Success Women's Magazine July 2021

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Women's Magazine

Dr. Nichole Peters dreams BIGGER

JACQUELINE LULU BROWN Releasing the ‘unsaid’

YES! I am my Sisters’ Keeper

Support women in business


Tiffany Bell

Dorothy Wilson

Kearn Cherry

NOVEMBER 15-21, 2021


jacqueline by KAREN BRYANT

Jacqueline Lulu Brown is a dynamic women’s empowerment consultant, ICF certified coach, transformational speaker, reverend, international best-selling co-author, radio and on-demand television show host. But to achieve this success, she had to learn to embrace a personality that met with criticism when she was growing up. “I was constantly called crazy, busy-body, loud, outrageous, confrontational, noisy, disruptive. I was told that the things I believed possible were impossible. Over time, I allowed this message to diminish my outrageous dreams,” she says. “But no longer. I’ve discovered that what some deemed as ‘crazy’ was in reality my genius.” She was given the name Lulu after the endearing and mischievous cartoon character, “Little Lulu.” And like the cartoon character, Jacqueline did not conform to others’ idea of normal. “I’ve never been normal, and over the years I found that my crazy, eccentric, and often over-thetop” personality was actually my genius zone. That is who I am at my essence and my divine core with all the wonderful gifts God has given me. It is, in fact, my genius part that drives me.” When she was 15, Jacqueline dreamed of becoming the greatest civil rights lawyer of all time. “I’m a baby-boomer, and I was exposed to the civil rights era up close and personal. I also planned to become a model and earn money to sustain me during my college years and beyond until I established myself as an attorney. Looking back, I believe what happened to that girl was lack of the proper influences to direct an eccentric young girl (me, specifically) with such outrageous dreams, along with, my making extremely poor decisions as a teen.” But she overcame those early setbacks and is today a woman with international credentials. She describes herself as a woman of faith who has spent over 38 years in the information technology and software quality engineering arena. “During that time, I held technical, management, and executive leadership roles, which allowed me to travel throughout the world to numerous countries, including the U.K., Australia, Israel, France, Germany, Span, and India.” And while these accomplishments are stellar, she doesn’t give them top billing. “My greatest accomplishments are not my career success or monetary gain; rather, my greatest accomplishments are the radical changes I help to bring about in the lives of women. My passion for helping women always kept ministry at the forefront of my career.” Through her ministry, she shares a message she

