buy the field
The South Texas District has some outstanding cities: Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Rio Grande Valley, Corpus Christi – to name a few. When we began our district a dozen or so years ago, we estimated its population at 9.6 million souls. Today, we have about 13.5 million souls. Of this number, only 7% live in rural areas and some 93% of these people live in metropolitan areas. The city calls.
Ken Gurley South Texas District Superintendent God heard the cry of the city of Nineveh. Cities still cry and God still hears them.
We are the men of the city street, we are the men whose footsteps beat Weary marches through empty years, Dreary tempos to falling tears, Men whose souls are damned by sin, Men whose hearts are death within. —George Santa
Our Lord has a special affinity toward the city. He was born in a city; He preached largely to cities in Judea; He died, was buried and rose again in a city. When He told His disciples to reach the uttermost parts of the earth, the first place mentioned was a city (Acts 1:8). When it came time to send messages to the churches, our glorified Lord chose seven cities to receive them: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea (Revelation 2, 3). The eternal home being built for all who believe
is called a Holy City (Revelation 21:2). The Lord seems to have great fondness for the cities of this world. In the city of Jerusalem, the church was born. The Holy Spirit fell and thousands in the city experienced the mighty works of God. In Antioch, the church was born again. Persecuted believers fled to this wicked, cosmopolitan and polytheistic city and counterintuitively found that their newfound beliefs thrived in such a setting. The city calls. The same God who heard the blood of just Abel crying from the ground hears the souls crying in the cities today.
Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of our churches are located within these same metropolitan areas. To whom do these churches minister? One-tenth of our district is African-American. One-third of our district is Anglo. One-half of our district is Latino. That leaves seven percent comprised of Asians, African Immigrants, and others.
Yet, there’s so much more to be done. The city still calls to God, who in turn, calls to men and women saying, “Who will go?” Perhaps God is speaking to you to reach an area of the city in which you live – a Bible study, a preaching point, a daughter work, a campus ministry, or the like. We are in the midst of great harvest. But, there are more fields of labor before us. Let’s open our hearts to what God wants from us. Last year, we dreamed of harvest. This year, let’s buy the field. As that man who discovered a treasure in the field, God is calling each of us to make the investment necessary to advance the kingdom of God (Matthew 13:44).
To what people and what city is God calling you? To whomever or wherever it is, make certain that you buy the field, pay the price, and watch God reach souls through you.
I am the Christ of the city street, I walk its miles with bleeding feet, I see the men whose lives are spent, In deepest night and banishment From all that human hearts hold dear, I see the ghosts of men walk here. I see their faces gaunt and thin, The sinful hearts I long to win. —George Santa
Brother Mark Morgan will be the speaker for both nights at the Austin-San Antonio Camp Meeting. This promises to be a tremendous camp meeting, and the power of the Holy Ghost will be present to change every heart.
This year, the South Texas District will host the UPCI Spanish National Conference at the Pasadena Convention Center. Those services will be on June 15-17, and will be a tremendous time of ministry to all of our Spanish Constituents.
Danny Jonhson South Texas District Secretary
For the Houston metro area, the Camp Meeting in Houston will again be in the Pasadena Convention
Welcome to the New Year! This promises to
the Embassy Suites in San Marcos. The main
Center on June 22-24. These three nights will
be a year of exciting events and wonderful
speaker will be Akil Thompson, and our youth
certainly be life changing as we hear from Brothers
opportunities as the Vision continues. The
will certainly benefit from his ministry and the
Brian Kinsey from Florida, and Lee Stoneking from
expansion of our district through Vision 7 will
conference. Next is the South Texas District
New York. Both of them will be speaking each
only result in the reaching of more souls before
Conference, hosted by First Church in Pearland
night, and we are planning to attend each service
the Lord returns. And souls is the reason for
on April 21-22. Both our district superintendent,
expecting miracles and healing.
everything we do!
