SUCCESS Women's Magazine December 2020

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Woman on Fire!

jonvoana evans canila gist Success Women’s Conference has blessed my life in so many ways of networking with different people giving successful tips. Kearn and Dorothy and Tiffany are very helpful. Very good women of God. And they are phenomenal. And I wish this conference was every month. If it was up to me, it will be every month, every month… And this was the best experience I have ever had.

What people are saying about Success

Dorothy, Tiffany, Kearn, thank you all so much for putting on such an exceptional, life changing event. And when I say life changing, I mean, for me, it was absolutely like changing. It’s invigorating and it’s literally propelling me into 2021. Not only was I able to and honored to be a speaker, but I was also even more honored to be an active participant throughout the week in the mastermind sessions, the intimate moments and even listening to other speakers. I took out that week to be myself. Development week. … Uh, this intimate session with Forbes Riley and Tye Miles. I mean, uh huh. I’m almost speechless … . I’m actually already implementing a lot of the jewels. Not only that, they shared, but that you all shared directly with us, though it’s one thing to be a director of a conference. But the fact that you all showed up Tiffany, Kearn and Dorothy, you all showed up at the mastermind sessions. You all showed up at the the intimate sessions. And I know sometimes you all had to be exhausted. But I think you all for it.

Sheila Farr So the question was posed to us: How has the Success Women’s Conference changed your life, and for me, it’s done it in three really big ways. So the first way is that it’s reaffirmed my belief that I could be successful in business and in my relationships and in collaboration with others, using biblical principles. So the things that we’ve learned in the conference are just very inspiring, and their they’re faith-based a lot of them are, which appeals to me. And I just get excited when I see sisterhood. Ah, friends and neighbors and helpers and supporters and cheerleaders coming alongside each other to lift each other up and encourage each other. So I really I really have loved that about this conference. It happens every year, and this is my fourth year attending. But I think every year the sisterhood gets bigger and bigger in more heartfelt, more heartfelt, more heartfelt. The second way that it’s changed my life this year is I’m shy by nature, So I’ve been in in sessions that have inspired me and encouraged me to kind of step out and step up and step from behind the curtain and let my voice be heard. … And the third reason this is the best part for me, and the most exciting part is you could tell, and I’m gonna have to drop names because this is like a biggie for me. So it’s the names that are speakers and presenters this year.

125+ experts, coaches and influencers – FREE! Register at Must register to access the

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January 1, 9 am CST January 2, 9 am CST January 3, Noon CST



Her company, Naturally For Me Shea Butter, LLC, is now offering wholesale contracts for shea-butterbased products to include CBD blends. Currently her products are being carried in retail establishments such as Blue Lotus Creations, and in the online specialty store, My Pretty Little Cannabis Things.


Paula “Shea Queen” Farve, is mother of two and grandmother of three and CEO/founder of Naturally for Me Shea Butter, LLC. An Army veteran, minority business owner (Native and AfricanAmerican, she is known as The Real Shea Queen. She developed a formula to treat her son’s eczema while gaining working to gain financial freedom after a long-term marriage that ended in divorce. She successfully became an herbalist to master her craft and develop a line of handmade, all-natural products, for skin and hair.

Paula Farve

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She has mentored many of her peers to overcome obstacles to becoming successful entrepreneurs. She has been interviewed by Black Wall Street Radio Podcast and The Empowerment Advocate Dr. Yolanda Jerry, on turning her pain into purpose. She is an up and coming

author with Black Author’s Rock Publishing Co.

Her goal is to “empower other women who are starting over and to know that there is no age limit on obtaining your dreams.”


She recently relocated more than 3,000 miles to focus on her business and personal life. “I faced one year of seclusion from my friends and family, in order to focus and reinvent myself,” she says. “Since the move, my business has been taken to the next level, by obtaining wholesale contracts and even signing with a publishing company.”

HER ADVICE TO OTHER WOMEN WHO ARE TRYING TO GET AHEAD “Remember that as long as you have life you have a chance to accomplish your dreams at any age. Take your pain and experiences as a lesson and soon they will become your blessing.”


“That your time is very valuable and learn to forgive yourself and others for the past. Leave it alone. learn from it and have it propel you forward.”


“I have had to overcome starting over after a long term, relationship ended in divorce. I was faced with eviction, repossessions, and PTSD from serving in the military, which I have never faced. I received counseling and began to flourish. I also surrounded myself with a great support system and have been able to maintain a healthy and prosperous daily lifestyle.”

