The Vision - July Edition

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ten years and counting by Ken Gurley South Texas District Superintendent

in south texas, to reach the world requires only a walk next door.

The South Texas District recently celebrated its tenth anniversary at the annual district conference in San Marcos. The district was approved by the UPCI General board in late 2002 and was formally founded at the close of the year. Our first regular district conference took place in the spring of 2003 when the constitution, bylaws, policies and sectional structure were established. Special guests at the recent services included our founding District Superintendent and First Lady, David K. and Connie Bernard. Jerry Jones, our General Secretary-Treasurer who also played a key role in the formation of our district, was the UPCI representative for the conference. John and Joanne Putnam, Wisconsin District Superintendent and First Lady also joined us in the conference speaking to the district board and giving the charge to eleven ordination applicants. The district began with 160 works

(churches, daughter works and preaching points). The population of the district was just shy of 10 million people yielding one work for every 60,000 people. We adopted an aggressive goal to half this ratio to one work for every 30,000 people by doubling the number of works in ten years. The district marked its 10th anniversary with 312 works, just shy of the 320 works sought after. What we did not take into account, however, would be a population growth of nearly 2.5 million people during this same interval. Still, our first decade ended with us reaching one work for every 39,000 people. We are so thankful for this! Just as the population has increased in each area of our district, so has the number of new works. Ranging from a 10-year growth of 19% in the Central Coastal Bend Section to a 160% growth in the Gulf Coast Section, each section has experienced great growth. Each of the three Houston sections more than doubled: Houston Metro East (107%),


Houston Metro West (159%) and Gulf Coast (160%). The other large metropolitan areas also saw significant growth: Austin-Hill Country (89%) and Southwest/San Antonio (73%). Of special significance to South Texas is the continued growth of our Spanish Ministry. Texas as a whole is seeing a burgeoning Latino growth. The district began with 40 Spanish-speaking works and now has 111 works (an Apostolic number, don’t you think?). This represents an astounding growth of 178%. We give thanks to our Spanish Ministry leaders, Home Missions team, and pastors for the continued expansion of Spanish Ministry. The district continues to use a model of

daughter works and preaching points to reach into neighboring areas. We have seen more stability in our works through this approach and it gives each local church the flexibility needed to reach outlying communities and groups that need the Gospel. With growth comes the need for added changes. The district is currently undergoing a 10-year evaluation to strengthen our structure for the present and future growth. Our district board has already begun the initial planning for a seven-year emphasis bringing the district to 500 works and 1,000 ministers by the year 2020. The district department leaders and presbyters will be seeking the input of each minister

10 Year Growth by Section

Sectional Totals Section Austin-­‐Hill Country Central Coastal Bend Greater Coastal Bend Gulf Coast Houston Metro East Houston Metro West Rio Grande Valley Southwest DISTRICT

Works 2003 28 16 10 20 27 22 11 26 160


classification of works by section

Sectional Totals Section Austin-­‐Hill Country Central Coastal Bend Greater Coastal Bend Gulf Coast Houston Metro East Houston Metro West Rio Grande Valley Southwest DISTRICT

36 16 11 24 39 46 13 34 219

to guide each section to its goals. With God’s help, by the year 2020, the South Texas District will look much different than it does today. The district has focused on a single word this year: OTHERS. We’ve asked the entire district to open its eyes to the needs of people around us. Many cultures proliferate in our district. Houston has passed New York City as the most ethnically diverse city in the nation. The changes that have come to Houston are also witnessed across our district. In South Texas, to reach the world requires only a walk next door.

