Success Women's Magazine April 2021

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Women's Magazine


Saundra Dalton-Smith


‘I want to be the resource and support I wish I had’







Kortney Martin is a pastor, award-winning sales executive, and growth strategist for churches and businesses. Her creative solutions have cultivated start-ups, crafted multi-million-dollar capital campaigns, and constructed fully funded church-planting networks from scratch. “I think I have a perfect mix of faith, business, and fun. At any moment, I can teach you about God, give a quick growth strategy, or say something that will have you crying laughing. That makes working together both enjoyable and profitable.” She is following the dream she had when she was 15 and saw herself holding a cell phone as she walked in and out of skyscrapers. “I didn’t have a name for [that dream profession], but that is what I saw. I may not be going into physical buildings, but as a growth strategist for businesses, technology allows me to partner with major organizations to help them achieve their goals. I help people turn their genius into businesses and help those businesses grow beyond belief.” In her work today, she brings the lessons she learned along her journey. When she first started in business, Kortney believed in her ability to succeed, but, she says, “I was unclear on my purpose. I invested in a franchise opportunity and launched my agency, aiming to become the thriving entrepreneur I saw in my dreams.” She began to experience some success; her client list began to grow, and her success was getting the attention of organizational leaders. “I was closing more business than I thought I would,” she recalls. “The problem was with all the sales I was making, I was working 60 hours a week; I was exhausted every night, and I never took a day off. I didn’t have the energy to spend quality time with my kids, and I was anxious all the time, afraid of the deals I’d miss if I weren’t working my business. The cost of success was getting more than I could afford.” She then invested in a business coach who taught her how to properly value her time and encouraged her to start building the life that she envisioned for herself. “I learned that I shouldn’t be a slave to my business; it should serve me and my family. I took the lessons and strategies she shared and used them to find my true identity and purpose. Armed with that information, I was able to create a business that allows me to do what I love while building the life that I want and leaving me with time to do what is most meaningful to me.”

success women’s conference global speaker in the spotlight

She says she at times believed that she had to find success on her own. “I thought it was how I proved I belonged in the space I was in. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The best way to build is with help and support. So now, I want to be the resource and support I wish I had, so no one else has to feel alone again.” To be that resource and provide that support, Kortney couples her 15-plus years of sales and ministry experience to provide organizations resources that instigate growth, build wealth, and encourage world-changing impact. She encourages others seeking success to partner with a coach, find what makes them unique, and strengthen their own voices. “You will see doors open for you,” she says. Even is one’s chosen field is already saturated, Kortney stresses, “There is room for you. I have spoken to many would-be entrepreneurs and could-be industry leaders who never take action on their passion or ideas because of the presence of other people in the area they are called to serve. The underlying fear is that if someone is already operating in the field, then there isn’t enough room for them. What those women don’t understand is there can be fifty other people who work in your field who can’t do what you do, because they aren’t you.” Kortney emphasizes the need to be authentic. “You will accomplish more being yourself than you will trying to mimic someone else. Mastery is the key to exponential growth. Some people experience subpar results because they try to mimic what other people have mastered. When you find your ‘secret sauce,’ understand it, work it, develop it until you master it. That mastery will open opportunities for influence and additional income.” She encourages others to not give up. “You are closer than you think. Surround yourself with trusted support who can encourage you when you want to give up and seek out mentors and leaders who can give you all the tools you need to effectively show up as yourself. What you have is powerful; who you are is enough. Don’t give up!”

she says

The best way to build is with help and support. So now, I want to be the resource and support I wish I had, so no one else has to feel alone again.

by TIFFANY D. BELL Average thinking and actions lead to average results. They also lead to average levels of confidence. If you are a CEO of a for-profit or non-profit entity, having the right mindset is vital. It would be nice to just have confidence without doing anything to deserve feelings of confidence, but that is a tough trick to pull off. You can take a few simple steps and be the deserving recipient of all the confidence you will ever need. Raise your standards and gain higher levels of confidence: 1. Set your sights higher. Instead of shooting for a new job with a 15% raise, what about a 30% raise? Rather than starting a sideline business and adding $1,000/ month to your income, what if your goal were to replace your current income with your sideline business idea? • One of the keys to more success and confidence is raising your standards. Most people never rise above mediocrity because that level of achievement is comfortable. It is not too difficult, and life is pleasant enough at the level. Demand more of yourself and life. 2. Double everything. One way to raise your standards is to double everything. Whether you are talking about increasing your income, making a certain number of cold calls each week, or approaching strangers to work on your social skills, double your first instinct. • Avoid the mistake of doing just enough. Go above and beyond. Do not be pleasantly surprised by your success. Instead, set big enough goals and do enough to achieve them that you are shocked if you fail. 3. Use the idea of overwhelming force to ensure your success. The military often applies this technique. If a situation calls for 1,000 troops, five tanks, and three