It's time to tell your story.

Kearn Cherry Amazon Best Seller!

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Collaborator, Speaker, Author, Coach

nita shares

A sisterhood of goal chasers who are ready to level up together! Join us for monthly coaching, weekly engagement, discounts, Q&As and resource sharing.

Meet 2 members of the network Join the Network:

Nita L. Chase

Kathleen Holt-Whyte

Oh my God and thank you Lord October 2020 SWC really did bless October 2020 SWC was a mega success National and local speakers roared At tendees confidence soared There was caring and sharing and newcomers daring to take the stage refuting the hindrance of age SWC missed no category Diversified opportunity was the story Everyone had an opportunity to breathe Everyone should have been persuaded to believe that each of us shine brightly on earth that each of us is a creation of worth SWC was on roar Into many ladies’ hopes and dreams did it pour Encouragement and positivity Inspiringly creativity Many women stopped doubting and began shouting I receive It’s past time to believe Af ter seeing and hearing all of this Success Mentors Network I did not want to miss

Kathleen shares: The energy of the conference was incredible. The Success Mentors Network is a great opportunity to continue to connect with a positive, uplifting community of phenomenal women!


real-life stories compelling you to


Presented by Dorothy P. best-selling editor & author Wilson BOOK • VIDEO SERIES • SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE • BLOG

karol brandt

10 ways to jumpstart your health and wellness in 2021 By Karol Brandt As you set goals for 2021, keep your eye on the prize, your health! You may understand exactly what you need to do to enjoy a healthier, happier life in 2021- carve out time to exercise, find a way to ratchet down stress. There’s just one hitch-you haven’t done it yet. Often, the biggest hurdle is the commitment to follow through for YOU, the prize. It’s true that it isn’t easy to change ingrained habits like driving to nearby locations instead of walking, let’s say, or reaching for a donut instead of an apple. However, gradually working toward change improves your odds of success. Start by asking yourself, Why Do You Want to Get Healthy? Finding your Why is imperative for making the shift in 2021. What’s your motivation? Take out a journal or piece of paper and brainstorm, maybe you want to have more energy to play with your kids, maybe you work long hours and want to have mental focus and clarity all day. Whatever your motivation is, there’s no wrong answer! It’s just very important to consider the end goal when you’re working towards a healthy lifestyle. Here are some strategies that can help you enact healthy change in 2021, no matter what change or changes you’d like to make.

1. Drink Water - Drinking enough water is one of the first steps you can take for your health. Drinking enough water each day can help relieve headaches, boost your energy, relieve constipation, and can even help aid weight loss. Experts recommend you drink “drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.”

been proven to help with depression, exercise, and even creativity, lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety and improve mood. Spend time in nature and nature is already paying you back with enhanced health and mental wellness.

2. Meal plan for your health-My Motto and I live by Meal Prep. Meal Prep is simply just planning any number of your weekly meals ahead of time! It can help you with portion control, prevent you from eating out, and gives you more opportunities for healthier choices for snacks like veggies & hummus or a piece of fruit. Meal prepping not only benefits your health, it can also help you save money and prevent food waste.

7. Eat your veggies for breakfast-Start your day off right by adopting a healthy New Year’s resolution idea to eat vegetables for breakfast a few days a week. Ditch the cereals, donuts, muffins, and other unhealthy Carbs and load up on veggies first thing in the morning. I add my vegetables in with egg and veggies omelet’s or pre-cooked veggie and egg breakfast squares.

3. Practice self care every day- Self-care is becoming more and more important in our hectic world. Self care tends to improve our immunity, increase positive thinking and make us less susceptible to stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional health issues. Go to bed early, wake up early, early to rise. Sleep is essential to our health, and when you turn in early and wake up early, it’s incredibly beneficial, we are happier, sleep reduces the risk of diseases and control weight easier than those that don’t. You will be refreshed, and you can spend some time in prayer, daily devotionals and positive affirmations before you get out of bed. 4. Eat more plants- In a world full of “food-likeproducts”, getting your daily recommended intake of veggies and fruits isn’t easy. The US government advises every person to eat 1-3 cups of vegetables per day, but let’s be honest… if you’re aiming to get healthy, you should probably be eating about 50% vegetables. That might be a stretch, but vegetables and fruits are some of the most nutrient-dense foods. 5. Learn the art of mindful eating -Start by eating sitting down. Get rid of everything else around you, yes, that means No phone, no computer, and no work. It’s just you and your food and a pretty placemat. Sitting down to eat your meals is an incredibly healthy practice and can be a first step toward mindful eating. 6. Track Your Steps-Walking has amazing benefits and is a great addition to these healthy New Year’s resolution ideas! When you track your steps, you start an awareness of how much you actually move during the day and you can adjust accordingly. Studies say that you should walk 10,000 steps a day for health and weight loss. My 86 year young father has motivated me as he gets in 10,000 steps in every day, even walking in the house on the days he cannot get outside. If he can find a way, so can we! 6. Spend more time outside- There have been many studies that observe the correlation between nature and overall health. Nature has