Brother Gurley, and our general superintendent, Brother Bernard, will be speaking. Thank God
The following month begins our South Texas youth
In the ensuing months, we have several district
for such great leadership in our organization!
camps in Kerrville, Texas. The first will be the Kids
events that will involve everyone in the district
At our South Texas Men’s Conference, Brother
Camp on July 18-22, followed by the Spanish Youth
in some way—both ministers and church
Jerry Dean, from Bossier City, Louisiana, will be
Camp on July 25-29. The next week, August 1-5,
members. The first event is LUV Conference
the main speaker. I know that all men who are
will be the first Junior Youth Camp (ages 13-14),
in San Marcos at the Embassy Suites Hotel on
able to attend on May 13-14 will be blessed. It
followed by the Senior Youth Camp (ages 15-18)
February 25-26. This conference promises to
will again be at HOPE Center in San Antonio,
on August 8-12. This is the first year where we are
be another great one as speakers Vani Marshall,
pastored by Brother Scoggins.
hosting separate camps for the junior age and
Connie Bernard, and Brooke Pamer minister. Following this event will be the Holiday
The next district event will be at the New
Youth Convention on March 24-25, again at
Braunfels Convention Center on June 2-3.
senior age youth. We’re expecting great reports from each of these camps!
Our final camp meeting for the year will be the Corpus Christi-Victoria Camp Meeting on August 17-19. It will again be at the Welder Center in Victoria, and the speakers will be Brother Ken Gurley and Brother Mark Morgan. This camp will prove to be a wonderful experience for all who attend.
The final event will be our Give Thanks Banquet on November 18. It will be at the Norris Conference Center, 618 NW Loop 410 in San Antonio. This will be for all ministers and spouses for the entire district, and will be a wonderful time of fellowship and rejoicing for what God has done throughout the year of 2016 in South Texas.
The Lord is blessing South Texas as our numbers of ministers grow (now over 500), the number of works in the district continuing to rise (now over 300), and the involvement of everyone in the harvest of souls. May God continue to bless South Texas as we see the vision continue!
Planting the planter
I remember the day I first looked at the church in Seguin Texas, my Pastor (James Jackson) had sent me to survey and consider the prospect of pastoring in this city. It was a little storefront/office with 5 members and the smallness of the situation was overwhelming. While I was standing there looking at a single room with 20 folding chairs, doubting I could do this, I perceived the Lord speaking to my heart and he said “despise not the day of small beginnings”, right then as tears filled my eyes I knew that not only had my pastor sent me but God was calling me.
I asked N.A.M. Pastor Seth Simmons from New Life of Hutto Texas to share the benefits of being a North American Missionary:
As I said it’s knowing that you are part of a team and that those who sent you are always there with their prayers, communication and the financial support.
“We are blessed to be North American Missionaries and to receive the many gracious benefits afforded by the generous giving of the United Pentecostal Church. Where do I begin?
We are advancing the Vision 7 initiatives by strengthening and supporting the local church and pastors. When you “Plant a Planter” it is the gift that keeps on giving, a new church that has experienced benefits of your gifts will be a church that gives, they will give not only to North American Missions but to all of our ministries, but most of all a new community will have an apostolic church.
+ Possible SFC Property Grant (up to $10,000) + Possible CFC Property Grant (up to $15,000)
North American Missions
Paul said “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:14-16). Before a church can be planted a Planter has to be sent.
Most of all, it encourages our faith to know that we are not alone in our efforts to reach our community and that we have an organization of churches and ministers who are invested in our success. Thank you for your support of NAMs.”
+ CFC monthly financial allocation subsidizes a portion of my income, so I can focus on pastoring full-time.
by Jimmie Hughes
North American Missions, South Texas District has had an outstanding year that started with a CFC offering of over $108,000, we are so grateful to all the churches and their pastors that made this possible. Thank you for supporting the effort to plant churches in North America and right here in South Texas.
American Missions church. When a man and his family know they are sent and the church as a whole is supporting them it is an encouragement that will cause roots to grow and strengthen them for the storms that are sure to come.
+ Apostolic Conference in Madison, MS all expenses paid (airfare, hotel, food) We were so blessed with the support we received from Pastor Jackson, and that I was able to stay with my employer of 25 years. Oh and that 800 square foot space that held the 20 folding chairs was invaluable along with the “Faithful Five” who would not give up on having a church in their city. In contrast many “Church Planters” (North American Missionaries) find themselves without that kind of startup assistance or even the outside employment that we had here in Seguin and that’s where the North American Missions Department enabled by your generous gifts to Christmas for Christ each year makes the difference in “Planting a Planter”. It is much more than the funds though, it is the support and the knowing that others are in this with you. “Planting the Planter” is crucial to the success of a North
It is much more than the funds though, it is the support and the knowing that others are in this with you!
