Vision may 2015

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VISION 7 THE PATH FORWARD by Ken Gurley South Texas District Superintendent

Without a vision, Solomon once said, we perish!

Together, we can make this vision a reality

1. 1,000 people in ministry training. Each church has the need for qualified, passionate people who are exercising The South Texas District once embraced a their ministries in the local church. fourfold vision: greater growth, increased Numerous training initiatives are in the diversity, reduced distance, and greater planning stages for ushers, hostesses, involvement. This vision sustained our children’s ministries, outreach personnel, district through its first dozen years of and the many other ministries necessary existence. We saw tremendous headway for growing churches. made in each of these areas. Two years ago, the district leaders began prayerfully seeking a vision for the next phase of our district. From these deliberations was born Vision 7. Should the Lord tarry, in the seven years from 2015 to 2022, our district will focus upon seven “God-initiatives:”

Would you be interested in helping? If so, then help us pray that God would be in this. Each of these seven objectives is called a “God Initiative” because it requires God’s help and wisdom to happen. Thus, we should pray specifically that God would guide and strengthen us. 4. Target areas to strengthen our Second, recognize your ministry and Apostolic presence. 24 of the 75 The Vision 7 Team includes one grow it. Find what God is calling counties of STX do not have a UPCI and all. Our pastors and ministers you to do in your local church and work. Many of these areas are found in are the primary initiators of each grow the Kingdom. Finally, lock the Eagle Ford Shale area. Our district is of these seven objectives. Our arms with people who share the setting its sights on reaching unreached sectional and departmental leaders same mission. areas. District leaders will work with our have committed themselves to pastors to identify the target areas for supporting the local churches and new works. ministries. Together, we can make Time is short. What we do we must do quickly. Let’s unite together this vision a reality. to see each of these seven God5. Grow to 500 works. A work is initiatives accomplished. defined as a preaching point, daughter Our district board has asked work, North American Missions church, Nathan Scoggins and Tracy or full-status church. Richardson to facilitate the district’s Join the V7 team! efforts in this area. It’s a longrange plan that will require much 6. Reach out to other Apostolics and time, treasure and talent. groups. Many people and churches of like precious faith surround us. Iron sharpens iron. 3. Strive for 700 credentialed ministers. Our district began with a little over 300 credentialed ministers. Presently, we are around 500 ministers. In the next seven years, we pray for more laborers in the harvest.

2. Further infuse and unite our English and Spanish speaking ministries. South Texas is differentiated from many areas in that we have many Spanish-speaking and bilingual churches and ministers. Our efforts to work together have been blessed by God. More can be done to strengthen these areas.

7. Form as many regions regions with as many functioning sections as needed. This was actually the first of the seven initiatives addressed. Regional meetings have been finalized to serve the eleven sections of the districts.


VISION 7 is on the move


by Danny Jonhson

Dear Fellow Pastors,

South Texas District Secretary The South Texas District is on the move upward. Our goal is to have as many people involved as possible, and that is happening! What an exciting matter! First, we’ve had both the Rio Grande Valley and the Austin/San Antonio camp meetings in McAllen and New Braunfels respectively. Brothers Ric Gonzalez and Mark Morgan greatly ministered in those meetings under the unction of the Holy Ghost. Also, our District Superintendent, Brother Gurley, brought the keynote message on the Wednesday night service at New Braunfels entitled, “We Claim the Name!” What a powerful message proclaiming that we, as the church, have the power of attorney. We are still the people of the name of Jesus! Coming up soon is the Camp Meeting in Houston, again at the Pasadena Convention Center. There is a good chance that Brother Lee Stoneking will be there, and we will also hear from Brother Gurley and Brother Glenn Massey, who pastors in Lake Charles, Louisiana. This meeting will no doubt be momentous as we expect the Spirit of God to fall in those meetings. We shall not forget the prophecies concerning the great outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the greater Houston area!


