PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER: Wayne Nielsen | VICE PRESIDENT: Kristian Nielsen | | [+1] (703) 444 0845 SALES: Terri Jones | | [+1] (703) 471 4902 PROJECT MANAGER: Rebecca Spence | | [+1] (703) 268 9285 GIS MANAGER: Greg Reinecke | [+1] (571) 213 7640 LEAD ANALYST: Kieran Clark | | [+1] (703) 468 1382 DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Wendy Wade | Novemberwendy@weswendesign.comNEXTISSUE:2022 Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. information BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Margaret Nielsen, Wayne Nielsen, and Kristian Nielsen SubTel Forum Continuing Education, Division of Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. Kristian Nielsen | | [+1] (703) 444 0845 Contributions are welcomed and should be forwarded to: The Submarine Cable Almanac is published trimonthly by Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc., and is an independent commercial publication, serving as a freely accessible forum for professionals in industries connected with submarine optical fiber technologies and techniques. The Submarine Cable Almanac may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without the permission of the publishers. Liability: While every care is taken in preparation of this publication, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, or any errors which may occur in advertising or editorial content, or any consequence arising from any errors or omissions, and the editor reserves the right to edit any advertising or editorial material submitted for publication. New Subscriptions, Enquiries and Changes of Address 21495 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 201, Sterling, Virginia 20166, USA, or call [+1] (703) 444 0845, fax [+1] (703) 349-5562, or visit Copyright © 2022 Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc.

Nielsen Vice President
FOREWORD Welcome to the forty-third edition of SubTel Forum’s Submarine Cable Almanac, a quarterly publication since 2011.Thank you WFN Strategies for their Exclusive Sponsorship of this quarter’s edition. -Learn more about WFNStrategies here: Since the last issue, we have added eight new systems and updated an additional 152. The data provided in this document is, as it ever has been, from the public domain and/or directly supplied by owners and suppliers. If you see a system that needs updating or know of an upcoming system that needs to be represented, please feel free to contact Rebecca Spence directly at With this issue, we have given the Almanac a fresh redesign, in line with our brand new online Submarine Cable Map. This Almanac is a great tool to learn about the world of submarine cables but as ever, reach out if you have a question! Good reading and stay well,

Kristian Nielsen, Vice President BIOGRAPHIES
Kristian Nielsen has over 13 years of publishing and management experience and has been working for Submarine Telecoms Forum since 2008 as Business Manager. In 2013, he was promoted to Vice President and is responsible for all SubTel Forum product roll out, sales strategy, administration and management. Under his direction, Submarine Telecoms Forum’s readership has grown from less than 4,000 bi monthly readers, to over 100,000 every month. He literally grew up in the business since his first ‘romp’ on a BTM cable ship in Southampton at age 5. Professionally, he has supported various international telecoms projects with accounting administration and is the originator of many of SubTel Forum’s current products and services.
Rebecca Spence, Project Manager Rebecca Spence joined the Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. team in October 2019 as a Research Analyst and was promoted to Project Manager in October 2021. She is responsible for maintaining the Submarine Cable Map, Submarine Cable Database, and producing the Market Sector Reports through data collection, data validation and analysis. She also manages Submarine Telecoms Forum social media accounts, and supports research, and marketing efforts. Rebecca’s a nalysis and research experience is drawn from her days in General Dynamics Information Technology’s Small Business sector where she maintained their Small Business Database and internal SharePoint portal.

Greg Reinecke, GIS Manager
Kieran Clark, Lead Analyst Kieran Clark is the Lead Analyst for Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. He originally joined the company in 2013 as a Broadcast Technician to provide support for live event video streaming. He has 8+ years of live production experience and has worked alongside some of the premier organizations in video web streaming. In 2014, Kieran was promoted to Analyst and is currently responsible for the research and maintenance that supports the SubTel Forum Submarine Cable Database and Online Map. In 2016, he was promoted to Lead Analyst. His analysis is featured in almost the entire array of SubTel Forum Publications
Mr. Reinecke has focused on providing geospatial, data analytics and visualization project services across a range of disciplines. He is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University and has been focused on geospatial subsea cable spatial analysis. He is a geospatial data technologist with 30+ years of experience using GIS to create dashboards, design application components, develop data analysis programs and spatial program business development in DoD, Federal, State, Local and commercial markets at global, regional and local scales.

We support commercial, governmental, and offshore energy companies throughout the world. We analyze and advocate renewable energy alternatives for clients’ submarine cables. WFN Strategies is an accredited, industryleading consultancy specializing in the planning, procurement, and implementation of submarine cable systems.

By The Numbers: Current $3$2$2$1$1$0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Billions Submarine Cable System Investment 2013-2022 AustralAsiaAmericas25%31%EMEA23% Indian8%OceanPolar1%Transatlantic6%Transpacific6% Regional Distribution of New Cable 2013-2022
By The Numbers: Planned $4$4$3$3$2$2$1$1$0 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Billions Submarine Cable System Investment 2022-2026 Americas19% AustralAsia21% EMEA22% IndianTransatlantic13%OceanPolar6%6% Transpacific13% Regional Distribution of New Cable 2022-2026
This edition of the Submarine Telecoms Cable Almanac was authored by the analysts at Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. who provide submarine cable system analysis for SubTel Forum’s Submarine Cable Almanac, online and print Cable Maps and Industry Newsfeed. For the Submarine Cable Almanac, we utilized both interviews with industry experts and our proprietary Submarine Cable Database which was purpose built by Submarine Telecoms Forum in 2013 and updated in 2021. The database tracks more than 500 current and planned domestic and international cable systems, including project information suitable for querying by client, year, project,region, system length, capacity, landing points, data centers, owners, installers, etc. The Submarine Cable Database is purpose- built by a dedicated database administration team, powered by MySQL. Maps are produced with ArcGIS Pro, in the same format and visual style as the Submarine Cables of the World print map.
Trending is accomplished using known data with linear growth estimates for following years.
To accomplish this report, SubTel Forum conducted continuous data gathering throughout the year. Data assimilation and consolidation in its Submarine Cable Database was accomplished in parallel with data gathering efforts. SubTel Forum collected and analyzed data from a variety of public, commercial, and scientific sources to best analyze and project market conditions.
While every care is taken in preparation of this report, these are our best estimates based on information provided and discussed in this industry.

System Installer – The names of all reported companies that installed the cable system System Supplier – The names of all reported companies that supplied the cable system
Below is a list of defined acronyms and terminology used in this document:
Wavelengths per Fiber Pairs – The number of wavelengths/channels on a single fiber pair
Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) – The capacity of individual wavelengths, express in gigabits per second Design Capacity (Tbps) – The maximum capacity available on a cable system, expressed in terabits per second EOS – End of Service, the year a cable system is expected to reach end of life Fiber Pairs – The number of fiber pairs in the cable system Landing Points – The cities where a cable system comes ashore Length (km) – The total length of the cable system, in kilometers Owners – The names of all reported companies reported as owning a stake in the cable system Region – Which of the six regions (Americas, AustralAsia, EMEA, Indian Ocean Pan East Asian, Transatlantic, Transpacific) the cable system is in RFS – Ready for Service, the year a cable system entered service System Cost (USD) – The cost for the cable system project in US dollars
Map Legend Landings PlannedSystems(1,118) InServiceSystems(64)(377)
Planned Systems 2Africa 20 IRIS 49 ACC-1 21 JUNO 50 ADC 22 Katittuq Nunavut 51 Africa 1 23 KLI 52 Apricot 24 Leif Erikson 53 AU Aleutian 25 MEDUSA 54 Bifrost 26 MIST 55 Blue 27 N0R5KE VIKING 56 BlueMed 28 OAC 57 Boriken Submarine Cable System 29 PDSCN 58 Celtic Norse 30 PEACE 59 Chile Antartica 31 Polar Express 60 Confluence 1 32 Raman 61 CSN 1 33 SAEX East 62 CX 34 SAEX West 63 East Micronesia Cable 35 Scotland-Northern Ireland 3 64 Echo 36 Scotland Northern Ireland 4 65 EMIC 1 37 SEA H2X 66 Equiano 38 SEA ME WE 6 67 Firmina 39 SeaLink 68 Galapagos Subsea System 40 SIGMAR 69 Gondwana 2 and Picot 2 41 SING 70 Grace Hopper 42 SJC2 71 H2 Cable 43 TEAS 72 Hawaiki Nui 44 TLSSC 73 HCS 45 Tokelau Domestic Submarine Cable 74 IAX 46 TOPAZ 75 IEX 47 VCS 76 IONIAN 48 WALL LI 77
In-Service Systems AAE-1 78 Atlantis-2 116 AAG 79 Atlas Offshore 117 AC 1 80 AUTA 118 AC 2 81 Avassa 119 ACE 82 Bahamas 2 120 Aden Djibouti 83 Balalink 121 ADRIA-1 84 BALOK 122 AEC-1 85 Baltica 123 AJC 86 BAR-SAV 124 AKORN 87 BaSIC 125 Alasia 88 Bass Strait 1 126 Alaska United East 89 Bass Strait 2 127 Alaska United West 90 Basslink 128 ALBA-1 91 BBG 129 Aletar 92 BCS East 130 Alexandros 93 BCS East-West Interlink 131 Alonso De Ojeda 94 BCS North 132 Alpal 2 95 BDM 133 ALVAL/ORVAL 96 Bharat Lanka 134 Americas I North 97 BICS 135 Americas II 98 BIOS / Jonah 136 Amerigo Vespucci 99 BKK Digitek 137 Amitie 100 BLAST 138 AMX 1 101 Bodo Rost Cable 139 Antel 102 Botnia 140 Antilles Crossing 103 BPSCS 141 APCN 2 104 BRCS 142 APG 105 BRUSA 143 Aphrodite 2 106 BSCS 144 Apollo 107 BSFOCS 145 ARBR 108 BUGIO 146 Arcos-1 109 C-BUS 147 Arsinoe 110 C-Lion 1 148 ASC 111 Cadmos 149 ASE 112 Canalink 150 ASH 113 CANDALTA 1 151 Athena 114 CANI SMC 152 ATISA 115 CanTaT 3 153
CARCIP 154 ECLink 195 Caucasus Cable System 155 EIG 196 CB 1 156 EllaLink 197 CDSCN 157 Emerald Bridge Fibres 198 Ceiba-1 158 Endeavour 199 Ceiba-2 159 ESAT-1 200 Celtic 160 ESAT 2 201 CeltixConnect 161 Estepona Tetouan 202 CFX 1 162 Estrecho de Magallanes 203 Channel Islands - 9 Liberty Submarine Cable 163 Europa 204 CIOS 164 EXA Express 205 CJFS 165 EXA North/South 206 COBRACable 166 FA-1 207 Columbus II 167 Falcon 208 Columbus III 168 Far East 209 Concerto 1 169 Farice 1 210 Coral Sea 170 Farland North 211 Corfu Bar 171 Faster 212 Cross Straits Cable Network 172 FEA 213 CrossChannel Fibre 173 FEC 214 Crosslake Fibre 174 Fehmarn Bält 215 Curie 175 FibraLink 216 DAMAI Cable System 176 Flores Corvo 217 Danica North 177 FLY LION3 218 Danica South 178 FOA 219 Danice 179 FOG 220 DARE-1 180 FOS Quellon-Chacabuco 221 DDSCN 181 G2A 222 Denmark Poland 2 182 GBICS 223 Denmark Sweden 16 183 GC1 224 Denmark Sweden 17 184 GC2 225 Didon 185 GC3 226 DMCS 186 GCIS 227 Dos Continentes 187 GCN 228 Dunant 188 Gemini Bermuda 229 EAC C2C 189 Geo Eirgrid 230 EASSy 190 Georgia Russia 231 East West 191 GLO 1 232 Eastern Light 192 GlobalConnect-KPN 233 EAUFON 193 GlobeNet 234 ECFS 194 GO-1 235
GOKI 236 JBCS 277 Gondwana 1 237 JGA North 278 Greenland Connect 238 JGA South 279 Greenland Connect North (GCN) 239 JIBA 280 Guantanamo Bay Cable 240 Junior 281 Guantanamo Bay Cable 2 241 Jupiter 282 Guernsey Jersey 4 242 KAFOS 283 GWEN 243 Kanawa 284 H2HE 244 Kattegat 1 285 Hannibal 245 Kattegat 2 286 Hantru 1 246 Keltra 2 287 HAVFRUE/AEC-2 247 Kerch Strait Cable 288 Havhingsten-CC-2 248 KetchCan1 289 Havhingsten NSC 249 KJCN 290 HAVSIL 250 Kodiak Kenai 291 HAVTOR 251 KSCN 292 Hawaiki 252 Kuwait Iran 293 Hawk 253 LBC 294 HICS 254 LCMSSCS 295 HIFN 255 LEV 296 HK G 256 Libreville Port Gentil Cable 297 Honotua 257 LION 298 HSCS 258 LION 2 299 HUGO 259 Loukkos 300 I-ME-WE 260 LTCS 301 i2i 261 LV-SE 1 302 ICN1 262 Lynn Canal Fiber 303 IG 1 263 MAC 304 Indigo Central 264 MainOne 305 Indigo West 265 Malbec 306 Italy Albania 266 Malta Gozo Cable 307 Italy Greece 267 Malta Italy Interconnector 308 Italy Libya 268 Manatua One 309 Italy Malta 269 Mandji Fiber Optic Cable 310 Italy Monaco 270 MAREA 311 JaKa2DeLeMa 271 MARS 312 JAKABARE 272 Matrix 313 Janna 273 MAYA-1 314 Japan-US 274 MBDC 315 Jasuka 275 MCT 316 JAYABAYA 276 Med Cable Network 317
MedNautilus 318 RNAL 359 Melita 1 319 Rockabill 360 MENA 320 SAC 361 METISS 321 SACS 362 MIC-1 322 SAFE 363 Minerva 323 SAIL 364 MKCS 324 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Cable 365 Monet 325 Saint Thomas Saint Croix System 366 MSC 326 SAIT 367 NATITUA 327 SAM 1 368 NCP 328 SAS 369 NCSCS 329 SAS-1 370 Nelson-Levin 330 SAS-2 371 NEPTUNE Canada 331 SAT 3 372 NO UK 332 SBCS 373 NordBalt 333 SCAN 374 Norsea Com 1 334 Scandinavian Ring North 375 Northstar 335 Scandinavian Ring South 376 NWCS 336 SCF 377 Okinawa Cellular Cable 337 Scotland-Northern Ireland 1 378 OMRAN/EPEG Cable System 338 Scotland Northern Ireland 2 379 Orient Express 339 Scotland Orkney Shetland 380 PAC 340 SEA ME WE 3 381 Palawa Iloilo Cable System 341 SEA ME WE 4 382 PAN-AM 342 SEA-ME-WE 5 383 Pangea 343 SEA-US 384 Paniolo 344 Sea2Shore 385 PASULI 345 Seabras 1 386 PC 1 346 SEACOM 387 PCCS 347 SEAK 388 PENBAL 5 348 SEAX 1 389 Persona 349 Segunda FOS Canal de Chacao 390 PGASCOM 350 SEUL 391 PLCN 351 SG SCS 392 PNG LNG 352 SHARE 393 POI 353 Shefa 2 394 PPC-1 354 Silphium 395 Prat 355 Sirius North 396 Qatar-UAE 356 Sirius South 397 Quintillion Subsea 357 SJC 398 RJCN 358 SJJK 399
SkagenFiber 400 TGN Eurasia 432 Skagerrak 4 401 TGN Gulf 433 SKKL LABUAN BAJO RABA 402 TGN Intra Asia 434 SKR1M 403 TGN Northern Europe 435 SMPCS 404 TGN Pacific 436 SMPR-1 405 TGN Western Europe 437 Solas 406 TIS 438 Southern Cross 407 TPE 439 Southern Cross NEXT 408 TRANSCAN 3 440 SPSC/Mistral 409 Trapani Kelibia 441 SSSFOIP 410 TSCS 442 Subcan Link 1 411 TSE-1 443 Subcan Link 2 412 TT-1 444 Svalbard 413 Tui Samoa 445 Swansea Brean 414 Turcyos 1 446 Sweden Latvia 415 Turcyos 2 447 SxS 416 TWA 1 448 Taba Aqaba 417 UAE Iran 449 Tamares North 418 UGARIT 450 Tangerine 419 UK-Channel Islands 7 451 Tanjun Pandan Sungai Kakap Cable 420 UK-Channel Islands 8 452 Tannat 421 Ultramar GE 453 Tannat Extension 422 Unisur 454 Tasman Global Access 423 Unity 455 TDCE 424 VMSCS 456 TE North 425 WACS 457 TEAMS 426 WAF West Africa 458 TECS 427 WARF 459 TEGOPA 428 Western Visayas-Palawan 460 Tenerife-Gran Canaria 429 X-Link Submarine Cable 461 TGN-TIC 430 ZEUS 462 TGN Atlantic 431
Bude DakarAbidjan AccraLagosLibrevillePointe-NoireMuandaCapeTown MtunziniMaputoDar es SuezPortMombasaSalaamMogadishuSudan MarseilleBarcelona Djibouti City Yanbu Carcavelos Salalah Genoa MahajangaNacala PortGharebSaidPortElizabethRas Abidjan Ivory Coast Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana Barcelona Catalonia Spain Bude England United Kingdom Cape Town Western Cape South Africa Carcavelos Cascais Portugal Dakar Dakar Senegal Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam Tanzania Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Genoa Liguria Italy Lagos Lagos Nigeria Libreville Estuaire Gabon Mahajanga Boeny Madagascar Maputo Maputo Mozambique Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mogadishu Banaadir Somalia Mombasa Mombasa Kenya Mtunzini KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Muanda Kongo Central Dem. Republic of the Congo Nacala Nampula Mozambique Pointe-Noire Pointe-Noire DepartmentDem. Republic of the Congo Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape South Africa Port Said Port Said Governorate Egypt Port Sudan Red Sea State Sudan Ras Ghareb Red Sea Governorate Egypt Salalah Dhofar Oman Suez Suez Governorate Egypt Yanbu Al Madinah Province Saudi Arabia Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,5005,000 2Africa 2Africa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $925,000,000 Length (km) 32,767 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) China Mobile International Ltd., Facebook, MTN GlobalConnect, Orange, Saudi Telecom Company, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone, WIOCC Page 20Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Los Angeles BatamMedanSingaporeJakarta ManadoDarwinTokyoGuam Portland Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Darwin Northern Territory Australia Dili East Timor Guam United States Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Los Angeles California United States Manado North Sulawesi Indonesia Medan North Sumatra Indonesia Portland Oregon United States Singapore Singapore Tokyo Tokyo Japan City State/Province Country 0 2,500 5,000 Kilometers ACC-1 Asia Connect Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $450,000,000 Length (km) 18,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 240 Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Inligo Networks Page 21Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Sri Racha ShantouBatangas Maruyama Tuas Quy NhonChung Hom Kok Batangas Calabarzon Philippines Chung Hom Kok Hong Kong China Maruyama Chiba Japan Quy Nhon Bình Định Vietnam Shantou Guangdong Province China Sri Racha Chon Buri Thailand Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers ADC Asia Direct Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $290,000,000 Length (km) 9,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 140 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer Not Available Owner(s) ADC Consortium, CAT Telecom, China Telecom Corporation, China Unicom, PLDT, Singtel, SoftBank, TATA Communications, Viettel Page 22Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Mombasa Marseille Karachi Djibouti City Kalba PortRasSaidGharebDuba Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Duba Tabuk Saudi Arabia Kalba Sharjah United Arab Emirates Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mombasa Mombasa Kenya Port Said Port Said Governorate Egypt Ras Ghareb Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country 0 1,500 2,900 Kilometers Africa-1 Africa-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 10,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 192 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Etisalat, G42, Mobily, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Telecom Egypt Page 23Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Davao City Toucheng Tuas Minami-Boso Aurora Tanjung Pakis Agat Agat Guam Aurora Philippines Davao City Davao del Sur Philippines Minami-Boso Chiba Japan Tanjung Pakis West Java Indonesia Toucheng Yilan Taiwan Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Apricot Apricot LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 12,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 190 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer NTT Owner(s) Not Available Page 24Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Kodiak Chignik Bay Larsen Bay Sand Point King Cove Akutan Unalaska Perryville ColdFalseBay Pass Akutan Alaska United States Chignik Bay Alaska United States Cold Bay Alaska United States False Pass Alaska United States King Cove Alaska United States Kodiak Alaska United States Larsen Bay Alaska United States Perryville Alaska United States Sand Point Alaska United States Unalaska Alaska United States City State/Province Country 0 260 520 Kilometers AU-Aleutian AU-Aleutian Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $36,400,000 Length (km) 860 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 800 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GCI Page 25Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
SingaporeJakarta Davao City Tuas BalikpapanManado Winema Alupang Guam Balikpapan East Kalimantan Indonesia Davao City Davao del Sur Philippines Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Manado North Sulawesi Indonesia Singapore Singapore Tuas West Region Singapore Winema Oregon United States City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Bifrost Bifrost LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 15,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Converge ICT, Facebook, Keppel T&T, Telin Page 26Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
TelAqabaAviv Chania Sicily Genoa France Aqaba Aqaba Jordan Chania Crete GreeceFrance Genoa Liguria Italy Sicily Sicily Italy Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Israel City State/Province Country 0 540 1,100 Kilometers Blue Blue LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $400,000,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google, Oman Telecommunications Company, Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 27Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Palermo Genoa Genoa Liguria Italy Palermo Sicily Italy City State/Province Country 0 240 480 Kilometers Blue/BlueMed BlueMed LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $25,000,000 Length (km) 1,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 240 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 28Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Ponce Aguadilla Frederiksted Humacao Macao Beach Aguadilla Puerto Rico Frederiksted St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Humacao Puerto Rico Macao Beach La Altagracia Dominican Republic Ponce Puerto Rico City State/Province Country 0 60 120 Kilometers BorikenCableSubmarineSystem Boriken Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,750,000 Length (km) 670 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Blackburn Technologies Page 29Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Dunnet Bay Killala Øysanden Grindavik Dunnet Bay Scotland United Kingdom Grindavik Southern Peninsula Iceland Killala Ireland Ireland Øysanden Trøndelag Norway City State/Province Country 0 580 1,200 Kilometers Celtic Norse Celtic Norse LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $52,500,000 Length (km) 2,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 160 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Celtic Norse AS Page 30Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
WilliamsPuerto King IslandGeorge King George Island Antarctica Puerto Williams Antártica Chilena Chile City State/Province Country 0 380 760 Kilometers Chile Antartica Chile Antartica LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) Not Available Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Desarrollo Pais Page 31Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
JacksonvilleMiami BeachVirginia Wall Myrtle Beach Jacksonville Florida United States Miami Florida United States Myrtle Beach South Carolina United States Virginia Beach Virginia United States Wall New Jersey United States City State/Province Country 0 480 960 Kilometers Confluence-1 Confluence-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2068 Est. System Cost (USD) $70,000,000 Length (km) 2,571 Design Capacity (Tbps) 500 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Confluence Networks Page 32Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Salinas Cartagena Naples Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Naples Florida UnitedPanamaStates Salinas Santa Elena Ecuador City State/Province Country 0 810 1,600 Kilometers CSN-1 Carnival Submarine Network-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $112,500,000 Length (km) 4,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telconet Page 33Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
CartagenaPuerto Limón BarriosPuertoCancun Boca CorozalMariaRatonNassauKingstonChiquita Boca Raton Florida United States Cancun Quintana Roo Mexico Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Corozal Panama City Panama Kingston Kingston Parish Jamaica Maria Chiquita Colón Panama Nassau New Providence Bahamas Puerto Barrios Izabal Guatemala Puerto Limón Limón Province Costa Rica City State/Province Country 0 570 1,100 Kilometers CX Caribbean Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 3,472 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 18 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Ocean Networks, Inc. Page 34Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Pohnpei Nauru Kosrae Tarawa Kosrae Micronesia Nauru Nauru Pohnpei Pohnpei Micronesia Tarawa Kiribati City State/Province Country 0 280 550 Kilometers East Micronesia Cable East Micronesia Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) Not Available Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) Page 35Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Piti ChangiTanjung Pakis Eureka Agat Agat Guam Changi East Region Singapore Eureka California United States Ngardmau Ngardmau Palau Piti Guam Tanjung Pakis West Java Indonesia City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Echo Echo LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $255,300,000 Length (km) 17,184 Design Capacity (Tbps) 144 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Facebook, Google, Trans Pacific Networks, LLC, XL Axiata Page 36Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
BarcelonaMarseille Mumbai Salalah Genoa Barcelona Catalonia Spain Genoa Liguria Italy Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mumbai Maharashtra India Salalah Dhofar Oman City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers EMIC-1 Europe-Middle East-India-Connect-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $750,000,000 Length (km) 30,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited Page 37Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
SesimbraLome Lagos Melkbosstrand St. Helena Lagos Lagos Nigeria Lome Golfe Togo Melkbosstrand Western Cape South Africa Sesimbra Lisbon St.PortugalHelena City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Equiano Equiano LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $375,000,000 Length (km) 16,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 144 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Google, Liquid Intelligent Technologies Page 38Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Las ToninasPraia Grande delPuntaEste East StatesUnitedCoast United States Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Praia Grande São Paulo Brazil Punta del Este Maldonado Uruguay City State/Province Country 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Firmina Firmina LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $362,925,000 Length (km) 14,517 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google Page 39Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
MantaMorenoBaquerizoPuertoAyoraPuertoGeneralPuertoVillamil Manta Manabí Ecuador Puerto Ayora Isla Santa Cruz Ecuador Puerto Baquerizo MorenoSan Cristobal Island Ecuador Puerto General Villamil Isla Isablea Ecuador City State/Province Country 0 180 360 Kilometers GalapagosSystemSubsea Ecuador - Galapagos Islands LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 1,280 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Xtera System Installer Prysmian Group/NSW Owner(s) CNT EP Page 40Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Suva We Tadine Yate Vao Ouemo Mont-Dore Nouville Mont-Dore New Caledonia Nouville Nouméa New Caledonia Ouémo Nouméa New Caledonia Suva Rewa Fiji Tadine Maré New Caledonia Vao Idle of Pines New Caledonia Wé Loyalty Islands ProvinceNew Caledonia Yaté South Province New Caledonia City State/Province Country 0 220 440 Kilometers Gondwana 2 and Picot 2 Gondwana 2 and Picot 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $37,875,000 Length (km) 1,515 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) OPT New Caledonia Page 41Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
BudeBilbao New York Bilbao Biscay Spain Bude England United Kingdom New York New York United States City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers Grace Hopper Grace Hopper LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $170,000,000 Length (km) 7,191 Design Capacity (Tbps) 352 Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Google Page 42Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Complete Commissioning Incomplete
Toucheng Sydney Chung Hom Kok Chung Hom Kok Hong Kong China Sydney New South Wales Australia Toucheng Yilan Taiwan City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers H2 Cable H2 Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 10,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 45 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 450 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) H2 Submarine Cable LP Page 43Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Invercargill DunedinChristchurch Melbourne Los Angeles SingaporeJakarta Sydney Batam Hawaii Darwin Oahu Brisbane Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Brisbane Queensland Australia Christchurch South Island New Zealand Darwin Northern Territory Australia Dunedin Otago New Zealand Hawaii United States Invercargill Southland New Zealand Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Los Angeles California United States Melbourne Victoria Australia Oahu Hawaii United States Singapore Singapore Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country 0 2,500 5,000 Kilometers Hawaiki Nui Hawaiki Nui LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $550,000,000 Length (km) 26,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 240 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Hawaiki Submarine Cable Page 44Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
ValparaísoSydney Takapuna FernandezJuan Easter Island Easter Island Valparaíso Chile Juan Fernandez Valparaíso Chile Sydney New South Wales Australia Takapuna Auckland New Zealand Valparaíso Valparaíso Chile City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Humboldt Humboldt LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $600,000,000 Length (km) 13,180 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Desarrollo Pais Page 45Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
