2. Hans Boodt #3
SUPER FUTURE HANS BOODT Super immortal contest Hans Boodt and Superfuture
8. 14.
Report from the graduation show Design Academy Eindhoven
CASUAL VINTAGE COLLECTION Hans Boodt presents the Casual Vintage collection
BEAT UNION COLLECTION Hans Boodt presents the Beat Union collection
A little inside into what we take away from windowshopping London
Copyright by Hans Boodt 2011
With great pride we present the third edition of the Hans Boodt Magazine. Over the last year we received hundreds of enthusiastic reactions from our loyal readers, who are obviously quite curious about what’s going on in the lives of our mannequins. A boost that - of course - took our magazine to the next level! Because believe us or not; a LOT is going on. For starters, this edition offers the opportunity to immortalize yourself! Want to know how? Browse to page 4 and find out! Maybe you’ll be forever immortalized in shop windows all over the world. And speaking of that... In this edition we also take you window shopping in London, one of the world’s most fashionable cities, just to share our inspiration with you. We also give a sneak preview on our Casual Vintage Collection, so you can meet our new male mannequin. Believe us if we say he’s slim, pliable and sexy! For the creative readers among us, we made an extensive report from the Graduation Show Design Academy Eindhoven, where 150 young and upcoming designers showed their conceptual artwork and ideas. We were impressed with all the amazing talents. We hope you are too... Oh, and you may have noticed a Part 2 of this third edition? That’s right. We took the opportunity to put Beat Union in the limelight and show you a glimpse into their hectic lives as members of a popular rock band. So you know exactly what’s going on in the lives of our mannequins! Enjoy reading! Hans Boodt
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4. Hans Boodt #3
HANS BOODT. @ superfuture R
Super immortal contest Hans Boodt and Superfuture.com. Immortalize yourself! At Hans Boodt mannequins, we’re always looking for fresh poses for our mannequins and the good news is: now is your chance to immortalize yourself! All you have to do is send in an image of your best look and our panel of judges will select one guy and one girl to become an official window mannequin. In other words: your name and pose will be forever immortalized in shop windows all over the world! Definitely a good story to tell... And that’s not all. Your pose will also be used on the popular fashion forum What Are You Wearing Today (WAYWT) on www.superfuture.com, where users post their outfits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The WAYWT thread chronicles the daily outfits in a variety of poses, brands and general attire. Your pose can be one of them! Here’s what you should do: upload your best picture on superfuture.com > supertalk > WAYWT and get rated by our panel of judges consisting of supertalk users, mods and Hans Boodt execs. The action goes from mid-January and runs to mid-February. So seriously, upload your best picture and get immortalized!! www.superfuture.com www.hansboodt.com
6. Hans Boodt #3
INVENTIONS FOR A NOMADIC LIFESTYLE “Go out for a ride in your bathtub, catch the birds with your umbrella. Expand your trolley into a scooter or become a walking theatre. Hang your coat on your suspenders and listen to sea – radio. Screw on your sunglasses and take a nap on your neck-pack” A collection of extraordinary inventions for a colourful crowd of travelling characters. Peripatetic Paraplernalia is a series of assembled products made of discarded objects aimed at seven flamboyant characters. Artist: Maaike Fransen
GRADUATION SHOW DESIGN ACADEMY EINDHOVEN Last October the Dutch city of Eindhoven was host the 10th edition of the Dutch Design Week. During this week visitors can experience design from different perspectives. Four selected areas in Eindhoven hosted different programs, with lectures, expo’s and studio’s where you can indulge yourself with everything related to Dutch design. The real must-see is the graduation show of the Design Academy Eindhoven where a 150 young and upcoming designers showed their conceptual artwork and ideas. Another inspiring part is the grande exhibition in the ‘Klokgebouw’ (one of DDW’s hotspots), with work by both established and new designers and manufacturing companies.
What is a teapot when you no longer know what a teapot is? How does a person suffering from dementia experience his or her surroundings? In Jetske Visser’s film Forgotten Memory the viewer is submerged in the world of dementia. From a desire to understand the world of people suffering from the condition, Visser created an image of their hazy, fragile and precarious existence. As a metaphor for the condition she has transformed a series of everyday objects to demonstrate that things are not always what you expect.
“Is design the exclusive domain of designers? ”That’s what Chia – Pin Yang wondered. And so, he asked over 100 fellow Taiwanese urbanites for their on-the–spot design ideas. Yang was surprised to discover that these amateurs could give professional designers a run for their money. Their unique and insightful ideas included: a picnic table complete with built-in-tree-guaranteeing a spot in the shade, a flowershaped wind turbine to give this form of eco-energy a friendlier look, and a housing complex in the form of a cruise ship. Yang compiled the best ideas in a book, Created in Taiwan, also including his interviewees’ original sketches. Designers watch out!
