ARMA Magazine - Fall Winter 12 - 13

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MAGAZINE fall winter 12 -13



Fall Winter 12-13 After the positive response to our magezine SS12, we, the design team, worked on a brand new edition for Fall - Winter 12- 13. Inspired by the wellknown ‘September issue‘, international designers and our shopping trips to Amsterdam, Antwerp and our favorite Milan, (where we unfold our hotspots in “Milano Moves”), we designed 5 new winter themes. For our first themes we go back to a decade ago as shown in Sophisticated 70‘s and Absolutely 60’s. On the other hand we have translated the future into: Independent future. For the contemporary and casual trends we have the Preppy items and for who wishes to enfold in elegance opts for Traditionals. Our shooting took place in a modern beautiful loft at the ‘De Witte Dame’ a monumental industrial building from 1930 divining the heart of the city Eindhoven, where we have worked with our team to shoot our fashion images you see in this magazine. We conclude with a beautiful statement from Coco Chanel: “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.“


4 Absolutly 60’s Inspiration, trends and womens collection

Inspiration, trends and womens collection

In this magazine you’ll find more quotes from inspiring people. We hope you enjoy this magazine and our new collection! This issue is made by the ArmA Design team and Studio Redlab.


Inspiration, trends and womens collection

Inspiration, trends, womens collection and mens collection

20 28

Independent Future

Sophisticated 70’s

Milano Moves

Fashion, In haling the Culture, Bite & Night and ArmA in Milano

32 40 48

Preppy items

Inspiration, trends, womens collection and mens collection



Sophisticated 70’s


Sophisticated 70’s Women


70’s fashion was an eclectic mix of both a new and modern decade and the things long forgotten. The 70’s was still ingrained with the 60’s flower power, hippie and ethnic influences were a big part of the people’s style.

Moodboard made by M. Boersma


Trend Trench coats, pilot jackets or fur-jackets are all part of the 70’s, and can’t be missed in any collection. Also the vintage look amplifies the right feeling. A real eyecatcher in Arma’s collection is style Zona, which is the perfect mix of a new shape in a sprayed leather.

The Look

Platform shoes and wide leg pants were this decade‘s must haves, but also furry collars and leather jackets! Combine this with a nice silk bow blouse and you walk right in to the 70’s. Also the right combination of warm retro colours can help you fix the right look!

Designed by M. Boersma


Designed by R. Smit

Trend Long fur coats, sturdy aviator lammycoats were all important pieces of the 70’s, and are part of our collection. Also the fancy biker jackets expresses the 70’s free spirit. Combined in the perfect retro biker Fredericks in soft leather.

The Look

A mix of faded trousers or woollen checked trousers with semi platform shoes combines with an thick self knitted sweater and fur collared jackets to get the right 70’s feeling.


Sophisticated 70’s Inspiration


The 70’s mix creating a new and eclectic style of both vintage and re-invented patchwork techniques. Inspired by the 60’s flower power, hippie and ethnic influences..

Moodboard made by R. Smit

Style: Zani



“Everyday is a fashion show and the world is the runway.” - Coco Chanel


Style: Zona

“Happy, happy fashion - there is not much more to it than that.� - Marc Jacobs


©bron: Lara Stone Vogue France September 2011.


©bron: L’ august 2011.

©bron: elle/Gucci showfall 2011.


Sophisticated 70’s Ladies

Trend info: Also this year, the styling team of Arma created a glamorous collection for you. Bordeux, pine green and blue are combined with the main tones caramel. Accompanied by black for the fur styles. Bomber shapes in fur or leather with knit are the highlights. Everything has a stylish look and a sexy edge. Here is a selection of the new winter 12-13.