MumbaiHulhumale Chennai Satun Tuas Morib Chennai Tamil Nadu India Hulhumale North Malé Atoll Maldives Morib Selangor Malaysia Mumbai Maharashtra India Satun Satun Thailand Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 600 1,200 Kilometers IAX India-Asia-Xpress LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) Not Available Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) 200 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited Page 46Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Zafarana Savona Mumbai Salalah Sidi Karir Mumbai Maharashtra India Salalah Dhofar Oman Savona Liguria Italy Sidi Karir Alexandria Governorate Egypt Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 IEX India-Europe-Xpress LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) Not Available Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) 200 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited Page 47Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Crotone Preveza Crotone Calabria Italy Preveza Epirus Greece City State/Province Country 0 60 120 Kilometers IONIAN IONIAN LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,000,000 Length (km) 320 Design Capacity (Tbps) 360 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Elettra, Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Elettra Owner(s) Islalink Page 48Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Galway Thorlakshofn Galway Connaught Ireland Thorlakshofn Ölfus Iceland City State/Province Country 0 580 1,200 Kilometers IRIS IRIS LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $42,500,000 Length (km) 1,770 Design Capacity (Tbps) 18 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Farice ehf Page 49Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Complete Commissioning Incomplete
Grover BeachShima Kamogawa Grover Beach California United States Kamogawa Chiba Japan Shima Mie Japan City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers JUNO JUNO LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 10,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 350 Fiber Pairs 20 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer Not Available Owner(s) JA Mitsui Leasing, Ltd., Mitsui & Co, NTT, PC Landing Corp,, Seren Juno Network Co., Ltd. Page 50Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Cape Dorset Kimmirut Iqaluit Salluit Cape Dorset Nunavut Canada Iqaluit Nunavut Canada Kimmirut Nunavut Canada Salluit Kativik Canada City State/Province Country 0 230 450 Kilometers Katittuq Nunavut Katittuq Nunavut LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 2,400 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 51Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Kochi Androth Amini ChetlatKadmatKiltanBitraBangaramAgatti Kavaratiti Kalpeni Minicoy Agatti Lakshadweep India Amini Lakshadweep India Androth Lakshadweep India Bangaram Lakshadweep India Bitra Lakshadweep India Chetlat Lakshadweep India Kadmat Lakshadweep India Kalpeni Lakshadweep India Kavaratiti Lakshadweep India Kiltan Lakshadweep India Kochi Kerala India Minicoy Lakshadweep India City State/Province Country 0 90 180 Kilometers KLI Kochi-Lakshadweep Island Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $47,500,000 Length (km) 1,900 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 1 System Supplier Not Available System Installer NEC Owner(s) BSNL Page 52Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Husnes BayValley-GooseHappy Happy Valley-Goose BayNewfoundland and Labrador Canada Husnes Vestland Norway City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Leif Erikson Leif Erikson LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $102,500,000 Length (km) 4,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bulk Infrastructure AS Page 53Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Bizerte BarcelonaMarseille Tetouan delMazaraValloSines Algiers Carcavelos Port Said TorreguadiaroNadorZahara Alicante Collo Tympaki Heraklion Algiers Algiers Province Algeria Alicante Alicante Spain Barcelona Catalonia Spain Bizerte Bizerte Tunisia Carcavelos Cascais Portugal Collo Algeria Heraklion Crete Greece Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Nador Morocco Port Said Port Said Governorate Egypt Sines Setúbal Portugal Tetouan Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco Torreguadiaro Cadiz Spain Tympaki Crete Greece Zahara Spain City State/Province Country 0 760 1,500 Kilometers MEDUSA MEDUSA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $362,000,000 Length (km) 8,760 Design Capacity (Tbps) 480 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) AFR-IX telecom Page 54Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Mumbai Chennai Pyapon Satun MelakaSingapore Chennai Tamil Nadu India Melaka Malacca Malaysia Mumbai Maharashtra India Pyapon Pyapon Myanmar Satun Satun Thailand Singapore Singapore City State/Province Country 0 580 1,200 Kilometers MIST Myanmar/Malaysia-India-Singapore Transit LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $400,000,000 Length (km) 8,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 240 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier NEC, Orient Link Pte. Ltd. (OLL) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) NTT Page 55Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Trondheim Bergen Bergen Western Norway Norway Trondheim Trøndelag Norway City State/Province Country 0 210 420 Kilometers N0R5KE VIKING N0R5KE VIKING LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $18,750,000 Length (km) 810 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 192 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Baltic Offshore Owner(s) N0r5ke Fiber Page 56Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Perth Barka Islands)(KeelingCocos Barka Al Bāţinah Oman Cocos (Keeling) Islands Australia Perth Western Australia Australia City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers OAC Oman Australia Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $242,500,000 Length (km) 9,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 39 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 135 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) SUB.CO Page 57Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Complete Commissioning Incomplete
Lucena Talisay San Carlos ToledoTagbilaranBaclayonCagayandeOro Roxas City Boracay PasacaoIlijan TalisayPinamalayanBoac Bulan CagdianaoCamiguinCalbayogCaticlan Dipolog Iloilo City Kinoguitan Liloan Liloy Maasin City Palanas PlacerPalompon San CalatravaRoque, SiargaoSurigaoCity ZamboanguitaCityZamboanga Baclayon Bohol Philippines Bacolod Negros Occidental Philippines Boac Marinduque Philippines Boracay Aklan Philippines Bulan Sorsogon Philippines Cagayan de Oro Misamis Oriental Philippines Cagdianao Surigao del Norte Philippines Calbayog Samar Philippines Camiguin Camiguin Philippines Caticlan Aklan Philippines Dipolog Zamboanga del Norte Philippines Ilijan Batangas Philippines Iloilo City Iloilo Philippines Kinoguitan Misamis Oriental Philippines Liloan Cebu Philippines Liloy Zamboanga del Norte Philippines Lucena Quezon Philippines Maasin City Southern Leyte Philippines Palanas Masbate Philippines Palompon Leyte Philippines Pasacao Pasacao Philippines Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro Philippines Placer Masbate Philippines Roxas City Capiz Philippines San Carlos Negros Occidental Philippines San Roque, Calatrava Romblon Philippines Siargao Surigao del Norte Philippines Surigao City Surigao del Norte Philippines Tagbilaran Bohol Philippines Talisay Cebu Philippines Toledo Cebu Philippines Zamboanga City Zamboanga del Sur Philippines Zamboanguita Negros Orienta Philippines City State/Province Country 0 210 420 Kilometers PDSCN Philippine Domestic Submarine Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 2,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Eastern Philippines,TelecommunicationsInc.(ETPI),Globe Telecom, Inc., Infinivan Page 58Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
YeroskiposZafaranaMombasaMogadishu Marseille Karachi Singapore Djibouti City Abu Talat Golden Bay Victoria Berbera Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Berbera Sahil Somalia Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Golden Bay Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa Malta Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mogadishu Banaadir Somalia Mombasa Mombasa Kenya Singapore Singapore Victoria Mahé Seychelles Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers PEACE Pakistan East Africa Connecting Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $425,000,000 Length (km) 25,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 192 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 650 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Orange Owner(s) China-ASEAN Information Harbor, PEACE Cable International Network, Telecom Egypt Page 59Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Vladivostok Nakhodka Anadyr Murmansk Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Amderma Dikson Tiksi Petropavlovsk-KamchatskyPevek Amderma Nenets Autonomous Okrug Russia Anadyr ChukotkaOkrugAutonomous Russia Dikson Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia Murmansk Murmansk Oblast Russia Nakhodka Primorsky Krai Russia Petropavlovsk-KamchatskyKamchatka Krai Russia Pevek ChukotkaOkrugAutonomous Russia Tiksi Sakha Republic Russia Vladivostok Primorsky Krai Russia Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Sakhalin Oblast Russia City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,5005,000 Polar Express Polar Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2026 EOS Year 2051 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 12,650 Design Capacity (Tbps) 104 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Advanced Technologies Management System Installer Advanced Technologies Management Owner(s) Federal State MorsvyazsputnikEnterprise Page 60Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Aqaba Mumbai Djibouti City Oman Aqaba Aqaba Jordan Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Mumbai Maharashtra OmanIndia City State/Province Country 0 690 1,400 Kilometers Raman Raman LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $400,000,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google, Oman Telecommunications Company, Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 61Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Cape Town Mumbai Chennai Singapore Mauritius Amanzimtoti Amanzimtoti KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Cape Town Western Cape South Africa Chennai Tamil Nadu MauritiusIndia Mumbai Maharashtra India Singapore Singapore City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers SAEX East South Asia Express East LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $450,000,000 Length (km) 11,749 Design Capacity (Tbps) 108 Fiber Pairs 9 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 60 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) SAEx International Limited Page 62Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Fortaleza BeachVirginia Cape Town St. Helena WestSouthBay Cape Town Western Cape South Africa Fortaleza Ceará Brazil South West Bay Ascension Island United Kingdom St. Helena Virginia Beach Virginia United States City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 SAEX West South Atlantic Express West LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $450,000,000 Length (km) 14,720 Design Capacity (Tbps) 108 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 60 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) SAEx International Limited Page 63Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Donaghadee Portpatrick Donaghadee Northern Ireland United Kingdom Portpatrick Scotland United Kingdom City State/Province Country 0 10 20 Kilometers Scotland-NorthernIreland3 Scotland-Northern Ireland 3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,050,000 Length (km) 42 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) BT Page 64Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Complete Commissioning Incomplete
Larne Girvan Girvan Scotland United Kingdom Larne Northern Ireland United Kingdom City State/Province Country 01020Kilometers Scotland-NorthernIreland4 Scotland-Northern Ireland 4 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,125,000 Length (km) 85 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) BT Page 65Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Complete Commissioning Incomplete
Songkhla Kuching La Union Tseung Kwan O Tuas Lingshui Kuching Sarawak Malaysia La Union La Union Philippines Lingshui Hainan China Songkhla Songkhla Thailand Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong China Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 610 1,200 Kilometers SEA-H2X South-East Asia Hainan-Hong Kong Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $125,000,000 Length (km) 5,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 160 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) Owner(s) China Mobile International Ltd., China Unicom, PP Telecommunication Sdn Bhd Page 66Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Marseille KarachiMumbai delMazaraVallo Hulhumale Chennai Cox's Bazar Djibouti City Tuas Matara Yanbu PortRasSaidGhareb Morib Chennai Tamil Nadu India Cox's Bazar Chittagong Division Bangladesh Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Hulhumale North Malé Atoll Maldives Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Matara Souther Province Sri Lanka Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Morib Selangor Malaysia Mumbai Maharashtra India Port Said Port Said Governorate Egypt Ras Ghareb Red Sea Governorate Egypt Tuas West Region Singapore Yanbu Al Madinah Province Saudi Arabia City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers SEA-ME-WE 6 South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 6 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2025 EOS Year 2050 Est. System Cost (USD) $820,000,000 Length (km) 19,200 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited, BSCC, Dhiraagu, Djibouti Telecom, Etihad Etisalat Company (“Mobily”) , Orange, Sea-MeWE-6 Consortium, Singtel, Sri Lanka Telecom Limited, Telecom Egypt, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Telin, TransWorld Associates Page 67Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Coffman Lena Point Coffman Cove Alaska United States Lena Point Alaska United States City State/Province Country 0 130 250 Kilometers SeaLink SeaLink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,350,000 Length (km) 344 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Prysmian Group/NSW Owner(s) Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T) Page 68Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Thanlyin Tuas Thanlyin Yangon Myanmar Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 450 900 Kilometers SIGMAR Singapore-Myanmar LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $80,000,000 Length (km) 2,227 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Campana Group Page 69Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Mumbai Chennai Tuas IndonesiaThailand Oman Chennai Tamil Nadu IndonesiaIndia Mumbai Maharashtra ThailandOmanIndia Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country 0 810 1,600 Kilometers SING Singapore India Gateway LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $225,000,000 Length (km) 9,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 18 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Datawave Networks Page 70Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
SongkhlaSihanoukville Hong Kong Fangshan Busan Shima Chikura Changi Quy Nhon TanshuiLingang Busan Yeongnam South Korea Changi East Region Singapore Chikura Chiba Japan Fangshan Pingtung Taiwan Hong Kong China Lingang Pudong China Quy Nhon Bình Định Vietnam Shima Mie Japan Sihanoukville Preah Sihanouk Cambodia Songkhla Songkhla Thailand Tanshui New Taipei City Taiwan City State/Province Country 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers SJC2 Southeast Asia–Japan 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $265,000,000 Length (km) 10,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 144 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer Orange Owner(s) China Mobile, Chuan Wei, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Facebook, KDDI Corporation, TelecommunicationsSingaporeLimited, SK Broadband, VNPT Page 71Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Dummam Pescara AqabaThuwal Marseille Mumbai AmmanDuba Amman Jordan Aqaba Aqaba Jordan Duba Tabuk Saudi Arabia Dummam Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mumbai Maharashtra India Pescara Pescara Italy Thuwal Makkah Saudi Arabia City State/Province Country 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 TEAS Trans Europe Asia System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $404,425,000 Length (km) 19,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 300 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cinturion Page 72Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Darwin Port Hedland Timor-Leste Darwin Northern Territory Australia Port Hedland Western Australia Australia Timor-Leste East Timor City State/Province Country 0 330 660 Kilometers TLSSC Timor-Leste’s South Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $41,600,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 73Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Atafu Nukunonu Fakaofo Atafu Tokelau Fakaofo Tokelau Nukunonu Tokelau City State/Province Country 0 20 40 Kilometers Tokelau SubmarineDomesticCable Tokelau Domestic Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,250,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Teletok Page 74Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Port Alberni ShimaTakahagi Vancouver Port Alberni British Columbia Canada Shima Mie Japan Takahagi Ibaraki Japan Vancouver BC Canada City State/Province Country 01,0002,000Kilometers TOPAZ TOPAZ LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2023 EOS Year 2048 Est. System Cost (USD) $175,000,000 Length (km) 7,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 240 Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google Page 75Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Sumbawa Besar Sulawesi Bawean Bali Kalimantan Madura Labuan Bajo Java Lombok Bali Bali Indonesia Bawean East Java Indonesia Java Indonesia Kalimantan Indonesia Labuan Bajo Flores Indonesia Lombok West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Madura East Java Indonesia Sulawesi Sulawesi Indonesia Sumbawa Besar West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia City State/Province Country 0 310 620 Kilometers VCS Varuna Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $85,000,000 Length (km) 3,400 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier PT Communication Cable Systems Indonesia Tbk. (CCSI) System Installer PT Communication Cable Systems Indonesia Tbk. (CCSI) Owner(s) Mitsui & Co, PT NAP Info Lintas Musa (Matrix NAP Info) Page 76Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Incomplete Manufacturing Incomplete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
Wall Township Westbury Wall Township New Jersey United States Westbury New York United States City State/Province Country 01020Kilometers WALL-LI WALL-LI LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2024 EOS Year 2049 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,125,000 Length (km) 125 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Hexatronic Cables & Interconnect Systems AB System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Crosslake Fibre, Inc. Page 77Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus! Engineering Complete Survey Complete Manufacturing Complete Installation Incomplete Commissioning Incomplete
ZafaranaJeddahAden Chania Marseille Bari Doha Fujairah KarachiMumbai Satun SihanoukvilleSongkhla Hong Kong Kuala Kurau Ngwe Saung Djibouti City Abu Talat Al Bustan Vũng Tàu 01,0002,000Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Aden Aden Yemen Al Bustan Muscat Oman Bari Apulia Italy Chania Crete Greece Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Doha Doha Qatar Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Hong Kong China Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Karachi Sindh Pakistan Kuala Kurau Perak Malaysia Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mumbai Maharashtra India Ngwe Saung Ayeyarwady Myanmar Satun Satun Thailand Sihanoukville Preah Sihanouk Cambodia Songkhla Songkhla Thailand Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Vietnam Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country AAE-1 Asia Africa Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $800,000,000 Length (km) 25,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 80 Fiber Pairs 5 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier NEC, SubCom System Installer Orange, SubCom Owner(s) China Unicom, CIL, Djibouti Telecom, Etisalat, GT5L, HKT (PCCW Global), Mobily, Omantel, Ooredoo, OTE Globe, PCCW Global, PTCL, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, Retelit, Telecom Egypt, Telecom Yemen, TOT Public Co Ltd., Viettel Page 78Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Grover Beach MersingSriRacha TungkuLaUnion KeawaulaLantau Changi Vũng Tàu PointTanguisson 02,0004,000Kilometers Changi East Region Singapore Grover Beach California United States Keawaula Hawaii United States La Union La Union Philippines Lantau Hong Kong China Mersing Johor Malaysia Sri Racha Chon Buri Thailand Tanguisson Point Guam United States Tungku Brunei-Muara Brunei Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Vietnam City State/Province Country AAG Asia-America Gateway LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $500,000,000 Length (km) 20,547 Design Capacity (Tbps) 28.8 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 96 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Mitsubishi Electric Corporation System Installer ASEAN Cableship, ASN, Orange, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) AT&T Inc., BayanTel, Bharti Airtel Limited, BT, CAT Telecom, Eastern Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (ETPI), FPT Telecom, Government of Brunei Darussalam, PLDT, Saigon Postel Corporation, Starhub Ltd., Telcotech Limited, Telecom New Zealand, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Telkom Indonesia, Telstra, Viettel, VNPT Page 79Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
WhitesandsBay Brookhaven BeverwijkWesterland 01,0002,000Kilometers Beverwijk North Holland Netherlands Brookhaven New York United States Westerland Schleswig-Holstein Germany Whitesands Bay Wales United Kingdom City State/Province Country AC-1 Atlantic Crossing 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $875,000,000 Length (km) 13,377 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.2 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 80Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bellport Widemouth Bay 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Bellport New York United States Widemouth Bay England United Kingdom City State/Province Country AC-2 Atlantic Crossing 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $700,000,000 Length (km) 6,185 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.2 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 81Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
NouakchottPenmarch Dakar FreetownBanjulConakryAbidjanCotonou LagosKribiBataMuandaSwakopmund TenerifeCarcavelos Duynefontein Suro Santana Luanda 0 2,500 5,000 Kilometers Abidjan Ivory Coast Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana Banjul Banjul Gambia Bata Litoral Equatorial Guinea Carcavelos Cascais Portugal Conakry Conakry Guinea Cotonou Benin Dakar Dakar Senegal Duynefontein Western Cape South Africa Freetown Western Area Sierra Leone Kribi South Province Cameroon Lagos Lagos Nigeria Libreville Estuaire Gabon Luanda Luanda Province Angola Monrovia Montserrado Liberia Muanda Kongo Central Dem. Republic of the Nouakchott Nouakchott-Sud Mauritania Penmarch Brittany France Santana Cantagalo Sao Tome and Principe Suro Guinea-Bissau Swakopmund Erongo Namibia Tenerife Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country ACE Africa Coast To Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $700,000,000 Length (km) 17,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer Orange Owner(s) Benin Telecoms, Cable Consortium of Liberia, Canalink Africa SL, Côte d’Ivoire Telecom, Dolphin Telecom JLT, Gambia Submarine Cable, Guinéenne de Large Bande, International Mauritania Telecom, MEO, MTN Group, Orange, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Gabon, République of Cameroun, Sierra Leone Cable Company, STP Cabo Page 82Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Aden Djibouti City 0 30 60 Kilometers Aden Aden Yemen Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti City State/Province Country Aden-Djibouti Aden-Djibouti LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,725,000 Length (km) 269 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Djibouti Telecom, Orange, TATA Communications, Telecom Italia Sparkle, TeleYemen Page 83Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
DurresCorfu Dubrovnik 0 110 220 Kilometers Corfu Ionian Islands Greece Dubrovnik Dubrovnik-Neretva Croatia Durres Northern Albania Albania City State/Province Country ADRIA-1 ADRIA-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,400,000 Length (km) 430 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000622 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) OTE Globe Page 84Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Killala Shirley 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Killala Ireland Ireland Shirley New York United States City State/Province Country AEC-1 America Europe Connect 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 5,536 Design Capacity (Tbps) 78 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 130 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited Page 85Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Shima Maruyama TanguissonOxfordTumonSydneyFallsPoint 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Maruyama Chiba Japan Oxford Falls New South Wales Australia Shima Mie Japan Sydney New South Wales Australia Tanguisson Point Guam United States Tumon Guam City State/Province Country AJC Australia-Japan Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $520,000,000 Length (km) 12,224 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Ocean Cable Company, SubCom System Installer FCR, KDD, Orange, SubCom Owner(s) Australia Japan Cable Limited, Communications Global Network Services Limited, KDD, SoftBank Telecom Corporation, Telstra Holdings No. 1 Limited, Worldcom Global Networks Limited Page 86Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Florence HomerAnchorageNikiski 0 820 1,600 Kilometers Anchorage Alaska United States Florence Oregon United States Homer Alaska United States Nikiski Alaska United States City State/Province Country AKORN Alaska-Oregon Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 2,968 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Alaska Communications Systems Page 87Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tartus Pentaskhinos 0 40 80 Kilometers Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus Tartus Tartus Syria City State/Province Country Alasia Alasia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 350 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Syrian Telecommunications Authority Page 88Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Harbor Pointe Juneau Valdez Whittier 0 690 1,400 Kilometers Harbor Pointe Washington United States Juneau Alaska United States Valdez Alaska United States Whittier Alaska United States City State/Province Country Alaska United East Alaska United East LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 3,751 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GCI Page 89Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Warrenton Ketchikan Whittier 0 690 1,400 Kilometers Ketchikan Alaska United States Warrenton Oregon United States Whittier Alaska United States City State/Province Country Alaska United West Alaska United West LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 2,483 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC, OCC System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) GCI Page 90Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Camuri SantiagoDeCubaOchoRiosSiboney 0 280 550 Kilometers Camuri Vargas Venezuela Ocho Rios Saint Ann Jamaica Santiago De Cuba Santiago de Cuba Cuba Siboney Santiago de Cuba Cuba City State/Province Country ALBA-1 ALBA-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $72,000,000 Length (km) 1,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.12 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Telecomunicaciones Gran Caribe Owner(s) Telecom Venezeula, Transbit SA Page 91Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tartus Alexandria 0 130 250 Kilometers Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Tartus Tartus Syria City State/Province Country Aletar Aletar LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $23,000,000 Length (km) 733 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.005 Fiber Pairs 1 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, FCR Owner(s) Lebanese Ministry Telecommunications,of Syrian Telecom Page 92Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Annaba Pentaskhinos Marseille Abu Talat 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Annaba Annaba Province Algeria Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus City State/Province Country Alexandros Alexandros LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $90,850,000 Length (km) 3,634 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Algerie Telecom, TelecommunicationsCyprusAuthority, PCCW Global, Seacom Limited, TATA Communications Page 93Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Oranjestad Willemstad 0 20 40 Kilometers Oranjestad Aruba Willemstad Curaçao City State/Province Country Alonso De Ojeda Alonso De Ojeda LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,700,000 Length (km) 128 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.1 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom System Installer ASN, IT International Telecom Owner(s) Antelecom NV, Setar N.V. Page 94Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
El Djemila Ses Covetes 0 80 160 Kilometers El Djemila Arab States Algeria Ses Covetes Balaeric Islands Spain City State/Province Country Alpal-2 Alpal-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $17,600,000 Length (km) 304 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.16 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Pirelli System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) APT, FT, Telxius Page 95Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