In July, the Spanish Camp Meeting will be in Austin at New Life UPC, pastored by Rodney Shaw. We are expecting this camp to be a revival meeting for the Spanish Ministries of South Texas. The majority of the Spanish speaking churches have been concentrated in the Houston area, but after this camp meeting, new works will spring up on the western side of our district. May God flow mightily in those services. In August, the Victoria/Corpus Christi Camp Meeting will be in the Welder Center in downtown Victoria, Texas. Brothers Gurley, Burnett, and Carl McLaughlin will be the speakers. What a great meeting this will be, and we’re again expecting a powerful move of God’s Spirit in these services. In November, we will have the wonderful time for ministers and wives at the End of the Year Banquet. It will again be in the Houston area at Royalwood, and this will be a time of celebration of what God has done across our district. We will enjoy the fellowship of our brothers and sisters who are working in God’s vineyard, and the strength of His presence will weld us as laborers together. He is certainly coming soon, and what we do must be focused and pertinent to the hour. May God’s blessings continue in South Texas as we work until He returns!

Greetings in the Name of the Lord! It was a joy to see many of you at the District Conference in San Antonio. I count it a blessing and honor to be a part of our South Texas fellowship and to work together in the Kingdom with each of you.

The Children’s Ministry is working hard to ensure that we serve you, the local pastor and church, and are a resource to you as you see revival among children in your church. We plan to send out lessons and training tools to help you train children’s ministry workers and children for ministry. There will also be a Children’s service at each of the regional camp meetings and other evangelistic events geared specifically to reaching children. Our goal is to help you any way we can, as you reach children in your area.

Pastors, I want to say thank you to those who have

given to the Save Our Children offering. Many of you have given already—Thank you! This offering helps us serve you here in the South Texas District and it also helps our national Sunday School ministry. If you have not yet given we really need your help. There is still time to give and we would love to see every church give something toward Save Our Children. Please go to the District website today and give to the Save Our Children offering. Thank you for all you do in the Kingdom! If the Children’s Ministry can ever serve you in any way please let me know.

For Souls, Tremayne Simoneaux



Clearly, it is God, and His Vision, that have brought these beautiful accomplishments! However, as we further ourselves in God’s foreordained journey, Vision must continue. God has provided a second phase Vision to our District Superintendent: he has named it Vision 7. Seven God-initiatives, completed within seven years. They are:


• 1000 people in training • 700 credentialed licensed ministers • Entwine the English and Spanish speaking ministries • Target areas to strengthen Apostolic presence

by Jorge Aguiñaga

• 500 Works • Reach out to other Apostolic pastors and groups

Global Missions Director Vision is defined as: “eyesight, mental picture, something seen in a dream, farsightedness and somebody or something beautiful.” It is of great importance that we have eyesight. That is why annually we visit the Optometrist or Ophthalmologist to ensure that our eyesight is 20/20 or corrected to 20/20. To not be able to see clearly breeds the mistakes, stumblings, accidents, depression, getting lost, unachievable efforts and much more. The vast majority of unsuccessful events can be attributed to a lack of Vision. The South Texas District was rooted and founded with Vision. It is not by accident that this magazine’s title is Vision. Our great District’s forefathers, National Superintendent, Rev. David Bernard who was the District Superintendent at the inception and our now District Superintendent, Ken Gurley, and many more began this District with a Vision. It was not by accident or as some would call it luck, this was not a mistake, no stumbling took place, but our great District was established with a Vision.

• Form a minimum of three regions, and as many functioning sections as needed. Not man’s vision, but the Vision that was given to our forefathers. This is why our District is a leading district among the UPCI. This is why, since the inception: • The number of ministers is now approximately 300 • Now the number of churches is nearly at 500 • Numerous preaching points have been established • Several souls have been baptized in Jesus’ name • Many souls have received the gift of the Holy Ghost

There are seven god initiatives that we want to see complete!

This phase of God’s Vision is astronomical. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision the people perish”. Without a doubt we can and will meet and exceed this expectation. We thank God for our District Superintendent’s sensitivity to Christ’s spirit.

