The Vision - Year End Report

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the Season to say thanks

We are like the widow who had a debt she couldn’t pay. Elisha told her to go throughout the community and borrow vessels—vessels that came into her house empty, but left her house full of the finest oil. What the enemy meant for evil ultimately works for our good. We began the year asking for more; ten months later, we’ve witnessed more. God is so good.

by Ken Gurley South Texas District Superintendent “Sometimes we spend so much time and energy thinking about where we want to go that we don’t notice where we happen to be.”

What began with hope should always end in grace.

- Dan Gutman, From Texas with Love A year begins with hope; a year closes with grace. Ten months ago, we entered the year of 2014 with great confidence in what God could do. Our hopes were high; our plans were higher. We asked God for MORE! We looked to the Lord of the Harvest and asked Him for more laborers in the vineyard, more strength, more unity, more discernment, more lights in the darkness, and more supply for our needs. Why ask God for more? Three reasons, I think. First, He’s able to do more than we can ask or think. God gives “more grace” (James 4:6). It’s His very nature to do more. Call Him the “God of Too Much!” We could breathe the same breath of air five times before we extract all of the oxygen

from it. Each apple requires 50 leaves on the tree to survive, but most trees have anywhere from 800 to 1,000 leaves per apple. The Creator made sure there was more than enough. As Paul said, God is able to do “superabundantly, far over and above” all that we dare to ask of Him (Ephesians 3:20, Amplified Bible). We also ask God for more because He’s willing to give more. He’s not a cruel taskmaster, an uncaring tyrant, or even an absentee landlord. God gives rain to the just and unjust; provides for the lily of the field; and marks the fall of every sparrow. He is our Heavenly Father who delights in giving His children more than we think possible (Luke 12:32). The final reason to ask for more lies within us: we need more. We are deficient in so many things. The thief has taken, and only God can resupply.

What began with hope should always end with grace. There is no greater grace than the spirit of thankfulness. So we give thanks for what God has done and is doing in our midst—not just for the quantitative growth we see in numbers of credentialed ministers and in new works, but for those qualitative— and sometimes indefinable—areas such as unity and fellowship.

Recently, our district leaders made great strides in two significant areas to secure and enhance this greater unity and fellowship. The first is the planning of five “Camp Meetings” across our district. Four of these will primarily be English-speaking with Spanish translation provided; one of these will be Spanish-speaking with English translation provided. (See the sidebar for details.) The second is for all credentialed ministers, spouses, and their children. We are hosting the first district-wide banquet on Friday, November 21, at the First Church Promenade Event Center in Pearland. There is no charge for this event, but we do ask you to register so we can get a count.


The South Texas Ladies Ministry is graciously underwriting this event as a gift to all the ministers and churches that support Mothers Memorial. At this “Let’s Give Thanks!” banquet, we will review the past year and lay out the district’s 7-year vision plan, the re-sectioning plan, and provide more details for the upcoming camp meetings. The presentation portion of this banquet will be streamed so that all can be a part of it. In the waning days of 2014, we give thanks for what God has done and is doing in our midst. Hope opens the door, but the grace of gratitude keeps the door open.

2015 CAMP MEETING SCHEDULE Valley Camp Meeting

Houston Camp Meeting

Victoria-Corpus Christi Camp Meeting

January 29-30

June 17-19

August 26-28

McAllen Convention Center

Pasadena Convention Center

The Welder Center (Victoria) 10 Year Growth by Section

Austin-San Antonio Camp Meeting

Spanish Camp Meeting

March 18-20

July 16-18

New Braunfels Convention Center

Austin New Life

to connect with a lone Ethiopian. Others went to other parts of their world to find people who were hungry for God. They proclaimed God’s Word everywhere they went!


It’s never wrong to do right

Some time ago, my wife and I went to lunch in a small restaurant in another state. As we were seated, we noticed that two ladies were in the booth next to us. We could not help but overhear their conversation. They were talking about church, and their great hunger for God was apparent. Such things as the following were expressed: “Most churches today want to put Jesus in a box”; “Sixteen years ago, the Lord showed me a garbage truck in a dream. He told me to notice that the outside of the truck is shiny and clean, but the inside is full of trash and filth. He revealed to me that is what I am like. I spent two and a half hours in prayer emptying out all my bitterness and filth. I guess that is repentance.”