Works in 2013 53 19 13 52 56 57 17 45 312

Daughter Works 16 3 1 17 14 11 3 8 73

10 Year Column3 Increase % Increase 25 89.29% 3 18.75% 3 30.00% 32 160.00% 29 107.41% 35 159.09% 6 54.55% 19 73.08% 152 95.00%

Preaching Column1 Points TOTAL 1 53 -­‐ 19 1 13 11 52 3 56 -­‐ 57 1 17 3 45 20 312


district conference report by Danny Jonhson South Texas District Secretary

What a powerful and celebratory District Conference we just experienced in April! Among the events was the celebration of the South Texas District’s tenth birthday. In these ten years, we have seen tremendous growth—both in the number of ministers serving, and in the number of churches—nearly doubling in both categories.

The evening services were mighty and superb in every respect. On Wednesday, District Superintendent Ken Gurley’s message not only gave direction to the ordination license candidates, but to every minister in the district. God certainly spoke through him to project future growth and revival in South Texas. Following were the tremendous messages by General Secretary Jerry Jones on Thursday evening and the revival visionary message of General Superintendent David Bernard. We are still feeling the residue and after-glow of these services.

Preceding the Friday night service was the 10th Annual District Conference, where the conference elected the following officials to serve a two-year term:

Ken Gurley, District Superintendent

Jorge Aguinaga, Global Missions Director

Tracy Richardson, North American Missions Sec.

Seth Simmons, Youth President

Charlie Moore, Youth Secretary

George Merrill II, Children’s Ministry Director

Kerry Hammer, Children’s Ministry Secretary

Barbara Johnson, Ladies Ministry President

Cassie Huslage, Ladies Ministry Secretary

Roger Blackburn, Men’s Ministry Director

John Burnett, Spanish Ministry Director


The District gives a special thanks to Brother and Sister Guidroz for organizing our tenth District birthday party. What an awesome event as we celebrated ten years as a district! The mariachi band, the balloons, the decor, the refreshments—all was festive for such a milestone.

Our thoughts now turn to the future. What will we see in the next ten years? If we’re satisfied with what we have achieved, our growth stymies; but if we continue cultivating an atmosphere of growth, we will see amazing increase in the future. Thanks to the leadership and vision of Brother Gurley, our pattern of growth has been consistent to this point. Now, he is leading us to think “outside the box” for our future growth and expansion.

Just as we have a responsibility for building, we have a responsibility for protecting our Pentecostal heritage. Nehemiah had the vision to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem. He had opposition, but his hunger to build something for God overpowered his fear of the opposition. As we work to build the kingdom of God, we must also protect the message of repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus, and the baptism of His Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues.

What a life-changing experience it is, and we are working to spread the news to every community in our district.

May every church grow, and every pastor plant a new work. May the gospel of the kingdom of God be preached in every town. Everyone has a right to hear the saving message of truth. Let’s have continued revival and growth in South Texas!

and now Our thoughts turn to the future. What will we see in the next ten years?


bible quizzing update by Greg Starks South Texas Quiz Director It is hard to believe that the Bible Quiz season is over for us in South Texas, but the recently completed District Finals tournaments for both the Junior and Senior Quizzers brought the year to a close for all but those qualifying to continue to their respective Nationals tournament. Our study of “Selected Psalms” will have lasting benefits for these young people. Their delight in the law of the Lord will strengthen their roots and yield fruit for years to come (Psalm 1). Junior Quizzing Junior Bible Quizzing is for children up to age 12, and is divided into two sub-divisions: Beginners (for kids up through age 8) were responsible for 191 verses, and Juniors (ages 9-11) memorized 289 verses. Their District Finals tournament was held June 14 and 15 at New Life Austin in Austin, Texas. The tension from quizzing on Friday and Saturday was broken up by a Pizza Party on Friday night, with a Crazy Hair contest. After some great quizzing on both days, the following teams were recognized, and qualified for the JBQ North American Finals to be held July 22-26, 2013: Beginner Division:

1st Place: First Love Church, Texas City 2nd Place: New Life Austin, Austin 3rd Place: First Church, Pearland In the Beginner Division, Max Dombrowski (New Life Austin, Austin) and Michah Davis (The Church Triumphant, Pasadena) made up the all-tournament team, while Israel Eller (First Church, Pearland) was the Second Highest Scoring Individual and Truman Reynolds (First Church, Pearland) was the Highest Scoring Individual. In the Junior Division, the all-tournament team consisted of the following quizzers: Ian Winslow (The Pentecostals of Katy, Katy), Shiann Vela (First Love Church, Texas City), Elijah Wimberly (First Love Church, Texas City), Ethan Morales (Springs of Life, Deer Park), and Victoria Hyams (Springs of Life, Deer Park).