success women’s conference global speaker in the spotlight

stresses as critically important: “From the time we leave our mother’s womb we are being shaped and molded to conform to this world’s system, indoctrination and what I call ‘a matrix mindset.’ We often learn to live behind masks, yet we deny the truth of the matter. My messages help women solve the challenges of navigating through life while carrying the heavy burden of their ‘unsaid.’ My message helps women release their ‘unsaid.’ These unsaid challenges are often not openly discussed because of secret shame, and ultimately, the fear of revealing one’s true self. This incredible woman is everything to everyone, and yet she feels the strain of her own mental, physical, and emotional neglect. She gives until she has nothing left for herself. She forgives others but is her own harshest critic. And while she is deemed successful by societal standards, she knows in her heart that she has not reached her “limitless” abilities. The barriers between ‘success’ and ‘limitless’ are the unsaid challenges and or self-neglect.” Along her own journey, she has learned that “lack of authenticity prevents us from sharing our ‘true genius’ with the world and [keeps us from making] an impact on others. If we are not aligned with our spirit and the essence of who God created us to be, and we don’t allow our inner core and spirit to lead our intellect, we are destined for ego to lead our intellect. This was a hard lesson because until I went through my own ‘ascension’ process, I didn’t realize that when divine spirit is not leading our genius and brilliance at all times, ego is leading.” She also learned to know who she is in God and to recognize the power that is inherently given. “I was able to grow beyond my wildest dreams when I realized that much of the manner in which scripture is taught is used to keep us enslaved vs. setting us free for prosperity. This is often done out of ignorance and the lack of understanding in some of our religious institutions. One must study for themselves and develop ‘over-standing’ of who we are as a people and remove ourselves from the ideology that is contrary to who we are as a people, gender, and culture. We are powerful beings, yet I had to realize that I was not operating in my true divine power.” It was a challenge, she said, to overcome her fear of being her authentic self. “I was living behind a mask and burying my ‘unsaid’ and keeping it hidden from the light of day.” Jacqueline says she confused self-esteem and self-confidence. “I had to come to the realization that self-worth is a different ‘queen’ altogether.” But she overcame her challenges by creating a process, taking herself through the process, and then teaching it to others. “It is an awesome blueprint of “Awakening, Discovery, Transformational Healing, and Ascension to one’s highest self.” What’s next for Jaqueline is a calendar packed with ambitious but rewarding projects: “I’m launching my Revolution Ascension Master Class series on Black-House Media TV streaming on the XOD network platform. I’m preparing for our annual Global retreat, March 2022, celebrating ‘Women’s HerStory Month.’ This will be in Dubai, one of the most opulent places in the Middle East. Additional retreats in 2022 are in Aruba, and two additional retreats are in the U.S. for a total of four retreats in 2022. She is also working as a co-author on a book project titled “I am a Black Woman -- The Next Level.” And she is the international ambassador for the project, led by Dr. Carolyn Stephens. She has expanded her business, Revolution Ascension LLC, to include mental wellness, physical health, women building dynasty/leaving legacy, and an increased focus on higher consciousness for women who are ready to grow beyond where they started when they initially joined her programs. “I’m calling it ‘higher dimension living.’ This is accomplished through joint ventures and partnerships.” What gives her energy and drives her, she says, is love: “…love for God, love for my family, love for great conversation with incredible people, and love for delicious food. Only the strength of love could have helped me overcome the obstacles I’ve faced in my life. It inspires me, encourages me, and motivates me to continue spreading Revolution Ascension’s message.” She advises others to be authentic. “Let’s be clear; I didn’t say be inappropriate. I said be authentic. I’d advise that a person get to know themselves in the deepest manner before they start looking to become settled on a business lane. I’d also say don’t run after people who promise their ‘newest shiny thing’ will work for you. Know-thyself first, then be true to yourself, align your spirit, essence, and core to what you desire. Take the path of doing all the inner work first. Once you’ve completed that major step, move forward with fire inside of you to achieve starting your dream business, organization, or non-profit. I want to be clear: I’ve had great business coaches, relationship coaches, personal development coaches, and the like. It was a requirement for me, and I don’t regret it. However, here is the “rub”: I completed the inner and spiritual work first. I made sure that I knew me and that I completed the required work before taking the journey.”

‘Lets be clear; I didn’t say be inappropriate. I said be authentic.”

I am Kearn, the Master Collaborator, also known as the "Butts in the Seats Queen" and "Master of the Pivot" My expertise is in visibility. I also coach business owners, Organizational Directors, and Entrepreneurs how to launch their own profitable events, conferences, and anthologies. As co-founder of Success Women's Conference, Creator of Power Up and Level Up Summits, I am a 23+ year entrepreneur that has been throwing successful summits and collaboration events for over 17 years. Are you looking to increase your visibility? Do you need to grow your individual platform, your business, and your bank account? If yes to any of these, the answer is simple... You need to increase your visibility. I have created Visibility Packages sure to take your business and brand to new heights. Visit the link below to get started. Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach




Hosted by Kearn Cherry

FREE Power Up Your Visibility Masterclass | August 3, 2021 Power Up your visibility for your business and your brand. Learn how to increase your visibility, grow your community, earn more stages, have more Impact, and Increase your sales. *First 100 receive a free gift during the class. FREE Create a Profitable Event Masterclass | August 30, 2021 Stop having parties and create a profitable event. Learn how to host your own profitable event, key tools to creating a profitable event, book Speakers & Guests, set the stage, create events Live vs. In-Person. *First 100 receive a free gift during the class. Visit the link below to register.