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8. Walk 3 times a week with a friend-Walking is an amazing and easy way to inject health into your life. Join a co-worker and take a walk during your lunch break or rise and shine with a walk with your family. When working on how to follow through with your New Year’s resolution, finding a buddy can be a great way to be successful. 9. Start taking a probiotic- Gut health can have major impacts on all kinds of bodily processes, including your weight, and your digestive health. Gut health can even impact mental health. There are many things that can affect your gut health, but taking probiotics and prebiotics are one way to start. 10. Practice body positivity- Yes, Body positivity is a movement geared toward challenging how society views the body, promoting the acceptance of all bodies, helping people build confidence and acceptance of their own bodies, addressing unrealistic body standards. Body positivity can help lead you to a healthier lifestyle and as well as greater self-confidence.

ABOUT KAROL Karol Brandt, CTO-Chief Transformational Officer at Karol Brandt Enterprises, is a Fitspirational and Motivational Speaker, Goal Success, Health and Wellness Coach. Facebook:  Karol Brandt Enterprises Instagram:  karolbrandtnola kb empowers Website: ,  Contact Information:   504-382-8510

9 speakers on the rise on equipping women to conquer limited mindsets personally, professionally and spiritually so they can grow from a point of stagnation to their place of purpose and boldly show up to impact and influence the spheres for which they were created and destined. She also empowers small groups to identify, address and conquer challenges so they can transform to highly performing teams.

B Jacqueline Jeter A stone dropped in a lake creates ripples farther than the eye can see or one can feel. It causes a necessary disruption in the ecosystem. When it comes to transformation, B Jacqueline Jeter is that stone. Transformational Growth Strategist. Encouragement Ambassador. International speaker. Four-time Amazon bestselling author. B Jacqueline Jeter is CEO and Founder of the brand Grow, Lead and Prosper™ which focuses

Melissa Brown

Jacqueline is a certified Vision Coach and celebrated Independent Certified Leadership Coach, Teacher and Speaker with The John Maxwell Team. She holds several degrees and certificates and boasts a 28 plus year career as a consummate pharmaceutical veteran in global drug research and development program management. Her hobbies include reading, exercising, traveling, attending sporting and cultural events, and living life with friends and family.

and family. HER MESSAGE The core theme of my messages to my audience is personal growth. I believe that the biggest investment one can make is in themselves. My own personal quotes are ‘Growth happens within way before it is evidenced without.’ and ‘If you are not growing, then nothing you touch really is either.’ Growth is not only essential to our physical lives but to our mental and emotional lives as well. I think women are the most exquisite creation of God. We are multifaceted and intricately complex and brilliant. Too often we get imprisoned in societal impressions and expectations and never get to the point of unleashing our greatness and uniqueness. I believe that my message of growth is essential and necessary to getting us to that pinnacle of excellence and being Unmasked, Unmuted and Unleashed ™

WHAT DRIVES HER I grew up in a loving and high achieving family. I’m the youngest (by a gap of 6 years) of 5 children. My parents were older when I was born and poured wisdom into me almost as if they knew they wouldn’t be alive when I got older. I was always told that there is nothing I could achieve. I was exposed to diversity and immeasurable opportunities all of my life. My drive for success is in my DNA and has been reinforced through the impartation of my parents

KEY LESSONS Three key lessons that I have learned that have helped me to grow the most are: 1) Comparison is a thief of purpose. Walk your own path. Embrace your uniqueness and brilliance. Someone is waiting on you. 2) Mistakes and 2 failure are part of the process and journey to success. Just look at Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan. 3) There is nothing comfortable about a comfort zone. Even a seed has to leave the pack and be planted in darkness before it can flourish.