Inspiration Celebrities throughout the ages have always fascinated designers. Also the 70’s had a great influence on our designs. In April 1977, legendary New York nightclub Studio 54 opened with a guest list that included Andy Warhol, Liza Minnelli, Debbie Harry and Mick Jagger. Jagger put Studio 54 on the map and the club instantly became NY’s hottest spot. Perhaps one of the most iconic images of the Seventies, John Travolta donned his bell-bottoms in 1977 for Saturday Night. And not to forget Farah Fawcett. Not only did her trademark hairstyle inspire women of all ethnicities globally, but the show’s quirky and sexually infused use of wardrobing to tell the story of these beautiful undercover agents set many fashion trends as well. She loved to wear fur coats. This retro trend is to be found in our brand new collection for winter 12-13. Which fur piece should you decide on and invest in?


Lamb Forrest Light green


Rabbit Blue


Lamb Forrest Bordeaux


Rabbit Black

©bron: Elle nl. august 2011


Froukje Rabbit Natural


Lamb Entrefino Tigrado Black


Rabbit L. caprito Natural cemento


Ch. Racoon Blue


Trend This year Arma created a luxurious Mens collection. Materials are both soft and bold. Sturdy leathers and soft washed Suede in sophisticated Deep Forrest green and impressive Indigo combined with dark Antique Brown and Black.

Sophisticated 70’s Gents


Inspiration Elegance and sophisticated luxury combined with refined sportswear inspired our styling team for this winter theme. Down filled and quilted jackets with slightly altered proportions and eye for subtle details. This used in an eclectic way by mixing artisanal techniques, like quilting in soft and sturdy qualities. And this retro trend is to be found in our brand new collection for winter 12-13.


Goat Suede Beluga


Nylon Leather Navy

Fredericks Sheep Veg Deep Forrest


Goat Plonge Black

Arrington Nylon Leather Navy


Goat Plonge Indigo


Sheep Washed Cognac

Style: Dover



Interview In this edition of Arma Magazine an exclusive interview with one of our directors, Sirun Aykaz, he tells about the future plans off Arma. How would you describe the vision of Arma? For us as a company it is important that we meet our customers via multiple channels. We need to move fast in this rapidly growing market. The charisma of Arma is communicated via a couple of channels. The image that is transferred by the independent retailers and the department stores must also be seen at our website. The website will play a bigger role within the organization. This way the customer and retailer must know what Arma stands for. And what is it that Arma stands for? Arma is tough, beautiful, fashionable and it is a pleasure to wear . That is our DNA. The value for money and the finish of the products are very important. This DNA should be communicated to the world. Our profile should be clear to the consumer. The pleasure of people wearing Arma must be seen. Our goal is that when people think of leather clothing, they automatically think of Arma.. How do you achieve your goals? Team spirit is one of the most important ingredients of creating these goals. This spirit actually dominates within the organization and everybody works together to reach the established goals. An enthusiastic team of employees are motivated to continually perform and this creates a positive effect to the outside world. What strengths within the organization are being used to reach the goals? The expertise of the organization that we have built in the last 30 years has proven us to be successful and lets us continue in the way we are working. In the upcoming years creating name and brand awareness are the number one objectives. People need to accept Arma Leather as a company and need to love our products. This way Arma creates positive thoughts to potential customers. We will do everything to ensure these goals are reached, so that you enjoy wearing your leather jacket! Interview with: Sirun Aykaz Interviewer: Lindy Koppers

Style: Annette






©bron: L’OFFICIEL AUGUST 2011.





For the inspiration for Absolutely 60 ‘s we went back to the old days. Thinking of styl icons as Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn and Brigit Bardot. The most striking trends from that time are the reduced hip accent, the A line shaped dress, the mini- skirt and tweed fabrics, collar-less Chanel jackets, round collars and the use of large buttons.


