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Jean Louis Ricot, Paris, 1995

SAVA's work is unique because he immortalizes in his sculptures the invisible waves of the universe, naming the result ViBRATiOnS in 3D. Graduate of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, Academic Knight of the International Academy "Greci Marino" of Italy, Member of the Cercle Royal Gaulois Artistic and Literary of Belgium, SAVA tames our emotions and questions our consciousness by the refined strength of its sculptures in marble, bronze, wood. The art critics and journalists have highlighted the presence of SAVA in the world of art thus: "The art of SAVA is an art of intellectual concentration, concept, mathematical conciseness and sobriety... "(L. Scantéyé Paris) "SAVA makes the stone sing ..." (Colette Bertot, Brussels) "The work of SAVA reveals the subtle contrast between cold, raw and rigid matter, and purified, sensual, aerial and delicate forms."(A.Matonti, Toulouse) Presented in numerous prestigious exhibitions and public places, he has made monumental sculptures in Belgium, France, Greece, Lebanon, Turkey. Received awards and honors in France, Luxembourg and United Kingdom. Published in Encyclopedias of Art in: Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Romania, UK, USA. Present at: - Art Price : - Saachi : - Drouot Trading : - Drouot Online : SAVA works with Belgian black marble, unique in the world for its pure black color, reflecting like a mirror when polished, a rare elegance. From antiquity to the present day, Belgian black marble has been used by Italian artists in Italy and the Taj Mahal in India, in the Westminster Abbey in the United Kingdom, the Palace of Versailles, the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte, the Opéra Garnier in Francea nd in the Art Deco woks o art of the 20th century. Possessing a sculpture in Belgian black marble created by SAVA is an unique experience and a privilege. L‘art de SAVA est unique parce qu’il immortalise sur ses sculptures les ondes invisibles de l’univers qu’il nomme ViBRATiOnS en 3D. Diplômé de l’Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Chevalier Académique de l’Académie Internationale «Greci Marino» d’Italie, Membre du Cercle Royal Gaulois Artistique et Littéraire de Bruxelles, Belgique, SAVA apprivoise nos émotions et interroge notre conscience par la force raffinée de ses sculptures en marbre, bronze, bois. Des critiques d’art et des journalistes ont mis en évidence la présence de SAVA dans le monde de l’art : “l’art de SAVA est un art de concentration intellectuelle, de concept, de concision mathématique et de sobriété…“ ( L. Scantéyé Paris ) “SAVA fait chanter la pierre… “ ( Colette Bertot, Bruxelles, 2008 ) “L’œuvre de SAVA révèle le contraste subtil entre la matière froide, brute et la délicatesse des formes, épurées, sensuelles et aériennes”(A.Matonti,Toulouse) Présenté dans de nombreuses expositions et lieux publics prestigieux, il a réalisé des sculptures monumentales en Belgique, France, Grèce, Liban, Turquie. Prix et distinctions en France, Luxembourg, Royaume-Uni. Publié dans des Encyclopédies d’Art en: Allemagne, Belgique, France, Italie, Roumanie, UK, USA. Présent dans: – Art Price : – Saachi : – Drouot Cotation : – Drouot Online : SAVA travaille particulièrement le marbre noir belge, unique au monde par ce noir pur poli comme un miroir, d’une rare élégance. De l’Antiquité à nos jours le marbre noir belge a été utilisé par des artistes italiens en Italie et au Taj Mahal en Inde, dans l’abbaye de Westminster au Royaume-Uni, le château de Versailles, le château de Vaux-le-Vicomte, l’Opéra Garnier en France, dans l’Art Déco du 20ème siècle. Posséder une sculpture en marbre noir belge créée par l’artiste SAVA c’est une expérience unique et un privilège.