by Danny Jonhson South Texas District Secretary He stepped into the synagogue that day with the same condition he had known for years. He slid his right hand inside his outer garment to conceal its diseased condition. He looked up as a heavy silence filled the air. The Teacher had ceased teaching, and those eyes were fixed on him. A Pharisee suddenly broke the silence with a question: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days?” (Matthew 12:10). The Teacher’s eyes turned from the Pharisee to the man with the concealed hand as he replied, “I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?” (Luke 6:9). The man soon realized the Teacher’s focus was on him. Those all-knowing eyes fastened on him as he heard the command, “Rise up, and stand forth in the midst.” Without hesitation, he stood and walked toward Him, his right hand still concealed. As he waited, he heard the teacher again saying, “Stretch forth thy hand.” Thoughts raced through his mind as to whether or not he should reveal his disease. But the Teacher must know already! After a moment of thoughtful consideration, he slowly withdrew his withered hand from inside his garment. As he did so, healing and strength came into his hand! It was completely restored! Jesus asked the Pharisees what would be the right thing to do on the Sabbath, good or evil. While it is easily understood what the good was, how could

Jesus have done evil that day? Perhaps the answer is obvious: there was a need, and He had the power to heal. It would have then been evil for Him to have the power to heal and not do it. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). Hurting people are all around us. Many are concealing their hurts and wounds behind outer garments of shallow, happy faces. They are in the hospitals, caring for others. They are in the grocery store, stocking the shelves. They are in the booth next to ours in the local café. They are at our workplace, working alongside us. As our eyes meet theirs, we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit within us. He knows their needs and will heal their past! But, He wants to use us to reach them. May we understand clearly that all the theology in the world is useless unless we make connection with our world. People do not care how much we know, but they do know how much we care. All our departments and organizational structures are fruitless unless we make that connection of caring. We may arrange the best lifestyle in the world, but at the core of our lifestyle must be the reaching of a soul. Mark summed up the Acts of the Apostles in one statement: “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:20). Yet, they did not actually accomplish this until they were scattered abroad by persecution (Acts 8:4). Philip preached in Samaria, and then followed the Spirit to the Gaza desert

My wife was hearing most of that conversation, and sensed the hunger for God in these two ladies. As we started to leave, she stopped at their table and apologized for eavesdropping. She gave them our church card, told them about the local UPC church, and encouraged them to attend. They were so appreciative and thanked her repeatedly. Who knows where that hunger led them? Although we wholeheartedly support missionaries to foreign lands, our mission fields are not always across an ocean. We should watch for the “man with the withered hand” wherever we are. Whether around the world, or around the corner, the Lord is still ready to heal broken people. He just needs us to be attentive to the cries of their hidden hurts. It is actually evil to do otherwise!


Our mission fields are not always across an ocean.

Lastly I want to honor our pastors and their respective assemblies for blessing our missionaries this past fiscal year. We had a total of 35 missionaries deputize through our district. Our giving pastors scheduled a total of 204 missionary services with a combined offering of $97,000.00. In addition, our giving pastors committed to 111 PIM’s equivalent to $62,000.00 dollars per year. Thank you to the following participating Pastors and their respective churches:


GIVING HONOR by Jorge Aguiñaga Global Missions Director The Bible says to “give honor where honor is due.” First of all it is an honor to be a part of the STX District and to be able to serve the best group of Apostolic’s in the entire world (this would be you). We are a district that focuses on winning souls, but what distinguishes us, is that fact that we not only concentrate on winning souls locally, but globally! “One Gospel to the Whole World.”

I honor you, your pastors, our district leaders and our district as a whole for their leadership, love for God’s vision and sacrificial giving. Because of our district prayers and financial support, we have aided in seeing 125,000 souls receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and 130,000 baptized in Jesus name globally. Numerous preaching points have been established and the UPCI Global constituents are in the millions. Saints, please ask your pastor to schedule a missionary this coming year and pastor if you have not participated in this great ministry; please do so this coming year. You will and your church will be blessed. Our sectional Global Missions directors will be contacting you or you can contact me directly at

Our district, its leaders, pastors and assemblies are phenomenal! Let me substantiate this statement by saying that our great district has ranked seventh in the nation in giving to Global Missions for three years in a row. Our offerings have averaged a near $1.5 million per year. This is a great accomplishment for a district as young as ours. Additionally, our District superintendent, Rev. Ken Gurley, and his church have been ranked in the top 25 giving churches in the nation, all in the last three years. In addition, they are the number one giving church in the STX District for the past three fiscal years. I give honor to our great district and District Superintendent Rev. Ken Gurley.

