Success Champion Magazine - July 2021

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Success Champions Fantastic. I call it the Trilogy for Success.

It starts with Gratitude.

Fine Is A Four Letter Word

Finding and feeling gratitude for everything in your life. Even if it doesn’t look like a blessing in the moment. It can be difficult to find gratitude when things are falling apart. When you don’t have enough time, money, health, etc.

By Lori Saitz


hen I started my first business, I threw my heart and soul into it. I’m a marketer. I’m good at branding. From the outside, it looked like a milliondollar company. Yet in reality, it wasn’t even reaching six figures and had $72,489 in debt. Every day I’d beat myself up and questioned my worth. Because as I said, I’m a marketer and I couldn’t even market my own damn business.

“Deep inside, you KNOW you deserve better than fine. Settling for FINE when you deserve fantastic is not ok.”

If you asked though, everything was FINE.

Oprah Winfrey said, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Even if you’re not naturally grateful, you can learn and become more grateful with practice. You’ll start seeing life circumstances differently. You’ll feel more grounded and calmer. You’ll be able to make better decisions by responding instead of reacting.

One day, after 11 years of – “If I just exhibit at this conference… “If I just send out this direct mail campaign” … “If I just learn how to write copy better” – my friend Christine said, “Lori, this is like watching you in an abusive relationship.”

The second part is Connections.

She was right. I needed to shut it down.

Humans are wired to connect interpersonally. When we can’t or don’t, it causes all kinds of physical and psychological problems. Look at the effect the past 14 months has had when we couldn’t connect the way we are really designed to do.

Around that same time, my mom was diagnosed with an acute form of leukemia and she passed away six weeks later. As I was going through the grieving process for both my mom and my business, I reflected. Do I want to live the next 20 years the same way I’ve lived the last 20? And what will I do differently? Maybe you’ve been living your life stuck at “fine” for a while now. Maybe you don’t see a way out. Listen up, my friend. There IS a way out. It is possible to move from Fine to Fantastic. And you DESERVE to be better than fine. Here’s the path. Be forewarned, it’s hard AF in some parts. However, it IS possible. And it IS worth it. There are three elements to moving from Fine to


Stop and reflect on what you DO have. It can be as simple as “I’m grateful for this cup of coffee.” Find something!

Connections are crucial to your well-being. Connections to your family, friends, and community.

Most importantly, pay attention to your connection with yourself and your higher power. Whether you call it God, the Universe, or whatever, doesn’t matter. That connection is where you access your own inner truth. Where you get clarity on what it is YOU want. What it is that will make YOUR life fantastic. No one is an island. We can’t go through this life alone. Our connections with others and our connection with ourselves, are what makes success so sweet.

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