AnDALuSiAn Black Belgian marble White marble 2016 26 x 11 x 02 in Recognized for its agility, its flexibility, its cadence, the elegant, noble, proud, Andalusian horse is very classy, with a strong presence. This is a prestigious horse. AnDALOu Marbré noir belge Marbré blanc 2016 67x27x09 cm Majestueux e et animai ! Reconnu par son agilité, sa souplesse, sa cadence, élégant, noble, fìer, ce cheval andalou a une forte presence. Ceci est un cheval de prestige. 1

BOLeRO Black Belgian marble White marble 2012 33x13x02 in A sensual body and elegantly performed steps in the dance of the “bolero” BOLeRO Marbre noir belge Marbré blanc 2012 83x34x7 cm Un corps sensuel et des pas élégants éxécutés dans la danse du “bolèro” 2

FALCOn White marble and black Belgian marble 50 x 27 x 09cm 20 x 11 x 04in 2016 Starting point for a new adventure. Marbre blanc et marbre noir belge. Moment de dĂŠpart pour une nouvelle aventure. 3

FeSTiVe BuBBLeS Black Belgian marble 2015 22x9x4 in Tribute to the taste and elegance of this wine dubbed “the Devil’s wine”: CHAMPAGNE. BuLLeS FeSTiVeS Marbre noir belge 2015 55x23x9 cm Hommage au goût et à l'élégance de ce vin étoilé surnommé “le vin du diable”: le CHAMPAGNE 4

FinALe Black Belgian marble Marbre noir belge 2016 12x 20x5 in

29x 50x13 cm

The ballerina thanks her public at the end of the show. My intention was to represent the happiness that is in her heart, because she succeeded to satisfy her audience. Remerciements après son spectacle et bonheur de la ballerine de satisfaire son public 5

Fun DAnSe Black Belgian marble Marbre noir belge 2016

16x22x3 in 40x55x7 cm

Mystery and elegance with the feathers dance. Mystère et élégance avec la danse des plumes. 6

LiFe HOPe Black Belgian marble 2006 30x6x5 in The OVUM, thefemale reproductive cell, in the mammals, which contains half of the individuala genetic material. Once launched, it follows its destiny. eSPOiR De Vie Marbré noir belge 2006 76xl4xl2 cm C'est l'ovule, la cellule reproductrice femelle, chez les mammifères, qui contient la moitié du matériel génétique de l'individu. Une fois lance, il suit son destin. 7

LuCKY CHARM Black Belgian marble 2015 19x13x4 in The “universal” symbol of the “fragmented” bird's flight, by the beating of the wings, which can often bring happiness. PORTe BOnHeuR Marbre noir belge 2015 47x33x10.5 cm Le symbole “universel” du vol d’oiseau “fragmenté’’, par le battement des ailes, qui souvent peut apporter le bonheur. 8

MARie Black Belgian marble Marbre noir belge 2006 14x26x6 in

33x65x17 cm

Relaxation on the beach. Moments de dĂŠtente Ă la plage 9



Black Belgian marble 2016 28x11x4 in

marbre noir belge 2016 70x28x9 cm

Birds were always used to carry messages. Due to their aerodynamic shape in their flight, one watches them, high above, in an imaginary form.

De tous temps les oiseaux ont été utilisés pour le transport de courrier. Avantagés par leur forme aérodynamique dans leur voi, on les observe, en altitude, dans une forme imaginaire.


VOL De nuiT/ VOL De JOuR Marbre blanc / marbre noir belge 2008 73x27x6 cm Vibrations des ailes d’insectes,la nuit et le jour”. Un vrai spectacle en miniature,avec une fin imprévisiblequand on observe attentivement les vibrations des ailes des insectes.

niGHT FLiGHT/DAY FLiGHT White marble/ black Belgian marble 2008 30x13x3 in “The flight vibrations of thewings of insects, during the day and the night”. When one looks carefully at the wing vibrations of the insects, one sees a real miniature show, with an unpredictable end. 11


DAnSe nOCTuRne

Black Belgian marble 2016 38x12x5 in

Marbre noir belge 2016 95x30x12 cm

Wisdom and quiet, these are the characteristicsof the owl. Imagine yourself in themiddle of the forest, in the dark of thenight. Suddenly, you see nestled, in the hollowof a tree, glowing globes. These are theeyes of the owl chicks and those of theirprotective parent, moving. In unison in a “nocturnal dance”.