THINK BIG, ACT BOLDY increase your confidence

helicopters, they might send 3,000 troops, 15 tanks, and 10 helicopters. Victory is all but assured. • If you need to exercise three times each week to reach your weight loss goal, hit the gym five times per week. • Do you need to approach 10 potential clients each week to reach your income goal? Approach at least 20 instead. • Make it impossible to fail. Put in enough effort that success is practically guaranteed. 4. When you set big goals and take massive action, you feel in control of your life. This type of behavior leads to confidence. Imagine setting a big goal and going above and beyond the activity requirements to ensure that

goal is reached. Imagine how good that would feel. • What do most people do instead? They make plans to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes but convince themselves it’s okay to quit after 20 minutes. • They make plans to call five potential clients each day, but only call two. • They need to lose 50 pounds but settle for losing 20 pounds. • This type of behavior is ruinous to your self-esteem and confidence. 5. Enjoy your successes. It is likely that you are too hard on yourself. You have every right to rejoice in your triumphs. Doing so will increase the pleasant feelings you associate with

big goals, hard work, and success. You will be more likely to experience success again in the future. Small goals, weak effort, and mediocre results will not result in high levels of self-confidence. You can only expect to feel as confident as the average person. Set your sights higher. Instead of setting small goals to avoid disappointing yourself, set big goals that give you the chance to be extraordinarily successful. Instead of actions and a level of activity that might lead to success, do so much that you cannot fail. The resulting boost of confidence you receive is welldeserved. Enjoy it and then repeat the process.


FINDING SUCCESS & PEACE There is no question that the tremendously successful Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith understands the mindset of an achiever or that she knows firsthand the struggles women face in trying to imitate the American dream. She is a board-certified internal medicine physician with over 20 years in practice; an adjunct faculty member at Baker College and Davenport University in Michigan (teaching courses on health, nutrition, and disease progression); and an award-winning author, speaker, and popular media guest. She is an international wellness expert and media resource on the mind-body-spirit connection featured in numerous media outlets, She is the author of numerous books including “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life”, “Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity”, and “Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves”. Now, as a highly sought-after speaker and life coach, Dr. Saundra shares her knowledge to help other high achievers, particularly women, enjoy unbound success while maintaining peace and sanity in their lives. Her speaking credits include being a CDC Wellness speaker and being featured on She is the owner of DSE Corporate Consulting, specializing in supporting businesses through training programs for teams and leaders. She has helped more than 100,000 people discover their personal rest deficits using her free online assessment at “My most recent success has been transitioning out of full-time clinical practice as an internal medicine physician into full-time speaking, making an income of over double what I made in clinical practice, primarily through virtual speaking for corporations and associations internationally,” she says. “This has allowed me to spend more time at home with my teen boys during their final years in high school. I am prioritizing what is most important to me in this season and that’s family time while still growing my business.” As a woman of faith, Dr. Saundra advises others to never underestimate the message God has given them to share. She says that as a Christian woman in business, she is often challenged to hide her faith so as to not scare away corporate clients. “I’ve never liked this approach because it seems phony and inauthentic. I’m upfront with my corporate clients when they ask me questions related to my faith stance. I am more than capable to share my talks without quoting scriptures, and I have the reviews from past event planners to prove it. I also have extensive footage from some very well-known speaking events showcasing my ability to deliver solid information. However, I refuse to not share about God on my social media platforms. I’m finding most corporations do not have an issue. They want great content, and if you happen to be a Jesus lover who can share a talk without

quoting scripture, you one hour of your She also must scale consulting grow You need ways including courses content books sell

can get paid thousands for time.” stresses that one to grow. “No business can by just doing presentations. to have other to expand, online and digital as well as you can to help

capitalize on every speaking opportunity.” And media, she says, provides the best advertising. “This lesson has been one I have resisted because I’ve never been one who has sought after getting in the news or on radio/TV shows. But media is key to natural growth and expansion. I have had book sales skyrocket off of one radio interview or TV show. It would cost thousands of dollars to purchase enough ads to get that type of exposure. Media is the fastest avenue to business success.” Having made the transition from full-time physician to a recognized authority on how to achieve success while cultivating a balanced life, Dr. Saundra says she enjoys coaching other authors, speakers, and thought leaders looking to expand their platforms and build their consulting businesses.

connect with her Learn more about Dr. Saundra at and


Be inspired to unwrap your gifts to transform the lives of others Order the “Live Your Faith Out Loud” book and read 32 amazing stories of how to turn your past into purposedriven by faith!