Artist: Jetske Visser
Artist: Chia-Pin Yang
COAT RACK WITH A MIND OF IT’S OWN Today, more and more products are simple on the outside and complicated on the inside. People cannot understand the products anymore and they lose the control over them. concerning this development, the desire of understanding a product while using it decreases. with this project, I have taken the opposite tack, to ensure that people can see how a product works, so that they can enjoy understanding how technology works. it is my aim to set people thinking, so that they really perceive the world with the help of their eyes and their hands. “respond” is an interactive coat rack, which moves when a coat is hung on it. it is an ingenious weight system, using precision carpentry and the element of surprise. after all, surprise arouses curiosity, and curiosity can lead you to the pleasure of understanding.
Our generation places great demands upon itself-a striving for perfection is widely observable. But is that actually typical of our time? Boudewien van den Berg observed that, whilst the competitive spirit is an intrinsic part of being human, a new situation has resulted from the fact that, due to modern communications, we are now in contact with a greater number of people with whom to compare ourselves. Further, notions of how our lives can be ‘designed’ also raise the bar extra-high.The illusion of perfection is easy to create, but designable does not necessarily mean real. In My Interpretation of a Generation, Boudewien recordedher fellow students’take on their own generation by photoshopping their faces until their proportions were ‘perfect’, thus enabling them to contribute to the zeitgeist without doing anything! Artist: Boudewien van den Berg
Artist: Nicole schindelholz
NATURAL PIGMENTS ENCHANCE WOOD How can you increase consumer awareness of a product’s origins? Yannic’s solution is called The Synergy of colour. His bare, elm wood cabinet is designed to be decorated using natural pigments people collect themselves. Think of stinging nettles for a deep green colour or wild heather for purple and mixed with transparent paint. This is fed into a flexible tube connected to a needle embedded in the soft wood of the wardrobe. Slowly, the natural pigment seeps into the wood, returning some of the forest to the tree. Artist: Yannic Alidarso
What to do with that cherished T-shirt you wore on your first date? Send it to Kevin Caboor for a new lease of life as a one-of-a-kind puppet. There are four designs to choose from: Show-it, Share–it, Take-it, and Hug-it. Together they are called Pop-its. Made to give to someone special, each has its own character and qualities. Hug-it has enormously long arms, perfect for hugging and is filled with seeds which stay nice and warm after a stint on a radiator. Take-it’s small size on the other hand, is perfect to travel. Caboor crafts each puppet himself, selecting which parts of the material provided best suit each creation. Artist: Kevin Caboor
8. Hans Boodt #3
CASUAL VINTAGE COLLECTION Hans Boodt presents the Casual vintage collection, based on our current Casual collection with an authentic performance. The result is a new mannequin with a smaller fit and an abstract image with new hot poses.
Slim, pliable and sexy ladies and gentleman in their twenties. This vintage collection is a special edition from the casual positions. The bust and head are covered with vintage fabric, the arms and legs are standard painted in black matt finish. Check www.hansboodt.com for more information.
T HANS BOODT. mannequins
Contents Special edition from Hans Boodt Mannequins.
Beat union Interview Great interview with Europe’s most popular rockband.
The Band
Introducing all band members, who are they?
band Support your favorite and and buy the new cd shirts of the band.
In this special edition of the Hans Boodt Magazine you can read everyt hing you always wanted to know about Beat Union, one of Europe’s most popular (and most discussed!) rock bands. We are proud to introduce the members of the band and even prouder to welcome all of them to our team of mannequins. We offer you an exclusive interview with the whole crew as well as a personal profile of each band member. Also don’t miss the absolute must haves from the Beat Union Shop and - of course - the program of their Avenger Europe Tour. Don’t miss it! Hans Boodt Mannequins Check www.hansboodt.com for more information about this collection
Peter Jean (vocalist of the band Beat Union)
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Beat union In nterview Hans Boodt’s exclusive inter view with one of Europe’s most popular and most discussed rockbands! How
a many
Beat the
grows w
as more and more people day a discover this unique British underground band that not only has aa massive effect on today’s music business, but also whole new a w a managed to create fashion scene. Their statement is clear: ‘be free of judgment aand and ignore all clichés!’ rules a “First of all; congratulations on your new album! Is it going to be another hit record?” PETER: “Well,
we’ll w
album is wait and see. This a very different from our pre-
“Sounds logical. So what exactly is the message you want to send out to your fans?” KATE: to challenge young a “We want an impeople to be pure in a w Don’t just follow pure world. w to be difa the crowd, but dare a way w ferent. Music is a great to create your own world and that
also a
a creating
a no idea a vious one, so we have be on our w what the effect will
an identity in life. We just express yourself to say: a want w
you like and be all w in any way you can be. If your next door
always a porcess is there’s a want tion of people who don’t w you to chance. That puts you in a strange position because hungry to try new w we’re always what we do! a things. That’s and send We do our own thing a believe we a w out the message in. If people don’t like it, of the game. Our that’s part a we think it’s our game! But w a we have so w album so far, best a a our hopes up (laughs).”