Sagesse et calme sont les symboles du hibou; Imaginez-vous au coeur de la forêt...vous découvrez tout-à-coup nichés au creux d’un arbre, des petits hiboux protégés par le grand-duc : seuls leurs yeux brillent dans l’obscurité de la nuit, se déplaçan à l'unisson dans une “danse nocturne”. 12



Marbré noir belge 100x30x7 cm 2011 Dans les rèves, encore, toujours sous l'intensité vécue des moments de bonheur.

Black Belgian marble 2011 40x12x3 in Continuing to dream, she is till under the intensity of the lived love making moments. 13

nOROC Marbre noir belge 2014 55x47x7 cm Le mot NOROC en roumain signifie “bonne chance’’ et il est également utilisé pour porter un toast. La forme de la sculpture semblable à la flasque, qui contient de l'eau, du vin ou de l'alcool, est le compagnon après une journée de travail. Le globe central, orné de morceaux de branches d'arbres, est similaire au disque de l'horloge, qui harmonise notre comportement et maintient un équilibre personnel dans la vie.

Black Belgian marble 2014 22x19x3 in In Romanian, NOROC means “good-luck’’ and it is also used as a toast when drinking alcohol. The flask, containing water, wine or alcohol, is the daily companion of those who toil the land. The central globe, adorned with discs of tree branches, is similar to the face of the clock, which harmonizes our behavior and maintains a personal balance in life. 14

Parc Scientifique Albert Einstein de l’Université de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.

This is a monumental sculpture, located in the Parc Scientifique Albert Einstein, at the Université de Louvain-laNeuve, Belgium. Black Belgian marble 2005 99x28x16 in Through this sculpture, I wanted to conjure an important aspect of today’s life: STRESS, which is represented by a spring, thinking that when subjected to external pressures, both the human being and the spring have the same reactions: 1. the spring breaks by fissures and the man dies by stroke or heart attack. 2. they resist through their internal forces, but the man can avoid it by spontaneity or intelligence. This is my dream come true to sculpt the STRESS, the opposite of calm and PATIENCE.

Marbre noir belge 250x70x40 cm 2005 J’évoque un aspect de la vie actuelle: le STRESS, que je représente semblable à un ressort métallique tendu, en pensant que devant les pressions extérieures, l’être humain et le ressort ont tous deux les mêmes réactions: 1. le ressort se casse et l’homme meurt par avc, infarctus etc, ou 2. les deux résistent par leurs forces intérieures, mais l’homme peut les éviter par spontanéité ou intelligence.

PATienCe 15

Voilà mon rêve de sculpter le STRESS, opposé au calme et à la PATIENCE.

SOuRCe Marbre noir belge 43x37x20 cm 2000

Black Belgian marble 2000 17x14x8 in

Le livre a toujours été notre source de connaissance dans notre éducation humaine. L’ECRITURE, comme moyen de communication, je la présente dans les trois sens utilisés: de gauche à droite, de droite à gauche et de haut en bas,ceci en un seul mot PEACE. Parmi les lettres j’utilise la ponctuation indispensable: point, virgule, tiret et les flèches qui montrent le sens de l’écriture.

The book has always been our source of knowledge in our education. The writing is the universal means for communicating on Earth. I present it in the three used directions: from left to right, right to left and top to bottom, in one word: PEACE. And for letters, I use basic characters: semicolon, circle, indent and an arrow showing the direction of the writing. 16

niGHT VeiL Black Belgian marble 2015 26x7x3 in A false discrete attraction. VOiLe De nuiT Marbré noir belge 2015 26x7x3 in Une discrète attirance. 17


BuRninG BuSH

"mythe et réalité dans l'histoire de l'humanité" Marbré blanc 2015 82x39x12 cm

"Myth and reality in the history of humanity". White marble 2015 33x16 x05 in

Le Buisson ardent est, dans la tradition biblique, la révélation de Dieu à l’intérieur d'un buisson qui brûle sans jamais se consumer sur le mont Sinaï.