Melissa Brown, also known as The Soul Love


Coach is a licensed social worker, ordained

Overall, I want the women I work with to know

minister, and life coach who is passionate about

that, “it’s all part of the journey”. Sometimes we

healing and empowering women. With more

can get stuck when life doesn’t go as planned,

than 25 years of experience, she blends the

or when we are disappointed. And as a coach, I

psychological with the spiritual to support high

show up in a woman’s life to remind them that

achieving women to reclaim their power when

this is just one chapter in life, not the whole

they have lost themselves in the busyness of

book. The story is yet to be fully lived, and as

life. As an entrepreneur, Army wife, and mother

long as we are here, there is the opportunity to

of three she knows first hand the challenges of

write a new chapter in the journey we call life.

remaining faithful to your calling, while still being


true to yourself. Through private coaching, virtual

“I am Enough” has been the most powerful

groups, and intimate retreats, she helps other

lesson that I have learned and continue to learn.

women do the same.

As women we are often conditioned to feel like


something is missing in us; or that we somehow

My faith is what drives me. I am grateful for

should be more than what we are. But I have

the many gifts God has given me, and I want to

learned that my greatest asset is simply being

leave this earth knowing that I have maximized

myself and being happy with who God made me

all of them.

to be. And I am enough for the task and roles that have been assigned to me.

Counselor and Master Addictions Counselor,


with over two decades of experience, and a

Learn to quickly embrace change, or find

passion for helping individuals and families

yourself consumed by it! Change is often

recognize thoughts and behaviors that hinder

correlated with pain. When we learn to “Run to

progress. He hopes, when situations seem

the Pain” of our lives, we not only change the

hopeless, and he believes, when positive results

narrative of change being uncomfortable, but we

appear unbelievable. His career has been

ultimately change our lives!

dedicated to enlightening people with the keys


to overcoming trauma, which are to forgive one’s

Self-Awareness is the ultimate key to success in

self, and/or, to forgive others. Dr. E. is the CEO of

every area of our lives

Empowerment Counseling & Training Services LLC, which is a private practice and consulting company dedicated to empowering internal gifts,

Dr. Robert Evans III

connecting thoughts with behaviors, developing character and elevating mindsets. WHAT DRIVES HIM MY father always told me to “Shoot for the moon, and if you fall short, you will be amongst

Dr. Robert L. Evans III is a culturally competent

the stars!”. I have lived by that quote my entire

Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Professional


years as an attorney and administrative law judge to empower women who are overwhelmed to create a balanced, peaceful, highly successful and abundant life. Through her mentorship initiative, Women Leaving Footprints, she creates a bridge of knowledge that enables young women to receive the mentorship that she lacked during her early career.

Janet Autherine Janet Autherine is the founder of The Island Mindful Path to Transformation, and CEO of Autherine Publishing. She is the author of 4 books that are focused on empowering women and children. Her most sought after book is Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Create an Abundant Life. Her insights have been featured in national media, such as Forbes, Medium, and many highly-rated podcasts. Janet immigrated from Jamaica as a teenager and knows what it is like to overcome odds and accomplish her dreams. She has a JD from Boston College, LLM from Georgetown University and has served on several boards. She uses the wisdom gained from 25

WHAT DRIVES HER I believe that your story is your legacy. I was raised by strong, hard-working women from Jamaica; they poured their love, wisdom and dreams into me so that I could have the opportunities that escaped them due to poverty and lack of opportunities. As their living legacy, I have always been driven to honor them by taking all the knowledge that they poured into me and using it to walk in my purpose. I also honor them by sharing my professional and personal journey with young adults who are without mentors. In my book, Island Mindfulness, I chronicled my journey from a voiceless young girl in Jamaica to navigating a new life in the United States and finding my voice as an attorney, author and administrative law judge. HER MESSAGE My message is that you can design and live a balanced, peaceful, highly successful and abundant life. When you do so, you will be so proud of your journey that you will stand tall as a living legacy, and also proudly share your story in a manner that leaves footprints for other generations. As I moved up the professional ladder and added a spouse and children, my work/life balance suffered and each day my

Time is not good for anything except passing! Rather than focusing on the elusion of time as a healing agent, focus on what you are doing with your time to heal! At the end of our life’s tenure, we will either be filled with much gratitude, or much regret based on the decisions we made! I make decisions with this simple fact of life in mind!