2nd Place: New Life Austin, Austin

The Second Highest Scoring Individual for the Junior Division was Elijah Eller (First Church, Pearland), and the Highest Scoring Individual was Mikey Orta (New Life Austin, Austin).

Junior Division:

Each year we recognize “Quizzers of the Year”

1st Place: First Church, Pearland

When the Word becomes personal to us, it is more than just words we memorize! and “Coaches of the Year.” These awards are for excellence at the quiz board, but also for high character and for exemplifying the traits we desire from quizzers and coaches. In the Beginner division, the Runner-Up Quizzer of the Year was Caitlyn Fox, and the Quizzer of the Year was Truman Reynolds (First Church, Pearland). In the Junior division, the Runner-Up Quizzer of the Year was Mikey Orta (New Life Austin, Austin) and the Quizzer of the Year was Elijah Wimberly (First Love Church, Texas City). For all of Junior Quizzing, the Runner-Up Coach of the Year was Shaun Eller (First

/ SOUTH TEXAS VISION Church,7 Pearland), and the Coach of the Year was Craig Smith (The Pentecostal Church, San Benito). Congratulations to all of these quizzers and Coaches for a great year of Bible Quizzing! Senior Quizzing Senior Bible Quizzing (for youth ages 12-18) is also divided into two divisions: Intermediate quizzers (ages 12-14 and first-year quizzers) learned 395 verses, and Experienced quizzers (ages 15-18) were responsible for 497 verses. The Senior District Finals tournament was held June 20 and 21, 2013 at The Pentecostal Church of San Benito, Texas. This was the first Bible Quizzing District Finals to be held in The Valley, and what a great time we had. Following our quizzing on Thursday night and Friday, we honoured the following teams for qualifying for the North American Bible Quiz Tournament (NABQT) to be held August 3-7, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky: Intermediate Division: 1st Place: First Church, Pearland 2nd Place: New Life Austin, Austin Experienced Division: 1st Place: Calvary Church, San Antonio 2nd Place: First Church, Pearland First Love Church of Texas City placed third in the Intermediate Division, but unfortunately, we can only send two teams from each division to NABQT this year. In the Intermediate Division, the all-tournament team consisted of Samuel Wentworth (Roma), Isaiah Halliburton (First Love Church, Texas City), Isabella Reynolds (First Love Church, Texas City), and Lauren Veuleman (First Church, Pearland). Second Highest Scoring Individual was Hunter Reynolds (First Church, Pearland), and the Highest Scoring Individual was Andrew Dumas (New Life Austin, Austin). In the Experienced Division, Ruth Brown (First Church, Pearland) and Hannah Ruiz (Calvary Church, San Antonio) made up the all-tournament team. Lorena Cortez (Calvary Church, San Antonio) was the Second Highest Scoring Individual in the Experienced Division, and Ellis Eller (First Church, Pearland) was the Highest Scoring Individual. At our banquet on Friday night, we honored a number of individual quizzers and coaches for their accomplishments.