The burning bush is, in biblical tradition, the revelation of God, inside a bush that burned without ever being consumed, on Mount Sinai. 18

COCKA-DOODLeDOO Pink marble 2014 23x9x4 in Proud as a rooster... a personal cry! COCORiCO MarbrĂŠ rose 2014 58x23xl0 cm Fier comme un coq... un cri personnel! 19



White marble 2005 24x7x4 in The joy and enthusiasm felt when throwing confetti.

MarbrĂŠ blanc 2005 61xl8x10 cm Joie et enthousiasme dans le lancement des confettis. 20

PiXeLS 36

PiXeLS 36

White marble 2006 9x19x3 in IIn digital imaging, a pixel, or a picture element is the smallest addressable element in a display device, represented on the screen. In this sculpture, the pixels are real.The lit pixels add a new dimension: LIGHT.

Marbré blanc 2006 23x47x8 cm C’est l'unité de base permettant de mesurer la définition d'une image numérique. Son nom provient de la locution anglaise “picture element’’. Ces pixels, deviennent visibles ! 21



Petit granit belge 1993 67x23x23 cm Symbole universel de l'eau - 70% de la Terre -la goutte d'eau, souffre. Malheureusement pour les générations actuelle et à venir, l'EAU, ce filtre naturel de la vie, est attaquée par la pollution et la degradation de l'environnement. C'est exactement ce que j'ai voulu montrer par cette goutte d'eau creusée et détruite. L'AGONIE a été décidée par l'homme lui-mème.

Little Belgian granite 1993 28x9x9 in The drop of water, the universal symbol of the water, which covers 70% of our globe. Unfortunately, for present and future generations, the WATER, this naturai filter of life, is attacked by the pollution and degradation of the environment. This is exactly what I wanted to show by this gouged and destroyed drop of water. The AGONY was and will be decided by man. 22



Little Belgian granite 2012 38x6x6 in Unexpected thoughts...

Petit granit belge 2012 95xl5xl5 cm Pensées imprévues... 23

OWL Little Belgian granite 2014 12x12x12 in

HiBOu Petit granit beige 2014 30x30x30 cm

As the symbol of wisdom and knowledge, the OWL impresses us by its appearance and behavior. I got the idea to represent this sculpture through a pure and elegant geometrie element - a sphere in which I carved out two deep eyes and I worked delicately to emboss its beak, thinking that the se two parts of the body are those that attract the attention. In my imagination, the shape of the sphere represents the long, gloomy hooting of the OWL, to which we listen in the night, with fear. “Nocturnal hooting... symbol of wisdom”.

Symbole de sagesse et de connaissance, le hibou nous impressionne par son apparence et son comportement. J'ai eu l'idée de représenter cette sculpture par une sphere - élément géométrique pur et élégant - dans laquelle j'ai creusé deux yeux profonds et travaillé délicatement en relief son bec, en pensant que ces deux parties du corps sont celles qui attirent l'attention. Dans mon imagination la forme de la sphere est semblable au long hululement lugubre du hibou, que nous écoutons la nuit, avec crainte. “Hululeur nocturne symbole de la sagesse” 24



This is a monumental sculpture, located in the Museum of Jette, Brussels, Belgium. Little Belgian granite 1997 77 x 28 x 20 in The UNION is the Secret key to success everywhere and in every social aspect.