The Global Missions initiative this year was to send 26 season missionaries back to their respective fields. In order to accomplish this “I am Global” was launched. A record-breaking offering was raised at General Conference in the amount of $4.5 Million. Our district pastors were asked to provide offerings towards this initiative. The following are pastors that contributed a combined $22,000.00 in offerings to win the lost globally. I give honor to our district and giving pastors…what a sacrifice:

I am global. One gospel to the whole world!




barbara johnson ladies ministry president 2014 has been a banner year for the South Texas Ladies Ministry! We began the year with our LUV Conference in San Marcos with an attendance of about 1100! God poured out His blessings on that group of hungry ladies! And then it was Mothers Memorial time! We closed out our fundraiser at midnight on August first! The adrenaline was flowing, the emails were flying, the texts were popping, the phones were ringing — WE EXCEEDED OUR GOAL!!! Our total offering was $100,464.00, our second year in a row to go over $100,000!!! Six sections reached their section goals — Austin Hill Country (Sister Dimity DeLano, Ladies Ministry President and Brother Charles Stephens, Presbyter) Central Coastal Bend (Sister Pam Yancey, LM President and Brother Alvin Kight, Presbyter) Greater Coastal Bend (Sister Amber Ortegon, LM President and Brother Douglas Hicks, Presbyter) Gulf Coast (Sister Aimee Shelton, LM President and Brother Ron Guidroz, Presbyter) Houston Metro East (Sister Angela Parker, LM President and Brother Ron Macey, Presbyter) Southwest (Sister Rinnae Suggett, LM President and Brother James Jackson, Presbyter) Sections with 100% participation — Central Coastal Bend (Sister Pam Yancey, LM President and Brother Alvin Kight, Presbyter) Greater Coastal Bend (Sister Amber Ortegon, LM President and Brother Douglas Hicks, Presbyter) (Guess what — some DISTRICTS have 100% participation — I sure wish South Texas would do that!!!!!) Section with the largest percent of increase in offering — Greater Coastal Bend (Sister Amber Ortegon, LM President and Brother Douglas Hicks, Presbyter) Section with the largest overall offering — Gulf Coast (Sister Aimee Shelton, LM President and Brother Ron Guidroz, Presbyter)

THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this happen!! Every dollar counts — how many souls will we reach with that offering?! Only Heaven knows! To the right is a list of everyone who was a WOMAN OF WONDER for 2014. These ladies (and some men!!) gave $100.00 to Mothers Memorial. Most gave as personal offerings; others gave in memory or in honor of an important lady in their life. Thanks for helping us exceed our goal!