Master Collaborator • Author • Speaker • Coach




BELIEVING for BIGGER Dr. Nichole Peters’ passion and purpose is to coach women and young people who have suffered from traumatic experiences, helping them become what she terms “Believe Warriors” by regaining their healing power of selflove through supernatural prayers, wellness retreats, and empowerment conferences. She is a die-hard advocate for domestic violence survivors. Many survivors who have experienced her coaching call her “The Breakthrough Catalyst.” Dr. Nichole, who is a professional certified life coach, media mogul, international motivational speaker, executive producer, journalist, publisher and number-one award-winning bestselling author, in 2020 received her PhD in leadership and Biblical studies. In 2019, she received two honorary doctorates in Christian education/counseling. She is the CEO/founder of Women of Love, Power and Respect and Believe In Your Dreams Academy. With her passion and the power in her voice, she reaches millions of wounded souls from all over the world. She has garnered a social media following of over 80,000 with an international reach of 4.2 million. She stands boldly to deliver many powerful messages. Her aim, she says, is “…to break every chain that is holding them back and to [teach them to] always live off real love and not abuse.” She has overcome her own challenges and shares what she has learned to help others. “I learned that I am enough and capable of breaking all barriers that were in my way. For years I had stopped speaking and going after my dreams and goals because of a few disabilities I was diagnosed with. I learned that the power of prayer was the key to my life. I learned to always put Father God first and let Him guide me on every decision in my life. This helped me to stop giving up so much [and learn] to never give up again. Witnessing manifestation of Father God work through me to show others they can was my key to fight every single day.” Dr. Nichole has relaunched her television network and

radio show, “Believe In Your Dreams Television Network.” “This time not only did I launch, but I bring over seventy-five people with me,” she says. As a host for VoiceAmerica and her show, Rock Your Believe Talent, for a several years, Dr. Nichole learned about the digital television world and streaming services that are booming. “Everyone is filming and producing virtually nowadays. I was coached very well in media by some of the top producers in America. Now was the time for me to open up doors and use my expertise and show so many others how to start their own television show and channel.” She credits her success to staying focused on her the dreams and visions. “When God gives you clarity to have hope, you must execute your BELIEVE POWER! Believing is achieving. If 2020 taught us anything, it showed us that it’s time to use our gifts and talents because life is too short to keep side-stepping our greatness.” As a result of her focus and faith, Dr. Nichole has earned her first million-dollar contract. “I can now say I have partnerships with billion-dollar companies and platforms. I can now say I am working with some A-listers nationally and internationally. The biggest impact is seeing other people on the Believe In Your Dreams Television Network making six figures. Reaching back and seeing others achieve with me matters. Collaborating with the legend, the greatest to ever do it --Les Brown -- really impacted my life in such a major way. We are now impacting and changing lives one television show at a time all over the world.” The Believe In Your Dreams Television Network Team kicked off a national city tour of 21 cities starting July 27 in Las Vegas, Nevada. “We will also be taking center stage by speaking on many live stages,” says Dr. Nichole. “We are bringing out the Believe B.U.S. (Breakthrough Unstoppable Success) beep.. Beep… Let’s go!” The Believe In Your Dreams Television Network is also in the first phases of a new reality show, “Media Bosses,” which Dr. Nichole promises will bring viewers major exciting and clean television entertainment.

To learn more about Dr. Nichole, text DREAMS to 64600 or visit


Because, YES, we are your Sisters’ Keeper! LET’S SUPPORT THESE INSPIRING WOMEN



Business Women

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees.