In the Intermediate Division, we honoured Isaiah Halliburton (First Love Church, Texas City) as our Runner-Up Quizzer of the Year, and Andrew Dumas (New Life Austin) as our Quizzer of the Year. Sheree Reynolds (First Love Church, Texas City) was honoured as our Runner-Up Coach of the Year, and Janet Kinney (New Life Austin) as Coach of the Year for the Intermediate Division. In the Experienced Division, we honoured Nicole Harvey (The Pentecostal Church, San Benito) as our Quizzer of the Year, and Kandi Brown (First Church, Pearland) as our Coach of the Year. We also gave out one special award for the entire Senior division. The Daniel Award is in memory of Daniel Jacks, a young man who dearly loved Bible Quizzing, but unfortunately for us left this life much too early. This award is given to a quizzer who persevered through difficulty and against great odds to continue and succeed in quizzing and in life. This year, we were honoured to recognize Isaiah Halliburton (First Love Church, Texas City) as our Daniel Award winner. Isaiah is to be commended for his commitment to quizzing in the midst of trying circumstances. And through all of

the difficulties of the year, his spot on the District Finals All-Tournament team is testimony to his accomplishment! Congratulations, Isaiah! We also honoured 24 first-year quizzers in the Senior division. We are excited about this growth in Quizzing, and prayerfully look forward to similar growth next year! At the close of our banquet, Pastor J.C. Milligan of The Pentecostal Church, San Benito, challenged our quizzers to allow the Word that has been “communicated” to them to resonate in their hearts, minds, and spirits, and to allow the Spirit of the Lord to transform it into the “revealed” Word. When the Word becomes personal to us, it is more than just words we memorize, but it becomes the strength of our life. At the close of his brief remarks, Pastor Milligan asked the quizzers to join hands all around the room, and then challenged them to “pray like you know to pray.” Within just a minute or two, the Spirit of the Lord swept into that hotel banquet room. Quizzers were weeping, speaking in tongues, praying with each other. For the next half hour or so, quizzers, coaches, parents, and pastors prayed and wept together. It was a fantastic, and altogether fitting, way to close out our Bible Quiz Season.


Ladies’ Ministry Is Alive And Well In South Texas!

February 28 and March 1 found about 1,100 ladies meeting once again in San Marcos for LUV Conference. What an amazing outpouring of God’s Presence—every service was so dynamic and life-changing! At the District Conference in April, the South Texas Ladies Ministry experienced a change in leadership. Sister Gena Caruthers, who had served for approximately five years as the President, felt it was time to move into a different focus in her life. Sister Barbara Johnson was elected as the new President, with Sister Cassie Huslage being elected to serve as Ladies Ministry Secretary. Much thanks and gratitude goes to Sister Caruthers for her amazing leadership in our District! She, and the leaders before her, have left a firm foundation for us to build on. And now it’s time for Mothers Memorial in South Texas! This year, our

“official” goal is $91,200.00! However, our General Superintendent’s wife, Sister Connie Bernard, has challenged us to reach $100,000.00! And really, it’s only $8,800 more than our official goal.

deadline for WOW is also August 1. Start planning now—LUV 2014 will be February 27-28 in San Marcos. May God bless you as you reach lost souls!

I believe the South Texas District can step up to the challenge and break that $100,000.00 mark! Just a little extra push—last year we raised $93,231.54. WE CAN DO IT! Lost souls are depending on it! We cannot let them down! Remember—the deadline for Mothers Memorial is August 1. Remember, ladies, you can become a Woman of Wonder (WOW) for a $100.00 donation to Mothers Memorial and help us reach our goal. You will receive numerous “perks” at LUV 2014, but you will also make a difference in someone’s salvation! The

Thank You Gena Caruthers for serving the South Texas District Ladies!

LUV 2014 will be february 27-28 in san marcos. start planning now!


mothers memorial offering is due august 1

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GUILTY! Jorge Aguinaga Global Missions Director

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11 / SOUTH TEXAS VISION In a criminal case the ultimate purpose of the prosecutor is to convince the jury and the judge (reasonable people) that the defendant “beyond a reasonable doubt” is guilty of the crime. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is legally defined as “The standard that must be met by the prosecution’s evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty”. Many have been pronounced “guilty” by the prosecution by effectively sustaining the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”.