Erica Carter

Cathy Fauss

Pam Carter

Lois Fauss

Cassie Huslage

Nell Agnew

Gena Caruthers

Shelaine Fauss-Everhart

Debra Huslage

Ninfa Aguinaga

Lauren Caruthers

Delia Ferrato

Maddisyn Huslage

Marcie McDaniel

Jasmine Aiken

Allen Cassel

Eleanor Ferro

McKensie Huslage

Mary McFarland

Amy Ainsworth

Lori Cassel

Lydia Flores

Sarah Huslage

Debbie McKelvey

Laura Ainsworth

Doris Castillo

Billie Fluitt

Gladys Hutton

Brenda McNew

Tracey Prieto

Maria Almazan

Robyn Castleberry

Heather Fowler

Lena Jackson

Marguerite Medina

Christina Quinones

Beth Anderson

Autumn Castorina

Annalissa Franco

Rosie Jackson

Sabrina Medina

Lisa Reddy

Tanya Steele

Jessica Andrews

Dana Cecil

Brandi Friedrich

Latishca Jackson-Zavala

Amanda Medrano

Ruth Reid

Charles Stephens

Rebecca Angst

Mary Certain

Vicki Friedrich

Agatha Jersey

Mary Melcher

Sheree Reynolds

Susan Stephens

Gloria Aparicio

Barbara Cervenka

Pam Frizzell

Bernice Jimenez

Melissa Melcher

Elizabeth Richardson

Ann Stewart

Joyce Armstrong

LaJuan Chambers

Letty Galaviz

Maria Jimenez

Victoria Meraz

Eugenia Richardson

Sheneka Stewart

Carolyn Ashcraft

Randa Chance

Margaret Gallegos

Selina Jimenez

Delores Mercer

Maria Rivera

Kristin Strange

Joyce Aultman

Dixie Christian

Mary Garcia

Barbara Johnson

George Merrill

Joyce Rives

Lou Stripling

Melynda Austin

Shirley Churchill

Thelma Garcia

Kaylan Johnson

Mona Merrill

Brenda Roberts

Rinnae Suggett

Tillie German

Margie Johnson

Tammy Merrill

Arnetric Robinson

Valerie Syptak

Velda Austin-Owens Whitney Claiborne Lori Bagliore

Lori Colleran

Lisa Gilmore

Melody Johnson

Tami Merritt

Karen Robles

Jinger Tanner

Pamela Bailey

Vicki Collins

Barbara Gilstrap

Nelda Johnson

Tamara Michalec

Francine Rodriguez

Linda Tanner

Norma Barnett

Charles Common

Joan Glass

Tricia Johnson

Victoria Millard

Judy Rogers

Ruthie Tanner

Dalinda Barrios

Beth Cook

Laura Glendenning

Vickie Johnson

Geneva Miller

Daniellia Romo

Deborah Taylor

Elsa Barrios

Sheri Cooney

Sonia Gomez

Kay Jones

Diana Milligan

Rose Ruiz

Judy Taylor

Brenda Barroso

Bonnie Copes

Larissa Gonzalez

Nora Keller

Shirley Milligan

Priscilla Runnels

Melissa Tharpe

Nicole Battle

Susan Corbett

Sally Gonzalez

Evelyn Kelley

Celia Montano

Barbara Rush

Kas Thayer

Mary Battrell

Tom Corbett

Lisa Gossett

Portia Kelley

Colleen Montgomery

Sandra Sabiza

Audrey Thomas

Connie Bernard

Jessica Cordell

LaTayne Gott

Kishia Kelley

Audra Moody

Lisette Sanchez

Krysta Thompson

Kalee Bernard

Karissa Cordell

Jesica Graham

Sandra Kielcheski

Juanita Moore

Rachel Sanchez

Sultra Thompson

Brenda Berry

Lilly Costello

Mary Grant

Frances Kight

Shunte Moreaux

Ashley Sanders

Pam Tumlinson

Karishma Bhairo

Christina Cowan

Marci Green

Donna Kilgore

Donna Moreland

June Sanders

Pam Turner

Nilma Bhairo

Brenda Cox

Deborah Gressett

Darlene Killmer

Ruth Morin

Kim Sargent

Marsha Twentier

Norma Boothe

Lita Cox

Glenda Griffin

Gwen King

Annie Mosely

Sally Sarreon

Tina Underhill

Shirley Boothe

Anniedeen Creel

Morgan Griffin

Judy King

Ashley Moss

Betty Saulter

Kathy Utley

Tonya Boothe

Tammy Crème

Alicia Groff

Renee King

Ada Mott

Judy Saunders

Betty Valdez

Brenda Boucher

Julia Crivellone

Rosemary Guerrero

Laurie Knight

Paula Mullen

Jaime Sayers

Gloria Valdez

Rhonda Bourn

Carol Crowder

Jerry Ann Guidroz

Linda Knott

RosaLinda Mullins

Ruby Schuff

Nicole Valdez

Michelle Bowen

Ashley Davis

Renee Guidry

Linda Koch-Lovelace

Ann Nance

Kimberly Sciscoe

Kristy Valentine

Tywana Bowman

Velma De los Santos

Jennifer Gurley

Francine Korahais

Jana Needham

Christine Sharp

Elizabeth Vaughn

Sheila Boyt

Dimity DeLano

Tessie Gurley

Mildred Krebs

Dee Neuman

Saundra Sharp

Linda Walea

Bridgette Braneff

Timothy DeLano

Ivonne Gutierrez

Gina Lafler

Penny Nichols

Aimee Shelton

T’Neil Walea

Cheryl Branham

Mary DeLeon

Sue Hall

Trudi Langley

Edith Nino

Sherry Shrum

Rose Walker

Kayla Brazzel

Alice DeRouen

Marcia Hallam

Veronica Lawrence

Katrina Nixon

DeAnna Sibley

Alice Wallrath

Rhonda Breakiron

Charlene Desormeaux

Joan Hammond

Anita LeBoeuf

Regina Noble

Marguita Silva

Lanitha Warnken

Candace Briley

Christina DeWitt

Jeanette Haney

Betty Ledesma

Grace Noe

Vicki Simoneaux

Kathy Watford

Melissa Brister

Tanna Dial

Misty Hargrave

Rachel Lewis

Cheryl Norris

Mary Sirmons