I say, It’s the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can’t touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them, They say they still can’t see. I say, It’s in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts,

The grace of my style. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed. I don’t shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, It ought to make you proud. I say, It’s in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, The need for my care. ’Cause I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

SCAN with your camera to Reserve your promo for the next edition at the Sisters’ Keeper special

DANIELLE DUNCAN started as a spoken-word artist 24yrs ago performing all

around her hometown Saint Louis, Missouri, Cleveland, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan and Columbia, South Carolina. She attended Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina as a Mass Communications-Broadcast Journalism major, interned at WACH FOX 57 Television working as a camera operator. After leaving college May 2007, she became a mother and dedicated 7 years to carrying for her son James. Once he was old enough, she got back into writing and performing spokenword poetry. She self-published her first poetry collection, “Broken Flower: Bittersweet, In Repair & Fully Restored” under her pen name Dani James. Fast forward and Danielle has a total of 13 poetry collections and is working on the 14th being a memoir about her life in the entertainment business and a events promoter and poet. She also has a Monday morning motivational talk-show called, “Hey Dani!” which is available to view on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube where you can follow/subscribe to keep up to date with when the next show airs. Danielle has spoken at The LevelUp Summit (April), PowerUp Summit (July 2021) hosted by Kearn Cherry, and The Comeback Summit (June 2021) hosted by Che Brown. She announced her retirement April 2021 to focus more on becoming a Motivational Speaker and a certified Life Purpose/Happiness Life Coach (June 2021) under her new company, Queens Inspire Dreams LLC. The purpose is to help both men and women find their true calling in life, practice positive self-talk and thinking patterns and heal from past traumas that may prevent them form pursuing their dreams. Danielle can be found on the following social media outlets, don’t be shy, connect and get to know this phenomenal woman that is soaring like an eagle.




Dani Speaks Truth


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My Heart Knew Love by Marlo Manns

What is success to you? We have many viewpoints on what success is for some. My greatest success was discovered in my valley moment. It was the most pain I ever had in my life. Once I was there the only place I could go was up, literally. On my way home from work, I was in a vehicle incident. After getting over the initial shock, I realized that I had this pain. First of all, I was thankful to be alive. Yet, I was left with a pain that just did not want to leave me. I tried everything. It wasn’t just a pain physically, it was also financially. The incident left me also without a job. I had no relationship, and no friends because I had just graduated from school and everybody, basically, went their own way. Therefore, I lacked social, emotional, mental, and psychological vibrations with anyone. It hurt. Truly, I didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. However, for me I was going to therapy trying to get relief. Yes. I did the “why me” thing. I tried not to lean on my own understanding, but I kept going into circles thinking Lord “what now.” It was a difficult time coping because, I had everything before me. You know, those things like schooling, position, career, relationship, etc…Somehow, I couldn’t believe that I brought this on myself. I had heard that when things come into your life that you bring them to you by way of consciousness. I intuitively, spoke with the Lord and said I couldn’t see me doing this to me. My pain became so unbearable. My smile left my body. The only thing that I could do was to sigh, cry, and try to get from one place to the next. My most comfortable position was on the floor in front of the t.v. light. My body couldn’t stand without me leaning over crying from so much pain; also, I couldn’t sit. So, for me laying on the floor was like heaven. Music had left my body too! Being a singer, I’d never thought that I would ever see a day like this. My spirits were so low that my