This is a quote from Warren Bennis

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Our District Superintendent has eloquently rendered Vision 7 to the South Texas District leaders. He has challenged each Department head to aid the District in fulfilling this great dream. That being said, the STX District Global Missions (STX GMs) department wholeheartedly supports Vision 7. We are clear; we have a mental picture of the explosive revival that Vision 7 will produce. These are God inspired initiatives that will create incredible results. Please join us as we venture into Vision 7. STX GMs will grow future English and Spanish speaking missionaries through these initiatives. Pastor if you feel that someone in your assembly is considering becoming a missionary please contact me at for further information.



barbara johnson ladies ministry president

Ladies Ministry in the South Texas District is alive and well! There is excitement in the air — Jesus is coming and the ladies of South Texas are working hard to see souls saved! LUV 2015 was incredible this year! Approximately 1,225 ladies braved the unexpected icy weather and gathered in the Ballroom/“Sanctuary” of Embassy Suites in San Marcos, Texas! We were met with the Presence of the Lord and soon the fire of the Holy Ghost had warmed us all! Our speakers were Sister Janice Sjostrand, Sister Cindy Miller, and Sister Kimberly Letwinch. They each one led us to the Throne and God spoke to us! We were challenged to release the “secrets” of the past and let them be gone. We learned that God sometimes entrusts us with a trial — just to make us stronger in Him. Unashamed worship was given to the Lord! In fact, the music and worship was beautiful in every service, each of us giving our best to the King of Kings! We weren’t there to impress anyone but HIM! And He poured out His Spirit in a mighty way! LUV 2016 will again commence at Embassy Suites in San Marcos on February 25 and 26. Make your plans now to attend — our own Sister Connie Bernard will be one of the speakers. Other speakers will be Sister Brooke Pamer, from Ohio, and Sister Vani Marshall, from Louisiana! A “closed” ministers’ wives session is being considered. God is already working on our Conference — be sure to be there and get your blessing! Sunday, May 10 — MOTHER’S DAY — is the kickoff for our 2015 Mothers Memorial fundraising drive! Our offering total last year was $100,464.00!! However, our 2013 MM offering total was $106,048.66! Let’s put our best efforts forward and exceed that 2013 amount — we can do it, South Texas! Let’s blow right past that $106,000 amount!! Souls are depending on us!!! One of the best ways to increase your offering is to become a DIAMOND (formerly “Woman of Wonder”)! A personal offering of $100.00 makes you a DIAMOND! And yes, men can become DIAMONDS, too! Quite a few of our men have chosen to give $100.00 to honor their wife. Or some have given $100.00 in memory of their Mother! Or maybe a Sunday School teacher who highly impacted their life! Or even their mother-in-law!!! Those men will be recognized as being a DIAMOND and helping to reach lost souls through Mothers Memorial! The deadline for Mothers Memorial (including becoming a DIAMOND) is AUGUST 1, 2015! Let’s work hard for the Kingdom of God! I would like to say a great big “THANK YOU” to every pastor/minister who supports the STX LUV Conference and STX Mothers Memorial! We cannot do it without you — you are an integral part of the South Texas Ladies Ministry! May God reward you abundantly!

Barbara Johnson, STX LM Director




The scripture in 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 2 the writer pens these words: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” The word “NOW” arrested my attention as the General Youth Division revealed it as our 2015 Sheaves For Christ theme. Gone are the days of preaching about an end-time revival; the end-time revival is here! It is NOW! The Holy Spirit has birthed a craving in the lives of students and young adults that has reached unprecedented levels. It is today, it is NOW that more students & young adults have found courage to launch a school or campus Bible study. It is NOW that we are sending more young adults on missions trips. It is NOW that the majority of student ministries are student led. NOW is the time for victory, harvest, & the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As a district youth ministry, we are seeing this scripture unfold in South Texas right NOW! This was evident at Holiday Youth Convention. We were astounded at the response from youth pastors/ leaders in our STX Commune-ity Meeting. Over


150 were present as General Youth Division initiatives such as Project 7 & Campus Ministry International were delivered with passion from Tyler Medina & Daniel Bernard. Reports are surfacing from across our district with students hungry to launch these initiatives in their local high school & campus. Furthermore, Paul Pamer gave invaluable insight on how to reach our generation with a timely word. During this two-day event, 610 attended while 21 students received the Holy Spirit! The sensitivity to worship and the response to the ministering of the Word was extraordinary! NOW is the fulfillment of Joel 2: 28-29: “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.” I say dream young men, for the time is NOW! I say prophesy sons & daughters, for the time is NOW! I say pour out Your Spirit Lord, for the time is NOW!

Charlie Moore | STX Youth President


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