list of responsibilities became longer. I had to change my mindset to be mindful of my journey, respect my purpose and pay myself first with self-care. Your life is too important to live a “check the box” lifestyle, where your life choices are being made by society, your parents or your current circumstances. You have one journey and it should be purposeful and joyful. If you become overwhelmed or stuck, try the Island Mindful Path, which teaches you how to design an abundant life, practice radical self-care and use the transformational power of mindfulness to create abundance in every area of your life. KEY LESSONS We have to understand the past to make sense of our present. Trace your roots and speak to your elders about their life experiences. Explore their hopes, dreams, health history, and when you can, share their stories through interviews and books. Listen more than you speak and give more than you receive. As an introvert, my listening skills have always been one of my greatest strengths but I took it for granted. Don’t underestimate the value of deep connections - listen, observe body language, apply mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Likewise, the best professional opportunities come from volunteering, mentoring, and sharing your gifts. As you design your abundant life, leave room for charitable endeavors.

would not be forgotten in the shadows. The proclivity of inspiring transformation always tended to propel to the forefront! With her coaching, she has had countless success stories of clients learning to embrace their journey, transform their mindsets, and excel in their career and personal goals. As a Certified Life Coach, she is dedicated to empowering women, normally referring to them as “queens’, by providing the best products, services, accountability, and resources available. While taking pleasure in being a wife, a mother of 6, a multi-business owner, amongst a host of other things, she understands the importance of being F.L.Y (First Loving Yourself).

Jonvoana Evans Jonvoana “Von” Evans aka Life Coach Von has been passionately mentoring and life coaching for over 15 years. For 20 years, her career was focused on excelling and obtaining certs in the IT Industry, helping others successfully navigate their lives became her priority and purpose and

WHAT DRIVES HER What drives me to be successful is that mediocrity is not an option. What drives me is all of God’s promises to me. Especially, Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

holds a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Argosy University, and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Fort Valley State University. She is a fifteen-year career civilian with the Department of Defense Air Force where she has held leaderships positions in Turkey, Alaska, and now Florida. She was awarded the 2020 NAACP Roy Wilkins Renown Service Award and the Brigadier General Wilma Vaught Visionary Leadership Award representing her command for selfiess service and offering opportunities for women. She is a contributing author in She Writes for Him: Black

LaShondria, a Georgia native currently residing in northwest Florida, is an educator, writer, mentor, Bible teacher, and influential leader helping girls and women walk in their Godgiven purpose. In 2019, she blazed a new trail as the Founder and CEO of Legacy of Hope, International, a nonprofit organization that educates, empowers and equips communities. She is pursuing a Doctor

KEY LESSONS A key lesson that I’ve learned is that it’s extremely important to be grateful. A posture of gratitude has given me hope, has allowed me to help, and has kept me humble. No matter what it is I have or what may seem to be the lack thereof, a posture of gratitude has always made me feel like I have more than enough! Another key lesson that not helped me to grow, but it also helped me to be patient. I created a quote that says “Be patient, but persistent, remembering it’s a process, celebrating the progress.” This

HER MESSAGE I’m passionate about helping women understand the importance of, “I can give my best when I

of Education in Community Care & Counseling,

LaShondria Smith

have it to give!” F.L.Y is a concept I use to help put things into perspective that it’s hard to feel a true sense of fulfillment in life if you don’t take care of yourself. Being FLY is not about forsaking all others, it’s about prioritizing your wants, needs, and desires. With that being said, it’s time to prioritize you! And I have a great understanding of how to get you unstuck and FLY!

Voices of Wisdom scheduled to release January 2021. Rearing four boys in a blended family and married eighteen years to retired Air Force disabled veteran, LaShondria counsels military spouses in the areas of education, career, and personal pursuits while balancing life God’s way. WHAT DRIVES HER Having a son at the age of 16, overcoming teen dating violence, and building upon the legacy my grandmother has left behind are my driving forces. I strive to be an example of how God can change your life, use you for his glory, and equip you to help others.

HER MESSAGE Do not compare — You are enough! Comparison kills your joy, the purpose inside of you, and collaboration. Get rid of stinking thinking and embrace you are chosen, forgiven, and loved. This message opens the door to walking in divine purpose, once you find purpose you will be at peace and have joy doing what you love. With God all things are possible and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Leaders develop leaders not followers. Bloom where you are planted because you are there for a reason and have a spear of influence. Choose your words and circle wisely because they truly matter.

With decades of experience with people management, Lee supports individuals and teams on topics related to positive life changes, personal development, career growth, and communication. Lee’s success as a Senior Leader and C-Suite Executive over the last 23 years of her career has been marked by her ability to show up with confidence, speak with authority, and get things done. With more than 10 years of specialized experience in Executive Leadership roles in Corporate America, Lee is uniquely quali ed to help those seeking transformational change as they achieve their goals.