OranVálencia Algiers 0 130 260 Kilometers Algiers Algiers Province Algeria Oran Oran Province Algeria Válencia Válencia Spain City State/Province Country ALVAL/ORVAL Algiers-Valencia-Oran LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $27,000,000 Length (km) 800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 40 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Algerian Ministry of Post, Information Technology and Communications, Islalink Page 96Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Vero Beach Magen's Bay 0 350 700 Kilometers Magen's Bay British Virgin Islands Vero Beach Florida United States City State/Province Country Americas I North Americas I North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $220,000,000 Length (km) 2,013 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.2 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 6 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier AT&T Inc. System Installer AT&T Inc. Owner(s) AT&T Inc., CANTV, Embratel, TSTT Page 97Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fortaleza Camuri Hollywood La LamentinWillemstadMiramar Chaguaramas Cayenne St. Croix 0 890 1,800 Kilometers Camuri Vargas Venezuela Cayenne French Guiana France Chaguaramas Diego Martin Trinidad and Tobago Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Hollywood Florida United States La Lamentin Martinique France Miramar Puerto Rico St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Willemstad Curaçao City State/Province Country Americas II Americas II LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 8,373 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Antelecom NV, AT&T Inc., Brazil Telecom, CANTV, Embratel, FT, GT&T, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telesur, Telintar, Trescom Int., TSTT, Verizon Page 98Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bonaire Curaçao 0 10 20 Kilometers Bonaire Dutch Caribbean Netherlands Curaçao Curaçao City State/Province Country Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo Vespucci LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 84 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 99Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lynn BudeLe Porge 01,0002,000Kilometers Bude England United Kingdom Le Porge Nouvelle-Aquitaine France Lynn Massachusetts United States City State/Province Country Amitié Amitié Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $182,300,000 Length (km) 6,792 Design Capacity (Tbps) 322 Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Orange Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited, Facebook, Microsoft, Vodafone Page 100Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Rio JaneirodeSalvadorFortaleza CartagenaBarranquilla BarriosPuertoCancun JacksonvilleHollywood PuertoSanPlataJuan San Andres 01,0002,000Kilometers Barranquilla Atlántico Colombia Cancun Quintana Roo Mexico Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Hollywood Florida United States Jacksonville Florida United States Puerto Barrios Izabal Guatemala Puerto Plata Puerto Plata Dominican Republic Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Salvador Bahia Brazil San Andres San Andrés Colombia San Juan Puerto Rico City State/Province Country AMX-1 America Movil Submarine Cable System-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $700,000,000 Length (km) 17,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 50 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) America Movil Page 101Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las Toninas Maldonado 0 50 100 Kilometers Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Maldonado Maldonado Uruguay City State/Province Country Antel Antel LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) Antel, Telecom Argentina Page 102Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bridgetown Port Castries Ham's Bluff 0 140 280 Kilometers Bridgetown Saint Michael Parish Barbados Ham's Bluff British Virgin Islands Port Castries Castries St. Lucia City State/Province Country Antilles Crossing Antilles Crossing LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $23,800,000 Length (km) 952 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.16 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Antilles Crossing, Barbados Light & Power, Leucadia, Telebarbados Page 103Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kuantan ShantouBatangasChongming Busan ChikuraKitaibaraki Lantau Katong Tanshui 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Batangas Calabarzon Philippines Busan Yeongnam South Korea Chikura Chiba Japan Chongming Shanghai China Katong Central Region Singapore Kitaibaraki Ibaraki Japan Kuantan Pahang Malaysia Lantau Hong Kong China Shantou Guangdong Province China Tanshui New Taipei City Taiwan City State/Province Country APCN-2 Asia-Pacific Cable Network 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $110,000,000 Length (km) 19,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Ocean Cable Company System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) China Telecom Corporation, Chunghwa Telecom International, CTM, FT, PLDT, Reach NHK, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Vodafone Page 104Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SongkhlaKuantan Da Nang Tseung Kwan OTouchengChongming Busan Shima Maruyama Tanah Merah DistrictNanhui 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Busan Yeongnam South Korea Chongming Shanghai China Da Nang South Central Coast Vietnam Kuantan Pahang Malaysia Maruyama Chiba Japan Nanhui District Shanghai China Shima Mie Japan Songkhla Songkhla Thailand Tanah Merah East Region Singapore Toucheng Yilan Taiwan Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong China City State/Province Country APG Asia Pacific Gateway LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $313,000,000 Length (km) 10,400 Design Capacity (Tbps) 54 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) China Telecom Corporation, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom International, Facebook, FPT Corp., PLDT, Starhub Ltd., Telekom Malaysia Berhad, TIME dotCom Berhad, VNPT, Vodafone Page 105Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Yeroskipos Chania 0 150 300 Kilometers Chania Crete Greece Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country Aphrodite 2 Aphrodite 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 868 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.00112 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Belgacom, BT, TelecommunicationsCyprusAuthority, FT, OTE Globe, Sprint, Verizon Page 106Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Manasquan Brookhaven WidemouthLannion Bay 01,0002,000Kilometers Brookhaven New York United States Lannion Brittany France Manasquan New Jersey United States Widemouth Bay England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Apollo Apollo LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2003 EOS Year 2028 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 12,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 64 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Apollo Submarine Cable System Limited, ASN, C&W, Vodafone Page 107Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las Toninas Praia Grande 0 410 820 Kilometers Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Praia Grande São Paulo Brazil City State/Province Country ARBR ARBR LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 2,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 48 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Xtera System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Seabras Group, Werthein Grupo Page 108Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Punto FijoCartagenaRiohacha Ustupo Puerto LempiraPuertoBluefieldsLimónPuertoCabezasTrujilloCortesPuertoPuertoBarriosLadyvilleTulumCancun Hollywood PuertoPuntaPlataCana San Juan Cat IslandCrookedIslandProvidenciales Nassau ChiquitaMaria Willemstad 0 510 1,000 Kilometers Bluefields South Caribbean Coast Nicaragua Cancun Quintana Roo Mexico Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Cat Island Cat Island Bahamas Crooked Island Crooked Island Bahamas Hollywood Florida United States Ladyville Belize Belize Maria Chiquita Colón Panama Nassau New Providence Bahamas Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands Puerto Barrios Izabal Guatemala Puerto Cabezas North Caribbean Coast Nicaragua Puerto Cortes Cortés Honduras Puerto Lempira Gracias a Dios Honduras Puerto Limón Limón Province Costa Rica Puerto Plata Puerto Plata Dominican Republic Punta Cana La Altagracia Dominican Republic Punto Fijo Falcón Venezuela Riohacha La Guajira Colombia San Juan Puerto Rico Trujillo Colón Honduras Tulum Quintana Roo Mexico Ustupo Guna Yala Comarca Panama Willemstad Curaçao City State/Province Country Arcos-1 Arcos-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 8,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 8.4 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Alestra, Axtel, BTC, BTL, C&W, CANTV, Codetel, Enitel, Hondutel, ICE, Impsat, Internexa, Orbinet SA, Racsa, Telecarrier, Tricom, Ultracom, UTS, Verizon Page 109Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Yeroskipos Marseille Abu Talat 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country Arsinoe Arsinoe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $93,750,000 Length (km) 3,750 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Page 110Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Perth TanahIslandChristmasAnyerMerah 0 980 2,000 Kilometers Anyer Banten Indonesia Christmas Island Christmas Island Australia Perth Western Australia Australia Tanah Merah East Region Singapore City State/Province Country ASC Australia-Singapore Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $170,000,000 Length (km) 4,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 60 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 150 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Australia-Singapore Cable International Limited, Vocus Communications Page 111Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mersing Tseung Kwan O Maruyama Daet Changi 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Changi East Region Singapore Daet Camarines Norte Philippines Maruyama Chiba Japan Mersing Johor Malaysia Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong China City State/Province Country ASE Asia Submarine-cable Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $412,000,000 Length (km) 7,200 Design Capacity (Tbps) 15.36 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 128 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Fujitsu System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) PLDT, Starhub Ltd., Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Vodafone Page 112Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pago Pago Keawaula 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Keawaula Hawaii United States Pago Pago Tu’tuila American Samoa City State/Province Country ASH America Samoa Hawaii LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 4,680 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0012 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) American Samoa Government, eLandia International Page 113Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pentaskhinos Koropi 0 190 380 Kilometers Koropi Attica Greece Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus City State/Province Country Athena Athena LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 600 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Page 114Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sasanlagu Piti Sugar BeachTachognyaDock 0 50 100 Kilometers Piti Guam Sasanlagu Rota Northern Mariana Islands Sugar Dock Saipan Northern Mariana Islands Tachognya Beach Tinian Northern Mariana Islands City State/Province Country ATISA ATISA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $7,000,000 Length (km) 280 Design Capacity (Tbps) 7.2 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Docomo Pacific, Inc. Page 115Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las ToninasRioJaneirodeFortaleza DakarFunchalLisbonElMedanoPraia Conil 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Conil Cádiz Spain Dakar Dakar Senegal El Medano Canary Islands Spain Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Funchal Madeira Portugal Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Lisbon Lisbon Portugal Praia Praia Cape Verde Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil City State/Province Country Atlantis-2 Atlantis-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $370,000,000 Length (km) 13,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.16 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 8 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Fujitsu, Pirelli System Installer ASN, FCR Owner(s) Cabo Verde Telecom (CVT), Embratel, FT, Marconi, Telecom Argentina, Telecom Italia, Telefonica de Argentina, Telintar, Telxius, Verizon Page 116Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Asilah Marseille 0 280 560 Kilometers Asilah Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France City State/Province Country Atlas Offshore Atlas Offshore LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $31,000,000 Length (km) 1,634 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Maroc Telecom of Morocco Page 117Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
McHugh Point Portage 0 10 20 Kilometers McHugh Point Alaska United States Portage Alaska United States City State/Province Country AUTA Alaska United Turnagain Arm LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,325,000 Length (km) 53 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GCI Page 118Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Moroni Chindini Mutsamudu Mamoudzou 0 40 80 Kilometers Chindini Grande Comore Comoros Mamoudzou Mamoudzou Mayotte Moroni Grande Comore Comoros Mutsamudu Anjouan Comoros City State/Province Country Avassa Avassa Comoros LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,500,000 Length (km) 260 Design Capacity (Tbps) 16 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Comores Telecom, STOI Page 119Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Vero Beach Nassau MileEightRock 0 80 160 Kilometers Eight Mile Rock West Grand Bahama Bahamas Nassau New Providence Bahamas Vero Beach Florida United States City State/Province Country Bahamas-2 Bahamas-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $25,000,000 Length (km) 478 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.4 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Balteco, Verizon Page 120Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Válencia Palma 0 50 100 Kilometers Palma Balaeric Islands Spain Válencia Válencia Spain City State/Province Country Balalink Balalink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,850,000 Length (km) 274 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Islalink Page 121Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Senggigi Seraya 0 6 12 Kilometers Senggigi West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Seraya Bali Indonesia City State/Province Country BALOK XL Bali Lombok Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,250,000 Length (km) 50 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PT XL Axiata Page 122Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gedser Ystad Dueodde Kolobrzeg 0 60 120 Kilometers Dueodde Bornholm Denmark Gedser Sjælland Denmark Kolobrzeg West Pomeranian Poland Ystad Skåne Sweden City State/Province Country Baltica Baltica LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,000,000 Length (km) 437 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.005 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion, Polish Telecom, TDC, Telecom Finland, Telenor Page 123Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Barcelona Savona 0 110 220 Kilometers Barcelona Catalonia Spain Savona Liguria Italy City State/Province Country BAR-SAV Barcelona-Savona LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1996 EOS Year 2021 Est. System Cost (USD) $39,000,000 Length (km) 754 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.005 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Telecom Italia, Telefonica Page 124Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BembanTanjung BembanTanjung 0 110 220 Kilometers Santubong Kutching, Sarawak Malaysia Tanjung Bemban Riau Islands Indonesia City State/Province Country BaSIC Batam Sarawak Internet Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $19,050,000 Length (km) 762 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PP Telecommunication Sdn Bhd, XL Axiata Page 125Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Boat HarbourSandy Point 0 75 150 Kilometers Boat Harbour Tasmania Australia Sandy Point Victoria Australia City State/Province Country Bass Strait 1 Bass Strait 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $22,500,000 Length (km) 241 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Telstra Page 126Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Stanley Inverloch 0 75 150 Kilometers Inverloch Victoria Australia Stanley Tasmania Australia City State/Province Country Bass Strait 2 Bass Strait 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2003 EOS Year 2028 Est. System Cost (USD) $17,000,000 Length (km) 240 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Telstra Page 127Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BeachMcGaurans Four Mile Bluff 0 100 200 Kilometers Four Mile Bluff Tasmania Australia McGaurans Beach Victoria Australia City State/Province Country Basslink Basslink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $600,000,000 Length (km) 290 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Basslink Telecoms Page 128Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fujairah Mumbai Chennai Penang Barka Mount Lavinia 0 780 1,600 Kilometers Barka Al Bāţinah Oman Chennai Tamil Nadu India Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Mount Lavinia Western Province Sri Lanka Mumbai Maharashtra India Penang Penang Malaysia City State/Province Country BBG Bay of Bengal Gateway LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 8,040 Design Capacity (Tbps) 55 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bay of Bengal Consortium Page 129Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
LiepājaSventoji 0 25 50 Kilometers Liepāja Liepāja Latvia Sventoji Klaipėda Lithuania City State/Province Country BCS East BCS East LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 98 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Swedia Networks Owner(s) Arelion Page 130Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sventoji Katthammarsvik 0 260 520 Kilometers Katthammarsvik Gotland Sweden Sventoji Klaipėda Lithuania City State/Province Country BCS East-West Interlink BCS East-West Interlink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 218 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Swedia Networks Owner(s) Arelion Page 131Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
HelsinkiMariehamn HaraldsholmHanko Kotka Logi Stavsnas 0 190 380 Kilometers Hanko Western Uusimaa Finland Haraldsholm Southwest Finland Finland Helsinki Uusimaa Finland Kotka Kymen-laasko Finland Logi Leningrad Oblast Russia Mariehamn Åland Finland Stavsnas Stockholm Sweden City State/Province Country BCS North BCS North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2028 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 793 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 66 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Swedia Networks Owner(s) Arelion Page 132Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dumai Melaka Batam 0 40 80 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Dumai Riau Indonesia Melaka Malacca Malaysia City State/Province Country BDM Batam-Dumai-Melaka LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $76,000,000 Length (km) 400 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.56 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) PT Mora Telematika, PT XL Axiata, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Page 133Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tuticorine Mount Lavinia 0 50 100 Kilometers Mount Lavinia Western Province Sri Lanka Tuticorine Tamil Nadu India City State/Province Country Bharat-Lanka Bharat-Lanka LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 338 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.96 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BSNL, Sri Lanka Telecom Limited Page 134Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Boca Raton Rock Sound Nassau Upper Bogue Crown Haven Marsh Harbour Riding Point Freeport Sandy Point 0 60 120 Kilometers Boca Raton Florida United States Crown Haven North Abaco Bahamas Freeport City of Freeport Bahamas Marsh Harbour Central Abaco Bahamas Nassau New Providence Bahamas Riding Point East Grand Bahama Bahamas Rock Sound South Eleuthera Bahamas Sandy Point South Abaco Bahamas Upper Bogue North Eleuthera Bahamas City State/Province Country BICS Bahamas Internet Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $31,000,000 Length (km) 1,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Caribbean Crossing Page 135Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tel Aviv Bari 0 330 650 Kilometers Bari Apulia Italy Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Israel City State/Province Country BIOS / Jonah BIOS/Jonah LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 2,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12.8 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Elettra Owner(s) Bezeq International Limited Page 136Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Stavanger Bergen 0 80 160 Kilometers Bergen Western Norway Norway Stavanger Rogaland Norway City State/Province Country BKK Digitek BKK Digitek LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,875,000 Length (km) 195 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BKK Digitek Page 137Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pago Pago Ofu Harbor Luma Aunu’u Wharf 0 20 40 Kilometers Aunu’u Wharf Aunu’u American Samoa Luma Ta’u American Samoa Ofu Harbor Ofu American Samoa Pago Pago Tu’tuila American Samoa City State/Province Country BLAST Broadband Linking the American Samoa Territory LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,000,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) ASTCA Page 138Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bodø Rǿst 0 40 80 Kilometers Bodø Nordland Norway Rǿst Nordland Norway City State/Province Country Bodo-Rost Cable Bodo-Rost Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,725,000 Length (km) 109 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telenor Page 139Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Umea Vaasa 0 30 60 Kilometers Umea Västerbottens län Sweden Vaasa Ostrobothnia Finland City State/Province Country Botnia Botnia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,500,000 Length (km) 77 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0012 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NKT System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion Page 140Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Taytay Coron San Jose 0 40 80 Kilometers Coron Palawan Philippines San Jose Western Visayas Philippines Taytay Palawan Philippines City State/Province Country BPSCS Boracay-Palawan LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 332 Design Capacity (Tbps) 19.2 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Globe Telecom, Inc. Page 141Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Batam Sungai Rengit 0 4.5 9 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Sungai Rengit Johor Malaysia City State/Province Country BRCS Batam-Rengit Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 63 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Excelcom Page 142Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Rio JaneirodeFortaleza BeachVirginia San Juan 01,0002,000Kilometers Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil San Juan Puerto Rico Virginia Beach Virginia United States City State/Province Country BRUSA Brazil-USA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $500,000,000 Length (km) 11,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 160 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 135 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Telxius Page 143Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Batam Changi 0 3.5 7 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Changi East Region Singapore City State/Province Country BSCS Batam Singapore Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,100,000 Length (km) 73 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.08 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 6 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Ocean Cable Company System Installer ASEAN Cableship, Stena Offshore Owner(s) Telkom Indonesia Page 144Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Varna Odessa Novorossiysk 0 180 350 Kilometers Novorossiysk Krasnodar Krai Russia Odessa Odessa Raion Ukraine Varna Varna Bulgaria City State/Province Country BSFOCS Black Sea Fibre Optic Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $51,000,000 Length (km) 933 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer ASN, Global Marine Systems Limited, SubCom Owner(s) Armentel, BTC, TelecommunicationsCyprusAuthority, DTAG, HT, OTE Globe, Rostelecom, Telecom Slovenia, Ukrtelecom Page 145Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sesimbra Carcavelos 0 10 20 Kilometers Carcavelos Cascais Portugal Sesimbra Lisbon Portugal City State/Province Country BUGIO BUGIO LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1996 EOS Year 2021 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,825,000 Length (km) 72 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Altice Portugal Page 146Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SaintTortolaDavid's 0 440 880 Kilometers Saint David's Bermuda Tortola British Virgin Islands City State/Province Country C-BUS Caribbean-Bermuda US LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 1,609 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.5 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom, SubCom System Installer IT International Telecom, SubCom Owner(s) LIME Page 147Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Rostock Helsinki Hanko 0 320 640 Kilometers Hanko Western Uusimaa Finland Helsinki Uusimaa Finland Rostock Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany City State/Province Country C-Lion 1 C-Lion 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $74,000,000 Length (km) 1,172 Design Capacity (Tbps) 144 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 106 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cinia Oy Page 148Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Beirut Pentaskhinos 0 30 60 Kilometers Beirut Beirut Lebanon Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus City State/Province Country Cadmos Cadmos LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,000,000 Length (km) 262 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000622 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Lebanese Ministry Telecommunicationsof Page 149Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Asilah GüimarTinocas Rota TenerifeElGoro Santa Cruz de La Palma 0 300 600 Kilometers Asilah Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco El Goro Canary Islands Spain Güimar Canary Islands Spain Rota Cádiz Spain Santa Cruz de La Palma Canary Islands Spain Tenerife Canary Islands Spain Tinocas Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country Canalink Canalink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $157,000,000 Length (km) 2,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.12 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 128 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Elettra Owner(s) IT3 Page 150Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