Order merchandise and wear your message of faith to support this project. The FaithInspiration Project, presented by Dorothy P. Wilson, is a book, blog, small group discussion guide, video series and conference compelling you to Live Your Faith Out Loud. Its mission is to spread this message around the globe so we can live louder.

7 speakers on the rise selves, all while making a bold impact both in and out of the classroom. Aisha built her coaching and consulting practice on the belief that boosting confidence and a “can-do” attitude of teachers and educational professionals has a rippling, positive effect on how students learn and grow both personally and academically. The transformative results that educators and industry leaders achieve after working with her are proof of that belief.

Aisha Taylor Aisha Taylor is a confidence coach, author, dynamic speaker, and highly sought-after consultant. She is known for her uncanny ability to empower educators and industry leaders to show up as their most confident

Whether struggling to boost student engagement inside the classroom or navigate the hardships that often come with educating tomorrow’s leaders, teachers and industry leaders alike rely on Aisha’s expertise, programs and courses to get clear, confident and creative. A former principal, Aisha has more than a decade of experience and knowledge on how to teach through any moment, be it a pandemic or a personal crisis. She is also skilled at coaching professionals on how to maintain a resilient mindset and activate their emotional intelligence in a way that best serves students, staff, and

painfully shy and broken to a place where she lives out her greatest dreams. Host of the weekly podcast, Speak, the Universe Listens, and creator of courses such as Do, Be, Have MORE and How You Think, You Are, Arvat loves sharing how to tap into the “magic” that is available to us all.

Arvat has traveled to all seven continents, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, jumped out of an airplane, walked barefoot across a bed of hot coals, kayaked across the Florida Keys, and completed 19 full marathons and several 100-mile biking events.

Arvat McClaine

Arvat has co-owned several businesses in the mental health, education, real estate, and restaurant industries. Her newly released children’s book, Through Her Own Eyes: Tavra’s Journey to Self-Love, hit the Best Sellers’ List. She has written three other children’s books that are slated for release in 2021.

Arvat McClaine, a self-made multimillionaire, and her husband of 27 years, Harry Watkins, help people know their true power to create lives that they love. In her book, When Black Women Speak, the Universe Listens, Arvat gives an intimate portrait of how she moved from being

The first part of my life was almost unbearable, and I even attempted suicide as a young teen. Every day of my life was a struggle, and I could not even imagine that it could get any better. However, I came across a book that changed my life. The beauty and ease of life that I now have is available to all of us, and I want to share



No stranger to national platforms, Aisha employs confidence-boosting methods that have landed her the keynote speaker spot at Lone Star College Tomball Fearless Grit Summit and the Propelcon Virtual Conference, as well as features in Voyage Houston Magazine and on Fox 26 News, Black Educators Rock, and more. WHAT DRIVES HER

My purpose of feeling like I was made to do more and have a bigger impact in spite of the rejections and hardships that have interrupted my life. I want everything that God has for me. HER MESSAGE

I teach industry leaders and educators how to show up as their most confident selves all while making a bold impact. KEY LESSONS LEARNED

Confidence determines your success. The moment I stopped worrying about what other people thought and went for it, things changed. I like to call it God-fidence!

what I have learned with as many people as possible! HER MESSAGE

We are connected to the source of all that exists. We are connected to the mind of the infinite. We can tap into this unending flow of love, knowledge, and creation at any time. So, we do not have to figure it all out. There are at least a million ways that our creator can get anything done. We need to know only how to tap into this magnificent flow, and we can step into the kind of joyful and bountiful lives that we desire. KEY LESSONS LEARNED

1. Understanding that we are connected to the source of all that exists. This connection gives us access to everything our heart desires. 2. Understanding that we create our own realities with our thoughts and feelings. So, it is important that we monitor our thoughts and feelings and to make sure that we are having high-quality, feel-good thoughts. 3. Understanding that we can always love ourselves more. Loving ourselves is the key that opens every door.

