STYLE | Feature
Sienna Anderson on
squirrels The cute little red squirrels that v isit photographer Sienna Eve A nderson’s garden are to be the stars of a chi ldren’s story, ‘Be K ind’, to be published in the autumn.
“The squirrels were already visiting the garden,” explains Sienna. “I decided to put a few props out for them. It’s important to keep as still as possible whilst the squirrels are around. “It was my love of photography and nature that inspired me. I posted a few images and people were just loving them; it went from there.
“The first prop I used was an old toy Tonka truck. I put a hazelnut on it; the squirrel happily picked it up and sat there quietly nibbling away. “Initially I used items I had at home, and then people offered me more unique props to use.
“A very kind lady said she had a large bag of hazelnuts from a tree in her garden and would I like them?
“I like to keep it as simple as possible. My favourite squirrel picture is the one where he looks like he has a frown. If he gets wet, it accentuates it. I call him Little Red.
“I went out into the garden with a basket of the hazelnuts and the squirrels went mad for them.
“There are two darker ones, and one has a white stripe on his tail, and I call him Gizmo. He’s really confident and was the