25
Music in picture - Eric Satie
La belle Excentrique, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 50x60 cm 26
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Nocturnes I, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 50x60 cm 27
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Trois morceaux en forme du poire - commencement, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 40x60 cm 28
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Trois morceaux en forme du poire I, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 40x60 cm 29
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Trois morceaux en forme du poire II, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 40x60 cm 30
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Trois morceaux en forme du poire III, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 40x60 cm 31
Music in picture - Eric Satie
Sonatine Bureaucratique, to music of Satie, 1995, acrylic, 64x102 cm
Legal notices - Note legali “Marta Melniczuk - my artistic diary” is an editorial product of Studio Byblos. Every reproduction even partial of the name, of the layout and of the ways of the publication if not authorized by Studio Byblos, will be punished by according the law. The typographic printing and the reprint of the publication is an exclusive of Studio Byblos, which allows the diffusion of a single page or of all the publication in image format. The publication in digital platforms must occur exclusively after authorization of Studio Byblos. The author right on the artworks are of Mrs. Marta Melniczuk. The addresses of Mrs. Marta Melniczuk and the images have been published according his consent. The comment by Dino Marasà cannot be reproduced, cannot be translated or be modified, without his approval. For any dispute the Court of Palermo will be exclusively competent. “Marta Melniczuk - my artistic diary” è un prodotto editoriale di Studio Byblos. Qualsiasi riproduzione anche parziale del nome, del progetto grafico, delle modalità di pubblicazione non autorizzata da Studio Byblos sarà perseguita secondo i termini di legge. La stampa della pubblicazione e delle ristampe è esclusiva di Studio Byblos, il quale consente la diffusione di singole pagine o del libro intero in formato immagine. La pubblicazione su piattaforme digitali deve avvenire esclusivamente con il consenso si Studio Byblos. I diritti sulle opere d’arte sono di proprietà esclusiva della Signora Marta Melniczuk che ha dato il suo consenso per la pubblicazione delle stesse e dei loro recapiti. La presentazione di Dino Marasà non può essere riprodotta, modificata, tradotta senza consenso dello stesso. Per qualsiasi controversia si elegge competente il Foro di Palermo.
he relationship between music and picture is timeless. It is some synergetic component in hearing music and see colours, forms, pictures, arising and moving in their own way.
a relazione tra musica e immagine è senza tempo. C’è una componente sinergica nell’ascoltare musica e vedere i colori, le forma, le immagini, mentre sorgono e si muovono a loro modo. Marta Melniczuk
Studio Byblos Publishing House