Musée de Jette, Bruxelles, Belgique.Petit granit belge 1997 195x70x50cm Rencontrée partout et sous tous les aspects sociaux, l'UNION est la clé du secret de la réussite. 25

“In the ceaseless quest forthe universal, for what is permanent and essential, the truths that hide in the cores of things, the art of Marian Sava is an art of intellectual concentration, of concept, of almost mathematica! precision and sobriety. His goal is to capture and retain an instant, to represent an idea, a movement, a momentum, or a state of mind, to being able to show the imponderable. The process of purification of the form through graduai elimination of unnecessary details which is absolutely necessary to obtain such conciseness, and the construction of the future scuipture are entirely coming from the artist's mind. It evolves in his head to the smallest details. The model of the envisioned piece is only a faithful transcription work, which no longer allows any further changes or alterations. This process of inventing and of realizing a piece of scuipture in its entirety inside his own mind is personal and rather little used. Maybe this is because it requires too much of a concentration effort, a force of uncommon mental contention. His scuipture hides no mysteries, absurd or undecipherable languages. However it remains secret and it is discovered only after a second look. And if it is composed of small touches of successive abstractions, it does not fit into what is commonly called the abstract style. It is not abstract or decorative, or dry. Quite the contrary, it has a soul, a spirit, it lives, it communicates, is imposes itself and it fascinates.” Lionel SCAnTeYe écrivain et critique d’art Paris, France,1998


Il respiro artistico di Marian Sava è vasto. Grande osservatore della realtà e del suo impatto con l’animo - Marian Sava plasma la materia e le conferisce l’incarico di rappresntare se stessa agli occhi dello spettatore. Ogni particolare è realizzato con cura, regalato al marmo eonico custode dell’emozione donata e allo stesso pretesa dal Sava. Un linguaggio espressivo, quello del Sava, che separa ogni forma esaltando la terza dimensione che si riempie di significato materico ed emotivo. Marian Sava ha scoperto tutto ma ha ancora molto da raccontare con il suo operato che è un rinascimento estetico della scultura contemporanea. Dino Marasà

The artistic breath of Marian Sava is vast. He is a great observer of reality and of its impact with the soul - Marian Sava shapes the matter and gives it the task to represent itself to the eyes of the spectator. Every detail is made with care, given to the marble-custodian of the emotion given and at the same demanded by Mr. Sava. He has an expressive language which separates every form by enhancing the third dimension that is filled with material and emotional meaning. Marian Sava has discovered everything but he still has much to tell with hir work which is an aesthetic renaissance of contemporary sculpture. Dino Marasà


Marian C. SAVA Born 1950 at Galati Romania Studies Académie Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels Honors 2010 Diploma of Excellence, Biennal of Contemporary Art Competition Artoteque, London, UK 2009 Finalist Competition Rooted, Luxembourg 2004 Academician associate, Acad Int. Greci Marino, 1999 First Prize at the Salon de Cannes, France 1998 Presidente Prize-the Salon de Printemps, Lyon 1998 Great Prize at the Salon d'Orgon, France Personal exhibitions 2015 New Tech Center Univ Louvain la Neuve, Be 2015 Tower 42, London, United Kingdom 2015 Space Art Gallery, Brussels, Belgium 2014 The space of the tour seasons, Brussels,Be 2014 Exhibition to Maaltebruggecasteel, Ghent,Be 2013 Residence of the Ambassador of Romania, Bruss 2011 European Commission Brussels, Belgium 2010 CMS Gallery De Backer, Brussels, Belgium 2009 CMS Gallery De Backer, Brussels, Belgium 2009 Romanian Cultural Institute, London, UK 2008 CMS Gallery De Backer, Brussels, Belgium 2008 Gallery Crédit Agricole Bank, Brussels, Be 2007 Art Fort Reveur Gallery, Brussels, Belgium 2006 CMS Gallery DeBacker, Brussels, Belgium 2006 Arthemise Gallery, Berneau/Vise, Belgium 2004 CMS Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium 2004 Cassini Gallery, Rhode St.Genese, Belgium 2004 CMS Gallery, Brussels, Belgium 2004 Arslineandi Gallery, Liège, Belgium 2000 Dominnium Gallery, Beersel, Belgium 2000 Museum of Jerte, Brussels, Belgium 1999 Arets Gallery, Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 1998 Le chène Madame, Neupré, Belgium 1998 Mostée Gallery, Huy, Belgium 1998 DeMuelenaere-Lefevere Gallery,Oostduinkerke 1997 Romanian Cultural Center, Paris, France 1997 European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium 1997 Contemporary Art Gallery, Visé, Belgium 1997 Galerie Everaerts, Paris, France 1997 Groot Begijnhof Gallery, Mechelen, Belgium 1996 Hotel Métropole, Brussels, Belgium 1996 Parcours d'Artistes, St.Gilles, Brussels, Be 1996 Cultural Center, Zellik, Belgium 1996 Cultural Center of Willebroek, Belgium 1995 Sheraton Hotel, Brussels, Belgium