Lee Mariano Lee Mariano is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Life & Success Coach. She helps women increase their self-con dence, reclaim the power of their voice, and successfully achieve their goals so they can live the life they desire.

Dr. Bridget Williams Dr. Bridget Williams is a board certified family physician, cannabinoid physician and life coach. She is the Founder of Green Harvest Health, a group of medical clinics located in Ohio. She additionally established Cole-Williams Coaching & Consulting in 2018 for coaching professionals,

WHAT DRIVES HER I watched my mother, a teen mom, raise me on her own. I watched her hustle for every job, every dollar, and to give me a good home. She raised me to never settle for less than what I deserved, and I took her lessons to heart. From the time I could think clearly, I knew I wanted a different life. I was the  rst girl in my family to join the military. I was the  rst to get a college degree. Being “first” in my family drove me to keep

particularly women looking to focus on building confidence and finding balance. Dr. Williams brings nearly 20 years of experience in family medicine from Cleveland Clinic and training in life coaching to her practices. The focus of Dr Bridget’s practice is education and empowerment. She provides valuable motivational talks on general health, medical cannabis, CBD and self care. To better assist patients, Green Harvest Health created their own CBD line of products for better health. Dr. Bridget is a contributing columnist for and She is passionate about community and founded a nonprofit GHH Community Foundation. Her civic organization brings businesses together to network in a collaborative environment while providing community service opportunities. Dr. Bridget is the host of the social media series, “The Wellness Toolkit,” and a curriculum developer and teaching faculty member at the Cleveland School of Cannabis. She has been a featured speaker locally, throughout Ohio as well at a national level. WHAT DRIVES HER Along with my faith, what drives me to be successful are three things: • There will be smarter, more capable or talented

going. To succeed. To make my family proud. That drive kept me pushing forward, ultimately achieve a CSuite position by the time I was 40. HER MESSAGE I help women understand the power they have inside of them. Women can fall into a pattern of silencing their voice because they don’t trust that they will be heard. I help them rediscover who they are and the strength they have inside them, so they can Step Into Their Power and conquer those doubts. KEY LESSONS Key lessons I’ve learned over the years is is that I’m stronger than I thought. I’m the daughter of a teen mother, who became a single mother myself. I succeeded in the U.S. Marine Corps for 8-years. I’m also a domestic abuse survivor. What I now know and want to share, is to never give up. Never allow anyone to take your power from you. Stand up, lift your head high, and show them who you are. Our power comes from within, so if you fall down seven times, stand up eight!

people than me but no one will out work me. • As Nelson Mandela has stated, “...I never lose, I either win or learn” • I believe in “following your bliss, doors will open where there were only walls before”- Joseph Campbell These 3 statements have propelled me at different times of my life helped me strive for my dreams. HER MESSAGE I see so many women stuck, subscribing to beliefs that do not serve them. I share a message of empowerment, and changing the narrative to rewriting their lives in a way that serves them. redefining their health and their purpose. KEY LESSONS I spent a lifetime allowing others to tell me who I am and who I am not. Never really feeling comfortable in my own skin because it was not definition of me. It was not until I unsubscribed from others views of me and decided who I want to be was a free to succeed. You need to make space for success. The debris of negativity and the wreckage of broken selves has be cleared for success to cultivate.

Trena Bolden Fields helps her clients create belonging, build their communities and triple their income within the first two months of coaching with her. Trena is the coach for creatives and consultants and helps her clients uncover and live their truth. In essence, she helps her clients be who they are, gain clarity, get focused and take specific action to create more than what they have imagined and achieve their dreams. Trena is a successful woman. She is also a mother to two amazing creative beings and continues to raise them in partnership with her spouse with love.

Trena Bolden Fields

WHAT DRIVES HER I deeply enjoy helping people reach their goals and live their dreams. It is my goal to continue to encourage people to dream and help them fulfill their dreams.

HER MESSAGE The main message that I share with my audience is that they are here for a reason, that they are meant to be here and there are people who they are meant to serve who are waiting for them. KEY LESSONS That I need to keep going and not give up. When the process gets tough, I always have choices in the process. It may be that I need to make a slight shift to create the success that I am looking for. I need to keep processing and moving forward, evaluating, revamping and putting my work back out there. I t is essential to share my journey along the way. I have to also reach out to people and let them know my story, the impact that I provide and how I do just that.

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