El Goro Candelaria 0 10 20 Kilometers Candelaria Canary Islands Spain El Goro Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country CANDALTA 1 CANDALTA 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,750,000 Length (km) 110 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telefonica Page 151Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chennai Port CarRangatBlairNicobarKamortaLong IslandAndamanLittleHavelockGreat Nicobar 0 240 480 Kilometers Car Nicobar Andaman and Nicobar India Chennai Tamil Nadu India Great Nicobar Andaman and Nicobar India Havelock Andaman and Nicobar India Kamorta Karnataka India Little Andaman Andaman and Nicobar India Long Island Andaman and Nicobar India Port Blair Andaman and Nicobar India Rangat Andaman and Nicobar India City State/Province Country CANI-SMC Chennai Andaman Nicobar Islands Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $170,000,000 Length (km) 2,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer NEC Owner(s) BSNL Page 152Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pennant Point Vestmannaeyjar TjørnuvíkRedcar BlaabjergSylt 01,0002,000Kilometers Blaabjerg Syddanmark Denmark Pennant Point Nova Scotia Canada Redcar England United Kingdom Sylt Schleswig-Holstein Germany Tjørnuvík Faroe Islands Vestmannaeyjar Southern Region Iceland City State/Province Country CanTaT-3 CanTaT-3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $385,000,000 Length (km) 6,450 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0075 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Global Marine Systems Limited, Orange, Telecom Denmark Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 153Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ConferenceCarriacouCanouanBequiaKingstownChateaubelairMustiqueOwiaUnionIsland 0 30 60 Kilometers Bequia St. Vincent and the Canouan St. Vincent and the Carriacou Grenada Chateaubelair St. Vincent and the Conference Grenada Kingstown St. Vincent and the Mustique St. Vincent and the Owia St. Vincent and the Union Island St. Vincent and the City State/Province Country CARCIP Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,625,000 Length (km) 225 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Digicel Page 154Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Poti Balchik 0 240 480 Kilometers Balchik Dobrich Bulgaria Poti Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Georgia City State/Province Country Caucasus Cable System Caucasus Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $76,000,000 Length (km) 1,187 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12.6 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Caucasus Online Page 155Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Charlestown Bermuda 0 320 640 Kilometers Bermuda Bermuda Charlestown Rhode Island United States City State/Province Country CB-1 Challenger Bermuda-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $50,000,000 Length (km) 1,448 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cable Company Ltd., Verizon Page 156Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lucena LeganesTalisay San NagaCarlosBaclayon deCagayanOro San Remigio Roxas City Boracay Pasacao Taytay Coron Ilijan LucenaTalisayPinamalayan 0 160 320 Kilometers Baclayon Bohol Philippines Boracay Aklan Philippines Cagayan de Oro Misamis Oriental Philippines Coron Palawan Philippines Ilijan Batangas Philippines Leganes Iloilo Philippines Lucena Quezon Philippines Naga Camarines Sur Philippines Pasacao Pasacao Philippines Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro Philippines Roxas City Capiz Philippines San Carlos Negros Occidental Philippines San Remigio Cebu Philippines Talisay Cebu Philippines Taytay Palawan Philippines City State/Province Country CDSCN Converge ICT Domestic Submarine Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $32,500,000 Length (km) 1,824 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.8 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier Nexans System Installer HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) Owner(s) Converge ICT, TelecommunicationsEasternPhilippines, Inc. (ETPI), Infinivan Page 157Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Malabo Bata 0 50 100 Kilometers Bata Litoral Equatorial Guinea Malabo Malabo Equatorial Guinea City State/Province Country Ceiba-1 Ceiba-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $7,175,000 Length (km) 287 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Gestor de Infraestructuras de Guinea Ecuatorial Page 158Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Malabo BataKribi 0 50 100 Kilometers Bata Litoral Equatorial Guinea Kribi South Province Cameroon Malabo Malabo Equatorial Guinea City State/Province Country Ceiba-2 Ceiba-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 290 Design Capacity (Tbps) 24 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Republic of Equatorial Guinea Page 159Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kilmore Quay Sennen Cove 0 90 180 Kilometers Kilmore Quay Ireland Ireland Sennen Cove England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Celtic Celtic LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,875,000 Length (km) 275 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT, eir, Orange Page 160Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dublin Holyhead 0 25 50 Kilometers Dublin Ireland Ireland Holyhead Wales United Kingdom City State/Province Country CeltixConnect CeltixConnect LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $22,000,000 Length (km) 131 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.96 Fiber Pairs 72 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited Page 161Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Cartagena Boca Raton Morant Point 0 480 960 Kilometers Boca Raton Florida United States Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Morant Point Saint Thomas Jamaica City State/Province Country CFX-1 Colombia-Florida Subsea Fiber LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $60,975,000 Length (km) 2,439 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12.8 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) C&W Page 162Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SandsBlackpool BayL'Ancresse 0 30 60 Kilometers Blackpool Sands England United Kingdom L'Ancresse Bay Vale Guernsey City State/Province Country Channel Islands - 9 Liberty Submarine Cable Channel Islands - 9 Liberty Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $9,500,000 Length (km) 124 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) JTGlobal Page 163Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nahariya Ayia Napa 0 60 120 Kilometers Ayia Napa Famagusta District Cyprus Nahariya Northern Israel City State/Province Country CIOS Cyprus-Israel Optical System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2018 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,000,000 Length (km) 262 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000622 Fiber Pairs 1 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bezeq International Limited, Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Page 164Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Montego Bay Half-Moon Bay 0 60 120 Kilometers Half-Moon Bay Cayman Islands Montego Bay Saint James Jamaica City State/Province Country CJFS Cayman Jamaica Fibre System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,500,000 Length (km) 870 Design Capacity (Tbps) 8.4 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) LIME Page 165Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Eemshaven Endrup 0 100 200 Kilometers Eemshaven Groningen Netherlands Endrup Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country COBRACable COBRACable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,150,000 Length (km) 326 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 48 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Relined Page 166Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
CancunWestBeachPalm Funchal Palermo Magen's Bay Sardina 01,0002,000Kilometers Cancun Quintana Roo Mexico Funchal Madeira Portugal Magen's Bay British Virgin Islands Palermo Sicily Italy Sardina Canary Islands Spain West Palm Beach Florida United States City State/Province Country Columbus II Columbus II LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $600,000,000 Length (km) 2,013 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.2 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 6 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier AT&T Inc., Pirelli System Installer ASN, AT&T Inc., Orange Owner(s) Columbus II Consortium Page 167Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Miami LisbonPonta Delgada delMazaraVallo Conil 01,0002,000Kilometers Conil Cádiz Spain Lisbon Lisbon Portugal Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Miami Florida United States Ponta Delgada Azores Portugal City State/Province Country Columbus III Columbus III LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $236,000,000 Length (km) 9,833 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Pirelli, SubCom System Installer ASN, Orange, SubCom Owner(s) Columbus III Consortium, Telxius Page 168Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bruges Thorpeness Zandvoort 0 50 100 Kilometers Bruges West Flanders Belgium Thorpeness England United Kingdom Zandvoort North Holland Netherlands City State/Province Country Concerto-1 Concerto-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $25,000,000 Length (km) 574 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Flute Page 169Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Port MoresbySydney Honiara 0 770 1,500 Kilometers Honiara Honiara City Solomon Islands Port Moresby National Capital DistrictPapua New Guinea Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Coral Sea Coral Sea Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $93,000,000 Length (km) 4,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, Vocus Communications System Installer ASN Owner(s) Papua New Guinea DataCo Limited, Solomon Submarine Cable Ltd. Page 170Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bar Corfu 0 90 180 Kilometers Bar Bar Montenegro Corfu Ionian Islands Greece City State/Province Country Corfu-Bar Corfu-Bar LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $19,000,000 Length (km) 320 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000622 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Crngorski Telecom, OTE Globe Page 171Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
IslandsDadeng MountainGuanyin Guningtou Lake Ci 0 4 8 Kilometers Dadeng Islands Fujian Province China Guanyin Mountain Guangdong Province China Guningtou Kinmen County Taiwan Lake Ci Kinmen County Taiwan City State/Province Country Cross Straits NetworkCable Cross Straits Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $525,000 Length (km) 21 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) China Mobile, China Telecom Corporation, China Unicom Page 172Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Veules-les-Roses Brighton 0 40 80 Kilometers Brighton England United Kingdom Veules-les-Roses Normandy France City State/Province Country CrossChannel Fibre CrossChannel Fibre LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,875,000 Length (km) 149 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2400 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Hexatronic Cables & Interconnect Systems AB System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) Crosslake Fibre, Inc. Page 173Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Toronto Buffalo 0 30 60 Kilometers Buffalo New York United States Toronto Ontario Canada City State/Province Country Crosslake Fibre Crosslake Fibre-Lake Ontario LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,050,000 Length (km) 62 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2400 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Hexatronic Cables & Interconnect Systems AB System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) Crosslake Fibre, Inc. Page 174Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Valparaíso Los Angeles 01,0002,000Kilometers Los Angeles California United States Valparaíso Valparaíso Chile City State/Province Country Curie Curie LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $262,500,000 Length (km) 10,476 Design Capacity (Tbps) 72 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 180 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Google Page 175Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Medan Dumai Panipahan 0 60 120 Kilometers Dumai Riau Indonesia Medan North Sumatra Indonesia Panipahan Riau Indonesia City State/Province Country DAMAI Cable System DAMAI Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $14,375,000 Length (km) 575 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Triasmitra Page 176Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Barsebäck Tuborg 0 6.5 13 Kilometers Barsebäck Skåne Sweden Tuborg Nordjylland Denmark City State/Province Country Danica North Danica North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 25 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 48 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion Page 177Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Copenhagen Bjarred 0 7.5 15 Kilometers Bjarred Skåne Sweden Copenhagen Sjælland Denmark City State/Province Country Danica South Danica South LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $500,000 Length (km) 20 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson, Nexans System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion Page 178Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Blaabjerg Landeyjarsandur 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Blaabjerg Syddanmark Denmark Landeyjarsandur Southern Region Iceland City State/Province Country Danice Danice LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $76,000,000 Length (km) 2,291 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.1 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Farice ehf Page 179Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mombasa Mogadishu BosasoHaramous 0 510 1,000 Kilometers Bosaso Bari Somalia Haramous Djibouti Djibouti Mogadishu Banaadir Somalia Mombasa Mombasa Kenya City State/Province Country DARE-1 Djibouti-Africa Regional Express 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $86,000,000 Length (km) 4,854 Design Capacity (Tbps) 36 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 150 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Djibouti Telecom, Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc., Somtel Group Page 180Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Colombo Malé 0 110 220 Kilometers Colombo Western Province Sri Lanka Malé North Malé Atoll Maldives City State/Province Country DDSCN Dhiraagu-SLT Submarine Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $27,000,000 Length (km) 850 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Dhiraagu Page 181Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gedebak Odde Mielno 0 30 60 Kilometers Gedebak Odde Nordjylland Denmark Mielno West Pomeranian Poland City State/Province Country Denmark-Poland 2 Denmark-Poland 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1991 EOS Year 2016 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,500,000 Length (km) 110 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Polish Telecom, TDC Page 182Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Hillerod Helsingborg 0 10 20 Kilometers Helsingborg Skåne Sweden Hillerod Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country Denmark-Sweden 16 Denmark-Sweden 16 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1991 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,000,000 Length (km) 6 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.005 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion, TDC Page 183Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ålsgårde Kristinelund 0 2.5 5 Kilometers Ålsgårde Hovedstaden Denmark Kristinelund Stockholm Sweden City State/Province Country Denmark-Sweden 17 Denmark-Sweden 17 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $275,000 Length (km) 11 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Tele2 Page 184Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kélibia delMazaraVallo 0 30 60 Kilometers Kélibia Nabeul Tunisia Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy City State/Province Country Didon Didon LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 173 Design Capacity (Tbps) 18 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) FT Page 185Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dumai Melaka 01020Kilometers Dumai Riau Indonesia Melaka Malacca Malaysia City State/Province Country DMCS Dumai-Melaka Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2005 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 150 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASEAN Cableship, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) PT Telekom, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Page 186Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
La PlayaLineadeBenitez Playa de la Ribera Tarifa 0 7.5 15 Kilometers La Linea Cádiz Spain Playa de Benitez Ceuta Spain Playa de la Ribera Ceuta Spain Tarifa Cádiz Spain City State/Province Country Dos Continentes Dos Continentes I & II LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,625,000 Length (km) 105 Design Capacity (Tbps) 460.8 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) GTD España Page 187Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BeachVirginia Saint Hilaire 01,0002,000Kilometers Saint Hilaire Aude France Virginia Beach Virginia United States City State/Province Country Dunant Dunant LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $165,000,000 Length (km) 6,400 Design Capacity (Tbps) 250 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google, Telxius Page 188Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Singapore BatangasCavite Tseung Kwan O FangshanPali TaeanBusan Shima ChikuraAjigaura Changi KokHomChung Vũng Tàu DistrictNanhui Tanshui 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Ajigaura Ibaraki Japan Batangas Calabarzon Philippines Busan Yeongnam South Korea Cavite Cavite Philippines Changi East Region Singapore Chikura Chiba Japan Chung Hom Kok Hong Kong China Fangshan Pingtung Taiwan Nanhui District Shanghai China Pali Bali Taiwan Shima Mie Japan Singapore Singapore Taean Chungcheongnam-do South Korea Tanshui New Taipei City Taiwan Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong China Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Vietnam City State/Province Country EAC-C2C EAC-C2C LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $850,000,000 Length (km) 32,767 Design Capacity (Tbps) 30 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) Telstra Page 189Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
MtunziniMaputo Toliara Dar es PortMombasaSalaamMogadishuMoroniSudan 01,0002,000Kilometers Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam Tanzania Maputo Maputo Mozambique Mogadishu Banaadir Somalia Mombasa Mombasa Kenya Moroni Grande Comore Comoros Mtunzini KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Port Sudan Red Sea State Sudan Toliara Atsimo-Andrefana Madagascar City State/Province Country EASSy Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $247,000,000 Length (km) 9,900 Design Capacity (Tbps) 18 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, BT, Comores Telecom, Djibouti Telecom, Etisalat, FT, MTN Group, Neotel, Saudi Telecom Company, SPV2, Sudan Telecom Limited, Sudatel, Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited, WIOCC Page 190Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Santo Domingo Morant Point Tortola 0 220 440 Kilometers Morant Point Saint Thomas Jamaica Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tortola British Virgin Islands City State/Province Country East-West East-West LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $35,000,000 Length (km) 1,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.5 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) C&W Page 191Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Helsinki Stockholm Hanko Kotka 0 160 320 Kilometers Hanko Western Uusimaa Finland Helsinki Uusimaa Finland Kotka Kymen-laasko Finland Stockholm Stockholm Sweden City State/Province Country Eastern Light Eastern Light LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,500,000 Length (km) 420 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 72 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Baltic Offshore Owner(s) Eastern Light Page 192Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ChisasibiAkulivikInukjuakKuujjuaraapikUmiujaqPuvirnituqIvujivikSalluit 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Akulivik Kativik Canada Chisasibi Kativik Canada Inukjuak Kativik Canada Ivujivik Kativik Canada Kuujjuaraapik Kativik Canada Puvirnituq Kativik Canada Salluit Kativik Canada Umiujaq Kativik Canada City State/Province Country EAUFON Eastern Arctic Undersea Fiber Optic Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 1,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 30 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Kativik Regional Government Page 193Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BasseterreDickenson Bay MontserratBaillif BridgetownKingstownLaLamentin PortCanefieldSalines Anguilla Tortola Macqueripe St. Martin Castries 0 230 450 Kilometers Anguilla Anguilla Baillif Guadeloupe France Basseterre Saint Kitts St. Kitts and Nevis Bridgetown Saint Michael Parish Barbados Canefield St. Paul Parish Dominica Castries Castries St. Lucia Dickenson Bay Antigua and Barbuda Kingstown St. Vincent and the La Lamentin Martinique France Macqueripe Diego Martin Trinidad and Tobago Montserrat Montserrat Port Salines Grenada St. Martin Guadeloupe France Tortola British Virgin Islands City State/Province Country ECFS East Caribbean Fiber System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $56,000,000 Length (km) 1,875 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.1 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, C&W Owner(s) BET, C&W, FT, TSTT Page 194Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Trinidad Curaçao 0 130 260 Kilometers Curaçao Curaçao Trinidad Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago City State/Province Country ECLink ECLink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $31,000,000 Length (km) 1,240 Design Capacity (Tbps) 7.2 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 60 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) ASN, C&W, Columbus Networks, New World Network Page 195Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SesimbraBude ZafaranaJeddah FujairahMuscat Mumbai Monte CarloTripoliGibraltar Abu Talat 01,0002,000Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Bude England United Kingdom Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Gibraltar Gibraltar Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Monte Carlo Monaco Mumbai Maharashtra India Muscat Muscat Oman Sesimbra Lisbon Portugal Tripoli Tripolitania Libya Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country EIG Europe India Gateway LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $700,000,000 Length (km) 15,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited, BSNL, BT, C&W, Djibouti Telecom, Du, Gibtelecom, MTN Group, Omantel, Saudi Telecom Company, Telekom SA, Verizon Page 196Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fortaleza São Paulo Funchal Praia Sines Kourou Nouadhibou 01,0002,000Kilometers Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Funchal Madeira Portugal Kourou French Guiana France Nouadhibou Dakhlet Nouadhibou Mauritania Praia Praia Cape Verde São Paulo São Paulo Brazil Sines Setúbal Portugal City State/Province Country EllaLink EllaLink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $200,000,000 Length (km) 9,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 72 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 120 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 150 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Cabo Verde Telecom (CVT), EllaLink Page 197Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Holyhead Clonshaugh 0 25 50 Kilometers Clonshaugh Ireland Ireland Holyhead Wales United Kingdom City State/Province Country Emerald Bridge Fibres Emerald Bridge Fibres LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,000,000 Length (km) 120 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) EBS Telecoms, Zayo Group Page 198Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney Keawaula 01,0002,000Kilometers Keawaula Hawaii United States Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Endeavour Endeavour LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $228,125,000 Length (km) 9,125 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Telstra Page 199Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kilmore Quay Sennen Cove 0 90 180 Kilometers Kilmore Quay Ireland Ireland Sennen Cove England United Kingdom City State/Province Country ESAT-1 ESAT-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 257 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Pirelli System Installer ESAT, Pirelli Owner(s) BT, ESAT Page 200Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dublin Southport 0 50 100 Kilometers Dublin Ireland Ireland Southport England United Kingdom City State/Province Country ESAT-2 ESAT-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,833,000 Length (km) 238 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer ESAT, SubCom Owner(s) BT Page 201Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Estepona Tetouan 0 25 50 Kilometers Estepona Málaga Spain Tetouan Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco City State/Province Country EST-TET Estepona-Tetouan LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 112 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0037 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier STF Submarine Systems System Installer FCR Owner(s) Maroc Telecom of Morocco, Telxius Page 202Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
DungenessPunta SantoEspiritu 01020Kilometers Espiritu Santo Tierra del Fuego, Antártida Argentina Punta Dungeness Argentina City State/Province Country Estrecho de Magallanes Estrecho de Magallanes LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,000,000 Length (km) 37 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.8 Fiber Pairs 18 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 1 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN, Boskalis Owner(s) AR-SAT Page 203Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Beirut Pentaskhinos 0 30 60 Kilometers Beirut Beirut Lebanon Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus City State/Province Country Europa Europa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,750,000 Length (km) 225 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Lebanese Ministry Telecommunicationsof Page 204Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Cork London Halifax 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Cork Ireland Ireland Halifax Nova Scotia Canada London England United Kingdom City State/Province Country EXA Express EXA Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $120,000,000 Length (km) 4,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 53 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) EXA Infrastructure Page 205Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lynn DublinColeraineSouthport Herring Cove 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Coleraine Northern Ireland United Kingdom Dublin Ireland Ireland Herring Cove Nova Scotia Canada Lynn Massachusetts United States Southport England United Kingdom City State/Province Country EXA North/South EXA North/South LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $320,000,000 Length (km) 12,111 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 48 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer FCR, SubCom Owner(s) EXA Infrastructure Page 206Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
PorthcurnoPlerin 01,0002,000IslandNorthportParkKilometers Island Park New York United States Northport New York United States Plerin Brittany France Porthcurno England United Kingdom City State/Province Country FA-1 FLAG Atlantic 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $900,000,000 Length (km) 14,491 Design Capacity (Tbps) 24 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Global Cloud Xchange Page 207Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Al Hudaydah Jeddah Port Sudan Suez Al Khobar ManamaDoha Dubai Al SeebChabahar Mumbai Al Safat Al-Faw Bandar Abbas Al GhaydahKhasab 0 720 1,400 Kilometers Al Ghaydah Al Mahrah Yemen Al Hudaydah Al Hudaydah Yemen Al Khobar Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Al Safat Kuwait City Kuwait Al Seeb Muscat Oman Al-Faw Al-Faw Iraq Bandar Abbas Hormozgan Iran Chabahar Sistan and Baluchestan Iran Doha Doha Qatar Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Khasab Musandam Oman Manama Capital Governorate Bahrain Mumbai Maharashtra India Port Sudan Red Sea State Sudan Suez Suez Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country Falcon Falcon LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $900,000,000 Length (km) 12,357 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.56 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Global Cloud Xchange Page 208Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Okha Mys Levashova Magadan 0 310 620 Kilometers Magadan Magadan Oblast Russia Mys Levashova Kamchatka Krai Russia Okha Sakhalin Oblast Russia City State/Province Country Far East Far East LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $50,000,000 Length (km) 1,844 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.6 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 8 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Rostelecom Page 209Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Seyðisfjörður Dunnet Bay Funningsfjørður 0 410 820 Kilometers Dunnet Bay Scotland United Kingdom Funningsfjørður Faroe Islands Seyðisfjörður Eastern Region Iceland City State/Province Country Farice-1 Farice-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $25,000,000 Length (km) 1,395 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Pirelli System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Farice ehf, Iceland Telecom Ltd. Page 210Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Aldeburgh Domburg 0 30 60 Kilometers Aldeburgh England United Kingdom Domburg Zeeland Netherlands City State/Province Country Farland North Farland North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 149 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.018 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer SubCom Owner(s) BT Page 211Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Shima Chikura Bandon Tanshui 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Bandon Oregon United States Chikura Chiba Japan Shima Mie Japan Tanshui New Taipei City Taiwan City State/Province Country Faster Faster LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 11,629 Design Capacity (Tbps) 60 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer Orange Owner(s) China Mobile International Ltd., China Telecom Global, Global Transit Communications Sdn Bhd, Google, Singtel Page 212Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Porthcurno AqabaJeddahPalermoSuezEstepona Fujairah Mumbai Songkhla Alexandria Penang Keoje Miura LantauShanghai 0 Kilometers2,5005,000 Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Aqaba Aqaba Jordan Estepona Málaga Spain Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Geoje South Gyeongsang South Korea Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Lantau Hong Kong China Miura Kanagawa Japan Mumbai Maharashtra India Ninomiya Kanagawa Japan Palermo Sicily Italy Penang Penang Malaysia Porthcurno England United Kingdom Satun Satun Thailand Shanghai Shanghai China Songkhla Songkhla Thailand Suez Suez Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country FEA FLAG Europe-Asia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $720,000,000 Length (km) 28,012 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.5 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Global Cloud Xchange Page 213Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Helsinki Tallinn 0 40 80 Kilometers Helsinki Uusimaa Finland Tallinn Harju Estonia City State/Province Country FEC Finland Estonia Connection LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,250,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Elisa Corporation Page 214Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Puttgarden Rödbyhavn 0 7 14 Kilometers Puttgarden Schleswig-Holstein Germany Rödbyhavn Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country Fehmarn Bält Fehmarn Bält LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 20 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 192 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Nexans Owner(s) Arelion Page 215Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Puerto Plata Bull Bay Kaliko 0 110 220 Kilometers Bull Bay Saint Andrew Jamaica Kaliko Kaliko Mapou Bar Haiti Puerto Plata Puerto Plata Dominican Republic City State/Province Country FibraLink FibraLink LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 2,438 Design Capacity (Tbps) 7.2 