Collective exhibitions 2018 Exhibition atthe Cercle Royal Gaulois, Brussels 2017 Exhibition atthe Cercle Royal Gaulois, Brussels 2016 Exhibition ART4 Sablon Brussels 2016 Queen Elisabeth Olympic Park, London 2016 Jewish Museum of Belgium, Brussels 2016 The Space Pierre Cardin, Paris, France 2015 Salons Libres Européens, La Madeleine, Paris, Fr. 2015 Salon International Art Nordic, Copenhague, Dk. 2012 Exhibition Gallery Brenart, Brussels, Belgium 2012 Exhibition Square Armand Steurs, Brussels, Be. 2010 Exhibition Palais de Schonbrunn,Wien, Austria 2010 Exhibition Chateau de Villemomble, Paris, Fr. 2010 Galerie CMS DeBacker, Bruxelles, Belgium 2010 Victory Space, Brussels, Belgium 2010 Arets Gallery Exhibition Prestige, Brussels,Be 2010 Kunstroute Koksijde Atrium Gemeentehuis, Be 2009 Victory Space, Brussels, Belgium 2009 Kulturzentrum from Bonn/Hardtberg, Germany 2009 Palast Gallery Berlin, Germany 2009 Exhibition “Le Petit Montmartre”, Brussels, Be 2008 Spring Nights, Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 2007 SABAM Exhibition, Bernier Space, Waterloo, Be 2007 Arets Gallery Exhibition Prestige, Brussels,Be 2007 Winter Nights Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 2006 SABAM Exhibition Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium 2006 Sculptural Space, Ploegsteert, Belgium 2006 Exhib.The Day of the Belgian Heritage, Brussels 2006 Exhibition Sculptures and Fountains, Louveigné 2005 Artitude Gallery “Diversity in the Art” Paris, Fr. 2005 Sculptural Space, Ploegsteert, Belgium 2004 Arets Gallery Exhib Prestige, Sablon, Brussels 2004 Exhibition “Angels's Cry” Ottignies, Belgium 2004 Lake Genval Castle « Artconnection », Belgium 2004 Société Nat de Beaux-Arts Musée du Louvre, Paris 2003 Arets Gallery, Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 2003 Exhibition “Angels Cry”,Grand Place,Brussels 2002 Arets Gallery, Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 2002 Société Nat de Beaux-Arts Musée du Louvre, Paris 2001 Art Am Tunnel Gallery, Luxemburg 2001 Arets Gallery, Sablon, Brussels, Belgium 2001 Exhibition in the Square A Steurs, Brussels 2000 Pierre-Paul Hamesse Foundation, Brussels, Be