Trend info: Also this year, the styling team of Arma created a delicious collection. In this collection you will find basic colors such as black and nomad (a kind of Taupe). Supplemented with red which bears the name :Tango. Executed in soft lamb caprito and Fur. Some items have jersey to increase the wearing comfort. Here is a selection of the new winter 12-13.






ch. racoon bordeaux

lamb caprito nomad

Annette lamb caprito nomad

ch. racoon blue

ch. racoon bordeaux

Desreen lamb caprito black





lamb caprito tango

lamb caprito tango

lamb caprito black

lamb caprito black


Style: Deserene

“The difference between style and fashion is quality” - Giorgio Armani






O nly

one thing come to mind w he n thinking ab out Mil an: fa shi on ! B e si d e s shopping, Mi l an ha s mu ch to of fe r, like di s cov e r ing c ul t ural hig hlig hts during a w al k or e njoy ing a g reat br unch at one of the many good re s taurants.


INHALING CULTURE R ome is c a l le d t he “old It a ly” w he re as Mi l an is k now n as t he “ne w It a ly”, w h ich do e s n’t me an t hat Mi l an do e s n’t t re as ure its c u ltur a l h istor y. Mi l an is ble ss e d w it h a g re at many churche s . L i ke I l D uomo di Mi l an . T h is is t he mo st f amous church e xuding a b e aut if u l old char is ma . B ot h t he inte r ior and e xte r ior are a t r ue pie ce of ar t ! S ant a Mar i a del le Gr a z ie is anot he r “must v is it”. T he mur a ls p ainte d by L e onardo d a Vinci ma ke t h is church ve r y p opul ar. “ T he L ast Supp e r” is phe nome na l! Ap ar t f rom

v is it ing churche s I wou l d re comme nd a v is it to t he ar t g a l le r y Pina c ote c a d i Bre t a . T h is g a l l e r y w as founde d in 18 0 9 by Na p ole on B onap ar te. Ar t t re asure s f rom a l l ove r Europ e are on d ispl ay, as wel l as e xh ibit s f rom It a li an ar t ist s r ang i ng f rom t he 14t h to t he 2 0 t h c e ntur y. Anot he r must s e e is t he Bibliote c a Ambro s i ana . T his l ibr ar y is name d for Ambros e w ho commissi one d t he const r uc t ion of B as i l i c a di S ant’ Ambrog i e. You w i l l b e able to s e e r are handw r itte n Bibl e s .

FASHION Mi l an is k now n as t he f ashionc apit a l of Europ e. The cit y s e ems to b e one g igant ic c at wa l k . B ot h women and men are p erfe c t ly dress e d and st y le d to t he l atest f ash i on. You c an f ind t he mo st e xquisite coutu re as wel l as desig ne r out l et s . One of t he b e st k now n st re ets w hich is an ab s olute must w hen v is it i ng Mi l an is Vi a Monte Nap ol e one, w here you w i l l f i nd t he most exp ensive shops s el ling brands rang i ng f rom B a lmain to Vers a c e and f rom Va l ent i no to YSL.

Anot her f amous luxur y st re et is Vi a del l a Spig a w here you w i l l f ind t he big brand names, but you w i l l love t he c ozy at mo s phere. You w i l l f ind t he f amous desig ner out le t store 10 C ors o C omo on Vi a Tazzoli. This re a l ly is a mu lt i- store, rest aur ant and a ga l ler y a l l w r app e d up toget her. L ast but not le ast you w i l l be c ompletely stun ne d at Ar man i C as a on Vi a Manzon i. Whet he r you are lo ok ing for cho col ate, f ur niture, clot hi ng or p er f ume, t he y s el l it a l l!

BITE & NIGHT As e ve r y w he re in It a ly, Mi l an love s its g re at na t iona l c uis ine. A g re at br unch c an b e e nj oye d at L e Bicicle tte. T h is us e d to b e a bic ycle re p air shop, bic ycle s st i l l st y lish ly hang on t he ce i ling . If you want to e nj oy a f an t ast ic din ne r go to Tr at tor i a Tipic a P ug lie s e. It is a s ma l l re st aur ant f re que nte d by f amous Mi lane s e. T he y a lways have t he ir pic ture t a ke n by t he ow ne r, w ho displ ays t he s e photo s . S avour t he ant i p ast a’s w it h f re sh ing re die nt s .