Paola Watkins

Sissy Brister

Sandra Dixon

Kevin Harris

Karen Licon

Jerry North

Mary Slade

Ginger Wedgeworth

Terri Brister

Joyce Dool-Clayton

Amy Hartcraft

Beth Lindsey

Margie Obregon

Syble Slatter

LaWanda Weidman

Ramona Brokaw

Shirley Downing

Beverly Haygood

Jeri Linsteadt

Kelli Orange

Britni Smith

Ladonna Welch

Terri Brokaw

Sheryl Ducroz

Tanya Hearn

Gwendolyn Linton

Dawn Ortega

Cecilia Smith

Brittany Wells

Alice Brown

Lori Duran

Hazel Heitman

Lorene Little

Amber Ortegon

Esmerelda Smith

Rhonda Wesie

Belinda Brown

Betty Dyson

Ehrin Hernandez

Missy Lopez

France Ortegon

Kimberly Smith

Darlene White

Karen Brown

Eugenia East

Linda Hernandez

Tina Lopez

Adriane Ortiz

Miranda Smith

Susan Whitmire

Sandra Brown

Brenda Eddie

Eva Herrera

Arlyn Lowe

Wanda Owens

Pam Smith

Chela Wiedner

Linda Brunson

Gary Edwards

Diana Hicks

Mary Lyman

Teresita Paiz

Tina Smith

Patsy Wiggins

Cheryl Budworth

Charity Ellis

Vicki Hicks-Smith

Jeanna Macey

Esperanza Palmer

Janna Snider

Juanita Wigginton

Mary Bumgarner

Teresa Ellison

Connie Hiser

Crystal Martinez

Angela Parker

Emma Solis

René Wilbanks

Lois Burdine

Janice Eppler

Dian Hodge

Cynthia Martinez

Meda Pate

Renee Solis

Bobbie Raye Williams

Janetra Burton

Maria Escamilla

Liz Hodges

Maria Martinez

Lois Peden

Victoria Solorzano

Dee Williams

Holly Butler

Christina Escobar

Kathy Holderfield

Marta Martinez

Paul Pena

Angelita Sosa

Jan Williams

Iris Butler

Connie Espinosa

Cherissa Holt

Jean Marx

Silva Pena

Miranda Sowers

Tiffany Williams

Willie Caldwell

Krystal Espinosa

Joyce Houlette

Sherri Maxey

Christa Perez

Caitlyn Spradley

Dixie Wilson

Jessica Campbell

Mona Espinosa

Diana Hudspeth

Terri Maxey

Becca Peterson

Tommorra Spradley

Siouxsie Wilson

Melissa Campbell

Rosa Esquivel

Deborah Hughes

Joan Maxwell

Grace Peterson

Tyra Spradley

Winnie Wolfe

Teresa Campbell

Gena Evans

LeaAnn Hughes

Rebekah McAdams

Lori Petty

Sara Srubar

Stephenie Womack

Lonnie Cantu

Lisa Evans

Erin Hunnicutt

Sandra McAdams

Val Phelps

Carol Stallard

Thelma Womack

Rachel Carnley

Leticia Everett

Esther Hunt

Amanda McCain

Michelle Pierce

Jean Starks

Christi Wright

Paula Carpenter

Shelley Everhart

Robin Hunt

Naomi McCartney

Roxie Pope

Barbara Steele

Pam Yancey

Brenda Carrigan

Selfie Farmer

Amy Huslage

Alisha McCarver

Kristen Preston

LaKay Steele

Evelyn York





Every South Texas District Event is covered with prayer. A Focused Prayer and Fasting e-mail is sent weekly throughout the District to cover each District Event in prayer. Also, a Scripture of the week is e-mailed weekly with the Focused Prayer and Fasting. The Bible and Prayer go Hand-in-Hand. Many Prayer Requests are received by e-mail. Many of the prayer requests are very serious. God hears the prayers of His People and He Miraculously Heals. A precious sister had a heart attack. The bottom part of her heart was dead. All the family was called to her bedside. Prayer and Intercession went forth for this dear sister. A few days later the lady went home from the hospital. When she went back to the doctor a few weeks later, she received a clean bill of health. Her heart was in perfect condition! To God Be the Glory! On October 17-18, 2014 the South Texas District Powerhouse Prayer Conference took place at Royalwood Pentecostal Church in Houston, Texas where Brother Ron Macey is pastor. God’s Glory covered

the entire conference. What an AWESOME PRESENCE of the ALMIGHTY GOD! God did a Miraculous work in the heart of each individual present. Many individuals stated that the conference was a life changing experience. Brother Don Rogers from West Allis, Wisconsin preached under a mighty anointing and was used of God to speak the Word of God into the hearts of each individual. God greatly used both Brother Macey and Brother Rogers as they preached under the Powerful Anointing of the Holy Ghost. During the service on Friday Evening, there was a “Lost and Prodigal March.” Names of lost souls and God’s prodigals were written on an index card. Individuals walked up to the front of the sanctuary and placed these cards in a basket. The ministers that were present laid hands on the basket and prayed for the salvation of the souls. Also during this same service, Brother Macey prayed over prayer cloths which were available for the individuals which attended the conference.