When the church began, according to the Bible, is not contentious among the Christian world, but what took place in Jerusalem, “that great and wonderful day of Pentecost” , is. Here is what the scripture says took place, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 2:1-4)

The question here is, “are these people guilty of speaking in other tongues?” Or in other words, “are they guilty of receiving the Holy Ghost?”. To prove this, the Jury, the Judge and, in our case, the people, must be convinced, “beyond a reasonable doubt”, of this occurrence.

One can write a number of books detailing evidence, “beyond a reasonable doubt”, of this great truth. Nonetheless, one fact in Acts 2:11 reads, “…we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.” This substantiates that there were thousands of witnesses from around the world. This alone constitutes the fact that “beyond a reasonable doubt” has been established in this case. Therefore, the verdict here lies that these individuals are “guilty” of receiving the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues. “Guilty” as charged.

If we ever want to be guilty of anything, it is not for a crime, but on the other hand, of being filled with the wonderful spirit of God, the Holy Ghost. In the last twelve months our great STX District has hosted approximately 30 Global Missionaries and according to the above, they are “guilty” of not only receiving the Holy Ghost themselves, but, under their ministries, they are “guilty” of over 230 souls receiving the Holy Ghost in our churches. They are “guilty” as charged. These great men and women are Global Missionaries. Their purpose is not only to be “guilty” in their respective countries, but to also be “guilty” in the states.

Last year a worldwide combined total of nearly 130,000 souls were “guilty” of receiving the Holy Ghost through the ministry of these great men and women.

Last year a worldwide combined total of nearly 130,000 souls were “guilty” of receiving the Holy Ghost through the ministry of these great men and women. These missionaries long to see children, youth and adults from all nations, including ours, receive the Holy Ghost.

Many of our STX Pastors opened their pulpits to these great missionaries and they appreciate this: allowing them to share their burdens and in the process, helping them grow their churches.

We are blessed to be part of a great mission-minded District. South Texas District “beyond a reasonable doubt” you are “guilty” as charged!


south texas district men’s conference report ROGER BLACKBURN MEN’S MINISTRY DIRECTOR

But NOW is a critical time! This year alone, in our South Texas District Conference Men’s Conference, we had an increase of 35% in attendance


It is time to “Let the Men of God Arise” and that is exactly what is happening in the South Texas District. The men of South Texas will not worship the idols of men but rise in worship to God!

and Sister Scoggins as they hosted this event. The music, the songs and the worship brought us into an atmosphere where the heavens were opened and the Spirit was truly poured out!

Men’s Ministry is an effective ministry reaching throughout Texas and other areas. This year because of your desire to serve others; we responded to the Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast, served the state of Mississippi ravaged by storms; and when Oklahoma recently struggled with the massive tornado that brought nothing but destruction; South Texas District and Men’s Ministry reached out. And the year is not over yet.

The great ministry of Pastors: Ron Macey, David Hunt, and Tom Foster were amazing and then; when Pastor Michael Williams, our National Men’s Director came to the pulpit, he truly closed it with a perfect finish. Men throughout our District walked away blessed, stirred, changed, ready to strengthen their family and their Churches.

In May, our men came together for the STX District Men’s Conference in San Antonio, Texas; and we were blessed with a mighty move of God. Our theme was “Let the Men of God Arise.” We were so blessed by the Hope Center Church, the Ministry of Brother

It was an amazing conference as God touched the men of our District and; for those there, they are a witness to this fact. But NOW is a critical time! This year alone, in our South Texas District Conference Men’s Conference, we had an increase of 35% in attendance. With any growth, there are growing pains

and a need of funding the cause! Is “There not a cause…?” I believe there is! The men of this District are growing into spiritual giants because they have a ministry directed toward their needs. The Month of June is dedicated as Men’s Ministry month. Father’s Day was specified as a day of giving to Apostolic Men’s Ministry. Part of that comes back into our District in support of our South Texas Men’s Ministry. I am asking every Pastor, Church, individual and especially every man to help us by allowing “The Men of God to Arise,” …and this can happen because we choose to give! It is not just a Father’s Day offering, it is a fundraising effort. We have until August 2, 2013 to get the monies in. Will you support a ministry growing men? We have made a choice as a District and it is to: “Let the Men of God Arise!”