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN, IT International Telecom System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) ASN, C&W, Columbus Networks Page 216Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Graciosa Faial FloresCorvo 0 50 100 Kilometers Corvo Azores Portugal Faial Azores Portugal Flores Azores Portugal Graciosa Azores Portugal City State/Province Country FCSS Flores-Corvo Submarine System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 633 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.96 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer Nexans Owner(s) Viatel Page 217Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Moroni Kaweni 0 30 60 Kilometers Kaweni Grande-Terre Mayotte Moroni Grande Comore Comoros City State/Province Country FLY-LION3 FLY-LION3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 400 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Congo Telecom, Orange, Société Réunionnaise du Radiotéléphone Page 218Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Punta Arenas Puerto Montt Tortel WilliamsPuerto 0 550 1,100 Kilometers Puerto Montt Los Lagos Chile Puerto Williams Antártica Chilena Chile Punta Arenas Magallanes y Antártica Chile Tortel Capitán Prat Province Chile City State/Province Country FOA Fibra Optica Austral LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 2,900 Design Capacity (Tbps) 16 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer IT International Telecom, Orange Owner(s) AUSTRAL University of Magellan, Magellan CPC Page 219Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kuwait City Manama Doha Dubai 0 130 260 Kilometers Doha Doha Qatar Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates Kuwait City Al Asimah Kuwait Manama Capital Governorate Bahrain City State/Province Country FOG Fiber Optic Gulf LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $80,000,000 Length (km) 1,286 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Fujitsu System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bahrain Telephone Co., Kuwait Ministry of Communications, Qatar Telecommunication Company, UAE Telecommunications Company Page 220Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ChacabucoPuerto Quellon 0 90 180 Kilometers Puerto Chacabuco Aysén Chile Quellon Chiloé Province Chile City State/Province Country FOS Quellon-Chacabuco FOS Quellon-Chacabuco LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,750,000 Length (km) 350 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GTD Teleductos S.A. Page 221Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bosaso Salalah Berbera 0 190 380 Kilometers Berbera Sahil Somalia Bosaso Bari Somalia Salalah Dhofar Oman City State/Province Country G2A Gulf 2 Africa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $37,500,000 Length (km) 1,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 60 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Golis Telecom, Omantel, Telesom Company Page 222Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kuwait City Bushehr Al Khobar FujairahAl Seeb Mumbai Al-FawAlHidd Al Daayen 0 450 900 Kilometers Al Daayen Al Daayen Qatar Al Hidd Muhurraq Governorate Bahrain Al Khobar Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Al Seeb Muscat Oman Al-Faw Al-Faw Iraq Bushehr Bushehr Iran Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Kuwait City Al Asimah Kuwait Mumbai Maharashtra India City State/Province Country GBICS Gulf Bridge International Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $445,000,000 Length (km) 4,719 Design Capacity (Tbps) 51.2 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 128 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Gulf Bridge International, Inc. Page 223Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gedser Rostock 0 20 40 Kilometers Gedser Sjælland Denmark Rostock Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany City State/Province Country GC1 Elektra-GlobalConnect 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,100,000 Length (km) 44 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GlobalConnect Page 224Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kungsbacka Saeby 0 25 50 Kilometers Kungsbacka Halland Sweden Saeby Nordjylland Denmark City State/Province Country GC2 GlobalConnect 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,375,000 Length (km) 95 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GlobalConnect Page 225Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Korsør Nyborg 0 6 12 Kilometers Korsør Sjælland Denmark Nyborg Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country GC3 GlobalConnect 3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $475,000 Length (km) 19 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GlobalConnect Page 226Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Saint-LouisTerre-de-HautCapesterre-Belle-Eau Saint-François Beausejour 0 10 20 Kilometers Beausejour Guadeloupe France Capesterre-Belle-Eau Guadeloupe France Saint-François Guadeloupe France Saint-Louis Guadeloupe France Terre-de-Haut Guadeloupe France City State/Province Country GCIS Guadeloupe Cable de Iles du Sud LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,300,000 Length (km) 118 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) Regional Councel of Guadeloupe Page 227Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
San Juan Baillif Jarry St. Croix St. MartinSaintBarthelemy 0 80 160 Kilometers Baillif Guadeloupe France Jarry Guadeloupe France Saint Barthelemy Guadeloupe France San Juan Puerto Rico St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands St. Martin Guadeloupe France City State/Province Country GCN Global Caribbean Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $17,520,000 Length (km) 1,926 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) Global Caribbean Network Page 228Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Manasquan Paget 0 280 550 Kilometers Manasquan New Jersey United States Paget Bermuda City State/Province Country Gemini Bermuda Gemini Bermuda LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 1,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.5 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) C&W, Verizon Page 229Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lusk Deeside Clwyd 0 50 100 Kilometers Deeside Clwyd Scotland United Kingdom Lusk Ireland Ireland City State/Province Country Geo-Eirgrid Geo-Eirgrid LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,675,000 Length (km) 187 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Eirgrid Page 230Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Novorossiysk Sochi Poti 0 100 200 Kilometers Novorossiysk Krasnodar Krai Russia Poti Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Georgia Sochi Krasnodar Krai Russia City State/Province Country Georgia-Russia Georgia-Russia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 280 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) DanTelco, FOPTNET, Rostelecom Page 231Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
DakarNouakchottSesimbraVigoBudeCasablancaAccra Lagos 01,0002,000Kilometers Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana Bude England United Kingdom Casablanca Casablanca-Settat Morocco Dakar Dakar Senegal Lagos Lagos Nigeria Nouakchott Nouakchott-Sud Mauritania Sesimbra Lisbon Portugal Vigo Pontavedra Spain City State/Province Country GLO-1 Globacom-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $260,000,000 Length (km) 8,717 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.5 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom System Installer ASN, IT International Telecom Owner(s) Globalcom Ltd. Page 232Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gedser Rostock 0 20 40 Kilometers Gedser Sjælland Denmark Rostock Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany City State/Province Country GlobalConnect-KPN GlobalConnect-KPN LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,075,000 Length (km) 43 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GlobalConnect Page 233Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Rio JaneirodeFortaleza BarranquillaBocaRatonTuckertonMaiquetiaSaintDavid's 01,0002,000Kilometers Barranquilla Atlántico Colombia Boca Raton Florida United States Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Maiquetia Vargas Venezuela Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Saint David's Bermuda Tuckerton New Jersey United States City State/Province Country GlobeNet GlobeNet LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $610,000,000 Length (km) 22,690 Design Capacity (Tbps) 9.2 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GlobeNet Page 234Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
delMazaraVallo Paul'sSaint Bay 0 50 100 Kilometers Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Saint Paul's Bay Saint Paul's Bay Malta City State/Province Country GO-1 GO-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 290 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 12 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Elettra Owner(s) GO PLC Page 235Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Incheon OkinawaKitakyushu Tumon 0 750 1,500 Kilometers Incheon Seoul Capital South Korea Kitakyushu Fukuoka Japan Okinawa Okinawa Japan Tumon Guam City State/Province Country GOKI GOKI LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $120,000,000 Length (km) 4,200 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.08 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Kokusai Cable Ship Owner(s) Not Available Page 236Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney PoindimieNoum'ea Mouli Island Lifou 0 440 880 Kilometers Lifou New Caledonia Mouli Island New Caledonia Nouméa Southern Province New Caledonia Poindimie New Caledonia Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Gondwana-1 Gondwana-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $57,500,000 Length (km) 2,152 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) OPT New Caledonia, Post and Telecommunications Office of New Caledonia Page 237Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
MiltonNuuk Qaqortoq Landeyjarsandur 0 810 1,600 Kilometers Landeyjarsandur Southern Region Iceland Milton Newfoundland and Canada Nuuk Sermersooq Greenland Qaqortoq Kujalleq Greenland City State/Province Country Greenland Connect Greenland Connect LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $126,000,000 Length (km) 4,733 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.56 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Elettra Owner(s) Tele Greenland Page 238Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SisimiutAasiaatNuukManiitsoq 0 330 650 Kilometers Aasiaat Qeqertalik Greenland Maniitsoq Qeqqata Greenland Nuuk Sermersooq Greenland Sisimiut Qeqqata Greenland City State/Province Country Greenland Connect North (GCN) Greenland Connect North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $80,000,000 Length (km) 673 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4.8 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 30 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Tele Greenland Page 239Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Miami BayGuantánamo 0 180 360 Kilometers Guantánamo Bay Guantánamo Cuba Miami Florida United States City State/Province Country Guantánamo Bay Cable Guantánamo Bay Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $35,000,000 Length (km) 1,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Nexans, Xtera System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) US Government Page 240Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BayGuantánamo San Juan 0 160 320 Kilometers Guantánamo Bay Guantánamo Cuba San Juan Puerto Rico City State/Province Country Guantánamo Bay Cable 2 Guantánamo Bay Cable 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 1,200 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Xtera System Installer Not Available Owner(s) US Government Page 241Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Greve De Lecq Saints Bay 0 7.5 15 Kilometers Greve De Lecq St. Ouen Jersey Saints Bay St. Martins Guernsey City State/Province Country Guernsey-Jersey 4 Guernsey-Jersey 4 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 37 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000155 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) C&W, JTGlobal Page 242Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bari Corfu 0 50 100 Kilometers Bari Apulia Italy Corfu Ionian Islands Greece City State/Province Country GWEN Greece to Western Europe Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 647 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) OTE Globe Page 243Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chung Hom Kok Zhuhai Wenchang 0 60 120 Kilometers Chung Hom Kok Hong Kong China Wenchang Hainan Province China Zhuhai Guangdong Province China City State/Province Country H2HE Hainan to Hong Kong Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $19,500,000 Length (km) 675 Design Capacity (Tbps) 19.2 Fiber Pairs 16 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) China Mobile International Ltd. Page 244Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kélibia delMazaraVallo 0 30 60 Kilometers Kélibia Nabeul Tunisia Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy City State/Province Country Hannibal Hannibal LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 180 Design Capacity (Tbps) 9.6 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Tunisie Telecom Page 245Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pohnpei Majuro Piti AtollKwajalein 0 490 980 Kilometers Kwajalein Atoll Marshall Islands Majuro Marshall Islands Piti Guam Pohnpei Pohnpei Micronesia City State/Province Country Hantru-1 Hantru-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $130,000,000 Length (km) 2,908 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Federated States of HannonTelecommunicationsMicronesiaAuthority,ArmstrongCapital Page 246Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
KristiansandBlaabjerg Wall Township Leckanvy 01,0002,000Kilometers Blaabjerg Syddanmark Denmark Kristiansand Agder Norway Leckanvy Ireland Ireland Wall Township New Jersey United States City State/Province Country HAVFRUE/AEC-2 HAVFRUE/AEC-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $200,000,000 Length (km) 7,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 108 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited, Bulk Infrastructure AS, Facebook, Google Page 247Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Port Grenaugh Loughshinny Blackpool Port Erin 0 50 100 Kilometers Blackpool England United Kingdom Loughshinny Dublin Ireland Port Erin Isle of Man Port Grenaugh Isle of Man City State/Province Country Havhingsten/CC-2 CelticConnect-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $23,500,000 Length (km) 301 Design Capacity (Tbps) 300 Fiber Pairs 15 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited, Bulk Infrastructure AS, Facebook Page 248Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Blaabjerg Newcastle 0 170 340 Kilometers Blaabjerg Syddanmark Denmark Newcastle England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Havhingsten/NSC North Sea Connect LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,625,000 Length (km) 661 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Aqua Comms Limited, Bulk Infrastructure AS, Facebook Page 249Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kristiansand Hanstholm 0 50 100 Kilometers Hanstholm Thisted Denmark Kristiansand Agder Norway City State/Province Country HAVSIL HAVSIL LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,000,000 Length (km) 120 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Cecon Contracting Owner(s) Arelion, Bulk Infrastructure AS Page 250Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lista Hanstholm 0 50 100 Kilometers Hanstholm Thisted Denmark Lista Agder Norway City State/Province Country HAVTOR HAVTOR LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,000,000 Length (km) 165 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1440 Fiber Pairs 48 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 75 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 251Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney Pago PagoKapolei Pacific City HeadsMangawhai 02,0004,000Kilometers Kapolei Hawaii United States Mangawhai Heads Northland New Zealand Pacific City Oregon United States Pago Pago Tu’tuila American Samoa Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Hawaiki Hawaiki LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 15,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 67 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 500 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Hawaiki Submarine Cable Page 252Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Yeroskipos Marseille Alexandria 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country Hawk Hawk Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 4,334 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.72 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 68 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Fujitsu System Installer Elettra, Orange Owner(s) Global Cloud Xchange Page 253Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kawaihae Kihei Ko Olina Koko Head Lihue 0 60 120 Kilometers Kawaihae Hawaii United States Kihei Hawaii United States Ko Olina Hawaii United States Koko Head Hawaii United States Lihue Hawaii United States City State/Province Country HICS Hawaii Inter-Island Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,975,000 Length (km) 479 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Hawaiian Telecom Page 254Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kaunakakai Makaha Kawaihae Kihei Koko Head Lihue Manele Bay 0 60 120 Kilometers Kaunakakai Hawaii United States Kawaihae Hawaii United States Kihei Hawaii United States Koko Head Hawaii United States Lihue Hawaii United States Makaha Hawaii United States Manele Bay Hawaii United States City State/Province Country HIFN Hawaii Island Fibre Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,225,000 Length (km) 529 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) CenturyLink, Hawaiian Telecom Page 255Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tseung Kwan O Piti 0 540 1,100 Kilometers Piti Guam Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong China City State/Province Country HK-G Hong Kong-Guam LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 3,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 48 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 120 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Google, RTI Connectivity Page 256Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
VaitapeUturoa HuahinePapenoo Spencer Beach 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Huahine French Polynesia Moorea French Polynesia Papenoo French Polynesia Spencer Beach Hawaii United States Uturoa French Polynesia Vaitape French Polynesia City State/Province Country Honotua Honotua LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $122,000,000 Length (km) 4,634 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) OPT French Polynesia Page 257Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ishikari Nevelsk 0 150 300 Kilometers Ishikari Hokkaido Japan Nevelsk Sakhalin Oblast Russia City State/Province Country HSCS Hokkaido-Sakhalin Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 559 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer KDD Owner(s) KDD, TTK Page 258Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Porthcurno Lannion Guernsey 0 50 100 Kilometers Guernsey Guernsey Lannion Brittany France Porthcurno England United Kingdom City State/Province Country HUGO High-capacity Undersea Guernsey Optical-fibre LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,960,000 Length (km) 426 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.3 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Orange, SubCom Owner(s) C&W Page 259Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Suez Catania Marseille Fujairah Karachi Mumbai Tripoli Alexandria 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Catania Sicily Italy Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Mumbai Maharashtra India Suez Suez Governorate Egypt Tripoli North Governorate Lebanon City State/Province Country I-ME-WE India-Middle East-Western Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $320,000,000 Length (km) 12,091 Design Capacity (Tbps) 76.8 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 128 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier Mitsubishi Electric Corporation System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited, Etisalat, FT, Ogero, PTCL, Saudi Telecom Company, TATA Communications Page 260Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chennai Tuas 0 430 850 Kilometers Chennai Tamil Nadu India Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country i2i i2i Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $90,000,000 Length (km) 3,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 84 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 105 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited Page 261Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Port Vila Suva 0 180 360 Kilometers Port Vila Efate Vanuatu Suva Rewa Fiji City State/Province Country ICN1 Interchange I LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $32,000,000 Length (km) 1,259 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Interchange Limited Page 262Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Otranto Aethos 0 25 50 Kilometers Aethos Greece Otranto Apulia Italy City State/Province Country IG-1 Italy Greece-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,000,000 Length (km) 172 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 1 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 263Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney Perth 0 660 1,300 Kilometers Perth Western Australia Australia Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Indigo Central Indigo Central LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $150,000,000 Length (km) 4,850 Design Capacity (Tbps) 36 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer ASN Owner(s) Google, SubPartners Page 264Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jakarta Perth Tuas 0 980 2,000 Kilometers Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Perth Western Australia Australia Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country Indigo West Indigo West LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $225,000,000 Length (km) 4,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 36 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) AARNet, Google, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Telstra Page 265Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bari Durres 0 40 80 Kilometers Bari Apulia Italy Durres Northern Albania Albania City State/Province Country Italy-Albania Italy-Albania LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 236 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 1 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) ALBtelecom, Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 266Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Otranto Aethos 0 25 50 Kilometers Aethos Greece Otranto Apulia Italy City State/Province Country Italy-Greece Italy-Greece LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 161 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.00169 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Page 267Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
delMazaraValloTripoli 0 160 320 Kilometers Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Tripoli Tripolitania Libya City State/Province Country Italy-Libya Italy-Libya LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 570 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.12 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Page 268Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Catania BayGeorge'sSaint 0 50 100 Kilometers Catania Sicily Italy Saint George's Bay Il-Bajja ta' San Ġorġ Malta City State/Province Country Italy-Malta Italy-Malta LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,950,000 Length (km) 238 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 2 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GO PLC, Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 269Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Savona Monte Carlo 0 30 60 Kilometers Monte Carlo Monaco Savona Liguria Italy City State/Province Country Italy-Monaco Italy-Monaco LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 162 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000565 Fiber Pairs 1 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Page 270Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
PontianakKetapang Pangkalanbun Bandjermasin Jember Benculuk Mataram Sangata Toweli 0 270 540 Kilometers Bandjermasin South Kalimantan Indonesia Benculuk East Java Indonesia Jember East Java Indonesia Ketapang West Kalimantan Indonesia Mataram West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Pangkalanbun Central Kalimantan Indonesia Pontianak West Kalimantan Indonesia Sangata East Kalimantan Indonesia Toweli West Sulawesi Indonesia City State/Province Country JaKa2DeLeMa JaKa2DeLeMa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $116,000,000 Length (km) 1,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 9.6 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 32 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Fujitsu, Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Orange Owner(s) PT Telekom Page 271Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jakarta Pontianak BatamTuas 0 210 420 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Pontianak West Kalimantan Indonesia Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country JAKABARE JAKABARE LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 1,330 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASEAN Cableship, Orange Owner(s) Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Page 272Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
delMazaraVallo CagliariOlbia Civitavecchia 0 160 320 Kilometers Cagliari Sardinia Italy Civitavecchia Lazio Italy Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Olbia Sardinia Italy City State/Province Country Janna Janna LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2005 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,850,000 Length (km) 634 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) EXA Infrastructure, Regione Sardegne, Tiscali, Wind Italy Page 273Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Point Arena Shima MaruyamaKitaibaraki Morro Bay Makaha 01,0002,000Kilometers Kitaibaraki Ibaraki Japan Makaha Hawaii United States Maruyama Chiba Japan Morro Bay California United States Point Arena California United States Shima Mie Japan City State/Province Country Japan-US Japan-US LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $140,000,000 Length (km) 21,580 Design Capacity (Tbps) 21.6 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 16 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Fujitsu, Ocean Cable Company System Installer ASN, Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) CAT Telecom, CenturyLink, China Telecom Corporation, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Communications Global Network Services Limited, Japan Telecom, KT Corporation, MCI WorldCom, NTT Worldwide Network, Orange, TelecommunicationsSingapore Limited, SK Broadband, SoftBank, Sprint, Starhub Ltd., TATA Communications, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Vodafone, Worldcom Global Networks Limited Page 274Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jakarta Pontianak Batam PandanTanjung 0 210 420 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia Pontianak West Kalimantan Indonesia Tanjung Pandan Bangka Belitung Islands Indonesia City State/Province Country Jasuka Jasuka LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $280,000,000 Length (km) 354 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.32 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PT Telekom Page 275Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Cirebon Kendal Banyu Urip Tanjung Pakis 0 100 200 Kilometers Banyu Urip East Java Indonesia Cirebon West Java Indonesia Kendal Central Java Indonesia Tanjung Pakis West Java Indonesia City State/Province Country JAYABAYA Jakarta Surabaya Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $22,200,000 Length (km) 915 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Orange Owner(s) Triasmitra Page 276Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Candi Kusuma Muncar 0 3.5 7 Kilometers Candi Kusuma Bali Indonesia Muncar East Java Indonesia City State/Province Country JBCS Java Bali Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,000,000 Length (km) 40 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Triasmitra Page 277Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Piti Minami-Boso 0 660 1,300 Kilometers Minami-Boso Chiba Japan Piti Guam City State/Province Country JGA North Japan-Guam-Australia North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $65,000,000 Length (km) 2,700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 24 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 120 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, NEC System Installer ASN Owner(s) AARNet, Google, RTI Connectivity Page 278Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney Piti CoastSunshine 01,0002,000Kilometers Piti Guam Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country JGA South Japan-Guam-Australia South LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $175,000,000 Length (km) 7,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 36 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 180 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, NEC System Installer ASN Owner(s) AARNet, Google, RTI Connectivity Page 279Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kuala Tungkal PinggirTanjung 0 50 100 Kilometers Kuala Tungkal Jambi Indonesia Tanjung Pinggir Riau Islands Indonesia City State/Province Country JIBA Jambi-Batam Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,675,000 Length (km) 267 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, Moratelindo, XL Axiata Page 280Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Rio Janeirode Santos 0 50 100 Kilometers Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Santos São Paulo Brazil City State/Province Country Junior Junior LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $9,750,000 Length (km) 390 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier PadTec System Installer Orange Owner(s) Google, Telxius Page 281Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Shima Maruyama Daet Hermosa Beach 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Daet Camarines Norte Philippines Hermosa Beach California United States Maruyama Chiba Japan Shima Mie Japan City State/Province Country Jupiter Jupiter LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $364,425,000 Length (km) 14,577 Design Capacity (Tbps) 60 Fiber Pairs 5 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Amazon, Facebook, NTT, PCCW Global, PLDT, SoftBank Mobile Corporation Page 282Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Istanbul Varna Mangalia İğneada 0 100 200 Kilometers İğneada Kırklareli Turkey Istanbul Marmara Turkey Mangalia Romania Varna Varna Bulgaria City State/Province Country KAFOS Black Sea Fibre Optic System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1997 EOS Year 2022 Est. System Cost (USD) $27,000,000 Length (km) 504 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0012 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, FCR, Orange Owner(s) BTC, Turk Telekom Page 283Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Madiana Beach Cayenne 0 280 560 Kilometers Cayenne French Guiana France Madiana Beach, Schœlcher Martinique French Polynesia City State/Province Country Kanawa Kanawa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 1,746 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 50 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) French Guiana Government Page 284Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gothenburg Jutland 0 20 40 Kilometers Gothenburg Västra Götaland Sweden Jutland Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country Kattegat-1 Kattegat-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 180 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TDC Page 285Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Osterby Lyngsa Skalvik Vestero 0 30 60 Kilometers Lyngsa Nordjylland Denmark Osterby Nordjylland Denmark Skalvik Halland Sweden Vestero Midtjylland Denmark City State/Province Country Kattegat-2 Kattegat-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 75 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TDC Page 286Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kélibia Trapani 0 40 80 Kilometers Kélibia Nabeul Tunisia Trapani Sicily Italy City State/Province Country Keltra-2 Keltra-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,225,000 Length (km) 209 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia, Tunisie Telecom Page 287Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kerch Ilyich 0 5 10 Kilometers Il'ich Krasnodar Krai Russia Kerch Kerch city Ukraine City State/Province Country Kerch Strait Cable Kerch Strait Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,150,000 Length (km) 46 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Miranda Media Page 288Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ketchikan Prince Rupert 0 50 100 Kilometers Ketchikan Alaska United States Prince Rupert British Columbia Canada City State/Province Country KetchCan1 KetchCan1 Submarine Fiber Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,000,000 Length (km) 167 Design Capacity (Tbps) 23.04 Fiber Pairs 48 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 2 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Ketchikan Public Utilities Page 289Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Busan Fukuoka Kitakyushu 0 50 100 Kilometers Busan Yeongnam South Korea Fukuoka Fukuoka Japan Kitakyushu Fukuoka Japan City State/Province Country KJCN Korea-Japan Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $12,500,000 Length (km) 500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 28.8 Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 24 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Fujitsu System Installer Not Available Owner(s) KEPCO, SoftBank Telecom Corporation Page 290Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