During the Prayer Conference on Saturday morning there was an old fashioned prayer line. First, the congregation prayed for Brother Macey, Brother Rogers, all the ministers and prayer coordinators which were present. Then the ministers and prayer coordinators formed a line and the congregation walked through the line while the ministers laid hands on each individual and prayed for them. Many people were touched by the Hand of God. The presence of God was so strong in all three services. The Power of God was Manifested throughout each service. Many things were imparted to individuals during the conference. A sister e-mailed and said that she was emotionally healed during the conference. Another sister said that she had been in a dark trial for a long time. The dark trial lifted. A brother said that he received direction from God. Several sisters stated that the intimate love of God was prevalent throughout the conference. The South Texas Powerhouse Prayer Conference was in the Perfect Will of God. Brother Macey, Host Pastor and Presbyter of the Houston Metro East Section wrote, “The powerful move of God that was manifested in every service at the conference still lingered when we returned to church on Sunday morning.” Sister Barbara Johnson, the South Texas District Ladies Director, wrote, “For many people, Friday nights are meant to be spent where exciting things are happening!” I totally agree! I enjoy going out to dinner with my Hubby on Friday nights, then finding a place to people watch! Yes, my idea of excitement has certainly changed through the years! However, this past Friday night found me at Royalwood Church in Houston for the 2014 South Texas PowerHouse Prayer Conference! Yes, I had an amazing meal with other people who were hungry for the Word of God! (I did not get to eat with my Hubby — he was dining at Purpose Institute!) We enjoyed excitement — heartfelt worship and praise to our Maker! We fellowshipped and we prayed!

Es acepra venimin cidesseIdem presturei simei patem tem simus

But let me tell you about the meal! Pastor Ron Macey served the food as he opened the Word of God! Metamorphosis — what an interesting word. And when we consider it alongside prayer — well, you should have been there for the feast! Pastor Macey, you were an amazing chef that night, as you spread the table with



the Word of God!! Friday night was the only service I was able to attend at 2014 STX PowerHouse Prayer Conference. But I was so stuffed (yes, we’ve all used that term after an amazing meal!) from my Friday night meal — I won’t soon forget that experience! I’m already anticipating the meal at our next PowerHouse Conference! Join us next time — I’m confident you’ll leave the tablestuffed! The South Texas District Prayer Ministry has eight Sectional Prayer Coordinators. They are JulieAnn Reynolds (Austin Hill Country Section), Pati Zimmermann (Southwest Section), Pam Yancey (Central Coastal Bend Section), Wendy Velez (Greater Coastal Bend Section), Beverly Haygood (Houston Metro East Section), Meatta Brown (Houston Metro West Section), Geraldine Brister (Gulf Coast Section), and Kathy Olvera (Rio Grande Valley Section). The Sectional Prayer Coordinators organizes Sectional Prayer Events. Also, they send and forward many serious prayer Requests. Each Prayer Warrior is a great blessing to the Prayer Ministry. Their hard work for the Kingdom of God is greatly appreciated.

Cross cultural evangelism ministry




south texas district men’s conference report ROGER BLACKBURN MEN’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR Thank from STX Men’s Ministry! Just wanted to say thanks for making 2014 to be one of the greatest years ever the STX Men’s Ministry! Our wonderful Pastors, Ministers and great churches went “Full Throttle” in making our STX District Conference the best to date. We had record crowds. Friday night the auditorium was almost packed full and Saturday was attendance was again spectacular. Several of our Sections had conferences that were well attended as men were lifted by the Word of God as it was spoken addressing the needs of men everywhere. This year our Men’s Ministry was able through your generous giving to raise $14,425.50. Never in the history of South Texas has men moved as they did this year. They truly are moving “Full Throttle 4 His Glory” in an all-out effort to place the Kingdom of God as their highest priority. This year’s highest two givers were: Pearland First Church

Pearland, Texas

Rev. Ken Gurley


Springs of Life Church

Deer Park, Texas

Rev. Roger Blackburn


In closing, let me again THANK YOU for making this a Banner Year! In the last Sectional Conference, I asked every man to join me in their prayer time by praying for our District Leadership and District. God is calling us to step up and take it to the finish line for his glory!

thanks for a banner year!