of a neighbour doesn’t approve your lifestyle, so be it. It’s YOUR life!”
“We just want to say: Express yourself in any way you like and be all you can be” “How does it feel to be such an inspiration for young people?” JOHN: “Well, it’s sort of a mixed It’s obviously a feeling really. a very exciting but it’s also time. a terrifying aat the same We stimulate freedom of exwe’re also aware pression but w that we’re sort of of the fact a w scene. There’s creating a new it’s a a danger in that, because a people usubeen proven that a to fit in someally just want we a On the other hand, w where. represent a group of people found an outlet that hasn’t a to relate to or identify with w so from that point of view we’re sort of a safety net for certain people. And of course, that’s aa good thing!”
“We want to get better rather than to get bigger!�
sometimes “True. People need a helping hand to find their identity. What inspires you guys?” KATE: “That’s difficult to express our inspia words, because in w from
all a
a a little things. London has fantastic underground world a much where you’ll find us as as we can. But we also like to w We a good fashion show. watch a obviously don’t copy styles, even. But we a on the contrary do want to wsee what drives people: the bars they go to, the music they listen to, the clothes
wear... a w
that’s the w out even knowing, best inspiration you can get!”
“London has a fantastic underground world where you’ll find us as much as we can” “Do fashion and style play a role in your success?” PETER: “That’s explain.
one to
ate our own identity and our style is definitely a huge part of that. It’s not just you wear though, it’s hat what w a we also how you wear it. As w said before: we don’t follow and we dare to be the crowd w a different. People seem to like a conthat about us so you may clude that our style is part we nevof our success. But w er expected to create a whole new I
a fashion
(laughs). a we world w
live in. When do you become a fashion icon? There’s no to that. Look a w straight answer a the crazier she does, at Gaga: her. I a the more people adore wearing meana, come on... If w a dress is fashion, then a meat everything
exactly the mesa maybe that’s a want to hear.” people w sage a
“Good point. Doesn’t that massive influence scare you sometimes?” KATE: age a ’s messa “Not really. Gaga enw had nothing to do with couraging people to wear a s to shock w meat a dress. She want people and by doing that she points out that “Not really. a nothing to Gaga’s message had do with encouraging people to wants wear a a meat dress. She w to shock people and by doa ing that she points out that the only style you can crew style. Don’t ate is your own ate get us wwrong; we don’t feel the urge of shocking people a and we definitely don’t want to be remembered by our crato w zy clothing. We just want for that, a make great music and you need to feel good about yourself and I think that wer the question answ might a right. It’s not about lookt feeling a ing good, it’s abou and if looking good makes good a se a you feel better then my advi d be: choose your outfit would woul a n)!” y (laughs agai ly isel w wise
“So what can we expect from you guys in the future?” JOHN: “Tricky one. Never try to predict the future! Let’s put it w will keep on dolike this: we we love and we’ll try w ing what For a to get better every day. a us, it’s not about the fame t getting bigger. It´s a or abou we´ll about getting better and w e that to see wher w a just have leaves us in the next couple a s. We try not to forget of year to enjoy every minute of our a ize how ause we real success beca we also won’t lucky we are. But w what people expect t to w st adjus adju w would from us, because then we ay ourselves. So simply betra a ding let’s just hope that stan be the w out from the crowd will standard from now a new ‘normal’ on.”
d we´ll just s about getting better an It´´s “It xt have to see where that leaves us in the ne couple of years.”
Beat Union
John Bright
Beat Union The Band Kate Red (Born September 19th, 1987) is the lead guitarist of British indie band and lives in Brighton. She plays a Gibson ES 335 and a Fender. During 2007-2009 she was lead guitarist in Funk Clothing known as Solid Soul. She joined the indie rock band Beat Union fairly young. When Kate was little, she put her passion in ballet.