family together decided to have my nephew to come stay with me; he was 3. “Really?” I thought they were crazy. I asked them how the heck I’m supposed to take care of him? I was told that it was because, he didn’t have a babysitter and he was only in school half a day. So, he came. We did everything in front of that t.v. on the floor like drawing, watching cartoons and writing. I was writing most of the time. The lights were off and the blinds were closed most days. Anything that had to do with me lifting my arms were out of the question. I was a horrible sight because it was difficult to lift my arms to comb my hair, so my nephew brushed it. There’s another thing that happened. I had never been a place were I couldn’t see light. For example, I didn’t know that we actually carry light in the body. I know we might not see it, but there is a light that come into our body. Our bodies carry a light on the inside. I’ll try to explain this the best way I can. When I was laying with my eyes closed, I had no light in me, but I had life. There was a darkness. It was the blackest, black that led me to believe that I was in a hole or cave and I had my eyes wide opened. I could not see my hands in front of me. This could have been a dream, but I’m not sure. I said “what am I doing here?” Believe it or not, I was not angry. I was feeling pleasant laying there on the floor. I said where is this place and I still never got an answer. This happened over and over and one day, I felt a presence. I knew it was God holding me. I felt like He was rocking me barely moving. Then, I said “I know you love me. It’s so dark here. Where am I?” I never got an answer, but I felt safe. And, I continue to say with my thoughts, I know you love me. I know you love me. I’m your child. Never was I angry, I was just happy to be one place and wondered when will this end. Then, my nephew start screaming and pointing at the window. So, with so much pain, I was trying to stand up and make it there. Next, I got there and said “What! What! I looked out the window and the street was so peaceful. I can smell fresh cut grass. And I looked at him and said, “What is it?”And, he looked at me with these big brown eyes and huge smile said “it’s morning, it’s time to get up! The sun!” Then, I said “Yes, it’s morning.” The first thought that came to me was ‘joy comes in the morning.’ I got up. Well my nephew had been my caretaker telling me when he was ready to do something like eat, go to the bathroom, drink, everything. I would just followed him and say “okay.”

There is always a darkness before a success. It still took sometime before things would get back to a new normal. Later, I realized that the little boy in him woke up the little girl in my inner spirit. I had no ideal how far my spirit had gone. Our spirits are huge. All I know was that it was a deep place. I knew that everything was taken from me but, love. I know that there is love in the world no matter how dark a place a person made think it is. God will go there with you. He will never leave you alone. He will never leave your side. No matter how bad things become; He is connected to your very soul and can’t part from you. It is because, you and He are one. On the floor I was writing children books. I am a storyteller in music, theater and now books. The books have lessons; they are available as downloads. When I was in the dark space the only thing I had was…love. Therefore, all my books are based on love and love’s cousins. I only knew love because everything else was gone. My Heart Knew Love A Publishing Co. LLC has 2 books out now. I look forward to sharing stories of love and inspirations with you. Parents, grandparents, teachers, and institutions too! Please join me at http:// My hope is to plant love seeds into children’s minds; they’re fast growing minds. I believe once the seeds are planted it will stay with them the rest of their life. It will go from love seeds to love trees. Those love seeds are the most strongest thing a child can have because it will come through their mind and choke out the bad seeds as they grow. No matter what they go thru love will be there. Of course, they’ll be strong love trees by the time they grow up. They’ll be able to handle the storms of life. Isn’t that what we want for our society? We want it to be a place of love and respect. We want adults who recognize that we are loving individuals who want a great life with honor and integrity. These days there is so much crime and I wonder sometimes did those children get love seeds. Also, I started a few programs called the Interactive Love Courses for kids at libraries and private organizations during times of distress in schools like shootings. In these programs, we dance, sang, used our imaginations to see off long distances. Because, some kids believe they would get shot at and so we discussed no fear. We ended with smiles knowing that the inside of our hearts is not same as outside in the streets. For me, this is success because we learned that our love can be renewed everyday and love never fails.