Current research released from Rice University indicates that the City of Houston is now the most diverse city in America. This knowledge has enhanced CCE’s vision and goals towards bringing more awareness to the STX District constituency. • The April CCE conference was one of the best we had thus far which had more than 200 attendees in attendance. This event was hosted by Pastor John Hopkins, Church Tabernaclo De Vida. The Board’s approach was to reach out to our Spanish brethren and pastors. The power of God was present, the attendees responded well to the message preached by Evangelist Wesley Henderson and several young people in attendance responded to the message and were praying at the altar. Also in attendance was Bro. Hiro, a pastor who represents our Japanese constituency in this fellowship, Children Ministry Director George Merrill, former Missionary Johnny Garrison and a host of several local pastors. • CCE received a request from local pastor, Thomas Custer in Santa Fe Texas, to give a CCE presentation to his church which was well received. Pastor Custer expressed a desire to reach the African American community in the nearby town of Hitchcock. • The Chairman of CCE received an invitation to attend the Building the Bridge Ministry’s Board Meeting in Tampa, Florida. He gave a presentation on the activities and progress of CCE Ministry here in South Texas. There Board members were very impressed at our focused efforts and indicated their desire to adopt some of the tenets of what CCE is doing here for possible imitation on a national level. • We held our year-end CCE conference in August which was held at Bethel Tabernacle, pastored by Bishop David Fauss.

Bro Fauss preached the message on “How his Church became Multicultural”. This was precipitated by him losing his musician and God sending him another musician of a different cultural group to work with him in the interim. This was unprecedented in the history of his church. He further shared how that God had his hand in the whole matter. We believe that we are going to hear more testimony like this in all of the STX District churches the future. The Chairman then shared this year’s vision “Diversity Harvest” tying this in with what occurred 100 years ago in Houston and on the Day of Pentecost. Several other pastors from the different STX sections were in attendance along with NAM Evangelist, Kash Nathan, Building the Bridge representative Ted Stewart and the pastor and members of his congregation from the Burundi church. Activities: • Develop a CCE Ministry Resource Training Video • Have specific workshops on “How to reach out to a specific cultural group” in your city and of similar topics • Have a CCE Booth with training materials at each Sectional and the District Conference • Provide presentations at each Sectional Conference and for any STX District pastor upon request • Support the STX District’s Vision 7 Plan As Chairman of STX District, Cross Cultural Evangelism Committee I would like to thank all board members, Pastor’s and all who participate in making 2014 a productive year! Special thanks to all STX District officials.



SOUTH TEXAS VISION / 15 It is with a burden we want to reach our Metro Areas. Cities matter to God, the Culture and the Church. South Texas District hosted Metro Missionary to Philadelphia, Justin Meadors. Our District also hosted Intercultural Evangelists, Stan Wilt and Kash Nathan. Our district was honored at the NAM General Board for having the most services per week for Metro Missionaries.

Space does not permit to tell of the great work that all of our NAM Missionaries are doing. Men like Melvin Ready in Cedar Park, Mark Willhoite, Baytown, Gus Silguero, Houston, Paul Estrada, McAllen, Mariano Garcia, New Braunfels, David Salas, El Campo, James Jimenez, Palacios, Joel Slater, Shertz, and others are planting churches. Wayne Collins and Mariano Garcia were recognized nationally in the Friends of NAM as having great Because of your giving to Christmas for Chris North American Missions was revivals. Wayne Collins’s church plant has grown rapidly and able to provide funding to help our NAM’s in need with, rent, utilities, sound they were approved for funding from the UPCI church Loan equipment, musical instruments, repairs to buildings and travel expense fund and are now in a new church building. to district conference. We are very thankful for the District Christmas for Christ Offerings that have enabled us to bring help and support to all of our We give special thanks to the Ladies Ministries for sponsoring our North American Missions Ladies to be able to go to the North American Missionaries. LUV conference and our NAM Children and youth to be able to attend their camps.


Pictured is North American Missionary, Paul Estrada, with his children building altars at the children’s camp.

2013 - 2014 Top Givers • Pearland First Church Pastor Ken Gurley = $15,000.00 • Johnson City HOME Church Pastor Greg Steele = $5,050.00 • The Pentecostal Church of Atascosita Pastor Kevin Martin = $3,138.50 • West Columbia Apostolic Lighthouse Pastor Danny Johnson = $3,014.00 • Austin First Church Pastor Charles Steohens = $3,000.00 • San Antonio HOPE Center Pastor Nathan Scoggins = $3,000.00

Seven Goals in Seven Years With the CFC support we were able to have a retreat for the 28 North American Missionary families in Johnson City, TX with horseback rides North American Missions is excited to make Vision Seven its through out the Hill Country. primary vision; to establish goals that are measurable and obtainable to fulfill the Seven Goals in Seven Year plan. These We also were able to provide trainings such as the Equip 240. Carlton Coon goals can be meet by equipping, empowering and establishing provided intensive church growth training to our District and it was a great the local pastor. We want to provide the local pastor the tools, success with over 50 in attendance. NAM also provided a Dollar and Sense resources and encouragement they need to strengthen and financial training hosted by David Caruthers. This training led to the legal advance the Kingdom of God. With 40% of Christmas for Christ organization of several NAM churches. Other trainings were provided funds staying in our district. The CFC offerings could be the such as reaching the multicultural community given by Kash Nathan. Carl financial strength of our Districts Vision Seven goals. Please Schuessler hosted this event at the Houston Down Town YMCA. help us this year in Christmas for Christ Giving.