+ NAYC paid registration for our daughter + Church Planting University online training from experienced church planters + NAM network of experienced ministers
+ Support to attend General Conference + Reduced tuition at UGST as a pastor
When you give your best gift to Christmas to Christ you will help “Plant a Planter” and a New Church for the kingdom of God. Jimmie Hughes
The Big 3
21 students received the Holy Spirit! The sensitivity to worship and the response to the ministering of the
South Texas Youth Camp:
What a year! At the beginning of 2015, our District
Over 150 were present as General Youth Division
Superintendent, Brother Gurley, challenged us
initiatives such as Project 7 & Campus Ministry
to Dream of Harvest. By faith, our youth ministry
International were delivered with passion from
team dreamed of an ambitious harvest in the youth
Tyler Medina & Daniel Bernard. Reports are
& young adult community. And today, I write with
surfacing from across our district with students
joy in my heart and thanksgiving on my lips as we
eager to launch these initiatives in their local
share our year with you.
high school & campus. Furthermore, Paul Pamer gave invaluable insight on how to reach our
Holiday Youth Convention:
generation with a timely word.
We were astounded at the response from youth pastors/leaders in our STX Commune-ity Meeting.
Our young adult ministry, Hyphen, hosted an exceptional Afterburner with nearly 200 young adults in attendance. The unity between this community of young adults is inspiring!
Our team is committed to serve our youth, young adults, pastors & churches again this year.
Here are the section totals:
Word was extraordinary!
During this two-day event, 610 attended while
Houston Metro North - $21,930.86
We converged in Kerrville, TX in July and experienced
Houston Metro South - $24,205.15
a book of Acts outpouring at youth camp. Not only
Houston Metro East - $10,680.06
was the camp sold-out for the second year, I give
Houston Metro West - $7,881.00
God all the glory for 40 students who received the
Central Coastal Bend - $7,063.15
Holy Spirit for the first time! Many were renewed,
Greater Coastal Bend - $4,936.00
healed, delivered, and changed by the power of His
Austin Metro Section - $4,373.00
presence. Additionally, during the week of camp we
San Antonio Metro Section - $10,041.00
baptized a student onsite in the lake! Hundreds of
Hill Country Section - $12,415.54
students worshipped together and celebrated this
Eagle Ford Shale - $3,350.00
life-changing moment.
Rio Grande Valley - $6,037.65
Truly, God has answered our prayers while confirming
South Texas Youth Team - $1,108.17
His word yet again. “I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions”.
Sheaves For Christ: Our annual SFC offering was RECORD-BREAKING this year! Because of the tireless effort of so many pastors, churches, youth pastors & students, we rejoice in a remarkable offering total of $113,340.41! This represents a nearly $41,000.00 increase over 2014. In 2015, five students completed the C31 challenge and raised collectively over $10,000.00. Our goal of $85,000.00 was ambitious, but God had something bigger in mind!
Our big three for youth ministry in 2015 were astonishing. But, we’re not stopping here. Our team is committed to serve our youth, young adults, pastors & churches again this year. By the grace of God and under the leadership of our district officials, we will see greater! On behalf of the youth department of the South Texas District, we say thank you. Please pray for us as we follow after Jesus.
faith (promise)
on average 130,000 and approximately the same
Shutes and Poitras ministered, and Bro. Leaman
amount have received the gift of the Holy Ghost.
presented the Faith Promise seed to the church. This was Pastor K. Martin’s 4th annual conference,
Our faith (in God) is that we will fulfill our mission,
where each year their church financial giving to
which is to preach the gospel to the whole world.
Global Missions has escalated from approximately
We are well on our way to do this. We don’t see
$30,000.00 to an incredible $105,000.00 per year.
the message being preached in all world countries,
Faith Promisers accomplished this. Numerous
but we have faith that it is. This is God’s vision;
testimonies have risen, from members and loved
our vision and we will succeed.
ones being healed to receiving new jobs, salary raises, bonuses and much much more. This is the
Jorge Aguiñaga
On average our missionaries spend approximately
result of faith in action. Too often, people challenge
$25.00 per month to win a soul. When you consider
God ill-respectively, but to challenge Him in faith,
a population of over 7-billion people that is an
such as in Faith Promise giving, only results in
astronomical dollar amount. Yes, that is a large
heavenly blessings. Blessings not only to the giving
can be said that faith is a means to measure your walk
number of people and money, but our focus and
individual, but also to the church in general and to
with God. Meaning that your relationship indicates that
faith remains. We serve an awesome God and He
the local pastor.
you undoubtedly (or not) trust God with your situations.
loves to work in the impossible.