T he n ig ht life has an e arly st ar t. One of t he most fa mous and t re ndy club s is Hol ly wo o d. B e w are, d o or p olic y is ve r y st r i c t . D re ss to impre ss in you r d e s i g ne r clot he s and you w i l l have no probl e m , e nte ring t he club. It c e r t ai n ly is more t han wor t hw hi l e v is it ing .


MILANO moves

to the Milano Unica Mi l ano Un i c a is t he internat iona l tex t i l e f ai r organize d in It a ly. The name, Mi l ano Un i c a repres ents t he t hre e ess ent i a l charac ter ist ics of t he te xt i le fair. Un i c a is s y nony mous w it h s i ngu l ar, exclusive and unite d. E x - p er ienc e, qu a lit y, t ra d it i on , t rends, s er v ice and c u ltu re are t he histor y b ot h p ast and pres ent of Mi l ano Un ic a, t he It a li an t ra d e f ai r pres ent ing top-end Eu rop e an fabr ics and a c cess or ies. The Mi l ano Un i c a has t wo annu a l e d it i ons . Febr u ar y for spr i ng / su m mer c oll e c t ions and S epte mb er for fa l l / w i nter c ol le c t ions . The Un i c a fe atures t he f inest i n men - and women’s we ar pro du c t ion .

The Ar ma L e at her st y ling te am w i l l a ls o b e v is it ing t he f air to gain inspir at ion for t he 2013 spr ing / summer c ol le c t ion. We’ l l b e inspire d in t he f ield of ne w de ve- lopments such as ne w qu a lit ie s in f abr ics , wash ings and ac c ess or ie s such as buttons and studs .


ARMA in Milano

T he Ar ma L eathe r st y ling te am v i sit s Mi l an and F l ore nce t w i ce a y e ar to g ain in spirat i on for the ne w coll ec t i on s. We’ ll show y ou w he re w e sl e e p, w he re w e shop and w he re w e g o for dr ink s and dinne r. Even t houg h Mi l an mig ht not b e t he mo st b e aut if u l cit y of It a ly, it su re has a l ot to of fer in t he are as of h istor y, c u lture and delicious dishe s . But t he mai n t hi ng Mi l an has to of fer is f ash ion , lot s of f ash ion . Not on ly in b e aut if u l store s but r i g ht on t he st re ets as wel l. Join us in our wa l k a long s ide t he mo st b e aut if u l sp ot s !


Whi le shopping in Mi l an t he st y ling te am ma ke s long hours, s o it is imp or t ant t hat t he te am memb ers sle ep in a ce n t ra l ly lo c ate d hotel. One of t hes e hotels is t he four- st ar C ovour Hotel. It is lo c ate d clos e to Vi a Sp iga, Vi a Manzon i and Vi a Monte- nap o- le one. Not on ly is it c onven ie nt ly lo c ate d, but it is a ls o ve r y elegant.

SHOP TILL WE DROP Ar ma’s te am lite r a l ly shop s f rom e arly mor n ing t i l l l ate e ve n ing . You w i l l f ind us on t he big shopping st re e t s or b e tte r ye t in s ma l l, st i l l to b e dis cove re d b out ique s . Of cours e we a lways v is it Ar man i’s f ash ion store, a ls o k now n as Ar man i C as a , on Vi a Man z on i. Whe t he r you are lo oking for cho col ate, f ur n iture, clot h ing or p e r f ume, you’ l l b e sure to f ind it

he re ! We’re not on ly i nspi re d by t he g re at f ash ion store s i n tow n, but inspir at ion c ome s to us by just lo ok i ng at t he p e ople on t he st re e t s . T he re s ide nts of Mi l an re a l ly do k now how to d re ss ! T he y a lways l o ok l i ke f ash ion pl ate s ! He e d our a dv i c e : just s it dow n at one of t he nu me rous s ide w a l k c afé s and e nj oy t he show !