individual stories of motherhood. She helps burnt-out working moms learn how to reclaim control and organize their lives so they can have more time for present parenting and experience a more calm and joy-filled life. Using the firm foundation instilled in her from childhood as a guide, Ashley spends most of her time learning in her most rewarding mission, creating a nurturing Christ-centered home for her family. WHAT DRIVES HER

Dr. Ashley Hudson Dr. Ashley Hudson is a blogger, speaker, and international best-selling author with a passion for seeing women walk in authenticity and God-given purpose! She does this through her writing at Undoubted Grace, an online community of working moms learning to enjoy and embrace their

Gloria Walton Gloria Walton is an author, advisor, humanitarian, and almoner with an inherent gift to aid in healing those burned by diverse traumas. Having more than 30 years of professional experience at the Division of Child Protection and Permanency and having displayed

My biggest drive to be successful comes from the fact that I know I am paving the way for others to come behind me! I have been blessed to achieve many firsts in my career and life, and I am beyond excited when I see family, friends, and mentees also reach their dreams because they have seen me reach my own.


One of the greatest joys I have is to share the message of normalizing regular motherhood with women. There are so many things that society tells us we have to do in order to be successful in our motherhood journeys, and that can make being a mom, especially a working mom, feel like this is an impossible task. I love

outstanding leadership while overseeing many philanthropic centers, Gloria has determined that it is her life’s calling to serve and heal those carrying burdens of oppression and abuse. She does this by using her unique skillset, which includes a blending of management theories, a command of social services practice and procedures, and a deeply ingrained spiritual commitment coupled with her interpersonal insight and a genuine heart for people. Gloria is CEO/founder of Most Excellent Way Life Center, Urban Behavioral Health Services Inc., MEW Styles Inc., and is the host of the live show, Mothers and Daughters Candid Conversations. “Healing is one of the most profound necessities required throughout our life’s journey. Helping others along their path toward healing is the compassionate professional,” says Gloria Walton. WHAT DRIVES HER

I grew up in South Carolina during segregation. The experience of being bused and being shot at because we entered a white neighborhood during trick or treat. I knew I would never settle for the limitations and boundaries that society had

encouraging women to walk in the truth of what their motherhood journey looks like in this moment! You are exactly who your children need you to be so that they can be who they were created to be! KEY LESSONS

Being a working mom is hard! But there are some things that have significantly made this journey easier for me! The first is really embracing a mindset of authenticity and being the mom I was created to be (for me, that’s definitely not Pinterest worthy :)). I had to let go of the expectations I was putting on myself, which helped me to shed the mom guilt that is often so common!

Secondly I had to minimize the things I was managing. There was no way I could excel in everything! So I took account of the things that God was calling me to do and let go of the rest!

Lastly, I became more intentional about incorporating rest into my life. I can’t serve those around me well if I am not at my best!

placed on me. Survival skills developed early to defeat hate is the mindset that energizes me to overcome obstacles and live a life of freedom and creativity.


My signature message is “How to get to the other side of pain.” I share this message because pain stagnates and kills dreams. Unfortunately, we don’t always know how to get to the other side of that mental, emotional, financial, or spiritual pain. So, I share the message as an overcomer living on the other side of pain. KEY LESSON

1. Surrender to the Will of God

2. Submit my plans to God., and be

3. Satisfied with the plans God has for me. Jeremiah 29:11

Atlanta, Ga.


I was inspired by my mother at an early age to strive to be an achiever and to experience many things in life. She taught me to not judge success by the money you make but rather by the quality of the experience and the value it adds to your life.


Queenie Davis Queenie Davis is a thought teacher and inspirational speaker whose intuitive way of living and magnetic energy have helped to motivate and inspire her audience to embrace their purpose and desire while transforming their consciousness. Queenie is an entrepreneur, business owner, U.S. patent owner, author, and life coach. She resides with her family in

The message I share with my audience is to enjoy their journey and to be easy about life. No matter where a person has been, and no matter what they have done, they can turn their life around on a dime and embrace their true purpose for being.

It is so important for me to share this message because we often get caught up in the harsh reality of life. Many end up losing hope, focus, and faith. My message teaches that we all are here for a purpose. We came with intention. We are not here to “face” reality; we are here to create it! There abides in every human being the ability to live a rich, full life filled with all the good things they desire. Everyone possesses the power to create a purposeand passion-filled life. My job is to impart the keys that help individuals unlock doors of understanding and to light up the dark areas so that they may see their way out. (T.B.S.) Pathfinders Award.