Global Missions Director “Faith”
Christians. Dictionary.com defines it as “belief that is not based on proof” or “confidence or trust in a person or thing”. The great book of Hebrews states, “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). All said, faith does not need proof because of complete utter trust in Jesus Christ to act in a fashion where an individual has obtained or witnessed the impossible. For one to walk in the realm of faith is not common. As humans we prefer tangible matters. We are more comfortable when we can see, feel or touch our situations. Contrary to this, faith requires that we proceed with actions even though we cannot see, feel or touch the situation. It
Faith Promise has blessed our STX churches Global Missions has done a commendable job in
To win souls, Global Missions leans on the effective
financially, in church growth and worldwide soul
“Sharing the Whole Gospel to the Whole World”. The
“Faith Promise” platform. The objective of Faith
winning. Additionally, it has allowed our great STX
United Pentecostal Church has over 869 missionaries.
Promise is to raise funds for our Missions objective,
District to provide our missionaries approximately
There are approximately 195 countries worldwide and
which is to win souls worldwide. Faith Promise is
$1,100,000.00, ranking 7th in national giving. Our
this great ministry has missionaries in 212 countries and
a win win initiative. It provides funds to win souls,
District encompasses a praying, giving people,
territories. That being said, we have baptized worldwide
but in turn, our unselfish God willingly blesses
which equal a blessed people, a blessed church,
the cheerful giver. Faith Promise challenges us
a blessed pastor and a blessed District. Will you
individually and as a church to promise to provide
church, will you Pastor, join this great level of
any amount of offering and trust God that He will
blessing by having an annual Faith Promise service?
provide it and much more.
If so, please email me for more information to
Faith Promise challenges us individually and as a church.
initiate this type of service. I recently attended a mission’s conference at The Pentecostals of Atascosita. It was a three-day conference where Missionaries Tuttle, Demos,
TREMAYNE SIMONEAUX CHILDREN’S MINSTRY When children are invested in at a early age,
Samuel or a David in the Old Testament, He can
and the Kingdom is placed as a high priority
call a South Texas child today! We invite you to
in their lives, this helps set the direction of the
send your children to Kids Camp this year on
course of their life as a Christian. It is wonderful
July 18-22, they will have a wonderful time!
to see children, at a young age, receive the Holy Ghost and be baptized. It is also wonderful to
Thank you again South Texas Pastors and
see them receive calling and direction for their
churches for such an awesome offering to Save
lives and an understanding that there is a place
Our Children in 2015! This year we “Put the
of service for them in God’s Kingdom.
Children First” and are believing for a record 2016 SOC offering. When you give to Save Our
This past year at Kids Camp, we saw record
Children (SOC) this goes toward Kids Camp,
numbers of children at the Camp and many
Junior Bible Quizzing, Children’s Revivals, and
receive the Holy Ghost for the very first time.
Teacher training in your local area. Save Our
There were many many other Campers that for
Children also helps sponsor Children’s Crusades
very first time realized that God is calling them to
all across our nation—this past year well over
be involved in His Kingdom. One Camper came
1,000 children received the Holy Ghost in these
to me after one of the services, to tell me that
crusades. We invite you to join us again this
he felt that God had called him and was going
year, and give, to Save Our Children!
to anoint him to be a Pastor one day. I choose to believe that God can do that! If He can call a
Greeting to all and we hope you are experiencing a
Not only do we have a commitment from Pastor
wonderful and blessed New Year!
Jerry Dean, we are thankful to announce that Pastor
With the year beginning, I felt it important to get
Jason Sciscoe will be with us. He pastor’s one of our
some information out about the upcoming District
great churches in the Pasadena area, The Church
Men’s Conference that will take place May 13-
Triumphant. We are looking forward to his ministry.
14th for 2016. We are looking forward to a great conference as our National Secretary for Men’s
Think with me of those that have dreamed of
Ministry is making plans to minister at this year’s
“Breaking Free.” You desired it and many others
conference. I know all will want to hear what Pastor
Jerry Dean has to say in a conference of men that
seeking an elected office or the child of God that
truly want to break free from the past, move freely
has heard of the healings, the miracles and promises
in God’s will for the present and; live a life that is
of God. I can’t help but believe that the SON is
continually BREAKING FREE into revival, miracles
seeking all to break free! Join us in 2016! Join us in
and the growing of Christ’s Kingdom!
San Antonio! Join the Men of South Texas…we are
the running back in a huge game, those
Hope Center San Antonio, Texas