BRERA We de f in itely re comme nd a v is it to Bre r a . T h is is one of t he t re ndie st qu arte rs of Mi l an . It’s a ls o k now n as “litt le Par is”, b e c aus e he re you’ l l f ind a g re at many ar t ists , av ant g arde b out ique s , ple as ant s ide wa l k c afé s and a de lig ht f u l n ig ht life. S ome of t he more luxur ious and t re ndie r store s are to b e found on Vi a S olfe r ino and C ors o G a br ib a ldi. Bre r a’s n ig ht -

life is de f in itely b o om i ng w it h lots of re st au r ant s and clubs to chos e f rom ! One of t he m is t he d e lig ht f u l re st au r ant O bi k a Moz z arel l a B ar, w he re you’ l l b e s e r ve d moz z a rel l a w it h e ve r y d ish you orde r. A l l t he t re ndy p e ople come to O bi k a . Ar m a L e ather ’s It a l i an show ro om i s a l s o situ at e d i n thi s tren d y qu ar ter of tow n .

Style: Lubna



Independent future

Independent future Trend

Trend info: Also this year, the styling team created a slim fitted collection with clean silhouettes. In this theme the two colours, black and espresso are not the lead but the cut and the material. The leather is combined with stretch jersey, wool, rib wool or the leather has a wrinkle effect. Also stretch leather and fringes are presented. Here is a selection of the new winter 12-13.


Šbron: Jitrios advertisment Fall Winter 2011


Inspired by futuristic, geometric forms, and contemporary designers we created the theme : Independent Future. Thinking of designers such as Rick Owens, Haider Ackermann, Jitrois and Jill Sander. The most striking items are leather T-shirts, tight dresses and skirts with eye-catching stitching. Do you want to make a statement? Wear the dress with fringes for a night out!



Entrefino Tigrado Espresso


Lamb Caprito Black


Lamb Caprito Black


Stretch Plonge Black


Lamb Caprito Black


Lamb Entrefino Brown


Lamb Croco Espresso


Lamb Caprito Textile Black


Lamb Caprito Black


Lamb Croco Black


Lamb Caprito Black


Lamb Caprito Black



“We must never confuse elegance with snobbery� - Yves Sant Laurent


“I believe that fashion is not fashion is not about what you wear, but how you wear it. It’s more than putting together outfits and creating different looks, but a form of expression of ones indentity.” - Adetayo Fajemisin

Style: Dodge


Šbron: Zadig&voltaire advertisment Fall Winter 2011




Also this year, the styling team of Arma created a casual and informal collection. The Preppy style is classy and fun. Forget the ties and boring colours. Warm colours and modern materials are increasingly being incorporated into the usual preppy threads. Get with the trend: the most used colours are night, pine green, port and cognac. Use these colours with a modern colour like pumpkin orange or mustard yellow. Tough leather bikers, skinny tailored blazers and casual zip jackets to make this informal look complete. Loafer heels can dress up the leather skirt: Amyrilles for school girl sophistication. You can give it an edgy side or more a rock chick look by adding non-traditional accessories.


This trend, based on the uniforms from colleges and private high schools, has now once again found its way into the minds of greatest designers and their respective catwalks. The preppy trend ( also called the college look) is spotted at Marc Jacobs, Paul Smith and Louis Vuitton. Tommy Hillfiger and Abercrombie are the role models in this trend. You can find preppy pieces at Arma Women which will be sure to also include this trend.



sheep denvy cognac

sheep anvers pine green



pig suede night

sheep washed indigo


sheep washed indigo


sheep washed indigo


sheep denvy port

KOLLETTE sheep denvy port


sheep denvy cognac



For a more casual and informal atmosphere Arma Men was inspired by the All-American Preppy style. Classy but with a touch of funfactor. Warm and natural colours as mahony, cognac and indigo enriches the luxurious leathers.