Youth ministry SETH SIMMONS YOUTH PRESIDENT The vision of the South Texas District youth ministry has been to serve local churches, partnering with their efforts to evangelize and disciple young people into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ in apostolic identity and mission. In keeping with this vision, we have united together with our churches and pastors in order to accomplish several ministry goals in 2014. Sheaves for Christ Offering One of our goals is to engage youth and churches in mission through Sheaves for Christ, and the South Texas District gave $72,500 for SFC! This is the second largest offering in the history of our district. Nationally, we raised $3,892,876.22, the fourth largest offering in SFC’s sixty-three year history. Again, we sincerely thank you for your support of youth ministry and missionaries around the world. We would also like to give special recognition to Central Coastal Bend Section (Pres-byter Alvin Kight and Youth Director Mike Williams) for 100% participation - every church in this section participated in giving! STX Youth Camp Once youth camp sold-out during pre-registration, we knew that this year would be special. Over 560 youth and youth workers were present to witness a dynamic move of the Holy Spirit. Brandon Shanks and Nate Rios preached Word-centered, Spirit-led relevant messages that greatly impacted our youth. What’s more, one was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and thirty-four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time at camp! The South Texas Team would like to extend a special thanks to all of our volunteers who worked diligently to make this event a success. Deans, matrons, worship team, security staff, admin staff, and sectional youth directors—all united together to make this an incredible year for our students. Thank you!

STX Commune-ity Meetings (Youth Worker Training) This year was our first annual STX Commune-ity Meetings. Over 120 youth workers were present, representing over 100 youth groups throughout our District. Special thanks to the Ladies Ministry for sponsoring these events and for First UPC of San An-tonio and First Chruch of Pearland for hosting these events. Hyphen Young Adult Ministry Our mission for South Texas Hyphen Young Adult Ministry is to connect 18-30 year olds to SERVICE with PURPOSE through RESOURCES for a MISSION. Accordingly, we have established a Hyphen team in order to guide the vision and formation of the South Texas District Hyphen ministry. I am thankful to report that step by step we are moving forward with this ministry. Several locally sponsored events have been held throughout the District with over 500 in attendance, and we also hosted our first STX Hyphen Retreat with over 70 in attendance. By the grace of Jesus Christ, we will work to build on our successes, learn from our mistakes, and steadily pursue excellence in ministry and service to our youth, young adults, youth leaders, pastors and churches. Together, let’s press forward with faith and see the mission of Christ fulfilled through the youth and young adults of South Texas.

SOUTH TEXAS REAL MCCOY FINALISTS (Offering personally raised by each youth.) 1. Brooklyn Nichols, First Church of Pearland = $4,124 2. Aimee Avalos, Christian Revival Center = $1,051 3. Rachel Strange, The Church Triumphant = $1,050 4. Makayla Buchanan, The Church Triumphant = $1,042 5. Alyssa Snodgrass, New Life Austin = $1,010 SOUTH TEXAS TOP TEN CHURCHES 1. Bethel Tabernacle, Pastor Fauss = $12,014 2. First Church of Pearland, Pastor Gurley = $10,000 3. The Jesus Church, Pastor Sibley = $4,000.14 4. New Life Austin, Pastor Shaw = $4,000 5. The Church Triumphant, Pastor Sciscoe = $3,001 6. Hope Center, Pastor Scoggins & Apostolic Lighthouse, Pastor Johnson = $2,000 7. Calvary Apostolic Church, Pastor Caruthers = $1865 8. Corpus Christi Revival Center, Pastor Campbell = $1,801 9. Austin First Church, Pastor Stephens = $1,800 10. First UPC of San Antonio, Pastor Jackson = $1,700 ONE GRAND EFFORT (Churches who gave $1,000 or more.) 1. Greater Life, Pastor Hughs = $1,500 2. Royalwood UPC, Pastor Macey = $1,500 3. H.O.M.E. Church, Pastor Steele = $1,400 4. Springs of Life, Pastor Blackburn = $1,253 5. New Life Hutto, Pastor Simmons = $1,029.71 6. Pentecostal Church of Atascocita, Pastor Martin = $1,024.65 7. Iglesia Tab De Vida, Pastor Ramirez = $1,000 8. The Pentecostal Church of San Benito, Pastor Milligan = $1,000 9. Greater Life UPC, Pastor Brazzel = $1,000

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