John Bright,(Born April 2nd, 1985) is the lead singer and guitarist of British rock band Beat Union. He was born in Forest Hill in London. His father, John Sr., was also a musician, but he died when John was young. He has had a relationship with Katy Perry and many of the songs on the album butterfly, he wrote for her or their relationship.
Peter Jean (Born January 18th, 1985) temporarily replaced Dean Hillow at Beat Union. When Dean came back, Peter Jean left the band to become vocalist and guitarist at the band “New York Spring”. After Dean permanently left the band late 2008, Peter joined Beat Union again, this time as a base player.
Ann Louis (Born March 26th, 1988), better known by her stage name Anny, is a British singer songwriter and a fashion designer. She is a former member of the girl group Wild Rose. After leaving Wild Rose in 2008 because of personal problems, Anny joined Beat Union. With Beat Union, she enjoyed a series of hits and albums before releasing her debut album to success. She enjoyed further success with the release of their third album with Anny, The Avenger; they attained their first string of Top of the pops Hot 100 number one songs. She began touring in 2009/2010 with Beat Union and she launched her debut The real ME, May 2010. She continued success with Beat Union and they released the album The Avenger in November 2011.
Sammy Trouper (Born June 31th, 1986) is a British drummer of the British band Beat Union. Her father William teaches at the University of Southampton. When Sammy was young, she was musically influenced by Tom Waits and traditional Irish folk music. Sammy played guitar, but she’s also experienced on the piano, bass and flute. Before she joined Beat Union, she played in the band Fat Dog. After finishing Physics at the University College London - where she met her future band mates and formed Beat Union - them but the problem that there were no drummer, so Sammy decided to play drums ... and with success!!
Beat Union shop T-shirt The Avenger size: S, M, L, XL 100% Cotton Black
Male T-shirt Kate
size: S, M, L, XL 100% Cotton Black
Female T-shirt Peter
size: S, M, L, XL 100% Cotton Black
Male T-shirt Beat Union band size: S, M, L, XL 100% Cotton Black
T-shirt Sammy size: S, M, L, XL 100% Cotton White and Black
Female The Avenger (2011) CD (Album) 1 Disk H B Records
Leaving With Out Tails (2008) CD (Album) 1 Disk H B Records
Beat Union male window mannequins Collecters item 4 window mannequins Height: 183 cm
Beat Union female window mannequins Collecters item 5 window mannequins Height: 182 cm
BEAT UNION THE AVENGER EUROPE TOUR 20 jan 22 jan 24 jan 26 jan 28 jan 30 jan 31 jan 2 feb 3 feb 5 feb 7 feb 10 feb 11 feb 12 feb 15 feb 16 feb 17 feb
Moscow Cracow Berlin Hamburg Frankfurt Amsterdam Eindhoven Rotterdam Liege Paris Lyon Barcelona Madrid Valencia London Manchester Glascow
10. Hans Boodt #3
Harvey Nichols
SHOPPING LONDON Like last time, we’d like to give you an insight into the many great things that inspire us. In this 3rd edition of the Hans Boodt Magazine, we take you window shopping in London during the famous International London Fashion Week Don’t get us wrong: we mostly rely on our good memory and imagination to remember the great things we see and learn along the way. But of course, we always take inspiring pictures. For own use, but definitely also to share with our readers! It has turned into a fun experiment! So let’s go shopping to find out the latest trends and developments in the world of fashion!
Harvey Nichols
Harvey Nichols
Harvey Nichols
12. Hans Boodt #3
Miss Selfridges H&M
Zara Miss Selfridges
Top Shop Zara
Zara Miss Selfridges
14. Hans Boodt #3
F 2003-st M 2001-st
F 2001-st
M 2002-st M 2003-st
F 2002-st F 2004-st
BEAT UNION STYLED ‘Say What ?’ Attitude ! Shy, vulnerable or just plain bursting of arrogance and self-assurance? Both can be read from these poses. It’s an attitude that fits the age of 18-23. They have a self-willed/pertness taste in style & trends. Cosmopolitan people that live in New York, London or Tokyo to be part of the heart of music and fashion and to whatever makes that world go round. The new dynamics of these poses radiate a new era of a next generation that creates the world for today and tomorrow. Quite aware of the history of fashion and it’s peaks during the centuries. They can wear outrageous outfits but do definitely fit into a totally classic look with a 3 pieces pinstriped suit, combined with feminine long socks and sling backs for female or sneakers with a matching ‘Mods’ tie or turtleneck for the male. But also eco-wear in basic natural colours fits the profile. Available in 3 version. Styled heads, abstract heads and realistic which will come with a complete new range of matching wigs. Check www.hansboodt.com for more information.