AnchorageSewardHomerKenai KodiakNarrow Cape 0 210 420 Kilometers Anchorage Alaska United States Homer Alaska United States Kenai Alaska United States Kodiak Alaska United States Narrow Cape Alaska United States Seward Alaska United States City State/Province Country Kodiak Kenai Kodiak Kenai LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 971 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Kodiak Kenai Cable Company LLC Page 291Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Madang Port Moresby Alotau Arawa Daru Jayapura Kavieng Kerema Kimbe KokopoLaeLorengauPopondettaVanimo Wewak 0 270 540 Kilometers Alotau Milne Bay Papua New Guinea Arawa Autonomous Region ofPapua New Guinea Daru Western Province Papua New Guinea Jayapura Papua Indonesia Kavieng New Ireland Papua New Guinea Kerema Gulf Province Papua New Guinea Kimbe West New Britain Papua New Guinea Kokopo East New Britain ProvincePapua New Guinea Lae Morobe Province Papua New Guinea Lorengau Manus Province Papua New Guinea Madang Madang Province Papua New Guinea Popondetta Oro Papua New Guinea Port Moresby National Capital DistrictPapua New Guinea Vanimo Sandaun Papua New Guinea Wewak East Sepik Papua New Guinea City State/Province Country KSCN Kumul Domestic Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $136,425,000 Length (km) 5,457 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Papua New Guinea DataCo Limited Page 292Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kharg Failaka Soroosh 0 40 80 Kilometers Failaka Al Ahmadi Kuwait Kharg Kharg Iran Soroosh Iran City State/Province Country Kuwait-Iran Kuwait-Iran LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 334 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Iran Ministry of Communications, Kuwait and InfrastructureTelecommunicationCompany Page 293Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tungku Kiamsam 0 8 16 Kilometers Kiamsam Labuan Malaysia Tungku Brunei-Muara Brunei City State/Province Country LBC Labuan-Brunei Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,300,000 Length (km) 52 Design Capacity (Tbps) 9.6 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ZTT Cable System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Common Tower Technologies Sdn Bhd Page 294Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
CárdenasLázaroCuidad Manzanillo Ixtapa 0 40 80 Kilometers Cuidad Lázaro Cárdenas Michoacán Mexico Ixtapa Guerrero Mexico Manzanillo Colima Mexico City State/Province Country LCMSSCS Lazaro Cardenas-Manzanillo Santiago Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,050,000 Length (km) 322 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 2 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telmex Page 295Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tel Aviv Yeroskipos delMazaraVallo 0 410 820 Kilometers Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Israel Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country LEV LEV LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $175,000,000 Length (km) 2,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 8 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer ASN, Orange, SubCom Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Page 296Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Libreville Port Gentil 0 30 60 Kilometers Libreville Estuaire Gabon Port Gentil Ogooue-Maritime Gabon City State/Province Country Libreville-Port Gentil Cable Libreville-Port Gentil Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,950,000 Length (km) 198 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Republic of Gabon Page 297Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sainte Marie Terre Rouge Toamasina 0 150 300 Kilometers Sainte Marie Réunion Terre Rouge Pamplemousses District Mauritius Toamasina Atsinanana Madagascar City State/Province Country LION Lower Indian Ocean Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 1,091 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer FCR, Orange Owner(s) FT, Orange Page 298Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mombasa Mayotte 0 450 900 Kilometers Mayotte Mayotte Mombasa Mombasa Kenya City State/Province Country LION-2 Lower Indian Ocean Network 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $76,000,000 Length (km) 3,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Alpha Logistics, Elettra, Orange Owner(s) Emtel Ltd., FT, Orange, Telkom Kenya Page 299Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Asilah Rota 0 40 80 Kilometers Asilah Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco Rota Cádiz Spain City State/Province Country Loukkos Loukkos LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,000,000 Length (km) 187 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 300Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Luwuk Tutuyan 0 50 100 Kilometers Luwuk Central Sulawesi Indonesia Tutuyan North Sulawesi Indonesia City State/Province Country LTCS Luwuk Tutuyan Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $11,150,000 Length (km) 446 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telkom Indonesia Page 301Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ventspils Nynashamn 0 80 160 Kilometers Nynashamn Stockholm Sweden Ventspils Courland Latvia City State/Province Country LV-SE 1 Latvia-Sweden 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $7,600,000 Length (km) 304 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Arelion, LatTelecom, Tele2, Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 302Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
HainesSkagway Lena Point 0 50 100 Kilometers Haines Alaska United States Lena Point Alaska United States Skagway Alaska United States City State/Province Country Lynn Canal Fiber Lynn Canal Fiber LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,450,000 Length (km) 138 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T) Page 303Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Hollywood Brookhaven St. Croix 0 740 1,500 Kilometers Brookhaven New York United States Hollywood Florida United States St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands City State/Province Country MAC Mid-Atlantic Crossing LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $200,000,000 Length (km) 7,461 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.92 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, FCR, Orange Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 304Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dakar Abidjan AccraLagos Seixal 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Abidjan Ivory Coast Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana Dakar Dakar Senegal Lagos Lagos Nigeria Seixal Lisbon Portugal City State/Province Country MainOne MainOne Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $240,000,000 Length (km) 7,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Orange Owner(s) MainOne Cable Company Page 305Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las Toninas Rio Janeirode Praia Grande 0 440 880 Kilometers Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Praia Grande São Paulo Brazil Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil City State/Province Country Malbec Malbec LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $65,000,000 Length (km) 2,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 108 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Facebook, GlobeNet Page 306Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mgarr ix-Xini Golden Bay 0 3 6 Kilometers Golden Bay Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa Malta Mgarr ix-Xini Ta' Sannat Malta City State/Province Country Malta-Gozo Cable Malta-Gozo Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $325,000 Length (km) 21 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 12 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Government of Malta Page 307Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ic-CaghaqBaharMarinaRagusadi 0 30 60 Kilometers Bahar ic-Caghaq Naxxa Malta Marina di Ragusa Sicily Italy City State/Province Country InterconnectorMalta-Italy Malta-Italy Interconnector LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,375,000 Length (km) 95 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Government of Malta Page 308Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Apia Vaitape Sekena AitutakiRarotonga To'ahotu 0 410 820 Kilometers Aitutaki Cook Islands Apia Tuamasaga Samoa Rarotonga Cook Islands Sekena Niue To'ahotu French Polynesia Vaitape French Polynesia City State/Province Country Manatua One Manatua One Polynesian Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 3,634 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Avaroa Cable Ltd., Manatua Cable Consortium, OPT French Polynesia, Samoa Submarine Cable Company, Telecom Niue Limited Page 309Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Corisco Cabo San Juan 0 7 14 Kilometers Cabo San Juan Litoral Equatorial Guinea Corisco Litoral Equatorial Guinea City State/Province Country Mandji Fiber Optic Cable Mandji Fiber Optic Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,250,000 Length (km) 50 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Gestor de Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaciones de Guinea Ecuatorial (GITGE) Page 310Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BeachVirginia Sopelana 01,0002,000Kilometers Sopelana Biscay Spain Virginia Beach Virginia United States City State/Province Country MAREA MAREA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $165,000,000 Length (km) 6,600 Design Capacity (Tbps) 160 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 65 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Facebook, Microsoft, Telxius Page 311Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Baie Jacotetdu Rodrigues 0 110 220 Kilometers Baie du Jacotet Savanne Mauritius Rodrigues Mauritius City State/Province Country MARS Mauritius and Rodrigues Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $17,500,000 Length (km) 700 Design Capacity (Tbps) 16 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer E-marine PJSC Owner(s) Mauritius Telecom, PCCW Global Page 312Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jakarta BatamChangi 0 210 420 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Changi East Region Singapore Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia City State/Province Country Matrix Matrix LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 1,438 Design Capacity (Tbps) 2.56 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Matrix Networks, NAP Info Page 313Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tolu Puerto Limón Cancun HollywoodMariaChiquita 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Cancun Quintana Roo Mexico Hollywood Florida United States Maria Chiquita Colón Panama Puerto Limón Limón Province Costa Rica Tolu Sucre Colombia City State/Province Country MAYA-1 MAYA-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $120,000,000 Length (km) 4,506 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.9225 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer ASN, Orange, SubCom Owner(s) MAYA-1 Consortium Page 314Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dumai Batam 0 40 80 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Dumai Riau Indonesia City State/Province Country MBDC Moratelindo Batam - Dumai Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 330 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Moratelindo Page 315Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
CheratingSihanoukville Rayong 0 270 540 Kilometers Cherating Sarawak Malaysia Rayong Rayong Thailand Sihanoukville Preah Sihanouk Cambodia City State/Province Country MCT Malaysia-Cambodia-Thailand LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $60,000,000 Length (km) 1,425 Design Capacity (Tbps) 30 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 50 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Symphony Communication Public Company Limited, Telcotech Limited, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Page 316Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Annaba Marseille Algiers 0 240 480 Kilometers Algiers Algiers Province Algeria Annaba Annaba Province Algeria Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France City State/Province Country Med Cable Network Med Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2005 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 1,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Med Cable Page 317Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
TelHaifaAviv Chania Catania Istanbul Koropi 0 360 720 Kilometers Catania Sicily Italy Chania Crete Greece Haifa Haifa Israel Istanbul Marmara Turkey Koropi Attica Greece Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Israel City State/Province Country MedNautilus MedNautilus LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $190,000,000 Length (km) 5,729 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Telecom Italia Page 318Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pozallo Paul'sSaint Bay 0 25 50 Kilometers Pozallo Sicily Italy Saint Paul's Bay Saint Paul's Bay Malta City State/Province Country Melita-1 Melita-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $14,000,000 Length (km) 100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.00005 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Melita Infrastructure Ltd. Page 319Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Zafarana Al Seeb delMazaraVallo Djibouti City Abu Talat 0 900 1,800 Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Al Seeb Muscat Oman Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country MENA Middle East North Africa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $210,000,000 Length (km) 8,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 57.6 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 96 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer ASN, Elettra Owner(s) MENA Submarine Cable Systems, Telecom Egypt Page 320Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
South Africa Mauritius Madagascar Reunion 0 480 960 Kilometers MadagascarMauritiusRéunionSouthAfrica City State/Province Country METISS Melting Pot Indianoceanic Submarine System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $75,000,000 Length (km) 3,215 Design Capacity (Tbps) 24 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Canal+ Telecom, CEB FiberNet, Emtel Ltd., SFR, Telma, ZEOP Page 321Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Batam Changi 0 3.5 7 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Changi East Region Singapore City State/Province Country MIC-1 Moratel International Cable 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 70 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Moratelindo Page 322Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Yeroskipos CataniadelMazaraVallo 0 360 720 Kilometers Catania Sicily Italy Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country Minerva Minerva LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) Not Available Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Sparkle Page 323Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mataram Sumbawa Besar Waingapu Kupang AmbalawiSaraemee Ende 0 140 280 Kilometers Ambalawi West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Ende East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Kupang East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Mataram West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Saraemee Maluku Indonesia Sumbawa Besar West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia Waingapu East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia City State/Province Country MKCS Mataram-Kupang Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $94,000,000 Length (km) 1,318 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.8 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 30 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer Nexans Owner(s) PT Telekom Page 324Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fortaleza Boca Raton Santos 01,0002,000Kilometers Boca Raton Florida United States Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Santos São Paulo Brazil City State/Province Country Monet Monet LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $280,000,000 Length (km) 10,556 Design Capacity (Tbps) 60 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Algar Telecom, Angola Cables, Antel, Google Page 325Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Hulhumale Mount Lavinia 0 110 220 Kilometers Hulhumale North Malé Atoll Maldives Mount Lavinia Western Province Sri Lanka City State/Province Country MSC Maldives Sri Lanka Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $22,000,000 Length (km) 863 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.1 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Dhiraagu, Dialog Axiata PLC, Ooredoo Page 326Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tahiti Rangiroa Manihi Takaroa ArutuaKaukuraFakarava Makemo Hiva Oa Nuka Hiva 0 250 500 Kilometers Arutua French Polynesia Fakarava French Polynesia Hiva Oa French Polynesia Kaukura French Polynesia Makemo French Polynesia Manihi French Polynesia Nuka Hiva French Polynesia Rangiroa French Polynesia Tahiti French Polynesia Takaroa French Polynesia City State/Province Country NATITUA NATITUA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $62,500,000 Length (km) 2,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 10 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) OPT French Polynesia Page 327Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
TouchengChongmingBusan Maruyama Hillsboro Nanhui District 0 2,000 4,100 Kilometers Busan Yeongnam South Korea Chongming Shanghai China Hillsboro Oregon United States Maruyama Chiba Japan Nanhui District Shanghai China Toucheng Yilan Taiwan City State/Province Country NCP New Cross Pacific LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 13,618 Design Capacity (Tbps) 70 Fiber Pairs 7 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 120 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) China Mobile, China Telecom Corporation, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom Co., KT Corporation, Microsoft, SoftBank Mobile Corporation Page 328Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Lagos Kribi 0 120 240 Kilometers Kribi South Province Cameroon Lagos Lagos Nigeria City State/Province Country NCSCS Nigeria-Cameroon Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $30,000,000 Length (km) 1,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12.8 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cameroon Government, CamTel, MainOne Cable Company Page 329Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nelson Levin 0 30 60 Kilometers Levin Manawatū-Whanganui New Zealand Nelson Nelson New Zealand City State/Province Country Nelson-Levin Nelson-Levin LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,300,000 Length (km) 212 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Spark New Zealand Page 330Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Port Alberni 0 60 120 Kilometers Port Alberni British Columbia Canada City State/Province Country NEPTUNE Canada NEPTUNE Canada LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $62,000,000 Length (km) 800 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) University of Victoria Page 331Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Stavanger Newcastle 0 210 420 Kilometers Newcastle England United Kingdom Stavanger Rogaland Norway City State/Province Country NO-UK NO-UK LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 713 Design Capacity (Tbps) 216 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier Xtera System Installer Not Available Owner(s) NO-UK Com Page 332Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Klaipeda Nybro 0 90 180 Kilometers Klaipeda Klaipėda Lithuania Nybro Kalmar Sweden City State/Province Country NordBalt NordBalt LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 400 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Lietuvos Energija, Svenska Kraftnät Page 333Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tysvær Lowestoft 0 350 700 Kilometers Lowestoft England United Kingdom Tysvær Rogaland Norway City State/Province Country Norsea Com-1 Norsea Com-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $62,000,000 Length (km) 800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.16 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) North Sea Communications AS, Tampnet Page 334Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nedonna Beach Juneau Valdez Whittier 0 730 1,500 Kilometers Juneau Alaska United States Nedonna Beach Oregon United States Valdez Alaska United States Whittier Alaska United States City State/Province Country Northstar Northstar LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $90,000,000 Length (km) 3,385 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN, C&W Owner(s) Alaska Communications Systems, C&W Page 335Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Darwin Port Hedland 0 230 460 Kilometers Darwin Northern Territory Australia Port Hedland Western Australia Australia City State/Province Country NWCS North-West Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $52,500,000 Length (km) 2,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Vocus Communications Page 336Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nago Hioki 0 160 320 Kilometers Hioki Kagoshima Japan Nago Okinawa Japan City State/Province Country Okinawa Cellular Cable Okinawa Cellular Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 760 Design Capacity (Tbps) 80 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer NEC Owner(s) Okinawa Cellular Page 337Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chabahar Barka KhasabDibba Jask 0 80 160 Kilometers Barka Al Bāţinah Oman Chabahar Sistan and Baluchestan Iran Dibba Dibba Oman Jask Hormozgan Iran Khasab Musandam Oman City State/Province Country OMRAN/EPEG Cable System OMRAN/EPEG Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 600 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Omantel, Vodafone Page 338Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Karachi GwadarKalba 0 190 380 Kilometers Gwadar Balochistan Pakistan Kalba Sharjah United Arab Emirates Karachi Sindh Pakistan City State/Province Country Orient Express Orient Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $32,500,000 Length (km) 1,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Du, wi-tribe Pakistan Page 339Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mazatlán GroverTijuanaBeach Fort Amadour Puerto Viejo Colon St. Croix 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Colon Colón Panama Fort Amador Panama City Panama Grover Beach California United States Mazatlán Sinaloa Mexico Puerto Viejo Nueva Esparta Venezuela St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Tijuana Baja California Mexico City State/Province Country PAC Pan-American Crossing LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 9,451 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.2 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 16 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 340Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Taytay San Jose Buenavistade 0 40 80 Kilometers San Jose de Buenavista Antique Philippines Taytay Palawan Philippines City State/Province Country Palawa-IloiloSystemCable Palawa-Iloilo Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $75,000 Length (km) 300 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PLDT Page 341Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Arica SalinasPanama City Punto FijoBarranquilla Magen's Bay Butler's Bay Baby Beach Battery Pratt Lurin 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Arica Arica y Parinacota Chile Baby Beach Aruba Barranquilla Atlántico Colombia Battery Pratt Colón Panama Butler's Bay St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Lurin Lima Peru Magen's Bay British Virgin Islands Panama City Panamá Panama Punto Fijo Falcón Venezuela Salinas Santa Elena Ecuador City State/Province Country PAN-AM Pan American LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $260,000,000 Length (km) 6,867 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.07 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Antel, C&W, Cable Andino, CANTV, CNT EP, Embratel, Entel, Setar N.V., Telecom Colombia, Telmex Page 342Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Redcar FanøMåde Beverwijk Lowestoft 0 200 400 Kilometers Beverwijk North Holland Netherlands Fanø Syddanmark Denmark Lowestoft England United Kingdom Måde Syddanmark Denmark Redcar England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Pangea Pangea LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 511 Design Capacity (Tbps) 7 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer ASN, Nexans Owner(s) Pangea Ltd. Page 343Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kekeha Kaunakakai Hawaii Kai Hawaii Maui Makaha 0 70 140 Kilometers Hawaii United States Hawaii Kai Hawaii United States Kaunakakai Hawaii United States Kekeha Hawaii United States Makaha Hawaii United States Maui Hawaii United States City State/Province Country Paniolo Paniolo LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $14,375,000 Length (km) 575 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom System Installer IT International Telecom Owner(s) Hawaiian Telecom Page 344Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Muntok Sungsang 0 6 12 Kilometers Muntok Bangka Belitung Islands Indonesia Sungsang South Sumatra Indonesia City State/Province Country PASULI PASULI LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,000,000 Length (km) 40 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Fiberstar, XL Axiata Page 345Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Grover Beach Harbor Pointe Shima Ajigaura 01,0002,000Kilometers Ajigaura Ibaraki Japan Grover Beach California United States Harbor Pointe Washington United States Shima Mie Japan City State/Province Country PC-1 Pacific Crossing 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $650,000,000 Length (km) 20,910 Design Capacity (Tbps) 8.4 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 20 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) NTT Page 346Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