2000 International Art Biennale, Roma, Italy 2000 Société Nat de Beaux-Arts, Musée du Louvre 1999 Salon Internatinal de Prestige, Cannes.France 1999 MFF Gallery, Saint-Paul de Vence, France 1999 Sculpture Exhib in the A Steurs Square.Bxl, Be 1999 Belgica Sculptura 99, Oupeye Castle, Belgium 1999 Show Grands et Jeunes d'Aujourd'hui, Paris, Fr 1999 Show Contemporary Art, Versailles, France 1998 Show “Comparaisons”, Paris, France 1998 Mostée Gallery Huy, Belgium 1998 Spring Show, Palais Municipal, Lyon, France 1998 Contemporary Art Show, Orgon, Provence. France 1998 Show “Comparaisons”, Paris, France 1998 Mostée Gallery Huy, Belgium 1998 Spring Show, Palais Municipal, Lyon, France 1998 Contemporary Art Show, Orgon, Provence. France 1998 Actual Art Festival, Serans Castle, France 1997 Mairie du 4éme Arrondissement, Paris, France 1997 Sculpture Exhib in the ASteurs Square, Brussels 1995 Artists from the World, Montparnasse, Paris, Fr Symposiums - Fairs 2008 Symposium of Sculpture, Drama, Greece 2006 Symposium of Sculpture, Morteau, France 2006 Symposium of Sculpture, Mijoux, France 2005 Symposium of Sculpture, Mersin.Turkey 2004 Symposium of Sculpture, Morteau, France 2003 Symposium of Sculpture, Morges, Switzerland 2002 Symposium of Sculpture, Istanbul.Turkey 2001 Symposium of Sculpture, Drama, Greece 2001 Symposium of Sculpture, Aley, Lebanon 2000 Symposium of Sculpture, Drama, Greece 1998 Chàteau à l'Horloge, Wanze, Belgium 1998 Etruriarte, Venturina-Livorno, Italy 1998 Symposium of Sculpture Ecouché, France 1998 International Art Fair Lineart, Gand.Belgium 1997 Symposium of Sculpture, Sprimont, Belgium Official Purchases Town Hall City of Willebroek, Belgium Museum of Jette, Brussels BBC. Park Einstein, Louvain-La-Neuve University Be Private collections Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hollande, Romania, Switzerland, S.U.A, Turkey

Legal notices “MARIAN SAVA – VIBRATIONS IN 3D” is the Artist’s portfolio produced by the Studio Byblos. Any reproduction, even a partial of the name, of the layout and of the ways of the publication, if not authorized by Studio Byblos, will be punished according to the Law. The typographic printing and the reprint of the publication is an exclusive right of Studio Byblos, which allows the dissemination of a single page or of all the publication in image format. The publication on digital platforms must occur exclusively only with the prior authorization of Studio Byblos. The copyright of the artworks belongs to Mr. MARIAN SAVA. Mr. MARIAN SAVA’s address and the images have been published with his consent. Dino Marasà ’ comment cannot be reproduced, translated or modified, without his permission. Any dispute will be exclusively resolved according to the Court of Palermo laws.

Mentions légales "MARIAN SAVA - VIBRATIONS IN 3D" est le portfolio de l'artiste produit par le Studio Byblos. Toute reproduction, même partielle du nom, de la mise en page et des modalités de la publication, si elle n'est pas autorisée par Studio Byblos, sera sanctionnée conformément à la loi. L'impression typographique et la réimpression de la publication est un droit exclusif de Studio Byblos, qui permet la diffusion d'une seule page ou de toute la publication en format image. La publication sur les plateformes numériques ne doit avoir lieu qu'avec l'autorisation préalable de Studio Byblos. Le droit d'auteur des œuvres appartient à M. MARIAN SAVA. L'adresse de M. MARIAN SAVA et les images ont été publiées avec son consentement. Le commentaire de Dino Marasà ne peut être reproduit, traduit ou modifié sans sa permission. Tout différend sera exclusivement résolu selon les lois de la Cour de Palerme.


Marian Sava:

Address: Chaussée de Waterloo nr 311 1060 Brussels Belgium Landline: +32 2 5391439 Mobile : +32 494424967 Email : Site web : Atelier: Marbrerie Oscar Daffe Rue Robert Ledecq 14, 1440 Wauthier-Braine Belgium Landline : +32 23669029 Photos: Marian Sava Graphic project and printing : Studio Byblos Via Montepellegrino, 179 90142 Palermo Italy Tél: +39915073349 Mob: +393337878888

Studio Byblos Publishing House

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