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dr. Ranelli williams

Dr. Ranelli A. Williams is a certified public accountant (CPA) who is passionate about service and helping individuals create breakthroughs in their lives and businesses. She is also a certified profit-first professional, best-selling author, and award-nominated speaker who empowers career professionals and professional service providers to take control of their money as they work toward building a strong financial legacy. Dr. Ranelli and her husband, Eric Williams of ERJ Services, LLC, are co-founders of profit-focused and strategic consulting services that help professional service providers make sense of their numbers and become empowered to build strong financial legacies that lead to generational wealth. She also founded R.A.W. Legacy Solutions with the mission of providing mindset and money solutions and support to help entrepreneurial-minded career professionals thrive financially so they can not only run the cash-rich and profitable businesses they care about, but also build a debt-free legacy. Thanks to her perseverance and faith, she started seeing leaps of success in 2020, a year that had a negative impact on many businesses. “After struggling for many years to run our business successfully, we were able to break six figures profitably in 2020 during Covid, and we are on target to exceed a quarter of a million dollars this year,’ she says. The key to this stellar success, she says, has been “… hard work, persistence, and aligning ourselves with the right mentors to guide us in implementing the right strategies. We truly now feel that we are on the road to the legacy we are trying to create for our children and their children.” The most important lesson she has learned along the way as been to believe and trust God for the promises He has made. “There were times I wanted to give up and go back to work in Corporate America. Actually, I did go back to work part-time for a year, but I knew what God had called me to, not only in serving my accounting clients but to free other career professionals from the bondage of debt and poor money habits. I learned to pivot and persevere until my breakthrough happened. Now I can confidently and authentically serve my clients and lead them on the path of generational wealth-building as well,” says Dr. Ranelli. Building on that success, she has exciting plans on the horizon. “Besides continuing to grow ERJ Services, LLC with the goal of hitting $1 million in 2022, I am working on revamping RAW Legacy Solutions, starting with the launch of my book and podcast, both titled WEALTHY Habits.” This will take place August, when Dr. Ranelli will turn 50 years old. Then in the fall, she says, “I will be relaunching my revamped Cashflow & Profits Academy, as well as my membership program, all centered on financial education and wealthy

habits.” The message she shares with others is to never give up. “Wishing is not a strategy,” she says. “As business owners we are good at, and we need to surround ourselves with a team that compensates for the areas we are lacking in. I can confidently say that I am a great CPA, profit strategist, and money breakthrough mentor, but I cannot say same thing marketing, sales, so getting a coach team members support me in areas are vital to us accomplish the we have set for our Success comes at cost, and we should ourselves, ‘What do I need [in order] to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves’ before we dismiss them with ‘I can’t.’ Yes, you can.”

connect with RANELLI

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life hacks to

a peaceful life By Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith Life is made fuller when lived in a state of inner peace. As successful women, our peace is constantly under attack. Busy schedules and family obligations daily vie for our attention. Rest becomes an afterthought. For years I have fought to find work-life balance. Little did I know, I was fighting a losing battle. To balance work and life would mean I would have to place my career on one side of the scale and my family on the opposite side. The only way for there to be balance would be for me to divide myself between the two. Half-heartedly giving of myself in my work and in my relationships. This is not the life I choose to live. This is how families get torn apart. This is how gifted people get burned-out. This is not living your best life. Work and life cannot be balanced, but rather they should exist in harmony with each other. Integrated in a way to allow each to mature and blossom to its fullest potential. They should create a beautiful melody in your life. They should echo a rhythm of grace. Work and lie cannot be balanced, but they can be at peace with one another. Our work is more satisfying and joyful when done in a state of inner peace. Resist the temptation to be a victim to your momentary reactions to everyday ups and downs. It takes the courage to set healthy personal boundaries. It takes strength to have a plan for ongoing self-care. Pull away during those times you feel overwhelmed and incorporate a few of these simple life hacks. They will enable you to return to a place of peace. 1. Practice Peace in Motion - Walking is a great way to get rid of the tension which can build up each day. As little as 30 minutes of moderate paced walking will improve blood flow all over your body and give you an emotional boost from the endorphins released. You will instantly feel a sense of peacefulness as your body cools down from the exertion and as your muscles release. 2. Blend Up a Peaceful Concoction – Does going to the beach or the pool make you want a frozen beverage like a virgin daiquiri or Pina Colada? The psychological connections between water and peace are wonderful and that relaxing feeling of sip on a frozen blended drink is something you can incorporate into any stressful day. I suggest the following healthy versions full of ingredients which have been shown to increase a peaceful mood.