MantaBalboa Cartagena Jacksonville Tortola ChiquitaMaria Tera Cora Isla Verde Hudishibana 0 940 1,900 Kilometers Balboa Panamá Panama Cartagena Bolívar Colombia Hudishibana Aruba Isla Verde Puerto Rico Jacksonville Florida United States Manta Manabí Ecuador Maria Chiquita Colón Panama Tera Cora Curaçao Tortola British Virgin Islands City State/Province Country PCCS Pacific Caribbean Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $160,000,000 Length (km) 6,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 45 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) C&W, Setar N.V., Telconet, Telxius Page 347Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ses Covetes Gavá 0 75 150 Kilometers Gavá Catalonia Spain Ses Covetes Balaeric Islands Spain City State/Province Country PENBAL-5 PENBAL-5 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $7,725,000 Length (km) 309 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telefonica Page 348Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
New Victoria Rose Blanche 0 50 100 Kilometers New Victoria Nova Scotia Canada Rose Blanche Newfoundland and Canada City State/Province Country Persona Persona LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 800 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) EastLink Page 349Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Batam KualaSakraTungkalIsland 0 50 100 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Kuala Tungkal Jambi Indonesia Sakra Island Jurong Island Singapore City State/Province Country PGASCOM PGASCOM LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,600,000 Length (km) 264 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PGASCOM Page 350Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Los Angeles TouchengWaterDeepBaySanFernandoAurora 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Aurora Philippines Deep Water Bay Hong Kong China Los Angeles California United States San Fernando La Union Philippines Toucheng Yilan Taiwan City State/Province Country PLCN Pacific Light Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 12,900 Design Capacity (Tbps) 144 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 240 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Facebook, Google, Pacific Light Data Communications Co., Ltd. Page 351Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Port Moresby Kikori 0 50 100 Kilometers Kikori Gulf Province Papua New Guinea Port Moresby National Capital DistrictPapua New Guinea City State/Province Country PNG LNG PNG LNG LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,000,000 Length (km) 200 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telikom Papua New Guinea Page 352Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chabahar Barka Jask 0 60 120 Kilometers Barka Al Bāţinah Oman Chabahar Sistan and Baluchestan Iran Jask Hormozgan Iran City State/Province Country POI Pishgaman Oman Iran Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 400 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Pishgaman Kavir Page 353Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
PitiMadangSydney 01,0002,000Kilometers Madang Madang Province Papua New Guinea Piti Guam Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country PPC-1 Pipe Pacific Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $180,000,000 Length (km) 7,185 Design Capacity (Tbps) 8 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 150 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Pipe Networks Page 354Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
PuertoSaavedraPuertoConcepciónConstituciónGodoyAricaLaSerenaAntofagastaIquiqueTocopillaCalderaConcón 0 750 1,500 Kilometers Antofagasta Antofagasta Chile Arica Arica y Parinacota Chile Caldera Copiapó Chile Concepción Concepción Chile Concón Valparaíso Chile Constitución Talca Chile Iquique Tarapacá Chile La Serena Coquimbo Chile Puerto Godoy Los Lagos Chile Puerto Saavedra Cautín Chile Tocopilla Antofagasta Chile City State/Province Country Prat Prat LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $87,500,000 Length (km) 3,550 Design Capacity (Tbps) 9.6 Fiber Pairs 36 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GTD Teleductos S.A. Page 355Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Doha Abu Dhabi Das Island Halul Island 0 50 100 Kilometers Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Das Island Das Island United Arab Emirates Doha Doha Qatar Halul Island Doha Qatar City State/Province Country Qatar-UAE Qatar-UAE LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 208 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.02 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Etisalat, Ooredoo Page 356Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nome Kotzebue Prudhoe Bay Utqiaġvik Point Hope Wainwright 0 620 1,200 Kilometers Kotzebue Alaska United States Nome Alaska United States Point Hope Alaska United States Prudhoe Bay Alaska United States Utqiaġvik Alaska United States Wainwright Alaska United States City State/Province Country Quintillion Subsea Quintillion Subsea LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $150,000,000 Length (km) 1,200 Design Capacity (Tbps) 30 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Quintillion Subsea Holdings Page 357Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Naoetsu Nakhodka 0 200 400 Kilometers Nakhodka Primorsky Krai Russia Naoetsu Niigata Japan City State/Province Country RJCN Russian-Japan Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $50,000,000 Length (km) 1,795 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.64 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Rostelecom Page 358Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Toucheng Busan Tong Fuk Wada 0 490 980 Kilometers Busan Yeongnam South Korea Tong Fuk Hong Kong China Toucheng Yilan Taiwan Wada Chiba Japan City State/Province Country RNAL Reach North Asia Loop LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $900,000,000 Length (km) 9,792 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.08 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) CenturyLink, FLAG Telecom, Global Cloud Xchange, PCCW Global, Telstra Page 359Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Portrane Cleveleys 0 50 100 Kilometers Cleveleys Lancashire United Kingdom Portrane Ireland Ireland City State/Province Country Rockabill Rockabill LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,525,000 Length (km) 221 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Orange Owner(s) euNetworks Page 360Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Valparaíso Las Toninas Rio JaneirodeFortaleza Fort Amadour Puerto Viejo BuenaventuraLurin Santos St. Croix 01,0002,000Kilometers Buenaventura Valle del Cauca Colombia Fort Amador Panama City Panama Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Lurin Lima Peru Puerto Viejo Nueva Esparta Venezuela Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Santos São Paulo Brazil St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Valparaíso Valparaíso Chile City State/Province Country SAC South American Crossing LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $520,000,000 Length (km) 15,983 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4.84 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 30 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 361Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fortaleza Sangano 0 920 1,800 Kilometers Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Sangano Luanda Province Angola City State/Province Country SACS South Atlantic Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $130,000,000 Length (km) 6,209 Design Capacity (Tbps) 40 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer Orange Owner(s) Angola Cables Page 362Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Cape Town Penang Saint-Paul Cochin Baie Jacotetdu Durban 01,0002,000Kilometers Baie du Jacotet Savanne Mauritius Cape Town Western Cape South Africa Cochin Kerala India Durban KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Penang Penang Malaysia Saint-Paul Réunion City State/Province Country SAFE South Africa-Far East LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $350,000,000 Length (km) 13,669 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.44 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer FCR, SubCom Owner(s) FT, TATA Communications, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Telekom SA Page 363Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fortaleza Kribi 0 860 1,700 Kilometers Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Kribi South Province Cameroon City State/Province Country SAIL South Atlantic Inter Link LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $487,000,000 Length (km) 6,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 32 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) CamTel, China Unicom Page 364Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Saint-Pierre Lamaline Fortune Miquelon-Langlade 01020Kilometers Fortune Newfoundland and Canada Lamaline Newfoundland and Canada Miquelon-Langlade St. Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre St. Pierre and Miquelon City State/Province Country Saint Pierre and Miquelon Cable Saint Pierre and Miquelon Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,000,000 Length (km) 200 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) French Authority of St. Pierre and Miquelon Page 365Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Frederiksted Christiansted Great BayFlamingo Bay BayBanana Brewer's Bay Villa Olga 01020Kilometers Banana Bay Water Island U.S. Virgin Islands Brewer's Bay St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands Christiansted St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Flamingo Bay Water Island U.S. Virgin Islands Frederiksted St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Great Bay St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands Villa Olga St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands City State/Province Country Saint Thomas - Saint Croix System Saint Thomas - Saint Croix System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,575,000 Length (km) 183 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Virgin Islands Next Generation Networks, Inc. Page 366Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tolu San Andres 0 110 220 Kilometers San Andres San Andrés Colombia Tolu Sucre Colombia City State/Province Country SAIT San Andres Isla Tolu LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,065,000 Length (km) 826 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Energia Integral Andina Page 367Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ValparaísoArica SalinasMáncora SanPuertoJose Las Toninas Rio JaneirodeSalvadorFortaleza Barranquilla BarriosPuerto Boca Raton San Juan Lurin Santos 01,0002,000Kilometers Arica Arica y Parinacota Chile Barranquilla Atlántico Colombia Boca Raton Florida United States Fortaleza Ceará Brazil Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Lurin Lima Peru Máncora Máncora Peru Puerto Barrios Izabal Guatemala Puerto San Jose Escuintla Guatemala Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Salinas Santa Elena Ecuador Salvador Bahia Brazil San Juan Puerto Rico Santos São Paulo Brazil Valparaíso Valparaíso Chile City State/Province Country SAM-1 South America-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $650,000,000 Length (km) 24,140 Design Capacity (Tbps) 19.2 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 48 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Telxius Page 368Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Pago Pago Apia 0 20 40 Kilometers Apia Tuamasaga Samoa Pago Pago Tu’tuila American Samoa City State/Province Country SAS Samoa-American Samoa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,250,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) American Samoa Government, eLandia International Page 369Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Port Sudan 0 50 100 Kilometers Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Port Sudan Red Sea State Sudan City State/Province Country SAS-1 Saudi Arabia-Sudan LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2003 EOS Year 2028 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 333 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Saudi Telecom Company Page 370Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Port Sudan 0 50 100 Kilometers Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Port Sudan Red Sea State Sudan City State/Province Country SAS-2 Saudi Arabia-Sudan-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,250,000 Length (km) 330 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Saudi Telecom Company, Sudan Telecom Company Page 371Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SesimbraChipiona DakarAbidjanCotonouAccraLagosDoualaLibrevilleMelkbosstrandLuanda Las Palmas 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Abidjan Ivory Coast Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana Las Palmas Canary Island Spain Chipiona Cádiz Spain Cotonou Benin Dakar Dakar Senegal Douala Littoral Province Cameroon Lagos Lagos Nigeria Libreville Estuaire Gabon Luanda Luanda Province Angola Melkbosstrand Western Cape South Africa Sesimbra Lisbon Portugal City State/Province Country SAT-3 South Atlantic 3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $370,000,000 Length (km) 14,350 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.8 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) BT, C&W, CamTel, CIT, Côte d’Ivoire Telecom, CPRM, FT, Ghana Telecom, Maroc Telecom of Morocco, Nigerian Telecommunications Ltd., Nitel, OPT Benin, OPT Gabon, TATA Communications, TCI, Telecom Namibia, Telekom SA, Telxius, Togo Telecom Page 372Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Muntok Palembang 0 20 40 Kilometers Muntok Bangka Belitung Islands Indonesia Palembang South Sumatra Indonesia City State/Province Country SBCS Sumatera Bangka Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,425,000 Length (km) 57 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telkom Indonesia Page 373Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jakarta Hong Kong 0 800 1,600 Kilometers Hong Kong China Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia City State/Province Country SCAN Submarine Cable Asia Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $337,000,000 Length (km) 4,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.92 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PT. Fangbian Iskan Corporindo, Telemedia Pacific Inc. Page 374Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Helsingborg Helsingør 0 1.5 3 Kilometers Helsingborg Skåne Sweden Helsingør Syddanmark Denmark City State/Province Country Scandinavian Ring North Scandinavian Ring North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000 Length (km) 10 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.24 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Nexans Owner(s) Arelion Page 375Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Bunkeflostrand Dragør 0 4 8 Kilometers Bunkeflostrand Skåne Sweden Dragør Sjælland Denmark City State/Province Country Scandinavian Ring South Scandinavian Ring South LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $800,000 Length (km) 32 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.24 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Ericsson System Installer Nexans Owner(s) Arelion Page 376Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
San Juan Basseterre PortBaillifBaie-MahaultKingstownLaLamentinSalinesCanefieldChaguaramas PointNeedham's St. Croix St. Martin Rodney Bay BarthelemySaint Saint John's 0 230 460 Kilometers Baie-Mahault Guadeloupe France Baillif Guadeloupe France Basseterre Saint Kitts St. Kitts and Nevis Canefield St. Paul Parish Dominica Chaguaramas Diego Martin Trinidad and Tobago Kingstown St. Vincent and the La Lamentin Martinique France Needham's Point Saint Michael Parish Barbados Port Salines Grenada Rodney Bay Gros Islet Quarter St. Lucia Saint Barthelemy Guadeloupe France Saint John's Antigua and Barbuda San Juan Puerto Rico St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands St. Martin Guadeloupe France City State/Province Country SCF Southern Caribbean Fiber LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $52,500,000 Length (km) 2,100 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer ASN, SubCom Owner(s) Digicel, Group Loret Page 377Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Donaghadee Portpatrick 0 10 20 Kilometers Donaghadee Northern Ireland United Kingdom Portpatrick Scotland United Kingdom City State/Province Country Scotland-NorthernIreland1 Scotland-Northern Ireland 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1989 EOS Year 2014 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,800,000 Length (km) 35 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.00336 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT, Eircom Page 378Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Larne Girvan 01020Kilometers Girvan Scotland United Kingdom Larne Northern Ireland United Kingdom City State/Province Country Scotland-NorthernIreland2 Scotland-Northern Ireland 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1993 EOS Year 2018 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,466,000 Length (km) 83 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000565 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT Page 379Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Orkney Shetland Scotland 0 130 260 Kilometers Orkney Scotland United Kingdom Scotland United Kingdom Shetland Scotland United Kingdom City State/Province Country Scotland-Orkney-Shetland Scotland-Orkney-Shetland LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $12,000,000 Length (km) 400 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT Page 380Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SesimbraPenmarchNorden MarmarisSuezJeddahYeroskiposChaniaTetouan FujairahMuscatKarachiMumbai delMazaraVallo MedanPyaponSatun Alexandria Penang Tungku Da Nang Batangas ShantouPerthFangshanKeojeOkinawaTuas Shanghai Cochin Ancol Ostend Taipa Mount Lavinia Goonhilly 0 Kilometers2,5005,000 Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Ancol Jakarta Indonesia Batangas Calabarzon Philippines Chania Crete Greece Cochin Kerala India Da Nang South Central Coast Vietnam Fangshan Pingtung Taiwan Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Geoje South Gyeongsang South Korea Goonhilly England United Kingdom Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marmaris Muğla Turkey Mazara del Vallo Sicily Italy Medan North Sumatra Indonesia Mersing Johor Malaysia Mount Lavinia Western Province Sri Lanka Mumbai Maharashtra India Muscat Muscat Oman Norden Lower Saxony Germany Okinawa Okinawa Japan Ostend West Flanders Belgium Penang Penang Malaysia Penmarch Brittany France Perth Western Australia Australia Pyapon Pyapon Myanmar Satun Satun Thailand Sesimbra Lisbon Portugal Shanghai Shanghai China Shantou Guangdong Province China Suez Suez Governorate Egypt Taipa Guangdong Province China Tetouan Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Morocco Toucheng Yilan Taiwan Tuas West Region Singapore Tungku Brunei-Muara Brunei Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country SEA-ME-WE 3 South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $150,000,000 Length (km) 32,767 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4.6 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Fujitsu, KDD-SCS, Pirelli, SubCom System Installer ASN, SubCom Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, Djibouti Telecom, SEA-ME-WE 3 Consortium, TelecommunicationsSingaporeLimited, TATA Communications, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Telstra Page 381Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Suez AnnabaMarseilleBizertePalermo Fujairah KarachiMumbaiColomboChennai Cox's BazarSatun Alexandria MelakaTuas 01,0002,000Kilometers Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Annaba Annaba Province Algeria Bizerte Bizerte Tunisia Chennai Tamil Nadu India Colombo Western Province Sri Lanka Cox's Bazar Chittagong Division Bangladesh Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Karachi Sindh Pakistan Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Melaka Malacca Malaysia Mumbai Maharashtra India Palermo Sicily Italy Satun Satun Thailand Suez Suez Governorate Egypt Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country SEA-ME-WE 4 South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 4 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2005 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $500,000,000 Length (km) 18,846 Design Capacity (Tbps) 12.8 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Fujitsu, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation System Installer ASN, Orange, Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) Algerie Telecom, Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company, Bharti Airtel Limited, CAT Telecom, Du, FT, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, Saudi Telecom Company, Sri Lanka Telecom Limited, TATA Communications, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Tunisie Telecom, Verizon Page 382Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Al Hudaydah MarmarisZafaranaCatania Fujairah Karachi MedanDumai Melaka Ngwe Saung Djibouti City Abu Talat Tuas Kuakata Matara Qalhat Toulon Yanbu 01,0002,000Kilometers Abu Talat Alexandria Governorate Egypt Al Hudaydah Al Hudaydah Yemen Catania Sicily Italy Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Dumai Riau Indonesia Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Karachi Sindh Pakistan Kuakata Barisal Division Bangladesh Marmaris Muğla Turkey Matara Souther Province Sri Lanka Medan North Sumatra Indonesia Melaka Malacca Malaysia Ngwe Saung Ayeyarwady Myanmar Qalhat Ash Sharqiyah Oman Toulon Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France Tuas West Region Singapore Yanbu Al Madinah Province Saudi Arabia Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country SEA-ME-WE 5 South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 5 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 20,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 38 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 3 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, NEC System Installer ASN, Elettra, Orange Owner(s) Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company, China TelecommunicationsGlobalLimited, China Mobile International Ltd., China Network Communications Group Co. Ltd., Djibouti Telecom, Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co., Myanmar Post and Telecom, PT Telekom, Saudi Telecom Company, Sri Lanka Telecom Limited, Telecom Italia Sparkle, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, TOT Public Co Ltd., Yemen International Telecommunications Co. Page 383Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Davao City NgeremlenguiPiti Hermosa Beach Makaha KauditanMagachgil 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Davao City Davao del Sur Philippines Hermosa Beach California United States Kauditan North Sulawesi Indonesia Magachgil Yap Micronesia Makaha Hawaii United States Ngeremlengui Ngeremlengui Palau Piti Guam City State/Province Country SEA-US South East Asia-United States LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 14,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 35 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 100 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems Owner(s) Globe Telecom, Inc., GTA, GTI, Hawaiian Telecom, RTI Cable, Telin, Telkom USA Page 384Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Narragansett BeachCrescent 0 8 16 Kilometers Crescent Beach Rhode Island United States Narragansett Rhode Island United States City State/Province Country Sea2Shore Sea2Shore LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2016 EOS Year 2041 Est. System Cost (USD) $800,000 Length (km) 32 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) National Grid Page 385Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Wall Township Praia Grande 01,0002,000Kilometers Praia Grande São Paulo Brazil Wall Township New Jersey United States City State/Province Country Seabras-1 Seabras-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $509,000,000 Length (km) 10,750 Design Capacity (Tbps) 72 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 120 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Seaborn Group Page 386Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
MtunziniMaputoDar es ZafaranaMombasaSalaam Mumbai Djibouti City 01,0002,000Kilometers Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam Tanzania Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Maputo Maputo Mozambique Mombasa Mombasa Kenya Mtunzini KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Mumbai Maharashtra India Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country SEACOM SEACOM LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $600,000,000 Length (km) 13,601 Design Capacity (Tbps) 6 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Convergence Partners, Djibouti Telecom, Herakles Telecom LLC, Industrial Promotion Services, Remgro Limited, Sanlam Limited, Seacom Limited Page 387Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ketchikan PetersburgWrangell HawkAngoonJuneauInlet Sitka 0 160 320 Kilometers Angoon Alaska United States Hawk Inlet Alaska United States Juneau Alaska United States Ketchikan Alaska United States Petersburg Alaska United States Sitka Alaska United States Wrangell Alaska United States City State/Province Country SEAK South East Alaska LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,650,000 Length (km) 626 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GCI Page 388Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mersing ChangiBatam 0 30 60 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Changi East Region Singapore Mersing Johor Malaysia City State/Province Country SEAX-1 SEAX-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $45,000,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 96 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) Owner(s) Super SEA Cable Networks Pte. Ltd. Page 389Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Linao Punta Meimén 0 7 14 Kilometers Linao Los Lagos Chile Punta Meimén Los Lagos Chile City State/Province Country Segunda FOS Canal de Chacao Segunda FOS Canal de Chacao LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,000,000 Length (km) 40 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) GTD Teleductos S.A. Page 390Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
San Pedro Bomba 0 5.5 11 Kilometers Bomba Belize Belize San Pedro Belize Belize City State/Province Country SEUL Strategic Evolution Underwater Link LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $625,000 Length (km) 24 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Belize Telecom Page 391Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Georgetown Totness Macqueripe 0 140 280 Kilometers Georgetown Demerara-Mahaica Guyana Macqueripe Diego Martin Trinidad and Tobago Totness Coronie District Suriname City State/Province Country SG-SCS Suriname-Guyana Submarine Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $54,000,000 Length (km) 1,249 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Co. Ltd., Telesur Page 392Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dakar Praia 0 110 220 Kilometers Dakar Dakar Senegal Praia Praia Cape Verde City State/Province Country SHARE Senegal Horn of Africa Regional Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $18,000,000 Length (km) 720 Design Capacity (Tbps) 16 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Orange Owner(s) SENUM - Senegal Numerique SA, Sonatel Page 393Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tórshavn MaywickSandwick AyreBanffofCara 0 240 480 Kilometers Ayre of Cara Scotland United Kingdom Banff Scotland United Kingdom Maywick Scotland United Kingdom Sandwick Scotland United Kingdom Tórshavn Faroe Islands City State/Province Country Shefa 2 Shetland-Faroese 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $27,000,000 Length (km) 828 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.57 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier IT International Telecom, Prysmian Group/NSW System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Faroese Telecom Page 394Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chania Darna 0 100 200 Kilometers Chania Crete Greece Darna Derna Libya City State/Province Country Silphium Silphium LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 426 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.2 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 40 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), Nexans System Installer HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) Owner(s) LITC Libyan International Telecom Company Page 395Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Carrickfergus Saltcoats 0 40 80 Kilometers Carrickfergus Northern Ireland United Kingdom Saltcoats Scotland United Kingdom City State/Province Country Sirius North Sirius North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 396Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Dublin Lytham 0 50 100 Kilometers Dublin Ireland Ireland Lytham England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Sirius South Sirius South LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.48 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Virgin Media Business Page 397Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ShantouNasugbu Chikura Lantau Tuas Telisai 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers Chikura Chiba Japan Lantau Hong Kong China Nasugbu Batangas Philippines Shantou Guangdong Province China Telisai Tutong Brunei Tuas West Region Singapore City State/Province Country SJC South-East Asia Japan Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $400,000,000 Length (km) 8,986 Design Capacity (Tbps) 28 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems Owner(s) Brunei International Gateway Sendirian Berhad, China Mobile, China Telecom Corporation, China Telecom International Ltd., Donghwa Telecom Co., Globe Telecom, Inc., Google, SJC Consortium, Telemedia Pacific Inc., Telin, TOT Public Co Ltd. Page 398Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
KaliandaAnyer Ujung Pankah Takesung Bawean 0 160 320 Kilometers Anyer Banten Indonesia Bawean East Java Indonesia Kalianda Lampung Indonesia Takesung South Kalimantan Indonesia Ujung Pankah East Java Indonesia City State/Province Country SJJK SJJK LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,575,000 Length (km) 543 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) XL Axiata Page 399Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