SETH SIMMONS YOUTH PRESIDENT “ACT1V8: Activate Acts 1:8” was the theme for South Texas Youth Camp 2013, and our youth and young adults came activated and ready to draw closer to God and discover his purpose for their lives.

From the opening service on Monday night, there was a deep move of the Spirit and an incredible response in the altar. On Tuesday night conviction gripped our hearts after Bro. Luke Levine preached on preparing a “Chamber.” Many of our youth lingered in the altar


service for nearly two hours after the music stopped and the dismissal sign was put up. Youth were being carried out of the sanctuary, so that the camp personnel could make preparations for the next day.

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15 / SOUTH TEXAS VISION And it didn’t stop there. Young men began singing and worshipping in the dorms after curfew, and as a result one a young man, James Paine, received the Holy Spirit in the dorm! This is our South Texas Youth. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy”(Acts 2:17, emphasis added). Our youth and young adults are an integral role of the Great Commission, and we are seeing them activate their God-given calling to be the mission of the church. “It is time for us to reject the wholesale cynicism of our culture regarding adolescence. Rather than years of undirected and unproductive struggle these are years of unprecedented opportunity. These are the years of daily ministry and of great opportunity” (Paul David Tripp, Age of Opportunity).

Let’s press forward in faith and see the mission of Christ fulfilled through the youth and young adults of the South Texas District.


•Record Overall Attendance: 823 campers and workers (English and Spanish Youth Camps com-

Testimonials & Thanks “Thankful for the team at activ8! Two baptized were part of the Upgrade Youth at Calvary Church. They had never been baptized or received the Holy Ghost. The kingdom will grow only when it’s people are hungry and thirsty enough for more. Together we will grow the kingdom.” +Tyler Moss (San Antonio)

“Youth Camp has been amazing, many have received the Holy Spirit for the first time including one in my dorm last night! This week has been pure awesome!” +Jarrod Hamm (Youth Worker from Houston)

“I wanted to personally thank all the youth team for the awesome job you guys did in South Texas District Youth Camp 2013.” +Rev. Charles Stephens (Presbyter of the Austin Hill Country Section)

“This is my last camp to be a matron to the best young people on the planet, @onestumin. I have walked these grounds for 10 years. I have had countless encounters with God on these campgrounds, and I know God called me in these altars to live the life of a willing vessel. I love the South Texas District and my heart will always be home. There is nothing like leaving the campgrounds that raised me.” +Kinsie Gurley (Youth Worker from Pearland)


•Holy Spirit Infillings: 73 (27 English + 46 Spanish)

•Baptisms: 3

•Missionary offering given by youth on Wed. night: $1,323.2

“PHENOMENAL!! MIRACULOUS!! ANOINTED!! CHALLENGING!! REVIVING!! REFRESHING!! LIFE CHANGING!!” +Karla Avalos (Junior High worship leader from Corpus Christi)

“Tatiana received the Holy Ghost today at youth camp!” +Ignite Bethel Student Ministry

“AMAZING time at South Texas Youth Camp...Activ8! I loved every minute of it... Already excited about next year!!! Love the South Texas YOUTH TEAM!!!” +Kathy Olvera (RGV Sectional Youth Leader)

“I’m so thankful for the entire STX Youth Team, and everyone who gave freely of themselves to help minster to the students of STX! Everyone I’ve talked to, whether speakers, leaders or students have all commented on the way every speaker was in line with the other. Everything just seemed to flow together. One brother commented, ‘That’s how we know God is the one who was in charge of this camp!’” +Joshua Blackmon (HME Sectional Youth Leader)

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