Rhonda authored four books, including her latest release, “Unbridled Dreams: Change your mindset, achieve your goals and live the best story of your life.” This book equips, inspires, and encourages women to live their best lives.

Rhonda is an international speaker who teaches female entrepreneurs and leaders the art of monetizing their time, talents, and expertise. She prides herself in helping women create profit-producing concepts that distinguish them from the competition while simultaneously establishing their legacy.

Rhonda G. Mincey Rhonda G. Mincey is a multi-award-winning mentor, an author, and an entrepreneur consultant. Courageous Woman Magazine (April 2021 edition) named Rhonda on its list of top twenty-five Women in Business. She is also the recipient of Georgia Southern University’s Service Award and the prestigious Turner Broadcasting Station

Rhonda has helped individuals transform their lives through coaching sessions, live seminars, webinars, podcasts, and following the guiding principles in her books. She uses her “E.S.P.” ™ – energy, service, and passion for propelling women into a peaceful, purposeful, and prosperous life. A “giver of hope,” Rhonda founded two nonprofit organizations, supports young ladies in Brazil and Rwanda, and mentors emerging female entrepreneurs. WHAT DRIVES HER

My miraculous birth, which my mom shared with me several years ago, drives


There are so many lessons that I have learned that have helped me to grow on my journey. One of the lessons that stands out is the lesson of failure. I started my first business in my early 20s, and I remember it did not go as I planned. I remember venting to my mother, and she told me these words:

“In life there is no such thing as failure. There is only success and lessons learned. If you don’t succeed at a venture, you will have learned what not to do, which is a valuable lesson. Failure, on the other hand, is a negative state of mind. Don’t ever live in that state.” Learning to extract good from every experience, no matter what the outcome, has helped me to always push forward.

Another key lesson I’ve learned that has helped me to grow tremendously is to be free from the opinions of others. Yes, this was huge!!! Many people cannot live their best life or be who they truly are because it doesn’t sit well with their family, friends, or culture. When I found the strength to be a nonconformist and to move to the rhythm of my own beat, I experienced more joy and freedom than I have ever known. I truly became authentically me. me to succeed. This remarkable story motivates me to live a purposeful life and inspire others to live their best life. HER MESSAGE

Be fearless. Dream big and set lofty goals; if at first, you don’t succeed, make the necessary adjustments and drive forward with a renewed sense of urgency and commitment. Remember, you are living your legacy daily. I share this success formula with my audiences because I use it in my daily life. It works. KEY LESSONS

If I believe that greatness lives within me, I can access the untapped potential that I possess. Use every resource at my disposal to reach my goals.

Seek the advice of a mentor, coach, or subject-matter expert when embarking on an unfamiliar project or task. Invest in my personal and professional development.

Measure my success by my standards, not by others.

Known as a woman of excellence who has helped others to advance their careers, restore marriages, and grow spiritually, Yvette is an ordained minister, international speaker, author, coach, and teacher. She has a unique ability to empower, educate, and inspire others.

Yvette Gavin Yvette Gavin is the television talk show host of Faith at Work, the chief learning officer of Yvette Gavin Consulting, and a philanthropist who is dedicated to helping others create a fulfilled and prosperous life.

Yvette holds a master of arts degree in leadership from Oral Roberts University and several professional certifications. She is the recipient of numerous leadership awards including the state of Georgia Governor’s Award for Outstanding Leadership and the Leadership Excellence Award from the Georgia National Guard Chaplaincy Core. Yvette is a wife, mother, and grandmother who enjoys travelling and entertaining family and friends over great food and conversations. WHAT DRIVES HER

My husband and I were working full-time corporate jobs, but we couldn’t afford to buy our six-month old son a pair of $35 shoes. That experience of not being able to provide for my child the way I

desired became the foundation of my desire to move from average success to exponential success. HER MESSAGE

I encourage my audience to live on purpose, to never give up on hope, and to activate their faith because faith without works is dead. This message is important to me because I know that faith is the one thing that changes everything. It is the one thing that changed my life, and nothing gives me greater joy than teaching and encouraging others to live life from a spiritled focus. KEY LESSONS

1.Trust God with everything; even the small things. 2.It’s my responsible to invest in me.

3.The person who chooses love and is quick to forgive is truly a blessed person.

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