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Positioning Yourself For Profit

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“The truth is that we must position ourselves for profit. It doesn’t just magically happen.”


By Dr. Stevie Dawn

You have done all the things. You

have been spending money and time on marketing efforts. Social media. Podcasts. Vendor Tables. Anything and everything to get in front of more people, yet you are still growing so painfully slow that sometimes it feels like you aren’t moving forward at all. Sound familiar?

The truth is that we must position ourselves for profit. It doesn’t just magically happen. Although trust me I wish it did. In order to reach six figures and beyond, you have to position yourself as the expert. To be the go-to person when people have a problem to solve. Why is it that some people are just always on the tip of your tongue? Need coffee – Go to Starbucks. Need Motivation – Tony Robbins or Donnie Boivin (LOL). Need to Buy ANYTHING – Amazon. How do you reach such heights? Here are three tips to get you started: DO your Research: What are you known for? When does your name come up? When do people recommend you? If

you want to position yourself for profit, you have to know where you stand. Ask your friends. Ask your clients. When you start to see a trend, lean in. DO more and more of that work. Find your strength and make it your superpower. Become the sought-after expert by making sure everyone knows what you are famous for. Whether it is about a cool product you sell, a way you use social media, or how to help people hire great employees….make it known to the world. Put it everywhere. Say it loud and proud. : Now that you know your strength, you need to share it with everyone. Find ways to use your voice to elevate your brand. Whether it is doing videos on social media, booking speaking engagements, doing podcast interviews, or writing a book…. you have to share. People need to hear what you have to say. Share your expertise. Share your services. Share your products. Tell people about your superpower. Help people. The more you share, the more you will become recognized. The more people who see your name and connect it to your superpower, the more you will be rolling in referrals. STAY top of mind We meet new people all the time. Networking events, social media, referrals. So many new people coming in and out of our life, it is hard “What are you known for? When to remember everyone. does your name come up? When Which means that you do people recommend you? If you have to remind people. You have to stay top of want to position yourself for mind and remind people profit, you have to know where you stand” of who you are and what you do. You can’t expect them to meet you once and remember forever. You are memorable, but everyone is so distracted and busy all the time. Send emails. Make calls. Remind people of your value at least every 3-4 months, so that you stay top of mind. When those situations present themselves, you want to be the one person they

can think of in that moment.

Taking these three steps will push you forward. Will position you to stand out and make more sales. However, you will need a prospecting system to help you stay top of mind. And then, you’re going to need to kill it with sales to make a profit. It is about using all three pieces to create the life of your dreams: Position. Prospect. Profit.

Join me at the Badass Business Summit to learn how you can use the 3 P’s to change your life. As a professional speaker and coach, Dr. Stevie Dawn is focused on helping people to unleash unstoppable success in their business through the right combination of mindset and strategy. Her experience as a 4-time business owner, along with her work in the private and public sector, allows her to enhance her presentations with real life stories and examples that are applicable to every audience. Her educational background includes a master’s degree in sociology from Wichita State University and a doctorate in leadership from Colorado State University. With over 20 years of teaching and training experience, Dr. Stevie Dawn approaches every engagement with humor, inspiration, and energy to get people moving towards their best lives.

“It is about using all three pieces to create the life of your dreams: Position. Prospect. Profit. “

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