Peace Colada Smoothie (serves 1) 1 ¼ cups fresh pineapple chunks ¼ cup light coconut milk ¼ cup sweetened flaked coconut ½ tablespoon honey ½ cup ice cubes Blend until smooth and enjoy Berry Peaceful Chiller (serves 2) 2 1/4 cups frozen berries ½ cup water 1 tablespoon honey 1 large lemon or lime, squeezed 1 fresh banana Blend until smooth and share 3. Focus Your Mind Inspiring Thoughts – Whatever you focus on in life becomes the gateway through which your perspective originates. If you focus on your battles, you will become discouraged and filled with hopelessness. But if you choose to focus instead on something inspirational, you will find yourself feeling strengthened and empowered. 4. Make Peace with Yourself - While you may fear criticisms from others, your harshest critic may be the one staring back at you in the mirror. Nothing disrupts inner peace like internal negative self-talk, so pay attention to your thought patterns and notice when your inner critic rears up. Be quick to practice self-compassion and allow yourself the same grace you extend to others.

connect with saundra Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a board-certified internal medicine physician, work-life integration research, and the author of the successful book Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity. Learn more about her at

MEET 2 Speakers

on the rise

Dr. Alicia Collins fought and won a fierce battle with Covid-19. She is currently writing a memoir about her fight, from which she was twice revived from being declared dead. WHAT DRIVES HER


Make every moment count.

Appreciate the small miracles; they add up to big miracles. Live every day as if it were your last.

Many people have dreams; not many have vision. I have been fortunate enough to cast vision on my dreams and help others realize theirs. I am a success because I survived what others died from, literally. HER MESSAGE

alicia collins

There is hope after disappointment, gain after loss, and as long as you have life, there’s another chance to live your dreams.

development and management, organizational development and training within the U.S. and abroad.

As a leadership coach, she works with business owners and professional leaders, helping them identify and close gaps in the workplace by setting goals and creating a strategy to increase productivity and growth. Linda has assisted with leadership assessments and performance management. WHAT DRIVES HER

Dr. Linda r. jordon Dr. Linda R. Jordon is a leadership coach and diversity and inclusion trainer/consultant with over 30 years of experience in management, leadership development and training, leadership coaching, business process improvement, diversity and inclusion, contact center

My daughter drives me to be the woman, wife, and mother that I am. I was born on a farm in Virginia, one of seven siblings. So, yes, I was the middle child. I never got anything was always hand-medowns! At the age of 12, I started selling shoes door to door because I wanted to finally buy something new. I sold enough shoes to buy myself a new pair of shoes. I have had that entrepreneurial mindset ever since. My daughter was born with a birth defect that caused her to have limited mobility in her arms. She persevered and taught herself to pitch and play softball at the age of 12... just like her momma. She worked really hard and earned a college scholarship. After she overcame

her struggles, I knew I had to strive even harder. I work hard to make sure my daughter has a better life than I did. HER MESSAGE

Life is only as hard as you make it to be. Don’t allow limiting beliefs to hold you back. Let go of that fear of failure, [thinking] I am not good enough and that fear of rejection. Get out of your comfort zone, let your growth zone empower you to greatness and know that it is okay to be in the fear zone. Failure is a part of growth. God made us to be exactly what He wanted us to be. We just have to live intentionally every day. KEY LESSONS LEARNED

1. Life is short; enjoy each day as if it is your last day. 2. Create your plan; work your plan.

3. The challenges we face may be tough, but they have a purpose. Embrace them and move forward to greatness. 4. Stay prayed up. Ask God for guidance and follow the path He has set for you.


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Wanna be a world changer? Join this project! REQUEST LINK TO INTEREST MEETING:


Dorothy Wilson

Kearn Cherry

NOVEMBER 15-21, 2021

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.