HirtshalsLarvik 0 75 150 Kilometers Hirtshals Nordjylland Denmark Larvik Vestfold og Telemark Norway City State/Province Country SkagenFiber SkagenFiber LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 173 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1920 Fiber Pairs 48 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans System Installer Cecon Contracting Owner(s) Altibox, Lyse Page 400Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kristiansand Tjele 0 80 160 Kilometers Kristiansand Agder Norway Tjele Nordjylland Denmark City State/Province Country Skagerrak 4 Skagerrak 4 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,425,000 Length (km) 137 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Statnett Page 401Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Raba Labuan Bajo 0 20 40 Kilometers Labuan Bajo Flores Indonesia Raba Sumbawa Indonesia City State/Province Country SKKL LABUAN BAJORABA SKKL LABUAN BAJO-RABA LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,875,000 Length (km) 152 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer DNeX Telco Owner(s) Not Available Page 402Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mersing Kuching Bintulu Miri Kota Kinabalu Cherating 0 230 460 Kilometers Bintulu Sarawak Malaysia Cherating Sarawak Malaysia Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia Kuching Sarawak Malaysia Mersing Johor Malaysia Miri Sarawak Malaysia City State/Province Country SKR1M Sistem Kabel Rakyat 1 Malaysia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 3,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 6 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier NEC System Installer Telekom Malaysia Berhad Owner(s) Telekom Malaysia Berhad, TIME dotCom Berhad Page 403Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sulawesi Papua Maluku 0 190 380 Kilometers Maluku Maluku Indonesia Papua Papua Indonesia Sulawesi Sulawesi Indonesia City State/Province Country SMPCS Sulawesi-Maluku-Papua Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2015 EOS Year 2040 Est. System Cost (USD) $71,100,000 Length (km) 2,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 40 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PT Telekom Page 404Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Isla Verde Baie Longue Philipsburg 0 50 100 Kilometers Baie Longue St. Martin Isla Verde Puerto Rico Philipsburg St. Martin City State/Province Country SMPR-1 St. Maarten-Puerto Rico 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $15,000,000 Length (km) 382 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Not Available Page 405Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kilmore Quay Oxwich Bay 0 40 80 Kilometers Kilmore Quay Ireland Ireland Oxwich Bay England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Solas Solas LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,000,000 Length (km) 140 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.005 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited Owner(s) Eircom Page 406Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Suva Spencer BeachKahe Point Morro HillsboroBay Brookvale WhenuapaiTakapunaAlexandria 0 2,500 5,000 Kilometers Alexandria New South Wales Australia Brookvale New South Wales Australia Hillsboro Oregon United States Kahe Point Hawaii United States Morro Bay California United States Spencer Beach Hawaii United States Suva Rewa Fiji Takapuna Auckland New Zealand Whenuapai Auckland New Zealand City State/Province Country Southern Cross Southern Cross Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $130,000,000 Length (km) 30,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 22 Fiber Pairs 3 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 16 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 200 System Supplier ASN, Fujitsu System Installer ASN, Orange Owner(s) Southern Cross Cables Limited Page 407Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Los Angeles Sydney SuvaAucklandSavusavuTokelau Kiribati 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Auckland Auckland NewKiribatiZealand Los Angeles California United States Savusavu Cakaudrove Fiji Suva Rewa Fiji Sydney New South Wales AustraliaTokelau City State/Province Country Southern Cross NEXT Southern Cross Cable Network LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 15,840 Design Capacity (Tbps) 72 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 400 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Southern Cross Cables Limited Page 408Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
ValparaísoArica SanPuertoJose PuntaLurinSalinas 01,0002,000Kilometers Arica Arica y Parinacota Chile Lurin Lima Peru Puerto San Jose Escuintla Guatemala Punta Salinas Santa Elena Ecuador Valparaíso Valparaíso Chile City State/Province Country SPSC/Mistral South Pacific Subsea Cable/Mistral LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $182,500,000 Length (km) 7,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 132 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) America Movil, Telxius Page 409Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
MagdalenaSanta Allen 0 4 8 Kilometers Allen Northern Samar Philippines Santa Magdalena Sorsogon Philippines City State/Province Country SSSFOIP Sorsogon-Samar Submarine Fiber Optical Interconnection Project LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $525,000 Length (km) 21 Design Capacity (Tbps) 307.2 Fiber Pairs 24 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 128 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Not Available Owner(s) National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) Page 410Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
CaletillasLas Piedra Santa 0 20 40 Kilometers Las Caletillas Canary Islands Spain Las Palmas Grand Canary Island Spain City State/Province Country Subcan Link 1 Subcan Link 1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,575,000 Length (km) 143 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cable Submarine de Canarias Page 411Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
CaletillasLas Piedra Santa 0 20 40 Kilometers Las Caletillas Canary Islands Spain Las Palmas Grand Canary Island Spain City State/Province Country Subcan Link 2 Subcan Link 2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $3,400,000 Length (km) 136 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cable Submarine de Canarias Page 412Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
HarstadHotellnesetBreivika 0 950 1,900 Kilometers Breivika Troms og Finnmark Norway Harstad Troms og Finnmark Norway Hotellneset Svalbard Norway City State/Province Country Svalbard Svalbard LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $80,000,000 Length (km) 2,800 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4.8 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Nexans, SubCom System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited, Nexans, SubCom Owner(s) Telenor Page 413Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Oxwich Bay Brean 0 20 40 Kilometers Brean England United Kingdom Oxwich Bay England United Kingdom City State/Province Country Swansea-Brean Swansea-Brean LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1993 EOS Year 2018 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,425,000 Length (km) 97 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Vodafone Page 414Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ventspils Fårösund Stockholm 0 110 220 Kilometers Fårösund Gotland Sweden Stockholm Stockholm Sweden Ventspils Courland Latvia City State/Province Country Sweden-Latvia Sweden-Latvia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,375,000 Length (km) 175 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs 34 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Baltcom Fiber Page 415Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
San Francisco 01,0002,000GuamKilometers Guam United States San Francisco California United States City State/Province Country SxS SxS Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $315,000,000 Length (km) 10,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 96 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 160 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier NEC System Installer Not Available Owner(s) RTI Connectivity Page 416Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Aqaba Taba 0 1.5 3 Kilometers Aqaba Aqaba Jordan Taba South Sinai Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country Taba-Aqaba Taba-Aqaba LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1998 EOS Year 2023 Est. System Cost (USD) $325,000 Length (km) 13 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) National Electric Power Company of Jordan Page 417Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Haifa Yeroskipos 0 60 120 Kilometers Haifa Haifa Israel Yeroskipos Paphos Cyprus City State/Province Country Tamares North Tamares North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,625,000 Length (km) 345 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Tamares UK Group Page 418Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Broadstairs Ostend 0 25 50 Kilometers Broadstairs England United Kingdom Ostend West Flanders Belgium City State/Province Country Tangerine Tangerine LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2000 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 121 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.24 Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) CenturyLink Page 419Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
PandanTanjung Sungai Kakap 0 75 150 Kilometers Sungai Kakap West Kalimantan Indonesia Tanjung Pandan Bangka Belitung Islands Indonesia City State/Province Country TanjunKakapPandan-SungaiCable Tanjun Pandan-Sungai Kakap Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $8,700,000 Length (km) 348 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Moratelindo Page 420Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Maldonado Santos 0 370 740 Kilometers Maldonado Maldonado Uruguay Santos São Paulo Brazil City State/Province Country Tannat Tannat LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $50,000,000 Length (km) 2,000 Design Capacity (Tbps) 90 Fiber Pairs 6 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Antel, Google, Government of Uruguay, Telxius Page 421Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las Toninas Maldonado 0 50 100 Kilometers Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Maldonado Maldonado Uruguay City State/Province Country Tannat Extension Tannat Extension LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) Not Available Design Capacity (Tbps) 90 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN, SubCom System Installer ASN Owner(s) Google Page 422Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Sydney BeachNgarunui 0 430 850 Kilometers Ngarunui Beach Raglan New Zealand Sydney New South Wales Australia City State/Province Country Tasman Global Access Tasman Global Access LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2017 EOS Year 2042 Est. System Cost (USD) $60,000,000 Length (km) 2,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Spark New Zealand, Telstra, Vodafone Limited Page 423Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Neiafu Nuku'alofa Pangai 0 75 150 Kilometers Neiafu Vavaʻ u Tonga Nuku'alofa Tongatapu Tonga Pangai Ha'apai Tonga City State/Province Country TDCE Tonga Domestic Cable Extension LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,500,000 Length (km) 390 Design Capacity (Tbps) 40 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Tonga Cable Limited Page 424Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Marseille AlexandriaCyprus 0 500 1,000 Kilometers Alexandria Alexandria Governorate Egypt Cyprus Cyprus Marseille Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur France City State/Province Country TE North Telecom Egypt North LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $150,000,000 Length (km) 2,938 Design Capacity (Tbps) 20 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 25 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Egypt Page 425Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mombasa Fujairah 0 860 1,700 Kilometers Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Mombasa Mombasa Kenya City State/Province Country TEAMS The East African Marine System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $130,000,000 Length (km) 4,500 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Etisalat, TEAMS Ltd. Page 426Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tobruk El Quawef 0 20 40 Kilometers Bardia Butnan Libya Tobruk Butnan Libya City State/Province Country TECS Tobruk-Emased LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2010 EOS Year 2035 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 178 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 40 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer Orange Owner(s) Libyan TelecommunicationsInternational Company Page 427Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Santa Cruz de La Palma San Sebastian de la Gomera Granadilla 0 25 50 Kilometers Granadilla Cáceres Spain San Sebastian de la GomeraCanary Islands Spain Santa Cruz de La Palma Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country TEGOPA Tenerife-La Gomera-La Palma LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2025 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,550,000 Length (km) 222 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telefonica Page 428Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
El Medano Sardina 01020Kilometers El Medano Canary Islands Spain Sardina Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country Tenerife-Gran Canaria Tenerife-Gran Canaria LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,750,000 Length (km) 110 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telefonica Page 429Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chennai Changi 0 430 850 Kilometers Changi East Region Singapore Chennai Tamil Nadu India City State/Province Country TGN-TIC TGN Tata Indiacom LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2005 EOS Year 2030 Est. System Cost (USD) $90,000,000 Length (km) 3,175 Design Capacity (Tbps) 5.12 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 430Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Highbridge Wall 01,0002,000TownshipKilometers Highbridge England United Kingdom Wall Township New Jersey United States City State/Province Country TGN Atlantic TGN Atlantic LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2001 EOS Year 2026 Est. System Cost (USD) $340,000,000 Length (km) 12,670 Design Capacity (Tbps) 50 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 431Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Jeddah Zafarana Mumbai Djibouti City 0 740 1,500 Kilometers Djibouti City Djibouti Djibouti Jeddah Mecca Saudi Arabia Mumbai Maharashtra India Zaafarana Red Sea Governorate Egypt City State/Province Country TGN Eurasia TGN Eurasia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $250,000,000 Length (km) 9,240 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 432Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Al Khobar DubaiFujairah Qalhat Al-KheesaAmwaj Island 0 380 750 Kilometers Al Khobar Eastern Province Saudi Arabia Al-Kheesa Al Daayen Qatar Amwaj Island Muhurraq Governorate Bahrain Dubai Dubai United Arab Emirates Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Qalhat Ash Sharqiyah Oman City State/Province Country TGN Gulf TGN Gulf LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $200,000,000 Length (km) 2,306 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 433Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Ballesteros Changi WaterDeep Bay Vũng Tàu 0 870 1,700 Kilometers Ballesteros Cagayan Philippines Changi East Region Singapore Deep Water Bay Hong Kong China Vũng Tàu Bà Rịa–Vũng Tàu Vietnam City State/Province Country TGN Intra-Asia TGN Intra-Asia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2009 EOS Year 2034 Est. System Cost (USD) $180,000,000 Length (km) 6,485 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 434Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Humanby De Marne 0 110 220 Kilometers De Marne Groningen Netherlands Humanby England United Kingdom City State/Province Country TGN Northern Europe TGN Northern Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $13,775,000 Length (km) 551 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 435Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Los AngelesToyohashi Piti Hillsboro Kamogawa 01,0002,000Kilometers Hillsboro Oregon United States Kamogawa Chiba Japan Los Angeles California United States Piti Guam Toyohashi Aichi Japan City State/Province Country TGN Pacific TGN Pacific LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $580,000,000 Length (km) 21,424 Design Capacity (Tbps) 76.8 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 96 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 436Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
BilbaoHighbridge Seixal 0 510 1,000 Kilometers Bilbao Biscay Spain Highbridge England United Kingdom Seixal Lisbon Portugal City State/Province Country TGN Western Europe TGN Western Europe LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2002 EOS Year 2027 Est. System Cost (USD) $100,000,000 Length (km) 3,487 Design Capacity (Tbps) 3.84 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) TATA Communications Page 437Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Songkhla Batam 0 170 340 Kilometers Batam Riau Islands Indonesia Songkhla Songkhla Thailand City State/Province Country TIS Thailand-Indonesia-Singapore LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $36,000,000 Length (km) 1,003 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.03 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 2 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer ASEAN Cableship, SubCom Owner(s) CAT Telecom, PT Telekom, Singtel Page 438Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Nedonna Beach QingdaoChongmingKeoje Maruyama Tanshui 0 2,000 4,000 Kilometers Chongming Shanghai China Geoje South Gyeongsang South Korea Maruyama Chiba Japan Nedonna Beach Oregon United States Qingdao Shandong Province China Tanshui New Taipei City Taiwan City State/Province Country TPE Trans-Pacific Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2008 EOS Year 2033 Est. System Cost (USD) $440,000,000 Length (km) 16,163 Design Capacity (Tbps) 25.6 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 64 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Global Marine Systems Limited, SubCom Owner(s) China Telecom Corporation, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom International, Verizon Page 439Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Gran Canaria Lanzarote 0 40 80 Kilometers Gran Canaria Canary Islands Spain Lanzarote Canary Islands Spain City State/Province Country TRANSCAN-3 TRANSCAN-3 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1999 EOS Year 2024 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,250,000 Length (km) 210 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telefonica Page 440Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Kélibia Trapani 0 40 80 Kilometers Kélibia Nabeul Tunisia Trapani Sicily Italy City State/Province Country Trapani-Kelibia Trapani-Kelibia LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,225,000 Length (km) 209 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telecom Italia Sparkle, Tunisie Telecom Page 441Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tarakan Tanjung Selor 0 20 40 Kilometers Tanjung Selor North Kalimantan Indonesia Tarakan North Kalimantan Indonesia City State/Province Country TSCS Tarakan Selor Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,075,000 Length (km) 83 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Telkom Indonesia Page 442Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
New Taipei City Fuzhou 0 30 60 Kilometers Fuzhou Fujian Province China New Taipei City New Taipei City Taiwan City State/Province Country TSE-1 Taiwan Strait Express LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 270 Design Capacity (Tbps) 6.4 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 80 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 10 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong) System Installer S.B. Submarine Systems Owner(s) China Mobile, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Far EasTone Telecommunications, Taiwan International Gateway Corporation, Taiwan Mobile Page 443Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Toco Pigeon Point 0 9 18 Kilometers Pigeon Point Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Toco Saint David Trinidad and Tobago City State/Province Country TT-1 TT-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $1,200,000 Length (km) 48 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Orange Owner(s) Alliance Telecommunications, C&W, TSTT Page 444Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Suva Apia Savusavu Mata-Utu Leava Tuasivi 0 180 360 Kilometers Apia Tuamasaga Samoa Leava Sigave Wallis and Futuna Mata-Utu Wallis and Futuna Savusavu Cakaudrove Fiji Suva Rewa Fiji Tuasivi Savai'i Samoa City State/Province Country Tui Samoa Tui Samoa LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2018 EOS Year 2043 Est. System Cost (USD) $32,500,000 Length (km) 1,410 Design Capacity (Tbps) 17.6 Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 88 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Samoa Submarine Cable Company Page 445Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Mersin Girne 0 50 100 Kilometers Girne Kyrenia District Cyprus Mersin Mediterranean Turkey City State/Province Country Turcyos-1 Turcyos-1 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1993 EOS Year 2018 Est. System Cost (USD) $2,750,000 Length (km) 110 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Turk Telekom Page 446Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Iskele Samandag 0 30 60 Kilometers Iskele Iskele Cyprus Samandag Hatay Turkey City State/Province Country Turcyos-2 Turcyos-2 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2011 EOS Year 2036 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,325,000 Length (km) 213 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Turk Telekom Page 447Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fujairah Al Seeb Karachi 0 190 380 Kilometers Al Seeb Muscat Oman Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Karachi Sindh Pakistan City State/Province Country TWA-1 Transworld Associates LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2006 EOS Year 2031 Est. System Cost (USD) $40,000,000 Length (km) 1,237 Design Capacity (Tbps) 1.28 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 3 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier HMN Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hengtong), SubCom System Installer SubCom Owner(s) Trans-World Associates Page 448Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Fujairah Jask 0 25 50 Kilometers Fujairah Fujairah United Arab Emirates Jask Hormozgan Iran City State/Province Country UAE-Iran UAE-Iran LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1992 EOS Year 2017 Est. System Cost (USD) $4,250,000 Length (km) 170 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Etisalat, InfrastructureTelecommunicationCompanyofIran Page 449Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Tartus Pentaskhinos 0 40 80 Kilometers Pentaskhinos Larnaca Cyprus Tartus Tartus Syria City State/Province Country UGARIT UGARIT LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1995 EOS Year 2020 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,000,000 Length (km) 240 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000622 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Page 450Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
SandsBlackpool BayL'Ancresse 0 30 60 Kilometers Blackpool Sands England United Kingdom L'Ancresse Bay Vale Guernsey City State/Province Country UK-Channel Islands 7 UK-Channel Islands 7 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1989 EOS Year 2014 Est. System Cost (USD) $9,088,000 Length (km) 124 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.0025 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT, C&W, JTGlobal Page 451Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
St. Quens Bay Kennack Sands 0 50 100 Kilometers Kennack Sands BJT England United Kingdom St. Ouens Bay St. Brelade Jersey City State/Province Country UK-Channel Islands 8 UK-Channel Islands 8 LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $16,263,000 Length (km) 237 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.000155 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) BT, C&W, JTGlobal Page 452Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
São Tome Annobón 0 40 80 Kilometers Annobón Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea São Tome Sao Tome and Principe City State/Province Country Ultramar GE Ultramar GE LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2020 EOS Year 2045 Est. System Cost (USD) $6,575,000 Length (km) 263 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier ASN System Installer ASN Owner(s) Gestor de Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaciones de Guinea Ecuatorial (GITGE) Page 453Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Las ToninasMaldonado Florianopolis 0 310 620 Kilometers Florianopolis Santa Catarina Brazil Las Toninas Buenos Aires Province Argentina Maldonado Maldonado Uruguay City State/Province Country Unisur Unisur LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 1994 EOS Year 2019 Est. System Cost (USD) $74,000,000 Length (km) 1,720 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.00056 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Antel, Embratel, Telecom Argentina, Telxius Page 454Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Chikura Redondo Beach 01,0002,000Kilometers Chikura Chiba Japan Redondo Beach California United States City State/Province Country Unity Unity LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2013 EOS Year 2038 Est. System Cost (USD) $300,000,000 Length (km) 9,620 Design Capacity (Tbps) 4.5 Fiber Pairs 8 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 96 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier SubCom System Installer Kokusai Cable Ship, SubCom Owner(s) Bharti Airtel Limited, Global Transit Communications Sdn Bhd, Google, Singtel Page 455Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Catania BayGeorge'sSaint 0 50 100 Kilometers Catania Sicily Italy Saint George's Bay Il-Bajja ta' San Ġorġ Malta City State/Province Country VMSCS Vodafone Malta-Sicily Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2004 EOS Year 2029 Est. System Cost (USD) $10,000,000 Length (km) 250 Design Capacity (Tbps) 0.01 Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Vodafone Malta Page 456Click system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Abidjan AccraLagos Praia Pointe-Noire Muanda Swakopmund El GoroSeixal Yzerfontein LimbeSangano 0 Kilometers2,0004,000 Abidjan Ivory Coast Accra Greater Accra Region Ghana El Goro Canary Islands Spain Lagos Lagos Nigeria Limbe Southwest Province Cameroon Lome Golfe Togo Muanda Kongo Central Dem. Republic of the Pointe-Noire Pointe-Noire DepartmentDem. Republic of the Praia Praia Cape Verde Sangano Luanda Province Angola Seixal Lisbon Portugal Swakopmund Erongo Namibia Yzerfontein Western Cape South Africa City State/Province Country WACS West Africa Cable System LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2012 EOS Year 2037 Est. System Cost (USD) $600,000,000 Length (km) 14,350 Design Capacity (Tbps) 14.5 Fiber Pairs 4 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair 32 Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) 100 System Supplier ASN System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Altice Portugal, Broadband Infraco, C&W, Cabo Verde Telecom (CVT), CamTel, Congo Telecom, Liquid Intelligent Technologies, MTN Group, Office Congolais de Poste et Telecommunication, PCCW Global, TATA Communications, Telecom Namibia, Telekom SA, Togo Telecom, Vodacom Page 457Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
LisbonCasablancaAbidjanLomeCotonou Libreville NouadhibouDakhla 0 Kilometers1,0002,000 Abidjan Ivory Coast Casablanca Casablanca-Settat Morocco Cotonou Benin Dakhla Oued Ed-Dahab Morocco Libreville Estuaire Gabon Lisbon Lisbon Portugal Lome Golfe Togo Nouadhibou Dakhlet Nouadhibou Mauritania City State/Province Country Maroc Telecom West Africa Cable Maroc Telecom West Africa Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2021 EOS Year 2046 Est. System Cost (USD) $205,000,000 Length (km) 8,300 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Maroc Telecom of Morocco Page 458Click this cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Cochin Malé 0 160 320 Kilometers Cochin Kerala India Malé North Malé Atoll Maldives City State/Province Country WARF WARF LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2007 EOS Year 2032 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 680 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 2 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer ASN Owner(s) WARF Telecom International Page 459Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Taytay San Jose 0 40 80 Kilometers San Jose Western Visayas Philippines Taytay Palawan Philippines City State/Province Country WesternPalawanVisayasWestern Visayas-Palawan LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2014 EOS Year 2039 Est. System Cost (USD) $20,000,000 Length (km) 300 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) PLDT Page 460Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Georgetown Totness Port Salines Pegwell 0 200 400 Kilometers Georgetown Demerara-Mahaica Guyana Pegwell Christ Church Parish Barbados Port Salines Grenada Totness Coronie District Suriname City State/Province Country X-Link Submarine Cable X-Link Submarine Cable LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2019 EOS Year 2044 Est. System Cost (USD) $19,375,000 Length (km) 775 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs Not Available Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Not Available System Installer Not Available Owner(s) E-Networks Inc Page 461Click Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!
Zandvoort Lowestoft 0 50 100 Kilometers Lowestoft England United Kingdom Zandvoort North Holland Netherlands City State/Province Country ZEUS ZEUS LANDING POINTSSYSTEM DETAILS RFS Year 2022 EOS Year 2047 Est. System Cost (USD) $5,000,000 Length (km) 200 Design Capacity (Tbps) Not Available Fiber Pairs 96 Wavelengths per Fiber Pair Not Available Capacity per Wavelength (Gbps) Not Available System Supplier Hexatronic Cables & Interconnect Systems AB System Installer Not Available Owner(s) Zayo Group Page 462Click cable system Havealmanac@subtelforum.comanupdate?Emailus!