sheep anvers washed mahony

GIANCARLO pig destroy dark brown


sheep anvers washed indigo


pig destroy dark brown


sheep anvers washed indigo


sheep anvers washed antique brown


sheep anvers washed antique brown





Our all-time favourite pea-coat inspired us for elaborated jackets with rich and functional details. For a sophisticated elegance the college uniforms and Varsity sportswear inspired our styling team for formal long coats mixed with sturdy leather bombers to complete this informal look. This is an international trend found besides Tommy Hillfiger and Abercrombie & Fitch and at all the designers catwalks. Surely this look is included in our new Winter 2012-13 collection.

Style: Fredericks



“Trying too hard to follow every trend. You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.� - Tommy Hilfiger


“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak”

Style: Jollet

- Rachel Zoe


Style: Daphne





Traditionals Trend




Lamb Entrefino Sand

Entrefino Racoon Olive

Lamb Toscane Suede Khaki




Lamb Light Plonge Expresso

Textile Navy

Textile Nomad

©bron: Sportmax Fall Winter 2011

Trend info: Also this year, the styling team created a timeless and elegant collection. The harmony between classic elegance and sporty items is nurtured by a mix of opposites, which surprisingly harmonise perfectly. On the one hand, stylish, lady – chic “chanel” jackets and on the other hand a ski sports coats , both components complement eachother. Black is still a strong favourite. There is also the subtle range of browns from nomad to dark, espresso and dark bleu. A continuous favourite is soft, shiny leather: lamb caprito and lamb plonge combined with wool or on its own with padded details.


Lamb Entrefino Toscane Light Grey


Lamb Light Plonge Espresso



Lamb Light Plonge Black


Lamb Caprito Wool Black


Lamb Waxed Dark Blue


Lamb Light Plonge Wool Black


Ch. Racoon Brown


Lamb Caprito Black Brown


Lamb Classic Brown


The international designers are pushing for a change of direction with their creations. The classics are back. Sophisticated, luxurious, traditional and established style with an emphasis in leather. Think of designers such as Max Mara, Hermes, Chanel and Moncler. Some in sporty styles and others in a more adult, feminine look, which are more reminiscent of designs from Chanel and Max Mara. Along with this new stylish direction is also an upgrade in the quality with beautiful wool fabrics and the finest leather topping the chart list. Colours include the classics such as black, brown and blue.


Style: Luzetta

“I don’t design clothes, I design dreams.” - Ralph Lauren



Coming soon Hi! Let’s introduce ourselves. We are 23g, a web development company based in Rotterdam. We’re experts at making beautiful, fast and secure web apps that are easy to use. We love technology and using it to create awesome products for our clients. A couple of months ago we were asked by Arma to create their new website, taking full advantage of the latest web design techniques. We’re keeping a couple of things in mind while building the new website to ensure that it’s very easy to use.

One very important trend in web design right now is making your website responsive. Responsive web design means that the website’s layout changes according to the size of your screen. This means that when you visit the site on your mobile phone there’s no need to zoom or tap annoyingly small buttons, because all these elements scale and rearrange themselves automatically. Of course, when we say ‘automatically’ that’s just what it looks like while using the site. We’re using several techniques to make sure this all runs smoothly so you can visit the new website on your mobile phone or tablet, tilt the screen or drag your browser window while the website remains perfectly usable.

We think building websites like this is the way it should be done, especially when more and more people are using smartphones. Besides making the website responsive, we’re focusing on using a lot of full-screen images and videos to show off all the products, in addition to adding a lot of extra product information. We are working closely together with Arma to make sure the products are the main focus of the website and are represented well. We’re very excited to show the results, so keep an eye on (And check us out at


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